Incoming Holidays

Story by Grizzled Bear on SoFurry

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#20 of Cycled life

OK here we go....sorry i've been so slow in posts...but that should change soon. I've been writing but it's all just seemed so 'bleh' to me and its been hard to really sit down and get into it. The closer the holidays get the more hectic life seems to become...that seems so messed up dosen't it? Oh well, here's another chapter and i hope everyone likes it!

Critisicism is welcome and what not!


Lucas moved quickly around the room, making sure everything was ready for when the bear came back home. He wanted this night to be fun, to be able to surprise and please the bear. As he ran around he looked back and was proud, it wasn't much, but it was something. Turning off the light he waited by the door, just out of sight; where Jake wouldn't be able to see him. After a minute the bear finally returned, his timing almost perfect.

Jake noticed that all the lights were off and sighed. Walking in a closing the door he flipped them back on, seeing a cake on the table and a banister above it. "Isn't this where you ju-" he was saying before the wolf jumped on him and he stumbled forward.

"Happy birthday!" Lucas said cheerfully as he hugged the bear.

Jake smiled and waited for the wolf to break away from him; which gladly took quite awhile. When Lucas pulled away it was only for a moment, as Jake felt himself spun around and brought into a kiss. He wrapped his arms around Lucas, almost instinctively, and let out a happy growl. Jake felt as though he had barely begun to return the kiss when Lucas pulled away-all too soon.

"Happy birthday Big-Guy," Lucas said and kissed the bear once again. He was wearing a button up shirt with a grey jacket and a pair of worn jeans.

"Yay, I'm a year closer to death," Jake joked. Looking down at the wolf he broke the embrace, " actually used the 'hey can you go out for milk' gig?" he asked, holding up the carton of milk.

Lucas laughed, "Was it that bad?" he asked.

" played that one well. It was more the whole, not letting me get near the closet, the fridge, the trunk of the car, or even into the bedroom sometimes," Jake said and saw the wolf frown, "But besides that; it was excellent!"

Lucas laughed, "Yeah, I'm not too great at hiding things. Maybe if you weren't such a jerk it wouldn't have seemed nearly as suspicious,"

Jake laughed and walked over to the fridge, putting up the milk; "What do you mean?"

"Once you thought I was hiding something you intentionally began to go near those areas to see my reaction,"

Jake stopped for a moment, "Yeah...but it's fun to see you panic," he said as he walked over and looked at the cake. He couldn't tell what kind it was, it had white icing. It wasn't large, but it wasn't small, it was big enough for both of them to eat a few pieces, which would hopefully mean none of it was wasted. Looking back at Lucas he realized the wolf was standing next to him, "You didn't have to do any of this you know?"

Lucas laughed lightly, "Of course, but I wanted to...I'm just sorry I couldn't do more," he said and felt an arm wrap around him, Jake pulling him closer.

"This is more than enough," Jake replied, rubbing the wolf's side lightly.

"Well, actually...there's more," Lucas said with a chuckle. He could tell it was the first thing he said that day to surprise Jake.


"Yeah, we're going on a date tonight," Lucas replied.

"Where are we going?" Jake asked, sticking out a finger and taking some of the icing off the cake.

Lucas looked at the bear, "Jake!"

Jake laughed, licking his finger and realizing the that it was a cream cheese icing, but he still had no idea what type of cake it was; "What? What did you expect me to do when you left it there?"

"How about not eat it?" Lucas asked with a chuckle.

Jake laughed again and pulled the wolf into a full embrace, "Now why would I do that?"

Before Lucas could give the bear a reason he felt a gentle kiss, the bear's lips pressing against his own. Just as soon as it began it ended, and Jake stared at the wolf for a moment. The bear's stare didn't go away, Jake giving him a gentle smile. "What?" Lucas asked, the stare making him shift in the bear's arms.

"Well, what flavor is the cake?" Jake asked.

"Is that all you can think of?" Lucas asked, laughing.

"No, where are we going to dinner?"

Lucas pushed the bear away, still laughing, "Just what I'd expect from you! Food, food, food, wonder why I call you Big-guy?"

"I thought it had a duel meaning?" Jake asked, watching as the wolf blushed at his comment.

" does...but," Lucas said, stuttering over the words, before looking back at the bear who was trying to hold back his laughter, "Shut-up! Get your coat we're going out," he said, ignoring the bear's comment.

Jake laughed and nodded. He walked over to the couch and grabbed his coat. It was a large black fleece jacket, but not one for a heavy winter. Jake thought it was still warm enough for a light-weight jacket. His jacket was old and weathered, hardly offering any real warmth anymore. Lucas called for him and ran to him, both walking down the stairs. Jake took out his keys but the wolf stopped him.

"Nope. I'm driving," Lucas said, both of them stopping at the front of the car.

"What?! But I want to live!" Jake said, joking with the wolf.

"Well, if the drive doesn't kill you and you survive the diner, then I'll have failed my mission to kill you,"

Jake stared at the wolf, faking a frown. Lucas tried to give him the most serious face he could and stared at him for a moment, then gave a happy smile.

"You know I love you too much to do most of that,"

Jake laughed, "Most?"


"You're still going to drive aren't you,"

Lucas moved forward and kissed Jake lightly on the lips, "You bet,"

Jake felt surprised, and his face showed it clearly. They hadn't ever done anything like that before, or it was better to say neither had ever shown that level of affection to the other in public. The look in Lucas's eyes wasn't one that was scared or unsure; it was the same as it always was, there was no reason to hide anymore. Jake realized that worrying about what others saw was pointless. Chuckling he pulled the wolf into another hug and took the chance to return the kiss. It wasn't because it was in public, it wasn't because of some momentous occasion, it was just as if it was any other time-a chance to hold the wolf close to him. After a moment he pulled away and grinned, "So...what's for dinner?"

Lucas chuckled and pulled away from the bear, "It's a surprise," he said as they got into the car. Along the way they spoke a bit, talking casually about school and other matters. After about thirty minutes they pulled up to a restaurant, it seemed small, but nice. Lucas could tell the bear had no idea what it was. "It's just a small Italian place...apparently they do real Italian...I still have no idea what that means though,"

Jake laughed and got out of the car, a chill running through him. It felt good though, over the past few weeks the weather had become very cold. The clouds were grey and bleak, the grass looked as though its green color had been washed away, and the nights came quicker with every day; it all seemed nice to the bear. He loved it and wasn't sure why but for some reason it never seemed depressing to him like it did most people. After a moment he noticed a small flake falling in front of him, a little snow flurry passing overhead. It was about to become the time of year where snow began to cover the earth. A paw tapped his shoulder, Lucas grabbing his attention, and he realized that he was standing still, taking in the weather and not noticing his surroundings. Lucas pushed him lightly and they began to walk to the restaurant, and as Jake opened the door and walked in, his glasses immediately fogging up from the change in temperature. Trying to find his way he found a paw grasp his own and lead him into the restaurant. "You know? I don't think I'll ever get used to that," he said with a chuckle.

Lucas laughed and guided the bear into the restaurant, "Careful, there's a bump coming up," he said and helped the bear. It was always a comical sight to see the bear's glasses fog up, especially because Jake would try to play off that he could still see. Lucas laughed and let go of the bear's paw, Jake wiping his glasses with one of his sleeves.

Talking with a waiter for a moment they were soon directed to a table and sat down. It was strange, to anyone around it would seem like just two people having a meal, but it was more than that. Lucas pushed the thought away, it wasn't important. After a few moments the waiter came back and they were asked if they were ready to order. Looking at them he waited for the placed orders, placing a basket of bread down, "And what would you like this evening?"

"What do you recommend?" Lucas asked, looking at the menu and not understanding most of it.

"Our pastas are good..." the waiter began.

"Well...what would you personally recommend?" Lucas asked.

