If you go down in the woods tonight

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Well, this is a story I wrote last year and have been waiting for the right time to post. It's a very hot affair about a rabbit looking to find out what horny stuff the wolves get up to in the woods on the full moon. Has the poor chap bitten off more than he can chew?

There are some people who when told not to do something, just have to do that something. Jay was such a person. So when his mother had warned him not to go into the Black Forest on a full moon his first instinct was to wait for the next full moon and go find out what he was not supposed to see. Although his Mother caught him that first time, it would not be the last time he tried to find out. However, he also waited a good few years, because he found out what was happening there. Everyone knew, but nobody spoke about it, which made Jay wonder how everyone knew if nobody everyone talked about it.

The answer was, of course, simple; it was about sex. Since ancient times the local wolves have slunk into the woods on the night of the full moon. Well, the male wolves have the woods, the females just gather together in their homes, where it's more comfortable. In ancient parlance, the full moon makes wolves mad horny. It was a time the females would enter heat and despite great strides in contraception unless they wanted more pups than they could ever handle, they needed to keep males from their females.

Jay had found out the reason from the place where you get the best and worst education; the schoolyard. The thought had fascinated the teenage rabbit. Terrified him too, though he spent years thinking about it and jerking off. However, it was not until he was a man of twenty-two that his curiosity grew uncontrollable. Not helped by the internet where he had found many sites sharing images and short videos of what happens out there. Very few though, the wolves had a saying "what happens in the woods stays in the woods." Those caught sharing such material would never be allowed back and would spend every full moon alone just jacking off unsatisfyingly, possibly for the rest of their lives.

Stories abound of strangers wandering in looking to find themselves some hot and easy wolf action. Though the rabbit had found that so many of those stories were literally just that, stories. The 'a friend of a friend of my brother's sister's former roommate once did it' kind of story. Very few first hand, or paw, accounts actually existed. Or ones he believed anyway. There were plenty of stories of non-wolf furs being politely warned away from the woods on the day. Mostly people who were not looking for anything more than a walk through the woods in the early evening without being aware of the stage of the moon. Those stories were far less lascivious and Jay tended to believe them.

However, Jay was convinced that sometimes non-wolves were allowed in. He was not really sure why he believed it so strongly. Maybe it was because he really wanted to try it and so he chose to believe. The rabbit had tried to date a few wolves, to see if maybe boyfriends were allowed. Those dates had not gone well, and Jay had stopped trying. Not that the wolves were not interested in him, Jay was quite an attractive rabbit. Green eyes, smooth reddish-brown fur and a lithe body with some chunky hips. He was the problem, each time he felt wrong inside. Jay was using them to get something and he had not been able to look them in the eye or go through with anything.

Eventually, he decided the best approach was the direct one. Just walk into the woods after dark and see what happened. Maybe he would be politely told to leave, maybe he wouldn't. Maybe those stories he had read were all hyperbole, maybe they weren't. He could get an answer and maybe, just maybe, move on with his life. Jay was not unattractive and he had more than a couple of invites that he would have considered pursuing after he finally did it. Even if nothing at all happened but sitting out cold and alone in the woods all night, he could tick it off his list as done.

One full moon he had gotten into his car, driven out to a surprisingly full car park next to the black forest and started to walk. Finally, he was disobeying his mother. His stomach tingled with excitement as he shut the door of his car. Jay looked around, half expecting to see a wolf or two glaring at him and asking him to leave. However, it was all quiet and fairly dark. He had waited until the sun had gone down fully, he wasn't sure why, beyond some insane thought that in the darkness the wolves just might not notice he was a rabbit.

Jay took one deep breath and then checked himself. Khaki shorts, comfortable and easy to remove, plus not expensive should they end up torn or dirty. A plain white tank top, again for the same reasons. In his pocket was just his phone, for GPS purposes and his car keys, for obvious reasons. His ass was well-prepped and he had an array of toys waiting for him to return with inevitable blue balls of doom to drain.

The car park had no lights, save for the light of the full moon which was clear and bright. As were the stars, far away from the city where the light pollution tended to drown out all but the brightest stars, Jay was shocked at how beautiful the sky was to behold. He paused to admire the view before a twitch in his crotch reminded him that he came here to view other more salacious sights. So he began to walk, following a large path into the forest.

He had only taken a few steps beyond the treeline and he suddenly knew why they called it the Black Forest. All around him, the world was pitch black. The small gap in the trees caused by the path he followed let in just a tiny hint of light, but only on the path. He could see almost nothing of the world around him. His ancient prey instincts began to play on his mind. As the wind moved the trees every sound seemed deafening. His eyes strained to see into the blackness, looking to find what he came for. A mildly unpleasant thought hit him, there could be dozens of pairs of eyes looking back and he would have no idea.

It was a stupid thought, he knew logically that the only people he would likely meet would be some horny wolves who at best would be down for some no-strings horny fun. At worst they would ask him to leave. However, alone in the blackness of the night, with his heart racing and adrenaline pumping hard into his species' very strong flight reflex, every sound seemed to only fuel his fears more.

