Donum Solis Socios

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#4 of Donum Solis

"Greg!" Cleo's mother shouted, "Greg! Get in here!" Her voice was frantic, and she seemed overwhelmed. Granted, it would be hard to blame her given the circumstances.

Cleo was still panting on the bed, and my beak was buried in her neck feathers as she pulled the egg closer to her body. The muscles in her neck relaxed, and her body became less tense. There was a thumping up the stairs before Cleo's dad slid through the doorway.

"What's going on? Where-" He cut himself short when he saw the egg. I watched as his eyes darted around, his face in utter confusion as he pieced together what had happened. He turned to Cleo's mom, who looked no better. She gave a nod before he turned back to Cleo and I. "Is that hers?" he asked quietly, pointing to the egg with a talon.

Cleo tiredly lifted her head. "Well, Jackson and I... we have been spending a lot of time together and-" her mother cut her off, "So you courted the boy without telling us?"

Cleo's dad interjected, "Courted the boy? This boy, whom we have never seen before, mated with our daughter!" His predatory eyes locked with mine and I could feel my feathers lifting, afraid of what her dad would do next.

"What about that human you were with? You only left him a few weeks ago, not nearly enough time to get to know this boy! Or were you lying to me yet again?" Cleo's mom shouted, her wings held off of her sides.

Cleo jumped to her feet on the bed; her hind legs trembled as she shouted, "You wouldn't understand!" The egg rolled underneath her, resting against her front talon.

Her mom's head pulled back in anger, "Understand?! I understand that the human was-"

"He IS that boy!" Cleo shouted over her mom, "You don't understand."

Cleo's mom turned to her mate. Both carried a confused look as no words were exchanged. Cleo's mom turned back towards her daughter, "I guess I don't understand." Cleo laid herself back on the bed. Her body was still shaking, but she relaxed as she pulled her egg close to her chest.

I tried to muster the courage to speak, but struggled to get any words out, "I-I... She's right." That was all I could manage to say. Cleo's mom turned to look at me. Her eyes had a piercing gaze that compelled me to share more of an explanation. It also caused me to visibly shrink and tuck my tail between my legs.

"I went to Cleo's one evening, and she showed me her true self. Afterward, we had a few dates where she stayed a gryphon." I tried to gauge the reaction of her parents, but they continued to stare silently at me for a few awkward seconds.

Her mom's eyes darted between the two of us, "You showed a human your true form?" she asked Cleo. There was very clear rage behind her words, which she just barely held at bay.

Cleo's ears folded flat against her head in shame. "I did, but I thought... knew I could trust him. He stayed over one evening and woke up like this," Cleo used a talon to gesture to my body.

"If that's the case, why were we not made aware?" her dad calmly asked.

"I was afraid to tell you. You were clear that you were not a fan of me being with a human. I couldn't imagine you would be fine with me courting him."

Cleo's mom closed her eyes and shook her head. "I'm not sure how any of this is possible, but I don't think you are lying either." I could hear some of the tension leaving her voice as she seemed to calm down. "I could tell you were at dinner, but this... this seems true." Her mom's eyes moved to the egg. "May I?" she asked, stepping closer. Cleo nodded, and her mom quickly moved in, feeling the egg.

Cleo's dad watched from the other side of the room before using his head to summon me. I was terrified to know what he wanted, but reluctantly followed. He led me down the stairs and into another room, closing the doors behind us. The room was darker. A continuous bookshelf lined one wall, and a dark wooden desk sat in the middle of the room. He led me to a chair in which I cautiously sat. He then walked over to the other side of the room and looked around, thinking.

"Is it true? That you are human?" he asked, slowly stepping closer.

"Y-yeah?" I said shakily.

"When the sun sets, what are you?"

"When it sets, I become this. I can only be human during the day," I said.

He stared at me, interested, before nodding. "Hmm, I have only heard rumors of this. Frankly, only fairy tales about it." He laughed, "But if it's true, then I guess you are one of us now."

"I swear, I don't mean any harm to Cleo. We just-" but I was cut off.

"I know," he calmly interrupted. "You can't force a bond; clearly, you have bonded with her. I only ask one thing from you, son. I ask that you two be honest with us from now on."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that any of-" I was interrupted again.

