New Journey Chapter 50: Future (X)

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#52 of New Journey

Seth the Hybrid

Soul the Absol

Sky the Espeon

Fluffy the Eevee

Tiff the Typhlosion

Daim the Mienshao

Chp 50: Future

"Ohh..." Seth groaned. His head was already throbbing and his hips felt like he'd broken a bone. Not to mention the ache in his thoroughly drained balls. His hand rose limply to rub Sky's head. He reached behind him with his other hand to rub Soul on her side. "Morning."


"Sky? Was... last night a dream?" He asked aloud. Soul's paw slipped between his legs and began to fondle his sack. Sky caught on quick as she leaned forward and gave him a quick kiss. His transformation kicked off after that.

"You idiot!" Sky bapped him on his growing snout. "You had us all scared sick!"

"Sorry. I had to-"

"You didn't! You rushed off alone, again! We're a team, we work together. Even if it's dangerous, we face it together. How many times have we talked about this?!"

"I'm sorry. But its over. We're done. Retired."

"Until we need money. Maybe we can rob some of the trainer kids around town?" Soul suggested.

"Yeah, I guess. We'll be fine for a while."

"Seth... I've been thinking. From what you told me... how do we know Arceus really will leave us alone?" Sky said. "I mean, what reason does he have? He didn't really sound like he cared what you thought, so... he could just be trying to trick us. If we think we're free... we could still be contagious. And he might go after Fluffy."

The color drained from Seth's face. "Damn. I didn't think about that. He is a god... so he could just take away all our super powers but leave it so that I still turn others into hybrids... Come on, we need to talk with Daim and Tiff." Sky rolled out of bed, followed by the others. Seth lead the way into the kitchen, where Daim was making breakfast. Tiff was waiting at the table and Fluffy was still asleep in the other room.

"Good-" Tiff started as they came around the corner. As she looked to Seth, her eyes widened and she looked away with a blush. He was still sporting a semi.

"I know." He said. "But this is all that's keeping me transformed. It's the only way we can talk."

"Huh?" Daim asked, turning around. "Oh my."

"Listen. Sky and I think Arceus may not have taken away everything. There's a chance that I still..." He trailed off, not sure how to put it to the two blushing girls.

"If he bangs you, you'll turn into hybrids, then anyone you bang will turn into hybrids."

"Yeah, thanks Soul. So if you want to...stay ... you have to stay forever. Otherwise you could spread it further."

"I'm alright with that." Daim said. "It's nice to have others to count on."

"I... I wanna stay too." Tiff said, still not looking at him. "I didn't really have much back home."

"Alright then. Welcome to the family." Seth said. "And uh, guess you'll have to get used to this. It's the only way we can talk now."

"What about Fluffy? Should we tell him?" Sky asked.

"Not yet. I don't want to scare him." Seth told her.

"He should be fully grown in a few more weeks. We shouldn't wait too long."

"Hate to break it to ya, but you've fucked lots of other pokemon." Soul said.

"I know. Dust's family, Mewtwo..."

"A bunch of absol, that chick back home, that floatzel in Pastoria," Soul listed off.

"Shit..." Seth frowned. "I have no idea how to contact most of them. And even then, we'd have to go back on the road."

"You could send Reginald." Sky offered.

"No, not alone... It'll be fine. Hopefully. None of them ever discovered they were hybrid, so... And none of them were..." Seth pointed at Soul. "So even if it spreads to their partners and offspring, it should be narrow enough. Arceus wanted me specifically to spread it, so... Maybe he needed me. Or someone like me. A natural hybrid."

"Are you sure you wanna risk it?" Sky asked.

"It'll be fine." Seth said. "If Arceus really wants a hybrid world, it'll happen. Nothing we can do to stop a god. But we won't be the tools that do it. Gonna stay here, with my family, gods be damned. I created like... twenty, maybe thirty hybrids in the long term. Nowhere near enough to make a dent in the world population."

"To think Arceus would..." Daim muttered. "I still don't get it. Why would he want everyone to be hybrid?"

"He thought they were the next step in evolution. That they'd combine the best parts of humans and pokemon to make a new race."

"That's... disturbing."

"Exactly what I thought."

"Uhm... what was it like?" Daim asked. "Meeting the creator I mean."

"Terrifying. It was like... I can't even describe it. I went up a floating staircase, above the clouds. Being in front of him... it felt like my body would just collapse in on itself. I just felt so helpless that I could barely speak. If I hadn't of gotten so angry..." Seth sat down in a chair. "A few families of hybrids won't change the world."

"What made you so angry? I would have been more scared than anything." Daim told him.

"I want to be free. Nothing is gonna get between me and my family. Having somebody tell me what to do with my life? Fuck that." He leaned back in his chair. "So what's for breakfast?"

