Xeno-Compatibility: Operation Spread Eagle

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The Citizen State of Fevnor is a rising star of galactic diplomacy despite their late arrival to the stars, thanks to the vulpine race's erudite minds and incredible fertility. Despite the fact that the foxes future, and by extension that of their numerous, increasingly fevarian populated, client-states, looks bright, not all of their peers have taken to their arrival well. The nearby Star Realm of Rya chief among them, a spiritualist kingdom that long rivaled the fox's growing ambitions. However, with the destruction wrought in the wake of the Prikki-ti's escape from their home world, the kingdom had to turn to their once rival's for assistance. With the genocidal lizards turned down, relations between the former jockeying powers needed to normalized, and so the fox's proposed a "Cultural Exchange", a Festival of Worlds one might even say. On Fevaria, such things tend to be called Breeding Expeditions, owing to the chief duty those who volunteer for such operations perform, although most consider them a competitive sports, not a military duty~

Specialist Seifeth dol'Luch is one such volunteer, a relatively young, robust example of fevarian masculinity on his first breeding tour as the crew gets ready to depart the following morning.

This piece was a commission written for a commissioner that wished to remain anonymous. Regardless, thank you for your support!

I am currently open for commissions for anyone else interested in a story being written for them. :)

Citizen State of Fevnor

Estimated Population: 353 Billion

Culture: Egalitarian, Militarist, Materialist.

Government Structure: Citizen/Progenitor Republic

Demographics: By species; 97% Fevarian with 3% immigrant or uplifted. 52% of the population lives off-planet, primarily in orbital arcologies, 20% live upon the Capital World of Fevaria, while the remaining 38% live upon the various colony-worlds.

A densely populated State within the periphery of the galaxy, the entire Citizen State occupies one star-sector. Its large population and technological prowess has carved many neighboring states into protectorates, either diplomatically or via force, establishing the Fevarian Co-Prosperity Sphere to establish freedom of movement and trade throughout their area of influence.

Star Realm of Rya

Estimated Population: 120 Billion

Culture: Xenophile, Militarist, Spiritualist

Government Structure: Feudal Hereditary Monarchy

Demographics: By species; 56% Ryan, 4% Fevarian, 40% other uplifted or integrated conquests. Primarily planet-bound across many worlds, with only 5% of the population living on the capital planet Rya.

A large Empire composed of a central capital-duchy ruled over by the Celestial Emperor and various vassal grand-duchies ruled over by nobles of all races. The capital world, sometimes referred to as The Throne World, is a planet dominated by oceans, with most of the population of avian ryans living upon numerous archipelagos which dot the planet.

Seifeth idly read the scrawling holo-screen as he sat in the leisure area for his division, lounging upon a chair that had been disguised by the room's holographic projectors to resemble a conveniently shaped rock in a facsimile of Fevaria's sprawling arid plains. His bare fur basked in the simulated warmth of a fake sun as sandy winds brushed across the sleek, russet hairs.

He was bereft of any garb besides a pair of accessories; the communication-cuff around his wrist, and a ring snuggly wrapped around his plump, eager sheath that sat unattended between his thighs. The device upon his loins sat silently unmoving, but the fevarian's length still seemed ready to spill free of its pocket at a moment's notice. A state that made it hard to concentrate on the dry reading of the mission briefing, but the young vulpine male did his best, only occasionally letting his thoughts drift towards the excitement to come once the large vessel nestled into a berth above Rya.

He was hardly the only one around restless, though. In fact, he was surrounded by foxes in a similar state of barely contained rut after being stuck on the Vuki'Patora-class Troop Transport for nearly a month as it made the slow journey through the solar system. Much like him, they had adopted an equally casual state of dress, either bereft of all but those two invaluable accessories, or wearing garments that could barely be considered clothing at all with how revealing they were.

Only a small fraction of the ship's ten-million-strong crew complement were gathered in the leisure area with him, leaving the rest to be spread across the large vessel, tangible to the fox only by the psychic impression of their souls tickling the edge of his senses. But only those that were nearby were vivid enough to stand out against the background hum made by the millions of souls in such close proximity, leaving his mind's eye blinded to all but his fellow fevarians indulging in the hologram like him. Some kept to themselves much like him, relaxing or catching up on idle duties on their comm-cuffs, but most were in the middle of 'socializing' with each other in one way or another, flinging teases and barbs at their comrades whilst sizing each other up in playful rivalry ahead of the upcoming mission.

