Sometimes The Monsters Are Not Under The Bed

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#2 of Dark Writing

Sometimes The Monsters Are Not Under The Bed

By BunnyBoy

This story and the characters in it are copyrighted to Bunnycub.

Warning the story contains sexual encounters of a nonconcessional nature between an adult male and a male cub. So if your too young or easily offended please go no further. Thank you for reading and please enjoy.

They gathered together all clustered in the dark. Most of them like it in the dark as a plus it's nice and cool down beneath the streets, and this way they don't have to see themselves, see what they've become, what they've been reduced too. A number of them had stayed at the house, crawled back into their shallow graves and gone to sleep just waiting for the police to find them. But a few others had been too ashamed, even in death they didn't want people knowing what had been done to them, especially not their parents. So they had crawled, and shuffled away. The dozen or so rotting cubs milled about, not knowing what to do, they got worried and frightened; it was then that the fox stepped forward as always. Though he was the youngest of them, only weeks or months dead he was their leader, he could still speak and think being relatively fresh.

The Fox found a large rock and took a seat beneath a grate with the full moon pouring threw, illuminating his form. One eye had gone milky and white but the other was still bright, his broken neck still hung at an odd angle and the tinges of rot had started to creep in around his muzzle and left ear. But he knew what they wanted, it always calmed them down on nights like this. Nights when they can feel the reaper tugging at their tails telling them it's time to lie down and let go, but they were still just cubs and scared of the dark places the bone rat would take them. He clears his throat carefully spitting out a decaying wad of flesh, whether from a meal or him he's not quite sure, and starts to talk. "Once upon a time..."

Randolph was scared, he'd heard the scratching beneath his bed for the past three nights now. He just knew there was something down there, he tried checking before bed with his light but other then the scattered books and board games nothing was ever there. It never failed though, as soon as the lights went out he could hear the scratching and sometimes low muttering. He'd tried telling his daddy or mommy in the morning but they just told him it was all in his head. There were no such things as monsters and an 8 year-old cub should be smart enough to know better. The wolf whimpered though, listening to the sounds, and at the whimper the muttering stopped and a soft scuttling of voice rises up through the mattress.

"I hear you up there boy, do you know what I am? I'm coming for you Randy." The voice puts a twist on the cubs name, his voice sounding husky and full of want. It's not the sort of hunger the boy would associate with food either but he just can't place it. "Soon it'll be all over, once I get my claws on you... oh the fun we'll have."

The wolf whimpers loudly grabbing for the flashlight by his bed, the one with the cut away smiley face, monsters can't stand light right? It shrivels them up. He leans down extending his hand, blindly shining the light into the gap. There is a whole 2 minutes of the light randomly bouncing back and forth before the boy finds the courage to peek. Nothings there, nothing at all! That should reassure him, but some how it doesn't. Needing to pee though, he sprints for the door and down the hall.

Randy had tried to tell his parents about the monster again the next morning but it didn't do any good. His dad just seemed annoyed at him for some reason and mom just smiled and murmured "My what an imagination he has."

That night he checked extra hard before bed, moving stuff around peering in all the deep shadows beneath the bed. But it's empty of creatures, unless you count dust bunnies. His mom came in and kissed him on the cheek and at his urging she too checked under the bed before tucking him in.

As soon as the lights went out the scratching was back. "My, my, my how thorough you are today. Trying to sneak a peek at my pretty little face ehh wolfy boy?" There's a slurping noise from under the bed as if something large is licking its lips. "That's very naughty of you, don't you know it's bad luck to see a bed monster? Those who see a monster have terrible things happen to them." There's an evil chuckle at this.

"Go away!" Whimpers the boy. "You're not real, Momma said so you're just in my head."

"Oh really? I'm all in your mind? Then you must be one sick little cub to think up something that looks like me. Oh and to make me want to do such things to you, it's unbearable... well that's not true, you'll bear them alright." While the laugh rings out he sweeps the light below once more finding nothing.

The next morning mommy and daddy still don't believe him. In fact daddy seems really cranky and he doesn't know why. Randy spends the day thinking about what he could do to protect himself. So far it doesn't seem to come out from under the bed, so maybe in that case he's perfectly safe, maybe nothing bad will happen. But the monster does seem to be getting bolder lately, and it's talking to him too.

Thinking, the little wolf pup slips into his room and starts to dig through his toy chest. Deep in the bottom under a pile of army men he finds what he's looking for. The small plug in night light with the symbol of one of his favorite cartoon hero, superhorse. Monsters don't like light so that should keep him safe, plus everyone knows they can't get you if you're under your blanket right.

