Terminating Employment

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Gyro Feather has a small cameo in this, though the majority of the story is not about him. Instead, its a look into a night club where Ray works, and his employment is about to come to an end.Art is by alpharayThumbnailPosted using PostyBirb

Originally posted on 2019-01-19.

Neon lights and bassy music pulsed at the The Pantry nightclub in downtown Canterlot. Yes, Canterlot had a downtown, and it was surprisingly seedy compared to the squeaky clean upper streets populated only by royalty and other elites. The Pantry was one of the area's main draws for those of a particular taste. It encouraged an activity that the socialites in the upper city would surely scoff at, even though some of them secretly participated in it as well. It was a place where ponies could eat and be eaten, usually while they were alive.

Whenever a customer entered the club, they had to choose between being a guest, or a special guest. Every guest had to pay a fee to enter the club, but the fee to enter as a special guest was considerably higher. Special guests were given a pink heart stamp over their cutie marks so they could be distinguished from the other patrons. They were given free drinks at the bar and priority seating during any of the club's live shows, but the real reason anypony wanted to be a special guest was because those ponies were designated as prey. The club's premiere service was its vast array of different predators from all across equestria eager to eat The Pantry's special patrons. No longer did ponies desiring to be prey have to go out into the forests or mountains in search of dragons, or search tirelessly in settlements for ponies capable of eating them alive. Now they could satisfy that urge in one convenient location.

The club was a repurposed warehouse in the city's waterfront district. New walls and decor had been added to give the club a unique aesthetic. The center stage was raised three feet off the floor with black curtains draped off its edges, covering the metal struts beneath. The stage was empty save for a lone microphone stand. There was no show that night. All the club's patrons were either sitting at the bar, mingling on the dance floor, or feeding their predators in one of the private rooms.

The long marble-top bar extended from the entrance all the way to the stage nearly fifty feet away. It was painted jet black, contrasting with the maroon carpeting over most of the floor, aside from the wooden dance floor. The bar ended where the long hallway of private rooms began. The private rooms were fifty square foot rooms with only three walls. The fourth on each room wall was an open threshold with a set of red curtains that could be closed for privacy. Each room had a short leather couch, a coffee table, and a small bed that needed to be cleansed regularly.

Employees at The Pantry were hoof selected by the club's proprietor, a large orange earth pony calling himself Apex. Employees were selected for their predatory prowess, and physical attractiveness, both of which they would need to entertain the club's numerous guests. However, if an employee fails to consume enough of the club's special guests, they could find themselves on the menu as well. Each predator had a strict monthly quota to ensure their skills in vore didn't wane.

Ray was one of those employees. He was a light green unicorn stallion with a feminine frame and a bright blonde mane and tail. The pony wore a black skirt and matching crop top that exposed a slight pot belly that sagged beneath him. Like many of the employed predators, he had a routine that he played to make his services more interesting. He played the role of a vivacious, innocent, girly colt with a dark side, and he usually engaged in a bit of roleplaying with his clients before he devoured them. His routine made him popular with many patrons when he first joined the Pantry's payroll. There seemed to be no end of ponies that wanted to become part of something delicate and innocent. During Ray's first few months working for Apex, his rump had grown rounder and wider so that his collection of miniskirts could no longer cover its mass and his supple cheeks and ink-and-quill cutie mark were in full view to any prying eyes. However, his clientele had dried up in recent weeks. It was as if everyone interested in his services had already been added to his rump, and now the special guests were all more interested in other predators.

Ray was leaning his left shoulder and rump cheek on a wall outside of one of the private rooms. Though the 'private' room's curtains were wide open so that Ray and everyone else in the club could see what was happening. Ray's co-worker, a sky blue unicorn with short brown hair named Evvy, entered the room with a green pegasus stallion and a pink "special guest" earth pony mare about an hour ago. Now, the stallion had a low sagging pot belly, and his hind legs were spread out in a bow-legged stance. His tail was lifted high, exposing his posterior to the rest of the club. The green pegasus was holding open a white sack below Evvy's rump, ready to catch his leavings.

"You two enjoying your date?" Evvy asked with a grunt. Ray glanced into the room just as Evvy blasted a humid cloud of tiny pink hairs into the pegasus' face, filling the area with a putrid aroma. "She wants to go home with you~"

Sloppy logs of bone speckled unicorn shit started to fill the sack as Evvy let out a satisfied moan. Ray watched this for a few seconds before Evvy looked over his shoulder at Ray and cocked him a smug smile.

"Hey- unf- Ray, Apex wanted to see you in his office," Evvy said, giving the other stallion a sultry wink as a bead of sweat rolled down the unicorn's face.

Ray's heart sank in his chest. Nopony ever survived being called into the bosses office. His legs started to feel weak almost instantly. He hadn't made the monthly quota.

