TMNT Fulfilling Splinter: One Sweaty Night in the Sewer - 2009

Story by tannim on SoFurry

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#3 of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Splinter's turtles want to give their father a special gift. They give it to him pretty hard and throughout much of the night.

Fulfilling Splinter: One Sweaty Night in the Sewer

by tannim

July 4, 2009

Shouts rang, metallic pounding was nearly deafening, the electrical lights flickered.

Donatello ran next to Raphael, both in near perfect sync. They crouched together, and jumped together. Their feet outstretched, their muscular green legs taught. The rock soldier their feet slammed into grunted and stumbled backwards, but even the two massive turtles together couldn't budge it too far. As they bounced back a rocky arm shot out to catch Donatello by the ankle. Two yells from behind made it turn and swing its captive around like a club.

Michelangelo collided with Donatello in mid air knocking them both out while Leonardo rolled along the ground, his head in his shell. Leo's hard shell slammed into the rock soldier's legs, knocking it off balance. The living rock tossed the purple banded turtle away while trying to stay on it's feet. Raphael charged from behind it, slamming and bruising his shoulder into it, knocking it forward and finally off it's feet. Leo looked to their master holding the portal remote safe while trying to keep the door barred as more rock soldiers pounded on it from the other side.

His legs were braced while the door shook, holes already dotted it where massive dents had given up to the relentless pounding. His expression was resolute as he added what support he could to the failing door lock and hinges. "Hurry, my turtles! You must get the portal restarted!"

Leo and Raph looked at Donatello laying stunned on the metallic Technodrome floor. Raphael looked at the dozens of buttons and switches lining the walls, then glanced back to Leo. "How hard could it be?"

The blue banded reptile shook his head, "We'll never get it in time."

"Try the button with the power symbol, my sons."

A sharp metallic tearing sound and both turtles looked around as Splinter ran to past towards the stunned turtles. "Leave these two to me."

The door he had been attempting to hold shredded moments later and twenty more rock soldiers charged in. Raph and Leo finally saw a switch near the portal screen with a symbol of a lightning bolt. Raphael heaved his sai as he ran forward. It slammed handle first into the button. The flickering lights brightened and the screen to the portal lit up. The turtle's red bands were a blur as he retrieved his sai and hurried back as Leo and Splinter carried the other two turtles. "It's on, reverse it!"

He panted hard as he grabbed the remote and pushed the button without waiting for the other two to react. The portal sucked at them fiercely but they made it to a doorway before it could suck them in. The rock soldiers were caught near the center of the room and were sucked back to dimension X, along with the remains of the foot soldier robots that had been guarding along with the fallen rock soldier.

With Krang too busy and the Shredder on a mission elsewhere they had no trouble getting out. Splinter looked worried about the stunned turtles, but was able to revive them soon enough. When they woke, their master sighed in tired relief. Donatello and Michelangelo were a bit woozy but recovered quickly. They clapped their hands together and cheered, they'd gotten the remote to the portal and left a non-functional duplicate in its place.

"Alright, Now we can control their portal. If Krang always uses the control panel instead of the remote we can use it for some time before he catches on." Donatello leaned against the wall of the tunnel.

"We need to celebrate... who's up for Pizza?!" Michelangelo asked enthusiastically. The others cheered and clapped hands together in a four way high five. Splinter smiled faintly but some longing sadness shown through his normally calm posture. Mikey caught it out of the corner of his eye. While the others got their disguises on he sidled over to Splinter.

"Master? Are you ok?" Michelangelo asked with some concern. The rat didn't seem hurt but it was best to ask.

"Yes, my son... I am fine. You four have a good time. I'll, wait at home for you again." He turned and headed down the sewer way. The turtle started to follow him but then turned back as the others called to him.

"Hurry up, Michelangelo. You have the cash!"


Splinter sighed and climbed out of his meditation position. His turtles were out again, as usual, and the nights were pretty lonely anymore. He went to the parlor of their sewer den and got comfortable on the couch. Unlike Donatello he didn't favor computers. He DID enjoy the soap operas, and picked up the remote to turn the TV to them. He always had his stories, but they were getting old. All the romance in them were getting to him and making him think of things he knew he shouldn't while meditating.

The rat rubbed his back and then hips, long meditations made him stiff. His soaps made him stiff too, but in a different way. Splinter's robe bulged in the front and he let his hand wander to it as he watched. A pause to focus on his ears told him nobody was around, he could always trust those, and he let his claws hook into the fabric and slip his swelling erection out. The penis was moist, having just slipped out of his sheath, and not fully human. It stiffened fully as he rubbed it, the shape more rat than human with more human than rat length.

As Splinter rubbed himself his legs spread to give his heavy pouch room. Those were shaped more like human, but with a rat's size and length. The size more than twice that of what it had been in his previous form. He kept them well hidden in his robes in public but they could be hard to hide in a fight. His eyes didn't look at himself, instead focusing on the screen. There was nothing truly erotic about the soap opera, just the romance. Kissing and cuddling. A bit of bare flesh but never enough to do more than tease. It was enough for him though. He finished and went to bed to wait for his turtles to come back with the only evidence discarded.


"Ha, Wow! Did you see how..."

"YES, Mike, we SAW how high you bounced when you belly flopped" Raphael said to stop his brother from bragging Again.

"Hey, that was an awesome wipe out!" Michelangelo tossed his nunchukas to the couch and slumped down on it after them.

"Yeah, but you've been bragging about it for an hour, ENOUGH already." Donatello looked around. "Hey, where's splinter? He's usually waiting for us."

Michelangelo sniffed and looked around the couch "Hey, you guys smell something funny?"

"Uh, duh? We're in a sewer. EVERYTHING smells funny."

"I'm serious. Something smells... Familiar." Mike looked around and into the waste bin next to it. His nose flaring as he took in the smell.

"Splinter's in bed, guys" Leo came back in. "Mike? What are you doing digging in the trash?"

The orange banded turtle held up a crumpled tissue and sniffed. "Yeah... fresh spunk, guys."

"Put it back, you can make another later"

"I didn't do it, and you guys were with me." Mike looked at them, they all glanced towards Splinter's bed chamber.

"Has anybody ever seen him go out?" Donatello asked.

Leo cut Mike off before the wise crack. "With somebody other than us, and not to save us."

Raphael shrugged "Not really."

Michelangelo dropped the sticky thing. "Whoa, he's got to be mondo lonely. After the battle today, he seemed sorta down when he heard us talking about going out. I think maybe he wanted some company or somethin'."

All of the turtles looked down, unsure what to do. They scuffed the floor with their feet, watched TV, and ate a pizza quietly together for a while. A few suggestions about trying to get him to date April were tossed about, but they were shot down quickly. The heard a grunt from Splinter and were silent while he relieved himself before going back to bed. Echoes of the water splashing about left them picturing the scene.

Mikey suddenly smirked but stayed quiet until they were all sure he was asleep again. "Well, we're his family right? I say WE take care of his loneliness."

"And how do we do that, genius, we're not his type." Raphael sighed.