"Hey everybody. Morn-" Fluffy announced as he wandering into the kitchen, towards the smell of food. "Uh Dad? You seem excited..."

"Yeah, I know. It's uh, a side effect. I know it's weird, but you'll have to get used to it."

"Ok." He said simply and went over to investigate the smells coming from the counter. Daim handed him a plain slice of bread, which he happily bit into and carried back over to the table. "You and auntie Soul sounded like you were having fun last night."

Seth nearly choked on his own spit.

"Yep. Lots of fun." Soul said, giving Seth a predatory look.

"You were playing for a really long time though. You must be sore." Fluffy muttered before digging into his slice of bread.

Seth coughed a few times before recovering. "Yeah. I'm going to get ready for the day, save some breakfast for me." He got up and headed for the bathroom. Sky followed him.

"Seth? Did Soul transform or anything last night?"

"No, just me."

"Well, natural hybrids only transform under certain conditions. Like when aroused. So we must be different. I'm sure we're still hybrid inside... it's just... dormant. We're artificial hybrids. So we need to learn how this... virus works. It's like a real one. If we know how it works and spreads, we can fight it, maybe even cure it."

"A virus created by god. That won't be easy to figure out. He probably made it perfect. I wouldn't be surprised if your DNA was changed."

"Yeah, but think about it. Arceus wanted to mix humans and pokemon. Remember our in between forms? Sounds about right. But where does the permanent change come in? And what all did we lose? Cause I can't transform anymore. I tried. I can't mega evolve anymore either. And you can't control what form you turn into? Maybe you can only be a lucario now? And when did Arceus get involved with our lives?"

"I don't know." Seth sighed. "Can we please not talk about this right now? There's only so much we little mortals can do to fight Arceus. Let's just relax. We've done enough."

"Alright, if that's what you want."

"It is."

Sky turned and began to walk out of the bathroom. "And you're right." She turned her head back. "I think we did all we reasonably could."


Seth emerged later, no longer smelling of sweat and sex. His body had reverted to human. He grabbed some of the leftover chicken eggs and bacon, still hot enough to eat. Fluffy, Soul and Sky were all watching TV, while Daim and Tiff were at the table with him, talking about something he could no longer understand. It didn't bother him too much, now that he knew he was only a fluffing away from speech.

Seth ate the last piece of bacon, licking his lips in satisfaction. There was something about Daim's cooking. It was really good. Not a scrap was left on the kitchen counter. Probably learned during her years of adventuring on her own. He got up and carried his dishes to the sink, giving them a rinse. "Alright. Who wants to go out for a walk?" He said, turning to the rest of the room.

"Vee! Vee vee vee!" Fluffy burst out in excitement, jumping off the couch and running over to him. He started pawing at Seth's legs.

"Hey, I get it." Seth said, bending over and giving him a pat on the head.

"Ty." Tiff said with a nod as she rose and walked over.

"Okay, let me grab my shoes and we'll head out." He did so then went for the back door, opening it and holding it so they could leave. Fluffy dashed out first, running to the edge of the trees that marked the border of their yard. Tiff came through slower, saying a thanks. "So, find anything cool yesterday?"

Tiff nodded, moving to the trees and leading the way. Seth followed, but Fluffy took the scenic route, darting in and out of the brush while running around them. The grass in some places was higher than his head, only his ears poking out the top. Seth was having a hard time keeping track of him. Not only a few days ago, his senses had been so sharp, even as a human. Now, he felt dull and muddled. He already noticed he was weaker and his ability to use aura had been greatly weakened. He could still see blurry outlines if he focused, but he couldn't manipulate it at all. The woods seemed safe enough however. They weren't out in the middle of nowhere, the town was only a quarter mile away, just beyond a bunch of trees in the other direction. And it was a peaceful area, so there wouldn't be as many vicious pokemon. And Seth was sure that if something threatened Fluffy, that'd be enough to make him change.

Tiff continued guiding them, using her larger frame to trample a path. Before long, the sound of water could be heard. They broke through the trees to arrive at a small stream. Seth knelt down next to it and put his hand into the shallow water. It was flowing, very slowly. If his sense of direction wasn't off, it was likely coming from nearby Lake Verity and going to the sea.

"Eevee!" Fluffy jumped into the water, running to the other side and back onto the grass. Seth looked further upstream, to where he was headed, and found a trio of pokemon.

There was a sawsbuck and two smaller deerling with orange fur. The sawsbuck seemed to be the parent and all three were not far away. The two little ones were drinking from the water while the parent was looking right at Seth warily. Seth just sat down as Fluffy rushed over to the family.

"Vee!" Fluffy called out as he got closer. The closer of the deerling raised its head and looked over at the happy eevee.

