The Last Human: Menera the Rattata girl

Story by Lunarmon on SoFurry

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This is a story request from DecafJava, enjoy. (Not sure it's really good but I didn't want to use more time on it right now ^^)

The Last Human:

Menera the Rattata girl

It's mid day with only a few clouds in the sky but a young anthro Rattata girl, walking through a forest, didn't care much about the weather, her heat burned within her as she tried to find something to take her mind of mating and the burning need in her womb.

Her fur was purple and had a shine to it as she took good care to groom herself each day, her purple fur covered her entire body except for her belly, chest and face which were a light tan colour, her paws have four fingers and her feet have three sharp claws.

After awhile she saw something in the distant between the trees. After a moment of thinking she began to walk towards it, hoping it was something that could help her ignore her heat.

Soon she stood in front of a mountain with an old building that was little more than a ruin. "Wow, this must be from before the disaster, wonder what it was back then." Curiously she walked closer and entered the ruined building. There wasn't much left of the inside of the building. She was beginning to give up on finding anything and was finding it difficult to ignore her heat. "Oh man I got to find something to take my mind of mating, think Menera think." As she said that she leaned against a wall and the next moment she landed on her back on the floor of a tunnel as the wall sung inward.

"That was unexpected" she said as she got up and looked down the dark tunnel "wonder what's at the end." She then began to walk down the tunnel as the wall slowly closed behind her. She was a little scared when the light disappeared as the wall closed but she shrugged her shoulders "I'm sure it can be open from this side too or there is another why out." She then continued down the tunnel as her eyes had adjusted to the darkness.

After a few minutes she saw a small light ahead of her and began to run towards it. When she reached it she saw a doorway and looking inside she saw a room where most of the ceiling had fallen down. Among the ruble she saw many crushed metal capsules as she looked closer she saw bones inside and around the metal capsules. "There were people it those?" she said to herself as she look at the mass of stone and metal.

She then looked around again while on her way to the door but stopped when she saw one of the metal capsules standing alone in a space where the ceiling hadn't fallen down and it looked undamaged. She slowly walked closer with her curiosity driving her, when she reached it, she carefully tried to look inside through a glass panel on top of the capsule but it was covered in frost. She carefully ran her four fingered paw over the glass to try to remove some of the frost on the outside of the glass and shivered at the felling of the cold glass. She then looked into the glass again and gasped at what she saw.

Inside of the cold metal capsule lay a young boy sleeping, she couldn't recognize what he was. As she looked at him her right paw unnoticed moved over the metal surface of the capsule, where it accidentally touched a bottom. A moment later a loud bib made her jump back from the capsule, she then looked at the capsule as it slowly unfroze itself and its occupant before slowly opening on its own.

She carefully walked back to the capsule slowly and looked down at the young sleeping boy, he had middle long light brown hair, average height and a well build body though not to muscular, she figured that he was around 16 years old but while she looked at him her heat flared and she fell down on her knees while holding her paws over her abdomen as the pain of her heat for a moment became unbearable. "Uhhg..." she moaned as her heat almost became impassable to ignore and she knew that she wouldn't be capable to ignore it for much longer.

There was something about the boy that was driving her heat stricken body crazy, after looking at him a few moments she gently removed him from the capsule and began to carry him out of the room. "Maybe he'll be my mate," she thinks and blushed as a warm felling rushed through her womb like it agreed with her thoughts.

After a few minutes she reached the secret door and laid him down and began to fumble at the wall to find some way to open it after a few moments she found something to pull on and the door open, when she had opened it completely she picked him up again and when outside while the door closed behind them as she walked away from the ruin and into the forest.

After a few minutes she stopped at a clearing and laid down the young sleeping boy, she looked at him for a moment before beginning to set camp and gather sticks for a campfire when she was done she sat down beside him while looking at him as he slept.

As the hours went by she felt her heat grow worse but she managed to keep her need under control as she watch the young boy sleep, then she noticed that he was beginning to wake and she sat completely still so as not to frighten him.

He slowly opens his green eyes looking around disorientate for a few moments as he tries to figure out what had happened. The last thing he remembered were two large and strong men dragging him over to a cooling capsule while he thrashed and flailed around trying to get free but they were too strong and they placed him in the cooling capsule and as it sealed itself, he banged at it until he lost conscious as the cooling capsule forced him into hibernation.

He then noticed the Rattata girl sitting beside him, he just stared at her. Although she was different than him he felt a connection to her that he had never felt with anyone else, even though somewhere in the back of his mind there were a voice that told him that he should be scared and run because she weren't a human like him but he just ignored it as he always did.