He paused and pulled out his phone, casting a synthetic light around, a huge mistake as the extra light hurt his eyes and cancelled out his night vision. That's when his ears twitched to some sound, a sound that made his heart race. A stick snapping, or maybe two branches smacking together in the breeze. His GPS told him he was still very near the edge of the woods. He could turn back and be back in his car within ten minutes, five if he hurried.

Biting his lips the rabbit shook his head and forced his fears out. He had come here for a reason and he was not going to let the harmless dark and the wind in the trees chase him back to his car. There was wolf wood in them there trees and he was not going to go home until he'd had his fill. Or at least been told to fuck off.

Another snap, this time closer and he held his breath, frozen as he tried to figure out what to do. His first instinct was to run and his second was to hide. However, his body seemed to be unwilling to listen. The only part of him that seemed to be functioning was his sensitive ears, which were picking up soft thumps. Paws hitting the ground, someone was walking his way.

The rabbit looked around and turned his phone off, the world becoming black as his night vision slowly began to return. The sound of footfalls grew louder, whoever it was was definitely coming his way. That made sense, he was on the main path through the woods, and they weren't following him, just walking. He wasn't sure where the wolves met up, though the few reliable pictures he had seen had included a campfire and no sign of a pathway.

His eyes spotted a shadow, approaching along the path. It was distant and vague. Yet seemed huge, wolves naturally were bigger than his species. That was part of the appeal, to be held down and bred by such big beautiful and strong creatures. Just the thought made his dick ache with need. Suddenly a bright light erupted from the figure and utterly blinded Jay, "Oh fuck, sorry!" A deep voice called out and the fact that it was an apology was all that was needed to snap Jay out of any concerns. "Didn't mean to blind you, Red. I was a little surprised to see one of your... " there was a very slight pause and Jay's ears picked up the sound of sniffing. "Kind out here."

"It's ok, I just... thought it was a nice night for a stroll," Jay stammered a little uncertainly, as his night vision started to return a little. The dark shape moved closer and became distinctly more lupine.

"Sure, a nice nighttime stroll, that's all you came here for," chuckled the deep voice. "On a full moon, no less. Just off on a jaunt through the wolf-infested woods, to what Grandma's house?"

"No... I mean, well... look I..." Stammered the rabbit.

"You can stop lying Red," the wolf said and it definitely was a wolf. The creature was standing before him, towering a good foot and a half taller, broader at the shoulders, which were uncovered. His fur black as the forest around him. Eyes yellow that seemed to glow and his sharp white teeth gleamed in the moonlight as he grinned. The wolf leant forward and sniffed, "you came here because you thought you could get some easy wolf cock. I can smell it, also I can smell cherries."

Jay gave a soft whimpering sound and squirmed a little. While the wolf stalked around him and chuckled, "you know it's customary for us to send tourists like you packing. However, a rabbit who not only comes looking for it, he prepares his ass with cherry-flavoured lube, I got to admire the brazenness. I think I can bend the rules, just this once. I mean if that's what you are wanting. Assuming you are not legitimately just walking through the woods with a cherry-lubricated ass on your way to see your poor old grandma." The wolf sniffed again and added in a husky voice, the warm air blowing over Jay's face, "and a fully erect cock too."

"You... can smell all that?" Jay asked, a little shocked. He was aware a lot of predatory species had evolved with enhanced senses of smell.

The wolf leant forward and Jay got a good glimpse at his black lupine nose twitching, "noses like ours don't miss much and let's be honest the artificial cherry scent is kinda strong. Though I do admit I appreciate the thought, after all, there's nothing like a sweet treat on a full moon."

"I... thought it might... help." For a moment Jay just let that thought hang before he admitted. "I wasn't exactly sure what to do. I just heard about this thing and have always wanted to... try and find you guys." The rabbit admitted feeling himself squirming a little more. The wolf had been very right about his erection, it was straining hard against his tight shorts.

"Certainly helped me sniff you out, Red," Chuckled the wolf. "I should send you packing, it's wolves and their significant others only, sort of deal here. However, it's a ways to the place, I'm already late, you look tasty and I've always wanted to stuff a bunny. So maybe me and you have a little fun and then we can just see where the night takes us. I mean if you show up with me then nobody is going to ask, especially when they get a whiff of cherries... and cum." The wolf leant down and growled those last words into Jay's ear. "What do you say, Red, want to satisfy my hunger?"

Jay gulped softly and nodded, replying, "y... yes, the name's J..."

"No names!" The wolf cut in quickly. "No names, no details, no talking about what happens. It's kind of the unofficial rule. We all come, then we all cum and then we go. What happens here stays here."

The rabbit once more nodded his acceptance and the wolf held out a paw, "come on then, Red. Let's get off the path and you can get me off. Before I throw your sweet, cherry-flavoured ass to the pack for a good... welcum." The wolf stressed the cum in welcome in a far from subtle way.

Giggling a little at the bad sexual innuendos, Jay took the wolf's paw. It was huge compared to his and he gulped to think of those huge paws touching other parts of his body. A couple of minutes earlier the dark forest around him had seemed ominous and foreboding. With his wolf escort, it seemed to offer the perfect privacy for him to indulge in something he had fantasised about for most of his adult life. The two left the path, the strong wolf leading the way, but not pulling him.

