Devil's Triangle

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#6 of Nerai Pornographic Universe

Another entry in the Nerai Pornographic Universe! This time, Nerai the dragon goes on his first date as a thruple with his mistresses Niya and Kazimir. Kazimir then follows him into the bathroom and fucks him in public.~ This is the most romantic and intimate entry thus far! Enjoy!

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Nerai straightened his collar, dabbled some perfume into his palm, and patted the liquid onto his neck and wrists. Its scent was floral and pungent; perfect for a date night. He then began brushing lint off his suit, but was interrupted by the smell of singe. He swiveled his head fruitlessly as the smell grew stronger, then glanced at his wrists. Hisses and pops arose from his scales as his perfume boiled and evaporated.

Damn! It happened again. He really needed to get his pyromancy under control...

"Hun? You ready yet?" Kazimir called from downstairs. "We need to leave now for our reservation."

"I'll be right down!" Nerai replied. The dragon slicked his hair back, running his palms along his waxed horns. Little by little, he was growing annoyed at being a mortal. Eating, dressing himself, taking care of his body. Kazimir and Niya had shapeshifted themselves for the date in a matter of seconds...

...Whatever. Nerai looked in the mirror one final time. His cream-colored horns shone bright, contrasting against his lavender scales and grape-colored hair. He shot a pair of finger guns at his reflection, mustering a cheesy smile.


Nerai paused. His heart sank a little. For just a moment, he was reminded of taking headshots for his career as a magician. But that life was long gone.

The creaking of floorboards. A husky voice cut through Nerai's thoughts.

"Are you seriously making finger guns at your reflection?"

Nerai turned to see Niya leaning against the doorway. The demon's breasts squished against their blue dress. Its fabric draped tightly over their curves and cascaded onto the floor. Niya's buff thighs poked from the dress's slitted sides, complimented by a pair of sharp black stilettos. Their gilded horns spiraled along the sides of their head, a pair of floppy brown ears tumbling alongside them.

Nerai shrugged. "Finger guns are cool," he said embarrassedly.

Niya scoffed and grinned. "Demons don't do finger guns, hun." They then glanced away, shifting their weight and thrusting their hip outward. "Am I dressed appropriately? I've never gone on a... 'date' before."

Nerai grinned. "Yes. You look... amazing, actually."

The goat hid their giddiness at the compliment and replied, "Of course I do." They then huffed and said, "You look handsome as well, Nerai."

"Th-thank you." Nerai shuffled his feet.

A pause. Niya cleared their throat and said, "Are you ready? Even our flying powers have limits."

"Oh, yep!" Nerai said, and exited the bathroom. The pair then neared the front door together.

Kazimir leaned against the nearby kitchen counter and watched them approach. They wore a shimmering crimson dress, and numerous golden earrings adorned their gray ears. Their round hips bulged just above their dress's hem. Kazimir perked up and smooched Niya, then leaned down and planted a kiss on Nerai's maw.

They asked, "Ready to go, dears?"

Nerai nodded. He asked, "Are, uh... are you wearing lipstick, Kazimir?"

The goat nodded as they passed through the front door. They smacked their cherry-red lips. "Yes, actually! I've been looking to do something more... modern with my look."

Nerai followed them through the doorway. "Oh. Well I love it!" he said. His dress shoes clacked on the wooden deck alongside Kazimir's hooves. "Did people do things differently in Sumer?"

Kazimir replied, "People wore more beads back then. Oh, and shells. Lots of shells."

The demons then stopped in their tracks on the front lawn. Kazimir and Niya tensed themselves as Nerai watched, their back muscles rippling until two buds apiece emerged from their shoulder blades. The sprouts quickly grew into full feathered wings, covered in glossy black down.

"God, I can't wait until I can do that," Nerai said.

Kazimir giggled. "Soon enough, dear. You just need to give your mortal coil some more time to fade." They readjusted their dress. The cloth was ill-accustomed to feathers.

Niya nodded and fluffed their wings. "Nerai, do you want me to carry you tonight?"

"Sure," Nerai said, and allowed Niya's bicep to curl around him. Another wrapped under his butt. The goat then lifted him into the air with no effort.

