Gender Therapy

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#2 of TheRapist

Gender Therapy

By BunnyBoy

This story and most characters in it are copyrighted to BunnyBoy. Kiffin is copyrighted to her player

Warning the story contains sexual encounters of a nonconcessional nature between an adult male and a male cub. So if your too young or easily offended please go no further. Thank you for reading and please enjoy

Mrs. Softpaw sits in the waiting room trying to be as patient as she can, but her eyes keep slipping down to the boy at her feet. She'd been to so many doctors and they all had told her the same thing, generally they'd say it's a phase he'll grow out of, but she was worried, little Kiffin didn't act like normal boys should. Even now as he draws in a coloring book, he's coloring in the princesses and the pretty unicorns. She'd heard of Dr. Ruttgudder from her friend Mary, she said the doctor had done wonders for her boy and so here she sat in a rather nice waiting room filling out paperwork.

The pretty young receptionist Regina saunters over. "Almost done ma'am? Is there anything I can get you?" When the woman shakes her head no the greyhound turns back to the desk taking a seat. Reggie smiles, he's glad he decided to dress up today. He eyes the new little cub, he'd read the pre-session file the mother had put together and thought this would go over well. Besides he needed an excuse to dress up and break out his Regina nametag. The fetching little miniskirt really shows off his legs and the panties feel so good against the fur.

The little cub is an odd breed, one the dog hadn't seen before, he was cute enough, with those long bunny ears, the long poofy tail and that soft looking fur. The creams and blacks really enhanced it, and the red hair on his head just make the little one even yummier. It's not too much longer when Mrs. Softpaw finished the paper work. Reggie flips through making sure several small but important clauses were signed, they wouldn't stand up in court but the doctor figures anyone who caught on would be to embarrassed to let it get that far. So far though no one had even noticed. "Everything seems to be in order ma'am. I'll take Kiffin in to see the doctor, this could be a while if you have any errands you need to do."

The woman cuts him off. "Yes, Mary mentioned this part. Don't worry I've got something to occupy my time." She steps away pulling out a cell phone and talking animated as she passes into the lobby of the building.

Reggie smiles down at the little cub. "Hi there, I'm Regina, now lets go see the doctor okay?" Kiffin nods up at the tall leggy dog gathering up the coloring book and taking the proffered paw.

Inside the Dr.'s actual office, it's a nice place. A long leather couch, a sturdy oak desk with a high backed chair, rows of thick leather bound books on the wall, but what seems out of place here is the small selection of toys tucked away in one corner. The Dr. stands up walking over to greet his newest charge. "Why hello there little Kiffin. I'm Dr. Sam, it's nice to finally meet you." He holds out a hand offering it to the cub.

Kiffin reaches out to shake the forty something lion's paw. "Hello Dr. Sam." she smiles up at him and holds open the coloring book. "See what I colored? I wanna be a princess when I grow up."

Sam looks up at Reggie and smiles. The dog quickly heads back to the desk locking the door behind him. " A princess is it? Well there isn't many jobs available for princesses you know." He leads the little cub over to the corner with the toys. One section has some soft toys, dolls and a rather large dollhouse and the other has a fire truck, some cars and action figures. He smiles as Kiffin runs straight for the girl's toys. "Kiffin do you know why your mommy brought you here?"

Kiffin was sitting playing with a couple of ponies. She looked up at the lion and frowned, dropping the ponies. "It's 'cause Mommy and Daddy think I shouldn't play with dolls, they keep saying I'm a boy." She pouts.

Sam smiles. "Well actually your right and your wrong." The big lion sits next to Kiffin and smiles. "Your Mommy and Daddy brought you here thinking you're confused, but the truth is they are confused. They think you're a little boy but that's because on the outside you are a little boy. But you know who you are on the inside, don't you?" He smiles as the little cub nods. "Good, now since you and I know you're a little girl, I think it's important you look the part." The old lion reaches into the dollhouse and pulls out a little package inside are a yellow blouse and skirt with a pair of pink panties all in Kiffin's size.

The little cub squeals happily to see them. "For Me? Really? Mommy and Daddy never let me have a dress before." She looks around for someplace to change.