The rabbit could hardly contain his excitement. His cock strained against his shorts as he clambered over the rough forest floor. Jay knew that next, he was going to get to taste wolf cock, and feel it inside him. He had an array of canine-shaped toys at home, with which he had practised for this very day. If the wolf was looking for a well-trained bunny to tie to, then he was going to be very satisfied by what he found.

Without a word of warning the wolf stopped and pulled on his hand. Jay yelped a little in excitement as the strong brute swung him around and into his embrace. His natural instincts were to flee, but as he looked up into those yellow eyes, his legs would not move. The wolf stepped forward, pushing him back slowly until he felt something firm behind him. The rough bark of a large tree, the large paws were all over his flanks, stroking and squeezing.

Those yellow eyes dipped lower and he felt the heat of the wolf's panted breath on his face, a moment later he felt warm lips. He closed his eyes and returned the kiss. His paws trembled as he gripped the bark of the tree behind him, glad of the support as the huge male pressed him against it. With a deep moan of satisfaction, the kiss was broken and he could hear the wolf panting grow louder, as the beast's lusts no doubt grew.

Licking his lips the rabbit whispered, "I'll... do anything you want me to." His voice quivered as he spoke, his whispered words somehow feeling thunderous in the silence of the dark woods.

A soft and not unfriendly chuckle came from the wolf. As those strong paws stroked down over his shorts. Grasping possessively on the firm bulge they found as his deep gravelly voice replied, "oh, I know you will, Red."The wolf whispered right into his ear and those fingers suddenly squeezed down on his cock and Jay cried out in bliss, "and you'll love it all, won't you, Red?"

"Yes...oh dear god yes, I will," whimpered Jay, his hips thrusting weakly against the strong wolf paw. The sensations flowing from his cock grew with each passing moment.

A large paw stroked against his cheek, a thumb teasing along his nose and then brushing over his lips. Jay opened his mouth and started sucking the musky digit eagerly, wishing it was a different and lower part of the wolf. "Damn, you'd think you were the one in heat. I'm going to enjoy knotting your ass." Chuckled the wolf in response.

In his head, the rabbit screamed at the wolf to stop talking and just do it. His tail slapped against the tree behind his as it quivered and his ass tingled with the thought of what was about to happen. The paw on his shorts began to unfasten the buttons of his flies. With each button, Jay gave a gasp of lust, the cool forest air finding his crotch as he was slowly exposed.

The thumb in his mouth was pushed deeper and then pulled out, gently thrusting as the wolf towered above him growling, "fuck, I'm so hungry. Let's have a taste. Turn around, Red." Jay felt the thumb pull from his mouth and he said nothing. Just did as he was told, turning around. His paws grasped on the cold, rough ancient bark as he lifted up his rump offering himself up for the wolf's pleasure.

His heart raced and he felt dizzy. While those huge wolf paws stroked over his flanks once more. Large fingers slipped inside the waistband of his shorts and he felt the fabric slipping free and falling down to pool around his feet. As they landed there was a clunking sound as his mobile phone bounced out of his pocket.

"What's this?" Growled the wolf, as he scooped it up. " A phone with a camera?"

"I... it was just for GPS and... emergencies," Jay insisted, suddenly worried that his story would end here and that he would die of blue balls so close to the pleasure he wanted to experience.

"Heh, sure," Chuckled the wolf and the trees around them lit up a little as the brute clearly opened it. The Screen suddenly was pushed into Jay's vision. "Unlock it and I'll give you a few snaps you can keep as a souvenir. though, obviously, when we get to the rest of the guys, just leave it in your shorts."

Jay reached out and tapped in his password. A stupid move in retrospect giving his unlocked phone to a man he had only just met and did not even know the name of. However, nobody makes smart decisions while their pants are around their ankles and their erect cock is screaming at them to just do whatever it took to ensure their balls were thoroughly drained. A strong paw grasped his ass, and the forest lit up with a flash, Jay groaned as a thumb teased his lubricated pucker. He pushed back against it willingly.

A moment later he felt something warm and moist resting on his buttock cleft. He gulped as he knew he was feeling the first touch of wolf cock. The forest lit up again several times and he prepared himself to feel that thickness pushing inside him. Only the weight suddenly lifted and he heard the soft thump as the wolf got down on his knees behind him. The rabbit held his breath in anticipation, unable to believe his dreams were about to come true.

His tail quivered and a bolt of electric excitement shot up his spine as he felt warm huffs of air on his exposed pucker. He badly wanted to look behind, to watch, yet he found his body could not move. It was as if it worried that it was some illusion, a dream and that any wrong step might shatter the illusion forever. Then he felt something that was far too real and visceral to be a dream.

It was the warmth and wetness of a wolf tongue stroking up his buttock cleft. As the tongue tip stroked over his quivering and prepared pucker he squeaked out in pure excitement. His voice echoed through the seemingly empty woods. That warm broad tongue rasped across his puckered entrance and he heard a deep growl of satisfaction behind him, "mmmm cherries." Mumbled the wolf and Jay was about to reply when a huge wolf paw grasped his buttock and his cheeks were pulled firmly apart. A second later a wolf muzzle was pressed against his quivering moist pucker.

