Check Up

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Check Up

By Darkened

"Tonight... on To Catch A Predator, you wouldn't believe what this guy tells Chris Hansen..." David stared at the television with his eyelids half closed. Earlier thoughts sifted through his aardvark mind, like how he must've used too much flour in that gooseneck sauce, or what the people at the wedding reception thought of the lingonberry-paprika garnish. As he watched the show his thoughts slowly went to his own children: Arthur, D.W., and baby Kate. They were just wonderful really, though he had to steer them in the right direction now and then. I mean, who brings a TV to a camp out sleepover? But, that's Arthur.

He sighed and picked up the remote, about to change the channel when something caught his attention. The man talking to Hansen now was a doctor. Being the diligent parent he immediately ran through the recent check-ups of all his charges. D.W.? Check. Baby Kate? Check. Arthur? ...

Arthur. He hadn't had a check up for more than a year, maybe two! How could he have let this slip his mind? He was usually so on top of things. The catering business must have just gotten too busy during wedding season. Jane must've forgot as well when tax season was upon them. Well, he'll have to schedule one right quick tomorrow and that'll be that.

Well, yeah. It wasn't quite that simple though, he slowly realized, as finances at the time were a bit tight. Christmas was coming up and they had budgeted quite a bit for it. David couldn't wait to see the look on D.W.'s face when she sees her new bike, and he knew Arthur was going to love his chemistry set. The presents were already purchased so there wasn't any going back now. So what could he do? He smiled as the seeds of an idea began to sprout.

Upstairs Arthur had his little hands on a book about the history of fossils and dinosaurs. There were so many different ages to know about! The dinosaurs had three alone: triassic, jurassic, and cretaceous. He sat on his bed engrossed in the tales of gargantuan beasts battling it out in the ancient wilds. The reading lamp next to his bed was the only light on in the room, and every once in a while Arthur jumped because he thought he heard a noise. Maybe he was reading a little bit too much about dinosaurs.

Downstairs Arthur's dad had already concocted a plan to save himself some money. He was busy gathering supplies. First he went to his bedroom closet and grabbed a costume stethoscope. It was a good thing he went as a doctor at this year's halloween party. As the thoughts ran through his mind of his plan he was also glad that Jane was away on a girl's night out. Then it was a visit to his drawer, and the hallway closet before he ventured upstairs towards Arthur's room.

Arthur was just getting to the ferocious Tyrannosaurus Rex when he heard a knock on his door. He jumped, of course, thinking at first it was in his mind, but when he heard the knocking again he automatically called out, "Come in?"

His dad creaked open the door and stuck his head in, "Hey son."

He stepped into the room carrying a little black bag, more like one of his mom's purses. He put it down beside the bed and put his hands on his hips, "Well, I was thinking about you just now downstairs, and I realized you haven't had a check up in over two years!"

"Oh, well, I didn't know that Dad. Was I supposed to remind you?" Arthur raised his eyebrows in puzzlement.

"Oh no, it's fine Arthur, in fact this gives me an opportunity to spend some time with you. You see, in the olden days people didn't really have doctors like you and I have them now. Instead, they relied on each other, just like we rely on me to do the cooking. So, I've decided to give you a check up myself."

Arthur thought this over. His dad was going to be the doctor? This seemed a little odd, even for Arthur. "Uh, I don't know dad, I just... uh..."

David observed the reluctance and hesitation in his young aardvark and knew he had to press a little harder. He pulled back the covers, sweeping the dinosaur book away from Arthur and gently kneeled in to take off Arthur's yellow pajama shirt. He grabbed the bottom stitch and tenderly pulled up, pulling Arthur's arms up into the air. The young aardvark now lay bare chested in front of him, staring at him in bewilderment.

He rummaged through the bag until he brought out a little pen flashlight. "Alright, Arthur, now this isn't so bad is it? I'm going to check your eyes," he leaned in with the flashlight, but Arthur turned away not looking at him. David became somewhat frustrated with his son's reluctance.

"1... 2... "

Arthur knew what those numbers meant. You better behave by the time you get to three. His dad used that quite a bit with D.W. these days so Arthur hadn't heard it used on him in quite a while. It made him feel kinda small, like he was a little kid. Slowly Arthur decided it wasn't worth it and turned back towards his father.

"Alright," David calmly said as he shone the flashlight in each of Arthur's eyes. They seemed normal, at least the pupils dilated properly.

"Next we do your ears, nose, and throat." He tilted Arthur's head up with his large hand on end of the boy's small snout. He shined the flashlight into the nostrils. They looked pretty clear actually. Then he turned Arthur's obedient head to the side and looked in left ear, and then his right.

"Open wide."

Arthur opened as wide as he could get an aardvark's mouth to open, again tilting his head back. His dad pulled out a popsicle stick from the bag and stuck it in Arthur's mouth, "Say ahhh."

"Ahhhhghgh..." Arthur almost choked but held it in. He stared at the ceiling. Getting a check up from your dad was weird. It just felt weird.