"Personally? I would go for the tiella; it's a layered vegetable dish and here we make it with mushroom slices, sautéed greens, tomatoes, potatoes, and your choice of mussels or a pastry,"

Lucas looked over at Jake and shrugged, "Sounds good to me...I'll get that I guess, with the pastry,"

"Good," the waiter said and then turned his attention to Jake.

"I'll just have some asparagus risotto," Jake replied.

"Would either of you like to try some of our wines? We hav-" the waiter was saying before Jake cut him off.

"No thank you," Jake said, quite quickly, to which the waiter nodded and left.

It wasn't strange to be asked, they usually were when they went out. Lucas guessed that they just looked old enough, and they were close to the drinking age. Lucas knew that if he did drink it would just disappoint his father, at least while he was underage. Most of the people in his family drank, and some did so quite heavily. Lucas wondered why Jake always answered 'no' so quickly though. He remembered the first time he had gone out to eat with the bear, some time during their freshmen year. Jake's first response was quick, angry, and filled with contempt. He wasn't sure if Jake was just obeying the law or there was something else to it. He never brought it up though; there wasn't a point in it at the moment.

As they waited they began to talk about their plans for the upcoming breaks. Lucas thought about the length of them, "So...thanksgiving for a week then we go back for two weeks followed by about a month break for Christmas, right?"

Jake sipped at his water and took a grabbed some bread from the basket at the center of the table. "Yeah," he said, biting into the bread, "that sounds about right,"

" want to hang out any in that time?" Lucas asked, wondering how it would work out. He didn't want the bear to not see his family, but he didn't want to not hang out with Jake either.

"Would that be OK?"

"You tell me,"

"I think it'd be fine. Sorry, but my family expects me at the home for both occasions, and I want to see them too. So I guess thanksgiving is a no, but how about for Christmas...we could meet up after it. I assume you can't come down," Jake said, and sighed a little, "Besides you need to spend time with your family,"

"And my mom would freak,"

Jake chuckled a little, "I was trying to not say that one,"

Lucas laughed, "Yeah...sorry,"

"It's not a problem,"

"So, how soon on Christmas break,"

"I don't soon sounds good to you?"

"December twenty-sixth?" Lucas asked jokingly, but with a bit of seriousness.

Jake laughed, "Yeah, that's not happening. How about this...the twenty-eighth. If I'm right then I'll have time with my family and all that stuff and then it leaves us with," he said and mumbled some numbers, "fourteen or so days,"

Lucas smiled, "That sounds great...will you need to ask your parents,"

"They won't mind too much. I have two weeks with them, and besides, I've been keeping in touch with them more than I did last year so far,"

Lucas knew what the bear meant. Even if Jake only talked once or twice a week, he made sure to call his parents and at least say hello. It was strange though, most of the time he got an answering machine and when they did talk it wasn't very long. There was always laughter though, Jake joked with his family the entire time and seemed very relaxed with it. He was happy the bear was keeping in touch. "That's a good thing though,"

"Yeah it is. I like to talk with them every once in awhile, but sometimes it can be a bit...strange,"

"How so?"

"Well, we've been talking about stuff and I've realized just how much I've changed since coming up here,"

"It's only been about a year and a half...not that that isn't a long time,"

"Exactly...but we disagree on a lot of stuff. It's not 'punch them in the face' arguments, but it's just more of a frustration thing. I'm pretty sure I'm right, and that their wrong, but it doesn't matter how much I say they won't listen. I mean, it wouldn't be so bad if they would just give a bit of leeway, they're too planted in their old ways. One thing about it just reaffirms my suspicion that..." Jake said and let the words trail off.

"Sorry," Lucas said, knowing what the bear meant. He didn't push the bear to come out to his family or anyone; it wasn't something easy to do. Lucas thought about his own family, he hadn't expected to run into any trouble with it, but that misconception was shattered quite quickly.

Jake laughed and grabbed a piece of bread and handed it to Lucas, "Don't be. It's not a huge deal. I mean, let's think about it, worst case scenario is that they find out and excommunicate me or worse. See, not a huge deal," Jake replied cheerfully, using the humor he would often use with his parents.

"Well, enough with the depressing topics! It's your birthday!" Lucas said, rebounding from the depressing mood.

Jake smiled; happy they were going to speak about something different. He didn't care much for when their conversations began to steer that way. It wasn't that they avoided them, they both knew it would come to a head eventually. There wasn't a point in worrying about it, " your family OK if I come up?"

"You know you're welcome...mostly. My dad suggested it pretty quickly, even before I asked him, and I'm sure Ana wouldn't mind seeing you,"

"What about your friends? Won't you want to hang out with them?"

"And vice-versa," Lucas replied.


"What about you?" Lucas asked again, "If you come up you'll be missing out on time to spend with your friends,"

"I guess that's true. I already know I'll hang out with some of my buds. I keep in contact with some random e-mails already. What I mean though is if I come up then won't I just be in the way,"

"No, you'll come with me,"

"I don't want to be a third wheel,"

"You're not a third wheel, you're my mate," Lucas replied with a smile.

"You know what I mean though,"

"Jake, I'm pretty sure all my friends like you...dude, Gina crushes on you,"

"Doesn't she crush on anything that moves though?" Jake asked with a chuckle.

"I guess, but you're missing the point. They all like you, and if they don't then there's a problem with them," Lucas said, almost definitively.

"Thanks...but I just do-"

"Are you looking for excuses?" Lucas asked with a chuckle, all the bear's doubts becoming a bit annoying. "When you come up I want to be with you. They're my friends, but you're my mate...wherever you are I want to be," Lucas said with a smile. He knew Jake wasn't trying to get out of coming, that the bear genuinely didn't want to be in the way. He waited and then continued, "Don't worry, it's not a problem. You're coming and that's that,"

Jake laughed, "Fine, I'll be there," he said and then looked up, the waiter coming out with their food. It smelt great, and it looked good. The plates were placed before them and Jake looked up at Lucas, who was poking his meal with a fork before finally taking a quick bite. "Good?" Jake asked, taking a small bite from his own.

Lucas nodded, and reached for his drink. It wasn't bad, it was definitely unique. "It's...a bit unique,"

Jake chuckled, "That's how I was when I first ate Thai'll like it," he said and swallowed the food in his mouth, "probably,'

Lucas took another bite, it was better this time. The mix of flavors began to meld better, enhancing it. He looked up at Jake who was eating the rice dish, and saw the bear look back up at him.


"Oh, I was just thinking...what would you do if I asked them to sing to you?" Lucas asked with a chuckle.

"I'd probably kill you," Jake replied.

"If you survived all that blood running to your face,"

Jake looked down at his meal and took another bite, "Jerk,"

Lucas laughed, "Don't worry. I wouldn't do that to you,"

Jake chuckled and felt a bit better, glad the wolf wasn't going to embarrass him in public. They ate in silence, both focusing on the meal, as they usually did. They didn't talk during the meals, not because they didn't have a topic, it just was convenient. They both ate and talked during small times to get a drink usually. When they finished the waiter gave them the bill. Lucas paid for it and they began to talk as they waited. "So...I have something from you...from my dad,"

Jake looked at the wolf, curious as to what it was. He waited as the wolf pulled something out of the pocket of his jacket. It was a small card, with an envelope, but nothing fancy. Taking it from the wolf's paw he stared at it for a moment, as if he didn't know what to do.

"Well, open it," Lucas said, a small smile on his muzzle.

Jake took off a piece of tape, removing it bit by bit, trying not to tear the paper. Slowly he took out the card, and began to read it. It was a generic card, but still very nice. Looking inside he felt a bit of warmth run through him, the end of it saying with love from Phil and Ana. He was surprised to see that it was actually from them, that their handwriting was on it, and guessed it must've been sent in advance. Closing it and putting back into the envelope he smiled and put it into his pocket. "I'll have to say thanks,"

"Well, that's not all," Lucas replied.

"What? I don't need anymore..." Jake said a bit surprised.

"Well, you're getting more. It's in the car," Lucas replied as the waiter came back. He took the receipt and thanked him.

"You mean in the trunk of the car?"