Jay whimpered as that broad tongue swirled around his puckered entrance and then he gasped as it started to push inside him. His trembling paw reached down and he grasped his aching cock. Trusting his weight to the tree he was leaning against, Jay began to jerk his cock desperately fast. His entire body quivered with excitement as that tongue wormed its way deeper and deeper inside him. It seemed the wolf was very hungry, from how quickly he worked that tongue deeper. Jay put up no resistance, he pushed back wantonly against the wolf's muzzle wanting to feel that tongue deeper.

His cock was already wet and his precum was leaking onto the forest floor. The tongue inside him swirled and he squealed softly in pleasure as he jerked himself faster and faster. Holding nothing back, his mind full of the possibilities of the night. Soon his ass would be full of more than just tongue, and he could not wait. Panting and gasping he pushed back harder, his entire body trembling. Jay wondered if this was what it felt like to be in heat. His entire body felt on fire, his fur itched and his insides quivered and his cock ached with need. "Fuck me!" He squeaked loudly and eagerly as that tongue twisted around inside him again.

He groaned as the tongue was pulled out from inside him and an amused voice observed, "damn I'd heard stories about your rabbit guys. I always thought they were hyperbole. Thanks to you, Red, I know they were understatements." Jay's cheeks burned to hear those words, he knew he was being wanton and reverting to stereotype. However, after so many years of dreaming and imagining, he could not hold himself back.

Saying nothing the rabbit simply lifted his hips a little, pushing them back into the waiting huge paws of the wolf. Moaning as he felt something firm and slick pressing between his cheeks and up against his pucker. "You sure you're re..."

"Fuck me!" The shouted words seemed to echo in the empty silent forest. Jay trembled with need, his heart beating rapidly and his head spinning slightly with a rush of blood.

That huge black form leant over him and he felt hot panted breath flowing down his back. "Ok, Red." Agreed the wolf, whispering those words into his ears, in his deep voice. A split second later that firmness against his pucker thrust forward. Powerful paws pulled his ass back firmly as his ass stretched readily around the invading member. Despite his preparations, there was no comparison between his toys and the feeling of the wolf cock slowly impaling him. The heat radiating off him seemed to permeate his body and only fuel the fires of lust inside him.

"Yes! Just... oh fuck me! Please, fuck me!" Jay moaned and cried, trying to push back against the wolf, but those strong paws were able to hold him in place. He knew that the wolf was in total control of what was happening. Which was a blessing because he knew he had lost all control and if it had been the other way on he would already be jackhammering his eager load into his lover.

"Easy, Red. You're going to get it, all." Grunted the wolf dominantly into his ear. "Just got to make sure I don't hurt your ass. Or the boys are not going to be able to have fun with it, and you don't want to miss out on that now, do you?" The question flooded Jay with deeply ambivalent feelings. The logic of slowing down, not risking a tear back there or any damage, fighting against the mental image of himself surrounded by horny wolves, all like this big black beast inside him. He could not form words, all he could do was whimper as that red spear was thrust deeper.

Inch after inch pressed inside him. His rump stretched easily and eagerly around the length. While he licked and bit his lips. Jay reached down again to grab his cock. Only for a large paw to grasp his hand and force it against the tree, "now now, Red. Leave that alone until I tell you to." Growled the wolf and every submissive instinct in the rabbit squealed. His cock throbbed and ached with arousal. While his fingers grasped at the tree, engulfed by the huge black paw.

A grunt of satisfaction hit his large ears, at the same time a firm lump of lupine muscle pressed to his ring. The wolf was knotted deep inside him. Jay was relieved to feel that knot. Knowing that soon it would be inside him. Surly soon the wolf would begin to fuck him in earnest, having already worked his length fully inside the rabbit's far too-needy ass. He closed his eyes and squeezed himself down around the invading length, earning a moan of pleasure from his lover.

"Fuck, that's it bunny. Show the Big Bad Wolf just how much you can squirm on his cock," growled the wolf right into his ear. Jay moaned to hear those words, clenching and releasing as quickly as he could, working that length inside him eagerly. He wanted nothing more than for his lover to hold him firmly and just fuck everything he had into his needy rump. "Fuck...oh Fuck!" The wolf exclaimed and Jay's wishes were granted.

The cock pulled back from inside him, only to be slammed back hard and deep. He squealed with delight as he finally broke the wolf's iron control. That thickness reaming his depths hard and fast. Using every last inch the lupine deep dicked his quivering needy ass. With each thrust that knot was mashed hard against his pucker, forcing it to open more and more. No more words were spoken, only cries of pleasure escaping them both as they lost themselves to the utter pleasure of the moment.

That knot pressed deeper and deeper. Jay pushed back against it, grinding his rump on the lump when he could. His mind was screaming at him to get it inside him. His cock drooled precum non-stop as pressure built inside him. His cock was aching at him, begging him to touch it. Just one stroke was all it would take and he would be sent over the edge. Only the wolf had told him not to touch, so he obeyed the predator that had hold of him. What a hold it had, the huge beast's paws grasping his hips like he owned him, the huge form pressing up behind making him feel tiny, insignificant and yet at the same time safe and protected.