"What do you mean not his type? We're his turtles! We're his students! We all love him, let's love him... physically. Like we do for each other."

"Errr.. Mike, I don't think he really wants THAT." Leo said hesitantly. They all looked uncertain.

"He likes girls... doesn't he?" Raphael asked.

Michelangelo shrugged. "Well, girl's don't like him. Who's going to date a rat?"

"Mikey! Be nice, don't talk about our sensei that way!"

"But it's true, Leo..." Donatello fiddled with his turtle com. "You could even ask April and see for yourself. She likes him, but I don't think she'd want to go out with him. And even if she did, she'd be intimidated by his age and his skills. Even normal HUMAN ninja masters have never had great love lives."

Raph caught Donatello's hand "Whoa, no need to involve April in this."

Donatello flushed "Oh come on, you didn't think I was REALLY going to call her did you? I was just making a point. That still leaves us with what to do about Splinter."

Michelangelo rubbed his wrists nervously. "He is like our father... and it's not like he hasn't seen us naked before. Especially growing up."

The orange banded turtle put his legs up on the coffee table in front of the couch. "We seem to get along fine relieving each other don't we?"

"Yeah, but... it's master Splinter! We couldn't do that with, to... HIM! It just seems weird. Like you said, he IS our father, basically." Leo found himself blushing as he even tried to think of it.

"Yeah, really weird Leonardo... you want some sauce and crust with that sausage?" Mike teased and poked and squeezed his brother's sudden prominence with his right foot and toes.

"Wha...?" The blue swordsturtle felt it as soon as he asked. The stiffness jutting and throbbing in the cool sewer air, except where Mike's toes still squeezed around it. He stepped back and looked away, embarrassed a bit. "Well... I didn't say I wouldn't if I had to or that he wasn't pleasant to look at!"

The other three stared at him. Then glanced around and smiled.

"I think we've got a plan."

"Oh, the old rat's gonna be surprised."

"He's not old..."

"He's not young either"

"But he's our father... and we're gonna love him all night!"


Splinter tensed and instantly relaxed. He felt hands gripping his arms and legs and the pressure of being lifted out of bed. His ears heard only a hint of breathing and he kept his body limp as though still asleep. While he knew by his nose he was still home and the turtles had come back, he wasn't sure what was happening. They usually had a good reason for moving him so he played along hoping it was nothing too serious, for once.

His tail was caught so as to not drag along the floor and he felt the air wafting over him as they carried him away. Their scent was... different somehow. It was the same as usual, only more... THEM. More intensely Michelangelo, and Leonardo, and Raphael and Donatello... He didn't think much about it, the trip was pretty short. They couldn't have carried him more than a hundred meters before they set him down again. He felt his butt touched onto a soft mat, probably a training mat, and his head lay back onto a pillow. Hands roamed over him before they set him fully down. The turtles carefully opened his robe and slipping it off and out from under him.

Splinter's curiosity built but he could almost sense their desire he stay asleep until they were ready. He trusted them completely and as he was set fully down he let his mind drift off again before a soft touch to an intimate place had him back alert. The touch became more firm, something soft pressed onto his testicles. The furry pouch, hanging lose in the summer heat, easily shifted with that pressure and he finally opened his eyes.

His four turtles stood over him, their shells clean, their bodies bare and, his eyes widened in surprise, their genitals full and stiff. He looked up at them each in turn, seeing each was slightly longer than his own modest seven inch shaft. Donatello was the longest, he noticed and felt was somehow fitting. Michelangelo was the shortest, but all were impressive. Without their bands, Splinter had trouble telling one from the other, and would not have been able to without growing up with them. Leonardo's arms were strong and well shaped, they all were, but there were subtle differences from different weapons. Leo had longer muscles than Raphael while Michelangelo had thicker muscles from having to swing his weapon so hard and swiftly. Donatello's were more finely shaped bulges from subtle movements with his bow and mechanical work. Their legs were well developed as well, with nearly identical builds and coloration. Their markings on their shells told him who was who.

Each of them looked into his eyes in turn as he met their gazes. In each of them he saw great passion. The rat's eyes followed Leonardo's, the last of the four, as he looked down. The normally blue banded turtle's foot rested on his large sack, his two toes and sole rubbing back and forth on them gently.

"My Sons... What is all this?" Splinter asked confused but quite curious... and more than a bit Interested. His thighs spread a bit when Leo's foot brushed them but the rat did not get up. Both arms kept their sleep induced relaxed posture. The fur all over his body was soft and short and needed no grooming after his rest and the move. One part of his body did tense a bit though, his sheath swelled from the scent of arousal his nostrils received from his turtles, as well as the foot so fondly petting his sack.




"Yo, we love ya dude!" All the turtles said together and separately. Michelangelo, as usual, adding the embarrassing corny version.

"We know you've been lonely lately, Splinter" For once Leonardo dropped the titles and honorifics when addressing him.

"Yeah, and we haven't spent a lot of time with you as we got older" Raphael crouched down to the older rat's right, his cock jutting proudly and stiffly towards Splinter's nose, just half a foot away from it.

"So we thought we'd give you a present" Donatello crouched to his master's left, his cock just a few inches closer while he squatted the same distance away.

"And you won't be lonely anymore!" Michelangelo simply sat on their rat's lap and pressed his blunt muzzle to Splinter's long pointed one in a sudden kiss. Splinter's whiskers tickled his skin and Mike's balls and shaft pressed to the taught furry belly. The gap between shell halves rested right over Splinter's swelling interest invitingly.

Splinter pulled away at first, protesting. "But, Turt...Mph" His protests stifled as Mike's kiss pressed harder. The rat's arms wrapped around his least predictable son and hugged tightly and was hugged tightly in return by the turtle's powerful arms. A sudden tugging make him sit up only to find himself laying on top of Michelangelo, looking into the turtle's eyes... At first. Leonardo's cock drew his attention away as it gently bumped into his nose. Leonardo's clean masculine musk was a refreshing difference to the usual fragrance of their lair. Splinter's nostrils flared as they took in his son's scent so much closer than any of the others.

A tear ran down Splinter's right cheek only to be brushed away by one of his turtles. Years of intimate loneliness and sexual stagnation were being brushed away in a torrent of hot young male bodies, or so his aroused libido expected. He gave the turtle's tip a soft kiss and looked at his children, at his young men again, as he could clearly see they were no longer children!

"So be it." His soft spoken manner and reserved calm loosened and he smiled openly. "I love you all too!" His tail jerked down suddenly, trapping a pair of Raphael's fingers under it where they had taken a fond squeezing grope around the rat's tight ring. Splinter took a deep breath and his tail lifted. "It's been so long since anybody has touched my like that. It will take a bit of getting used to again. I will be happy to make the effort, however."

He pressed his muzzle back to Leonardo's shaft and kissed it again, his muzzle parting just a bit to let more of the head in past his lips. Under him Michelangelo laughed and ran his hands over his master's softly furred chest. He traced the muscles underneath the fur and marveled at how the small frame put out so much power in a fight.