"Deer." It responded. As Fluffy got closer, it lowered its head to talk with him at eye level.

"Eevee vee vee, ee." Fluffy chatted with the young deer pokemon. The other one seemed shy, hiding behind the parent. During their conversation, all three of the forest dwellers looked over at Seth curiously. Fluffy must have mentioned his father. Seth just sat there, not wanting to scare them off. Tiff was doing the same. While most pokemon weren't too scared of humans, it was common for them to stay away from trainers if they didn't want to be captured or fought. If he brandished a ball, he'd send them running. He didn't even bring his backpack, so that wasn't a problem.

"Ty phlo." Tiff said absently, sitting down next to him. "Phlosion..." She mused, before suddenly gasping. When Seth looked over to see what was wrong, she was looking away, paws covering her face.

"What's up?" Seth asked.

"LO!" Tiff yelped.

Seth gave her an unconvinced look, but remained silent. Not long after, Fluffy came trotting back over with a smile. He began talking, probably about his new friends. "So Tiff, anywhere else?"

"...Ty." She muttered, starting to walk. They crossed the river, then followed it down for a while, before going back into the woods. After a few more minutes of walking, they came to a large cave mouth.

"We have a cave this close to home? How deep does it go?"

"Eevee vee." Fluffy said excitedly, getting closer and looking hopefully at Seth.

"Wanna explore? Alright, let's go home and get a flashlight."

"Phlo." Tiff said, the vents on her back letting out smoke.

"Good idea. After you."

Tiff nodded and started walking into the cave. As she did, flames began to emerge from her back, providing a light source.


"So when? You met Seth before I did." Sky said. She and Soul were still on the couch.

"Uh... he turned into an absol... like the third night? You really think it started that early?" Soul responded. She was lying on her side, mostly focused on the show.

"I do. I'm fairly certain that a normal hybrid can only turn into the species of their parents. So Seth can only be a lucario."

"That's dumb. He's hot as an absol."

"So that means Arceus had to have started influencing him really early. My theory is that Seth was perfect. He was straight, a hybrid, and ended up with you, a very sexually active pokemon. Not to mention, I'm sure that Seth already had a fetish for pokemon. It had to be a true hybrid, otherwise it wouldn't work right."

"Yeah? So?"

"So that means Arceus has been guiding our path for almost a year. And that means he could be responsible for everything."

"I'm dumb, so you're going to have to spell it out for me." Soul said, lazily raising and flopping a paw.

"Arceus could have purposefully killed your babies to punish you for not doing what he wanted. That's what I think."

Soul's lip curled back and a quiet snarl left her.

"Easy girl. I just thought you deserved to know." Sky sighed. "I hate it too, but there's nothing we can do for revenge. Arceus is the unstoppable force and the immovable object."

"The what?"

"You don't have to play dumb with me. It's okay to be smart."

"Who's playing? I just don't care. If anybody but a stupid god killed my kids, they'd already be dead. Bad shit happens all the time. Just accept it and move on. And go wax philosophical with Daim next time." Soul said, pointing a paw towards the mienshao washing dishes. "I'm trying to watch tv."

"Yeah, I'd expect her to be a bit more conversational. But I think you'll like my next idea." Sky started explaining her plan, making Soul smile.


"Wow..." Seth said as he looked around. They had come into a large underground chamber with a high roof, supported by lots of rocky pillars.

"Vee..." Fluffy agreed, looking around in awe of the sight. Numerous cave dwelling pokemon species were visible all over the cavern, the closest ones watching the group.

"Phlo..." Tiff muttered, looking around nervously. "Ty." She looked back towards the entrance, then pulled at Seth's sleeve.

"What's the matter?"

"Phlosion." She motioned with her head back the way they came.

"It's fine. Just a few wild pokemon. Come on, let's keep going." Seth began to walk forward into the chamber, Fluffy right at his side. Several of the visible wild pokemon scattered at their approach. A few more watched warily. Seth paid them no mind. They were just being cautious. He was much more focused on not freaking out. There were zubat sleeping around the ceiling.

"Vee!" Fluffy yelled into the cave, his call echoing out.

"Looks like it's just a big home." Seth said as they went deeper. There was the large chamber, segmented into chunks by walls of stalagmites and columns, then numerous other passageways off to the sides and some in the floor. "I wouldn't be surprised if nobody knew about this."

"Eevee." Fluffy said in awe as he looked around. The entire place was lit just by luminescent mushrooms, filling the cave with a dull blue glow. As they walked through, they saw more of the structure. The main chamber they were in had a very high roof, supported by thick stone pillars spread over the room. The cave was obviously not natural, as it was too ordered. Every few yards, there was a new passageway in the walls or floor leading away. Looking down some of the shorter ones revealed them to hold the individual pokemon's dwellings, with bedding and food. Some had sleeping pokemon inside, a few were awake, and other dens were empty.