The dragon snuggled against Niya's breast. "This is the best date night ever. Just pretend I'm a baby, and you're the stork," he joked.

Niya scrunched their nose. "What?"

"The stork," Nerai repeated. "I'm referencing... oh, sorry. It's another American thing."

Kazimir laughed. "That is so foolish. Do Americans really believe storks bring babies?"

"No, no, it's just a story," Nerai said. "Just forget it. We should probably get going."

Niya nodded and bent their knees. "Then hold on tight,' they said. "Because we're about to fly."

"Gotcha!" Nerai chirped. His claws tightened around Niya's shoulders. He felt the goat's arms and chest tense against his scales. And in an instant, Niya jumped fifty feet into the air, flapping their wings to keep the pair afloat. Niya surveyed their surroundings nonchalantly, waiting for Kazimir to ascend. Nerai's stomach churned.

"God, I'll never get used to that," Nerai whined.

Niya replied, "I usually get rid of my stomach before flying to avoid motion sickness."

Kazimir then shot upward from the ground like a rocket, stabilizing in the air next to Niya. "You can follow me," they said. "I've been to this restaurant before."

The goat then careened through the hot hellish air, Niya and Nerai in tow. Other demons flew by them occasionally, disappearing into the distance and becoming black specks against the perpetually crimson sky.

Nerai closed his eyes and felt the wind buffer his face. Watching the gridded streets pass by below... ugh, it made him sick. Flying around like this always upset his stomach.

The demons then came to a standstill and lowered themselves gradually onto the ground. When Nerai opened his eyes, the trio of demons stood before a low-rise restaurant, clad in soot-colored brick. A lone wooden sign adorned the entrance: "The Devil's Triangle." Glass-paned windows betrayed the building's hazy amber interior.

"You can let go now," Niya said.

"Right." And Nerai hopped off of Niya, stumbling on the ground as he landed. The ground always felt strange after a flight. He was grateful to be standing on it rather than careening toward it.

Kazimir's wings retreated back into their body. "You look cute tonight, Nerai," they said. "Your suit matches your scales well."

"Ah! Thank you, um..." Nerai glanced at his suit. Its navy fabric was overlaid across a white button-up and coupled with a pair of midnight blue slacks. Dark leather shoes poked from his pant legs. "I just wanted to dress up for tonight, you know? It's our first formal date as a thruple. I just wanna impress you, I guess."

Kazimir smiled. "You always impress me, dear." They then turned to Niya. "Niya, the reservation is under your name, yes?"

Niya nodded. "Yeah. Don't worry, I'll handle this." They then marched to the door and flung it open, motioning for Kazimir and Nerai to enter. Orange light shone outward from the entrance onto the dull cement.

Nerai tentatively entered and was met with the scent of fresh bread and alcohol. The restaurant was ginormous, its monstrously high ceilings adorned with intricate murals of demonic history. Frescoes depicting the founding of the Council, the crowning of Lucifer, the beatification of his first apostles...

As soon as the three entered, the host perked up from behind his marble desk. He was a young-looking feline with auburn fur and sharp fangs, but stood notably shorter than Kazimir and Niya. His slick white suit appeared orange in the restaurant's light.

"Niya!" he said, and spread his arms wide. "I can't believe you're here! It's been decades."

Niya cracked a smile and embraced the demon, hugging his scrawny body. "Ah, Francis. Yes, it's been far too long."

The couple broke their embrace, only for Francis to do the same to Kazimir. "And hello to you too, Kazimir," he cooed. "Are you well? I heard you had an audience with the Council recently. Don't tell me you two had an infraction."

Niya rolled their eyes. "Does word really travel that quickly?" they said.

Francis winked. He said, "Well, I keep my ear to the ground."

Niya waved their paw in response. "Well, our meeting with the Council was merely a formality. Nothing bad, I can assure you."

They then gripped Nerai's shoulder and gently shoved him forward. They said, "But we do actually have some news for you, Francis. We'd like you to meet Nerai." They blushed and looked downward. "He is our new partner. We're here to go on a date."