He found Splinter was well formed under his pelt, something he had never noticed, and rather enjoyed. The old rodent's chest felt a lot different than the hard shells of his brothers and he wished he could explore lower instead. With his sensei laying on top of him though, he'd have to wait for that. Instead he pressed his nose to the rat's chest and sniffed deeply. Splinter smelled rather strongly of himself, he hadn't had a chance to bath after sleeping through the hot night, but that only made it more erotic. His nature sweat was enhanced by the subtle hint of tea leaves permeating him from his regular drinking. Michelangelo rubbed his cheek against his master's chest and neck while from Behind Donatello and Raphael where groping the brown furred buttocks.

Donatello's hands squeezed and kneaded the hard well toned right cheek while Raphael took the other. Their fingers brushed together as they stole touches to Splinter's perineum, tracing the length of flesh from his tight ass ring to his heavy low hanging balls. Don distracted Raphael with a sudden grope to his brother's cock and while the turtle shivered he dropped down a bit to press his face to their master's sack. He pressed firmly against it, feeling the testicles inside spreading around his short muzzle. Mikey's cock pressed to his chin and he gave it a firm lick over the shaft to let his brother know he was there. He glanced to the side to see Raphael frowning and looking for an opening.

Raph took several seconds deciding, glancing up towards Splinter's front to see their father with his muzzle groin deep on Leonardo. Their "fearless leader's" face looking quite pleased with the rat's mouth. Leo pat the large ears and whiskers lovingly and Raph had to look away back to his own cock. He knew where he wanted to take it but wasn't sure how to get their with Donatello in the way. Seeing the other turtle licking Michelangelo's tip gave him a clue and as don licked out he pulled his brother's head up so that instead of licking a turtle dick , Donatello found himself licking the clean pucker of their master. He looked up in surprise but couldn't see Raphael with Splinter's tail suddenly clamping down over his face. The thick rodent tail felt very nice as it lay draped over his head and shell in the back. Raphael held Don's head in place and the other turtle didn't seem to mind giving the rimming.

Splinter's eyes clenched at the sudden tongue darting under his tail and slathering his anus. He'd never experienced such a treat before and quite enjoyed it. His turtles had so many things to show him he decided. He squeezed his lips around Leonardo's shaft and felt his own pressing onto the hard shell under him. It was much smoother than he had thought. He knew the were polished, but his son's shell didn't rub him badly at all. Instead it simply slid over the shell leaving a moist trail while his own soft belly fur mopped it up.

Splinter could feel Michelangelo's erection poking and lifting his pouch and found himself unconsciously shifting backwards a bit to make it poke against the base of his own cock. His scooting back encouraged Donatello to probe his deeper, thinking his sensei wanted more. The rat's eyes clenched in surprise at the feeling of that thick tongue pushing into his ring.

Splinter tightened his lips around Leonardo's length and his muscular butt around Donatello's invasive tongue. Leo grunted loudly and gripped his master's cheeks with both hands, he held on gently but firmly as he stuffed his cock deeper before yanking out to the tip. That long rat muzzle and those soft lips squeezing tightly around him felt better than any of his brothers had! Leo's balls bounced against splinter's chin when he slammed back in. His initial reluctance gone after having his adopted father sucking him for a few minutes already. The pleasure built faster after he took control. His grip on Splinter's head allowed him to show the rat just what he liked, and he did so by pushing in and pulling out rapidly. Each thrust in bounced his nuts around the bottom front of his master's muzzle. A bit of drool dribbled down Splinter's chin from the rapid muzzle pounding and Leo looked down into his sensei's eyes.

They were looking up at him with surprise and a bit of relief. The mature rodent was happy to see Leonardo take control. His student's cock was rather pleasant in his mouth, and he was eager to find how the turtle's release would taste. Splinter found he was enjoying letting go. To give up control was something a ninja master so rarely got to do. A shiver ran down his back at the tongue dragging over his anal ring both outside and in. Together with Michelangelo's fingers and blunt muzzle running over his chest and belly it made him more relaxed and content feeling than he'd been in more than thirty years.

Splinter's thoughts were distracted as two hands pulled his feet up, somewhat awkwardly, and he felt them bent together around Donatello. Something hot, and moist, pressed between his feet into his arches and it took him only a moment to realize one of his sons had gotten impatient waiting. He was impressed by the creativity and enjoyed the sudden foot massage.

Raphael grunted to himself. He had planned to get his master's ass nice and wet and then take it for a ride, but with Don seeming so eager to lick he had to settle for something else... for now. He pulled Splinter's feet up around his brother and bent down to kiss each one briefly, then crouched down to press both feet tightly to his erection. The feet were aged, but well taken care of. Their surfaces soft, not counting the claws, and hadn't been allowed to callous or crack.

Splinter's soft foot flesh felt damp from sweat against his erection and Raphael pressed them tightly together with his sensitive cock pressed into the gap between the arches. By pulling the rodent's feet back and forth he jerked himself off. He was fast at first, not expecting much, but after several rubbing strokes he slowed down to more lingering pumps. His impatience faded as he pumped the feet, it felt much better than he had thought they would. Raph's eyes fell on Donatello and back, surprised at what they were discovering about what they liked. He held the feet still suddenly and thrust into the pressed together pair himself rather than dragging them along him. The turtle angled them more as he rubbed between the soft squeezing foot skin. The new angle allowed his shaft to slide up along the arch to be squeezed intensely by the of the balls of Splinter's feet just below the toes. His pumping built faster, the unexpected pleasure drawing an aroused excited grunt from him. Of course Raphael had found his master's feet attractive in the past and he had experimented a bit with his brothers, but while their feet were soft, they weren't quite as well cared for as Splinter's. He could feel his erection indenting into the flesh, creating a hot friction to stimulate his tip. His eyes looked over Leo doing similar with their sensei's mouth but he decided he was in a good place for now. He glanced at Donatello, still at it, twisting his head this way and that, licking in and ignoring the rat's tail lazily flicking on top of his head. He couldn't really see much of Michelangelo, only his brother's legs sticking out from under their father. Raph drug the feet faster, thrusting into them as while they moved and found it worked better that way. His grip on their ankles slipped down to near the middle of each foot to hold on better and press tighter. Splinter's toes clutched at his tip involuntarily when he ran it up the length of both feet and made him grunt louder when they drug along his glans. He didn't mind when Donatello carefully stood up between their master's legs,and wasn't even TOO upset when his brother aimed at and then poked the hole he'd been waiting for. He WAS upset that he had to scoot back to make room for his brother's longer, eleven and a quarter inch, turtle staff... it made him have to kneel down to keep in contact with his master's hot feet.

