A Neighbourly Favour

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#2 of Beau & Lothan

The somewhat delayed continuation of Lothan and Beau. For fans of Lothan, I'm sorry but he's largely not present. This entry features a bit more build up of the world and mainly focuses on Beau. Two new characters show up too. The main plot revolves around him being caught cleaning himself up after part I and being extorted for a favour, a bit tamer than last entry. I feel it is a bit of setup entry so can't be too intense.

No special TW this story.

Beau and Lothan are my characters.

Comments and faves always welcome. Hope readers enjoy it. :)


It seemed to carry far in the open clearing, his voice had been louder than he'd expected. The lion hadn't changed direction, did he hear it? Did he just not care? He moved past the low brush and disappeared from view as he passed behind the tree line. The last sight of his firm athletic butt faded from view. He didn't even seem to acknowledge the words.

Beau panicked, the full gravity of what had happened really setting in. He sat there, naked, having just been fucked by that lion. The cum leaked slowly from his ass, he started to feel a rather deep shame. He could smell the rank scent of the lion all over his face, he was covered in it. It was everywhere. It didn't seem likely that he could get it out easily, he'd been pretty thorough. He rubbed his sore ass, some red marks remained, even a small welt.


That's what he'd been called. He turned a bright red, he felt humiliated. He didn't want to admit how easily he'd fallen into the trap only to just get used as the lion's toy. It was embarrassing. He stood up from the ground and brushed off his fur, dusting off some dirt. He had a few marks on his leg where the rope had held him tightly. He felt gently along his shoulder blade, tracing the large bite the lion had taken on it. He winced in pain, it did hurt quite a bit. "Jeez, that's probably gonna leave a scar."

"Damn it. Lothan?" he said, not too loudly. He picked up his satchel, now short of a bit of his rations but otherwise intact. He had nothing to cover up, it left him a bit annoyed to just be on full display as he walked around. He followed the direction the lion had gone, pushing the brush aside and looking around.

"Lothan?" he said a bit quieter. He was a bit unsure if the lion was playing games, he didn't want to attract the attention of anyone else. He pushed past a few more branches of brush and looked around the area more. No sign of him, and he couldn't really follow his smell that well as it was everywhere on his nose.

Beau felt stupid, the lion was gone and he didn't care about him. He would have stayed otherwise or even taken him captive. He was just a bit of fun to be hunted, used and tossed. He sighed out loud, he went back to the clearing and sat on the rock that Lothan had used. It wasn't warm anymore. He just felt kind of pathetic now, naked and alone. He pulled his knees up, hugged them and cried, sobbing alone in the clearing. He felt the tears run down his face and onto his chest, he tried not to make too much noise. He sniffed a few times, trying to control himself. After a while the tears stopped and he wiped them on his arm. He stood up slowly looking around, he'd best head back he thought.

"Stupid lion. Why should I care where he goes anyway?" he said, feeling a bit of anger rise within after reflecting on the matter.

He found a bit of rope Lothan had used and placed it in his satchel, there was a bit of his leonine smell on it but not much. He wasn't sure why he took it but it seemed at least generally useful. He set off back to the village, grumbling and annoyed. The breeze had picked up and the day had passed, so it felt colder than ever with nothing on.

Walking back into the village smelling like a lion and with fluids all over seemed like a poor idea, so Beau decided to take a detour to a small pond a fair ways outside the village. It wasn't used much and wouldn't add a lot of time to the return trip. A few hours passed as the dog trekked the route back through the forest. The sun hung low on the horizon as the dog arrived at the body of water. A few large rocks dotted the edge of the pond, good for sitting when groups showed up. The pond wasn't that popular as there was a closer lake most of the tribe used. Beau carefully looked around, it seemed the coast was clear.

Without another thought the husky quickly made his way to the edge. He bent down on his knees and bowed his head low so he could gently cup some water in his hands, he lapped it up greedily. It'd been a long day and he hadn't had much since this morning, he probably should have brought a waterskin with him. He cupped a bit more and splashed it in his face, trying his best to work out some of the sticky spots on his muzzle. It was refreshing to be able to clean up.