Inevitably, such competitive jostling stoked the foxes' barely constrained desires. Even now, Seifeth could smell the need from them carried along the artificially-prompted wind, their potent pheromones mixing throughout the air despite the atmosphere scrubbers dutiful attempts to keep it at a pristine, 'natural' condition that matched the simulated environment. Although, even if the filters were up to the task, they would still be powerless to stop the psychic impressions the crew of lust-eager male foxes emitted throughout the entire ship, the lurid sensation tickling against the back of Seifeth's mind along with everyone else's.

It was hardly surprising then that more than a few foxes' desires got the better of them, even with their kind's erudite minds. All it took was a tease that hit a bit harder than intended for one fox to grab ahold of the other and take him for a spin out of impatience, flooding the the area nearby with the pair's endorphins as hard, glistening fox dick sunk into the loser's tailhole or throat. Of course, as soon as one pair succumbed, those nearby were quickly dragged in along with them, nudged over the limit of their restraint by the scent and mental beacon of depravity - either drifting into their own nucleus of desire next to the first or joining in to occupy any willing hole or hand being subconsciously offered - becoming a crystallization of need that grew within the throng of virile souls confined to the ship, growing until finally the urges that had fueled the growing tide had been satisfied, leaving the foxes involved to scurry about with the rest of their day.

Fortunately, at least for the moment, such a growing wave of lust had not yet taken hold of any of the foxes relaxing in the same room as him, allowing Seifeth to finish perusing the information he had gathered undisturbed.

Just in time, too, as a grizzled fevarian nearing middle-age walked through the door and into the holographic rec-room. Unlike the vast majority of the vulpines Seifeth could see, he was still clothed, dressed in an officer's uniform that did its best to keep the sizable bulge in his pants hidden beneath the resilient fabric. By far the most distinctive feature of his uniform was the badges displayed upon his comm-cuff, featuring nearly half-a-dozen tallies indicating he was a veteran of almost every expedition launched in the last fifty years, with various military honors on top of it.

With a flick of his hand the commander summoned a holo-screen, dancing his fingers across its surface to make the wind-swept vistas of Fevaria dissolve away, revealing the true appearance of the large, spacious chamber they were in.

"Attention!" the veteran ordered, his words carried throughout the room by their comms while a psychic call washed out from him to the rest of the regiment. The throng of souls in the immediate vicinity paused in response, stopping what they were doing as he continued to speak. "Everyone, gather in your sections. On the double."

The various foxes in Seifeth's regiment quickly gathered as instructed, even those that had not spent time within the various military branches of the Citizen State thanks to the strict discipline of their education. Each fox settled into a line of their squad, standing abreast of the section next to theirs in front of the commander, leaving spaces for the foxes that were absent to then be holo-projected in place from where they stood throughout the ship. More than a few of the foxes were also standing at attention below the belt as well, their tips barely brushing across the tail of the fox in front of them. Seifeth could even note a few of the projected members apparently caught... indisposed... with how awkwardly their holographic forms stood, bringing a small smirk to the edge of his lips.

"Acceptable," the commander murmured as his discerning gaze swept across the assembled foxes, both in person and through the shroud. "At ease."

His posture relaxed as the gathered men breathed a sigh of relief, although even as the vulpines relaxed their posture they still stood within formation while the older fox started his announcement.

"As you should all know, recently the Ryan Star Empire has 'agreed' to a diplomatic pact with the Citizen State in exchange for the Sixth Astral Corp's continued presence protecting their border against the Prikkiki-Ti's expansion, after their own fleet was decimated in their attempted invasion last year."

"Part of the terms is this expedition." The fevarian's lips twisted into a toothy grin as he continued, tapping his comm-cuff to cause a representation of Rya to spring into being above him. "The Star Emperor has not yet agreed to a Migration Pact between our countries out of concern for 'the long term demographic impacts such an agreement with the more populous realms of the Co-Prosperity Sphere would have upon his country.' In short, while he's 'happy' to welcome more of us to his Empire, he wishes it to be done in an 'manageable trickle'."

The metaphor brought a knowing snicker from Seifeth, as well as many of the other foxes, which the older fox took as his cue to turn his attention, and by extension theirs, to the projection of the planet. "He has agreed to a single Transport on a Breeding Expedition to the Throne World, for a 'Festival of Worlds' over one week. We imagine he believes that Rya, as the most populated of their worlds, may be the best inclined to handle the perceived trickle of new blood we'll be offering as part of our compact."

The man's lips stretched into a wider smile as a symbol representing the Vuki'Patora slipped into place in low-orbit over the sphere, soon followed by a cloud of smaller points escaping from the large transport for the hundreds of thousands of shuttles dispersed across the ocean world. Their de-orbit paths snaked towards the millions of islands which made up the various archipelagos of Rya, clustering in particular around the major population centers.

