PMD - EOM - Chapter 24

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#27 of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of Memories

Phantom the Shinx

Mystic the Vulpix

Ashley the Alolan Vulpix

Zys the Deoxys

Clara the Leafeon

Prince the Sylveon

Hunter the Scizor

Flare the Charizard

Marie the Mienshao

Chp 24

"Uhh, miss?" A familiar voice asked, poking Mystic in the shoulder.

She opened her eyes. "Oh, hi Prince... again."

"Yea... so..."

"Two more girls? What, you trying to make a harem?" Another voice, female, asked from out of Mystic's sight.

"No! I told you, I had to say goodbye."

"Why, what's going on?" Mystic asked, still half asleep. Her fur was still matted from yesterday's activities, and the room smelled of it.

"You see, I met this girl during the test and..."

"He put an egg in me." Clara said frankly.

"Yea... So I can't join you guys anymore... sorry." He said, rubbing the back of his head and blushing lightly.

"No male's going to knock me up and bail." Clara said to herself.

"Yea so... I guess we're a rescue team now!" He said, immediately perking up, and his usual energy returning out of nowhere. "So you two aren't missing? Cause there's been a lot of pokemon going missing recently."

"Wait, you didn't say anything about missing." The leafeon said. "That sounds like a job."

"Well, I was missing, but I'm found, so no need for anything." Mystic said, rising to her feet. "If you are a rescue team, you should go get a regular job to start."

"What, you don't think we're good enough?!" Clara asked, sounding seriously offended.

"No, she didn't mean it like that!" Prince said quickly. "She was just offering a tip!"

"And why are you defending her? I'm your mate now, so you should be on my side!" Clara yelled at him. "And why are you acting so different now? What is with you?"

"I guess I should explain... Whenever I get... aroused, I just kinda black out. Those who were around always tell me that I, uh, had sex with them."

"Sound's like multiple personality disorder, but with sex... Guess I hooked a unique one. Whatever, let's get moving." She said, her leafy tail going behind his head and pulling him along.

"Ok... Bye!" He shouted back as the pair left.

"Well, there goes that." Ashley said.

"Ehh, I'm fine with it. I like our current group formation. No other males to worry about." Mystic said, patting Phantom's side with a paw. He was awake, but hadn't yet gotten up. His face looked like a drowned rat, matted and dried in awkward ways. This state of mess continued all the way down his underbelly to his crotch. She looked at Ashley, who was also messy. "We should probably clean up before we do anything else." She said, assuming she looked similar. After Phantom woke back up from the first round, they had done two more, letting him cum inside both of them, before they all passed out for the night.

She turned on the bath, and they all got in. She left the water lukewarm, at a middle ground of heat, so that neither she or Ashley were uncomfortable.

"So, how was it?" Ashley asked Phantom.

"Uh... it..." He said, looking down in the water with a blush.

"C'mon, spit it out!" She said, splashing him. "After all we did, you shouldn't be shy."

He took a deep breath, held it, and let it out slowly. "Fun." He squeaked, nearly silent.

"We're by no means done. Right sis?"

"Of course. We're a team, and we've gotta bond~" She said, putting emphasis on the last word.

"That's not how you're supposed to do it..."

"Well, I think it'll make us a stronger team. Consider it endurance training." She said, actually sounding serious.

"Okay." He didn't sound too sure. "I'm kinda sore."

"You'll get used to it. A couple more fun nights, and you'll feel like a champ." Ashley told him.

Once they were all clean and dry, Mystic said, "So, what's the plan for today? Any ideas..." When nobody responded, she said, "I guess we should go ask Hunter then."

They departed for the main base, and this time, all was quiet. They went up to Hunter's office and opened the door.

"There you... oh, apologies." Hunter said upon seeing them. "I thought you were someone else. Now is not really a good time..." He said, sounding worried.

"Why? What's going on?" Mystic asked.

"I can't say..." He fell silent for a moment. "On second thought, please stay. I could use help." He let out a heavy sigh. "I'm afraid. This could go very wrong."

"So what's-"

"I'm here." Flare said, opening the door and coming in. "What is it?"

"Flare... I know what you've been up to." Hunter said.

A dire look fell on his face. "What do you mean exactly?" He asked with a squint.

"I was discussing recent events with the mail pelipper and conversation turned to our team. He told me that you had been shipping artifacts to an uncharted island. He would have respected your privacy, but the conditions were so strange that he thought it necessary to tell me."

"Uh-huh, and?"

"Well, after your actions as of late... I have no choice but to assume the worst. Explain everything to me, immediately."

"Oh, that's it? I have a friend out there, and he's a bit eccentric. He doesn't really like company, so I instructed Pelipper to leave the packages, groceries and such, on the doorstep, so my friend would never be seen. Do you really need to grill someone like me over that?" He asked, sounding a bit irritated.