Beau looked up and over his shoulder, there he saw one of the members of his tribe. A tall athletic male Husky, standing upright peered from behind a tree. He wore a slightly thick leather loin cloth and had some backpack slung to his back. He otherwise didn't seem to be in a hurry. There was a mischievous smile to his face as he spied on the bent over husky. Quickly Beau turned around and tried to cover himself a bit, annoyingly he could only do so with his left paw. The other male approached.

As the new dog came into view he saw that it was Derek, his neighbour. To some degree this was a bit of a relief, but all the same there was something a bit unsettling about it. He walked up and unslung his pack, letting it drop to the ground. Thud. Beau could see there was a bit of gear in there, he'd been hunting and had probably caught some small animal like a bunny for a meal. Derek had worked up a sweat and wanted to cool off in the water before returning. He was really close now, it would be hard for him not to clue in exactly on what had happened, Beau was annoyed.

Derek was a dark black husky, with a few streaks of teal splotched around his fur. He was just about the same height as Beau but much more toned, almost athletically built. He wasn't one of the top few dogs in the village but strong enough to hold his own and hunt and fish. He wore just a simple loincloth, it was a bit larger than the one Beau had previously covering him amply in front and behind. He had a single earring in his right ear and had a spear in hand as well as a pack around his back. He definitely looked like he'd been busy this morning, his pack full and his fur a bit matted with perspiration.

"Hey Beau, what happened? Nice little bite you got there on your shoulder, upset an animal? Did it run off with your loincloth too?" he asked with a bit of a smirk, he squatted down next to the exposed husky. It was hard not to notice the smell of sex in the air, the new canine could smell it enter his nostrils without any effort.

"Very funny. I uh .... I got a bit tied up and things got out of hand." he said, feeling embarrassed to be caught so exposed. There wasn't really any way to hide this given that Derek was right on top of him sniffing the air.

"I see that. I didn't think you were a tail raiser." he said, still smiling. Even as Beau tried to hide it, his new guest could easily see the signs of cum on his butt. Beau didn't like the attention, most of the males in the village weren't too keen on that type of thing but Derek just kept casually talking.

"I ... I'm not. It wasn't really a choice. Look, please keep this to yourself Derek. Ok?" he asked, feeling a bit nervous about the way the other dog kept smiling. He splashed a bit more water on his face, attempting to clear out the smell of the lion from his nose.

"I think that can be arranged." he said, his tone felt slightly menacing. Derek's hand seemed to find a way to Beau's butt, it groped him gently once or twice.

"Hey. What are you doing?" the dog asked, a bit worried by the free touching.

"I think you might need to pay a bit for the silence, Beau. You get my drift?" his voice had changed now, he sounded more cool and authoritarian, the same smile spread across his muzzle. He continued to gently grope his rear, squeezing one butt cheek. Beau stayed by the edge a bit stunned, the betrayal of his friendly neighbour stung.

"Can't we work something else out, like I run some errands for you? What about Miriam?" he said, his ears flattened a bit as he felt like he was no more likely to get out of this than his encounter with Lothan.

"She's a good mate but she's felt a bit off lately, I haven't gotten any satisfaction. No, I don't think there's an alternative coming to my mind." he said, that smile suddenly seemed to Beau very malicious. His hand gently found its way up his back and gently played with the husky's tail, gently rubbing in the area.

Beau sighed very loudly, here he was just a short while after his encounter with Lothan and his neighbour was trying to use him as well. Today was proving to be a very bad day for him. He felt there weren't a lot of options on the table. The village wasn't really tolerant of homosexual behaviour. Even if it was, if other males found out he'd tolerated that then he'd just be prey for some of the more virile males in the group and he wasn't strong enough to defend himself.

"I ..." as he was going to speak he whined a bit, a small sad cry emerging from Beau. He felt Derek just casually not only grope him but slip a finger inside his asshole, it was his middle finger. He probed back and forth a bit, his smile stayed on his face. Beau growled a bit at first but then relented, another sigh emitting from his muzzle. Derek scooted up as close as he could to Beau, seating himself at the edge of the pond after he withdrew his finger.