Sam smiles at her. "Don't worry let me help you, I am a doctor after all." It's almost a shame to take the cub out of her current outfit. Kiffin looks awfully cute in the bib overalls and t-shirt. The man's paws undo the snaps letting the pants fall to the floor. Big strong hands pull down the underwear and lift off the shirt. Kiffin blushes cutely one paw trying to hide her teeny breasts. "This has to be our secret okay Kiffin?" The Doctor says seriously now as he holds out the panties for her to step into. "If you agree to pretend to be a boy for mommy and daddy most of the time you can come back here every week and I'll have a new dress for you to wear." He pulls the panties up all the way tucking her little pecker into the soft fabric of the cloth, he sighs letting a finger stroke that tasty little package.

Kiffin doesn't seem to notice the adults wandering hands as she nods, excited by the prospect of a new dress to wear and dollies to play with. "Yes sir I can do that." She pulls on the blouse herself and the skirt, it's only then that she seems to notice the strong paw on her backside.

Sam smiles down at her. "And to prove that you are a girl, I'll show you a game that boys and girls play. It's a secret game so you can't tell mommy or daddy either." He swats her on the butt sending her to the dollhouse. "But we can play that in a little bit, for now enjoy the dolls honey." He steps over to his desk sitting down to watch her play. There is nothing wrong with this cub, her parents just don't understand her. Granted their confusion is normal, outwardly she's a boy in every way but inwardly, mentally, she's a girl. It's a natural bone of contention between them, but if she's going to develop naturally they have to stop trying to change her. Maybe the game I set up here will provide her that buffer zone so she can grow as she needs.

Sam smiles and watches her play, the little cub seems quite happy in her dress and with her dolls. "Kiffin, it's time for me to teach you something about boys and girls." He says after he let's the girl play for fifteen minutes. "It's something very important okay?"

Kiffin turns to The Doctor, he was a good man, he seemed to understand her so much better then even her parents did. If he says it was important then she knew it must be. She comes trotting up to the doctor. "Yes sir?" Asks the little girl shyly, a little afraid that he's going to make her wear those boy clothes again.

Sam smiles down at the cub before picking her up and placing her on the leather psychiatry couch. "Well Kiffin. I said that if you pretend to be a boy for your mommy and daddy, then in this office you can be the girl I know you really are." The lion walks over to the desk and picks up some magazines before coming back to sit next to Kiffin. "But I think you should know everything that being a girl entails." He opens the magazine showing the picture on it to the little girl. On the page is a beautiful vixen completely nude, with rather ample breasts. "This Kiffin dear is what a girl looks like naked, do you notice anything?"

Kiffin looks at the picture and frowns at the ground, it seems the doctor didn't understand after all. "She doesn't have a Peepee like me." Kiffin seems almost on the verge of tears. "But I don't care, I am a girl, I'm a real girl."

The doctor nods at Kiffin and reaches out catching her chin and pulling her up to look at him. "I know that dear, I know. But I had to show you this because it's how the world will see you, there is more I want to show you." He turns the page showing the vixen with a boy now, it was a mouse, and he was naked too, his thingy hard and pointy. "See that's how boys and girls are different." Says the doctor as he casually unbuttons his fly pulling out his own member as it starts to grow hard. He turns another page and the vixen is on her knees before the mouse now licking him, the next series of pages show more of the same, then there are other couples male and females doing the same and more. "See Kiffin, If your going to be a girl you need to know the things girls do, you have to practice them."

"Practice..." She starts to ask but stops as she looks up seeing the doctors now erect penis jutting from his open fly. She blushes, "But Mommy said..."

Sam strokes himself, squeezing out that one drop of pre. Catching it on his fingers he casually smears it across Kiffin's lips. "Mommy also says you're a boy, your not are you? Your really a girl right?"

The scent of the man's musk fills the little cubs nostrils as she looks from his swollen member back to the pictures in the magazine. She looks up at Dr. Sam and nods. "I am a girl." Mutters Kiffin as she screws up her face determined to prove it once and for all as she leans forward. She brushes her ears back as she opens her mouth, the little cubs tongue flickers out across the tip of the doctor's penis, the man moans softly at the touch. It's not a bad taste, she decides rather earthy. The cub moves in to kiss the man's prick.

