New Journey Chapter 15: Marsh (X)

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#16 of New Journey

Seth the Hybrid

Soul the Absol

Sky the Espeon

Chp 15: Marsh

Seth opened the door after he heard a knock. Becky was there.

"Hey. So I talked to Crasher Wake, and he said he'd need some time. He said he can't just change the rules out of the blue and still give you a badge without consulting the league."

"I see." Seth muttered.

"So I was thinking me and you could go out to the Great Marsh to pass the time." She suggested with a bright smile.

"Great Marsh?" He asked.

"Yeah, it's a pokemon safari, and I know all the best spots."

"Okay then." He motioned for the girls to come.

"Actually, you can't bring pokemon. I was gonna leave Aqua here with your pokemon cause she get's lonely."

"Oh... Well I have always wanted to go to a safari... Alright. Girls, play nice. I'll be back later." He moved aside to allow Aqua to enter. As she did, she ran a paw along his chest, deliberately from what Seth could tell. "Lead the way." He said, closing the door as he left.

"So how long have you been in heat?" Soul asked.

"Is it really that obvious?" She whined. "Almost a week now. And why does your trainer smell like a male pokemon?!" She demanded, nearly hysterical.

"Cause he is. Pounce him and you'll see."

"Would that really be alright?" She asked, both hopeful and desperate.

"Sure. If you leave now, you can probably catch them."

"I... Thank you." The floatzel said, hurrying out the door.

"You sure that's alright with Seth?" Sky asked.

"Yeah, he's fine. Besides, she needs it. A week in heat must be torture."


"Entry for two." Becky said. Seth reached for his card, but she stopped him. "I got this. You're the guest after all." She paid, and they were each handed a satchel with thirty special balls inside. "Alright, follow me."

"I'm not really into the catchin' business. Maybe if we find a strong pokemon." Seth explained

"Well neither am I. It's just fun to come out here and see pokemon." She said, leading him out of the entry way, and onto a tram platform. "Get you some boots. We'll need 'em." She said, leaning down to take a pair. There was a large box of knee high boots, with a sign saying to please return them.

He did so, grabbing a pair of dirt encrusted boots and stowing his shoes in his pack. He strapped them on, and stood back up.

"Great. Follow me." She said, jumping off the side of the platform and into the swamp. There was a soaked squelch as her boots hit the muddy ground. Seth followed, grimacing as he stepped into the swamp. Every step forward was accompanied by noises and squishing.

"AHH!" He heard somebody yelp behind him. He turned to looked, and saw a flash of orange, but the person was already obscured by trees. But based on where they were, they didn't come off the platform. They were already in the trees and grass.

"Shh..." Becky whispered, getting his attention and pointing forward. There was a quagsire, with a dumb smile on its face, lying in the mud and playfully rolling around. It was clearly having tons of fun. They continued on, until they reached a border of trees. "Come on, this way." She said. She stepped onto one of the tree's exposed roots, climbing up and over.

"Isn't it usually a bad idea to go off route?"

"Yeah, but all the cool pokemon hide off the beaten path. We'll be fine. Pokemon are mostly friendly, and we have a ton of balls to scare any mean ones away."

"I guess..." He knew he would be able to keep her safe if things went south, but he didn't want to reveal his secret. Even among friends, the less people who knew, the better.

They walked a bit, until a sound could be heard. Almost like a slapping or smacking. They eventually found their way to the side of an area with deeper water. Close by, also on the shore, were two pokemon, a croagunk and a toxicroak. The older one, standing off to the side, was teaching the younger one how to fight, using a tree as a punching bag.

"Yes, right hook, use your poison! That's it!" The toxicroak, presumably the father, cheered his son on.

"Pokemon are amazing..." Becky muttered quietly. She suddenly got moving again, forcing Seth to follow or get left behind.

She led the way through more thick trees and tall grass, until she held up a hand. He leaned to the side to look ahead. There were two loud growls and a crash. Up ahead, still in the muddy swamp, there were two drapion clashing. The area around them was trampled, grass being crushed and trees being toppled. It looked like a bomb went off around the battling pokemon.

"Wow..." Becky said. She took another step forward, trying for a closer look, but she stepped on a branch. The crack came at a bad time, when there was a stalemate between the drapion. They both glared in the humans' direction. "Uhh..." Becky said. "We'll just be leaving now." She started to back up. Both the beastly pokemon roared, charging at them with deadly force. Becky reached into her satchel, tossing a ball in the drapion's direction. It was deflected, and did nothing. "Run like hell!" She shouted.

Seth also turned, and bolted, lagging slightly behind her intentionally. But then he tripped over a stump, going face first into the mud. The sound of stomping crashed over him, but nothing attacked him. He lifted his head up, wiping the mud away from his eyes. Up ahead, the two drapion were still chasing Becky, who was tossing balls behind her in an attempt to ward them off. He was soon left in the dust, in the middle of nowhere.

"Great..." He muttered. He had a general idea of where they came from, but everything in the swamp looked the same. He got back up and sat down on a dry root, scraping as much mud off of himself as he could.

