Through one window and into another.

Story by Koruko on SoFurry

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#1 of Wish upon an Emerald star.

By ][Koruko][

Introductions due? Hi there, I'm Koruko (well that's my pen name, and also my cyber name) I always wanted to write a furotic story but never came around to actually doing it. For whatever reason I sat down one night and wrote this, I'm hoping to turn it into a series, though I know I need to work on my writing skills.

So: Comments and criticism welcome. As they say, you need to be cruel to be kind. But please... not too cruel. (^_^) Enjoy:


The bus doors shut behind Koruko with a loud creak as it drove off through the peaceful hospital grounds. The racoon had finished Sixth Form for the day and had decided to come home early. The journey home by foot was only about 10 minutes but the day's events had worn him out and he wished nothing more than to be sat in front of his computer; leaving reality and re-joining the wonderful World Wide Web.

As he came onto the main street he ignored the same sights he came across everyday. The old garage was on no interest to him. The run-down pub was certainly of no interest to him. The Estate Agents had become nothing but a blur to him. Something, however, was able to grab his attention long enough to keep a hold of it; the barbers. "The Cutting Edge" was being refurbished and redecorated, as could be told by half of its insides scattered about on the outside. Koruko caught glance of his reflection in one of the large barber mirrors; his stripped tail, which was usually well groomed, was tufted slightly and his fringe fur, which he had dyed dark purple, was scruffy and out of place. He sighed and desperately began to stroke his head fur, trying to get it all back into place. He wasn't satisfied by the end result but he knew it would do. He gave his ears a flick, he's says it's a habit though others argue it's more of a compulsion, and continued on home; again ignoring his surroundings.

"Oomph!" in a flash Koruko was on the floor and dazed. Before he even had a chance to pick himself up someone grabbed him by the arms and tugged him up with enough force to throw him into the air.

"Sorry Koruko-Kun didn't see ya there." Koruko's heart skipped a beat, the voice was familiar to him, it belonged to Michael. Summoning the courage he opened his eyes to confirm his suspicions, in front of him stood a tall and very 'buff' tiger.

Michael still had hold of Koruko's arms and had a very apologetic look on his face, though Koruko wasn't paying attention to that. With it being early summer, and therefore incredibly hot, the tiger had decided to complete whatever errand he was running in nothing but a pair denim shorts. Which where obviously to big for him as the brim of his underwear, yellow to match his eyes, was easily visible.

"Koruko?" the tiger gave him a gentle shake, "are you OK?" Snapping back into reality the racoon nodded his head frantically and managed to squeak out a simple 'y-yes'. Michael's face shone, as though the weight of the world had been lifted from his shoulders. "I was worried I'd done some permanent damage there, Korucoon." Koruko loved it when Michael called him by the nickname he had given him when they were kids. The tiger was 3 years older than the seventeen year old and they had drifted apart slightly but they were still life long friends.

A silence drifted between them. Michael had stepped back, putting his arms behind his head and stared, smiling at Koruko. The racoon on the other hand was nervously dusting himself off when it happened. He felt a tingle.

'Not now!' He thought to himself, his body stiffened up and he began to blush through his fur. 'Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. Oh god, don't let him notice...'

"Er... Koruko- you ok?" muttered the tiger.

'Damn it!' Koruko tried to relax his body the best he could but he had began to sweat.

"Y-yeah," the coon managed to say, "I'm fine... just... tired, is all." The tiger gave another grin and patted Koruko on the head, causing him to stiffen up again.

"I bet me running you down didn't help with that, huh." The tiger gave a small chuckle and Koruko managed to return with a high pitched laugh. "Best be getting back to work. Catch you later, Koruko-Kun"

"B-Bye." Koruko stammered as the tiger jogged on past Koruko and as soon as he thought he was out of site the racoon sprinted around the corner into his street.

Before him were two long rows of houses, opposite each other. Luckily, Koruko's house was only the third one in so he quickly dashed through the gate, scrambled through his pockets for his key and flew in the front door.

"Hello!" He shouted shutting the door behind him, but there was no answer. "Perfect." An evil grin came across his face as he ran upstairs unbuttoning his shirt. As he entered his room he threw his school shirt down on the floor and looked down at himself. He was slim though he could see his recent trips to the gym were beginning to pay off. The white fur that crept down from his muzzle ran neatly over his developing pecs and smooth stomach disappearing under his trousers.

Unbuckling his belt he threw it down with his shirt and unzipped his pants. As he let them drop he gave a smirk, his cock was poking out of the slit in his boxers a small amount of pre-cum resting on its tip. He jumped onto the bed and using one hand he smeared the pre along his 7" length while he used his other hand to grab his balls. He loved the way his black cock contrasted against the white of the fur which ran from his stomach.

The coon started off slowly; gently pumping his member as he closed his eyes and quietly moaned. He searched through his mind until he found the mental image he'd been looking for. "Michael," he moaned, as his pace quickened, "oh god Michael." The tiger was stood in his mind as he was before; he began to rub his hands across his muscled chest grunting as he pinched his hard nipples.

"Like what you see bitch?" the imaginary tiger said in a hoarse voice, "I make you wanna touch yourself don't I?" Koruko began to speed up as the tiger in his head turned around and bent over, pulling down his shorts ever so slightly to reveal his tight, pink tail hole. "This... isn't what you want though," Michael stood back up and cupped his package through his tight denim, "this is." The racoon was reaching his end, he was pounding as his cock harder and faster than before, almost to the point of pain. The tiger, however, was now slowly pulling down shorts, revealing his thick pubic fur and purring loudly.

"Yes," gasped Koruko, "please, show me agai-"

"Nobody likes you..." boomed suddenly throughout the room, "...when you're dead!"

"Fucking mobile!" Koruko spat out through clenched teeth and he shot up, as did his cock, spraying him in the face. "Ah! Damn it!" He jumped off the bed and began to search for his phone in his pants, smearing his 'coon-juice' all over his uniform. "Shit," he shouted as he finally found the source of the noise, though at the price of his now stained clothes, "yeah, hello?!" he said dropping his tone.

"Sorry if I interrupted you Koruko," announced the voice from the other end of the phone, "you looked about done anyway." Koruko's heart dropped.

"C-Chris?! W-What are you talking about?" the coon stuttered as he slowly looked around his room.

"I'm not in there with you, idiot," the voice shot back "honestly; when furs 'do' what you were just 'doing' they tend to do it behind locked doors... and closed blinds." Chris laughed as Koruko's head shot around towards his bedroom window. He walked over and looked out onto the alleyway and across at the row of houses across from his.

Stood in a window dead opposite from him was a cocky looking dalmatian, about the same age as Koruko, holding a phone and waving. "Hey, hey!"


My first ever furry story complete! Well, first ever chapter (hopefully) complete. Don't forget to please rate and review.

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed.