Chapter 4: What's a Zentka?

Story by Scarwing on SoFurry

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#4 of Canid Chronicles

Woo, it's chapter four. Hope it's good enough for your guys' wait. The sex is a bit tame compared to the last few chapters, but I was more interested in exploring this new plot point. If you don't like story development just scroll to the bottom.

Andrew and Gear had been traveling for days now, coming very close to the border of the Dingo Kingdom. Andrew was nervous, wondering what this culture would be like. "Gear, what are the dingoes like?"

"Well, from what I've heard, they're a really militaristic community. I think it's because they have the most diverse ancestry. Most of their royalty fought to get to the place of second king, after the original knight passed. Hear the people are much calmer though. If I remember correctly even their captains are dingo. I think they're the only culture that doesn't have problems with crossbreeding with commoners, but the royalty is still pure blood."

"Really? Why just them?" Andrew asked, his tail swishing curiously.

"Well, their combat traditions don't say anything about fooling around in the line of duty, and I guess once you see enough fine looking ass..."

Andrew giggled. "I see. So they let the women fight too?"

"Oh of course. Rank is earned by skill, and all natural born citizens are automatically part of the army. It's just a matter of how good you do on your physical test when you reach sixteen. Anyone who is drafted into the primary army is automatically considered an adult. I don't know how it works if you don't enter active duty. All I know is it's gonna be rough. Security is tight and they won't just recognize us, nor believe who we are at all."

"Well maybe the chalice will convince them?"

"I don't think the guards will know what the chalice looks like, or even know it exists." A warm, sweet smelling breeze blew through the air. Gear's pant legs shook in wind, and he held his hat in place, looking down. Andrew stood anxiously. The labrottie thought for a good, long time. It made Andrew increasingly nervous.

"I think the best strategy would be to go to the castle gates and tell them exactly why we're there. If they know of the fox kingdom, we'd be able to prove our actual origins, then I can use my clipped ears, though they could be fake, and the chalice, combined with my knowledge of things commoners don't know, but we guards do. This compiling information will bring all but the most conservative guard to at least give us a shot to see the king's adviser. He'll be easy enough to convince because the royalty's attendant will either know of our little cup here, or at least tell his king about it, and he'll definitely know."

Andrew's head spun. "You can really say all that will happen that way?"

"Normal commoners won't have such complex plans. This will narrow us down to either assassins or who we say we are. This possibility will get us a meeting with a knowledgeable, but expendable higher up. They need someone who can possibly verify our story, but won't be a loss if we turn out to be assassins. This higher up will either know we're telling the truth and get the king, or at the very least take the cup to the king for us, and we'll get it unsealed and be able to move on. It's assuming a lot, but if it doesn't work at some point, we can regroup and try again with a new plan."

"Wow. I would have never thought of that Gear." Andrew curled his toes into the grass, blushing a bit as he felt out of his league. His ears perked up as the dog's large paw patted him on the shoulder. He looked up to a wide, confident smile.

"Come on now Andrew, don't feel bad. I've been raised to strategize like this. The captain intended me to take his place when he retired, so he taught me everything he knows, and the captain is quite impressive."

Andrew nodded and stifled another laugh. It was always strange to him how much the labrottie praised the husky. He never understood what Gear saw in him. Andrew didn't care too much for his own father. He had never spoken a single word to him, at least that he could remember. He didn't even think he looked at him ever. He'd see him at formal balls and the like, but never acknowledge Andrew, or talk about him when he was around. It's like he just pretended he didn't exist. It made him feel unwanted. His mother either. It's like his parents hated him or something. He knew that had to at least like him a little, but that's how he felt. Now that he thought about it, their deaths really hadn't affected him. He didn't even know the names of his servants, so he didn't really feel sad about them dieing either. The only sadness he seemed to feel was that his home was gone. "I wonder if I'm suppressing something. But the more I think about it, the less I feel anything for them. I want to grieve death but.. I kinda feel glad they're gone." Andrew clenched his fangs at the thought.

"ANDREW! Stay behind me!" Gear stood in front of the fox, blocking him. Andrew tilted to the side, seeing a black, reptilian lizard standing twenty feet from them. His arms were at his sides. He was dressed in nothing at all, except a leather messenger bag slung over his neck. His musculature was smooth, but his limbs were nice and thick. Sorta similar to the fox, but broader. His pectorals were definite though, but his stomach was nice and smooth. His eyes were a deep, soulful purple color. He had thick, white hair that was solid and upwards. It was hard to see any individual strands except at the roots, and it curled over at the top to bushel outwards at various points. It looked like it was supposed to be pure white, but it was dusty and faded. He had some rough looking black toe claws. His tail was longer than the other Skskardii he had seen, and it was real thick too. His fists were clenched. Andrew couldn't help but notice he didn't seem to have any genitals, but perhaps some kind of opening between his legs. Was it actually a female? But it looked so masculine, maybe all Skskardii look male. Though he did look different from the two assassins. Andrew realized he'd never actually seen a woman's genitals, so wasn't sure what they even looked like. Thoughts of exploring it and finding out appeared in his mind, and he blushed hard.

"What do you want you worthless lizard? Get closer and I'll rip your innards out through your mouth!"

The lizard sighed, rubbing his face. He pulled off his bag, dropping it on the ground, then started to walk across the meadow at them both, holding his paws up. Palms were spread, showing he was holding nothing. "I ain't here to attack you or your little prince dog. I have much more noble intentions. I'm here to help you."

Gear growled loudly, drawing his spear, holding it in both hands, ready to attack. The mysterious male continued walking forwards slowly, still holding nothing. Gear barked at him, "Get away Skskardii slime!" This made the male freeze in place, maw agape in a shocked expression.

"You think I'm one of those heartless killers? What, you think all Zentka are pathetic assassins?" Both Gear and Andrew were very confused.

"What's a Zentka?" Andrew asked, still hiding behind his big bodyguard. The lizard laughed, slapping his forehead.

"Oh wow. You dumb dogs thought that the Skskardii were all of us? They told me you mammals were all really dense, but I had no idea you were that clueless. I gotta clear some shit up with you mutts then."

Andrew grimaced. "I'm not a mutt, he is, I'm a purebred fox." The lizard just shrugged.

"Do you know what kind of Zentka I am? No, you didn't even know the Skskardii were a group."

Gear chimed in, "Wait, you're saying the Skskardii aren't all of you, but you abominations think you're an actual race?"

The Zentka glared. "We ain't monsters dog. We're an old, proud race. Been around a lot longer than you hairy bastards, and-"

Gear yelled. "Shut up, you are just the byproducts of some twisted, evil seed planted in a good, honest mammal!"

The black lizard hissed at Gear, "THAT'S what you people think? You think those dumb parasites are what make Zentka, or apparently Skskardii. Okay, let me explain something."

"No!" The labrottie responded. "I'm not gonna hear your lies!" But Andrew interrupted him.

"Gear. Please be quiet. I think he's telling the truth. I know what it's like to be told something your entire life, then find out it's all a lie. It seems crazy and impossible and weird. But have you actually ever seen the things that our lore claims? Have you seen those eggs you told me about? It sounds to me that they, whomever 'they' are, have been lying to more than just the royalty." Gear growled, looked away, then stabbed his spear hard into the ground, and fell down on the ground. His legs and arms crossed, glaring at the lizard.

"Fine, sit and tell us what you have to say. But make a single sudden movement and I'll beat you until you break." Andrew sat next to Gear, smiling wide at the prospect of what he had to say. The lizard chuckled and sat down, a few feet back though to keep the dog calm.

"Mmhh, I bet you would stud..." Gear grunted in annoyance. "...But for one. I know you're Gearalt and Armond, but that now you go by Andrew and Gear. My name's.." Followed by very strange, guttural lizard grunts and other throat maneuvers, "..But call me Cale. I know you dogs can't speak our language." He laughed in amusement at this fact.