The green unicorn started walking toward the back of the club with a look of trauma in his eyes. He didn't even feel like he was the one walking to Apex's office. It felt like he was being led there by a leash. He caught a glimpse of Evvy running a hoof across his neck in a slicing motion and giggling as he trotted by, but didn't react.

Apex sat behind his desk in his private office with his eyes trained at the door, lying in wait for Ray to enter. His office was not unlike what one would see from any other successful businesspony in Canterlot. He had a maplewood desk built tall enough for his massive frame. There were rows of shelves on both side walls with assorted books and statues, though there were a few oversized sex toys on those shelves as well. His floor was covered in the same color of maroon carpet that was on most of the club's floors. The only chair in the room was the stool he was sitting on. In front of his desk, there was only a white throw pillow on the ground for guests to sit on.

Apex was a massive brown earth pony stallion with jet black hair. He was half chestnut horse, which lent to his impressive size. He towered over nearly every pony with his broad shoulders and muscular legs. Compared to Ray, he was easily twice the mass of the little unicorn. The stallion furrowed an eyebrow and cocked a subtle smile as the door to his office opened and he saw Alpha Ray standing in its wake with his black skirt and wobbly legs.

"You wanted to see me, Mister Apex?" Ray said, speaking as confidently as he could, though nothing could hide the underlying fear in his voice.

Apex didn't say anything for several drawn out seconds, letting the tension in the air grow so thick it could be cut with a knife. Ray timidly walked past the door's threshold and closed it behind him, sealing the two of them off from the loud, lively club. Ray looked up into Apex's stern expression and swallowed a nervous lump in his throat. A few more seconds passed and Apex stood up from his stool, placing his front hooves on his desk and leaning over it, casting a looming shadow over the room.

"Why don't you sit down?" Apex suggested, gesturing to the throw pillow on the floor. His voice was deep and bassy, but he was speaking with a calm, even tone.

Ray looked at the pillow and realized his boss was making a play. Ray would be at a terrible disadvantage if he sat down on that pillow. It would be akin to begging the massive stallion to sit on him and suck him up his ass.

"Thank you, sir, but I think I'm fine with standing," Ray said weakly.

The larger stallion walked out from behind his desk and stood against the left wall of the room, now close enough to see the beads of sweat forming on Ray's head.

"Sit down, now," Apex ordered. His voice was so stern and sharp that Ray could feel his heart leap in his chest.

"Y-yes sir," Ray said timidly, before following it with a more confident, "Yes sir, Mister Apex." He quickly stepped over to the pillow and planted his juicy rump onto the padded fabric. His skirt fanned out around his hips as he bent his hind legs to the sides of his hips and placed his front hooves on the ground in front of him. The girly stallion was beginning to breath heavily. It felt like Apex's mere presence was suffocating him.

"Good girl," Apex said teasingly, circling around the entrapped stallion with his eyes firmly fixed on his rump. "So obedient. So pretty."

The way Apex was talking to Ray made the hairs on his back raise. He waited until there was a break in Apex's talking to break in by saying, "I've had a very good week this week, Mister Apex, far better than last week!"

"Yes, last week was very disappointing," Apex said, the words chilling Ray to his core, "and so was the week before that." Apex stepped closer to Ray, his shadow looming over the quivering stallion from behind. "And as for this week, you've only been doing okay, not great."

Ray quickly pivoted on his pillow, turning around to face his boss and plead, "Mister Apex, I swear I can d-"

"One more word and you're dead!" The larger stallion barked harshly, causing Ray to choke on the next few words he was planning to say. Apex always made good on his threats.

Apex bent down so that he was eye to eye with Ray, grinning widely as he ran one of his cloven hooves through Ray's mane. "You're such a pretty little sissy. It's going to be heartbreaking to see such a wonderful body turned into my poop."

With those last few words, Ray looked into Apex's eyes with a helpless expression, his heart pounding in his chest like a caged animal. He was so paralyzed with fear he wasn't even able to speak if he wanted to.

"But that's the way things have to be," Apex said in a matter of fact tone as he turned around with his thick, lumbering legs. He sounded like he was talking about a dirty job he was forced to do, like eating Ray was just part of his duties and he wouldn't do it if he didn't have to. Ray's lip quivered as the stallion's tail hiked up, exposing his massive, puckered anal ring that was wider than Ray's entire snout. The stallion's enormous ass eclipsed Ray's vision entirely, and it was so close that Ray could feel the humid heat wafting off his ass, along with a strong musky scent. "Only the best predators get to work here, Ray. If you aren't going to be at the top of the food chain, I'll be happy to put you at the bottom."

Ray finally whimpered, "P-please, I-" but he couldn't finish his sentence because the oversized stallion suddenly slammed his rear down on Ray's head with tremendous force.