Lucas looked up at the bear, "No!" he replied, lying. He watched as Jake chuckled, knowing it was a lie. Walking outside the cold air sent a chill through his body, which was quickly diminished by the bear's arm wrapping around him.

"Cold?" Jake asked, smiling at the wolf as he pulled him a bit closer.

Lucas nestled closer to his mate, being so close keeping any chills away. They began to walk, and Lucas couldn't help but notice that for the first time they were being noticed in public-probably because it was obvious how close he and the bear were. Many of the looks were just curious, some a bit uncomfortable, and some surprised. He ignored it though, for some reason it didn't seem to matter. They made it to the car and Lucas pulled out the keys and went to the trunk.

"You actually kept it in the trunk?" Jake asked, as the wolf tried to insert the key into its lock.

"Yeah," Lucas chuckled, turning the key and opening the annoying trunk, "Why else would I keep you away from it?" he said as he pulled out a bag. "This is from my dad and Ana,"

Jake took the bag, carefully, as if grasping it too firmly would break it. When he looked inside he saw yet another box, wrapped in simple paper. Grabbing it he began to peel the wrapping away, and began to realize what it was. In the wrapping was a new jacket. It looked great, it was brown, the material was heavy but he couldn't tell what it was. It wasn't denim, leather, or fleece, but it still felt comfortable, and Jake wondered just when Mr. Vadikson had thought about this.

"Well, you should try it on," Lucas said with a smile.

Jake looked down at his own jacket, the one that was tattered and dead. He didn't hate it, but it wasn't a lie to say he didn't like it anymore either. Sliding one arm out of the sleeve he then took it off, the cold wind chilling him quickly. He slid on the jacket and then adjusted it, and to his surprise it fit. The jacket fit well, perfectly actually, it wasn't small on him and he had room in it. " did he know my size?" Jake asked with a chuckle.

"Easy, you just go to the tipple XL area," Lucas replied jokingly.

"Hahaha..." Jake said and looked down at the jacket, there was nothing on it. No design, just a plain brown jacket, but that was only a secondary characteristic he noticed. He was looking for a tag or anything to tell him where the jacket came from. When he didn't find one he guessed it wasn't a generic type. Not seeing a price tag also made him realize that the wolf must've been confident in his choice.

"You're not saying like it?" Lucas asked, his voice showing the concern.

Jake looked up quickly, "Yeah, this is awesome. I mean, it's perfect. I really needed a new jacket but I'm too lazy to get one so...this is really great! I'm going to have to thank your dad a thousand times for this,"

Lucas smiled, happy the bear liked it. "Dang..."


"You really like that...I'm beginning to think I should just say that's from me and my present is from my dad," Lucas said with a chuckle.

Jake chuckled and couldn't help but keep a smile from covering his muzzle, "I'm sure I'll love yours. Besides, this is like a two way gift. It's nice and warm, and unlike my previous one," Jake said as he hugged the wolf, trying his best to bring the jacket around Lucas too, "I can keep you warm too,"

Lucas couldn't help but laugh and smile up at Jake, kissing him lightly on the lips. Lucas leaned against the car lightly, and relaxed in Jake's arms. He returned the hug as best he could and was happy with how warm it was with Jake; it wasn't cold in the slightest with the bear. The feeling of the bear's lips against his own felt great, and when Jake finally let go he couldn't help but feel sad. They both stayed as they were for a moment, Lucas staring in the bear's eyes. After a moment he smiled, "Sorry, my present is back at the apartment," he said and broke the embrace.

"That's fine," Jake said with a chuckle, waiting for Lucas to unlock the car. They began to drive back, the ride back seeming much quicker than the one there. He wasn't even sure how long the ride was, a black curtain coming over his eyes. Jake felt something shaking him lightly, and Lucas gently saying his name.

"Jake," Lucas said, watching the bear for any reaction. "Jake..." he said again lightly. He watched as Jake stirred a bit, and chuckled. It was amazing how quickly the bear had fallen asleep once he got back into the car. He shook Jake again, "Jake, come-on, let's get inside,"

Jake looked at the wolf, "Hmm?"

"You fell asleep," Lucas chuckled and then nodded outside, "We're back though,"

Jake mumbled under his breath and got out of the car. He found his body was still asleep though, but the cold air, was doing what it always did-waking him quickly. They moved up the stairs, and by the time they were inside Jake felt awake again. It wasn't too much warmer inside though, but it was noticeable. He moved over and sat at the table with a sigh. Looking at the wolf he smiled, " have something for me?"

"You bet," Lucas said cheerfully and ran to the bedroom to grab his gift. When he came back he had a card and a small box.

Jake took the box and laid it on the table then began to open the card. It was a nice birthday card, wishing him all the best and some more generic blessings. Opening it he looked at what the wolf had written. It was a small paragraph, "Jake, over the past year so much has seemed to's hard to believe it almost. You've gone from being my best friend to being my everything. You are the most amazing person I've ever met and I want to spend every moment with you. I hope that I can repay everything you've done for me and I wish you the best not just today but everyday. Know that on all these days I'll be with you, no matter what or where. With eternal love, Lucas," he read and looked up at the wolf that was blushing.

"You didn't have to read it out loud," Lucas said. Everything in the card sounded so much mushier when read aloud, but he meant it all, and even wished he could've written more.

Jake smiled and looked back down at the card, staring at the ending signature. It made his heart seem to melt a little. He didn't say anything, not wanting to ruin the moment with any words. The card already held more value than anything else he had, and he didn't want to let it go. The moment signaled its end when Lucas grinned at the bear.

"Well, you have something else,"

Jake chuckled and looked down at the box and grabbed it. He unwrapped it carefully and immediately knew what it was. It was a touch sensitive music player, though it did more than just play music. It was basically a handheld computer, one he had been wanting for a long time, but knew he would never actually buy. He had wanted one since seeing them but never brought himself to spending the money on them. On closer inspection he realized it wasn't the one he had looked at though; it was the newest version. The idea of how much it had cost made Jake shudder, he knew they weren't cheap by any means. It seemed quiet, and Jake looked up at Lucas who was smiling at him. "You know you didn't have to do this..."

Lucas laughed, "I know, but I wanted you like it?" Lucas asked, nervous that the bear wouldn't.

Jake felt a smile on his muzzle, "It's awesome!" he said as he jumped up and pulled the wolf into an embrace. "Thank you,"

Lucas smiled and kissed the bear gently on the lips, "Happy birthday,"

Jake smiled and kissed the wolf again, and put the gift lightly down on the table so that he could wrap his arms around Lucas. Picking the wolf up off the ground in his embrace he kissed his mate lightly. The sound of Lucas chuckling made Jake look at his mate, who was slightly shaking in his arms. Jake pulled away, and stared at Lucas, "What?"

"Nothing," Lucas replied. There really wasn't a reason. It was just one of those moment where a small laugh was substituted for a smile, and he had both. He could feel the bear's breath on his neck, Jake's paws gently running up and down his back. Looking back up at the bear he kissed the bear again, feeling the bear pull him tighter against him.

Jake opened his muzzle a little as the kiss continued, allowing the wolf's tongue that sought entry in to roll over his own. With every moment Jake found himself pulling tighter on the wolf, but never making it uncomfortable for Lucas. He began to push against the wolf, leading him through the apartment, but with no real goal. Their movement stopped when Lucas let out a grunt as he landed lightly against a wall. Jake kissed the wolf deeply, and his paws began to roam more freely, going down to Lucas's swelling sheath. When Lucas let out a moan Jake pulled away and smiled at the wolf, "Can I unwrap my last present?"

Lucas rolled his eyes at the bear, finding it hard to believe Jake was capable of such a cheesy line. He felt his pants being pulled down, not realizing when the bear had even undone them though, and didn't bother to try and stop the bear. All the while Jake was still smiling at him, Lucas began to unbutton his shirt; his fingers moving quickly and efficiently. Lucas felt the cold air meet his chest only for a moment before Jake pulled him back into a deep kiss, Jake's warmth running through him.