"What about those artifacts you sent us to collect? The ones that pokemon died over?" Mystic asked.

Flare looked over at her, giving her a death glare, and growling.

"What? Is this true?" Hunter asked, and Mystic nodded. "Flare? Care to explain? You should know most of all that artifacts must be donated to the foundation for safekeeping."

"You little bitch." He grunted, still looking at Mystic.

"And that's not all. I assume based on your reaction that you were shipping those artifacts out there. Pelipper also told me that he waited around one day, and a typhlosion came out to get the package. I assume this to be Hearth. The odds of your story actually being true is thus astronomical. I have no choice but to detain you. Please come quietly." Hunter said, standing up.

"You really think you can?! How dare you do this to me!" Flare roared, his wings splaying wide as he shot flames at Hunter. He was able to dodge, but Flare flapped his wings, busting right through the roof and taking to the sky.

"Damn it all!" Hunter yelled. "How could he do this?! Follow me, now!" He commanded. He led the way downstairs, walking with a purpose to Marie's office. "Marie!" He shouted, but once the door opened, his jaw dropped. "No... please Arceus no..." The room was empty. He stepped back, leaned against the wall, and put his head in his claws. "No..." He kept repeating.

The team stepped in, where Mystic found a slip of paper. "Dear Hunter," She said aloud as she began to read. "I'm sorry, but if you're reading this, Flare and I have left. He told me you wanted to talk to him, and he assumed the worst. Guess he was right, and you found us out. You always had a little detective in you. It is true. We have been working with Hearth for almost two years now. Believe it or not, he is not as evil as you think. We have good reason for our actions. It's a complex idea, so I don't have room to explain it here, but I doubt you'd understand. You've always had a black and white outlook. No matter what, please don't come looking for us. It's over. Goodbye Hunter, you were a good friend. Signed Marie."

"Wow..." Phantom said. "Hunter, are you okay?" He asked, looking back outside.

"Yes. I'll make it." He said. He lifted his head, and his shiny shell was wet. "I heard it all. And we're going after them. We know where to go, and they'll be ready for us. Are you prepared?"

"Yea! Let's go fuck 'em up!" Ashley shouted.

"I agree. Let's end this." Mystic said.

"I appreciate your bravery. Most would have walked away."

"And count us in too." Another voice said from behind them. They all turned back to the hall, where two pokemon were, a leafeon and a sylveon.

"Are you sure? I can't stand people getting hurt..." Prince said with a worried look.

"Well I'm going, and you're coming with. You don't have to fight." Clara said.

"Who are you?" Hunter asked.

"Acquaintances of them. And a fresh team looking for something to do."

"No, I apologize but this is far too dangerous for you to come with." Hunter told them.

"I'm going with. If you wanna stop me, put those claws to use and fight."

"I... But..." Hunter said, not sure how to handle her. "Fine. We leave for the docks in one hour. Meet us there unless you change your mind."

"Good. Come." She commanded Prince. He willingly turned and followed her away.

"Well, we need to go get Zys and we'll meet you there." Mystic said.

"We should have everything we need, but are you sure Zys should come?" Phantom asked.

"Yep. You saw how he handled that decidueye." Mystic said. "He's probably the strongest of us."

They left, and went back home, where Zys was waiting. "Hey Zys, first, do you mind us mating in front of you?" Mystic asked.

He cocked his head.

"I'll take that as a no. Anyways, we're going on another adventure, so let's hit the road."


They arrived at the docks after taking a long detour through town to kill time. Hunter was standing at one end next to a sizable wooden ship. When they got closer, they saw a large bird pokemon, Pelipper, and two large lapras at the helm of the ship.

"There they are. Ready to go?"

"Yep. You owe me though." The mail bird said. "This boat is supposed to be going across the ocean for a shipment."

"Of course. You'll be paid well for helping the rescue foundation. All aboard. It's time."

They all got on the ship, and quickly set sail, the two lapras carrying the ship out of port.

"Wait up!" Clara shouted from the docks, dashing to the end of the pier.

"Go." Hunter told Pelipper, who was guiding the lapras.

Clara saw them continue, and shot out two vines, wrapping around the mast, and another wrapped around Prince, who gulped just before she yanked them both through the air and onto the boat. "You bastard!" She shouted at Hunter, slapping his arm with a vine. "You tried to leave us behind!" She continued her assault, smacking at Hunter, though not really trying to harm him.


"Land!" Pelipper called out. He drifted back down and landed on the deck. "Not long now. We'll let you off, and sail back out in case things get bad. I'll keep a watch out for when you're ready to leave."

"Alright. Here's the plan. We can't let anyone escape, so we'll divide and conquer. One powerhouse per team, so Clara, Prince and I will be one, and you four are the other team."