With each thrust, that knot pressed a little deeper and the pressure inside him grew. The wolf's thrusting grew more savage, using a strength that Jay could never hope to match to thrust inside his tight rump. The huge knot battering down his defences mercilessly. His lover's voice got louder and more desperate as he felt his pucker finally give way. That huge knot of muscle was forced inside him. The sudden fullness was the very last drop of water that broke the dam inside him. Squealing out until his throat was hoarse. Untouched, his cock began to spray out his pent-up seed onto the tree before them both.

The thrusting did not pause just because the knot was inside him. His lover was clearly lost to the pleasure of the moment, using what little leeway he had to ream the rabbit's depths with his huge knot. Deep-panted grunts of pleasure got louder and louder until suddenly the wolf tilted his head back and let out a full deep-throated howl of pleasure. That huge length inside him pulsed and throbbed and a warmth began to spread inside him as he was fucked full of wolf spunk.

Their bodies continued to grind together as they lost themselves to the bliss of their climax. Jay woke from it first, his entire body soaked in sweat, shivering and panting with exhaustion as he felt that beautiful warmth of a full cock and knot locked deep inside him. The wolf's body lay against him, and he could feel the huge beast's chest expanding as he took in deep panted breaths.

"Oh fuck, I needed that," the wolf announced with a groan of pleasure. "Ok hang on, one second." Jay wondered what he was holding on for as the wolf leant back and he groaned to feel that knot pulling back against his puckered entrance from the inside. Large fingers lifted his tail and the forest was suddenly lit up by a flash of brilliant light. "There, a souvenir or two." There were a couple more flashes and then Jay felt the wolf pressing his phone back into his paws. The light of the flash had robbed him of his night vision, at least temporarily. "Better give it a few minutes, then I'll pull out half swollen. I figure your ass is going to be grateful for some extra stretching when we get you to the rest of the guys. Speaking of, I should probably do a little expectation management."

Jay's ears lifted at that last one. Expectation management sounded slightly ominous. His expectations were sky-high, especially after such a great fucking. "Oh?" He whispered.

The forest lit up again with a small flickering flame and Jay got a noseful of cigarette smoke. "You want a puff?"

"No thanks, I don't smoke," Jay replied politely.

"Ah, me either. Save during for the full moon. There's something about a post-heat fuck smoke that is worth the risk." The wolf replied and the glow behind Jay grew brighter for a moment as he was no doubt taking a drag. "So the guys are not too far away. I know you are probably thinking of like dozens of wolves going at it all night long, but it's not really like that. I mean I know most of these fuckers, like I fucked a wolf once the fucker turned out to be my bank manager. I was like, "hey, I gave you my bone, now you give me that loan". It didn't work. Ran into my mechanic once too and was like "hey, my part arrived and was installed promptly under your tail." The wolf chuckled a little.

"And when you run into a delivery guy you can be all, "oh I know you want to handle my package with care," Chuckled Jay, and he was glad to hear a deep-throated chuckle coming from behind him.

"You're getting it. Just saying it can be awkward. Plus a lot of the guys are straight, save at full moon. So a lot of them are really just up for a little paw or maw service if you know what I mean." The wolf replied and Jay could not help but feel a tad disappointed to hear that. "Also I have a younger brother, I don't want to deal with that over family dinners. Not again. The twenty to thirty lot tend to party at one end. I stick more with my older guys at the other end. It gets kinda cliquey, and as my pretend boyfriend, you'll be with my clique. They, however, are going to fucking love you. Little young slutty rabbit, I am sure they are going to want a lot more than just a paw or maw. They'll strap you into the sex swing and take turns in your ass all night... assuming that's what you want."

"It is!" The rabbit answered without a moment's hesitation, his voice clear and confident. His cock was back at full attention to hear that. "You guys have a sex swing?"

"Several actually, fucking on the forest floor ain't that comfortable and tents take a lot more putting up. Though if the weather's bad we do bring a couple of big tents." Explained the wolf and Jay found that idea thrilling too. A small marquee filled with horny wolves and maybe a couple of sex swings. He could be strapped into one and spend the entire night being used in both ends, until every one of the 'guys' as the wolf called them, had had their fill of rabbit ass and mouth.

"Alright, I think I've shrunk enough. Better to pull out a little early anyway, the more stretching of your ass the easier you will take their knots." Jay's breath caught in his mouth when he thought of that, being knotted over and over. His ass was stretched far beyond anything his toys had ever done. He gasped as the wolf began to pull back, using its brute strength to force its half-swollen knot free. Jay felt himself stretching and a twinge of pain, that only served to heighten his senses. With a joint cry, the wolf knot popped free and he felt a slight warm trickle of wolf cum leaking out, as his pucker began to tighten up again.

"Ok, clothes back on and let's go," the wolf announced, adding emphasis with a light playful slap across Jay's buttocks.

He gave a surprised yelp, followed by a laugh. Jay pulled his shorts back on, knowing that his rump was already leaking wolf seed onto them. Jay returned his phone to his pocket and savouring the thought of the next morning when he got to check out the pictures that the wolf had taken. A little proof for himself that it had happened, he had been wild and crazy and he'd done it.