It was all momentary though, as Jake pulled back away and moved down his mate's body. He leaned down to Lucas's neck and bit where his shoulder was lightly, a deep growl emanating from his chest. With his chest pressed against the wolf's he could feel Lucas's breathes coming quickly and more ragged, and ran a paw down to the wolf's bulging underwear. He pushed his paw in and squeezed Lucas's cock, making Lucas moan more audibly. When he pulled off his mate's neck he looked up at Lucas once more and saw the wolf panting.

"Are we going to move?" Lucas asked. They were standing in the hallway, in between the main room and the bedroom.

Jake smirked at the wolf, not bothering with an answer. Releasing Lucas's cock he pulled down Lucas's boxers quickly and continued to stare at Lucas. He gently squeezed Lucas's cock once more, a groan coming form the wolf and kissed his chest. "You a moment I don't think you'll care about where we are..." he said with a smile.


Lucas nestled closer to the bear over him, Jake's warmth radiating into him. Turning around in Jake's arms he looked up at the bear who was staring down at him, and leaned up, kissing him lightly on the lips. After a moment he pulled away and nuzzled the ruff of the bear's chest, breathing in the scent as he did.

Jake held onto the wolf, both their lusts satisfied for the moment, enjoying the time together. The night seemed to be going well, and Jake let out a sigh of content relaxation as he continued to stare at the wolf. It seemed like a perfect moment, everything being just right. It was almost strange; a peace like this was rare for him, something that wasn't normally experienced. Time seemed to slip away from his grasp, almost an hour seeming to pass in a minute's time. Looking down he saw Lucas staring up at him with a grin. "What?"

"Well, do you want the cake to go to waste?" Lucas asked, remembering it was still set out in the kitchen.

Jake smiled, "I'm the one that always thinks about food?" he asked with a chuckle.

"I'll take that as a yes?"

Jake pushed the wolf away, laughing as he got out of the bed. He grabbed a pair of briefs and wind pants and quickly put them on, Lucas doing the same. They both went into the kitchen and Lucas grabbed a knife to cut it. Jake watched as the wolf did so and grabbed plates for them both. He waited Lucas put a slice on his plate and then cut one for himself.

"Well," Lucas said, grabbing his plate, "let's see if it's any good," he said and took a bite.

Jake bit into the cake, the cream cheese icing already expected and a chocolate flavor beneath it; it was good. As he was eating the phone went off, and Jake looked around, trying to find where he had placed it. He found it in the kitchen sink. "Lucas...why is the phone in the sink?" he asked, glad it wasn't wet.

"I don't know..." Lucas said, chuckling. "Did you leave it by the could've just gotten knocked in," he said.

Jake dismissed it, sometimes he found things in the most random places. The phone ringed again and he rushed to answer it, "Hello?"

"Hey," Mr. Vadikson said from the other line.

"Hey, how's it going?" Jake asked, moving back over to the cake.

"Nothing, just calling to wish you a happy birthday," Mr. Vadikson replied.

"Oh...thanks," Jake said and remembered the gift, "And thanks for the jacket, it's awesome...did Lucas tell you I needed a new one or something?"

"Did you need a new jacket?" Mr. Vadikson asked, "Wow...I just had a lucky guess then,"

Jake laughed, "Well, thank you for the jacket, and the card,"

"Not a have you had a good birthday so far? What've you done?"

"Yeah, it's been great. Lucas surprised me, took me out to eat, gave you and Ana's gift, and then we came home and he gave me what he bought we're eating cake,"

"What did he get you?" Mr. Vadikson asked, curiously.

"A music player...well, that's the simplest thing to call it; it's kind of like a hand held computer. It can do tons of stuff..." Jake said and began to explain it to the wolf.

Mr. Vadikson chuckled, listening to Jake go on about his present. It sounded like he was happy with it; Jake only pausing to take breathes. He went on about all the little tools on it, the way it looked, how much data it could hold, the types of functions it could do, the data it could process, and almost everything else one could think of.

Lucas smiled, happy to hear the bear speaking about the gift so well. It didn't seem like Jake was trying to make him feel better by saying everything, in fact Lucas wasn't sure if Jake even knew he was in the room now; the bear being totally caught up in his details. The bear was currently talking about a way to store files and transfer them in between devices. Lucas continued to eat his cake and watched as the bear continued to explain about his present.

Jake wasn't sure how long he had been talking, but he had begun to walk around as he spoke. He noticed Lucas was still watching him and felt a smile cover his muzzle. He walked over to the wolf and kissed him lightly, as if to say a 'thank you' to him, and then returned his attention to Mr. Vadikson. "Sorry...I'm rambling..." he said, wondering just how long he had talked.

Mr. Vadikson laughed, "It's fine,"

"Well...thank you once again for the means a lot," Jake replied.

"Well, I'm just glad you like it. I've got to go, but I hope you've had a good birthday,"

"It has been,"

"Well, I love you and tell Lucas I love him too...I'll speak to you both later,"

Jake smiled, "OK...cya later," he said as the wolf hung-up. It was still strange to hear the wolf say it. Coming from anyone who wasn't family, or wasn't Lucas, the phrase seemed strange. It wasn't that it was awkward; Jake just wasn't sure how the wolf could say it as he did. He dismissed it though and looked back at Lucas, "Well...your dad wants me to tell you he loves you,"

Lucas smiled, "Yeah...but he couldn't tell me himself," he said, faking a sad tone.

Jake laughed and moved over to the wolf, pulling him up from where he had been sitting and pulling him into an embrace, "I love you..."

Lucas stared at the bear for a moment, "I guess you'll do," he chuckled and kissed Jake lightly.

Jake returned the kiss, prodding the wolf's muzzle with his tongue. When they pulled away he felt Lucas lightly lick his nose, making him smile.

"How about I clean up in here and you go rest," Lucas said, his paws gently rubbing Jake's back.

"What do you mean by 'rest' exactly?"

Lucas moved his paws lower down the bear, "Wait till I'm done and you can find out," he said with a grin.

Jake smiled and kissed Lucas lightly on the lips, "I'll help you here...I don't really feel like waiting,"


The week passed slowly, Jake playing with his new gift mostly, figuring out all the tricks to it. During classes he tried to keep his attention, but the coming break was making it more than difficult. They were in psychology at the moment, still studying emotions, most specifically love. Mason was talking about the triangular theory of love and how to see love from a more objective standpoint. Jake couldn't help but think about himself and Lucas as the lecture was given. He had no doubt they had a consummate love, it was the long term that seemed depressing.

"More than fifty-percent of marriages will end in failure...a statistic that is continually rising; seventy-percent of monogamous relationships will end," Mason said, matter of factly.

Jake looked over at Lucas, not sure why he felt so uneasy at the moment. For some reason doubts seemed to play on his mind whenever he had to listen to these types of lessons. When Lucas looked over he gave the bear a questioning look.

Lucas felt the bear's eyes on him, and looked over at Jake. He could tell something was on his mind, but didn't know what. It seemed like it was what Mason was saying, and Lucas wondered if Jake felt scared. Mouthing words of encouragement he waited till Jake looked back at the teacher and then returned his own attention to Mason. Now the tiger was talking about how self-esteem affects a relationship. Lucas felt that he had a good amount of self-esteem. Even when he had broken up with Jake, when he was trying to rebuild the trust he never gave a negative thought-always thinking about the positive things.

Jake grimaced at the tiger's words, thinking how they seemed to describe him. He didn't have the confidence about himself that Lucas did. He didn't think highly of himself to begin with, never building himself up at all. Instead of the good, the negative in a situation came to him first, always thinking about what could go wrong. Jake let out a quiet sigh. He closed his eyes and tried to think positvely, wishing the class would end already.