"Alright rest your arms to your side," David instructed. His heart was beating a little faster, and he was getting a little hotter. There was a slight stirring going on in between his legs, though nothing of significance had resulted from it yet. He had anticipated, no planned, should something like this happen, but he didn't realize how titillating it would turn out to be.

He picked up Arthur's right arm and pulled it out then in, and then repeated with the left arm. His hand lingered on his young son's hands, feeling how they themselves would eventually grow as large as his. He brought his hands up next and lightly felt Arthur's chest and abdomen, his fingertips running over the contours of the young aardvark's body. He brushed by the nipples, and then lingered on them for a few extra seconds. They were hard. David wondered to himself if it was the cold, or something else.

Arthur started to relax and take deeper breaths when his dad started moving his hands all over his upper body. He took a sharp intake of breath. All the hairs on his body felt like they were standing on end. He was getting goosebumps at the caressing of aardvark skin on aardvark skin. He almost let out a tiny moan when his dad put his fingertips over his sensitive nipples, but he caught himself. Just then he felt a slight stirring between his legs, something that had been happening recently but he didn't really understand why.

"Give me your wrist," David said somewhat curtly.

Arthur stuck out his wrist. His dad took it and held it in his hand, looking at his watch. After about 30 seconds he claimed, "Heart rate is good, now let's see about your breathing shall we?"

David took the costume stethoscope out and put it in his ears. He placed the cold metal instrument on to Arthur's chest and asked with a serious face, "Breathe in."

Arthur took a deep breath in, as much air as he could get in there. The goosebumps were spreading around his body.

"And out."

Phew! Arthur exhaled with exaggeration. He actually smiled involuntarily at his dad, who looked into his eyes and smiled back.

"Lay down face up on the bed please Arthur," his dad said in a more gentle tone now.

Arthur complied and laid down, staring up at the vaulted ceiling. His dad took his stethoscope and stuck the cold metal end on to his stomach, listening intently. After a few times at this he took the stethoscope off and put his hands on the young one's stomach and gently massaged it for a few seconds.

"Well, everything feels alright there. So far you're in top shape Arthur."

"So far?" Arthur's voice faltered.

"Yeah," his dad easily slid both of his hands underneath the waistband of Arthur's pajama bottoms, and then slid them down his legs. Each hand feeling down each leg until the bottoms were completely off, making David's member begin to enlarge. Now his son lay bare before him, clad only in his underwear. He grabbed an ankle and lifted up, pulling the leg towards Arthur's stomach and then out. Arthur grunted a bit at this. He put that leg down and grabbed the other leg, running his left hand over it's entire length while his right hand flexed the leg.

David stood over his aardvark and looked him up and down, taking in his whole nubile body. Then he leaned down and in the same manner as he took off his pajama bottoms he relieved Arthur of his underwear, running his hands down the lengths of his legs.

"Dad?" Arthur looked for reassurance.

"Alright, now we got to take your temperature, so, lift your knees up to your chest please."

Arthur complied, holding his thighs with his little hands. How was this going to help him take his temperature, he wondered. His dad pulled a small thermometer out of the black bag.

"This is how they did it in the olden days Arthur, just like we're doing now," his dad slid the thermometer over Arthur's taint until it rested directly on his hole. Arthur's eyes widened, but before he could react further his father had already begun pushing the thermometer up inside him. Arthur grunted again this time, wincing his eyes, but only for a second. The size and smoothness of the thermometer kept it from being too bad for long.

"While we wait for the results from that, we can do a few more checks," his dad said calmly, "lower your legs so that you're laying face up again."

Arthur lowered his legs and looked up at the ceiling. He was naked in front of his dad. He didn't want to look at him, this was too awkward.

David knelt down next to the bed and placed his right hand on Arthur's inner thigh. He slowly caressed his way up to touch Arthur's sac. Arthur took in an intake of breath.

"It's okay Arthur, remember this is just a check up," David reassured Arthur, all the while there was a growing erection sprouting in between his legs. It was pushing against his pants, just aching for the zipper to go down. He progressed to feeling each ball in between his fingers, rolling them around. He noticed Arthur's member was starting to enlarge at this. He reached up with his left hand and began to feel and squeeze along the base of his son's cock. It was gradually growing and hardening every five seconds. He began to run his hand up and down the length, pulling the foreskin back with every down stroke revealing the sensitive tip.

"Da..aad?" Arthur reached vocally. He was beyond just a funny feeling now. He body was beginning to respond. He wasn't sure how he felt about it, part of him wanted it to stop, but part of him wanted more.

"I'm just checking the foreskin Arthur," his dad replied non-chalantly. It was more like he was masturbating his son. Arthur's cock was fully hard now and poking straight up towards his chest. David thought it was actually a pretty sizable one for his age. But, he wasn't done yet. He let go of the young member, and reached down between his legs and pulled out the thermometer. Arthur let out a small gasp.

"Hmmm... 98.2 degrees, all seems normal there," his dad smiled, "Alright. Now, I need you to stand up and bend over your bed like this." His dad demonstrated the position in the air. Arthur blushed immensely. He had to stand up, with his member like this, in front of his dad? He remembered the counting and decided that he guessed he should.