"Let's teach him how foolish that notion is. By our estimates, Rya is home to a population of five to six billion of the birds, thanks to its limited landmass and the long lived ryans' notoriously slow breeding rates. Of that, roughly one billion are believed to be females in their fertile years, while there are 'only'ten million of us being deployed."

"Therefore, to complete our objectives, each of you is assigned a quota of impregnating at least one hundred ryan women during your one-week stay upon this world. As per the conditions of such Breeding Expeditions, children sired outside of the Citizen State during them will contribute to your electoral count. As for the ryans, the treaty prevents them from interfering with your activities so long as you respect the criminal laws of the planet, the summarized version of which is within your mission files."

"When it comes to fulfilling your quota, you are left to your own devices so long as you stay within your assigned areas until you have successfully completed your task. Each of your comm-cuffs will have access to a leaderboard tallying every child you sire as detected from your sheath-ring. This leaderboard is also publicly available on the intra-net back home; I'm sure many of you will have friends, wives, or kits cheering for your success after all. Even if not, those who score in the top thousand will surely make a name for themselves in the Citizen State."

The man's grin faded, as his body stiffened back into a more disciplined footing, despite the fact his words had brought a telling swell to the taut bulge of his crotch. "We are expected to reach orbit above Rya in 24 hours, at 0800 ship time. You are all to report to your assigned shuttles two hours before this time in full uniform. Failure to be present one hour before descent in proper order will have your position in the expedition voided, and your quota distributed to the rest of your section."

"Dismissed," the fox finally barked, before turning to leave with an eager swish to his tail. The holographic 'battle-plan' fizzled out with his exit, shortly followed by the holo-projected fevarians winking out of existence. Which left only those who had been in the hologram theater to begin with standing in the empty room with their own sheaths swelling with telling excitement after the briefing.

Including Seifeth's entire section, he realized, as his brown-furred ears twitched. He hadn't realized that they had all slipped into the room when attention had been called, even Galedur, the most veteran member of the squad and thus its nominal 'leader'. He was a fox of a roughly similar robust build to Seifeth, although nearly a decade older than the young adult he was standing in front of. Also like himself, Galedur was currently nude except for those two vital accessories that was on every fevarian - although while Seifeth's comm-cuff was bereft of any veteran honors, his sported a single mark indicating he had taken apart in at least one other Expedition before this one.

Galedur turned to face the fox with a grin, inadvertently brushing his tail across Seifeth's achingly plump sheath as he did so. "Seifeth! You've been a rather busy fox ever since we left port haven't you? Barely seen hide or hair of you outside of sleeping hours. Most of the rest of us have gotten plenty of time to get to know each other but I've still not managed to give you much direction since we started this expedition, so why don't you come along with me back to the bunk for these last twenty hours of freedom?"

"Unless you were trying to avoid spending time with us on purpose~?" He threw in with a teasing smirk, whilst an amused snicker ran through the thoughts of the other four foxes that had formed up behind the young fox in front of him. Seifeth started to think that the man might have planned this little ambush to catch him like this, especially with how the rest of the crew casually spread out to surround him.

"Certainly not! I've just been... preoccupied. Dr. dol'Luch, the head of the research department I'm stationed to, had assigned me some work before I was accepted to the Expedition," the young fox replied, awkwardly brushing a hand across his head-fur before finalizing the gesture with a shrug. "Honest truth! I'm happy to catch up with all of you now while I have the chance, and since I managed to get that work finished yesterday, I'm sure I can try to make it up to you guys on the way back. Even if we'll be competing for some of the hens down there, there's more than enough to go around, so we're still more comrades than rivals, right?"

"Busy kit, aren't ya? Well, I haven't heard of dol'Luch, but I'm sure it was a task worth doing if it kept you busy for so long," Galedur teased and began to walk towards the room's exit. His mind reached out to Seifeth, inviting him to follow - which the young stud did, walking just a step behind and to the side of the section lead as they left the recreation room before the swelling anticipation of the other foxes swelled into yet another orgy.

The mood of the ship had grown more excited with the announcement that their 'duty' was so close at hand, steadily turning into a minefield of lustful beacons around them, tempting them to join in whenever the small group brushed past the edge of one. Seifeth could feel the same desire welling within the psyche of his comrades, bubbling just beneath their minds and threatening to spill free at a moment's notice.

Even if he could not feel the flickering passion of their souls, he would definitely be able to smell it by their scents tickling against his nose as their swollen sheaths pressed against the rings stuck fast to the musky pockets. A few of the foxes trailing behind him were even starting to drool droplets of fecund pre from their budding lengths, staining the air with potent pheromones with every spilled drop. No wonder, then, that his own eyes began to drift along Galedur's athletic rump as they walked, practically broadcasting the fancies that played across his mind for the other psionic fox's to detect.