"Get to the point!" said Gear.

Cale rolled his eyes and cleared his throat. "Well, like I said. Our race is actually called the Zentka. We're a race of sentient, amorphous goo, but we have a mind contained in each of our cells."

Gear interrupted "Cells? That doesn't make sense. You're made of prisons?"

Cale sighed, like he was trying to explain calculus to a potato. "The body is made up of countless little particles Little individual sacks filled with their own sorts of tiny 'organs' etcetera. Even your brain is made up of little pieces. In you mammals, they work together, and you the conscious body has no knowledge of them. But in we Zentka-"

"Now hold on, that's ridiculous Little sacks? I ain't made of sacks."

Cale groaned. "Okay fine, don't believe me. You don't have to. But that's what I am, it's what you are. The only difference is my consciousness exists in every single cell individually, and they think simultaneously to achieve my goals."

Gear shook his head. "I can't believe that. It's just crazy."

Cale groaned again. "Fine, I'll prove it!" He bulged outwards, deforming into a black puddle of tar, then reforming back into himself. "See?"

It all went so fast, the labrottie froze in a shocked expression. The fox was absolutely mesmerized. It was so surreal. Cale was blushing now though. "I ain't very good at it though. Something is wonky with how my cells react with each other. I can't seem to form that complex of forms. When I was born, I took this form, and I've...acquired..some other forms over the years. But it's still so basic, and I can't change their colors much."

"Wait, born? Zentka have a birth? Like from that egg?" asked Andrew.

"What? No. Zentka are born by ceremony. We take those who wish to become one. They...well. That's all you need to know. People who want to become a Zentka come to our homeland. They become one there."

Andrew continued. " they change at all?"

"Well maybe their feelings to their body and such change, but their mind is transferred to their new body as is."

Gear was looking down, very stern looking. "You're trying to tell me that everyone I ever knew was lying to me, and that this crazy story is the truth?"

Cale nodded. "Yup. It's a bitch ain't it? I can't believe they told you that all Zentka are in the Skskardii."

Andrew chimed in. "So then, what exactly are the Skskardii?"

The lizard flashed a toothy grin. "Oh, now THAT'S a story. So you see, at least in our native folklore, as you canines finally came to power, you began to grow in influence. The ancient Zentka tribes and ancient leaders of your time made a deal. You would grow your kingdoms around our sacred homeland, and in exchange protect it from invading cultures, making sure they never tried to take our land for their own. It worked for both of us. Our safety was assured, or at least we had a large advance in warning where invading troops were coming from, and you could grow your kingdoms outwards, with a safe haven inside to retreat to in case of an invasion. Not to mention you could do the whole equality ring thing you guys are so proud of. The treaty was made, and our people and yours lived in peace for the lives and deaths of many of your leaders. But some time in your history, your people's treaty was lost or something. You started running our kind out of the country, not letting them return to the homeland either. We fled all over the rest of globe. You also seem to not let us leave the homeland now unless we sneak out. Soon after you all seemed to start this odd war you are having. This attack spawned the Skskardii. They are the Zentka who have decided we have to kill off your leaders and destroy your government, so we can take back the land around the homeland and drive you away. This brings me to why I want to help you."

Gear growled. "Wait, you're saying you not only were our ally, but also around before we were?"

Cale nodded. "Correct. Now, getting back to what I was saying."

Gear stood up, stomping the grass. "How can you expect me to believe you?"

Cale stood up as well, looking up at the impressively heighted labrottie. "I EXPECT to listen because I was old enough to see the transition!"

Gear gasped, stepping back a bit. " what? How old are you?"

The Zentka sighed. "I'm about a hundred. Zentka don't keep track of age that much because we...we don't die of old age. We just return to the homeland and replenish our cells in the tar pits in the center."

Gear spoke again. "Wait, so you really are made of tar?"