He began to smile to the Rattata girl but blush as he noticed that she was naked. Menera just looked at him when she saw him blushing not understanding why. "Hello my name is Menera, what is yours?" She asked to break the silence and get him to be more comfortable around her.

"Mmmy naame iiis Jjack Kkeriel" He stammered and his blush deepen he took a deep breath and looked away from her body "My name is Jack Keriel, nice to meet you." He turned his head back to look at her face and saw her smile and he felt a warmth inside his chest and smiled back at her.

"So Jack how did you end up in that metal capsule and why?" Menera asked after a few moments while trying to ignore her heat, she heard Jack sigh.

"Long story short, some terrible disaster was about to happen, I'm not entirely sure what but the leaders of the world decided to place a number of people in cooling capsules in the hope that they would survive and awake later so that humanity could survive." He looked away from her when he was done, she looked at him for a moment before slowly placing her left paw on his shoulder.

"So you were put into one of those capsules so you could survive what happen" She said as she gently rubbed his shoulder, he nodded his head before turning to her.

"What about you where do you come from, I've seen Rattatas before but never someone like you." She looked at him as she thought over the question.

"I don't really know, my family goes far back although I'm not sure how far," she then smiled at him "and I've never seen a human be either but you seem kind enough." He blushed at her and both of them were silent for a little while. "So how was your life in your old world like and how were you parents?" She asked and saw Jack look down at the ground.

"Well I was raised in an orphanage after my parents died shortly after I was born, I never found out what happened to them," he shakes his head before continuing "as for how my live was, well, it could have been better but..." a shadow fell over his eyes as if a deep sorrow fell over him "I don't want to talk about it but let me just say that something happened and I stopped caring about anything, with the news that our world was about to end, well to me it was all good news I didn't want to live in my world anymore but then I was one of those chosen to be put in a cooling capsule and that was that. They forced me into one of them and I was forced into hibernation," he then smiled at her "until you awoke me."

She smiled at him. "Well then let me tell you about me life. I was raised by my parents in an cozy Dan under a large tree with lots of space to play on as there was some miles to the nearest town," she then smiled "but I still had many friends that came to play with me," she then grinned "we made a lot of mischief while having fun but in the last couple of years I've been into wandering and has began to explore my world and learn new things which lead me to where I found you." They smiled at each other before silence once again settled between them.

After a while Jack noticed that Menera flinched now and then and that her right paw slowly went down towards her groin before she stopped it and pulled it away but soon it was once again on its way down to her crotch. After a few moments to gather his courage Jack looks into her eyes. "Is everything okay, Menera?" He asked and Menera looks at him and blush "what is wrong, is there anything I can do?" He asked as he placed his hand on her shoulder.

"I'm okay Jack, it's just..." she lowers her head and blush even more "I'm in heat, I need to either mate with someone or masturbate like crazy or have someone please me to relive the urge to mate until my heat have passed" she then blushed even more and turned her head to look away from "actually I intended to mate with you in the hopes that you'll be my mate afterwards," she looks back at him "but after getting to know you I just can't force myself on you like that." She again looks down at the ground waiting for his reaction. 'He'll either attack me or leave me..." she thought sadly to herself "or take advantage of my heat for his own pleasure, like some of the males in my hometown would gladly do to an unclaimed girl in heat." She though bitterly to herself as tears began to run down her cheek as she thought of what the male from her hometown would do to her, if they had her in this situation.

She flinched in surprise as she felt his arms around her as he gave her a hug holding her close to him. "I'll be glad to be your mate, if you really want me to be your mate," he then loosened his hug to look into her red eyes "from the first time I saw you I connection with you that I've never felt with anyone else before and it has only grown stronger since we met and I know it'll keep growing stronger by staying together." He said in a soft and caring voice, she then pounce him and kissed him while tears ran down her cheeks, she then smiled into the kiss as she felt him kiss her back with as much passion as she did then she felt him deepen the kiss.

When they had to break the kiss for air Menera took a few steps away from him before turning around and looked over her shoulder with a big smile as she went down on all fours and lifted her tail in a lustful invitation, before laying it down to her left so it was out of the way. She then smiled back at him again with a glint of lust in her eyes mixed with an deep unconditional love, Jack smiled back at her. "You're beautiful." He said as he took off his clothes and placed them in a pile on the ground.

He then went behind Menera and carefully caressed the fur on her back and hind legs slowly which made her murr in pleasure as her heat spiked. "Please..." she moaned "Take me... NOW." She screamed as her body orgasm from the light touch due to her heat making her more sensitive. He smiled at her as he complied with her wish as he placed his hard member at her entrance before gently pushing into her moaning as each inch of his shaft was enveloped in her warm and tight cunt until he reached an obstacle inside her which made him stop.