"You got a kid back home to root for ya?" Galedur eventually spoke, breaking the simmering tensions that were starting to grow among them all.

"Of course. What fevarian doesn't have at least one kid before they hit 18? It would be a sad fox whose parents were still voting on their behalf by then," he retorted with a sidelong glance to the rest of the section. He was referring to the rather... novel... system of voting the Citizen State used. The right to vote was not something that was granted, but rather was something earned via service to the state. Typically, that came from either a tour within the military or various volunteer corps, or by conceiving and raising the next generation of foxes to continue the species and state's existence. In either case, for every tour, and for every kit, a fevarian earned another 'vote'. Although, at least for political power earned via parentage, votes earned expired either when the kit reached the age of eighteen, or more commonly, conceived their own children to become a political actor in their own right. "Although, I imagine only the oldest ones are likely to be interested."

"That's good. My oldest recently just made me a grandfather myself, going to cast his first vote this election," the older fox replied with a laugh. "He's jealous as all hell he couldn't join, but since this is officially a part of the Marine Corps, Age of Majority applies."

"What about the rest of you?" He cast a glance back towards the other four that were closer to him in age. As they all settled in, they were already fetching a variety of devices or began flicking up holo-screens to idly entertain themselves during the conversation.

"Hmmm... All of us have kids, of course. But none of them are really old enough to care unless they're following along with their mothers. Mine's the oldest at four, and even he'd likely not be too interested to watch live," one answered with a small shrug.

"Honestly, you must have scored a vixen quite early to have a kit old enough to care," came another with a laugh. "Let me guess, you were an early bloomer, eh?"

"Ah, something like that, yeah," Seifeth flashed a charming smile back, laughing as he settled against the side of his bunk. His uniform and possessions were neatly folded at the foot of his bed, much like the rest of his squad. Although his pile also came with a currently inactive drone, sitting next to his headset and clothes - a personal object he had brought along for the Expedition, and had used to help him with the task that had kept him so busy.

"Bet you're excited to add to your political weight with this expedition," another of the four called out with a snicker as he relaxed back and settled his hands around his sheath, coaxing the glistening red mast further from its pouch with a sigh. "Honestly, I can't wait. I've got barely a dozen brats to my name. Which is good, don't get me wrong, but a hundred? Even if I don't win, that much extra to my tally's certainly gonna get a few more vixens looking my way than before~"

"Mmm... Same. Bet all five of us are like that, except for Galedur, there," yet another spoke with a grin. "Mister 'Breeding Veteran of the Bugs' over there~ Did the arthropods give birth like insects too?"

"Even if they did, they'd be birthing like vixens once our seed was done scrambling their eggs into a bio-compatible shape," the veteran fox laughed as he shook his head at the barb. "Although, truth be told, 100 breedings over a week is definitely going to be pushing it. The arthropod expedition was a standard, more relaxed breeding festival. Which means I guess the studs they chose were also kept in mind for their stamina and refractory periods... So all that time spent pawing instead of chasing vixens might have finally done you a favor, Sucilen!"

"Fuck you~" the pawing fevarian laughed, grabbing a sock to playfully toss towards the nimble veteran's face.

"Early start or not, the kid must stand to gain the most," a fourth spoke while grinning towards him. "Fox your age with three digits of votes to his name? You'll be the talk of whatever habitat you're from!"

"I'm from Pendalor, actually."

"The mining colony? Man, you're practically from the boonies. Well, as far as it gets in the C.S. That rock probably has more people on it than Rya after all," he replied with a laugh.

"For now at least! If that project I told you all about goes well, I might be able to transition somewhere within Fevnor! Perhaps even assisting with the research on Fevaria itself!"

"We best make sure he gets all his kids to count, then," Galedur spoke up again with a grin, striding forward fast enough that Seifeth couldn't stop him even if he desired to! He could feel from the other fox that he was using it as an excuse just to get his hands on him, though, something he didn't shy away from when the older fevarian's fingers squeezed around his sheath-ring and ensured it was securely fastened by its gravity-loop to his fur. "Can't have this go slipping off and your kids get attributed to another fox by some clerk after the fact~"

The result was immediate. Seifeth had been too busy over the last few weeks to attend to the excessive libido of their kind, managing only a few quick paw sessions to keep the worst of the need at bay before busying himself again with his work. The touch from a firm, kneading paw around his bloated pouch drew a quick throb through the white fur, just before the fuzzy package pulled back and released the thick red beast contained within to surge forth a good inch from its opening with just one throb. His cock flexed with an excited sputter, spilling short strings of watery pre onto Galedur's squeezing hand as he continued to give attention to the stirring flesh.