Splinter's body sagged onto Michelangelo when Donatello's tongue pulled away from his ass. His muzzle was held up by an increasingly unsteady Leonardo but his hips and chest drooped to pin his cock tightly to Mike's. Both members throbbed strongly against each other, beads of clear male sap mixed at the heads without either feeling them. Splinter's chest trapped his most irrational student's hands between the soft fur with toned muscles they had been squeezing and the hard shelled torso beneath them. With much effort, Mikey drug his hand down between the press to grip both his shaft and his master's at the same time. His two fingers squeeze both together briefly before pumping them both as he would have jerked off his own. Splinter strained to lift himself up a bit to give room but his arms could last so long supporting his body with with his feet busy elsewhere. He hadn't felt another hand rubbing his cock before, and certainly hadn't felt another male's organ pressed against it while both were rubbed together. The heads kissed, the beads of precum added a pleasant sticky moisture to the action. Hearing pleasured noises from his brothers left Michelangelo feeling a bit left out. His position was the most important but least effective for real action. Masturbating, even with his master's erection against his was making him want more. His balls felt Splinter's rubbing against them as he rubbed and he rather liked it, but still it wasn't enough. He wanted to say something, but what could he say? Though Michelangelo kissed and rubbed as well as he could, and his erection ground against his master's, Splinter's attention was jerked to his rear again.

Donatello's stuff cock pressed to his sensei's well licked tail ring, the broad head squishing against it with a soft squelching noise. Splinter let out a deep groan of discomfort, his ring not used to something trying to go into it that was so big and hard. Don's tongue had been small, soft, and slippery... his shaft was hard, huge, and impatient. His wide glans insistently stretched the rat's ass bit by bit, but it was a tough fit. Donatello's green hips pushing forward and pulling back a bit at a time teased his master's rump into opening without the pain of sudden ramming penetration. The wet squishing of rigid sex flesh and a tight slippery hole was loud as Don pumped.

Leonardo heard the noise and glanced up to see his brother working over Splinter's ass. Memory of having taken it himself flashed in his mind and that thought with his master's clutching mouth pushed him over. The swordsturtle dug his fingers into the short cheek fur and came hard into Splinter's muzzle. Hot ball milk flooded the rat's tongue from heavy spurts. Leo's hips sped up as he came, his balls slapping his sensei's chin rapidly while Splinter watched, his eyes wide, as orgasmic bliss ran over Leonardo's expression.

The taste of his student's seed was different than he had expected. It was not too musky or bitter. Their diets made it have a slight spicy flavor that overpowered his senses. He swished it around on his tongue, plenty more joining what was already there as he did, and swallowed bit by bit to savor his son's love. 'So this is what I have been missing.' He thought to himself. A pleasant buzz filling him with great inner peace, or perhaps just Donatello's impressive girth. His ass ached, but in a good way. His jaws were tired, but also in a good way. His feet felt very unusual, but he enjoyed that sensation greatly at the heat of Raphael's constantly leaking precum soaking into them.

Splinter's own arousal was growing urgently but he knew the rubbing wasn't enough. He had been rubbed so many times over the years, he needed more. While the rat swallowed the diminishing dribble from the cock in his mouth, his ass opened to swallow the shaft knocking on his ass. The filling feeling made him want to give as good as he got. He cleaned up Leonardo, who let his muzzle slip off and cock slip out, and looked down at the turtle under him.

Michelangelo looked back up at him, their eyes meeting. The turtle leaned up before Splinter could react and licked a bit of cum dribbling off the side of his Father's muzzle. Mikey's hand let go of his their kissing cocks and rubbed over his master's side with its twin. He leaned his head up to lick at another missed sticky drop only to find the older male kissing him suddenly.

Splinter reveled in the intimate freedom of the moment. Of the night. He wanted more and his body demanded he get it. The rat broke his kiss first, partly from the sudden intense discomfort of Donatello's shaft popping fully into his tight anus and partly to grab his son and shove him further forward under him. Raphael jumped at the powerful grip of his sensei's feet around his erection as his master used him for leverage to move the more massive turtle under him.

As Leonardo jumped out of the way, off to the side, and Michelangelo called out "Whoa!", Raphael wrapped his arms around Donatello from behind and used HIM as leverage to stay upright. The grip from Splinter's feet on Raph's shaft pushed him over the edge. His cock spurted over both heels where they pressed together around his glans. Each spurt followed by a harsh grunt. Don grinned back at his brother and wiggled his ass in Raph's blissfully uncaring face. Those soft rodent foot paws suddenly hung much of Splinter's body weight from him and he hunched into that tugging pressure. His erection couldn't move much but he didn't have to as the pleasure built from the tension. After just five spurts his father's feet slipped off and he barely caught them before they hit the mat.

Splinter jolted on top of Michelangelo when hes feet slipped but he had moved his son far enough. He could feel Raphael holding him again and let out a deep gasp for breath at Donatello stuffing another inch into him. The wiggling from before had been brief, but he had loved it. Though he wanted Don to do it more, he could already feel his son was too deep to do that again for now. He turned his mind to other things.

"Michelangelo, please climb out from under me fully and help me to the mat." Breaking the silence and taboo of speech in the intimate situation. "Donatello, unng... please hold your depth for now." He looked over to Leonardo, then felt his feet released as Raphael fully finished his orgasm and set them on the mat. "You tasted wonderful, my son. And my feet feel quite... interesting, Raphael. Mmmm... Yes, that is good. Donatello."

Mikey crawled out from under his master as he had been asked. His cock ached, he really wanted some action, but he carefully set Splinter on the mat and stepped to the side next to Leo. The swordsturtle was already rampant again, having had more of a warm-up than a full expenditure. Raphael joined them, panting and looking rather spent with his cock at half mast.

Together they watched the rat shift on his own. He lay with his chest against the mat and his ass in the air. Donatello had crouched and then knelt as their father had been lowered but he still slowly worked the four inches he had gotten in with his gyrating hips. Together they watched Splinter roll onto his right side, keeping the turtle inside him. His cock spit precum at the sudden movement and made Donatello jam against his prostate.

Splinter's left leg pulled back and he spread it to swing around to Don's right as he spun the rest of the way to lay on his back. Another heavy dribble of pre escaped his stiff rat meat. He was panting heavily while Don had his eyes half closed from the brief but intense swirling contractions around his cock. Each shift had gripped him hard and made an already tight fit even tighter.

The rat turned his head back to his students and gestured invitingly to Michelangelo. His son didn't need to be told. He stepped over Splinter and in front of Dona before squatting down.

"You're gonna totally dig this master..." The rampant turtle shot off without thinking. He reached back, awkwardly, and gripped at his master's feet. His hand came off coated with Raph's thick load and he smeared it onto Splinter's ready rat meat. Mikey spread his legs a bit more and swung his hips so his heavy balls and cock jiggled before fingering his tight ass.

While Splinter didn't have a good view, he had no trouble understanding what his son was doing. He know that finger was spreading the remaining cum onto his anus. A twinge of lust, as well as Donatello pumping his ass steadily, made him want to see it up close. He opened his mouth to ask and let out a surprised grunt instead.

Michelangelo sat down heavily onto his father's cock, taking all seven inches in one movement. He panted heavily and beamed proudly at his sensei. His leg muscles bulged as he suddenly pushed himself fully up and off into standing position. Again he did a full deep squat and again took Splinter's erection from tip to root. Mike's inner walls clutched at the sudden invader and tried to expel it.

