Feed a Predator...

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#28 of Charns tales...

Makin' the call

Cameron sat back on the toilet as he starred at the ragged cut glory hole. The big burly red haired human was bored, he'd been sitting there for twenty minutes without seeing a soul. He'd cruised a number of places around the city since he'd moved there. And this had always been one of the best places, but it was sure dead tonight. As he sat there bored, he began to read the graffiti scrawled all over the stall wall's. It was mostly just juvenile slurs and slang, but one thing caught his eye. Carved into the wooden stall wall, with what was obviously a very sharp pointed object were the words. 'Feed a predator call... 5x1-4o9 7u9o'

The big human couldn't quite believe what he was seeing... he knew the predation laws of course. It was one of those mandatory things, the government made you learn when you moved into a fur zone. And he had heard that some cunning Predators really pushed the boundaries of the law. But then he'd also heard something even more strange, that some Prey animals got off on volunteering parts of themselves to sate the meat eaters hunger. The burly gay human shook his head even as a shiver ran down his spine, it was a bizarre fetish. But then, most of his kind felt the same way about his desire to have sex with the Anthro's. 'Ewwww you wanta stick a animal dick in your...' Giving up Cam stood up and pulled his jean's up, buttoning and buckling up. He decided to try another place he knew that was close, the adult video arcade. The booths in the back had holes as well and he'd had more than a few good times there.

The booths were all painted black on the insides, to make the video screens that much more attention getting. However as Cam sat down in the first booth he came to, he couldn't help noticing the black paint had been scratched away just over the hole. He leaned forwards and in the dim light was just able to read. 'Feed a predator call... 5x1-4o9 7u9o' Over the next few weeks, the big burly red headed human couldn't help spotting that same scrawl on wall's all over town. And he began to think about what the Predator wanted, and about some big male giving it up to them. Even as he was growing more and more sexually frustrated... it seemed like no one was around to play with. And as he sat there bored starring at that scrawl, curiously slowly got the better of him... Reaching into his shirt pocket Cam fished out his cellphone and slowly dialed the number. It rang a few times, and the burly human was just getting ready to hang up. When ringing stopped and he heard a smooth deep voice on the other end.

"I'm hungry." That deep soft voice purred in a low husky tone, that send a shiver running down his spine. "Where are you."

"Errr... the public toilets in the Park." Cameron stammered without even thinking about it. "Do you do what I think you do?" The human asked shyly, as that deep throbbing voice answered with a lewd chuckle.

"Yes." "I'm pretty sure I do." Cam gulped and covered the receiver for a second to catch his breath. This was proving much more exciting and stimulating than he'd expected. Slowly his hand wandered down to his suddenly erect organ, and he began to fondle it through his trousers. "I neuter... I geld... I castrate..." The deep sexy voice purred with such sensual sounding delight Cameron was stunned.

"Do you do it to non ferals?" Cam asked as his mouth went dry, even as he began tugging his hard on free of his trousers.

"Of course..." Came the amused replied, and he could hear the excitement in that deep throbbing voice. "But only to male ones like you."

"How many males have you... done?" Cameron asked with growing arousal, as he began to stroke his rock hard erection.

"Quite a few... to be honest I've lost track of the total number." That deep sexy voice seemed to be amused at the questioning. "Are you touching yourself?" That voice asked turning the tables on the big horny red head.

"Errr... Yes." Cam asked, a little embarrassed by the fact that he was getting off on this. "Are you going to be eating anyones junk... today?" He asked with a dry mouth gulp, as a deep bass chuckle answered Cam's admission of pawing.

"You mean... besides yours?" That sexy voice asked mischievously, as Cam tugged on his long thick male organ lustily.

"Are you the only one who does this?" The horny red head asked, in a steadily growing breathless voice. As his pleasure grew, as imagines of feeding some big fanged maw his cock and balls flashed through his mind.

"No." Came the terse reply as that deep sexy voice grew more amused. "There are at least a dozen others in the local area... not to many of us can exist in one place." "Don't want to deplete the prey population after all." "I've met most of my peers and we all have a pretty steady stream of 'volunteers'. "Thanks to our efforts... the local gelding population continues to increase... Heheh."

"Ohooooo." Cam moaned in shock, as he listened to some big anonymous Predator talking so openly about eating other males junk.

"Is this getting you off?" The big Predator asked with an amused tone in his deep masculine voice.

"Yes..." Cam choked in surprise and embarrassment, as his jerked himself off more excitedly.

"Does your cell have a camera?" The horny Predator asked huskily, as Cameron's breathing became more ragged.

"Yes." The big burly Human answered honestly, as he stroked that big drooling organ more franticly.

"Take me a picture." That deep sexy Predatory voice purred as the horny Human shivered.

"O... Ok." Leaning back Cam thrust his hard pink human cock out as far as he could, and snapped the pic. And then paused... uncertain for a moment he wanted to do it. But then that deep sexy voiced purred in a soft but commanding tone.

"Show it to me." The burly Human shivered in excitement, and then pushed send. Almost instantly that deep dangerous sounding voice began to chuckle. Before commented that he thought Cam had a fine, healthy, and very interesting set of genitals.

"What are you exactly?" The big Predator asked curiously. "I've not seen a set quite like that one before."

"I... I'm a Human." Cam explained, as that deep voice chuckled sounding even more excited and pleased than it had before.

"Never had one of those." The big Predator chuckled, but then quickly got back to business. "I find it's very useful to monitor my 'Donors' sexual responses during the initial contact." The big Predator snickered wickedly, instructed him to sit back and to slowly masturbate while they talked. "How long have you found this... topic sexually arousing." Cam admitted that he had fantasized about it since he'd first seen the Predators scrawled messaged in the toilets. "Have you been thinking about it ever since... tugging on that nice big Human cock?"