"Menera..." he began to said as he held her still, so she couldn't move, but she interrupted him.

"It's ok Jack...I want you to take my virginity...I want you to take me...I want to be you mate and you to be mine...if you want the same...take me and make me yours...or leave me to suffer through my heat alone." She told him while looking into his green eyes, with her love for him shining from her own. Jack then leaned forward and kissed her while hugging her as best as he could from her back.

"I love you Menera...and I'll be really glad to be you mate..." he said as he broke the kiss "and you to be my mate..." he said as he slowly pulled back till only the tip was still in her before thrusting into her with one hard thrust breaking through her hymen and deep into her body while both of them cried out in please.


Jack stayed still inside her for a few moments to give her time to get used to him inside her and to get over the pain of her first time. After a short while Menera turn her head again and looked at him in wonder. "Why are you not mating me?" She asked puzzled and Jack just looked at her not understanding what she meant.

"What do you mean?" He asked back still not thrusting into her as he could still feel her really tight pussy clamping around his cock really hard making it hard to move.

"When a male mates a female in heat he loses his control and begin to mate the female wildly." She explained to him and he looked at her.

"Would that be really painful to the female?" he asked in surprise she shrugged her shoulders.

"Yeah, I've heard a female first time is always really painful after that it's not too painful and the heat makes it bearable." She said and Jack looked at her for a moment before shaking his head.

"I couldn't do something like that to you, sure it's a bit hard to stay still with the way you pussy is working my cock but it's bearable, besides..." he said as he ran his left hand over her neck and shoulder "you're already beginning to loosen your grip on my cock." He said and smiled at her as she looked back at him.

"But why?" She asked still not fully understanding why he wasn't rutting her like another Pokémon would, he sighed.

"I'm staying still so your pussy would get used to my cock inside you and so you could get over the pain of your hymen breaking before continuing," he kissed her again "this way it wouldn't be so painful for you first time."

She just looked at him in surprised for a few moments before her love for him blossomed even more because of how he thought about her pleasure more that his own. "Thank you my love," She smiled at him as her eyes twinkled "but enough waiting I'm ready now for you to mate mate me like you mean it and quench the fires of my heat and make me yours." She smiled and lowered her front to the ground as she felt him start to thrust into her, slowly at first but soon with more force as she moaned as pleasure rushed through her body as he kept thrusting into her small slit.

Above her she could heard Jack moan and grunt as he mated her and she smiled while continuing to moan in pleasure but then she felt something touch and fondle her breasts and gave a grasp as the pleasure surged even higher. "Wh...what are...*moan* doing?" She moaned out as she orgasm again while pushing her pussy back into his thrusts and pushed her breasts into the hands fondling them.

He smiled while moaning and grunting and clamped down on her breasts. "Just giving your breasts some attention to...*moan*...and you seem to like it." He said to her and kneaded her breast even harder.

"I LOVE IT!" She howled as she came again clamping down on his shaft even harder which pushed Jack over the edge and he hilted inside her, right outside of her cervix as his first orgasm rushed through him, making him moan even louder while he griped her breasts even harder, which made her cum for a third time before her second had even ended.

They stayed like that for awhile while Jack filled her with his cum and her orgasms ran their course, after that they fell down on each other panting and grasping before rolling to their sides while enjoying the afterglow.

"That was SOMETHING!" Menera said after getting her breath back.

"Yeah I agree." Jack said while still slightly out of breath. Menera turned onto her back and turned her head to look at him with a smiled on her cute little Rattata face.

"What you did to my breasts was just great I've never felt anything like that before, it seemed to enhance the feeling of everything else," she then leaned in and gave him a sweet and loving kiss "thank you my mate for making my first time so enjoyable." He smiled at her and slowly ran his left hand over her right breast making her moan out as the pleasure ran through her body again.

"It was my pleasure my mate...just like this." He said and took her right breast into his mouth and began to lick and suckle her breast and nipple while his hand went to her left breast to fondle and knead it while she moaned even more and more loudly as time went by, she lost count of how many times he made her cum while playing with her breasts.

While moan through another orgasm she looked down and saw that his member had grow hard again and she felt the blaze of her heat return at the sight. She rolled over on top him while he was still kneading her breast he looked up at her in surprised until he felt her warm and wet slit at the head of his cock and he smiled at her and gave her a nod to continue while he return to his fondling of her breasts as she slowly lowered her body onto his hard shaft, down to the hilt, the tip of his cock nudging her cervix.