"I see you got a present from your friend," he said, that mischievous grin on his face was really starting to grate on Beau. He sniffed a bit his finger, he could tell it had been a lion, the scent was pretty strong. "Your boyfriend just left after pounding you? Man that's really pathetic." he said, the words stung a lot but worse was there was a small grain of truth. Lothan had just used him and then left.

"Shut your mouth." Beau snapped back, uncreatively. He felt his shame burn a bit at being so severely teased.

"No, I think not. I don't really want sloppy seconds so I think you will be shutting your mouth ... around my dick." Before he could say anything more in response, Derek shoved his middle finger into Beau's mouth, the taste of cum filled his muzzle. After he'd just gotten it out of his nose, it was annoying to be reminded of the lion's handiwork. He stared angry at the other dog but didn't object, knowing he had to keep his secret. He let him probe his finger into his muzzle as he wanted, his eyes seethed a bit with anger directed at Derek.

Derek smirked, he was content that Beau was being so compliant. Without much effort, he pulled his loincloth to the side exposing his red throbbing member. It was a good 6 inches at the moment and still hardening. He withdrew his finger from Beau's maw and let the dog breathe. Beau coughed a bit, he was annoyed at the treatment but just kept staring.

"How about you slip in the water, you can start washing all this stink off yourself while being useful." he gave Beau a small but forceful spank on his butt. He glared but ultimately it was probably for the best, he'd be less noticeable too. Last thing he needed was someone else spotting him.

Beau complied, his ears a bit flat and low, he scooted into the water. It felt nice and refreshing, he could easily crouch in the shallows and be almost hidden. He splashed a bit on his muzzle and cleaned himself off a bit from his behind before he heard Derek cough gently. His lone paw extended pointing down at his now fully stiff 8 inch member, it pointed straight at Beau. Derek slipped his legs into the edge of the pool and while he waited took a sip of water in his hands.

"Anytime you are free." Derek said, sounding rather impatient as he sat on the edge of the water.

Beau sighed and shifted over next to the edge. Even though he was wet he could still now smell the dog a bit more, Derek had a particular sweaty smell all over him from exercising and it was a little sweet too. Maybe he'd rubbed against some fruit bushes? He brought his muzzle close to the dick and gently licked the tip, it was more of the same. A bit of a strong musk enhanced by a bit of salty pre.

"We don't need to spend an hour here, just get me off." he said, his smile continued but with a slightly menacing look. He spread his legs a bit more and scooted forward, pushing his member against Beau's snout.

Beau got the message and gently opened his muzzle, licking more strongly the dog's dick. He let the cock slip a few inches into his mouth, he inhaled a bit as he did that smelling the musk lingering. He looked up and saw that Derek's mouth widened, exposing a tooth or two. Beau felt the other dog's hand come up behind his neck but rather than pull, he felt a gentle rub. Derek started to rub up his head, messing up his fur a bit but it was nice.

"That's a good boy. Suck my bone until I pop." he said, his tone a bit demeaning but not generally malicious in nature. His hand started to play a bit with Beau's ears, fingering them lightly. He did like that, Beau felt himself spontaneously wag a bit. He felt betrayed by his body.

Beau brought up one of his hands and gently started to stroke off the part he didn't have in his mouth. His tongue played around under the cock, using it to firmly push against it in pulses. He was trying to get this over with quickly, he was getting annoyed at Derke. It was bad having had Lothan on top of him, now his neighbour was taking advantage. He used his other hand to gently rub the inside of Derek's dark thigh, looking up at the other dog once or twice.


It wasn't the sound Beau wanted to hear. Another village member was nearby and walking toward the water. He looked up rather worried but Derek just calmly held him firm from the back, preventing him from removing himself from the cock to talk. Derek looked back, seeing Karn one of the village guards approach.