Francis's eyes widened. "A date?" he exclaimed, and stepped closer to shake Nerai's hand. "You lucky dog! Must be a formidable force if these two have chosen you, haha."

Nerai laughed nervously. The feline's grip was strong, and he didn't seem to blink.

"I'm not actually that strong," Nerai admitted. "I'm actually new to this whole, uh, demon thing. I was only given my provisional license maybe two weeks ago."

Something strange passed beneath Francis's smile, but it quickly faded. "Ah. Well, regardless, I'm glad to meet you." Francis then released Nerai's claw and scurried to his desk, brandishing a clipboard.

"Now, to actually do my job... you three are looking for a window seat, yes?" Francis asked. His toothy smile never lapsed. "I have a wonderful table in mind for you three." He then glanced at Niya and Kazimir. "We will have to catch up another time."

"Of course," Niya said, and the trio followed Francis past vast swathes of demons. The restaurant seemed impossibly large. Its ceiling was vaulted high, its interior measuring the length of a football field end-to-end. Five separate bars laid along the restaurant's walls, the grounds covered in endless white tablecloths...

"This place is huge," Nerai said. The reflections of countless amber ceiling lamps reflected off of his eyes. "How is this possible?"

"It's non-euclidean," Francis remarked, not turning backward. Nerai could barely hear him over the chatter. "I figured that I should use my powers for something artistic here." He then briefly glanced at Nerai and remarked, "Because this is a work of art for me, you know."

No kidding, Nerai thought. He was enthralled by the neon lights of each bar, the soft amber air which bathed the separate dining areas... it felt like completely different biomes opened up with each step, transitioning smoothly into one another. The restaurant remained a single wide-open space, a cacophony of sound and sight-

"And we're here!" Francis chirped.

Nerai snapped his head forward just in time to run into the table, banging his knee on its legs. "Oh," he said, and stared befuddled at his surroundings. The entrance to the restaurant was suddenly a speck against a faraway wall. He could barely even see it. But he had only been walking for thirty seconds.

"How...?" Nerai asked.

Francis threw his hands up in the air. "Just a quirk of the space," he said, and pulled out the chairs one at a time. "Please, enjoy yourself here. I know it's jarring, but this place is simply wonderful when you wrap your head around it."

Nerai nodded, still in shock, and gingerly sat. "A-alright. Thank you," he said.

"Yes, thank you," Niya said.

Francis then pecked both Kazimir and Niya on the cheek and said, "I'll be right back to take your order, loves. In the meantime, please enjoy yourselves."

The feline then turned and trotted off, obscured by Kazimir's figure. As he left, Kazimir gazed at Nerai with a wide smile.

"Freaked out?" they teased.

Nerai glanced to the side and opened his maw, struggling to think of something to say. "I mean, yeah," he sputtered. "This place is fucking huge. And he - did he teleport us?"

Niya shook their head. "No, not exactly. Francis can create mini wormholes. Non-euclidean spaces. It scared me too, at first. But he's put his powers to good use here." They motioned with their paw. "Demons will form stomachs for themselves just to come here and enjoy themselves. His powers make this place accommodating for folks of every size."

Nerai laughed. "Yeah, he called this place his 'art.'"

Niya looked at him. "Is it not art?" they asked.

The dragon thought for a moment and replied, "I mean, I guess it is." He then asked, "So, uh. How do you two know him?"

Kazimir and Niya glanced at each other. Kazimir gave an almost imperceptible nod before both turned back to him.

"Francis and I were briefly involved with each other," Niya admitted. "But this was a very long time ago. You shouldn't worry about anything."

Kazimir added, "The man really is sweet. And he's a good person. But he wasn't a good lover. For either of us."

Nerai's nose wrinkled. "Oh," he said. "I mean, that sucks. I'm sorry."

Niya sighed. They lifted the menu to their face. "Yes," they said. "It was a bad time. But it's all over now."

"Right," Kazimir said. They then grasped Nerai's hand. "All that is in the past. To be honest, we're just grateful to be here with you now."

Nerai blushed. "M-me too." He chuckled nervously. "Honestly, these past few months living with you both have been the happiest of my life. I'm just so happy to be your apprentice and... boyfriend."