He shook his head. "A special, living tar. The ceremony causes the tar to form into a living cell, imprinted with the consciousness of the person submerged in it. It's pretty complicated to explain to someone who hasn't experienced it."

Andrew spoke now. "Please, just tell us why you want to help us Cale."

The lizard smiled. "Thank you Andrew. I want to help you because I despise the Skskardii. Some of them aren't even old enough to understand this war, and yet they think it's the only way. I think my people and yours can return to the agreement we had all those years ago. So I have two missions. To stop the Skskardii, by any means necessary, and to act as ambassador between my people and yours to return our way of life. I just want to go back to how things were when I was just a newblood."

"Newblood?" Gear asked.

"Oh. Well many Zentka are adults when they make the transition, so to call them a newborn is insulting. So we call those who have become a Zentka recently a newblood. Because the new black life that pulses in each of their cells is new to them. When the Zentka becomes completely in control of their cells, they lose the title newblood. Then, when they return to the tar, we refer to them with the title oldblood."

Andrew tilted his head. "Well, if you still have problems with your transformation, why aren't you a newblood?"

This made Cale blush and grunt his fangs. "I...lost my title at about ten years into becoming a Zentka. I'd rather not get into why. It was a special exemption, but I don't feel like I deserve it, nor do a lot of the other more brash Zentka. But please Andrew."

He threw himself to the ground, placing his head to the dirt. "I know what you're doing. I want to help. I think once we gain the power of whatever is in that chalice, in as capable hands as yours, you'd end this peacefully. I'm putting my bets that it will give you the power to cease conflict with a good enough demonstration, to both sides, then we can return to how it used to be."

Gear began to speak, but Andrew spoke first and to the point. "Of course! This is exactly what I wanted, what I always hoped. I knew an entire race couldn't be monsters. I knew peace could be found between the canines and the Zentka! Now that I know those causing the deaths are a militant group, it's even more certain in my mind." The fox drew his rapier, holding it up to his face. "Rise to your knees, Cale."

The Zentka smiled, drawing up to his knees. Gear was pretty shocked at this point. "Cale..." He lowered the blade down on of the male's shoulders. "I officially knight you, as the first Zentka to ever enter my service, and the first to serve as my vassal. You will travel alongside me and my head Knight Gear, and we will work together to bring peace, and restore order to the shattered remains of the kingdom."

The Zentka was obviously pleased at this development. "Yes Sir. I will do everything I can to help your goals, though I ain't gonna do any of that fancy talking you dogs do to each other." Andrew laughed and nodded in assurance.

Gear grabbed the fox's shoulder, pulling him to the side. "Damnit Andrew, how can you trust him? He could be lying, or telling the truth, but planted in order to strike you down before you can complete the ritual on the chalice or who knows? This is too big of an if. We don't need him, we can-" Gear's sentence was cut short as the firm slap of a vulpine paw connected across his face, the fox staring hard at him.

"No, you listen Gear. Distrust and hate is how things like this start. We can't go around telling everyone to get along and make peace when we don't even trust the Zentka ourselves. We need to set an example of peace. He wants what we want, to stop those assassins and make peace. I told you back in the woods, that I would build a kingdom that all were happy with. A civilization of peace and acceptance. This includes the Zentka now. They AREN'T monsters. Their a race that not only sheltered I, but even you, everyone has been lied to. We need to fix this. We have to right the wrongs of canine kind, and restore the kingdom to one of peace and agreement. If you can't place your trust in him, place it in me, because this is what I believe."

Gear rubbed the side of his face. He looked at the lizard. He seemed quite hurt, looking off to the side. The labrottie sighed, rolling his eyes. "Fine. I will allow him to stay, but I have my eye on him. One sign of betrayal and I'll murder him."

Andrew hugged the big male, squeezing up close to his body. His furry tail wagging excitedly. Though the moment was ruined as they felt a third hug. The lizard backed off, laughing and rubbing the back of his head. "Eh, too soon?" Gear gave an irritated grunt, and Andrew giggled at labrottie's expression.