"H-h-hey..." A voice, female, whimpered from nearby.

Seth looked up. There was an orange and tan otter pokemon, a floatzel, trudging through the mud towards him. "Aqua?" He asked when he thought she looked familiar. "Becky's pokemon?"

"Yeah..." She said nervously, twiddling her paws.

"Did you follow us?" She nodded. "Don't worry about your trainer. She was hauling ass. So do you think you can guide me back? You'd know this place better than me."

"Oh, uh..." She twiddled her paws more furiously and blushing. "Okay."

She was acting very different to how she did when they first met, but Seth thought it best to ignore. She was obviously shy, and confronting her might impair her ability to see him to civilization. "So uh, you never said anything when I was around before."

"Oh, I usually don't talk. My trainer can't understand me, so there isn't really much point." She explained.

"And who was it that told you I could? Soul? The absol?" He clarified.

"Yeah, she explained everything."

"Of course she did." Seth said, mentally sighing. "So why come out here? Worried about your trainer?"

"I uh, yeah, um, she doesn't leave me alone very often."

"I understand. I'm surprised Sky didn't come with. She worries a bit too much." Seth said. He noticed the ground getting dryer, and the foliage lightening up. She eventually led him to a stream, with clean water. "Hold on." He said. "I'm gonna get cleaned up before we get back." He kneeled down, undoing his boots and slipping off most of his clothes, down to his underwear.

She sat down nearby, dipping her hind paws into the water and leaning down to scrape the mud off. The river came from the marsh, but a large dam blocked the flow and filtered the grime. The resulting stream was mostly clear. He first dunked his clothes in, scraping the mud off until only several dirt stains remained. Then he himself got in, scrubbing his arms and face clean. The stream wasn't very deep, requiring him to sit down to get close enough to the water to clean easily. It was about knee height standing up.


"Seth's pokemon! Please open the door!" Becky begged, slamming her fist against the door to their pokemon center room. "Uhh, Soul! Sky!" She remembered.

"Ugghh... What does she want?" Soul groaned.

"I have no idea. She sounds panicked. It could be bad..." Sky said. She stood and began to go for the door.

"Do we really have to deal with it? He was with her and he can handle himself, and what ever she did, just fine."

But it was too late. Sky turned the latch with her powers and opened the door. Becky burst in, nearly hitting Sky with the door. "You have to come quick! Seth and I startled a bunch of angry pokemon and then they chased me and we got seperated. They could be attacking him right now! We have to go rescue him!"

"See? False alarm." Soul said, rolling onto her side and looking back to the TV.

"And where's Aqua? Oh no, she must have come looking for me! C'mon!" She urged, trying to rouse Soul. Sky was already beside her, trying in vain to calm her down somehow. Soul lazily waved her away. "Don't you care about your trainer?! He could be hurt!"

"I seriously doubt it. I'd wager he's probably gettin' lucky right about now." Soul said with a snicker.

"She's not going to leave till we help her." Sky said. "If we don't, she might just get into more trouble."

"You do have a point... Fine." Soul huffed and got up.

"Alright! Now let's go!" Becky ordered, charging out of the room. The two pokemon followed, with much less gusto.


Suddenly, Seth was tackled, falling forward, face first, into the water. There was a weight on his back, holding him down, until he started to struggle, pushing up with his arms. The thing on his back did not move, but didn't weigh enough to keep him down. He made it above the water, coughing from the sudden immersion.

"-but if I don't then I'll go crazy, I've been like this for too long and it's driving me mad, and I might just end up going after the first male I see, which I guess I really did, but still, I have to, I don't have a choice anymore-" Aqua rambled from above him.

He rolled over, toppling the otter from his back and into the water. She made a small splash and stopped talking. By the time he turned to look at her, his body was already covered in blue fur, and he was steadily shrinking into his lucario form. His nose had already changed, and he could smell her very clearly. "Oh, I understand."

She let out a small squeak as he turned to her.

"I really should have caught on sooner..." He stood, now on lucario legs, and offered a paw to help her up.

"Uhh... thanks." She said, nearly whispering. "Are you going to..."

"If that's what you want." Seth said. "Most males, feral ones at least, would just pounce a fem in heat, but I'm better than that." He could see her shuddering, and not from the water. "Relax." He reached out and rubbed the top of her head. "I won't do anything you don't want me to."

"I've, uhm, had a male before, at the day care... but never in heat..."

"And I would guess you know what will happen if we do this."

"Yes, but... I can't stand this anymore!" She suddenly yelled. "Becky doesn't even realize, and I'm burning up inside!"

"Alright, alright." Seth said, trying to calm her down. "Are you sure about this? I won't be around to raise the pup."

"Becky is a good trainer. She'll raise it." She seemed a lot better now, but she started biting her lip. "Can... can I make a... request?"

"Shoot." Seth said.