Kazimir grinned and clenched Nerai's hand. "I feel the same." They glanced at Niya. "It feels amazing to have my two favorite people in one place."

Niya gripped the menu tighter. Their heart raced, but they didn't let their excitement show. "Yeah," they said, and gulped. They met Kazimir's gaze, then Nerai's. "I, um...I'm really glad I didn't kill you a few months ago, Nerai. You're important to me."

Kazimir grinned and leaned backward, catching a glimpse of Niya's backside. "Aww! Niya, your tail is wagging," they teased.

"Wait, really?" Nerai asked. "That's so cute!"

Niya's maw gaped. "I-you-This is stupid," they sputtered, and hid their face under the menu. "Ugggggghhhhhh. I hate both of you, actually. Let me order my food in peace."

"Love you too, dear," Kazimir chirped, and picked up their menu.

Nerai smiled nervously. Seeing Kazimir and Niya interact made his chest feel warm. It made him feel special, somehow. He felt the overwhelming urge to say something profound. Excitement bubbled up his throat-

"I-I love both of you," he blurted.

His voice was a croak. He'd never said those words before to Kazimir or Niya. Or to anyone, really.

Silence. Kazimir and Niya stared at Nerai, processing what the dragon had said. Blood rushed to Nerai's face. Oh god, he fucked up. He just told two demons he loved them, that was so presumptuous-

"I love you too, Nerai," Kazimir said. They smiled, and gently held Nerai's claws. "I'm so glad you finally said that. I've been waiting for you to say it first."

"R-really?" Nerai gulped. "Oh god, I'm sorry. I've been so nervous. I just, you know, I don't wanna force things on you two-"

Niya waved their paw. "You're not forcing anything on us, Nerai. I'm actually surprised that you waited so long." They looked away, clearly ashamed to say what came next.

"Because... as much as I hate to say it, I love you too, idiot."

Laughter. Nerai said, "God, well, I feel stupid now."

Niya glanced up from the menu. "Well, Nerai, you are stupid. But for separate reasons." They shifted in their seat. "And you should've known I had feelings for you when I let you make me play your... 'boarded games.'"

"What? But board games are so fun!" Nerai whined.

Kazimir giggled and teased, "You're just mad because you lost, Niya."

Niya shot a glare at Kazimir. "Given time, I will become the master of this silly Monopoly game," they spat. "Just you wait."

Nerai cradled the wine glass in his hand, watching its dark liquid dance against the glass's edges. He laid his chin against his other palm, watching as his lovers bickered amongst themselves.

"No, no. You didn't - you didn't tell me about that!" Kazimir exclaimed, almost doubled over laughing. "That's terrible!"

Niya motioned emphatically with their hands. "Well, the Council of Nicaea was huge! Every big hitter was there." They listed off names with their fingers. "Agaliarept, Charun... oh, and Ifrit, obviously."

Kazimir raised their wine glass, beaming with excitement. "Oh my god, Ifrit. He's still around, isn't he?"

Niya chuckled. "Yeah, I think."

"Was he into butt stuff back then?"

Niya smacked the table and laid their head in their hands. "Kazimir, you're terrible."

Kazimir's paw shook Niya's arm. "Tell meeeee!" they begged.

"Yes," Niya admitted between laughs. "Yes, and he wore a plug during the ceremony."

"No way!"

"Mhm!" Niya sat back, staring into nothingness as they reminisced. "Oh, that was such a wonderful time. Mastema and I just happened to be in Nicaea at the time. And, well, we weren't about to miss the big event." They raised a glass to their lips, then added, "Oh! And Ninurta was there, and she wasn't even in the Council yet."

Kazimir nodded. "Right, you told me that you had met her once. God, it must be strange to see her beatified like this."

Niya shrugged. "She's joined a hivemind now. I say, good for her."

"Mmm." Kazimir hummed. Their gaze then shifted to Nerai. "Oh, sorry, love. We don't mean to exclude you from the conversation."

"No, no, it's fine." Nerai thought for a moment and added, "I just like seeing you two geek out. It's really cute."