That night his mom notices the light and mentions that a big boy shouldn't need something like that, but the cub begs his mom to leave it there. "Please momma just for a little while?" With a sad sort of smile she nods and walks over to kiss his forehead.

When the main light goes off the boy waits but nothing happens, he doesn't hear the familiar scratching noise. With a happy sigh he drifts off to sleep. It's some time later, probably after midnight that he's woken up. Something is tugging on his blankets. Groggily the pup's eyes come open and he can see that one corner of his blankets is tipped over the edge of the bed and something is pulling it off. "Wait... what?"

"Ohh you're awake? I was hoping to have you down here before that." Comes that bubbling voice from below. "I bet you thought you were clever with that night light idea eh? It wasn't bad I'll admit, but it won't work, nothing ever does, a monster always gets his boy." The creature giggles at this and starts to tug at the boy's blankets once more

Randy yanks hard and the covers don't budge, he tugs as hard as he can until finally they are yanked free. There is another giggle from beneath the bed. "I know you just want to eat me, I'm too smart to let you."

The monster giggles once more. "Eat you... you think I just want to eat you. Well maybe, but there is no just about it. Believe you me morsel, when you pass into my tentacles gobbling down that sweet tender flesh will be the last thing on my mind."

The wolf whimpers and huddles in the corner as far from the edge of the bed as he can. "W-w-w-well what are you gonna do then?"

"Ohh I know just what I'm going to do to you lad." The boy can almost hear the Cheshire cat grin. "I'm just gonna fuck ya... I'm going to fuck you, 'till you're raw, sore, and leaking. Then after you've marinated in my special sauce for a while... I might just do it again... or eat you, that depends on how tired I am."

The boy swears he spent the whole night awake, back to the wall, the blankets pulled tight to his chest. As he gently sways back and forth at the breakfast table he thinks about something the monster said. He knew the word, he'd heard it before but he wasn't sure just what it means. It's probably cause he's so tired he doesn't realize he's muttering as he thinks, staring deep into his oat meal.

"What was that junior?" Says his dad looking at him over his news paper.

The wolf cub looks up and around a mouth full of maple and brown sugar says "what's fuck dad?" The instant it slips out he knows he's in trouble, if only he wasn't so tired.

That night Randy swears he can still taste the soap in his muzzle. He knew it was a bad word but he still doesn't know what it means exactly, or at least not how the monster seems to be using it. The wolf cub curls up in a tight little ball, tail, feet and covers far away from the edge. He also tried something new tonight, he's crammed as much stuff under his bed as possible. The monster won't be able to even crawl through it it let alone get him.

"Eck! Gak!... oomph. Ohh it's mighty tight down here." Comes that rumbling voice. "Almost as tight as I'm betting my prize will be. Mmmm clever boy, cleaver, cleaver. It's too uncomfortable tonight I'll have to go home and plan." There is a scuttling noise and it suddenly goes quite.

Maybe this is the solution, thinks the boy. I think he's really gone now, as he thinks about it, his little ears pick up a distant sound. It's not coming from the bed this time but down the hall it sounds like the toilet is running. The sound of the running water strikes the cub where he's weakest, right in the bladder. "Ohhhh, I know I really don't have to go." Whimpers the boy. He just feels like he does. He's about to step off the bed when he thinks about the monster. He's still down there, he's just waiting for a chance like this. Maybe there's another way, glancing around the room he sees a large stuffed animal. It's a big black and white plush Dalmatian, he got it for his birthday just last year, it's his favorite stuffy. He doesn't want to risk it, but it is around his size, and probably safe. He pushes the little plushie over the edge where it rolls out onto the floor. Nothing happens, the toy lays in a pool cast from the nightlight, with one leg lying in the shadow. He smiles, just like he thought perfectly safe.

There is a blur in the shadows and though he never sees just what it is, he can see the movement and then the speedy withdrawal of the stuffed doll. Beneath the bed, cloth tears and there is a rhythmic grunting noise, soft growls and hungry moans as he feels the bed start to shake. It doesn't last long but while it does the boy feels like he's in a rather intense little earthquake. The monster lets out a content sigh and from under the bed flies the toy. It hits the wall with a wet squelching noise and the lad can see it in the shadows a big tear in its fabric at the back and it's glistening with something thick and gooey as it leaks out. "Ohh I know I should have waited longer until the real you touched down." Says the somewhat tired voice from under the bed. "But you're such a little tease, keeping me waiting like this. Sometimes a monster just has to nut you know. But don't worry I won't be too tired to perform when it's your turn.