"Ahem yeah."

"I can definitely help you out with that..." The deeply amused voice purred huskily. "Just relax and trust me... and I'll take care of everything." The big Predator promised, this made Cameron get all the more excited, he stroked himself with increased vigor.

"So how do you know when... when the prey is ready to give it up?" Cam asked, as the big Predator chortlingly explained that many of the males who called him were confused and uncertain. And that he was always more than happy to help guide them to the correct choice for them. "But how do you know..." Cam repeated drawing a knowing chuckled from that deep sexy voice.

"Well if they find themselves being stimulated by the idea of submitting to being emasculated..." "And of course if they show me their erection... admit to masturbating about the idea probably means that you are more than ready for it." That deep voice chuckled more darkly, as the door to the stall next to him opened and closed. Cam inhaled sharply as he saw bright sleek fur flash on the other side of that hole. "Please don't stop." That sexy voice purred through the glory hole, now as the burly Human trembled lustfully. "I'm enjoying the show." The big Predator admitted, as a big green eye peered through that ragged opening watching the Human pawing off. Cameron's cock seemed to swell up even more in intense arousal, as he turned his body towards the anonymous Predator in the next stall.

"But ready isn't the same as willing." The burly Human managed to gasp, as he worked himself closer to orgasm.

"Very true." Came the soft sexy reply. "But if you ejaculate for me... then that shows you're not just willing... you're actually eager in my opinion." That deep purring voice throbbed with desire. Cam hunched forward... his mouth hanging open, legs spread brazenly wide apart, displaying myself fully. As his fist moved strongly up and down on his pulsing aching erection. Even as he felt his orgasm begin to build towards its peak...

"I'm glad you called me..." That deep wanton voice purred with amused lust. "I'm going to enjoy taking you into my big deadly muzzle... and relieving you of your burden."

"But I... but I..." The big rotund Human stammered weakly, as his fist tugged on that fat erection harder.

"Many males have sat where you're sitting now, and have jerked off in front of me just as you are." The deep arousing voice purred velvety softly. "Believe me, when you finish shooting your load... you'll see things my way." "To date, no male who has brazenly ejaculated in front of me has left with his junk." By now Cam was hovering on the thinnest feathery edge of orgasm. "Go on do it..." That sexy dangerous voice urged lustfully. "You know you're just dying to show me what you can do... and then afterwords I can get started on you." The feelings were overpoweringly exciting for the Human, the idea of the dangerous, perilous consequences of what he was about to do overwhelmed him. Even though Cam knew what he was committing to... he couldn't resist, couldn't hold back. With a great feeling of anguish and dread the human bounced to his feet, shoving his big thick erection and floppy low hanging ball's through that hole.

"Do it..." The big burly Human red head moaned, as his suddenly neglected organ jerked and quivered in need.

"You know the rules..." That deep suddenly wicked pleased sounding voice purred aggressively. "Tell me what you want me to do..." Silky soft paws gently stroked along the length of that drooling organ teasing it keeping it on that feathery edge of orgasm.

"Eat... EAT ME!" Cam moaned, and was instantly rewarded as a hot wet mouth engulfed his throbbing genitals... Claw tipped fingers stroke them, feeling over them... grinding hard. 'God, is he trying to milk the cream out of them directly?' 'It would probably work at this point.' "Fuck..." Cam moaned as the big Predator was chewing on his dick root, digging his fangs against that delicate male flesh. The Human's hips wriggled, as they thrust against that dirty stall partition wall. There was no way to get around it, Cameron's mouth hung open in lust. As those deadly fingers pinch, pull, tugging at his fat shaven Human orbs, making them ache. Even as he felt the clamp again, this time at the very root of his thick throbbing male organ. Feeling the sheering sensation of teeth digging into that aroused organ, he goes to push back from the stall wall but can't. His body betraying him, his orgasm held in so long surging through him. Blowing through Cam's mind and blowing the fuses in his brain. As his thick cock spurted his thick copious load washed down that gulping throat.

"FUCCCCK..." All he could see was white, and all he could feel was Pleasure. As his big body reacted basely to the sensations in his hefty male loins. And then it's over, whatever that avalanche he called an orgasm was. Cam's legs are limp, his whole body slumping down the wall to the cold dirty tiled floor. His bloody crotch now totally devoid of any protrusions, that's why he was feel so weak... blood loss. Luckily the Predator was experienced as stanching such blood flow. Quickly the big black and orange striped feline slipped under the stall wall.

"There we go." The big anonymous Predator purred, dangling the fat looking coin purse above the stunned Humans face. With it's two distinctively sized bulges still inside, lifting it up and looking at it. "Dunno which I'll enjoy more, to be honest." The stunned, gelded Human laid back, to spent and weak to do much more that gape and nod his head weakly. "Yer all Fixed up now."

"Thank... thank you that was... wonderful." The red head moaned weakly.

"I'm always happy to please... especially with such a nice pay off." The big Predator purred leaving a red set of lip prints on the gelded Human's cheek, as he stands up stretching out. "Thanks for dinner, by the way." The sleek surprisingly young and slender looking Predator purred in his deep sexy voice. "I was starving." Cam heard a wet crunching sound, and then slurping, like someone was draining the center from a cherry cordial. "Ammmm.... delicious." "Ut Oho... looks like now I'm all horny." He purred lustfully gesturing to his long barbed feline organ. "A good meal always does that to me..." "Be a sweet little geldie and roll over..."


Vorlan and the wrestler...

Vorlan and the wrestler The huge burly Boar spun around the body of the young Horse amazingly...

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In Service 3

A little something Boing Goat and I came up with... The Steer from Hard Times is back serving his young Bull master... But things get nasty and complex when his teenage jock son enters the mix... Next...

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