*Fwump!* Ray's head and shoulders passed through the massive ring of flesh in a mere moment. His vision was suddenly shrouded in utter darkness and his nostrils were assaulted with a strong stench of stallion shit. The hair on his head and shoulders was immediately coated in a grimy layer of slime that made him squirm in discomfort.

*Squelch!* A horrid, wet sound rang in Ray's ears as Apex used his weight to entrap more of the feminine stallion in his ass. The unicorn's head traveled into the earth pony's

The stuffed earth pony lumbered back to his desk with a six inch bulge in his lower gut in the vague shape of the quivering unicorn he'd devoured. Apex had perfect control of his digestive system after decades of devouring live ponies, so he was able to control Ray's journey through his intestines, speeding up the ascent and slowing it down whenever it pleased him. Ray was already halfway to the pony's stomach when the boss pony sat back down on his stool.

Apex flopped his two front hooves on his desk and looked down at the bulge slowly traveling up his body. He laughed and flexed his lower gut, forcing Ray up the tight intestinal tube faster like he was squeezing the last drop out of a tube of toothpaste. Ray groaned in discomfort as his snout passed through a tight sphincter that lead to the earth pony's stomach. He could smell the unmistakable stench of stomach bile, and hints of the powerful acids that would soon dissolve him to the bone. Apex flexed his stomach muscles again, and Ray was quickly deposited into his stomach in a tightly curled ball. Though his skirt had come off at some point in his journey, now left to fester in Apex's intestines.

"He-heh, what now, Ray?" Apex chuckled. He planted his left elbow on his table, leaning forward while he caressed his lumpy, overstuffed gut with his right hoof. Ray heard a loud gurgling sound echo from all around him as the stomach walls contracted, squeezing him into a tighter ball, earning a pained squeak of discomfort from the pony. Ray felt his right hind leg bend uncomfortably behind his head. The joint in his knee began to strain to the point that it felt like a burning metal rod was being shoved below his knee. Ray heard a soft *pop,* and the burning sensation worsened.

"How slow should I make your death?" the stuffed earth pony asked himself, his smile deepening as he heard Ray make a sudden, muffled scream of pain. Apex slapped his belly, creating another bone-crunching pop and a pathetic squeal from the pony trapped inside. "I think you've been a good employee and an even better meal. I won't stretch this out for any longer than it needs to be. I bet I could pass a pretty little thing like you in under an hour~"

The predator's merciful offer didn't comfort Ray. Seconds after Apex finished talking, he showed the deadly control he had over his digestive system by ramping up his stomach activity. The walls around Ray contracted, squeezing the helpless pony into a compact shape as the bones in his extremities snapped like brittle twigs. Apex heard a cacophony of snapping and popping sounds coupled with pathetic screams and wet gurgles. The pony was thrashing in the earth pony's stomach with his broken leg. Acids started to fill the gut through glands in the stomach walls, seeping onto the cracks between Ray's broken limbs and submerging him in the burning liquid. Ray's sleeveless crop top dissolved off his back in seconds. His hair fell out in clumps soon after, ruining his perfect looks and exposing his skin to the frothy liquids eager to melt him to the bone.

The soft parts of Ray's exposed flesh were attacked first. His nose, ears and crotch were the easiest parts for the acids to dissolve. The latter in particular was excruciating for the helpless victim. Ray thrashed as much as he could in the tight space with his broken limbs. Blood and acid filled his mouth when he made the mistake of screaming. He started to choke on the thick mixture and felt his insides burn like he'd swallowed lit napalm. His eyelids were peeled away in moments, exposing his large blue eyes to the harsh liquids. The soft flesh of his eyes were eaten through in seconds, allowing the acids to fill his cranium and eat away at his brain. The unicorn didn't survive in Apex's stomach for very long.

Apex leaned back on his stool and sighed contently as the shape of his gut smoothed out and decreased in size. Soft pops and deep gurgles continued, but the sounds of Ray's struggling had ceased. Ray's remains were already being processed into a manageable chyme and sent back the way they came where his intestines could rob them of nutrients and liquid. The unicorn would be nothing but a thick mass of waste in the earth pony's colon within no time.

*Urp~* the large stallion let out a wet belch, tasting Ray for the first time. He had a faint hint of mint and lime. Perhaps it was the shampoo he used. The earth pony reached on his desk and activated an intercom connected to his assistant's desk.

"Sky?" He called, "I'll need you in my office in half an hour. I've terminated another employee and I'll need you to escort him outside soon."

Apex then turned off the intercom and relaxed in his chair, leaning onto his desk and closing his eyes for a brief nap.

Sky had long blue braided hair and a rain cloud cutie mark. She spent most of her work hours in a small office space behind the Pantry's bar, counting finances and taking calls. The petite yellow pegasus was like the club's secretary, but she would often assist Apex with other things.