Karn was a tall, sleek and very athletic husky, standing about 6'4 feet tall and with an extremely athletic and muscular build. He'd been the village's top dog at this year's athletics competition and had always been a hunter and guard for the village. He had a bit of a mean streak to inferior dogs, especially Beau but otherwise got on with Derek. He wore a simpler loincloth and carried a small axe on his back, tied to a strap that ran around his chest. It was mainly for wood but also anyone who threatened him.

"Oh hi Derek. I just wanted to refill my waterskin. Been a hot day." he said, casually saying. Then he noticed that there was someone in the water but couldn't make it out from the shade. Suddenly he felt a bit more interested.

"Oh Karn. You caught me a bit, indisposed. Do you think maybe you could come back in 10? Miriam is helping me out, you know." he said, smiling and rubbing the back of his head a bit. He was careful to keep his body between Karn and Beau.

Beau felt utterly debased by this, not only was he blowing off Derek but now he was almost caught by Karn. He wanted this day to end, it felt like it could only get worse from here. He tried his best to be quiet and suckled gently on the cock, trying not to be too obvious. He gently massaged Derek's now exposed knot, squeezing it gently.

"Oh, of course. Does she offer help to everyone at the water hole today?" he said, teasingly but also with a bit of aggression. He licked his lips a bit, Miriam had always been a bit of a crush of his.

Derek looked down at the now slightly panicking Beau, his eyes betrayed a kind of fear. His ears were flat. "I don't think so, Karn." he said, trying to wave the dog off.

"Alright then, I'll be back in a few. Have fun." Karn said, as he slowly turned a bit disappointed but understanding, he wouldn't share Miriam either if he had her. He felt a bit annoyed, it would have been nice to share.

Beau looked up and waited until the coast was clear, he saw Karn leaving too. He firmly yanked himself up and coughed a bit, short on breath. He inhaled new air sharply. "Damn it, that was close."

"Yeah, I almost wish he'd come a bit closer then we'd have had some real fun." he said, still smirking. Beau wasn't sure if he was trying to be funny or serious, it wasn't to his liking. "I'm also close though, so hurry up." Derek continued, he jerked himself off a few times right in front of Beau to make his point, pre leaking from the top profusely.

"Right right, message received." Beau said, rolling his eyes, he brought his muzzle back down on the dog's cock and sucked a few times strongly. Now that he'd done this for a bit, he hated to admit but he did like the smell of Derek, the mix of sweat and a bit of musk on him was growing on Beau. Perhaps he was just becoming a bit of a slut for everyone to use. He stroked rather firmly on the dog's base and around his knot.

"Yes, close. I'm gonna let it out." Derek said as for once, he closed his eyes and his face seemed content, losing the smile. He started to buck a bit into Beau's mouth, holding him still firmly with a hand.

Beau tried his best to finish this off, sucking a bit on the tip before he bobbed his head a few more times down a good 4 inches. He felt Derek's hand become more firm, he wasn't pushing him down but he also didn't let him go back, resisting his bobbing. He got the message, sighing a bit to himself as he waited.

Derek jacked himself a few times then let out a loud groan. It definitely would get heard by anyone in the area. He let out a large rope of cum straight down the dog's throat, Beau wanted to object but his strong hand around his skull was an impediment. He whined a bit submissively and inhaled his cum. Derek really had been backed up and shot a few more rounds of cum. He finished up and let Beau up. Before Beau could react though, Derek took hold of his neck and pulled him close, rubbing his cock off on Beau's neck fur, the remaining cum smearing over it.

Beau's tail hung low, truly that was really humiliating, another dog just using his fur as a cum rag. Sure he'd clean it off but the act itself was so utterly disrespectful that he was annoyed, still he kept his mouth shut. Derek was good for his word but clearly not wanting to talk about things.

"Very nice performance." Derek said, teasing the other dog.

"I uh ... " he didn't know what to say at the compliment. "You gonna keep to your word?" Beau asked, a bit nervous at the question.

"Sure. I think this down payment has been well worth it." he said, that grin was wide as it had been all evening.

"Down payment?" Beau said, gulping a bit.

