[c] Heating Up, chapter 2

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#2 of Heating Up

Part 2 of a 2-part commission for anonymous! In which Afi and Orphys's offspring is grown, as is Afi's daughter Jo. The two of them go on a journey and end up dealing with some heat of their own...

Over half a decade had passed since Afi's escapades with Orphys and her bringing in a flock of new Goomy into the world, and she had kept her promise to herself. The oldest of the critters, a pugnacious male Goomy, had been given to Jo as her first pokemon.

Jo had grown from an early teen to a young woman just shy of her nineteenth birthday, and she had followed in her mother's footsteps and embarked on a pokemon journey as soon as she came of age. Afi and Orphys had both stood by the gate to their cottage, waving goodbye, as Jo walked resolutely along, backpack with supplies slung over her shoulders and her pokemon--a Sliggoo, now, named Pearly--squelching along at her side.

Though she had some vague notion of challenging gyms, earning badges, and maybe partaking in a big fancy League tournament somewhere far away, the truth of the matter was that Jo had no real pressing desire to run and gun things. She was perfectly fine taking her time, meandering through forests and fields, making a killing off random trainers who thought a newbie easy prey for cash winnings only to find themselves stomped into the dirt by a half-grown Dragon-type.

It was the evening after one of these matches, a match which Pearly should have won with ease only to barely squeak by, that it happened. The sky was turning orange with twilight, and Jo was resting in a small tent she had set up at the edge of a rock-strewn meadow. As she was trying to motivate herself to get out and start setting up for dinner, a sound touched her ears.

Pearly was whining.

Immediately worried, Jo strode out of her tent, barely mindful that she had basically been lounging in her underwear. (There was, after all, almost nobody around for miles.)

Near the edge of the camp, Pearly was keening, his voice high with distress. As Jo approached him, she was cogent of a curious, new sort of smell--a mix of spicy and sweet, it smelled downright intoxicating.

"Buddy?" she asked, approaching him with worry. Pearly was, after all, not just her pokemon--he was her brother, too. "Are you alright?"

Though the slime coating his body was different than normal, a vivid orange color like the twilit sky above, she still laid a comforting hand on his flank--and immediately sucked in a breath.

The touch made everything change. The intoxicating aroma of the unfamiliar scent spiked, making her feel both woozy and as if she was floating on air. Tiny pinprick sensations, like those of a limb which had just fallen asleep, danced their way down her skin, quickly consuming her whole body.

She wasn't an idiot. Even if she'd never experienced this before, she knew exactly what this was.

"Heat," she murmured, almost to herself. She staggered back woozily, dizzily aware that her cunt was sopping wet between her legs and soaking through the floral-print panties that were the only thing separating her tender parts from the world. Part of her registered that Pearly had turned and was looking at her with new eyes, almost like she was his salvation.

Even in her lust-filled haze, Jo knew that meant trouble. "Gonna find your ball in the tent," she muttered, turning around. Fuck, not only was she dizzy, she was horny, almost too horny to walk in a straight line! Her legs quivered, begging her to just collapse and let something--anything--fuck her brains out. "Gonna..."

She staggered forward once, and then again, and then tripped over a small rock, barely more than a pebble. She landed harmlessly, but just held there on the forest floor for a few moments, her breaths heavy. She rose on her hands and knees--just in time to hear something approaching her, sliding across the leaves and grasses.

The young woman's breath hitched as her brother mounted her.

"Pearly..." she said, his name coming to her as if through syrup. The mixture of wooziness and outright horniness was all-encompassing, and if she thought that just touching his aphrodisiac slime with her fingertip had been overwhelming, well, now his mantle was along her bare back and her body was going wild with stimulation.

She felt something--his lower mantle, probably--poke and prod at her panties before tugging them down. Immediately, the Sliggoo's undercarriage squished and rubbed against her bare pussy, making her almost cry with how much it enticed her. Fuck, she wanted something in her, she wanted her clit stimulated--she just wanted to get fucked!

"We really shouldn't," she slurred, though it sounded a token protest even to her ears. She had promised herself growing up that she wouldn't follow her mother's footsteps, but thinking about that was different when you and your mutually horny pokemon were mere moments from making love.