Whimpering, and almost peeing the bed the cub huddles in the corner apologizing to the poor lost soul of his plush doll, and praying for someway out of this nightmare. The next morning Randolph doesn't even try to talk to his parents about the monster. He knows they won't believe him, besides daddy is even crankier then yesterday.

Before bed he thinks of something, if the monster doesn't have anything to hide behind maybe then the night light can get him. He scurries up to the bed hesitating for a second, it's day time so the monster shouldn't be there but who knows. Carefully he starts to drag things out; boxes, toys, dirty clothes and books. Soon the bed is empty except for the dust bunnies and he's sure they won't hide the monster. For added protection the cub stuffs his wiffle ball bat under the covers with him.

Come bed time he crawls between the covers and waits for lights out, as soon as the shadows fall into the corners not illuminated by the night light he hears a sound. It's not the familiar scratching this time it's more of a shuffling.

"Ohhh now this is more like it." Burbles the voice from the darkness. "Thanks buddy, now I got room to stretch, to let it all hang out and give the old claws and tentacles an airing. By the way I think we're coming to the climax of our little adventure. It's all going to be over soon my sweet little Randy. Have you figured out what I'm going to do to you yet?"

The boy whimpers. "You said you were going to fuck me."

"Yesssss!" sighs the monster. "Oh yes I am, but do you know what that means dear boy?"

The wolf whimpers again, "I don't really know but I think it has something to do with what you did to Mr. Spots."

"Mr. Spots? Ohh the toy last night. My, my you are a bright one, yes it has everything to do with that. Only son it's going to be you, not a toy getting plowed by my fuck stick." With that he sighs, "You know you remind me of the last boy I had. He was timid too, 'course he had a reason, he was a mouse." The boy can hear the creature settle in a little more comfortably. "Mmmmm he was a sweet one too, younger then you Randy. He had this soft white and brown fur and a nervous habit of sucking on his tail when scared. He was a good one, I waited over a month before I took him. Ohh it was so hard to wait but I knew it would make the final conquest all the sweeter. Oh! - the sound he made as my hand closed around his ankle. He was coming back from the bathroom and fell back onto his butt with a loud squeak, it was priceless! Then I dragged him under the bed." The fox hears the creature moving again, and the mattress shudders almost like something is grabbing a hold of it. "I quickly tore away those cheap pajama bottoms and left them shredded. Oh that was a sight for sore eyes, all 5 of them. I'm still drooling just thinking about him. My tentacles wrapped around his legs and spread them wide while my hands gripped his shoulders." Just then the mattress bucks like something was pushed into it, the boy's not sure what to make of it, thinking that maybe the monster is trying to push through the bottom. "I held him down firmly, not wanting to let him go even for an instant, as I slowly licked his chest, those sweet tender little nipples, his tender little belly and his plump salty little cock. Ohh he was so ripe." The mattress shows that something is indeed pushing into it something thick and hard. Only listening to the story with half an ear the little fox cub takes up the wiffle ball bat and brings it down with a whump. Trying to discourage the prodding digit but missing it by moments as it draws back. If the monster noticed, it doesn't react. "I pulled him down deeper into the shadows, the boy was all mine as I dragged the frail little mouse cub beneath me. He squirmed and wriggled, especially when he felt the big bulbous knob on the end of my fuck stick pressing up against is sweet little boycunt. He stared up into my glowing green eyes begging me to stop, but I didn't, I just licked his lips and growled as I drove my member deep into that sweet little bitch." The puppy is really scared now, thumping into the mattress with the bat over and over but the probing appendage never seems to come up in the same place twice, as the monster talks it seems to be moving faster and faster. He thinks he knows what the monster is describing, and it terrifies him to no end. He's heard the older boys and seen some of those nature documentaries about the last few wild packs of humans in the Amazon. This sounded like the sex things they talked about, is that what the monster wanted to do to him? He whimpers and tries to swing the bat even harder. "Oh god did he squeal, he begged - begged for it to stop, but fuck he was so tight. I just kept pounding away on that tight little hole. Oh god when I came, it seemed to take forever. I could feel every pulse and pop as I ground my cock into that sweet little mouse hole. The hot sticky spunk filling up his guts so much I was sure he'd start coughing up sperm. He was good though, I gave him a five minute break to cry it all out before I started again. This time pushing down his throat and letting a tentacle explore the mouseketeer's nether regions." With one last hard thrust, one that makes the bed jump startling the boy so badly he drops the bat, the monster lets out a sigh. Thick, sticky white goop starts to flow from the little hill made by the monster's pole. Once more the little wolf cub curls up in the corner of his bed and wishes it would all just go away.