Kazimir turned away and smiled. "Oh, you flatter me."

"Pfffft." Nerai then stood from his chair and stretched his arms over his head. "Hey, I'm gonna run to the bathroom before our food gets here, alright?"

Kazimir waved. "See you soon, love."

Niya nodded. "Don't get lost."

"I'll try not to," Nerai quipped, and set off across the wide space. The bathroom was on the opposite wall to his table, but he managed to reach the door in less than a minute. In the space of a blink, he had phased across twenty tables, and stood smack-dab in front of the steel door. No gender marker adorned the door's surface; he supposed the distinction was arbitrary here.

Nerai then opened the door and stepped inside the restroom, astonished at its size. Rows of variously sized stalls aside rows of sinks and urinals. Bright, sterile lighting complimented by the scent of bleach.

"A fucking bathroom dimension..." Nerai mumbled, and stepped to the nearest urinal. He remained astounded at the restaurant's layout. Every door led to a football field's worth of space, and it was packed with demons wherever he went... he wouldn't be surprised if some demons spent their entire afterlives in this place.

The door to the bathroom clanked open as Nerai unbuttoned his pants and used the urinal. His drunken mind raced. How did Francis even maintain this place? It must take a lot of thaumaturgic energy to keep it functional. Maybe the dude had, like, a team of other demons keeping the restaurant's structure intact or something...

Nerai hiccuped and zipped his pants up. Oh well. Time to get back to the-

As he turned, he came face-to-face with Kazimir.

"Hey there, stranger," Kazimir said. "You come here often?"

Nerai giggled. "Oh my gosh. What, do you have to pee or something?"

"No." Kazimir put a hand on Nerai's shoulder. "I just wanted to talk to you for a moment alone."

"Oh, alright." The couple then walked to the sink. Nerai plunged his claws under the warm sudsy water.

Kazimir struggled to find the right words. "I just want to say... thank you for taking Niya and I out tonight. I really appreciate it."

Nerai dried his hands with a towel. "Oh," he said. "Well, it's no problem. I love you. I just want to spend time with you, you know?"

"I-I know," Kazimir said. "But... I guess what I'm trying to say is that I haven't felt this way about someone for thousands of years." They glanced away. "I mean, we didn't have 'dates' where I came from. This whole ritual... I don't really understand it, but I appreciate it." Their gaze met Nerai's. "I appreciate you. A lot. Your love is refreshing."

Nerai smirked. "It's no problem, Kazimir. I love you, too." He shuffled his feet. "I'm just doing my best to show it, you know? I've never been in a relationship with a demon before, let alone two. And our relationship has certainly been... unique." He laughed. "I never guessed any of this would happen when we first met."

Kazimir rubbed the back of their head. "Neither did I," they admitted. "I didn't often allow myself to love mortals before you. Normally my relationships with them begin and end with sex." They stared at themselves in the bathroom mirror. "And even with other demons, I've shown my love mostly through sex. Spending time with you in a place like this is new to me." They frowned. "I can't believe I've lost touch with humanity so badly."

Nerai shrugged. He grasped Kazimir's paw. "I'm sorry," he said. He didn't know what to say. He blurted, "I was remembering my old life today, too. It feels distant. I don't really know how to feel about it."

A pause. "Can I share a secret with you?" Kazimir asked.

"Sure," Nerai replied. He looked at Kazimir's reflection.

Kazimir sighed. Their eyes glistened. They said, "I don't remember what I used to look like." They turned to Nerai. "Is that bad?"

Nerai inhaled. "I don't know," he said. "I don't think so." He then grasped Kazimir's arm. "Maybe it doesn't matter."

Kazimir sniffled. "Mm. Sorry, I'm just... feeling weird." Their chest unsteadily rose and fell. "I'm not used to feeling this way."

"Hey," Nerai said. "Can you look at me?"

Kazimir turned to face Nerai. They looked into his eyes.

"I love you," Nerai said. "And it doesn't matter to me who you used to be. I still wanna love you in my own way. I know it must feel weird, but... I just like spending time with you. Watching movies and having sex and practicing magic. It doesn't really matter. We can do all of it." He smirked. "We have the time, after all. We should enjoy it."