"You don't need to apologize. I'm not the angry one. Cleo's mother, on the other claw, missed out on the laying festivities." He chuckled.

"Laying festivities?" I asked quietly.

"Oh my, you really were a human! The first egg to be laid is usually celebrated between a mother and her daughter. Although, neither of you knew what to look for." He placed a talon on my back, "Traditionally, we would have had this talk earlier, but we make do with what we have."

I resisted the urge to apologize again. Instead, I nodded my head and tried to smile. "I do love her, Cleo. I would like to spend my life with her."

He laughed, "I sure would hope so. You are mates now. To us, you are essentially married."

I felt embarrassed and could only nod my head. I turned to look out the windows, and saw the sun had begun to set. "I should get going."

"She won't allow that," Cleo's dad smirked. "I don't think Cleo will be leaving tonight, not with her mother and that egg in the same room." He looked at the door. "Besides, I don't think having you out past dark is a good idea. You two will sleep here tonight."

"I'm sorry, I can sleep on the recliner, and Cleo can stay in the guest-" Once again, I was interrupted.

"Why would you two sleep in separate rooms? You two are mates. Why would we want to separate you?" He laughed.

I was caught off guard by her dad suggesting we sleep together. I still was unsure if he was joking or being serious. I chuckled along with him.

"And as a warning, when the time comes for that egg to be real, you'll know it," he said quietly.

"For it to be real? What do you mean?"

"You'll notice a... change with her. If you want it to hatch, that is when," he said, treading carefully with his words. "Let's get you two love birds back together," he said, opening the doors.

When we left the study, we found Cleo and her mom sitting next to each other on the couch. The egg sat between them. Cleo's mom looked to be in a much better mood. She was all smiles and laughing along with Cleo.

We spent the evening talking about my life and how different it was from theirs. They seemed accepting of me, but warned me not to reveal my history to others. Letting any human know of gryphons is against the golden rule.

As it drew closer to midnight, Cleo and I went to bed. I still felt uneasy about her parents having us stay in the same room. I guess it's different for gryphons. As her dad said, we are mated for life.

I clicked off the light and met Cleo at the bed. I tried to climb in, but struggled in the dark. Once on the bed, I turned to face Cleo. Even in the dark, I could tell her eyes were open and watching me.

"I told you we would be fine," she said matter of factly.

"Well, your parents had me worried. I still can't believe they are ok with this." I said, wiggling to get comfortable.

"With gryphons, we can't bond if we are not ready. That's why the first egg is the most important. It proves we are ready." She brought her talon to my chest, "It proves we are mates."

"Well, I'm happy with it then, even though I think we knew it already."

Cleo chuckled and began to rub her beak against mine. She slid her body closer to mine before I interjected, "I don't think now is the best time. We are at your parent's house, you know?"

"They already know we are young and freshly bonded. They have to expect it from us." She laughed, fighting against me.

I laughed as I moved away until I reached the edge of the bed. She slid closer before wrapping her hind legs around mine, pulling me closer to her. I tried to wiggle free, but her legs kept us locked together. The warmth from her waist started to heat mine.

"You just laid that egg. Don't you think we should wait?" I joked.

"No, why wait to make another?" She started to shift her hips against mine. My member began to slide out of its sheath. She pressed her body against it as it grew, coaxing it out further. Once it stopped, she pulled away and tried to position her hole to my member.

"Almost there," she said as I felt it prod something warm. Once the tip made contact, she paused before pressing herself down its length, shuddering as it slid inside her. The feathers at the base of her tail flared and shook as she did. She pulled her head against my neck, and both of us let out pleasured sighs.

"Come on, give me another egg," she whispered. The suggestion caused a jolt of arousal to travel through my whole body, culminating with my member throbbing within her. I began to thrust into her, and with every pump, she squeezed harder. I pressed hard, bottoming myself out before retracting. I could feel her tail wrap around mine before she threw her front legs around my neck. Her back legs let go of mine, but I continued to thrust, knowing I was getting close.

"Jackson, please!" She squawked as I wrapped my arms around her. I could feel the pressure building up. It became harder to retract as the spines began to lock us together. We were beyond the point of no return. She began to shake before squeezing hard, sending me over the edge as I felt the spines firmly latch us together and my member sprayed deep inside her. I felt like a hose extinguishing a fire.