His legs bunched and strained as he lovingly and lustfully bounced on that fat rat dick. After the first four full standing to squats he changed to bouncing just up and down the length. Tight turtle rump clasped the sensitive tip only to slide back down again. Michelangelo's balls kissed Splinter's groin fur each time. His master's face showed his pleasure. Each movement making the rat's lip curl up or his eyelids droop just a bit.

Donatello watched the show, smirking at his brother's showing off, and decided to push forward... another inch at a time. Splinter's ass was as sweet as his Mike's he was finding, as well as a good deal less practiced. He had to move more slowly than he was used to but was finding the muscles giving way so worth it. Each thrust he pulled back just a bit before shoving forward again. Each thrust his tip was massaged by muscles unused to having anything push in from that direction. Each thrust he waited until he finally found his master's inner ring.

Don grunted and felt as though he bottomed out, but he knew from his brothers he just had to work at it a bit until he found the way deeper. Twisting his hips to angle himself differently each time he found himself fascinated by Michelangelo's back and legs while he tried to slip in. He noticed Leonardo moving near him and felt Splinter's tail being worked out from between his legs.

Leonardo pulled at the tail and experimentally pumped it as though it were another cock. It wasn't as smooth as he had expected, having a nice texture to it, but it was flexible enough. He watched the others, especially Raphael looking for a way into the action. Leo put his lips to his master's tail and kissed the tip. His lips parted and let the appendage slip through, treating it just as he would have one of his brother's cocks. His eyes wandered to Don's hips pumping in just past 6 inches, and on past Mikey's bulging leg muscles tirelessly doing half squats onto Splinter's knob, to find himself staring at the rat's heaving chest. His trim muscles and soft fur shifting in time to both boys working him.

Splinter found himself panting heavily. The workout was more draining than he'd expected, in such a good way. His hips thrust almost on their own up into Michelangelo while Donatello's plunging staff continued opening and sinking deeper. He was finding muscles his training had never before practiced on, but which he was interested in working out more often. Splinter took a deep breath, his chest shuddering as Don shoved in and Mike sat down and his own hips pushed up all at once. The symphony of movement, with Leonardo's unexpected tail sucking adding the fourth movement, was rapidly draining the rat's concentration and building his pleasure. So much more intense than any sexual experience he'd had in the past. That hot ass clutching his cock, that cock stuffing his hot ass... Raphael squatting over his chest pressing his lips to Michelangelo's.

Their father blinked, his view of two of his children pleasuring him suddenly blocked by... a very nice view of Raphael's ass and balls. A thought came to the rat and he ran a hand up Raph's inner thighs, over his firm well toned buttocks, and back down the valley to cup the teenager's balls. Splinter slipped his hand further up and briefly gave his son, and then sons as Mike's cock slipped into his grasp on the down squat, a squeeze.

His voice followed the grunts from each turtle. "Leonardo, I need you to clean my foot. Gather your brother's... cum" The pause as he tried out a word he'd never found a chance to say before "And spread it on my hand."

Leo looked at the rat's lifted right foot and pushed the thick rat tail a bit deeper into his mouth. He let the tip, and three inches beyond, slide down his throat before he did as he was told. There was a little on the mat where the foot had rested on its side but most of it was still there. Sliding a bit and only moments from joining the rest on the mat in a big glob. The turtle gripped his sensei's ankle to get better friction while his hand ran down the soft fleshy foot.

Splinter stifled a reflex to pull his foot away. Giving up control and letting himself be handled was still an effort, but it was worth it. Leo's hand felt pleasant massaging his foot. And that hand was very moist as it slid the cum into his right hand. The fur absorbed much of it, but became slick enough for what he wanted. He spread two cum slicked fingers and traced a V from the top sides of Raphael's tight ring down to his perineum then back up. The rat watched his student's buttocks relax. His own growing arousal though, demanded he hurry. He was taking quite a pounding, sexually, and by the bliss flowing up from his groin knew he didn't have long.

Raphael wasn't sure what Splinter was up to, but that rubbing felt good. Those fingers had broad knuckles and somewhat large fingers, but the tips were soft despite the claws. His sensei was quite good at keeping his claws out of the way. He felt them lightly tickle his ring each time and kissed Mikey firmly. Raph rather wished the rat would play with his balls again, but found himself wondering and speculating about the cum being rubbed into his ass. He didn't have to wait long.

Splinter's knuckles pressed to his anus suddenly and Raphael felt the pressure behind it. His master felt a lot like Donatello like that he thought. The knuckles slick with cum, the fist forcing him open, his ring putting up a token resistance. Raph tried to relax to ease the entry, the cum helped but he didn't think it was enough. Michelangelo's pounding squats suddenly stopped and he humped the air violently with his hands gripping Raphael's shoulders tightly. Powerful jets of fresh turtle spunk splattered against his brother's shell, and provided Raphael with what he needed. He caught the remaining shots and scooped up more from his shell as it trickled down towards his cock.

Splinter pulled his fist back and was about to press in again when he saw his son's hand presented behind him, cupped to hold the slippery semen he needed. The rat smeared it over his hand and again pressed his fist to Raphael's ass. Finally, he had enough. His knuckle pressed in first, the turtle's ass squished at the cum soaking his fur but couldn't prevent him from slipping in. Unlike Splinter's own ass, Raph's had been worked out before. His fist took some effort to get it open, but then slipped in. The clutching interior was quite welcoming. Strong inner muscles gripped around the large hand. That strong guardian ring clenched powerfully around his wrist as well, but nothing stopped Splinter from pumping his arm experimentally. Nothing until Donatello jammed another inch in and the real orgasmic clenching from Michelangelo's ass drug his own orgasm from him.

Splinter's head jerked back. Eyes rolling up just a bit and his right lid drooping. His toes clutched at the mat leaving deep furrows where his claws tore at it. His hips pounded upwards powerfully for one hard sudden thrust as he unloaded into Mikey. Donatello tried to pull out of the quivering ass only to find it too much for himself as well. Friction dragging over his glans and too long trying to stuff himself in finally got the better of him too. As Mike came down from his peak, as Splinter's raged on, Donatello's just started.

Michelangelo slumped against Raph and looked over his shoulder at Splinter in the throes of passion. The turtle felt the heavy pulses of his master's seed filling him. Those pulses feeling very similar to his brothers when they came. Mikey turned around at the heavy deep groan from behind him and smirked with Raph at Donatello's orgasm face. His upper lip pushed down and left eye clenched shut. His cock slammed home into Splinter all at once, sheathing the last four inches through their father's inner ring and fully filling him in one final thrust.

Splinter's shots in Michelangelo's bowels spike to new heights of pressure at the intense stimulation of taking Don's full turtle staff. His hand tugs at Raph's ring in an involuntary jerk. The tightly clutching muscle keeps his hand from popping out but not without a pleasured grunt from its owner. Mikey watched the show in front while Raph watched the show behind. They hugged together, riding out both orgasms together. On the side, Leonardo slipped his master's tail out of his mouth and spread his legs to push the thick appendage to his own back entrance. His eyes wide as well while he watched the others ride their pleasure.