The two returned to the path, their pace picking up as soon as they were out of the rough. Jay noticed after a few moments that he was holding the wolf's paw. Those thick strong fingers were squeezing around his hand. He wondered if he would be able to ask for his name, or number or something afterwards. The no-names rule had seemed pretty emphatic, and Jay was a tad sad to think this might be a one-time thing. A single wild night and that his love life might always seem dull afterwards.

However, such thoughts faded as the wolf ducked onto a smaller path, pulling Jay behind him. It was not an official path, more a feral animal track. Bushes, trees and plants all seemed to brush up against his body as he followed the wolf. Wondering just how much further it would be. Not far was the answer, less than five minutes from the main track they came out into a clearing.

Several fires were burning in various places. Jay looked around, some lanterns had been hung from trees casting enough light that he could see by. Groups of wolves were everywhere. Most sitting or standing near others. He could see so many erect cocks being stroked. A few guys were on their knees and then under the trees, he could see a few wolves laying on what was clearly a swing, while other wolves were between their legs.

He got his first real look at the wolf who had just fucked him. In better light, Jay could see he was more mature, a few wisps of grey fur around his muzzle. Possibly in his late thirties or early forties. Handsome, certainly and definitely Jay's type.

"Hey! I was starting to think you'd gotten lost!" Announced a large wolf, sitting by the nearest fire. He was a grey wolf, with a white chest and a rather large belly. His legs were spread and between them, a slimmer wolf was laying on his belly, mouth clearly around the chunky wolf's cock. The large wolf gave his lover a light tap on the head and got to his feet. Jay watched as a lupine cock pulled free from the slender wolf's lips. Around the fire there was a good seven or eight other wolves, most not paying too much attention to them,

"Aww, hey. Not lost, just... distracted," Jay's wolf friend responded, laying his arm around Jay's shoulders. The grey wolf gave Jay a look and the rabbit noticed his huge nose twitching and he blushed with embarrassment. He was sure the wolf could smell what his wolf had smelled, plus the cum leaking from his rump.

"Looks like a fun distraction," the grey wolf said as he reached them. "You guys want a beer or something?" Jay said nothing leaning into his wolf a little nervously, while his eyes could not help but slip down the hulking wolf's chunky body. A nice heft of muscle up top and a soft round belly down low, giving Jay the impression that he was definitely a snuggler.

"I'll take a beer, I think my beaux would like something a little muskier, and warm from the tap," his black wolf replied and even though Jay could not see his face he was sure he had just winked.

The grey wolf gave Jay a friendly and slightly lustful smile, "hey cutie, welcome to our full moon party." His eyes flicked up to the black wolf, "you mind if I...?" The question was unfinished.

"Hey, I'm cool with anything, so long as he wants it," his wolf responded and Jay felt a reassuring squeeze on his shoulders.

The grey wolf's blue eyes met his and he leant a little closer, "you mind if I get a little kiss?"

"Sure, you just want a kiss?" Jay replied feeling a little more confident. "I'm up for..." He didn't finish but his eyes did move slightly to where he could see a wolf on a swing getting fucked.

"Damn, you found a good un here, alright," the grey wolf laughed, leaning down a little until his huge black nose pressed against Jay's tiny pink one. "There's a swing or two spare, and plenty of guys who would love to... get to know a newby like you." Jay shivered to hear it, but could not reply because as soon as he finished speaking the wolf pressed forward, kissing him with surprising passion. Jay moaned and gasped as an eager tongue slipped into his mouth, tasting and exploring. As strong paws cradled his cheeks. Just as he was sinking into the kiss and beginning to return it, the wolf pulled back. "Ok, let's get this eager bunny onto a swing."

The grey wolf and his black wolf led the rabbit over to a nearby tree. Jay could see leather straps hanging down from a sturdy branch. Jay assumed they were set up each full moon, given that a forest clearing with a range of sex swings hung on it would definitely draw the attention of the park rangers. His tank top and shorts were stripped off by the two wolves. While the grey wolf was folding them away, his wolf helped him into the swing.

"Hey, when you want off, you just call for the big bad wolf and I'll come to get you off... as in off the swing, I'm sure when the time comes you'll have already gotten off enough," The wolf said in a low voice as he tightened the straps around his ankles. Jay had chosen to lay face down, that way he could suck cock without having to stretch his neck uncomfortably. However, the downside was he had to twist more to see what was going on around him.

"Thanks... for everything," the rabbit whispered back. Glancing around he could see that there was more than a couple of wolves approaching. Most of them with a lustful look in their eye and an erect cock between their legs.

"Anytime, now how about you give my cock a spit shine? While old Grey here gets to try out your ass," as the wolf replied he stepped in front of Jay and the rabbit found himself nose to cock with the amorous lupine.

Jay gasped softly as he gazed over the cock that less than ten minutes ago had been inside him. It was slightly smaller than it had felt, but no less beautifully inviting. The rabbit knew that there was no more time for being shy. The time for that had probably been sometime before he was strapped into a sex swing, legs akimbo with an ass leaking wolf cum. So he wasted no time, kissing the tip softly and then pressing forward. A thrust from the wolf helped him as he tasted the cock for the first time.

He moaned happily, pressing his muzzle down as far along the shaft as he could until that spearlike tip pressed to the back of his throat. Huge, strong and yet gentle paws caressing his cheeks and ears, soft moans of encouragement let him know just how much his new lover was enjoying it.