"I know this last part has been...well," Mason said with a chuckle, "depressing, but it's not that bad. If I can give my own opinion..." he said and paused for a moment, as if he expected someone to disagree, "Love is really complex. Don't expect me to ask you too many questions on it...because I personally have some qualms about how you can talk about it. It's as I say 'Love is when two people know everything about each other and are still trying to become closer...' or aren't trying to kill each other. If it makes anyone feel better...I'm still going strong with the love of my life," he said with a chuckle.

Jake felt his eyes widen at the tiger's previous phrase, knowing he had heard it before. It was familiar, he knew it from somewhere. In his mind he tried to connect the dots, placing the correct faces and names together. Suddenly he realized it was Kaden who had told him that phrase. The idea of the two together was shocking, not that he couldn't imagine it. Jake hardly noticed as the class was finished, the professor telling them about one more test coming up before the break, followed by exams.

Lucas was talking with Mason now, both excited about the up coming break. He looked behind him and saw the bear still sitting down.

"Hmm...what's up with Jake?" Mason asked Lucas, leaning in closer to his ear.

"Not really sure...he's zoning in and out today," Lucas replied, whispering back.

Mason walked up to the bear, " still there?" Mason asked with a chuckle, waving a paw in front of the bear.

Jake snapped out of his trance, "Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I'm here," he said, a bit dazed. "Sorry...guess I'm tired or something," he lied. Despite the fact that they were friends, Mason still didn't know he and Lucas were together yet. They didn't hide the fact, but didn't pronounce it either.

"I'm sorry if anything I said offended you today," Mason said.

Jake tensed up quickly, "Huh? It didn't..." he said and glanced over at Lucas, who had a bit of a surprised face too.

"Oh...OK, that's good," Mason said, not pushing the subject. "So I know what Lucas is doing for about yourself,"

"I've got to head home," Jake replied, glad for the change in subject. "It should be fun about you?"

"Oh...well, my family is heading to my house for lunch, then I get to go to a different house for dinner," Mason said with a chuckle.

"Sounds fun,"

"Yes...especially since I get to cook,"

Lucas looked over at Jake, "Jake isn't a bad cook...I haven't died from one of his meals yet,"

Jake laughed and looked at the wolf, "Yet..." he said, with a playfully threatening tone. His mind returned to what Mason had said in class though, and he couldn't escape all the thoughts.

"Really? That's cool, not many people take the time to cook their own meals now a's a real tragedy," Mason said with a chuckle. "But as I have said in my lectures...with the decay of emotion everything else will decay too,"

Jake laughed a little, "Where did food and emotion come together in your mind?"

Mason stopped and thought for a moment, "You know, I really have no idea..." he replied with a laugh.

They talked for a bit longer, the tension staying with them though, or at least Jake still felt it. As he stood up to leave the tiger asked once again.

"Are you sure you're OK Jake?" Mason asked, Jake tensing up at the question.

"Yeah...I'm good," Jake said tensely and quickened his pace out of the room. He turned around, "Hey Lucas...I've got to go see can stay and talk. I'll see you in a bit. Meet you at the car," he said and left.

Lucas looked back at Mason, who had a worried look on his face. "What's up?"

Mason looked back at Lucas and smiled, "Nothing...I just hope I didn't offend him you think he's OK?"

"Jake's a bit stressed right now," Lucas replied, "He says he gets this way before breaks..."

"Well that's not how it's supposed to be; you're supposed to be more relaxed during the breaks," Mason said with a laugh, as he loosened his tie.

"What can I say...Jake's an oddity," Lucas chuckled. "I guess he gets tense when it comes to emotions...he's not the most open guy out there,"

Mason nodded; he had come to know Jake pretty well. "Yeah, I know what that can be like, but it's not bad so long as you have someone whose there for you,"

Lucas nodded, the conversation taking a bit of a serious tone.

"How are you and Jake doing in your classes?" Mason asked.

"Pretty good I guess...we do the homework and take the tests. We both do well in my opinion but something has Jake stressed. He's just a bit worried I guess..." Lucas replied, not even thinking about what he was saying.

"Oh....why is he worried?" Mason asked, "You two seem to be doing well together,"

"Yea-what?" Lucas found himself doubling back, the tiger's words taking him by surprise. Suddenly a quiet tension was between them.

"Sorry...too personal? Too direct? You and Jake are together right?"

Lucas wasn't sure what to say; he wasn't going to deny going out with the bear. It was the fact that the tiger was asking. "Umm..." Lucas opened his mouth with nothing to say.


Jake walked to Kaden's room, not sure what he was doing, just wanting to speak with the bear. He shifted uncomfortably in his jacket, playing with the sleeves as he walked towards the room. Along the way the words kept playing on in his mind, and he stopped when he reached the door, this paw on the handle. The realization of what he was doing hit him. 'What am I going to do? Hey, Kaden, you're gay right? Or; well do you know Mason? Kaden are you and Mason together? Stupid!' he yelled in his mind.

Jake turned to leave but as he did the door opened, Kaden jumping back when he saw the bear.

"Jake!" Kaden yelled.

Jake jumped as much as the other bear did, his mind racing still. He found his tongue tied, not even able to get out a simple hello to the bear.

" OK?" Kaden asked, seeing the bear take a step back.

Jake tried to regain his composure, "Umm...yeah...sorry to give you a scare,"

Kaden chuckled, "I scare easily to begin with; you know that,"

Jake chuckled along with him, his laugh sounding forced. "Hey...can we talk for a sec?"

Kaden gave Jake a puzzled look, "Sure...what's up?" he asked, standing aside and letting Jake into the room.

Jake didn't move forward, "It's not student-teacher's personal," Jake said, as if it was a warning.

"OK then, but you know that next to during class and when I have a paper in my paws I rarely really think of anyone as a student," Kaden said with a chuckle. "Besides, we're friends,"

Jake gave a weak laugh and nodded, beginning to walk forward into the class room. They walked back to the front right side of the class, where Kaden's desk was. The Kodiak leaned against it and looked at him. Jake fumbled with the words, not even sure where to begin.

"What's up?" Kaden asked

Jake still gave his same face, unsure what to do, and suddenly regretted his decision about talking with the bear. He tried to begin somewhere, "You remember...this one time when we we're talking..." he began, still searching for the words.

Kaden listened to Jake; it was strange to see him fumbling about for his words. Even when they were talking on a personal level the bear always had a controlled demeanor about him, now that seemed gone. A slight worry that something was wrong came over him, and he hoped everything was OK.

"Well, you said, 'Love is when two people know everything about each other and are still trying to become closer'...right?" Jake said, slowly, the words seeming to weigh on his tongue.

Kaden felt his heart beat a bit faster, "Yeah...I did," he said. He began to worry about where exactly Jake was going with this.

" see the thing is. I mean, that's definitely true. I know what you mean, and the thing is..." Jake started, fumbling over his words, "What I mean is that...well you know... I-I sor-" Jake was saying before Kaden cut him off.

" know I'm mated right?" Kaden said, thinking Jake was speaking about the two of them.

Jake's face dropped, the Kodiak's words cutting through any barriers he had. He could tell his mouth was hanging open, all his features showing shock. He felt a small laugh build up and, only a single word able to escape his muzzle, "What?!" he asked, beginning to laugh much more wildly.

Kaden felt himself blushing now, and confused; he had no idea what was going on anymore. At first he thought Jake was talking about the both of them, and had been hitting on him, which was strange. He knew Mason thought that Jake and Lucas were together, and wondered if his mate was wrong. " you're not hitting on me...right?"

Jake looked up at the Kodiak, more seriously, "No! No, I was talking about you and Mason," he replied, and immediately regretted opening his mouth. To his surprise though Kaden's features didn't change at all.

"Yeah...Mason is my mate..." Kaden said, wondering once again what Jake meant. He was a bit surprised to find out that Jake knew, but didn't think much of it. Every once in awhile people found out, but it was never a big deal. They didn't hide the fact, they were completely open, but announcing it in class wasn't exactly school related either so the topic never came up. "You kind of scared me. I thought you were hitting on me... but that would piss off Lucas I guess," Kaden said, chuckling lightly.