Something--the tip of Pearly's cock, she realized--tickled her outer folds and made her shudder. Pearly's weight was laying on her; she wasn't pinned, really, but it was going to be difficult to move around with him pressing himself against her hips and laying on her back.

"But I'm a virgin..." she said. She had other things she vaguely wanted to say--to entreat him to wait, perhaps, or reiterate her plan to get his ball--but then he pushed in and all those plans dashed away.

Any fragmentary pain from being fully penetrated for the first time was immediately swept away by the suddenness of it all, the sheer explosion of bliss. Jo, who was normally always in control and eager to command her pokemon in battle, found herself eagerly crying out as she submitted to Pearly's affections.

His voice trilling with delight, layered with a desperation brought on by his own heat, her brother began fucking her without abandon.

His speed was not as slow as might be expected from a slug pokemon; he moved fast enough to show Jo a good pace, making her keen and squeal as his flexile, malleable cock squelched in further and further and further. What's more, his member was coated with that same lust-giving slime; now it was spreading in her, coating her walls and teasing her inner reaches and unleashing a small but ever-growing bloom of heat that was quickly threatening to consume the young woman if not tamed.

Thankfully, Pearly was there to finish what he started.

The Sliggoo was an unpracticed lover; like Jo, this was his first time. But he followed his instincts, and they told him to surge in. He fucked his sister's pussy more and more, harder and harder, never easing up, never giving her a break, and was rewarded by an intermittent rhapsody of sounds that came from beneath him. Jo, her hands and her knees in the dirt, quivered under his ministrations, whimpering softly and keening as he stroked inside of her. Everything about her satisfied Pearly's instincts; they told him to keep going, that she was a good female, an excellent selection for a mate, a fantastic choice for him to plant his seed.

For that was exactly what the dragon pokemon was doing. As he rutted his sister harder and harder, both of their voices tying together in unison, each driven beyond the boundaries of normal behavior by the intensity of the aphrodisiac and the sheer unrivalled bliss of a good first-time fucking, Pearly raised his voice high and jetted cum deep, deep into Jo's waiting womb. She sobbed as she felt him cum, the sudden tactile sensation of another's fluid in her almost too much to bear. The weight settled in her.

This was heat, after all. He wasn't just fucking her to sate himself.

He was breeding her.

The next morning, Jo woke, groaning, her head spinning but clearer than it had been. From her vantage point, she could see that her camp was a mess.

But then, of course it would have been. She and Pearly had made love all over it.

Remembering what she had done yesterday made Jo swallow. She'd lost her virginity to her pokemon partner--one that shared a mother with her, no less. Was that really the sensible thing to do?

But then she was aware of a stirring against her. Pearly had fallen asleep curled against her, and his body (which was no longer producing the aphrodisiac slime) was warm, if gooey, to the touch. Raising his head and blinking the sleep away, the Sliggoo chirred a few times and then leaned down close to nuzzle against Jo, his voice chirping and happy. Immediately, Jo's reservations faded away, and she draped her arms over his neck, giggling. Who cared whatever their other relationships were? Last night they had been a pair of lovers, and it had been magnificent.

Jo felt a blush burn against her cheeks as she got an impish idea--one she couldn't blame on the heat or the slime this time around. Pulling Pearly close, she shimmied up against him, cogent that she was still nude, the sensation of his wet sluggy body rubbing against her snatch making her shiver in all sorts of ways.

They fucked again before breakfast, and again later that night, and--

And they never really stopped after that.

Of course, unlike her mother, Jo was knowledgeable of the risks of a woman sleeping with a member of the Goodra line. She had to be--she wasn't exactly ignorant of Pearly's origin. So when, a week or two after first rutting with Pearly, she woke feeling vaguely queasy and a little tight around the tummy, there was no doubt in her mind.

Her brother had fucked her full of children.

That day, she didn't pack up camp to continue her journey. She sat about on a fallen log near the camp's boundary, just staring down at her still-modest tummy, stroking it over and over again.

How many would she have? How far along was she? Would it hurt? What would she do with them?

Pokemon children. Pearly's children. Her brother's children.