Sam's hand comes down gently stroking the cub's cheek. "That's a good girl, take your time with it." The old lion sighs as he feels the little cub's mouth close around the head of his cock, the little girl starts to suckle on the head like a nursing cub. "Oh what a good girl you are." He moans scratching between Kiffin's ears. "Be careful with the teeth now."

Kiffin is a little daunted by what she's found. The man is far too big for her, she knows she can't fit it all in her muzzle but she pushes on. It's kinda funny to hear the sounds he's making though and as she takes more and more into her muzzle, he gets louder and louder. She pauses and swallows like she's drinking a soda, which gets a fresh new moan from the man. He seemed to like that, and he was a nice man, so she does it again. Paws grip the back of her head and to her surprise he starts to move.

"Oh gods," Mutters the doctor. "You're a natural born cock sucker my dear." He knows the words won't register, she's got other things on her mind but he's hoping the tone will. He can't help it, that muzzle is so tight and warm he just holds her there as he thrusts in and out, moaning, he fucks her face wincing at the occasional tooth but bearing down and pushing through to the Promised Land.

Kiffin whimpers feeling something change in the way the doctor is acting, she whimpers hearing him moan and grunt as he pushes in and out. She does her best to play the game suckling on him when she can but when he shouts she's not sure what to expect. But when she feels something wet and warm filling her mouth she tries to pull back. She whimpers but the doctor's hands hold her in place. It's a salty thick liquid and she tries to swallow as much as she can but there is just so much. Finally after the first few squirts the big lion lets go and she falls back catching bursts of cum across her face and chest. Coughing softly Kiffin looks up at the doctor wondering if that was normal.

"Ohh Kiffin your such a good girl you know that?" He sits back down with her smiling reaching out to pat her cheek. "Such a good little girl."

"You didn't tell me about the stuff, it's not pee is it?" She frowns she'd seen white stuff in the magazines in the girls mouths and on there faces but she hadn't connected it to the man's penis. If these games meant the doctor pee'd in her mouth she wasn't sure she wanted to play. On the other hand it wasn't a bad taste, a little salty and strong but nothing bad.

The lion smiles and ruffles her hair. "No Kiffin it's not Pee. When a boy gets really excited he shoots white stuff out of his member. It's called semen. It means he feels really, really good, and you did that for me dear." He smiles down at her before picking up the magazines again. "But we have one more boy girl game to show you." He flips the pages open to show a kitty her legs spread open, a man putting his thingy up inside her slit. "This is a game boys and girls play too, and I want to show it to you too."

Kiffin whimpers softly, "But I don't have a thingy like her..."

The lion just grins once more, his paw slides under the skirt, Kiffin gasps as she feels his paw, fondling her through the panties. "Your right but there is still a way you can play this game if you want, do you want me to show you how to do one of the most important things little girls can do?" Sam's fingers traces up the little cubs taint flicking along the tight little tail hole, stroking along the seem of her ass all the way up to that oddly long tail.

Kiffin blushes under the attention not sure what to do. The doctor just wants to help and his fingers seem to tickle her in funny ways that make her pant. She looks around confused before looking up at the smiling face of the doctor before she nods. "Yes please, teach me sir."

"It'll be my pleasure," purrs the lion as he pushes the cub back onto the couch. He lifts up the skirt so that Kiffin can't see. "Now we don't need these any more." He says pulling off the cute little puca's new pink panties. Though the girl can't see what the doctor is doing she can feel everything. A deft hand grips her penis gently stroking the shaft. "Because you were born with this you don't have something most girls find necessary for this sort of game dear." His fingers now fondle her fuzzy little jewels in passing as both paws grip her butt, thumbs spreading her open. "But you do have this." He leans in broad tongue flicking out running over the little cubs anal star. Gently lapping at the tight little opening even as the cub whimpers and moans.

Kiffin groans, she can't see the Doctor, he's hidden behind the folds of her skirt but she can feel him and it's like nothing she'd ever felt before, his tongue is so insistent. She eeps as he pushes it against her hole letting it press into her rectum. She whimpers again, paws knotting the hem of her skirt as the lion slowly probes her nether regions. "Doctor!" squeals the cub as the tongue goes deep.