"Yeah, nothing more today but who knows. I know where to find you when I want another taste." he said, winking. Derek got up and dusted himself off and shook a bit his legs, getting the water out of his fur.

"Damn. Well wait a few minutes before leaving please. I need to wash up a bit more. Now I have to get your stench and that lion's out." he said, annoyed at the way things had been going." I'll just wait until after dark and sneak back into my place." he volunteered, not sure why he'd even mentioned it.

"Sure. Just be careful Karn and the others don't spot you."

"Obviously. Don't need to run into that bully, he kinda hates me." Beau retorted, kind of annoyed it even had to be mentioned. He could see Derek smirk though at the comment, he wasn't sure Derek agreed with the sentiment. He rubbed the water into his fur, dipping his head under water to make sure it got everywhere. He especially did so on his neck where the fresh cum had been wiped off.

After a short stay in the water, it had been about 5 more minutes. Beau was content and got out of the water. Dropping to all fours, he shook wildly for at least 10 seconds letting water go in all directions. He picked up his satchel and slung it over his back. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow maybe." he said, slipping out back into the forest, he figured Karn would see him if he emerged with Derek.

Derek walked off on his own, thankfully Karn wasn't in sight of things. He readjusted his loincloth and made his way back to camp. Unbeknownst to Derek though Karn had been sitting in the bushes nearby surveying the way back and noticed Miriam's absence, his suspicions were raised. Was Miriam being a bit shy? Or was something afoot. He watched Derek go back to the village proper but saw no further sign of anyone. His curiosity was piqued.

Lothan smiled to himself as he walked off into the forest, he was content to leave the husky wanting. His cute wait amused the lion, what a change in his tone from the start of their encounter. The dog had been good fun. It was almost a little too easy to trap him and have his way. He smirked as his ear caught Beau talking again, saying his name, trying to find him. He kept going unfazed. He gave a quick thought about returning to his camp but the husky continued to intrigue him. He wasn't a capable hunter like himself but he had other very redeeming attributes, like that lovely muzzle and a nice slightly chubby ass so the lion thought to himself.

Lothan decided to lurk out of sight. He clambered up a nearby tree and propped himself up on a large heavy branch, his back against the trunk. He let his legs hang down, taking in the breeze. He had a good view of the surroundings and could see Beau, his prey. The lion's tail swished a bit back and forth. He took another piece of jerky from his pack, he'd swiped one last reminder from their encounter.

From his high perch he bit into the jerky, eating it in small bites to savour it. He watched Beau look around in the bushes and say his name only to give up a short while later. He really needed a bit of toughening up. How he'd managed to survive to this point seemed a bit of a miracle. Maybe there were others like him? Some of them must have helped him. The thought piqued some curiosity in the lion. His thoughts were interrupted as he peered down and saw Beau crying a bit to himself on the rock. It genuinely was a bit of a sad moment, he felt a small pang of guilt but it passed quickly in between bites.

Lothan had spent so long on his own that he was used to surviving. You didn't just walk around places unknown without care. Beau had gotten a just punishment, maybe even an important life lesson. On the whole it could have been worse, he could have walked into a trap with a little less agreeable fur or even something more vicious and deadly.

The lion finished off his jerky and watched as Beau packed up and left the way he'd come into the clearing. On the whole his curiosity had gotten the better of him, he decided to follow the husky. He climbed down to the ground from his perch and crept along the forest floor trailing the dog. He wasn't too concerned, the canine hadn't displayed much skill in tracking. Even so he tried to stay upwind of him so his scent wouldn't drift towards his prey.

There was a certain thrill to Lothan stalking his one time prey again. "Time to find out where you rest. Maybe we can have some more fun." he said with a mischievous smile on his face.

The lion trekked for what seemed like at least an hour or two. He didn't feel any great need to duck into cover at every moment, the dog he was following remained fairly oblivious to his presence. Beau seemed very intent on his destination and rarely on what was behind. Lothan found the pursuit relaxing, though he remained alert there didn't seem to be any subterfuge.