As her trembling stopped, she loosened her grip and let go of my neck, finally allowing me to breathe easily. This time, I knew not to pull away. I gently caressed her head feathers as she drifted off to sleep. Only shortly after did I fall asleep with her, still nestled deep inside.

I was awoken by Cleo's mom opening the door. "Good morning, lovebirds!" I flicked my eyes open and looked down. Between Cleo and I was a mess of dried fluids on the bed and our fur. Embarrassed, I tried to turn my body away, whereas Cleo simply sat up, allowing more excess to visibly leak onto the bed. Cleo followed her mom out of the room, with her rear end matted and lightly dripping, but no one mentioned a thing.

I tried to clean myself up as much as possible without water, but my crotch fur was still covered in dried fluids. I cautiously walked down the stairs and saw Cleo's father already sitting at the table as Cleo and her mother talked in the kitchen. He motioned for me to join, and I carefully sat at the table next to him.

"Glad to see you two are doing alright. I was afraid we may have scared you a bit," Cleo's dad shook his head laughing, "It is quite a bit different with gryphons. The whole courtship and bonding rituals can be confusing to humans. But it is tradition, and if you two were able to lay, that means something."

I sighed and scratched my head with my claw, "It's certainly different. But I can't see it any other way now. I had no clue she was having an egg."

"Just you wait for the real one! When I laid that, I finally knew why Irene was so uncomfortable." My eyes shot wide as he rubbed his belly.

"Y-you laid the egg?" I asked sheepishly, trying to imagine where it would come from.

"For sure! The fertile ones are always from the males. I remember when I first felt-" he continued before being cut off by Irene. "Greg! Don't be feeding the poor kid any of that nonsense!" she shouted, "You wouldn't last a moment if one of those came out of you!"

Greg laughed as Cleo began to giggle. Irene threw a hand towel onto her mate's head as she passed, taking a seat across from him at the table. Cleo quickly took her spot across from me and smiled, trying to hold back a laugh.

"You feeling a little more comfortable, Jackson?" Irene asked.

"I think so..." I said nervously.

She dropped her claws to the table and turned to Greg, "Don't worry Jackson, you aren't going to be laying any eggs. If you need, I can tell you if her dad is lying to you."

Greg shook his head and smirked, "I gotta give the boy a hard time. If he's going to be our son he's going to have to get used to it!" He placed his large claw on my back and gave me a pat.

"You all seemed to take our news well. I can't say I expected that." I sighed, chuckling.

"With humans, mating and having offspring is simple. With gryphons, there is no egg unless you two are bonded. You can only bond if you two have mutual care for each other. Having an egg is nothing to scoff at, many who court are never able to achieve an egg." Irene said softly as she began to hand out plates. She gave me a bright smile as she handed me a plate.

The conversation moved on to mundane topics while we had breakfast. Once they finished eating, Cleo's mom and dad went outside for a walk. I joined Cleo in the washroom and we cleaned ourselves. As we got started, I couldn't help but ask the obvious question, "Why didn't we do this before breakfast?"

"Would be rude to skip out on breakfast when visiting, wouldn't it?" She laughed, spraying me with the water.

"I mean, you were still... wet from last night!" I exclaimed.

"As if you were perfectly clean!" She laughed more. "It's natural. Why try to hide any of it? You humans are so secretive about everything when it comes to relationships."

"Isn't a little privacy nice?" I asked.

"We throw parties to celebrate when we mate successfully for the first time. You think we care all that much if we made love to our mates?" She smiled before mounting the sprayer back on the pedestal.

"Besides, we have an egg to prepare for."

Anima: The Broken Wing Chapter 4

I tried my best to sleep after my episode. I still have no idea how long the hawk was in control, but thinking about it made me feel ill. I hadn't lost control since I changed completely. Up until now, I felt equal to the hawk in a sense. I had...

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Anima: The Broken Wing Chapter 3

Upon seeing the van, I quickly grew excited. My heart began to race, and I paced around my cage. I felt myself lose control as I opened my beak and let out a happy screech. Upon hearing this, I took back control and tried to calm myself. Usually, I...

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Anima: The Broken Wing Chapter 2

The next few days were uneventful. I spent most of my time in the small cage on the wall. Alex explained that this was only temporary until the bones in my wing started to heal. Adjusting from an unlimited open space to a small, confined space was...

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