Sam pulls back smiling, he lifts his head just enough so she can see his eye peering at her from the edge of the skirt. "Hmm, yes my dear? Do you think your ready to for the most important part?" He flicks out his big broad sandpapery tongue slurping up the cub's cock and balls in a quick teasing motion. Kiffin's eyes screw up at the feeling and it's all she can do to simply nod. "Good girl. Now this might hurt a little at first, the first time always does, but it's important that you learn how to get fucked. 'Cause you know it's really important for a girl to get fucked." The big lion pulls himself up until he looms over the little cub.

Kiffin stares up at the big man as he smiles down at her, she can feel his big cock resting against her leg. "Will it hurt a lot?" She whimpers not sure she wants to learn anymore.

He smiles. "Only for a little bit, but then it will feel really good." He reaches over to his desk and grabs a tube of lube. "But this will help things along nicely." The man slathers the thick slippery lubricant along his shaft purring as he watches the cub beneath him. He guides his cock right up to the cub's sweet little hole, he pushes in just a little bit letting the tip of his throbbing cock stretch that tight little pucker wide open. "Ohh yesss..." He moans ignoring the cubs pained whimpers. No matter how much lube he'd used there would have still been pain, better to just push through and be done with it. Both paws grip Kiffin's hips holding her down as he pushes forward slowly sinking as much as he can into that tight little rectum. "Ohh Kiffin that's so tight, it feels so good, just relax you'll feel good soon too."

Kiffin whimpers loudly as the lion pushes into her. "Ohh It Hurts... " She hisses as he finally stops, the lion looks down at her and licks her cheeks. "It hurts Dr. Sam, please..."

Sam smiles down at the cub. Inside he was a boiling cauldron of lust, it was maddening to be so calm when you had a virgin anus stretched open on your dick, but he bit back his impatience and just smiled. "I know dear, but it'll feel good soon, besides as a girl you have to be fucked like this it's a part of being a young lady." He smiles again judging Kiffin must have relaxed some now. He pulls back slowly hearing the little cub sigh as most of his dick comes free, but not for long. With a thrust of the hips he pushes in deep groaning at her reaction. "Ohh good girl Kiffin, Good girl."

The cub's whimpers slow, it has gotten easier, the muscles around her butt still burn under the strain but it's not so bad now. She starts to moan, not even knowing why she's doing it, just feeling the rhythm of the lion's thrusts. She groans as he pushes in deeper, Kiffin gasps as a jolt of feeling floods her body, she shudders from just the tiniest touch on the prostate. The Dr. said it would feel good but she didn't know exactly what he'd meant, now she knows there is no lie in this.

The old lion grins down at Kiffin listening as those pained expressions fade into rather surprised pleasured gasps. One paw fumbles under the cub's skirt, despite the little puca's protestations of female-hood her erection is quite telling. The Dr. takes her by the hand, stroking the little length as he thrusts into that sweet, sweet little tunnel of love. He feels the cub shudder and spasm, tightening around his cock as he pushes in deeper feeling his balls slap against the little cubs bum. With a moan he cums, flooding her backside with his seed, panting he leans in to kiss the cub passionately.

Kiffin writhes below the big man, she can feel the heat spreading through her, feel something hot and warm flooding her insides. Her moans though are cut short when the Dr. presses his muzzle to hers, startled she doesn't know what to do, not even when he pushes his tongue into her mouth. When the kiss breaks she lays there panting, waiting for her heart be to slow a little so she can talk.

Sam purrs softly, hands slipping to Kiffin's hips still keeping her firmly impaled on his spurting erection. "Hmm your definitely a good girl little Kiffin. Did you feel it? When your whole boy spasmed and you shook?" He waits for the cub's hesitant nod. "That's when you came, just like I did. Girls do that to when really excited just like boys, but you didn't shoot any cum." The lion's paw fondles the cubs now limp penis. "That's just more proof you're a girl isn't it? You didn't shoot like I did." It's a little white lie he knows. She will eventually start to produce like all boys but that won't be for years to come, and it helps for the moment. He smiles as he pulls back, watching his cum slicked cock slip obscenely from between Kiffin's tight little tail hole, seeing the excess seed spill from that well fucked opening. "Now my dear, it's time to get you ready." He produces a supply of wet naps, carefully cleaning up the evidence of his recent session. "Remember pretend to be a boy for your Mommy and Daddy and when you come back next week I'll have a new dress and new Dolly for you to play with." She smiles as he helps the little cub out of her now messy blouse and skirt and back on with the more boyish clothing she'd arrived in, are you ready Kiffin? Do you know what you're supposed to do?"