"Yeah, it's pretty." Seth said. "Gonna miss finding cool places like this. The best part of adventuring."

The cave was mostly quiet. Only whispers and footsteps echoing through the cavern. But then, a loud roar tore through the cave, making everything shake. "Ty!" Tiff shouted, pointing back the way they came.

"That sounded bad. Was that what you were trying to tell me about?"

Tiff nodded.

"Sorry. C'mon Fluffy, we gotta go."

"Ee..." Fluffy said, looking a bit shook. The roar came again, causing some dust to fall from the rocks. It sounded much closer. They had already started moving again. Tiff's back lit up brighter, lighting the dim path clearly as day. A third roar came, even closer, causing the ground to tremble and making the trio break into a sprint.

The exit was in sight, only a few seconds away, when the ground cracked and broke apart. From the hole emerged a mountain of green. The tyranitar stood nearly a head above Seth. "TAARR!" It roared at them, the force of its breath pushing them back.

"Hey, hey, easy." Seth said carefully, holding up his hands in front of him and taking a step forward. "We were just exploring. I'm not even a trainer. My name is Seth. This is my friend Tiff, and my son Fluffy. We just moved in nearby and accidently found this place. Sorry if we were intruding."

The tyranitar glared at him through his entire speech. He took a step forward and swung a huge arm, hitting Seth right in the side. He went flying and crashed into the rock wall, letting out a pained cough. He could feel warm liquid running from his nose. Seth clenched his fists. Fluffy. Protect.

Tyranitar took a step forward, ignoring the crumpled trainer and setting his eyes on Tiff. She growled and stepped in front of Fluffy. They came face to face, him a foot taller than her, both glaring at each other. In the blink of an eye, Tiff raised her knee up sharply, bringing it squarely into Tyranitar's sack. He let out a cry and fell to his knees, cradling the wounded orbs. Tiff took the opening and grabbed Fluffy with one paw. She dove around the side and grabbed Seth with the other, hefting his slightly furred body over a shoulder before dashing out of the cave.


"I wonder where Seth is." Sky said. "They've been gone a while."

"The forest is quite big. They could have wandered all the way to Sandgem town by now." Daim told her. "I'm sure they're fine either way." She raised her cup of tea and took a slow drink of it. "Would you like some?" She offered, holding out the cup for Sky.

"No, I'm okay. I just feel like they got into some kind of trouble."

"Seth? Trouble? Of course he did. I'd be more surprised if he didn't find anything out there." Soul said from across the room. "If you are so worried, give his dex a call. He took it with him."

"I think I will." She hopped off the chair and walked over to the home phone, using her tail to work it. Luckily, Seth had written down a series of important numbers on a nearby notepad.


"Tiff, go ahead and put me down." Seth said.

"O... okay." She carefully leaned over and let him down onto his hindlegs. She was panting after running with all her stubby legs could give. Seth was too, as the adrenaline drained from him.

"Fluffy? You alright?" Seth asked, his fur already starting to retract.


"Good. Tiff, you did great back there." Seth took a few deep breathes. "If he hadn't of sucker punched me..." A ringing suddenly began. Acting on instinct, Seth's paw reached down to his side, to where his pockets would be, but only touched fur. He looked down in confusion. That was the sound of his dex getting a call. But it was in his pocket, in his human clothes, that he was no longer wearing. As the fur began to completely vanish, he appeared nude for a moment, before his clothes materialized on his now human body. His hand immediately dove into his pocket and pulled out his dex. "Crap. It's Sky."

He pressed the answer button and held it up to his ear. "Hey Sky... Yeah, we're doing fine... We went pretty far out... We're heading back now... See you soon. Love you." He hung up and returned his dex. "Phew. Alright listen. Nobody say anything to Sky."

"Vee?" Fluffy asked.

"If mom knew you got into danger today, she'd keep you locked inside for a year." Seth warned him, making him wince at the thought. "Exactly. We're all okay, so let's just keep it a secret."

"Ty." Tiff pointed to him.

"Huh?" He quickly realized she was pointing to his bloody nose. "That river. I can clean up there."


"Lying to Sky? It's better for her. She'd worry herself sick if she knew there was a cave monster nearby. Oh, and Fluffy, no going back to that cave." Seth said.

"Vee." Fluffy agreed.


"We're home!" Seth announced.

"Vee eevee vee." Fluffy called, running up to Sky excitedly. He began telling her about their adventure, hopefully leaving out a certain part. Seth kicked off his shoes at the door and walked over, taking a seat next to Soul.

"Ab." She said, pointing to his nose.

Seth brought up a finger and rubbed it under his nose, feeling a bit of dried blood on it. He must have bled more after washing it. Or he just missed it. "Oh, I uh, ran into a branch."