Jake was lost for words, unsure what to say now. The Kodiak had already told him that he was gay, just like that, and had just insinuated he and Lucas were together, Jake felt his head spin. 'What the hell is going on today?' his brain screamed.

"You and Lucas...are together right?" Kaden asked, more out of curiosity as to whether Mason had been right or not.


Mason just looked at the wolf, he knew he was right. He didn't try to 'study' people it just came with the territory. The hints pointed to their relationship, all things he knew to look for; body language, tone, and diction, everything from how they looked at each other to how close they would walk together. The silence was awkward; there was really no other way to describe it. The silence itself confirmed his hypothesis, and he could tell Lucas wasn't used to being approached about his relationship with Jake. Mason watched as a second minute began to tick away, Lucas still standing there deciding on what to do. Mason was about to speak when the wolf finally nodded his head, rather vigorously.

Lucas nodded his head, confirming what the tiger said. " and Jake are together...we're mates," he said, trying to build up a firmer tone. If he couldn't say it to Mason, a friend, then how was he supposed to say it to anyone else? He wasn't sure what to expect from the tiger, and Mason's face remained relatively blank for a moment before a smile covered his muzzle.

"Cool," Mason said, content at leaving the topic at that, but Lucas wasn't.

"Cool?" Lucas asked a bit angry.

"Yeah...I guess...I mean, I'm glad for you," Mason said with a chuckle.

Lucas felt his anger going away, feeling it was stupid to get angry at the tiger for asking what he wasn't going to deny. Now he felt unsure though, not sure exactly what he was going to do, but was mostly worried about Jake; he wasn't sure how the bear would react to anyone else knowing. Lucas felt a chill run through him and shook lightly; it had been hard enough when his father found out. "Why did you bring it up?" Lucas asked, now curious as to how and why the tiger knew.

"Just because of how Jake acted...he seemed scared today, and I hate for anything said in class to do that," Mason said.

Lucas looked at the tiger, "How did you know?"

"It's what I do..." Mason said, but could tell Lucas wouldn't just leave it at that, "Ok...well, for one, you two are close. I don't mean, 'good chummy' close, I mean you both move towards each other or do some subtle movement with each other...probably without even knowing it-a light touch, a gentle look, anything. No matter how hard you try or how little emotion you think you're showing, you can't stop those initial expressions on your face or the subtle looks to each other. Another thing is how you talk to each other. Even if I were to take out the words you choose to speak, the tone that you two use, and how you pay attention; it all tells a great story about someone...good enough?"

Lucas looked at Mason for a moment, trying to take in all that he had said. "Do we...really do all that?"

"Well, like I said, it's subtle. Don't worry, only the people who are looking, and how know what to look for could possibly know...why? You trying to keep it a secret?"

"No, well...I mean, I don't think so..." Lucas responded, and could see that Mason had a confused look, "What I mean is and Jake aren't trying to hide least not anymore..." Lucas said, his voice full of uncertainty.

Lucas waited for Mason to say something, but when he didn't Lucas began to continue, deciding to elaborate, "When we first We both kept it to know, not wanting anyone to know about it. It worked for was a good deal...but then," he said, sighing, "it got pathetic. It's pointless to act, if people want to think, then let them, if they want to talk, then let I guess what I'm trying to say is that we aren't screaming it to the skies, but we won't deny it..."

Mason chuckled lightly, "That's me. Denying that you're gay...well, that's just what people will always do, but if you deny that you love someone; then you have a problem,"

"Doesn't this kind of go hand-in-hand though?" Lucas asked, "And what do you mean trust you?"

Mason laughed a bit and looked at the wolf, "Lucas...I'm a bit like you I guess...I'm not screaming it to the skies either..."

Lucas looked at the tiger a bit for a moment, not understanding what he meant. After a moment it finally clicked, and Lucas felt his expression drop for a second. It wasn't that it was a surprise, somehow it didn't shock him. He had never thought of Mason as having a girlfriend before, even though he knew the tiger was seeing someone, but he hadn't thought it was another male. The only response he could muster was an "Ohh..."

Mason laughed louder, "Yeah, see what I mean. It can be difficult to notice..."

Lucas felt the tension that was going away, it was good again. "I guess it is..."

"Well, I hope I'm not overstepping my boundaries...though as a teacher I've already done as a friend; is everything between you and Jake OK?" Mason asked, returning to the original topic.

It felt weird to talk about Jake, as his mate, with someone else. "It'll be fine...Jake's just scared and I can't blame him I guess. Awhile the summer I did something really stupid. I broke up with him for a bit...scared that all I was doing with him was making one huge mistake. I broke his trust...broke our bond, so I guess you talking about how long relationships last wasn't his favorite thing. I thought he was getting over it, and I think he is, but...he still has those moments,'

Mason listened intently, and spoke up after a moment, "You two will do fine...and if I didn't mean it I wouldn't say it. I won't give you the psychology behind it...but Jake will be fine. He's scared, but as long as you're there for him then there's nothing to worry about. I know how he feels...I was the does hurt, but when you do meet the person who you know you can always be with...then you'll never want to leave them ever. I can relate to how he feels though, because when you think you've found that person and they leave you...I don't think even I am over it-even if there was a happy ending. It makes it hard to think positively for his biggest fear I would guess is that you'll leave him. It's what I said about the self-esteem; he has trouble seeing the things that you and everyone else see in him,"

Lucas sighed, " said you were like Jake, so...what can I do to help him?"

"You'll just have to be there for him," Mason said, gathering up his things.

Lucas chuckled, "Where have I heard that before," he said, thinking about all the times his father said it to him.

"It's the best advice...sometimes it's not about complexity," Mason replied, shouldering his bag and beginning to walk towards the door; "Well...I'm about to go see my mate...if you want to come you can...something tells me you'll find Jake there too," Mason said, Lucas running to catch up behind him.


Jake stared at the Kodiak, his defenses going up at the question. He took a step back and looked at Kaden; looking for any signs that could give him help. Kaden stared at him too, waiting for his answer; it seemed as though he had a natural curiosity about the question he had asked. After a moment Jake relaxed a bit, "Yeah...we are,"

"Oh, OK...good," Kaden said, chuckling. "You know, I thought for a moment that you were about to ask me out or something...all I could think of was Lucas beating me to death,"

"Why would he beat you to death?" Jake asked, curiously.

"That's what I'd do, you know...if anyone asked out Mason,"

Jake chuckled a little, "That doesn't make any sense," he replied. For some reason it wasn't strange that the Kodiak knew about him and Lucas, maybe because Kaden himself was gay. It made it easier to talk; after all, he'd already been outed once, and he didn't care if people found out." How did you know that me and Lucas were together?"

Kaden chuckled, "Mason said you two were. I thought so too, but Mason was pretty adamant about it...and of course...he was right," he said, happy inside that his mate had guessed correctly

"How did Mason know?"

Kaden laughed and shook his head, "It's just what he does..."

"Are we obvious?" Jake asked.

"I don't think so..." Kaden replied with a sigh. He looked up at the bear and laughed once again.


"I'm just glad you weren't hitting on me...honestly I was scared for a minute,"

"That would be really awkward," Jake said and looked back at Kaden, "Why would you think I was hitting on you?"

Kaden opened his mouth to speak, but he was stopped, someone coming up behind him and making him jump.

"Because he has a glorified self image of himself," Mason said, watching as even Jake jumped at his entrance.

Kaden turned around to face the tiger, "I've told you a thousand times to use the front entrance like all normal people do!" he said, pointing up to the main entrance into his classroom.

"But then I don't get the same warm welcome..." Mason said, frowning at the Kodiak.

Kaden looked and saw Lucas was behind the tiger, but ignored it for the moment, "Yes, warm welcome being me coming closer and closer to a heart attack..."

Jake noticed the wolf behind Mason who was looking at him too, both redirecting their attention to Mason and Kaden. He couldn't tell if Kaden was actually angry, or what was going on. It seemed clear after another minute though.