The little cub nods. "Yes, I have to pretend to like boy things for mommy and daddy cause it'll make them happy even though I'm really a girl."

Sam smiles. "Good girl now off you go. My receptionist will look after you until your mother gets back."

The little girl looks around smiling at the dog behind the desk. "Is my Mommy back yet?"

Reggie smiles at the little cub. "No not yet dear. She just called and said she'll be 15 minutes late, I'll keep an eye on you though." The dog looks around. "Wanna know a secret dear? It's a big secret, you have to promise not to tell your mommy when she gets back."

Kiffin looks a little worried. She's not sure she'll be able to handle another secret, but she nods anyway. "Yes ma'am you can tell me."

The dog beckons the cub closer to the desk with one paw. The other paw pushes a button under the desk electronically locking the outside door. The receptionist swivels in the desk chair facing the little cub before leaning forward. "Do you think I'm pretty Kiffin?"

The cub looks puzzled. "Yes ma'am. You're a very pretty lady."

"Well Kiffin I only ask because I'm a lot like you." Reggie lifts up his beige skirt showing his pantied groin bulging with his semi-erect penis. The pink tip of his cock poking out over the lacey blue edge of his panties.

Kiffin gasps softly. "But your so pretty, Mommy even said you were a nice lady."

The dog smiles. "That's right and some day you'll be able to show everyone what a pretty girl you can be too."

Kiffin bites her lip and looks up at the dog clearly wanting to ask something. "Ummm... Do you and the Doctor... play boy/girl games?"

Hearing the tone in Kiffin's voice he smiles and his manhood firms up a bit growing longer. "All the time dear, all the time. Why would you like to play before your mommy gets here? It'll be our little secret." The cub looks nervous but licks her lips and nods. "Good girl." Says the dog with a smile as she bends forward. Lips brushing the tip in a hesitant kiss. It's only Kiffin's second time after all. Reggie moans softly feeling the cute little cub's lips closing around the tip. "Such a good girl. Now be quick we have to be done before your mommy gets here."

Without a word the cub pushes her muzzle deeper under the doggies dress. The little puca works her self down, the doggy isn't as big as the Dr. but it's still a lot for such a little cub. She moans into him sending vibrations pulsing through the shaft, above her the dog moans and she can tell she's doing something right.

The gray hound whimpers to himself, gripping the arms of his chair as the cubs talented lips go to work. He remembers what it was like for him after his first session with the doctor, the night he blew his older brother in his sleep. This cub could well do the same thing, her lips were strong and eager wanting everything he could offer. Reggie couldn't hold out for long watching the doctor work on the monitors always gets him worked up and with the object of that work here with him it's just to much. He grunts, feeling his cock shudder as he cums flooding the little cubs muzzle with seed.

Kiffin knew what to expect this time and she tried to swallow down as much as she could but the doggy just made too much. She must have made the nice lady really happy.

Reggie moans pulling his cockhead from the girl's pouty lips and pulls out a wet nap. "Now we should clean you up. It won't do for mommy to see you looking all messy." He gets little Kiffin cleaned up just in time. Reggie sets up the little cub's next appointment and waves good-bye.

A deep cough comes from the office doorway. "That was a good thing you did for her. Showing her there are others like her out there. 'Course you neglected to tell her you're not really a girl, just a queen."

The dog smiles and blushes a bit. "Aww thank you Doctor. Does it squick you at all with her Doctor? I know you only do boys but Kiffin's..."

"Mentally she's female but on the outside she's male, and that's all I need." He grins. "Now get up on that desk and spread those legs for me. I want you to have to have to see the rest of the patients with my seed up your ass."

Reggie throws a mock salute before hopping onto the desk "With pleasure sir."

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