She was trotting down the hallway of private rooms leading to her boss's office carrying a stretchy silk sack in her mouth. It was the time of night when most of the predators were finishing up their work for the night and very few special guests were left. She saw ponies, gryphons and zebras with smooth, gurgling bellies laying alone in the small private rooms.

One room had a blue and purple peacock gryphon with a blue mare filling his belly. The mare's head was still sticking out of his beak with a nervous expression. "I-I think I've changed my mi-" she said before the gryphon's beak closed and her head was swallowed down in one gulp.

The playful gryphon belched at Sky as she walked by, smuggly wagging his tail. "Another stinky job, Sky?" the catbird asked as she passed him.

"Sometimes I prefer birds that can't talk," Sky muttered as she unlocked her boss's door. When the door swung open, she saw Apex sitting behind his desk with his eyes already trained on her. She hated the way he always did that when he expected someone. He was already intimidating enough without being so intense.

The pegasus passed the door's threshold with her head hung so low that the sack she was carrying almost dragged on the floor. "Good evening, mister-"

"Chin up," the earth pony ordered as he gestured for her to come closer to him. While Sky lifted her head up and approached, he stood up off his stool and circled around his desk, feeling a familiar pressure in his bowels as he walked.

Apex's tail flicked just as he let out a hissing fart that quickly filled the room with humid air and the rancid stench of methane and death. "Come around back and get ready," the earth pony ordered as he spread his back legs and brushed his tail to the side.

Sky nodded and wrapped her hooves around the edges of the back so she could hold the bag open without getting her mouth involved. She circled behind Apex and sat down on her haunches with her wings timidly folded to her sides. She held out the bag under his rump, ready to catch his leavings.

Apex sighed as he relaxed his rear muscles. Sky could see his tight glutes sag as he unclenched his rear. She prepared for the first log to slide out, but first he blasted a bassy fart in her face that ruffled the hair on her mane and caused her eyes to water.

*Prrrt* Ray's skirt was suddenly blasted out of Apex's rear, the ruined fabric landed on Sky's face, covered in wet spots and stains she didn't want to think about. She shook her head quickly and the heavy skirt plopped into the open sack.

*Pffft* Another, less powerful fart hissed from the stallion's ass the first compact log emerged from his sphincter. It was a dark brown color, hard and compact. There were no clues in it as to what or whom he'd eaten, just an evenly shaded, lumpy turd that slid from his rear, coated in a thin layer of slimy grime. The log was nearly as thick as a pony's leg. As more of it slid out from his rear it drooped down and dangled over the bag. His wrinkled sphincter closed around the end of the log, pinching it off so that it plopped into the bag. Sky felt the hefty weight it added. She knew she'd be straining to hold it up when more weight was added.

The second log slipped from Apex's rear. It was a lighter color and a softer texture than the first. There were specks of bone mixed with the waste and the occasional green or yellow hair that survived the trip. That second log was pinched off, but didn't fall into the bag instantly because a shred of fabric from Ray's crop-top was lodged in the log of waste and still pinched by the massive stallion's anus. The earth pony had to shake his rear a couple times before the fabric finally slipped from his pucker and the second log plopped into the bag on top of the first log with a wet thud. The weight of the bag doubled, and so did the smell and heat rising from the bottom.

Sky blushed and folded her ears to the sides of her head while more logs of earth pony muck were added to the bag, mixed with labored grunts and loud, bassy farts. She had to repress her sense of smell to keep from gagging on the stench that intensified by the second. After a few smaller logs of ex-unicorn, Apex grunted and strained at something hard and thick pressing against his rear. After a few more labored grunts, a grimy hoof plopped out of his rear and landed in the bag with a soft thump. It was the largest piece of Ray that made it through his digestive system intact.

The predatory earth pony shuddered after feeling the strain on his rear after passing the irregularly shaped bone. A tingle of pleasure went down his spine after the hoof was gone, allowing another thick, firm log to pass through. The bag sky was holding felt like it was over half the weight of an adult pony, so she knew her boss was close to being finished.

A long, soft log snaked out of Apex's rear and coiled on top of the tall pile in the bag. Shards of bone and clumps of hair tickled the earth pony's rear. The pile in the bag was high enough so that he could feel the heat wafting off it. The long, soft log was pinched off, filling the sack nearly to the brim.

"That's all of him," Apex said, wiping a few drops of sweat off his forehead. The pegasus avoided breathing through her nose as she tied off the top of the sack and gripped the rope with her mouth.

*Pwwwrt* Before she could drag the bag out of the office, Apex farted in her face one last time, making her spit the rope out of her mouth in a cough. The sack plopped on the ground with a gross, wet squelch. Apex broke into a fit of laughter as the pegasus bent down to pick up the bag again. She had a visible blush across her cheeks.

"Take that out with the rest of the trash," Apex ordered, "And get a new bag for tomorrow. Evvy has been underperforming, too."

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