The three walked together. Andrew had to look around the the labrottie, as he stubbornly stood between the two. "So Cale, tell me about the spores. I suppose that's what I want to know about the most."

Cale hissed. "The things are pretty damned gnarly, but they only work on mammals. Try to put them in Zentka and they just starve to death and die. The spores come from a certain plant that lives in the deep woods."

Andrew tilted his head. "You mean in the vine forest?"

Cale looked confused. "What? Vine forest? Sure there a few vine plants there, but the woods is mostly trees."

"Well, the center is supposed to have a mass of vines that you get pulled into and never escape. Supposedly the vines there implant you with a one of the dark seeds and they turn you into a monster of what you once were."

Cale chuckled. "Well that's pretty out there, but the transformation part is true. Our capital is in the center of the woods. I've lived there for a hundred year, and trust me there is more than vines. You people have so many odd legends now."

Andrew looked down for a second, then made eye contact again. "OK, well continue then."

"Well when this spore is put in a mammal, it infects them. It releases a countless amount of these little bugs. They spread throughout the victims system quickly, invading their mind as well. It degrades their mental processes, making them a dumb, easily manipulated brute. Or they develop a new personality, one that is just sick and wrong. Who knows where it comes from. Maybe it just draws out the nastier parts of their mind. Though we live with it, we Zentka actually know very little about it besides that basic stuff. You canines have been pretty dumbed down in this little bit of time eh?"

Gear shot him an annoyed growl. He chuckled, backed away, grinned nervously, and held his palms up.

The trio now approached the gates to the Canid kingdom. They had traveled almost a week. Now they stood before the first city. Their supplies were low, hopefully the king here would supply them like the white wolf had. Two guards waited at the draw bridge. Luckily the three were out out recognizable range. Andrew looked to Cale. "How will we get inside? They're gonna try to kill you on sight!"

Cale scoffed. "Easy as shit man, you forget I'm a shape shifter, even if I'm not that great at it." He cleared his throat, standing exposed as his body bubbled into a gooey mess, then reformed and solidified into a black otter. He grinned very wide, lashing his still thick tail side to side. His voice had gotten higher, and more giddy. "'Ol right then. Des get goin' should we ya?" Andrew giggled at how silly the otters voice was, and Gear rolled his eyes.

The guards at the gate stopped them immediately Their armor obscured them pretty well, but one was definitely a dingo, and the other was a Clydesdale Quite an impressively sized one at that. Andrew felt some powerful urges grow inside of himself. The otter's tail began to errantly twitch, looking directly at the dingo guard, who spoke. "Halt. The three of you are not to be allowed into the kingdom By order of recent assassinations in the south, only those with a permit from the king may be allowed into the kingdom."

Gear crossed his arms. "We have permission from the white wolf-"

"Bah! That dumb diplomat? His name has no value here! In fact, I KNOW that we won't let you in now. Anybody in league with him is trash as far as I'm concerned."

Gear growled. "Let me finish. I said we had permission from the white wolf king to carry this." He pulled the chalice from his knapsack, showing it to the guards.

The dingo looked unamused. "A cup? And?"

Gear swore under his breath. "OK, maybe you don't know what this is. But we're from the fox kingdom. This is Prince Armond Jestalt Rivings III of the fox kingdom."

He shook his head. "Impossible dog. Everyone was killed in that attack. Not a single fox survived."

Gear sighed. "No, I helped him escape from his window before the assassins reached him. He's the last living member, and we NEED to see the Dingo King."

The dingo chuckled. "Now I know you dogs are just some street mutts."

Gear growled, grabbing his hat and pulling it off, exposing his cut ears. He pointed them. "There, does this convince you at all? These are royal guard ears. I am Armond's personal guard!"

He shrugged. "Well, you could easily cut your ears fake."

"To get into a town? I'd go this far?"