Her train of thought was interrupted by Pearly gliding over to her. Chirring worriedly, the Sliggoo nosed against his sister's belly a few times before giving it a tentative lick, his tongue meeting the tiny stripe of skin where her shirt only just failed to cover. The tender touch made Jo gasp.

When he glanced up at her, his eyes searching, she found herself smiling again, her doubts shoveled back inside of her. "Oh Pearly," she said, pulling him close for a hug (and thinking wryly of how to get the slime out of her clothes). "Don't worry, I'm not mad. It's just... a big change."

He chirred sagely, nudged her again, and with a coy laugh Jo let him push her onto her back. She didn't take her eyes from his as she undid her belt and pulled her pants down. "Aren't you worked up?" she teased.

Pearly cooed in response, but his lovemaking that day was a bit more energetic, a bit more passionate than usual.

He seemed proud of making his sister a mommy-to-be.

Jo continued her journey, but her focus shifted. She could get badges and challenge Leaders at any time--right now, as her belly slowly plumped up with life, her focus was cold hard cash. As the months bled into each other and she grew more and more indisputably pregnant, she focused on battling trainers who looked both easy to beat and loaded (a surprisingly common combination; wealthy parents often spoiled their kids, giving them pokemon but none of the lessons needed to use them effectively.) She occasionally made trips to the Center for checkups, ignoring the occasional judging look from the nurses when their machines displayed the eggs inside of her and laughing to herself at what the medical personnel would have thought if they'd really known the various connections between trainer and pokemon. Thankfully, there appeared to be no risk of danger or complication.

Her nineteenth came and went, and when she was a little over three months along, Jo looked like a confident, buoyant, excitable, athletic, and very pregnant young woman. She had saved up a sizable amount of cash over the past few weeks--the same privileged jerks who didn't know what they were doing half the time also had a reliable tendency to think a poor pregnant girl easy pickings, only to get humiliated time and time again. Jo waved them off with a piquant smile.

She stayed in Centers or camped when she could, adapting to the wilderness more and more despite how far along she was. Her babies didn't kick or wriggle, but she sometimes felt the eggs tumbling over themselves in her womb during periods of activity or when rolling over in the night. Increasingly, she liked to spend her evening by the campfire listening to the firewood crackle and bathing in the starlight overhead, stroking her taut belly with a loving smile on her face.

And when the fire died, she warmed up a different way with Pearly's help.

At the moment she was on her back, her belly big and prominent, looming above her like some sort of mountain. Pearly was half-perched on it, the front of his sluggy mantle providing a reassuring weight as his thin, rainbow-vivid cock searched out his sister's pussy.

Jo moaned with bliss as he sunk in, one hand up by her head, the other cradling her belly. She loved this feeling.

Sometimes Pearly took her rough and fast (or what counted as fast for a Sliggoo); sometimes his pace was jerky and chaotic. Today he went slow and tender, stroking deep, deep inside of Jo, cooing and rumbling. The young woman moaned as she felt his slime-slicked member slide into her waiting cunt with ease, shuddering as it tickled her inner walls and stimulated places no finger or toy had any chance of touching.

He slid deep into her, riding back and forth in her with a slow yet deliberate pace, and she hhhhhnnnnnged as the slimy undercarriage of his mantle bumped up against her muff, rubbing her outer lips and caressing her clit. One particularly intimate bump ended up making her climax from an especially close press to her clit.

Not long after that, Pearly climaxed himself, hilting in her, his member pulsing and squirting oddly-textured cum inside of her as he crooned, a reflection of the very same act which had knocked her up in the first place.

Half-sleepy from the afterglow, Jo let him curl up to her, his voice soft and burbling, as she held him tight and stroked him. Yes... she was happy. She didn't regret this. In fact, she loved this.

At that moment, staring at her mounded belly in the dim light of the dying embers, she realized that this wasn't going to be her only pregnancy by Pearly, not by a long shot--not if she had anything to say about it. She'd make love to him, swell up with offspring, bring them into the world, and then, after a few months' rest, do it again--over and over, as many times as possible. She was going to bear so many of his children.

He snuffled into her shoulder, already asleep, and as Jo let herself drift off, she smiled at the sensation of eggs tumbling against each other in her womb.

They were merely the first of several to come.

[c] Heating Up, chapter 1

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