Everyone nodded in agreement. Soon, the boat stopped at the small dock, allowing them all to get off, before it slipped away into the distance. The island was quite small, and only one structure adorned it, a large mansion. They all went to the front door, and entered the building. Above the double doors was a sign that read "Home". Inside, they found a lavish entry room, with pictures of strange pokemon on the walls.

"What pokemon is that?" Mystic asked.

"I have no idea. Likely an unidentified species. It doesn't matter, keep moving." Hunter said. "Stairs." He ordered, beginning to move up to the second floor. Clara and Prince were right behind him.

Once they reached the top, Hunter directed the other two pokemon down the right side, while he went down the left. They each opened the few doors they came upon, looking inside to see empty bedrooms. Spread across the rooms were a total of seven beds. At the end of the hall was a large set of double doors. They met at them and Hunter made an attempt to open them. "Locked. Stand back." He said, rearing back and slashing his claws in an x shape. When his claws hit the door, sparks flew off, and he was forced back.

"Wuss." Clara commented. "Let me." She grew a large bundle of vines, and shot them forward and crashing into the wood. The same yellow sparks flew out and the door was left unharmed. "Well damn."

"Yes... There seems to be a barrier of sorts. We won't get in with brute force, so we need a key."

"Hello?" A soft voice asked from behind the door. "Is anyone out there?"

"Yes! Who is this?" Hunter said urgently, pressing his ear against the door.

"I'm Mew... Are you here to give me lunch? Hearth hasn't shown up yet..."

"Hearth? We are here to bring him to justice. Are you being held prisoner?"

"YES!" She said, elation entering her voice. "Please, you have to let me out of here! There's an orb that stops any move from going in or out of this room. If you can destroy that, or find the key, I can rescue him!"

"Him who?"

"My mate, Mewtwo. Hearth has been using me to keep him in line. You have to hurry. If he catches you here, he'll destroy you."

"It's alright, we're a rescue team. We'll get you out of here." Hunter reassured her.

"Rescue team?" She asked. "I don't know what that is, but if you're here to rescue us, you'll have to fight Hearth and his goons."

"Okay, let's go." He said, nodding at the other two pokemon.


Meanwhile, downstairs, Mystic led the way through the ground floor. It was completely empty, seemingly abandoned, as food was still lying on the table in the dining room. The room was large and had a circular table with many charts on the walls. At the far end of the room was an out of place opening, looking like a hidden wall that had been left open, with a stairway leading down.

"This place is really creepy..." Phantom said.

"Don't freak out on me." Mystic told him. "This is the big climax."

"Yea, let's get in there and do this." Ashley said, stepping past Mystic and towards the stairs.

"We're right behind you." Hunter said, coming into the room. "I take it you haven't found anything else? We found a captive on the second floor, but they're locked away."

"Alright." Phantom said. He took a deep breath. "Let's go." He started down the steps first.


"Well, I knew you would come." A gruff voice said as they descended. When they reached the bottom, one by one, they entered a large room, with doors leading in several other directions. In the center of the room were two pokemon.

"Of course he did. You know him. But I didn't expect the company." Marie said. She put her arm out to stop Flare as he tried to step forward.

"Hunter! Get out of here!" Flare growled. "This is for the best."

"I cannot. You have committed a crime, and I will bring you both in." Hunter said. "Leave them to me. You all go on ahead." The other pokemon split up, Clara and Prince going for the western door, and Team Memories going for the eastern.

"Not so fast!" Flare growled, breathing fire at them. Ashley had to roll out of the way, and got separated from the others. Rather than risk a burn, she dashed for the northern hall, and away from the charizard.

Hunter flew forward and smacked Flare's snout away before he could attack the fleeing pokemon again. Flare responded with a growl and swung his claws through the air, forcing Hunter to retreat. His powerful wings gave him excellent mobility, greater than that of the charizard.

"Last time Hunter. Get out of here. I don't want to kill you, but if it means we can save more lives, I will."

"What are you talking about?! Saving lives?!"

"Hunter... please. Just go. I don't want to have to do this..." Marie said. She didn't sound sure, but she did adopt her fighting stance.

"Marie, you can't be serious. This is madness!" Hunter shouted, losing his cool.

"That's it! No holding back!" Flare roared, launching a powerful fire blast.

Hunter was too slow, and only managed to raise his claws in defense. The flames burned his steel body, causing him to grunt in pain. "I see you aren't holding back... I'm sorry..." Hunter said. His badge, on the back of one claw, began to glow.

"Are you serious?!" Flare yelled. "You can't use that!"

Hunter's body was enveloped in a purple cocoon of energy, before it burst outward, revealing his mega evolved body. "I'm sorry, but I won't hold back." He vanished from sight for a moment, before appearing in front of Flare, now much taller than him. He slashed his claws at him, leaving a bloody line on his chest.