She bit her lip harder, and looked away, pulling her tails up to cover her blush. "Fuck me." She whispered. "I want to be taken by a feral male, like you mentioned earlier. I need to be bred savagely! Just rut me raw! Mount me like I'm your bitch and pound my pussy! Fucking-"

"Okay, geez. Soul would be proud..." He muttered, standing up. She immediately fell forward, assuming the position with a splash. One of her paws went back and began to furiously rub at her slit. "You've got it bad." He said, climbing over her, his paws resting in the water. His red member had already come halfway out, and he began to thrust at her rear. His tip poked around a few times, before he found his mark. Her tails began to shake on his side, the fluffy appendages rubbing under him, pinned as they were. He started to slowly slide into her cunny, but he remembered her request. He thrust hard, slamming into her.

She cried out, squirming under him, seemingly in pain.

"Aw, shit. Sorry." Seth said. "Did I go too fast? I know you're sensitive right now."

"What?! No! Keep going like that!" She begged.

"Ugh..." He complained. "Oran, that's your safe word." He said, before leaning forward and beginning to really pound her. Or at least he thought so. While he was a full on lucario, he still had the brain, at least the consciousness, of a human. There was some pokemon instinct there, that was how he was able to use moves, but he didn't think it was as strong as a natural pokemon. No matter what she wanted, he couldn't just ignore her to sate his own desires, even if that's what she really wanted. Even though her heat burned into his senses, demanded that he go wild on her pussy, he just couldn't bring himself to risk injuring her in the name of pleasure. Nevertheless, he went as hard and fast as he could without hurting her.

She was tight and wet, though Seth couldn't tell if it was her water type or the stream they were in. Seth could feel her engorged vulva rubbing against his sheath. Their anatomies weren't exactly designed to match, but mating itself wasn't so complicated.

"Uhn, uhn, mmm~" She kept grunting and purring every time his tip hit against her cervix. By the movements of her body, the shudders and grinds, she was holding herself back. He leaned down, nuzzling into her neck, right above her floatation sack. She groaned much louder, and he got a whiff of her full, heat laden, scent. His loins gave a reactionary throb, leaving smears of pre in her. He went a bit further back and began to lick her yellow sack, occasionally nibbling on it carefully.

This really set her off. She became much more vocal, moaning and squealing loudly and consistently. She nearly turned to putty under him, forcing him to clutch her and keep her up to remain in a comfortable position.

"B-b..." She kept trying to speak, but her voice failed her over and over, seemingly in time with his thrusts. He raised his head, stopping the licks on her neck. "Breed me..." She begged, barely sounding conscious.

Seth didn't even think he was really doing that much. Just the usual in and out. Not to say it wasn't pleasurable, but he certainly wasn't giving her any special treatment. But from her reaction, he was giving her mind blowing sex. That air filled organ around her body must be really sensitive. Even for being in heat, she was really into it.

"Seed me... please... I can't stand this anymore! I need relief!" She cried, losing it again. She was like a rollercoaster. Shy one moment and loud the next. He couldn't tell which part was her personality and which was the heat. Probably a mix of both.

Either way, he was close too. She had already had several orgasms, though other than the squeezing pulsations, there was little evidence. The water around them did a good job of making everything wet. His knot was large, swollen and throbbing, and banging at her lips with every thrust. There was a problem however. Despite all the lubrication, her body was not meant to take a knot. No matter how Seth tried to get it in, it was not budging. She was just too small, at least in that area. In the rush of an oncoming climax, he forgot about not hurting her, and did his all to force the lump of breeding flesh into her.

He failed however, as a pulse ran through his member and a shiver through his body. With the growth of his knot, and it not being in its rightful place, he had lost a little bit of length inside her, and his tip was not against her cervix. But there was no doubt she would get pregnant when his climax started, with the amount of liquid riolu flowing into her. With no knot, he was able to pull out easily, a sloppy wave of leftovers dribbling out of her. He was mostly done, but a small line of cum continued to flow out of his tip. He let go of her, and to his surprise, she dropped into the water, completely limp.

Seth didn't know if she could breathe under water, and didn't want to chance it. He grabbed her and pulled her back up, her belly fur rubbing along his still sensitive member. He carried her in both arms back over to the shore and set her down. And now he was stuck here, with an unconscious weasel, lost in the woods.


Aqua's eyes fluttered as she woke up. It was later in the day, close to sunset. She reached down, a paw going to her cunny, coming away wet. She ached a bit, but the raw burning need of heat was gone. She raised her head and looked around, eyes falling onto a paw full of berries.

"How are you feeling?" Seth asked. He was sitting a bit further away.

"Better..." She said.

"Good. Eat up and let's go home."

"Did we really..."

"Yes. Now I'd like to be going back to town. I'm sure the girls, and your trainer, are wondering what's going on."


After a not so long walk, they burst through the tree line and emerged into town. Seth took the lead now, heading for the pokemon center. Even if the girls weren't there, he could still change out of his wet mud stained clothes. Then they could go look for-

"AQUA, SETH!" Becky yelled. "You're both alright. Oh thank goodness, I was so worried." She rushed over, the girls with her. "We looked everywhere."

"Smells like you did your job." Soul commented with a grin.