Seeing his brother taking a fist, and his own ass clutching at their sensei's thick tail, Leonardo smirks and scoots closer. He lay on the mat next to his master, tail still inside, and pressed a firm kiss to those sweet rodent lips. Leo looked into Splinter's orgasmic lust fogged eyes as the male happily kissed back. Climbing out of the laying position Leonardo crawled over Splinter. The turtle's erection swayed, his balls bounced, and as he stepped carefully over, the tail in his ass ran out of length.

Splinter, his orgasm fading even with Michelangelo still massaging his spent but stiff erection and Donatello still pumping his cum in, watched Leonardo pass over him. His student went slowly, and he got to watch his own tail slide out of the turtle and drop onto his chest. He smiled at the pleasant gape Leo's anus retained and couldn't resist reaching up with his free left hand to grip the turtle cock and pump it. Splinter knew what Leonardo wanted, he planned to give it to him, but first, he wanted to see that gaping hole quiver, and as his own hole quivered around Don's cock, Leo's hole clenched and winked at him with each stroke of that rampant lower sword.

Donatello sighed happily and looked up at Raph. He was panting heavily but still wanted to give his master a good time. His cock may have spent, but it was far from finished. He grinned and looked down, taking a few breaths to calm his body down before holding on tightly to Mike's shell and yanking his cock out. With one sharp sudden motion the turtle's long fat flesh staff went from filling Splinter to being fully out with less than a second in between. He fell back on the mat and watched his father's gaping ass. The rat's deep intake of breath and legs drawing back made it worth it. Splinter's hips thrust up and jammed hard into Michelangelo with the force of his legs jerking back rocking his filled brother. Donatello got back onto his knees and popped his tip into the currently semi-loose ass only to be pushed away by Mike loosing his balance from the unexpected thrust and falling back onto him. Mikey slipped off their father's cock and found his own nestled into the damp cum leaking space between Splinter's balls and anus.

He leaned his head back and kissed Don. "Whoa, Thanks man. I knew you wouldn't leave me hanging."

With a push of his fingers to shove down just a bit and a thrust of his hips Mikey stuff his still orgasmically hyper sensitive cock into Splinter's open hole. His father was nice and loose, but contracting rapidly back to a less well fucked size. Donatello looked at his brother, sitting on his cock and then leaned in for a quick kiss before pulling his cock back. He got up on shaky legs in time to see Splinter letting go of Leonardo's cock and sliding his left hand into the turtle's still open anus in one steady movement.

The rat twisted and flexed his hand inside Raphael steadily but his eyes were focused on Leo's hole opening around his hand. He didn't have to pull out to slide his hand in. The teen's ring was opened nicely from his tail just a minute ago. There was plenty of moisture to let him in, it was just making his son open up again and take the large knuckles and then slip past the fattest part to his wrist.

Splinter pushed his fists deeper into both turtles, enjoying their bodies squeezing back with even the slightest movement inside. His fingers spread, his fingers contracted into a fist, he pushed deeper and found he could slide in to the elbow into Leonardo while Raphael could only take his forearm midway. Both Leo and Raph stayed bent and partially squatted so their master on the floor could easily access them. With subtle tugging from his wrists Splinter found he could move both sons as he pleased. He made them back up over him until their shells clacked together. Both had one leg straddling the arm inside of them and both gave him a perfect view of their balls and cocks dangling between their muscular legs. A dollop of clear pre fell regularly from Raphael's lusty tip while Leo's pulsed and swayed with his racing heart.

The air all around them was overwhelming with the scent of rutting males and Splinter's strong rat senses were indeed overwhelmed. It was the only thing he could smell anymore. Even the sweat from his students exertions was overpowered by the masculine scents wafting about. The cum on his hands, feet, even belly where some of Michelangelo's had dribbled down Raph's shell before he could scoop it off. It was a welcoming and intoxicating stink that made him want the night never to end. As he pumped a fist into two of his sons, was mounted by a third, he knew it wouldn't be forgotten anytime soon even if it did suddenly stop.

He smiled faintly, watching Leo's and Raph's balls when they bounced into view on either side of his wrists as he thrust them in or out. They had very nice inner thighs, he noticed. Well muscled and taught from squatting down onto... he groaned and thrust his hips up into Donatello's mouth sinking down it suddenly. The turtle's lips were soft. His tongue hot and exciting as it ran along the rat's swollen shaft. Splinter sighed deeply. Taking Michelangelo had been wonderful, but something about having a mouth working him was so much nicer. The controlled licking and clenching of his lips, the pumping along its length, especially the suction as Donatello worked to make his master happy was a lot different than a simple hole clenching around him.

Leonardo and Raphael grunted and watch Don take his place. Both were full and ready, though Leonardo seemed in a daze from the prostate massage his father was giving him. Raph however, was eying Michelangelo still slowly pumping Splinter's ass. Mike didn't seem to be in a big hurry, just working that ass steadily, and pissing off Raph.

Raphael clenched his jaw and thought to himself, 'That's it, I've waited enough.' He crouched into the thrusting fist stretching him and dragging against his prostate inside, and then stood up fully when Splinter was pulling his arm back. The rat looked surprised but not upset, especially when his son crouched and pressed his lips to Splinter's muzzle in a firm kiss.

"Here I come, Master!" He said after breaking off the kiss. "Make some room, Mikey."

"Huh?" The other turtle grunted when Raphael lifted him up and scooted under him.

Splinter was too busy enjoying the feeling of Donatello's mouth squeezing and dragging and licking and sucking over his rampant rodent meat to see what the others were doing. Donatello found his head tightly pressed to his sensei's groin fur as Michelangelo was lifted up and forward. Don squirmed a bit and Leo bent down suddenly to grab his legs. The swordsturtle lifted his brothers hips up, making Donatello brace himself with arms on either side of their father. Leo's cock pressed hard to Don's tight ring and forced its way in. His milked prostate having pumped out plenty of precum to make it easier.

As Leo penetrated Don, Raphael made himself known to Splinter. His cock nudged at his father's already filled ass and then pushed harder. Splinter gasped loudly. His son pulled back, holding his brother up to make room while he slowly worked the tight hole open more. Raph realized it was a good thing he'd let Donatello go first to open the passage before he'd tried sharing the hole with Mike. Splinter's formerly near virgin ass was getting a very wide workout as it was forced to take a second cock.

Splinter's free hand clawed at the mat, his hips were held up in a tense motionless thrust into Don's wonderful sucking mouth. His hand inside Leonardo slipped out and also clutched at the mat briefly until, suddenly and somewhat painfully, Raph's glans popped into his body. His tight ring of muscle finally surrendering to the teen's eager pushing. The pain of the additional stretching lasted for several seconds, mitigated by and blended into the pleasure from a hand caressing his balls and a mouth tonguing at his cocktip.

Raphael held himself still for several seconds, reading his sensei's reactions. When his master relaxed a bit he worked himself deeper, slowly. He knew there was time for a real workout, but he had to give his lover a chance to get used to the extreme shafting.