"Yes. Everyone but the otter has weapons, so you could very easily be paid assassins."

"Okay, I know plenty that commoners shouldn't know. Like how the royal families in most kingdoms have been sheltered and kept hidden to keep them from opposing the consul. Or how the dingo bloodline is actually diluted with bits of other canines from inter-army fooling around. Not to mention the fact that I know the empire's capital contains a special gem that repels all Skskardii!"

The dingo stumbled back a bit, maw agape. "What? How...fine mutt. It's obvious you know more than is public. It's possible you're still assassins, but we'll have you escorted to the main hall of the castle. You get ten minutes, alright?"

Gear smiled, bowing respectfully. "Thank you Sir, you may have just helped save this kingdom." He gave the dingo a guard salute, which was returned.

The trio was escorted into the city gates, all the way to the main hall of the castle. The dingo told a passing maid to go get someone, and soon enough he was there. He was a short Boston shepherd dressed in heavy, fancy clothes. "Probably to make him appear larger." Andrew thought. His voice was sharp and unpleasant

"What does street trash want with the ruler?"

Gear bowed with respect. "Most honorable chancellor, we beg for you to listen to our mission. We are from The recently ravaged fox kingdom. This fox here is prince Armond. We have disguised ourselves to hide from the Skskardii. We are trying to travel, under orders from the white wolf king, to unlock the many seals on this chalice. Inside is supposedly a key to unlock a weapon of great power. The seal we currently are on is that of the dingo. We'd like to talk to the king-"

"The king? Oh young pup. There hasn't been a king in the dingo kingdom for a long time. The queen rules over us, and picks males to be her suitors when she desires to bear a daughter. All male dingos are soldiers."

Gear was shocked. "Oh my. I-I wasn't ever told such a thing. I apologize. Well then we still need someone who is a descendent of the original dingo who became the first king of-"

"You mean first queen, right? The knight who was one of the original eight was a female. The knight of dawn,

Gear rubbed the back of his head. Andrew could swear he was actually blushing. "It appears I do not know as much as I thought. It seems the captain did indeed have a lot more to teach me." He had a deep, soulful look on his face. Like he was realizing a big part of something. "So, could we see the queen then?"

He shook his head. "No you may not. You just need a descendent right? That lazy dog right there is her grandson. Get him to unlock you seal. Now good day. I expect you can escort yourselves out?" He left in a rushed, annoyed fashion

Gear looked down at the cup, then held it over to the dingo who had escorted them in. "Um, could you give us a drop of blood then? Just drip it into this cup and it'll unseal."

The dingo growled in protest, but just shook his head and decided to comply. He nicked himself on the blade of his sword, squeezing a drop out to fall into the cup. It fell inside, causing a bright flash of light. This surprised the canine. "Seems you were telling the truth. Now get out. I'm still on castle gate duty."

The three of them left in a hurry. Then sun was setting outside, causing a deep red color in the sky. The market was full of hurried citizens, rushing to get stuff done before dark. The three of them agreed to find an inn to stay at for the night.

"Hey, Andrew. Are you still up?" The fox's eyes opened to a lizard on his knees at the foot of his bed. The fox yawned, sitting up. He got up to his knees to, cupping his paws and holding them between his legs.

"Yea, what do you want Cale?"

The lizard grins nice and wide. "I wanna talk to you s'more. Y'know, without that 'ol grump butting in my way."

Andrew giggled. "Gear is really nice once you get to know him. He's just formal around people. Even to me he's pretty reserved, but much more comfortable. I've seen how casual he can get though."

Cale shrugged. "If you say so."

Andrew jumped a bit. "Ooo! I know! Something has been eating at me all day. If you Zentka can shape shift, how come you don't just change shape to live among us?"

Cale grinned devilishly. "Who says we don't?"

Andrew gasped. "Wow really? Anyone at all could be? It's such a strange concept." His gaze became distant as he thought deeply about all the possibilities that held. Literally anyone could have been a Zentka. "Lemme ask you this, why are you always nude?"