"Sol! Absol!" Soul rolled onto her back as laughter consumed her.

"Yeah, yeah, I know."


"It's not that funny..." He muttered, reaching over and rubbing her belly. "So what're ya watchin'?"

"Ab." She rolled back onto her stomach, laying sideways on the couch and bringing her head to rest on his lap.


"And there was this other family by the river. It was their dad, a boy and a girl. The boy was nice. He said we could play some time." Fluffy explained. He and Sky were near the back door and the kitchen counter, sitting on the floor.

"You made a friend? I'd like to meet him some time." Sky said, giving him a lick on the head. "So, what else did you find?"

"There was lotsa trees. The forest is really big."

"Yeah, daddy said you got lost. And, what else?"

"Uh... that's about it."

"Then why are you so dusty?" Sky asked.

"Ah, we did find a cave, but... it was just a small one."

"Oh, that's too bad. It sounds like you had fun though." She said with a smile, continuing her grooming.

"Tiff?" Daim asked. The typhlosion had joined her sitting at the table. "Are you alright? You look... ragged."

"Yeah. I think." She sighed. "It's just..." She looked over at Seth on the couch, watching the back of his head for a few seconds.

"Would you like to talk about it?"


"Would you like to talk about it in the other room?" Daim asked more gently.

Tiff drew in a deep breath. "Alright." They both stood and walked out of the room, down the hall and into their bedroom. Inside, there were three smaller beds, each along one of the walls and spread out. The smallest, with brown sheets, was Fluffy's and the other two, bigger in size, were red for Tiff and blue for Daim.

Daim sat down on her bed, neatly made, and patted beside her. "Go ahead, let me know what's troubling you."

"Well... It's Seth. I just... He makes me so nervous." Tiff twiddled her paws and looked down.

"You've known him longer than I have. Tell me about him." Daim urged.

"I used to work at the daycare in Solaceon town. Then some bad guys broke in and stole a bunch of pokemon. I went off to rescue them... but they had guns. I almost got killed. Then Seth showed up. He saved the day. When he left, I couldn't stop thinking about him. And then Mewtwo showed up and offered to take me to him... And here we are."

"I see. And how were you before you met him?"

"Hot headed. One of my jobs was to make sure all the pokemon in the daycare got along. And stop fights and stuff. So I had to be tough. I guess I'm still strong but... Whenever I'm around Seth... I just get so nervous. I'm afraid I'll... I don't know, look stupid?"

"I think I understand."

"I mean, today I..." Tiff continued, pausing to look away. "I said I wanted a baby like Fluffy. Right in front of him. But he couldn't understand me thankfully."

"Mmhmm. You're in love."

"Well thanks, I never would have guessed." Tiff said sarcastically.

"Have you ever thought of acting on it?"

"Well... when Seth was hurt from the elite four, we got... intimate... but he said he was too hurt and would do something special for me later. He might've forgot with all that happened."

"Or he just hasn't got around to it yet. Maybe you should make the first move?"

Tiff hid behind her paws, a bit of smoke coming from her back.

"I'll help you out. But not tonight. Soul and Sky already made plans." Daim reached over and put a paw on her shoulder. "Relax. Everything will be fine."

Tiff just let out a quiet squeak.

"Take your time and think about it. I need to go start making lunch." Daim stood up and left the room, quietly closing the door behind her. Tiff sat quietly for a little while before going back outside too.

Seth and Soul were still on the couch, Fluffy having joined them. They were watching some kind of reality show. Sky was sat at the table, doing nothing in particular. Daim was putting the finishing touches on a bunch of sandwiches. Instead of serving the cold lunch meat, she set the oven to the lowest setting and put them inside to warm them up and melt the cheese while leaving the bread soft. "Lunch is served." She announced to the room.

"C'mon branch face, let's get some food." Soul said.

"You hungry too? It smells pretty good." Seth responded.

"Branch face, branch face!" Fluffy teased.

"Don't worry, there's plenty for everyone." Seth said, rubbing the giddy eevee's ears.

"Don't be so mean to your clumsy daddy." Sky urged.

"Alright, these look pretty good." Seth said as he took a bunch of plates over to the table while Daim carried the tray of food.

The sandwiches were simple, with lunch meat, slices of melted cheese, plain bread and lettuce, eight in total. Seth passed out the plates, then handed out the food. Soul was sat next to him, Sky and Fluffy were together, and Daim and Tiff had the other two sides. "Thanks Daim." Seth said before chowing down.

"Hey Daim, this is good and all, but uh, can we get something more exotic?" Soul asked. "I was watching this show about a famous restaurant in Alola. They have this stuff called Whirlpool Sushi. It's like raw fish and vegetables. Looked pretty good."