Mason smiled and moved forward a bit, kissing Kaden lightly before turning back around to Lucas, "And see; I told you we'd find Jake here,"

Jake noticed the wolf looked surprised and moved over to him, "Lucas...they know about us..." he said lightly.

Lucas nodded, "Yeah...I just didn't think Mason would be with Kaden..."

Mason turned around, "Why not...despite his arrogant and misguided thought that everyone is after him he is the best catch you can get. It's really bad when someone comes to deliver a package...he thinks its an innuendo or something,"

Kaden blushed and scowled at the same time, an odd sight, "I don't think that..."

Mason chuckled and looked back at Jake, "You OK?"

Jake looked at the two, the sight somehow comforting. "I'm...better,"

Mason smiled and looked back at Kaden, "So I guess you know that they know, and they know that we know..."

Kaden chuckled, "Yeah, I had figured it,"

For a moment it was quiet, neither couple saying anything, but staring at the other. It was a bit weird, but it quickly changed. "So..." Lucas began, "how long have ya'll been together?"

Mason smiled, "For ten years," he said, feeling Kaden hug him from behind.

"Wow...but you're only thirty..." Jake said, impressed.

"Yeah, we met in college, but we did have a few rough moments," Mason replied.

Lucas knew what the tiger was referring to, how he related to Jake. Even he saw the similarities between his relationship with Jake and the other two's relationship.

"How about ya'll?" Kaden asked, releasing Mason and leaning back onto his desk.

"A little less than a year..." Jake said, his tone low. He felt as though most people would think the time was too short to have an actual relationship.

Kaden could tell by the bear's tone, that Jake was thinking he was being judged. "Almost a year?"

Lucas looked over at Jake and was about to speak but Jake continued, "Yeah...but I guess we've known each other since the beginning of college,"

Kaden smiled and looked at Mason, who was looking back at him-both thinking about how they first met in college. He looked back at Jake, "That's good, me and Mason didn't even say we we're dating for quite some time...though I think we both thought so,"

Lucas laughed, "Ya'll make it sound like we're moving fast,"

Mason chuckled, " I said, we we're slow. The pace isn't that important, as I said in my lesson; it's all about endurance,"

Jake smiled, the words were very encouraging. He looked at Lucas, glad that he was with the wolf, and then at Kaden and Mason, glad someone knew about them; that someone supported them. They spoke for a bit before Jake noticed how dark it was outside. After the time change it dark quickly, usually the sun was setting close to four, complete darkness by half till six. It was already five. "I think we may need to head out," Jake said, nodding to the outside.

" is getting time to head out..." Mason said, slinging his bag over his shoulder.

Kaden looked at Mason for a moment, both having a non-verbal conversation, Mason nodding to show his approval. Kaden turned back to Jake and Lucas, " you guys want to come over for supper? It would be fun,"

Jake looked over at Lucas, unsure whether to answer or not, who shrugged at him, unsure either.

"Come-on, we don't bite," Mason said with a chuckle.

Lucas turned around, "We don't want to impose..." he said, Jake nodding in agreement.

"You wouldn't be imposing," Kaden said.

Jake looked back at Lucas who shrugged again. "I guess we're going then," he said.

" do you two know where Ioton Valley is?" Mason asked.

"Yeah," Jake replied.

"Okay...well it's not there," Mason said, watching as Jake's face turned to one of confusion, "It's near there about you two just follow us?"

Lucas nodded, "That sounds good,"

They followed the two outside and met up in front of a local shop. From there Jake followed them through the city and outside a bit, driving by Ioton Vally, where most residence lived. About a mile out there was another neighborhood, smaller than the first. It looked nice though, and they followed Kaden and Mason up to the end of a cul-de-sac, no house in sight. Jake watched as the car seemed to go off road and looked over at Lucas, "Do we follow them?"

"I guess...what's the worst that could happen...and don't quote any horror movie scenes. Trust me I'm quite familiar with all the ones that could take place right now," Lucas replied with a chuckle.

Jake smiled and drove forward cautiously, finding that they were soon on a gravel road, which went on for about a quarter of a mile into a wooded area, but soon opened up to a large house. Jake looked over at Lucas, "Wow...nice place,"

Lucas nodded; it wasn't an exactly amazing looking house. It had a simple design, but was still relatively large, two stories on it. It was a log cabin, making it seem to blend into the scenery. It was hard to believe that just outside the woods was a more urban neighborhood. He stepped out of the car, Mason walking up to greet them.

"You two seemed scared to come back here," Mason said with a laugh.

"Well....we kind of thought you were going to drive us into eh woods," Lucas said, looking around at the place, "and I guess you did..."

Mason shivered a bit, "Let's get's too cold out here,"

"I think it feels great," Jake said, enjoying the cold weather.

Lucas looked back at Jake, "Fatty," he said and stuck his tongue out.

Jake laughed, but ignored it mostly. He looked around him, the house almost reminding him of home. Kaden pushed the key into its slot and opened the door, holding it open for everyone to come in. When they walked in and the lights came on the house seemed to take on a different look. It still had a very rural look, but it was surprisingly pleasant. Jake leaned in closer to Lucas. "This is a really nice home,"

"'s home," Mason said, relaxing a bit as he took off his bag and lay it next to the doorway.

"Is this a real log cabin?" Lucas asked, touching the wood, thinking it would be plastic.

"No, of course not," Jake said with a grin, "It just looks exactly like one,"

"Hey...we didn't all grow up in the boondocks," Lucas said, glaring at Jake who just laughed.

Kaden laughed, "Yeah it's very don't really see them in this area too much,"

"What Kaden means to say is we are the only ones in the city you'll find with one," Mason chuckled then began to walk into a different room, "I'm going to get supper started....are you two OK with pasta?"

"Sure...can I help out?" Jake asked.

Mason looked at the bear, "Lucas said you could cook...sure I always welcome a helping paw...all Kaden does is eat, never helps,"

Kaden laughed, "Isn't that enough of a favor?" he joked.

Mason rolled his eyes and moved into the kitchen, Jake following him. Inside he began to get out ingredients, telling Jake to do this and that. He was surprised at how well the bear worked around the kitchen. "You take a class at the college or something?" he asked, noticing the bear could break an egg with one paw.

"No...I taught myself to cook over the summer," he said and stopped for a moment, "Well...sort of. I'm not that great. I can really only cook a few dishes and know how to improvise on most things,"

"Well, that's a skill in itself," Mason said, turning on the oven. He began to shred cheese, Jake pouring ingredients together as instructed.

A few minutes passed, both working in silence. He could tell Jake was nervous and on edge, and wanted the bear to loosen up, "So, how did you and Lucas meet?"

"We shared a lot of classes," Jake replied, feeling a bit strange. It was weird to talk like this with someone else, Mason and Kaden being the only people who knew at the moment.

Mason looked at the bear, feeling his unease, " it awkward to talk about it?" he asked.

Jake grimaced, "It shouldn't be...but yeah; it is. I mean, most people only see us as friends, and when they do find out I don't know what's going to happen. It was strange to find that you and Kaden knew, but at the same time comforting I guess. I don't care if people know, but I'm nervous about it, I don't want Lucas to get hurt..." he said, thinking back to when Lucas's mother found out.

Mason nodded, "That's always the biggest fear for people, but I can tell you from experience that you always play it out in your mind as worse than it is,"

Jake rolled his eyes a bit, which he could tell Mason saw, "'re probably right," he said with a chuckle. "It's can hear that all the time but it really won't bring you much comfort,"

"You'll se-no, no, cut the peppers with a different knife," he said, stopping the bear before he made a cut, "you don't want to use that knife again, it makes the flavors meld to early and it doesn't taste as good,"

"Sorry," Jake said, pulling his paw away and grabbing a new knife.