Michelangelo rubbed his master's balls awkwardly from where Raph was lifting him. His shell kept Don's head firmly pressed to the rat's groin. He pushed back and managed to make some space for Donatello to lift his head a bit to suck their father better.

Splinter recovered a bit, groaning loudly as his teenage children worked him over. He looked up with a bit of a dazed look and saw Leo's ass still gaping. His student stiffened and relaxed appreciatively when Splinter pushed his fist back in. Both student and master found the experience rather pleasant. The clutching and internal massage given by one in response to the pushing and full sensation from the other.

Leo straddled Splinter's head, his cock pumping into Donatello's ass firmly. Each thrust back taking the arm to the elbow before shoving back into his brother. Each thrust pushed Don a bit further onto Splinter's cock as he drug his tongue over that needy rat dick. Leo got to watch Don's head bob up and down under Mike's shell while he pleasured their father. The attention making the rat relax more to let in more of Raphael's cock into his ass.

Raph pushed in, stuffing a bit of himself in each time. It took a minute, but he managed to get four inches in before his brother got in the way as they shared the same hole. Splinter's ring and inner muscles clamped tightly around both turtles, trying to push them out, trying to suck them in, and tending to do both at the same time as they alternated their thrusts. They pleasured each other as they worked over their father. Both cocks ground against each other, both cocks drug along Splinter's inner walls, Mike's pressed firmly to his prostate inside making him spurt just a bit of pre into Donatello's mouth each time.

Splinter couldn't remember anything near such sensory overload even from his lifetime of training. The raw sexuality and lust his sons were gifting him with, the pleasure burning through him. He needed to cum... but he wanted to hold off on it, to keep it and make it last so much longer. His right hand lifted and gripped Donatello's thick staff and jerked it vigorously, and as he puffed for breath, realized just how drained he was from it all.

Splinter's heart was racing, his breath was shallow and labored, mixing with the grunts from the turtles around and inside of him. His ears had shut their lusty breathing out but as he listened to it it added another dimension to their gift of loving. His thoughts were getting crossed as were his eyes from the two boys pounding into his ass and that happy tongue and lips dragging along and sucking his rat hood. The sounds he finally heard were replaced by a dull roaring in his large rounded ears.

His vision blurred a bit, still filled with the sight of Leonardo's ass and balls and Donatello's cock as he bent it down to jerk it off... but more vague. He felt himself slipping over. Then he felt somebody else slipping over before him. Michelangelo's hot load spurted into his bowels, the turtle's pulsing meat shooting the hot spunk inside. Raphael grunted loudly, sounding more muted to Splinter's ears and seemed nearly there himself, Donatello choked and trying to gulp suddenly at the sudden torrent of hot seed in his mouth.

Splinter's orgasm and stiffening body caught him unexpectedly while Leo pounded his ass. The rat's fist in Leo's ass and on Don's cock stopped and clenched inside and around. His over stretched ring tried to tighten around Raphael and Michelangelo, driving Mikey to further minor spurts while pushing Raph over the edge. His balls clenched and cock throbbed, his heavy spurts mixing with Don's and Mike's and giving their master a sticky wet full feeling deep inside.

Leo rode on his own shaft building and tickling, the firm fisting he'd been enjoying giving his ass something to clench around as he worked his thirsty brother. He could feel his orgasm building rapidly and watching his brothers cumming, feeling his father riding his blissful release, pushed him onward trying to follow suit. His hips slapped and clacked into Don's loudly, his balls bounced against Splinter's wrist and Don's balls. The pounding drew out Splinter's orgasm by making Donatello bounce his mouth along that spurting shaft still getting an eager licking.

Don's cock bounced with the rest of him, into Splinter's clutching hand, being stroked without either rat or turtle moving on their own. His recent orgasm kept his shaft over sensitive but still responsive. Even in the haze of all the action around him, Don knew he'd be last to blow and he took a deep breath to take in the heady aroma of everybody around him. He clenched his ass around Leo while trying everything he could to keep his father from softening. The way Leonardo was pounding his ass he knew it would only be a few more moments before.

Leo pulled out suddenly, squatting down further onto Splinter's arm and stepping back. He let go of one of Donatello's legs and pushed his cock down. His hips rocked and hunched into the air, his bowels clenched around the fist filling him, and cum shot out of his erection all over Splinter's muzzle and chest. Donatello had to shift his leg over to keep balance as his brother rode out his orgasm just like the other's, only he got to paint his father white. He lasted through six heavy spurts and five lighter shots. Hips rocking the whole time as he rode it out and finally let his father's fist slip down and pop out of his well pumped ass.

Splinter watched him with one eye closed, his own blissful haze just fading when he felt Leo's orgasmic shower. The hot semen over his right eye and down his cheek made it look as though the rat had cried a bit but he was smiling happily and panting heavily. His chest fur was matted here and there with the teen's cum and he'd never felt so alive. Don still licked and suckled him, bobbing happily along his length, Mike and Raph pumped steadily, though tiredly, and Leo stood over him, cock at half mast but looking like he was willing to try again. It was a great night.

Splinter looked at Donatello's still full cock knew it wasn't over yet. Before he could do anything about it, Leo caught Don's other leg again and slowly lowered him down. Donatello pulled away slowly from Splinter's cock and felt the others slipping back and sliding out. He looked around and was pulled up by Leonardo. Mike and Raph had slipped around him and helped Splinter to sit up and then knelt next to him. Leonardo knelt next to Don, just a bit behind him, and wrapped his hand around the thick long staff. Michelangelo kissed Splinter's right cheek, Raphael his left, leaving him a bit dazed as Leonardo pumped his hand along the longest turtle cock.

Donatello wasn't sure what the others were up to, but he didn't mind as long as they kept it up. Raph guided their father's left hand to Donatello's balls while he squeezed Splinter's. Mike took the rats balls and squeezed and rolled them fondly. Their master looked at each of them, all happy eager faces, and Donatello's slightly unsure expression but building confidence and arousal.

Splinter squeezed and cupped Don's balls similar to how Mike was rubbing his and he watched as his son's cock throbbed and swayed as it was pumped. The long turtle meat just four or so inches from his nose while Leo worked it. Firm fast strokes milked beads of pre out to drip onto Splinter's wrist. Firm fast strokes changed Donatello's expression from slight happy confusion to confidence to slack jawed pleasure. Firm fast strokes made his hips push forward into them. His balls shifting in their sack under Splinter's fingers. His body tensing inside his shell and out.

"Here it comes, Sensei!" Leo slapped Donatello's butt as he called out.

"Open up, Master!" Raph said and kissed Splinter's neck while giving his cock a good squeeze.

"Like, it ain't over 'till the fat dick blows, dude!" Laughed Mike.

Splinter opened his mouth, not sure what they planned but having a fair idea what would happen. The thick cock jerked up,a deep groan followed after it, a thick stream of cum caught the rat right in the mouth. Leo pulled down just a bit and let Donatello spray over Splinter's tongue and down his chest again.