Randy doesn't know what to do, all day he's been cranky and moody because he hasn't been sleeping well. He wants to do something to protect himself but nothing he thinks of seems to work. In desperation before his mom ushers him off to bed he whimpers and asks if he can sleep with them tonight.

The older wolf just sighs and shakes her head. "Now honey your much to old to be sleeping with your parents. Remember no matter how bad the dream is, it's not real." She bends down and gives the cub a peck on the cheek before tucking him into bed. "Night, night dear."

As soon as the lights go off he gathers the blankets around him and huddles in the corner of the bed, up against the wall furthest from all the edges. He doesn't hear the scuttling noise, though instead there is a familiar voice.

"Phew, I thought she'd never leave." The burbling giggle drifts up from beneath the bed. "I've been waiting for you tonight little puppy but i've decided the waiting is over, i'm going to get you tonight."

"Y..yo... you can't get me." Whimpers the boy, wishing he hadn't left the bat on the floor tonight. "You can't get me unless I st-step off the bed." He whines, not nearly as sure of that statement as he once might have been. I mean, he'd also been told that the monsters couldn't get you if you hid under the covers but that didn't seem to be the case.

"Oh really? Why do you think that Randy? It's certainly more traditional that we wait for the boy or girl to step off the bed, but... there is no rule about it." There's a sound almost like a half giggle-half growl from under the bed. "In fact, I could get you without you getting off the bed and without me coming out from under it. The mattress is so soft and my claws are so sharp, I could just burrow through the soft material. Ohh sure, the springs might get in the way but that's no big deal, then my fat cock could fuck you all night long."

From beneath the bed there is the sound of tearing cloth and the twang of springs, it's too much for the boy, he's only eight years old after all. "DADDIEE!!!!!" He squeals pleading for his big strong poppa to come save him from the monster.

He hears someone muttering out in the hall and in a matter of moments the door is flung open and the tall strong older wolf stalks in. He's dressed only in a pair of boxers, and he's groggy and tired, so he hasn't noticed that his cock and balls are hanging through one leg hole. "What is it Randolph." He growls, he hasn't been sleeping well since the "monster" first started showing up, he'd been having disturbing dreams. He closes the door behind him not sure he can keep his temper and not wanting to wake up the wife.

"Daddy!" squeaks the cub, just happy to see his father now. His big strong poppa would keep him safe. "It's the monster daddy, he says he's going to come up threw the mattress and fuck me with his big cock." He doesn't even notice his dad's reaction to the bad words, the flash of anger at the mention of the forbidden words to cub's language, nor the slight firming of his cock at the mental image.

"Jeezus Christ Randy! I can't believe you dragged me out of bed for this bullshit. I thought you were a big boy, you're too old to believe in silly monsters. What did I tell you about using language like that." The wolf leans over the bed, cock firming up a little more, his sheath starting to skin back at the excitement. Sure he's mostly angry but his blood is pumping.

The wolf pup just whimpers seeing that daddy isn't going to whisk him away or beat up the monster like he thought. "But... But... he's real and he's gonna do things."

The older wolf sighs and looks down, its just then he notices the boy's sheets. Because the cub is huddled on one end with the covers the sheets are plain to see, and just as easy to see is the large circular discoloration of old monster spooge. But of course the adult sees if differently. "And you pissed the fucking bed, Christ! and don't even try to blame this on your monster." He grabs the boy by the arm and drags him into the center of the bed rolling the boy onto his belly, face down in the discolored stain, he rubs the little pups muzzle into it.

The adult wolf growls softly, "You've been talking about things that are for grown ups, but still behaving like a baby." The boy tries to struggle but his dad's grip is too firm. "You want to talk about fucking!? is that why you keep calling me in here with these made up monster stories?" He grips the back of the little puppies PJ's and tugs them down, it's for grown ups not spoiled little brats." Pissed and horny, daddy grabs his son by the tail hauling him back, he's hard as a rock already jutting out from his boxers. He pushed the boys muzzle down into the soiled sheets as he lines his cock up with cub's vulnerable little hole.