The lizard nodded. "Simple answer. Most Zentka are nature benders. Can conform nature to their will."

Andrew giggled. "So you guys think it's all holy and stuff?"

The Zentka shook his head. "Naw, we treat nature like our slave. It's our property, and we can bend it to our will. It serves us."

The fox nodded. "Interesting. So go on."

"Ah yes. Well, I said most. I'm not in that most. I'm what you call a lust conductor. I was made from a different birthing site than the homeland. The tar I was born from instead gave me the power over sexual energy. I can store it, contain it when it is fed to me from other males. I then conduit it into either subsistence to keep me well fed, or I can use it for a kind of psychokinetic force. Clothes feel like agony to me. They make me feel suffocated and separated by the lifeblood of sexual passion that floats in the air. Only by staying completely nude can I achieve proper connection to the energies. The strap of that band is a mild irritant, but nothing more that a nagging sensation in the back of my head. Now that I've answered two of your questions. Let me ask you one."

Andrew shrugged. "Go ahead Cale."

The lizard's lips curled in a grin. "You've been eying my slit since we met. Why? I've noticed mammals don't have them, you wondering what is up with it?"

Andrew's face filled with a hard, aching blush. "Oh! Y-you-you noticed! I just..." He gulped, holding his paws up to his face and blushing hot red. He couldn't help himself. All throughout the day he had been wondering just what the hell that thing was. "Y-yea. I don't know what it is. Are you a female or something? You didn't seem to me referring you to a I was really confused."

He chuckled, spreading his legs apart, leaning back on the bed-board His arms hung over it, lying back very casually. He looked over to the labrottie sleeping on the bed in the middle of the room. "I wonder what yer guard dog would say if he saw you being naughty with 'the enemy'. Probably give you a lecture about poison in my spunk. Now go ahead Andrew. Explore it. Discover first hand what a slit exactly is."

Andrew couldn't top himself. He fell down on his stomach, grabbing the male by the thighs. He slid his right paw between his legs, prodding at the crevice. He nudged the sensitive scales around the entrance, making the lizard twitch lightly. He finally pushed two fingers inside, feeling the immediate warmth of the walls around his fingers. He felt a wet tip, bouncing it on his fingers. The lizard gave light, guttural sounds of enjoyment. The fox pulled his fingers out, seeing them lightly coated in a wet, gooey fluid. He slipped them in his maw, tasting it. It was very musky. Like nothing but concentrated gunk, and made his taste buds sing. It made them call for more. He opened his maw, sliding between the male's legs. Cale put his paw on the back of the male's head, smirking. "Oohhh, you're an adventurous little pup, aren't you Andrew?" The fox's tongue extended outwards, slipping into the slit. The lizard jumped a bit and made another guttural sound, and held it as Andrew's tongue thrusted and caressed his cock inside. The fox couldn't wait another second, and leaned forwards, clamping his maw over the male's groin. His tongue thrusted and swirled around inside, teasing the cock and tasting the heavenly rank fluids. Cale's maw opened wide, exhaling hotly, his maw giving high, loud, guttural sounds. He blushed noticeably, his hips bucking on that canine's face as he enjoyed it. "Unnff..oh fuck Andrew. YES. really want that dick don't you?" He groaned, the cock yielding from its slit. Andrew backed up and away, feeling it grow out and against his face. It was a smooth shaft from the slit, the base the widest, slowly thinning until the tip which was a rounded point. He nuzzled the milky white prick, murring loudly.