Their father leaned forward a bit but Mike and Raph pulled him back so he could be coated more as Leo wanted. Spurt after spurt painted their father with the sticky male milk. A few were aimed into Splinter's mouth, and he seemed to enjoy it, but most were shot onto his face, his neck, his chest, arm, and belly. All the while Raph and Mike fondled him. Donatello finally relaxed and his orgasm faded. The happy post orgasmic bliss still on his face when he dropped to his knees.

Raphael moved leaned in and licked and sucked a large glob from his father's chest, pausing to nibble at the rat's nipple hidden under the fur. He cleaned up as much as he could and moved his mouth right to Splinters. Passing the fresh spunk into the older male's mouth in the kiss. He pulled back and let Mikey lick and suck another off and again pass it to their father. Leo took the next. Kissing a nice glob from his sensei's right eye, licking up the dried portion, and passing the glob to him. Splinter's eye opened again as the cum came away and he swallowed the load like the others.

Donatello scooted back and bowed low to suck his master's semi-flaccid penis into his mouth for several seconds before dragging his nose up Splinter's belly to a low glob a few inches above that spent length. He cleaned it and passed the snowball like the others had. Sharing the kiss as he passed it over. Together they all licked and sucked and cleaned his fur of Leos and Don's cum. Passing each load up to Splinter for him to enjoy.

As Leonardo passed a load he murmured "I love you, Splinter. I'm here when you need me."

Michelangelo passed him one as Leo was finishing and added "We all are, Master."

"If you ever need hand..." Donatello started after he and Raphael passed a load at the same time.

"or something else." Raph kissed again.

Their master took a deep breath. "Thank you, my students... my sons. You have given me a great gift. I will be sure not to waste it."

The four turtles hugged the rat tightly, he was mostly cleaned up but a bit sticky. He looked around at all of them feeling proud of them and more relaxed and content than he had been in a long time. Their muscular bodies all around him made him think more on what happened as he kissed them each. After taking one last deep breath through his nose to enjoy their potent sexuality, he made a show of looking down at himself.

"And now... I think it would be a good idea to retire... to a bath." He smiled. "I have not been this messy in years, not counting some fights in the sewer water, of course."

"Sounds good to me, dude" Michelangelo said and paused. "Uhh, I mean, Master Splinter."

"Dude is fine, Michelangelo..." Splinter laughed as they walked down the sewer tunnel.

"Are you sure you got the plumbing set up right this time, Donatello?" Raphael kicked some junk out of the way.

"Yes. It was set up right last time, YOU just sat on the water jet and turned it up too high."

They all laughed, except for Raphael, who had felt entirely too clean INSIDE as well as out. Behind them little claws clicked in the darkness. Rats sniffing the air intently. Their noses twitching, their ears paying close attention... The female rats were definitely watching Splinter with interest. They lapped up the sticky dribbles of white that had leaked out of splinter and the turtles and then followed again. They were disappointed when he didn't respond to them and turned into a large area with a collapsed ceiling.

Donatello ran up and turned on the water pump, They all stood outside the very large deluxe hot tub spa. The turtles looked up at the shattered remains of ceiling, bent rebar and concrete sloping to show where the spa had fallen through and bits of rubble clogging the hole. A small dot of blue showed on a mirror up ahead where the sky somehow reflected through the fallen building.

Leonardo and the others waited patiently, quietly while the rushing water filled the tub. It was a big pipe feeding the hot water into it. It had been a big battle that had brought the tub down to their level and had leveled the building. They were almost grateful to Shredder for it. Donatello turned off the water when steam rose gently from the steam vents on its side to show it had finished filling.

Splinter dug out the bag of herbal soap from the box nearby and tossed it into the tub. He gingerly stepped in, claws pausing just submerged to let the heat sink into them. When he was satisfied that it wasn't TOO hot, the rat sank in and swished his tail around in the water next to him. The water was hot, but not burning, and he gasped as he sat down into the relaxing bath. The turtles followed him and they all slumped back onto the seats hidden under the water.

Splinter's short brown fur spread out in the water as it soaked in, the heat sank into his muscles, he grunted and then sighed in relief as his well opened anus enjoyed the gentle heat. Around him the others were doing the same. Leonardo and Raphael experiencing a similar relief to their well opened rings. Donatello yawned and looked back at his brother. "See, it works fine."

"Yeah... Yeah... I, er... Hope you liked your gift, Master Splinter." Raphael looked a little embarrassed now that they were winding down.

"It was... wonderful, Raphael." The rat looked around at his teenage sons. "I thank you all for that. I truly needed company and you were all there for me."

Leonardo's eyes drifted down Splinter's chest, the other's eyes did the same. Splinter's heavy scrotum and large balls floated in the water. While they were still underwater, they were clearly visible. Raphael reached out with a foot and gently pushed them down. He felt more confident about the situation again after hearing his father say he had needed it.

Michelangelo and Donatello scooted over to the rat and worked the soapy water into his chest and arms. Splinter went limp in the water, letting them wash his fur and letting himself float in the water. He closed his eyes before he spoke.

"Why did you do this, my children?"

Leonardo ran his hands along his master's back under the water. "Because you needed it..."

"For sure... I saw how you looked after our last few battles when we went out." Michelangelo added, interrupting his brother.

"... and Mike found something of yours. Err... from when you tried to work out some of that loneliness." Leo finished with a slight flush to his cheeks.

"And you did this for me?" He let himself sink again, reveling in the feeling of being touched by loving hands all over. Fingers combed through his fur. Soft voices told him of their talk and he turned over to rest his muzzle on the edge and float belly down while his buttocks and legs were worked over. He felt tired, but in a good way. The strain from the years of being alone among the others came off with the more physical elements of their loving. Their voices faded into the background a bit as he yawned and watched their shadows on the wall. Their hands still running over him. At least two sets of hands being sure to scrub his thighs and balls.

Splinter pushed up and turned around, sitting back down and hugging them all suddenly. He decided to let himself go for a while and see how it went. While he hugged he kissed each turtle again. "It's time for training, turtles..."

A collective "Aww..." answered him.

The rat let them go and slumped back in the bath looking happier than they'd ever seen him. He almost glowed as he added "But we can skip that tonight and have a hard work out later."

TMNT Sparing Love - 2009

TMNT - Sparring Love by tannim December 1, 2009 Splinter nudged his student in the back "Straighten up, Raphael. You must remain ready and loose for that defensive position. You are about to receive a heavy downward blow from from Donatello's...

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TMNT A Hot Bath Version 1 - Michelangelo Interupts - 2010

TMNT: A Hot Bath Version 1 - Michelangelo Interrupts by tannim October 10, 2010 Splinter stripped out of his robe and carefully folded it. His foot bindings came next and were place one on each side of it with his walking stick laid over...

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Brooklyn and Katana's First Night

Brooklyn and Katana's First Night by tannim April 05, 2010 Katana glanced at Brooklyn as he lead the way through the empty night time streets of what he called a modern city. She was impressed, still, at the exotic surroundings, but...

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