The Grandmaster of Sarthas - Chapter 16

Story by Ceberune on SoFurry

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#12 of The Grandmaster of Sarthas

The shadowy expanse of the Void stretched out around two auras as one trained the other in some unknowable technique. The student's aura was beginning to take a shape, a ghostly black furred wolf with deep blue glows where his eyes would be. The two auras sat there in meditation as the amorphous one spoke first. "You learn as fast as ever my student. Let us pray that your implementation skills are as honed when the time comes to use them." "Yes sensei." The ghost wolf answered. The formless one showed some amusement. "You have questions?" it asked. The wolf nodded simply, speaking his confusion. "When I first arrived at the Estate and found myself disappointed that I could not see her, I consulted the Void to ascertain her location..." he said and the formless aura showed amusement. "And the Void answered that she was there? Yes, a very vague answer when one wishes specifics on such important matters." It said pompously. "You once told me that the Void did not lie to those who asked it for why did it lie to me then?" the wolf asked. The aura again expressed amusement. "But she is here my student. Very few non-dragons come here to the Void when they pass on. Only those who make peace with themselves are allowed here, though she may have had regrets at her passing, she held no misgivings about her passing. So the Great Dragon of the Void kept her soul here. Can you not feel her essence here?" he asked as the wolf reached out his soul. He felt familiar threads woven through the Void and reflexively reached out to them so he could be with her, but the formless one rebuffed him immediately. It was enraged at the wolf's attempt at doing more than simply feeling for her. "Never...and I cannot express this with enough caution my student...never try to contact the dead. A simple touch of those who have passed on from our world can taint you with Necromancy. That is why we worship our ancestors in our lands as well as the great Fortunes. The dead come to us to give us guidance. They move at their own pace and their own time. Forcing matters corrupts the living with the taint of the dead. It is how things became as they are now my student. Long ago a young dragon tried to contact a lover who passed into the void...through that small window of youthful foolishness Necromancy was born. It is one reason why the touching of dead bodies in the Empire is unclean for any of us who can use even an iota of magic. Though most corpses are quite mundane, one never knows where the taint can hide when the touch of death is near. So I shall repeat my warning young Grand Master, leave the dead as they are, lest you become one of their number that must be destroyed in the next great war." It said. The wolf shuddered and bowed humbly to the formless one. "Yes master, the mistake shall not be repeated." He said. The formless one again showed amusement. "Trust me young one. I understand the bond you shared; after all, I felt it echo through all the elements at once. Raised quite a stir in the Void." The wolf showed some confusion. "Chaos in a realm of order? Why is the Great Dragon not investigating?" he asked as they felt the presence of great power surround them, both showed great humility as two bright yellow serpentine eyes appeared before them. "Because a much beloved guest and his student were well hidden in a quiet corner of my realm calming things down." A feminine voice that spoke only of power spoke to them. The formless one was immediately given form, a green scaled dragon of proud stature as he spoke. "We are not worthy to hear the voice of the Great..." The feminine voice interrupted him. "Shush Suzujomei, off to my bed as you shall give me proper payment for you and your student's presence in my realm, as calming as it was after that chaos." She said as a huge claw reached out and touched the dragon aura on the head, causing it to blink out, leaving only a frightened young wolf aura to face her. "You are new to my realm young Grand Master, and so you will be excused for your lengthy intrusion this once. Should you ever visit my realm this long in the future, know that your punishment is to spend a week in my bed, pleasing me in any way I wish. After which, you will be sent back to your body. Your master pays now for your transgressions, and as usual I doubt he will have any complaints when I finish with him. Sadly I fear he is getting the best part of this as I must now send you hurtling back to your mortal self. Prepare yourself Ceberune Onyxclaw of the Onyxclaw clan. For now you must live again." She said as the same claw that had claimed his sensei now brought what he had long dreaded.

Meanwhile, at the Vulpacha Estate...

Bomani Shooed the pesky fox pleasure slave out of the infirmary. "Out with you healthy foxling. This is a place for the sick and injured. You can visit your master after lunch." He said warmly as she yipped from the playful pinching of her rump. She glared at him, getting a chuckle from the great cat. "Indignation little foxling? Impressive, perhaps your master saw more in you than I first did. Now if you will be so kind, I must tend to your masters health in more private ways than I think he would expect you to have to deal with. Do me a favor though, greet Bianca when she arrives. She is due back from the capital within the hour." He says, closing the door on her. She growled at the cat's attitude as she turned from the door, from within she heard another chuckle, likely in answer to her growl as she stomped off down the hallway. She had been getting more and more irritable lately, and she could not understand why. It was frustration not being able to control her outbursts as easily as she once had. She found that proximity to her master seemed to ease the pain of this odd affliction she was experiencing. Despite her annoyance however, she had been tasked with a duty and went about it as she prepared the staff for the expected arrival of Bianca.

Bianca's arrival was to a humble welcome, thankfully as she stepped from the carriage, she noticed that Alhundro had not moved. "What is wrong Alhundro?" she asked. "There is a female in heat here, and the King cannot enter a noble estate without permission of either the estate's lord, or the highest ranking female's permission." He said. Bianca smirked noticing the bulge in the fox's trousers. "I had forgotten that rule. I am surprised you still follow such outdated protocols." She teased. "Normally the point is moot as the Lord is usually on hand to grant permissions. In this case however, the lord appears to be still incapacitated, and the highest rank female is here to welcome us." He said, pointing to the well trained Nadia. Bianca frowned. "Don't you dare take advantage of her naiveté on this matter Alhundro..." she hissed, the King held up a paw. "I have never, nor will I ever claim that right Bianca, besides we do not even know if she is the one in heat. Though if she is out here then Bomani likely kicked her out of the infirmary, and we both know he only does that under two circumstances..." Bianca frowned as well. Bomani kept an open door policy to visitors to the infirmary. The tiger loved chatting with visitors to the recovering injured and sick as he brought them back to full health. The only time he kicked people out was when a female was in heat and it was interfering with his duties, or there was bad news. And from the looks of things, it was not bad news as the estate was not locked down in mourning the loss of another lord. She looked again at the fox and noticed little twitches that she didn't have before. "Perhaps you should come back tomorrow Alhundro, we can have a large family meeting and a nice meal together." The King nodded. "Take us home driver." He said waving as Bianca was left behind to deal with the growing powder keg of sexual frustration that was Nadia. Nadia bowed to the approaching Usagi royal mechanically as she passed. Bianca dismissed the staff then looked at Nadia seriously. "Did Bomani touch you in any kind of unwelcome fashion?" she asked. The fox was stunned speechless a moment. "No Bianca. He has been far too busy seeing to Ceberune's health to show me any attention." She said, in a somewhat irritated tone. Bianca's features softened. "He always was a hard nut to crack. We must talk Nadia, about many things." She said leading the fox off to the dining room for lunch.