Kazimir blushed. They struggled with their words. "Thank you," they said. "I love you, too." Their heart raced.

Loving a mortal was... different. Nerai was so weak and vulnerable. Prone to bruising and crying and pain. His muscles were fragile, his soul was soft. He should mean nothing to them. And yet there Kazimir stood, emotional at his mere presence.

"What is wrong with me?" Kazimir asked.

"Nothing, really," Nerai replied. He wrapped his arms around Kazimir's waist. "I love you as you are."

Kazimir flashed a pained smile. They said, "Niya was right. You are stupid."

"The stupidest," Nerai joked. And he planted a soft kiss on Kazimir's lips. He then asked, "Do you want to head back to the table?"

Kazimir thought for a moment. They then said, " Yes. But I want to do something first."

"Oh?" Nerai asked. "And what does that m-"

Nerai's maw was suddenly overtaken by Kazimir's. The goat's chubby arms held Nerai still as they plunged their long, warm tongue into his mouth. A whine escaped Nerai as his body was pinned flush against the wall. Kazimir's weight held him completely prone. He could just barely breathe.

Kazimir's tongue swabbed the entirety of Nerai's maw, slowly working its way along the groove of his tongue and slipping into his throat. That familiar smell of clove and smoke invaded Nerai's nostrils. A labored moan emanated from the scrawny dragon. He was powerless, a mere ragdoll in the paws of his mistress. Kazimir's paws dug into his spine, nearly piercing the boy's scales.

Nerai strained his arms across Kazimir's back, clenching the demon's fur in his palms. Kazimir moaned softly as Nerai's claws hooked into their skin. Having sex with Nerai felt refreshing for Kazimir. It was slower, more methodical. Like they were savoring each other's bodies with every graze of their skin, every kiss, every bated breath.

The goat retracted their tongue from Nerai's mouth, pulling back and giving him space to breathe. Nerai's face was beet red.

"I need more," Kazimir said. A predatory look shone in their scarlet eyes. "I need to feel you. All of you. Now."

Nerai recoiled. "N-now? Here? But people can come in any minute," he said.

Kazimir raised an eyebrow. "Does that really matter to you anymore?" they asked. "Let them witness our love."

Nerai shook as Kazimir's grip intensified. His heartbeat sounded like machine gun fire. "I guess I don't care," he squeaked. "Let's do it."

Kazimir smirked. "Then bend over," they commanded. "Over the sink."

The dragon chuckled nervously. "O-okay," he said, and bent himself over the cold, white basin. The position was strangely comfortable. He crossed his arms across the sink and attempted to look backward, but his vision was limited. "Is this good?" he asked.

"Perfect," Kazimir responded, and deftly unbuckled the dragon's slacks. Nerai's belt and pants fell to the floor with a metallic clank. The goat then hooked their thumbs around Nerai's underpants and slid them down past Nerai's thighs, allowing themselves a full view of the dragon's lavender backside. His long, scaled tail laid to the side, twitching in anticipation. His cock began to harden.

Nerai sputtered, "S-so what're you gonna do back there?"

"Just trust me," Kazimir commanded, and lowered themselves to their knees. "Your only job is to enjoy yourself, love."

The goat then gently licked around the outside of Nerai's asshole, feeling its skin pucker against their slick appendage. Nerai gripped the sink tightly, the warm sensation of Kazimir's saliva making his mind hazy.

"F-fuck," he moaned. "Gentle, please...fuck, you feel good..."

Kazimir chuckled, moving their tongue in a circular motion around Nerai's hole before prodding their way inside. The tip of their tongue tenderly pushed its way further inside the dragon's tight ass as Nerai's tail thudded against the porcelain sink. The warmth of the dragon's insides made Kazimir ravenous. They would stop at nothing to violate every inch of the boy's body.

Kazimir wrapped their palms around his asscheeks and spread them wide, giving themselves easier access to the boy's insides.Their tongue then elongated just as it had for Nerai's throat, plunging itself deeper and deeper into Nerai's asshole. Pathetic whines escaped the dragon as his ass was thoroughly violated. He could feel Kazimir's tongue twitching inside of him, pressing itself downward toward his tummy.