Arthur sat up and stood up beside the bed. Then he bent over it as instructed. There in front of his dad was his bare ass exposing his hole. David could feel his own erection ooze some precum into his underwear. He kneeled down and further instructed, "Now, I have to check your prostate. This part's inside of you so I have to reach in through your butt."

Arthur just closed his eyes and breathed out, "Okay dad."

His dad pointed with his index finger and placed it at the entrance of his son's hole. He began to play with the surrounding area, running the tip of his finger along the ring. Arthur's member jumped at this. Then slowly, his dad began to insert his index finger into the entrance. Arthur grunted and winced his eyes.

"Just relax Arthur, that makes it easier," his dad soothed.

To Arthur, this was the weirdest feeling in the world. It was like taking a crap backwards. It hurt at first, but the more his father pushed in, the better it felt.

His dad continued to push until his finger was three quarters in. He paused for a moment to let Arthur adjust, and then he continued to push until his finger was completely inside Arthur. He moved his finger a bit, searching for Arthur's prostate when he found the little thing. He began to move his finger gently across the surface of the organ.

Arthur at this point had began to think that his father's intrusion inside of him was actually feeling kind of good. His member was hard as rock, and he unconsciously began to quietly and secretly hump the edge of the bed, rubbing his dick against the covers. Suddenly, he felt a jolt from inside him. His dad was touching something inside him and he could feel it resonate in the base of his cock. It felt... really good.

David continued to milk his young son's prostate, his own member aching inside his pants. The prostate seemed full, healthy. His large hairy index finger caressed the half-walnut sized prostate when he noticed Arthur had been slightly humping the bed. Was Arthur enjoying this as much as he was?

Arthur had stopped humping the bed as he found it unnecessary. The sensations building up inside of him, from his dad's caressing, were too much for Arthur to handle. He wanted more, and he felt like he was on the edge of getting it. Small drips of precum were forming on the tip of his member and staining the bed sheets below him.

His dad pulled his hand out slowly, actually disappointing Arthur somewhat as the feelings gave way a little. "Things seem normal there, but we have to make sure it stays that way."

Unbeknownst to Arthur, David reached down and pulled out a sizable butt plug from the bag. He looked it over and then placed it at his son's entrance. "This may hurt a little," he cautioned.

He slowly began to insert the plug into his son's young tight hole. As it continued to go in and grow in circumference, Arthur began to grunt and then almost emit a low yell, "Daaad!"

"Just breathe deep. We don't want to wake up your sister," his dad looked behind him.

The feelings inside Arthur returned, and they were growing larger and faster. Arthur began to breathe shallow, trying to accommodate whatever his father was pushing inside of him. Finally the plug was all the way in, letting Arthur relax a little bit. Then it started to slide out, his dad pulling on it.

"Just make sure it's all in place," his dad excused himself. The plug slowly worked itself out. Before long though, his dad was pushing it back in. Again Arthur winced and sucked in air. He felt like he was about to burst.

Then his knees went week and his back flexed, and before he knew it he was shuddering and spewing some kind of liquid out of his member and onto the sheets under him. It felt amazing, rushes of pleasure shooting up from your feet all the way to your head.

His dad starting taking the plug out again, noticing how much more relaxed and spent his young charge was. He began to push it back in again, this time he heard little grunting before it was all the way in again.

"Now turn around Arthur, we're almost done." Arthur stood up and turned around, flush and spent. Things were in a bit hazy now, his focus more on the subsiding waves of pleasure passing through his body and fingertips. His father reached into the black bag and pulled out something that looked like a modified protective cup made out of rubber.

"I'll have to collect a urine sample, but since I know you don't have to go now, we'll collect it over night," There was a tube sticking out of the cup in the shape of a member, and in that a tube as well. His father cupped his son's balls gently and manipulated the still erect member. He carefully placed the end of the smaller tube at the tip of his member. Without much warning he pushed it in slowly.

Arthur was now snapped back to attention. He winced, it hurt going in, his member being so sensitive now but... there was a pang of pleasure that went with it. Like something was feeling up his member from the inside. It felt very uncomfortable as it moved an probed deeper into his cock.

"Good... just a little more," his dad reassured him. He continued to push the tube further into the erect penis, which was now only more erect than it was before. Finally, he could feel it reach its destination and stopped. He then carefully placed the cup and sheath over Arthur's jewels. His erection slid into the sheath perfectly. He reached around and secured the waist strap to hold it in place.

"Now, we just need to secure all this stuff in place." With that he reached into his bag and pulled out an oversized diaper, one they had kept around for Grandpa in case he visited. He pulled Arthur up into a standing position and placed the diaper on him, pulling it up between his legs.

"Now, you just lay down and go to sleep, you're all healthy!"

Arthur laid down on the bed, his bottom feeling full and as if he needed to go, but he couldn't. He stared up at the ceiling again. That was amazing, that feeling. How did is dad do that?

David flicked off the light switch and quietly stepped out of the room. He smiled to himself in the darkened hallway. He couldn't wait until D.W.'s turn.

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