"Oh Cale, you're pretty well endowed for your body. Not that exceptionally long, but the girth on this prick is really huge." The lizard chuckled, gasping and panting for breath still, scratching the fox's ear. Andrew murred and licked up along the lizard's cock, then deep throated it hard. He gulped and guzzled that aching, throbbing shaft. He bucked his head up and down, completely thrusting it in and out of his throat. That precum, or whatever it was oozed from his cocktip, was delicious. The fox couldn't help but gulp it all down. He bucked and contracted his throat on the lizard's member, the thought in his mind arising of just how his cum must taste. He pushed up on his knees, reaching between his legs with his right paw to pull his cock completely from his sheath. He pawed it feverishly, but it was soon brushed aside. The fox moaned as he felt those big, scaly toes grab at his prick. He felt their soft, smooth texture tease and tug at his engorged shaft, could feel his tip slipping in between those hot, wriggling toes. It all just drove the canine crazy. His groans turning to whines as he began to thrust needfully into those clamping foot paws. He continued thrusting his face up and down on the lizard's throbbing shaft, letting it slid in and out of his throat. Each time he went down, it nudged a deep part of his gullet, and how much it stretched it made him feel perversely good.

"Fffuck Andy. You can sure guzzle a stiff dick. How often do you do this?" Andrew blushed, both at the sudden nickname, and realizing he had fucked an awful lot lately. But the thought he was getting good at sucking cock made him feel good all throughout his body. Or maybe that was those skilled toes tugging and playing over his cock. One had gripped his knot, and was tugging on it repeatedly, making the tip of his dick squish and grind into the sole of his foot. The other foot was rubbing and grinding and wriggling its toes all over the other side of his cock, making it squish heavenly into the other sole. He whimpered and went down as hard as he could on that cock, clamping his maw on the male's groin again, but this time just quickly bucking his head back and forth, over that member. This made Cale curl his toes and groan, bucking his hips with the other male. The kept going and going, until Cale couldn't take it anymore. He made a raw, guttural sound, and Andrew pulled back. He cupped the member at the base, then started jacking it off hard and fast. He opened his maw wide, ready to receive the lizard's cum. Cale continued making his harsh sound, his member spasming hard as it shot a thick, tar-like load of smelly, black spunk all over the fox's face. Andrew blushed hard as he experienced such a unique load. The smell was absolutely insane. It was even stronger than the load from the bear in the bar. It was more earthy too, smelled like never washed his whole life. The fox coughed from just the stench of it, his maw still hungeredly swallowing it down as soon as his maw was full though. Cale came for a good time, before Andrew leaned back, whining and panting as those feet really got to work. He gripped the sheets at either side of himself, his legs spread wide. The lizard's paws lifted.

"Hnnnggghh...oh Cale..unff..don't stop please...I'm...I'm going to explode!" The lizard grinned wide, his toes on one paw cupped over his tip, squeezing between his toes and thrusting it up and down, while the other was turned to cup the knot, tugging it up and down, the alternating motions made his hot, sweaty soles dance over that fox cock, heel grinding against his member opposite his toes. The fox whined, ears flattened on his head as he was edging so close that he'd erupt in a fountain in any second. Sure enough he couldn't take it anymore, his member throbbing, knot swelling, tip spurting shot after shot of his hot, sticky spunk all over his chest, face, and the lizard's feet. He went hard, again and again, utterly soaking himself in a quite pent up load. He'd gotten no release those days out on the road. This climax was heaven. As he finished, he gaped and panted, sliding off the bed-board into a lying position. He heard the lizard say something, but it just came through as wordless sound as he drifted into a deep, exhausted sleep.

Chapter 3: The White Wolf King

Chapter 3 is here, now with 50% more cock! Somebody dies, so don't read if that'll make your head explode. Andrew and Gear stopped at the gates to the large castle. Andrew tilted his head slightly. "Huh. So this is White Wolf Castle? It's a...

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Chapter 2: Apparent Desires

Here's chapter 2. Hope you guys enjoy the M/M bar scene. Armond and Gearalt fled through the woods. Armond could hear the sounds of people shouting, pain and anguish. It all made him feel sick to his stomach. He couldn't help but visualize the...

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Chapter 1: New Beginnings

So, this is the first chapter of my new story. Contains gay M/M sex, and an adult with his adopted father in a Master/Pet relationship.Tell me what you guys think. ...

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