When she reached the bottom of his hard cock she smiled down at him and he smiled up at her and moaned as she slowly lifted herself up before thrusting down in a hard and fast stroke hilting him inside her his cock hitting her cervix again. "How does it feel my mate?" She asked as she slowly lifted up once again.

"Great!" He moaned as she once again hilted him inside her in one fast motion before lifting herself again she continued this pattern for awhile before slowly speeding up until she were thrusting his cock in and out of her really fast through all of this he continued to knead her breast making her cum over and over as she jackhammered his cock into herself.

"J...jack!" She moaned out as she came again even stronger than the other time and hilted him inside her as she stayed still as her orgasm rushed through her leaving her immobilized.

"Menera!" Jack shouted as she hilted for the last time and the head of his cock pushed through her cervix as he came again filling her for a second time as she stayed rigid on top of him trapped in her own pleasure. Finally her orgasm ended and she collapsed on top of Jack panting as she enjoyed the afterglow of her many orgasms and the feeling of Jack's warm cum inside her womb.

"That was great, my mate," she said after catching her breath and kissed him with a deep passion "hope you enjoyed it as much as me." She said and gave a small quick kiss before laying her head on his chest and closed her eyes and sighed in contentment as she enjoyed the warmed from his body.

"Yeah, I enjoyed it very much, love" he carefully ran his hand over the back of her head and over her back "and if you feel up for it, I'll go once more." She looked up at him not getting what he said at first then gasped as she felt his cock beginning to harden again inside her cunt.

She smiled at him. "Well, I'm sure I'll enjoy it as much as the other times." He then took her head in his hand and kissed her.

"I'm sure you will." He said before kissing her again, she closed her eyes in pleasure but opened them suddenly as she was rolled around onto her back and looked up at her mate as he looked down at her with a smile full of love which melted her heart even more.

She then gasped as she felt him thrust into her and moaned as he want wild, thrusting in and out of her at a fast and hard pace while she lay still under, him moaning as she felt him dominate her, felt him mate her as she should. She'd loved what he'd done during the other two matings but this somehow just felt right, being mated like a female in heat should, She smiled and moaned as she closed her eyes. 'But I'm still gonna love the other kind of was so full of love' she thought to herself as she felt his right hand land on her left breast and felt him starting to knead her breast 'oh yeah just like that.' She thought as it increased her pleasure even more while he continued to thrust into her over and over.

"Menera..." he moaned as he thrusts into her even harder than before "I'm...*gasp*...almost...*pant*...THERE." He said in between thrusts, screaming the last word as he hilted inside her, she gasped as she felt him go deeper than before, a few inches into her womb, which triggered her own orgasm and she locked her legs behind his back and her arms behind his neck pulling him as close to her as passable.

"Cum in me, my mate, fill me...make me grow with our children...make me YOURS!" She screamed as she felt him cum into her for the last time that day.

They stayed like that as the sun slowly went down behind a mountain. As they watched the sun disappear Jack gave Menera a deep kiss. "Is your...*pant*...Heat...*pant*...over?" He said between pants as they cuddled together she smiled at him and gave him a lick.

"Yes my mate it's over...and if it worked, it wouldn't come back for many months." They smiling at each other and kissed again.

"If it didn't's not because we didn't try," he gave her a small kiss on her forehead before looking into her eyes "you really want my child don't you?..." he asked her "it's not just because of your heat that you asked me to make you grow with our children?" she smiled at him and cuddled even close to him.

"Yes, I really want your child..." she looked up and him "or children as many as you want to give me..." she gave him another lick "and no it was not just my heat that made me say that, even though it had some to do with it but my love for you and my desire to bear your... our children has more to do with it." She said and continued to cuddle with him, he smiled at her and caress her back and head softly then he frowned as he thought about what she said.

"Menera," she looked up at him and was surprised to see his frown "what did you mean with 'as many as you want to give me'?" He asked she just looked at him not understanding what he meant.

"What do you mean?" She asked tilting her head to the side, he sighed.

"What do you mean with as many children as I want to give you, how about how many you want?" he asked her and she looked at him for a moment before looking down and passing her face into his chest.

"You're the alpha male, you decide how many children...if any your mate get..." he interrupted her by putting a finger over her mouth.

"No Menera, we'll have as many children as we decide, not just me or anyone else." She began to cry and she pulled him closed while burying her face in his chest again.

"Thank you my mate, thank you." He held her close as she cried and did his best to comfort her after a few moment her crying subsided and lifted her head and gave him a deep and passionate kiss before laying her head on his shoulder, he gave the top of her head a kiss before whispering.

"Sleep in peace my lover, my mate." She murred as he kissed her and whispered back.

"Sleep in peace my mate, my lover." They both closed their eyes and fell asleep as the dark of night fell over the world.