After a while, the dog emerged onto a small clearing with a pond, it wasn't too large. A few dogs could comfortably fit in it before there wasn't enough room. Lothan took up a distant position up in a well leafed tree. He leaned his weight against the tree trunk, holding onto the large branch. There were some birds and small critters moving about, they flew and scattered in all directions at the movement but nobody saw.

The lion watched as Beau started to wash up, he was amused to see the reminders he'd left in his fur. Upon hearing a snap in the forest from a branch, Lothan's attention shifted immediately, being highly alerted. A newcomer emerged, he was a larger husky who seemed unfazed by Beau, he sauntered up to the edge of the pond. Lothan couldn't make out the conversation but they talked for a while. The lion had considered approaching to hear better but there was too much clearing between the tree and the two dogs. Their posture's spoke of a discomfort at being caught from Beau, were they friends in some way?

Eventually, Beau slipped into the water and the other husky revealed his member. Lothan was perplexed, he got the impression Beau hadn't taken a male partner. The lion leaned in to try to get a better look, the branch creaked a bit but held strong. A bird took flight a few trees over, the pair of dogs seemed uninterested in their surroundings.

After watching a short while, the lion began to feel a hint of resentment and jealousy. It was he that had ravaged Beau and shown him how to please someone. Now he was entertaining this other husky who neither deserved the attention nor seemed to appreciate Beau's assets. The lion sighed, regretting a bit that he had not simply tied Beau up again and kept him captive. That would have solved a great many things.

Another snap rang out from the approach to the pond, this time a rather athletic and heavy built husky approached. Lothan was suspicious of him, his body and posture seemed to indicate someone a bit more violent. There were a few light scars on his face and chest, he'd seen combat. The lion took care not to make noise, he was wary of this new dog. The two dogs spoke for a while while Beau remained slightly out of sight, servicing the one by the edge.

As the guard walked off, Lothan was curious and began to slip between the trees. It didn't seem like Beau was in any danger, but the guard seemed to be suspicious. The lion watched as the guard looked around and slipped a bit awkwardly into a large bush. Truth be told, he wasn't well hidden but given Beau's attention it was enough. He felt a small bit of concern, was this guard hostile?

Lothan laid low, watching the guard who himself was watching the approach to the pond. It was a game of watchers this evening. The breeze gently rustled the leaves, little else seemed to stir. He was beginning to get a bit hungry, too late to hunt, he'd forage in a bit once he'd seen all he wanted to. As Beau's friend departed down the path the lion noticed that Beau had not followed, choosing to slip out another way. The guard left too, shortly after the friend. Perhaps the guard had been waiting for Beau? It was a most interesting scene to the lion.

Lothan remained intrigued, he followed the guard under cover of leaves and the darkness of the evening. Eventually the guard returned to a post outside a small village; there were enough buildings to support a small community of dogs, perhaps a dozen or more. He had trouble making it all out from his position. He noticed the scarred one speak to another near the entrance and took up a position by it. Lothan waited a while but it seemed Beau wasn't returning this way, he heard his stomach rumble and decided it was enough for tonight.

Descending from his perch he carefully spent the next hour or so searching the low shrubs and bushes for some edible food, there were few offerings. Perhaps the dogs had picked much of it clean. He returned to his view over the village entrance, there were a few berries in his hand, some wild vegetables and he had refilled his water skin by the pond. It was a meager meal this evening but enough, he'd eaten well earlier. Lothan took up a comfortable position against the tree and kept a watch for a short while, eventually drifting to sleep as he felt increasingly tired.

A Double Trap

"Stupid mushrooms," the blue husky said while traipsing through a fairly thick part of the forest. The bluish dog carefully stepped over exposed roots carpeting the overgrown greenery. His hand came up to guard his snout and push aside some bushes, the...

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Beau and Glenn

It was morning, I could feel small cracks of light from the blinds. I gently woke up feeling very comfortable in bed, smiling while my eyes stayed closed. There was a bird chirping obnoxiously outside the window. I gently turned a bit to find a comfy...

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