Flare grunted and moved forward in a powerful fire cloaked tackle. Hunter weaved aside, the attack only glancing one arm, and he spun around to deliver another attack. Before his claws could make contact with Flare, a powerful whip like punch hit his back. He was so surprised by the hit that it threw him off balance and tossed him forward into the still flaming charizard's back. He hissed at the feeling of fire cooking his steely skin, his small wings buzzing loudly as he darted away. While he was incapable of flying, his strong wings were capable of lifting him an inch or two off the ground and greatly aiding his speed and mobility. "Marie... I thought you might come quietly..." He said, a deep sadness overcoming him for a moment.

His head raised up, a fire of his own burning in his eyes, one of determination. He lowered his head and flew forward once again, his head turning silver as he delivered a powerful head butt to Marie, sending her skidding back. As she was moved back, she gave him another sharp crack with her whip like fur. His carapace was thick and strong, but her attacks were powerful. A weaker pokemon would have been left with broken bones. He twisted in the air just in time to avoid another flamethrower from Flare. He retreated for a moment to catch his breath. All three were left panting and glaring at each other.

"Hunter, this doesn't have to happen!" Marie shouted.

"No more words." Hunter said, shaking his head. He raised both his claws, pointing the open ends at both Marie and Flare. A lightning fast beam of light shot out, hitting both of them with a shimmering explosion. It did little damage, but blinded them briefly, giving him the opening he needed. In a blur of speed accompanied by frenzied buzzing, he flew forward, launching into a wave of speedy blows, hitting all of Flare's unguarded spots with his acrobatics. Using his sharp claws, he tore and raked at Flare, creating new wounds and opening old scars. The attack ended with a glowing white jab to the chest, where the large scar from Boss was. The mega power infused move hit hard, which along with the old wound, caused Flare to cough up blood and fall to his knees.

"FLARE!" Marie screamed. Before she could even twitch a muscle, Hunter swung his broad claw on the blunt end, smacking her away and into a wall, leaving a small dent. She got back up and ran for them, but she was too slow.

Hunter continued his assault, swinging his claws in an x shape slash, without the bug typing. This cut deep across Flare's chest, exposing a bit of bone. He then swung both his claws again, this time horizontally, cutting Flare's long neck. Flare let out one last grunt as he was decapitated. His wings flared out in one final spasm and his tail flame went out, before he collapsed. All was silent in Hunter's ears, only the pounding of his heart was audible in the heat of the moment. He did not hear Marie's scream, or her threats to him as she leapt and dove right at him.

He did however raise a claw and caught her high jump kick, grabbing her knee, the force of the kick pushing him back, before he slammed her into the ground. She lost her breath from the slam, but was not anywhere near done, trying to whip him with both arms. This was stopped when he leaned down and clamped his claws on her arms, holding them down while he planted his feet on her legs, pinning her completely.

"You son of a bitch! How could you?!" She screamed, tears streaming down her face as she struggled to escape his hold. She swung her fur sleeves at him, but couldn't build up enough speed to whip him. She even tried to bite at his arms and head butt him, but couldn't manage that either. She settled for spitting in his face.

He closed on eye as she spat in it, but didn't bother to wipe it off. "Now tell me. WHY?!" He roared.

Her entire body clenched, and she looked like she was about to tell him to go fuck himself, but her expression softened, only for a second. "Fine."


"HOW?! How could you think such a thing was okay?!"

"Because it is!"

"No." Hunter shook his head. "Evil is evil, no matter the intention."

"Know what?"

"I don't know... What you have done is unforgivable!"

"Well, you had better kill me. Because if you don't, I'll kill you. After what you did to-" She was silenced by Hunter, who crushed her neck in one claw.

He stood up slowly, turned, and took one step forward, before he fell to his knees. Tears were already splashing the ground, and he looked up and let out a mournful yell.

"Is this the right place?" A new voice asked as he came down the steps.

"Who... Oh, yes. This is it." Hunter said quietly.

"Very well." The new pokemon looked to the east. "That is the way." He said, before calmly walking that way, leaving Hunter on his own again.

PMD - EOM - Chapter 25

Chp 25 "So if we're mates now, we should probably know more about each other. Anything you wanna tell me?" Prince asked as they walked. "I dunno... I'm more curious about you. Well, my real name is Chlorophyll, but that's way too...

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PMD - EOM - Chapter 23B (X)

Chp 23 B "Hi! I wanna join a rescue team!" Prince told Marie, nearly bouncing in excitement. "Alright. Have a team in mind?" "Yea, Team Memories!" "Alright. Paw print here. And the test is tomorrow. You don't...

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PMD - EOM - Chapter 23 (X)

Chp 23 "Excuse me..." Mystic's eye fluttered open. When her blurry vision cleared, she saw a pink canine poking her. "Ahh!" She yelped, rolling away. "Who the-" Phantom and Ashley were both up, expecting another assassin. The sylveon...

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