"Oh... that sounds complicated. I doubt I could replicate it perfectly."

"I think you can." Sky said. "There's something about how you make food that makes it taste good."

"Well, I learned by cooking for myself. While I was traveling, there were only raw ingredients. I figured if I did something with them, they'd taste better."

"It shows. You can use Seth's computer to get on the internet and learn the recipe." Sky explained.

"Ah, I would never have thought of that. If you'll help, I promise to expand my skills."

"Sure, it sounds like fun. Just don't expect cooking from me." Sky held up a paw and wiggled her pads.

"That's fine. I don't shed much and," she held out and arm and gave a sharp twist of her wrist, causing her sleeve like fur to spin and wrap up around her arm, leaving her bipedal paws clear. "See? Easy and ready to work. Though I wouldn't mind some thumbs."

It didn't take long for the food to disappear, after which everyone scattered about their business. Seth went to clean up from the walk with a shower, Soul back to TV, Sky and Daim went for the office, where Seth's new home pc was. Tiff sat at the table for a bit before she went outside.

Seth emerged from their bedroom, checking the other rooms as he came down the hallway. "Soul? You seen Tiff?"

"Outside." She pointed towards the back door.

"Oh. I'm worried about her. She's been acting nervous. More than usual."

"What else is new?"

"I think she might be scared I forgot about her. I promised to show her a good time at the battle resort. But I never got around to it."

"Good luck with that. I bought a dexflix subscription with your card, so I've got some series to catch up on."

"I'm sure you're giving me some sage advice right now." Seth muttered sarcastically, sitting beside her. "Scooch." He said, bringing his feet up to lie on the couch. As Soul moved, he leaned forward and pulled her up onto him. She snuggled against his chest and turned to keep watching TV. "I love you." He said while petting her head.

"I hope your balls are full. We're gonna fuck the shit outta you tonight."

"I didn't get any of that."

"I'm gonna get that dick." She purred, running a claw carefully along his shirt. She was being more cuddly than usual, though Seth couldn't tell why beyond that she was in a good mood.


"Oh, this one looks good." Sky said, pressing her paw on the screen to select the recipe.

"It does... but we don't have what we need to cook it."

"That's fine. We can make a list and go with Seth to get it. Tomorrow."

"I heard your plan earlier. Are you sure Seth is up to it after what Soul did to him last night?"

"I think so. Maybe." Sky said. "I'll admit, Soul made me a little jealous. I'm not normally as active as she is, but, you know. A girl can get needy sometimes. How many rounds did they go last night?"

"I lost count after the... sixth I think. I almost feel bad for him."

"Yeah. I only want some attention. I can save some of his energy for you if you'd like. You did seem pretty open to it earlier."

"Seth does have... a certain allure. But no, spend your quality time. I'm okay with waiting. I am serious about spending the rest of my life with you all. I think we've both had enough traveling. And you've been so kind to me." Daim told her. "Although I think Tiff would like the next time."

"I thought so too. Poor thing got ignored in all the Arceus commotion. I'll see if I can help that along." She looked away, out the window, for a little while, then sighed. "It feels weird. I've always been on the move, training and traveling, even before Seth saved me. Now settling down... just doesn't feel real."

"I feel the same. I barely know you all, yet I feel like we're family. It's like it's all a dream. It'll pass."

"I suppose."

"Do you mind if I take over?" Daim asked.

"Sure, you just press on the screen." Sky explained, hopping out of the seat. Daim slid in after her. Sky looked confused as the mienshao began a search.

"Okay... I see..."

"Uh, why are you researching pokephilia?" Sky asked.

"I'm curious. It says eighty percent of people find pokephilia to be immoral. The population of humans is about two billion." Daim read off.


"Humans are strange. I think all pokemon are okay with interspecies sex. So why is it taboo for them?"

"They do a lot of strange things. Just cultural differences I guess."

"But our species have lived so close for so long."

"I wonder who came first? Pokemon or human?" Sky pondered.

"Well, since Arceus is a pokemon, I'd wager us."


"Ugh... damn..." Tiff growled to herself, rubbing her paws roughly over her face. "Why is he so... Argh..." A cracking branch broke her tirade, causing her to look sharply toward the source. "What are you doing here?" She growled menacingly.

"I don't want a fight." Tyranitar said. He was behind a bush, but was so tall that it didn't do much to hide him. He stepped through it and closer to Tiff. They were just out of view of the house, with her leaned against a tree.

Her eyes darted around for a moment, taking in the environment as she began forming a strategy. "Then why are you here?"

"I wanted to offer you a chance to join my family. We keep each other safe, away from the humans."

"And why would I want that?" She said angrily.

"No female has ever bested me before. You would make a good mother. Leave your servitude and come with me. I won't let your trainer come after you."