"I should've told you," Mason replied with a chuckle, "but as I was saying, don't worry too much about it. You two are young,"

Jake looked over at Mason, "Can I ask a question?" he asked and then continued a bit, "I mean, your answer won't make me feel any different but I'm just curious,"

"Shoot," Mason said, grabbing the cutting board and putting in the peppers.

"I can see people saying me and Lucas are too young...and I mean, we are still really young. I've never dated anyone else, nor do I think I will. I can already hear all the little comments and criticisms though...experience and stuff like that,"

Mason chuckled, "You do realize that there wasn't a question in there right?"

Jake laughed, "You know what I mean,"

"Yeah I're worried that people will say you're too young to have a good relationship, or that since you've only been out with Lucas you don't have enough experience to say stuff about relationships and the like, am I right?"

Jake nodded.

"Honestly I think that's a stupid," Mason said, sliding the pasta into the oven, and moving back over to Jake, "I mean, having experience has nothing to do with helps but it doesn't constitute for having a healthy one. As long as you and the other person can get along and have a bond...or in psychological terms an..." he said and waited for Jake to fill in the word.

"Really?" Jake asked, the tiger quizzing him at such a time seeming as funny as it was frustrating. He could tell Mason was content to wait, " attachment,"

"Good...yes, as long as there is an attachment then you should be good. Finding a partner is a lot like finding a hang out with that person, the potential of a relationship developing over time. As for not being able to say anything or about criticisms...that's just stupid too. You and Lucas are not just one is while we're saying that. It doesn't matter how old or young you are, an emotion is still just that. Besides, sometimes you get it right the first time. If it makes you feel better Kaden is the first person...and only person I ever dated,"

"Really?" Jake asked.

"Yep, we're going strong for quite some time...he's the most important person in my life, much like Lucas is to you. I can't say I don't's just part of my nature, but I will say this. From what I see with you and two have something, something most don't have. You two really remind me of...well, I hope this doesn't scare you, but you remind me of myself and Kaden,"

Jake felt a bit of warmth run through him, the tiger not deeming their relationship made him feel better.


In the other room Lucas sat down on a couch, Kaden sitting in a love seat. The two didn't speak much; in fact they didn't know each other well. Kaden only knew the wolf through Jake, never holding a conversation with him. He could tell Lucas was nervous though, that was obvious from how the wolf kept glancing back to the kitchen where Jake was. It wasn't strange; it was familiar to say the least. He was about to say something before the wolf spoke up, to his surprise.

"You're probably Jake's favorite teacher," Lucas said, hoping to start a conversation with the Kodiak.

"Great!" Kaden said, happy to hear that. He could tell Lucas was using Jake in order to make a conversation starter, which was basically the only connection they had. "Jake tells me you and him have the same majors...why don't I see you in my class?"

Lucas chuckled, "I dropped yours in order to take a course in anatomy..."

"We study anatomy in my class!" Kaden said, faking an offended tone.

"Well..." Lucas said, trying to think of another excuse, but the Kodiak's laugh cut him off. It was deep and rough, deeper even than Jake's. Lucas looked over at the Kodiak, paying attention to him more now.

Kaden was bigger than Jake, more built, but with more 'fluff' to him too. He thought he saw something strange about the Kodiak's eyes but wasn't sure if it was just the lighting. Kaden's fur was a few shades darker than Jake's, but couldn't tell anything else, as the shirt was buttoned to the top. The Kodiak's voice as heavy and deep, but it had a strange excitement to it also. "'s good to finally meet you," Kaden said,

Lucas was pulled away from his thoughts, "Oh...yeah, you too," he replied. "I guess we've never really talked have we?"

Kaden shook his head, "Nope, but I guess I've heard about you from Mason a bit...don't worry, only half of it is as bad as you think,"

Lucas laughed, "That's good to know. Well, Mason never really said anything about you specifically so you have an advantage here,"

Kaden laughed, "It's not a competition...why don't you just tell me about yourself?" he suggested.

"Umm...I really have no idea what to say," Lucas replied.

"Well, that's not good," Kaden said with another chuckle, "What's your favorite color?"

Lucas laughed, the Kodiak's suggestion seeming so strange, "I don't I guess,"

"Good, good...and how does that make you wait...that's what Mason does, sorry,"

Lucas laughed again, "He's not that bad,"

"No but he's fun to mess with..."

Lucas looked over to the kitchen again, hearing the sounds of Jake and Mason working on the meal. "So...what do you want to know?"

"Well, how about your favorite food?"

"That's definitely Thai food,"

"Really? I can't say I've ever had it any good?"

"Well, I think so," Lucas said with a chuckle, it was becoming easier to speak with the Kodiak. He could tell Kaden was waiting for him to go on, "Well, I'm nineteen, I go to Kirson, and I'm majoring in bio-engineering, but I really have no idea what I want to do with it...I just woke up one day and knew that's what I wanted to do. It sounds strange doesn't it?"

"Not really...I didn't have the slightest idea what I wanted to do with my now I'm a professor," Kaden said with a laugh and then continued, as if he thought his previous statement was offensive, "Not that that is a bad thing! I love teaching, it's great!"

Lucas laughed, "Trying to convince yourself?"

"With some of my students...yeah," Kaden said, chuckling. "But it's not bad to not have a huge five-point plan...just live life for the day. Do you think you'd be interested in research or what?"

"I'm not sure...I just want to do something that can be helpful,"

"That's good. So how about in your free time what do you like to do?"

"Free time?" Lucas asked, "You teachers are shoving work down our throats so that free time is just a mean illusion,"

Kaden laughed, "Don't categorize us...I'm not that bad...sure the test are hard but that's only because I don't give much homework. Students assume that it's an easy class even though I tell them to study. Then they come in and say, 'We never learned this!' and I have to remind them that it's in the books that they bought..."

Lucas smiled, "Well, Jake reads for your class,"

"And he's one of the few I expect to actually do well...the class has a bad rep because of it's passage rate...or lack there of,"

"Well, that's a shame I guess...but hey, you should only get those who care because of that,"

"That's tru-"Kaden was saying before Mason came into the room.

"'ll be ready in about half an what have you two been up to?" Mason asked, as he moved over to a fireplace. He quickly turned it on and moved back to Kaden, sitting down next to his mate.

"Just talking," Kaden replied, resting an arm around the tiger.

Jake sat down beside Lucas, and smiled at the wolf. He looked over at Mason and Kaden and noticed a staircase, surprised once again at how large the cabin was. "I hope this doesn't sound too rude or strange but...this house is must've been crazy to afford,"

Mason smiled, "Well, it wasn't too bad, but we have only been here for two years,"

"I thought you've been in Kirson for ten years," Lucas said, confused.

"We have been...but didn't get a place of our own till two years ago. I had this land, for set away, but not much to do with it. In fact...this is more or less a product of how we met," Kaden replied.

Mason smiled, "Yeah...I guess you could say that..." he said, sounding like he was living in the past for the moment.

"'ve got to tell us now," Lucas said.

Kaden blushed a bit, "Umm...are you's not tat interesting. I mean, it's..." he said, looking for the words.

Mason laughed, "Well...I guess we can say a bit. We've been in Kirson for ten years but we started out further back,"

Mason let out a bit of a sigh, "Well, it was at our second year of college. I found out that my roommate was bailing on me...and I was getting a new one, a transfer student from some other place,"

"Before you two go for wasn't me," Kaden said with a chuckle.

"No...sadly," Mason said, continuing, "My new roommate was some bull, he was playing on the basketball team, and for all meanings of the word-a jock. It wasn't too bad when he wasn't around but when he was it was just plain annoying. He was really annoying, and after the first few weeks I was looking for anywhere I could go,"

"That's where I come in," Kaden said with a smile. They took turns, both explaining certain parts of how they met, the story going on for a bit until a bell rang through the house.

"Oh, there it is," Mason said, jumping up and running into the kitchen, running off to get the meal.

Jake and Lucas both looked over at each other, but didn't have time to say anything before Mason was yelling for everyone to come into the kitchen, threatening with the meal becoming cold.