"R-right there!" Nerai moaned. His cock twitched in the air, leaking a stream of precum onto the floor. The goat's tongue lovingly massaged the boy's prostate. "P-please more..."

Suddenly, the door to the restroom opened. A canine demon entered, dark-furred and smartly dressed. Her sharp red nails reflected the bathroom's sterile light. In an absurd display, she stopped in her tracks as she noticed Nerai and Kazimir. A moment of silence ensued. Nobody was sure how to respond.

Nerai's heart skipped a beat. His dick throbbed. "I-I can explain-" he sputtered, but Kazimir cut him off. They retracted their tongue from his ass and spoke.

"You can watch us if you'd like," they said, and gave the demon a quick wink.

More silence. The canine stood in thought for a moment, then leaned against the bathroom wall. A clear bulge emerged from her dress. "Go on," she said, and deftly put a cigarette in her mouth. "I wanna see how this ends."

Kazimir smirked. "Then I'll give you a show," they said, and snapped. Their dress disappeared into a plume of smoke, leaving themselves fully nude. Their large, round breasts flopped against their fat belly. Their thick cock remained nestled between their thick thighs, already tensed and flaring against the bathroom air.

"I hope you're ready, dear," they said.

Nerai's mind swam. The attention of being fucked in front of an audience... god, it was overwhelming.

"I'm ready," he said.

Kazimir hummed. They then rubbed the tip of their cock against Nerai's loosened asshole, savoring the way the dragon tensed against their member.

"Who's my good boy?" Kazimir asked.

"It's me. I'm your good boy," Nerai whined. He blushed. Of course his mistress would embarrass him in front of their audience! So embarrassing...

Kazimir grinned. "Such a cutie," they said, and lightly thrust themselves inside Nerai. The dragon shook as Kazimir's glans buried itself inside him. He could feel Kazimir throb against his walls, putting pressure on his prostate.

"Mmmmmph..." Nerai gripped the sink and attempted to stifle his whimpers. "M-more..." he begged.

"Of course, dear." They bent themselves over Nerai, allowing their breasts to lay against his back. Hot breath spilled over Nerai's neck. Their hips then began to thrust inside Nerai. Gently at first, gripping the boy's undercarriage for leverage, then speeding up as pressure mounted.

Nerai's whines turned them on. The way he looked backward at them in desperation, his pathetic whimpers as he rode their cock, his drippy dick. The dragon was just so fucking_hot_. But more than that, Kazimir sensed a genuine surge of emotion from him. Something contagious. Something lovely.

"Mistress! I love you!" Nerai whined, bouncing his ass against Kazimir's cock. The goat's balls slapped against his backside. "P-please cum inside me! Please!"

Kazimir huffed. "Of course, baby," they cooed. "Hold on tight."

The goat didn't hold back. Their humping became frantic, plunging themselves feverishly in and out of the boy's plump ass. Nerai's hole massaged Kazimir's thick cock, causing it to flare against his insides. Kazimir's abdomen tensed, their grip tightened around Nerai's hips.

Kazimir's breathing was shallow. Their tail flitted. A guttural groan rattled their chest. "I love you. I love you! I'm gonna cum, baby!" They then thrust themselves fully inside Nerai's asshole, filling the dragon in his entirety. Kazimir's dick quivered against his walls as wave after wave of cum erupted inside of the dragon, exploding out of his ass and onto the tiled floor.

Nerai's mind shattered. The warmth of Kazimir's seed melted his lower half into a gooey mess. He hung limp over the sink as residual moans flowed from Kazimir's maw. The goat's thrusting slowed as they emptied the last of their load into Nerai's tight ass. Their chest heaved. Their face blushed.

Kazimir then glanced at the canine who stood against the wall. Smoke poured from the dog's mouth. She silently gave a thumbs up and a nod.

The goat giggled. "I think we gave a good show, dear."

Nerai groaned. "I hope so..." And he rested against the sink on unsteady legs.