However, the moment of just the two of them was over very quickly as two more strong paws grasped his hips and he heard the grey wolf's voice exclaim, "you two couldn't wait two minutes. I was just getting a quick sip of beer?"

"Hey, you snooze you lose, besides I left the ass for you and once you get in there you will be thanking me," the reply was chuckled by the wolf. His paws lightly squeezed Jay's cheek as he mentioned his ass. "I got him all nicely stretched and lubed up for you."

"Yeah, so I can smell. Cherries and wolf cum, quite the powerful mix," laughed the grey wolf. Jay blushed a little as they talked about him like he was not there. Though in all honesty, he had nothing to say and his mouth was full and he certainly was not going to let that cock escape until he had tasted wolf spunk. Though, the faint taste of cherry on his tongue made him squirm just a bit to think of what had happened and what was about to happen.

His ass cheeks were spread by strong hands and then he felt a cock pressing to his already stretched ass, "oh, knot or no knot?"

"Pretty sure he wants the knot, right Red?" Jay gave a thumbs-up before the question had even finished being asked. Before his brain had even really digested the words. His body knew what it wanted and it wanted cock, wolf cock and knot and plenty of them. Jay's view was blocked by the crotch of the black wolf, but his sensitive ears could pick up mutters and words from a dozen or so wolves that he was sure had gathered near. All discussing how much they were looking forward to trying some bunny ass.

Closing his eyes he just tried to drink it all in, the emotions, the sensations, the sounds, smells and the taste of wolf cock and precum. He gulped down greedily as he felt a thick cock stuffing firmly under his tail. His used ass accommodated the cock easily and he squeezed down on it, earning him a moan of delight from the grey wolf. The bunny braced himself for another thrust, only the wolf seemed to pause.

"Ok, I know you wanted a drink. I tell you what, there's a bunny right here, cock all dripping and unattended. Why don't you get a good drink from him, while I give him the old daddy wolf mount and stuff? You know you've always wanted to taste a few other species, it's time you expand your palette, Son." Jay heard the words and guessed it was the slender wolf that had been in the middle of sucking on the grey wolf when he arrived. He felt a slight pang of sympathy, he would have hated to be interrupted during such a fun task. Though as a warm mouth surrounded his dripping cocktip he was very glad he had done.

Jay was a rabbit lost in the middle of lupine heaven. His mouth sucked firmly, as the grey wolf began to fuck him. Deep and long strokes of a nice thick cock, his pucker already kissing against the stud's engorged knot. While his actual lips kissed against the black wolf's knot. "Fuck... I always knew rabbits would be a good fuck, but damn." Came a voice from behind him, Jay glowed with slight pride and arousal to hear his ass discussed in such a salacious manner.

"Yeah, they got thick asses, part of prey heritage. They used to run so much, nice firm layers of muscle on the rump and thighs," Jay had never thought that much about it. Although he knew his species did tend to have more curves than most species. However, he was not given time to muse on the potential benefits of his heritage, as two wolf cocks and one wolf muzzle reminded him of where he was. Black and grey seemed to have synced up their assault. Their cocks pulled in and out at the same time. While below him the wolf on his cock was wild and untamed. Jay recognised the feeling of someone desperate just to suck him dry and lost to the hedonistic bliss of being spit roast, he knew it would not be long before he gave that wolf a mouthful of bunny cream to swallow.

With each thrust, grey's knot smacked harder off his pucker. His stretched and abused ring gave way far quicker and easier. As he sucked and lapped on the thrusting cock in his mouth. Trying to focus on giving pleasure, knowing that the more he focussed away from the sensations the wolves were driving into him, the longer things would last.

However, he was fighting a losing battle. The mouth around his cock knew its task too well. As that fat wolf cock teased his prostate and the knot forced him open wider. He knew he was mere moments from his peak. There was nothing he could do but submit to it. With a cry muffled by the cock in his mouth, he reached his first orgasm. The mouth around his cock sucking firmly and swallowing regularly. The other two wolves did not stop or slow their assault, if anything they picked up the pace.

Above him, he could hear pants and moans of pleasure. Then the sound of kissing. His view upwards was blocked by the black wolf leaning over him. However, he was sure the older wolves were kissing as they spit-roasted his lithe frame between them. He closed his eyes again focussing on the cock in his mouth once more. Flexing his ass as much as he could trying to milk the cocks inside him. The extra action was rewarded almost immediately, the wolf behind him grasping desperately tight and thrusting with such strength it also forced the air right out of Jay's lungs. With each thrust, his entire body shook and that knot shoved deeper inside him. Until with a howl of triumph, the wolf announced that he had been tied.

A few seconds later the cock was pulled from his eager mouth. Jay opened his eyes and was about to complain when a thick spurt of wolf seed jetted over his muzzle. On instinct, he opened his mouth wider to catch some drops as Black emptied everything he had over his face and sprayed down his back in long lines of lupine spunk.

For a few moments, Jay just hung limply on the swing getting a few breaths of air as he just basked and enjoyed the support it gave him. It was not long before the grey wolf began to pull back, his ass opening up easier once more to let the almost full knot out. A large paw slapped lightly on his buttocks and a familiar voice said, "ok, so who's next?"