Tiff grunted as she stepped forward. "Okay jackass. Listen up. My trainer is a good person. Don't ever talk bad about him." She threatened with a growl. "We have our own family here. And now you're the one intruding. So how about a deal. You treat us nice, and we'll be nice back. My 'trainer'," she made air quotes with her paws. "Isn't one anymore. He won't capture any of you. You go on back home and tell everyone else that."

"Humph. Suit yourself." He turned to leave, stomping back off through the foliage.

"See you around, neighbor."


"Ahh," Seth yawned with a stretch. "Think it's about my bed time." He sat up from the couch, giving Soul a pat on the head before leaving the room. As he entered the hall, Sky fell in behind him, following through the bedroom and into the bathroom. He began to brush his teeth while Sky wetted her paws with a little water to aid in cleaning herself. "How come pokemon don't need to brush their teeth? I gotta, twice a day, every day, for the rest of my life."

"I dunno." Sky responded, though he couldn't understand. "Pokemon don't really get sick, so our bodies could just be more resilient. Even though we live about as long as humans, we don't age the same."

"Cut the chatter!" Soul called from the other room. "I'm waiting in here!"

"Be patient." Sky said back.

"Why are you even cleaning yourself before? You're just gonna get sweaty again."

"Because it feels nice to be clean. I mean really clean, like with water, not just your tongue."

Seth put his toothbrush away as he finished. "Geez you two." He patted Sky's head, getting a smile back. Holding his chin, he looked in the mirror and checked over his face. "Need to get a haircut. And maybe a shave." Seth left the sink and headed for the bed, Sky right behind him. He slid into bed, nestling under the covers next to Soul. "Alright, good night." He leaned over and kissed Soul on the forehead then did the same to Sky. His arm reached for the lamp and flipped it off, plunging the room into darkness.

Soul and Sky looked at each other over Seth's body. Their eyes could see fine in the dark, but he couldn't, giving them the perfect cover for their plan. Soul fidgeted a bit, eager to get started, but Sky was the one who would start things. After a while, Seth was asleep.

Sky carefully got out from under the covers, her slim body and light weight making it easy to move silently. Soul was already above them, not needing extra warmth with her thick coat. Once Sky was free, she slowly moved the covers off Seth. It was a bit chilly, but not enough to rouse him. The entire process took a few minutes. When he was exposed, Sky stood and moved down the bed, resting her head right next to his underwear.

This time, less stealthily, she stuck her paw in the hem and began to pull them down. "Herghm..." Seth groaned, attempting to roll over. She kept her paw on his hip, preventing the weak movement. "Soul, not again." He raised his head and looked down. "Sky?" She responded by rubbing her paw along his limp dick. "Oh, alright. But just once." He turned to give a stern look at Soul, who just smiled back.

He began to get erect, causing his transformation to start. Hair was replaced with fur and a sheath grew out to cover his reddening member. It was soon drawn back as he got close to full size. Seth let out a groan as her soft paws rubbed along the sensitive flesh. He reached over with a paw and flipped the switch on the lamp, lighting up the room. His back arched as he moved a bit so he could comfortably watch her service him. She kept petting his cock, making sure to pay attention to the tip, smearing pre back down along his length.

Now that he was slicked, taut flesh glistening in the orange glow of the lamp, she moved her head closer. Her paws drifted further down, tugging on the bottom of his sheath as they went to his balls. A cold wet nose tapped on the side of his shaft, making him jump a little. Her tiny little tongue stuck out and took a lick. Meanwhile, her paw reached his sack, rubbing along the bulge slowly as her paw went under them, feeling their weight. "Geez. Soul really did drain you."

"Y-yeah. They're k-kinda sore, so be ah, gentle." Seth told her, shifting as she touched them.

"That's my specialty." She purred, rubbing her cheek on his member slowly. Her paw traced slow lines along the outline of his balls, gently massaging them under the skin. She went back to licking the shaft. Her tongue was smaller than Soul's, owing to her vulpine resemblance. It was also rougher, forcing her to only use the tip in the most gingerly touches.

Unlike the insatiable Soul, Sky took her sweet time. In any other circumstance, it would be torturously slow. But the careful licks were soothing on his sore manhood. Sky moved her body, putting her rear within his reach. He picked up on the wordless request, resting his paw on her haunch and rubbing along towards her crotch. At the same time, he felt a nudge on his other side. When his head turned to look, Soul locked him in a deep kiss.

Without looking, his paw followed the familiar landscape, over the crest of her butt and back down into the canyon that held her treasure. His pads brushed along the soft folds of her vulva, and past, then back again. He repeated these long brushing strokes until she pushed back into his paw. He then shifted his attention to exploring her lips, rubbing between them and on her clit, matching her slow and gentle pace.