Randy starts to whine. "No daddy please!" But his voice is muffled and the sharp tang of the monsters old cum fills his nostrils. His squeal is muffled by the bedding as his father's cock, the one that brought him into this world, starts to force its way into his tight little hole. Without thinking the pup bites down on the bedding to help get through the pain, tasting the monsters dried flaking semen in the process.

The older wolf just groans as he feels the boys tightness squeeze around his shaft, damn... that feels good. His wife was never this tight, and it hasn't been the same since she had the cub. He rocks forward, with his pulse pounding in his head, he can't hear the crying as he splits his son open.

Randy moans, tears streaming down his face as his daddy, the man who was going to save him, drives his dick deep into his virgin hole. The puppy sobs softly as daddy pauses, his balls resting against the cubs tiny little nubs. "Why is this happening?" He wonders, "I was a good boy right?" But these thoughts flee his mind as poppa pulls back slowly and shoves that meat right back in deep.

The man rocks forward driving his member deep into the boy. Damn, it's been so long since he'd fucked at all, never mind one this good. He grunts knowing he won't last long, he can already feel his knot pressing into the boy's ass. He so wants to tie his bitch, it'll teach that little bastard to make up stories. He humps forward, letting the still swelling mass pop in and out for a moment, letting the cub hiccup in pain as something still bigger moves in. That's all he needs though and his meaty knob hits full size. With one solid grunt, he slams forward leaning on the cub, grinding his muzzle into the monster spoo that's muffling his squeals. Feeling that quivering hole tight around him, the big wolf floods his son, filling up every nook and cranny with the lad's potential siblings. He leans back looking down at the trembling cub, a contented look in his eyes. "Was it worth it Randy? Did you get what you wanted from dear old dad?" He jerks his still hard knot out of the pup's tail-hole bringing about a pained little yelp. "You wanted to know about fucking, you wanted to be a grown up, I hope your happy." The adult cleans his dick on the boy's sleepwear before tossing the soiled garments over him. He doesn't even look back at his son as his seed leaks from that well fucked hole, dribbling on the bed. He marches into the hall back to bed with his now sleeping wife and falls into a fitful sleep.

Randy just lays there for a moment, in his room nothing moves, he's too stunned to do anything. After twenty minutes of solid crying he finally rolls over onto his side, it hurts too much to sit up straight, he's not sure why this happened, maybe they were right maybe it was all his fault. Maybe daddy was right it's all in my head and maybe I asked for this. Maybe the monster wasn't real, I mean no one else had seen it right? He rolls off the bed landing on his hands and knees with a thump and the wet patter of dripping cum. Peering under the bed, he can see nothing there, he fumbles for the flashlight and shines it beneath the mattress. Nothing's there, Dad was right, it's all part of his messed up mind tricking him into doing something bad. He crawls towards the door, shakily making his way to his feet, his butt's so sore, making it hard to walk, but he wants to get clean, somehow he thinks that will make him feel better.

As he stumbles for the door a long green arm reaches from the shadowed gap beneath the box spring. A mottled hand closes on the cub's ankle even as semen runoff dribbled through that fur. A long suckered tentacle grabs the other ankle, tripping the unsteady cub before drawing him back into the darkness. As he passes into shadow he feels something pressed into his rump, this new member makes daddy's seem kind in comparison. The monster starts to push it in, he scrambles trying to get back to that slim bar of light leaking in from the edge of the bed, as it seems to disappear into the distance.

The moon is almost set by now and the shambling horde sit still, paying attention as only the dead can, the fox speaks. "The boy was never seen again, no one knows if the monster ate him, or maybe turned him into a monster too, or he could be still down there getting his brains fucked out by that big green dick." He pauses looking around. "When the police were called the boy was listed as a run away. They found the traces of cum in the bed and when a test confirmed that at least some of it was the dad's, well... the poor dear was led away in cuffs, see he was a victim too. Since grownups can't see them but can hear them, the monster had spent day and night, whispering obscenely into his ear urging him on, pushing him to violate his own son to cover the monsters tracks."

He looks around at the audience before straightening his head on his shoulders. "Now does anyone know the moral of this story?"

A squirrel missing an eye and with most of his lower jaw dangling loosely stands up and replies. "Ehch mulrda, slourr..." the zombie gurgles and grinds slowly, finishing up his explanation.

The dead kit smiles "Exactly right now lets move on" the sun would be up soon and they had to be gone by then.

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