The next few hours were exhausting and wonderful in equal measure. Jay was presented with cock after cock and he sucked each one of them happily and willingly. While his ass was rutted by so many wolves he lost count. In the end, he did not ask to be let off, it was the black wolf who returned to unfasten him from it. He spent the last few moments with the three wolves he had started the time on the swing with. While the sun began to rise the four of them lay on the grass, black behind him and grey behind his slender lover and possible partner.

Jay and the younger wolf made out tenderly, while the older wolves fucked them, slowly and gently. The heat and passion of earlier in the night had burned low. They took their time enjoying every last slow thrust. The sun was almost up by the time Black gave a soft contented sigh and Jay felt a trickle of seed being thrust into his knotted ass. So stretched was he that the black wolf was able to pull out almost immediately and Jay did nothing but moan softly against the slender young wolf's lips.

"Sun's up, time for all good wolves to get dressed and head back to their lives," Grey muttered, giving the slender wolf a meaningful look.

The rabbit sighed as the two left with barely a word. The lack of complications, strings or attachments was both a blessing and a curse. He had enjoyed every moment of the hedonistic night, but if he was honest with himself he was not a fan of the rules. It would have been nice to trade numbers with the black wolf, or the grey and his younger partner.

"That goes for horny bunnies too," the black wolf said as he got up and found his clothes. "See you next month." The last part was spoken to the grey wolf and his lover. Both of whom grabbed a cooler of beer and began to walk away. All around him JKay could see wolves packing up. Sex swings were stripped from the trees. Feeling awkward he found his shorts and shirt. Turning around he found himself alone, well not alone but the black wolf had gone. Without a word or a goodbye.

Just for a moment, the rabbit felt some regret. This was what he had come for. No strings, no connections and lots of fun. However, just because he had not come to form a connection did not mean he had not formed one and he felt strangely empty to see it had been only one way. Limping a little from his sore ass he made his way back to the car. Seeing many wolves on the way, his eyes scanned each one to see if his black wolf was there. Each face was a disappointment.

When he got to his car he sat down inside and bit his lip a little. Of all the feelings he thought he would feel after what he did the previous night, a mixture of sadness and loss was not what he had expected. The last of the other cars left and he started his engine and drove home.

Getting there at 6 in the morning he had just enough time to shower the sweat and cum from his fur and take a quick nap before he had to be on his way to work. Feeling tired he stopped off at a nearby coffee shop feeling the need for a large coffee, knowing the day was going to feel ten times longer than it should.

He was not paying much attention, in the haze of exhaustion. So he was not prepared to find a strangely familiar face in front of him. The barista was a wolf, a young and slender one. Jay gulped as he saw the lupine's eyes go wide with surprise and then a grin come to his face.

"D...double espresso, please," the rabbit mumbled a little awkwardly. He was not sure if he should say anything, though he kind of wanted to. It would be nice to at least have a name for the face, maybe for the other faces.

"On the house, for special friends," the young wolf said with a wink and a slight glance down to his name badge.

"T...thanks, nice to meet you... again, Peter," Jay said cautiously, not exactly sure what the etiquette was on meeting those outside of the full moon. Should he get his number? Maybe he knew who the black wolf really was. Or could get a message to him.

There was no time for more talk, in the early morning rush, the wolf had to return to serving other customers. Jay's coffee to go was given to him and he headed back to his car. It was just as he placed his coffee in the cup holder he noticed the writing on the side of the cup. "Check your phone!"

Jay's eyes went wide. He had not looked at it since the previous evening had started. He remembered the black wolf had taken some pictures. Pulling it out of his jacket pocket he unlocked it. No messages. That was disappointing, though not surprising. Black had been taking pictures and they had not exchanged numbers. Though he doubted that the young wolf had told him to do so just because he thought the rabbit should see pictures of a wolf's cock in his ass.

He opened up his messages and found that he may not have received any new ones, but he had sent a few. All the images that had been taken of the two had been sent to a number his phone did not recognise. Scrolling down he found a message at the end of the photos. "Hey Red, you got my number, use it if you want to, the Big Bad Wolf." Jay gave a slight cry of joy and began to type out a message. He had told himself that after trying to find the wolves on a full moon he would move on, find someone. Now he had hope that he had already found someone.


I have just published a brand new anthology of sexy orc stories, please see the information in the journal below for links on where you can buy a copy.

Orc anthology

I published an Ebook of sexy orc story series, The books can be found at the links below.Thanks for reading

https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08L1XNTVS UK

https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08L1XNTVS US

I have a patreon where I post all my stories at least 2 weeks prior to public posting, plus where I post a lot of WIP ebooks etc https://www.patreon.com/sisco

I've just published a new Novella available in both ebook and hardcopy (after a vote on twitter showed an overwhelming desire for a hardcopy to be available)

Amazon UK Ebook

Amazon UK Hard Copy

Amazon USA Ebook

Amazon USA hard copy

Smashwords version

My other novels and ebooks can also be found on Amazon and Smashwords

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Schrodinger's Bunnys

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Wild Times 4

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The Kolming of Longest Night

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