Seth broke away from Soul, his other paw going to touch her, when Sky stopped licking. He looked down to find her standing up and moving over him. She laid out on his chest, head right at crotch level. Her hind legs splayed out up the bed, pressing against the headboard, and putting her pussy right in his face.

Seth's paws followed, coming to rest each on a cheek, gripping the soft butt. For such a small and lean creature, she did have a healthy backside. She went back to gently licking and occasionally sucking at his member, though he couldn't see it through her body. He was more focused on playing with her. He kept his paws on her rear, massaging and kneading it until he felt satisfied. The girls didn't have breasts. No pokemon did as, besides miltank, they didn't produce milk. So even though Seth was more a tit man, this had to suffice.

Sky raised her head to the top of his member, suckling the pre from the tip for a bit. As much as she would have loved to engulf the whole thing, she didn't want to cause Seth any discomfort. The way he twitched and moved; his reproductive system was shot. Soul might as well have broken his bones. If she took him inside her... it might feel like he was on fire. Real sex was likely too intense for him right now. Even an orgasm might be out of reach. Her worries about that didn't seem to matter much to him though, with the attention he was giving her now.

He had moved from cupping her buttocks to running his paws around between her legs, rubbing along the crevices and over the mound. His paws stopped moving on either side of her lips, gently peeling the petals apart. Unlike Soul, her pussy was more normally colored. It was a light pink, becoming redder with arousal. She was smaller and tighter than Soul, though not by much in the latter aspect. She was already plenty wet, her caring for his member having riled her up.

Seth rubbed his paw pads along her folds, touching every soft curve but always gliding around, not over, her entrance. Though his paws lacked the accuracy of fingers, they were more textured and touched more sensual flesh at once. He paid close attention, watching in utter fascination as he kneaded the flexible skin. It was simple, but endlessly erotic to see her cunny so close. Every single tiny pulse, every quiver, her hole squeezing around nothing, as if it was begging for attention. "Ah, Seth..." She groaned as he rubbed at her button.

That did it, causing him to lean forward enough to bring his muzzle to her. She trembled at the first hot breath washing over her nethers. His mouth opened and his broad canine tongue flopped out. He took a long brushing lick up, then back down. Tongue retreating back inside with her nectar on it, he remembered what Soul said, pondering on the flavor. But he couldn't place it in the slim frame of time he was willing to spend on it. Her juices were mostly bland. There was something there, but he was more concerned with taking another few laps of her pussy. As he did, she shuddered again and pushed back into him.

He pulled back his face, gently pushed her to adjust her opening into position, then dove back in. This time, his tongue was right on target, pressing against her hole, before pressing inside. He slowly pushed his tongue deeper into her cunny, tracing circles along her walls as he went. He couldn't push too far in without hurting his jaw, instead focusing on licking along her ridges.

"Mmmm..." Sky purred, rubbing her legs against him. "I'm close."

"Want me to hold off? So we cum together?" He asked, removing his tongue and licking his lips.

"You sure you have any left? You don't have to finish for me."

"Yeah, on second thought... Maybe I shouldn't." His decision didn't change her actions, as she went back to nursing his cock. He wasn't close in the slightest. A simple sway of her rear got him back, closing the distance and going back to work. He changed from just licking to thrusting his tongue as deep as he could and slurping in and out of her cunny. At the same time, his paws helped, one squeezing her butt and the other rubbing at her clit, just under his muzzle.

"Ahhh..." Soul sighed next to him. She relaxed and stretched on her back as her climax washed over her. Her claws were hidden from view, buried all the way inside of her. Juices ran freely down her legs, puddling on the bed.

Sky was right behind her, passage quivering around Seth's outstretched muscle. A moment later, a rush of fluid gushed out of her, soaking his muzzle. He stayed there for a bit, her legs clenched around him and holding him in place. He was content to stay there, nestled between her legs for as long as she wanted, until his nose began to tickle.

Sky felt a push on her back legs and let them go. She hadn't realized she was squeezing that hard.

Seth pulled back and turned his face away. "Uh... ah... hah... AHCHOO!" He sneezed loudly. "Ugh..." He groaned. "Sorry, think I got some in my nose."

"So Sky's a squirter? Who would've thought." Soul said.

"Yeah, I'll say." Seth said, licking his lips. His face was covered in her honey. "Is that... grapes?" He asked.

"That's what she tastes like to me. Uh, you okay Sky?"

"Mmm." Sky grunted. She was lying limp atop Seth, her eyes shut and a contented smile on her face. Seth's cock was resting against her shoulder.

He carefully picked her up, moved her to the side, spun her around, and laid her down on the bed. Thanks to his enhanced fighting type strength, it was effortless. "Goodnight." Patting her head with one paw, he turned off the light with the other.