"Nnn... Careful there..." Seifeth panted, barely managing to keep himself from rolling his hips forward to grind his stirring loins across his superior's palm.

"Heh, you're a big boy, aren't you? No wonder you caught some vixen's eye when you were younger..." Galedur murmured, licking his lips as he briefly glanced along the younger fox's naked body, obviously thinking of having his own fun with the vulpine as his hand continued its task. The kneading squeeze turned into a teasing stroke against the rousing tool, helping it to continue growing with drool-spilling throbs that trickled onto his hand, occasionally spilling to let the long rivulets of rich musk fall onto the floor and thicken the air with the young stud's virile scent.

He was steadily losing control over his desires, the psychic impression of his yearning tickling along Galedur's mind, spurring his own excitable body to action alongside the smell thickening within his nose. Steadily, inch by inch, their lengths grew one throb at a time, until eventually the tools began to brush against one another with how close the older fox stood - bouncing against each other's abdomen whenever a firm twitch played across their loins.

"...What the fuck?" Galedur suddenly stopped, his eyes opening wide as they stared down at Seifeth's crotch, but not at the rather impressive spire that was making a mess of everything in reach, even though it compared quite favorably to his own at a glance. No, he was staring at the ring he had started this little groping session by investigating.

His touch had activated the psi-tech device, causing it to pop up with a small, holographic screen reading out various statistics when his hand slipped away. The most prominent of which was the fevarian's current number of conceived children, and thus how much any vote he cast was worth.


Galedur was stunned into silence, stepping back in shock to reveal the sight to the other four foxes. They had immediately snapped their heads to figure out what had sent such a stunning rebuke through their leader's aura, only for them to join him in eye-bulging amazement when the glowing screen hovering above the youngest of the lot's balls proudly revealed how many lives they had been responsible for siring.

"...That's got to be an error, right? Or maybe he hacked it..?" The fevarian who had previously been stroking himself off on his bunk spoke, his hand only absentmindedly squeezing his knot as he stared at that display.

"If he hacked it, it'd be even more impressive than that count," another said with a long, impressed whistle. "They get constantly verified, too, double checked with census and genealogy records to account for those that are famous enough to get some kids just by offering their swimmers in a gene-clinic."

"Still though... Shroud damn," the third's pant rolled from his lips. His length stood as hard as a rock as he kept thinking about the impressive toll, glancing up to Seifeth's eyes, then back down to those nuts, just thinking about how much breeding he must have gotten up too over the last six years to even approach that number.

"How in the hell... Over three thousand while only eighteen..." Galedur finally spoke. His crotch quickly joined the other member of their number in standing at full mast, throbbing and sputtering madly with every twitch, before finally the bloating glands of the man's knot pressed free from their pouch to leave the sheath-ring held just behind them.

His hands returned to press against Seifeth, half-pinning the younger breeder to the side of his bunk with his weight. His palm returned to the fox's loins, running in eager strokes along Seifeth's sheath and balls to feel the incredible weight of their virility in his grasp, careful to not disturb the ring so it kept projecting the eye-watering figure. His other hand, meanwhile, moved higher, wrapping around the slick red meat to squeeze it just hard enough to make the glaze of excitement squelch underneath the stroke, before settling his grip into a steady, pumping roll to coax every last inch of the cock free.

"I've got nearly a decade on you and I'm barely scratching a hundred kids with an expedition on my cuff," he remarked in amazement, still spellbound by the revelation as his hands acted on impulse. The fox's once composed soul floundered, exposing more of his mind to the growing tempest of lust brewing around the pair. His body succumbing in lockstep with his mind as his nostrils flared, eagerly imbibing the rich flavor of the other stud's wafting scent. "But a hundred's just a drop in the bucket to you."

"No wonder the higher ups picked him to tag along, damn. Here we were all wondering how someone so young got picked," the final lot of the other four huffed as his hand wandered down to his own girth, squeezing as the psychic prodding from the two coaxed out his own lascivious desires.

Seifeth quickly realized where this was going, as the now all too familiar pressure of collective desire started to pool around them, forming a steadily increasing feedback loop as their mounting need spread and bounced between them, rousing the other fox's libido to add to the maelstrom of lust. If he didn't act to break it soon they would inevitably become the center of yet another locus of lascivious desire run amok. But, as his toned frame flexed with a shiver of need, he didn't see why he should resist that siren call of carnal hunger any longer.

Instead, his hands reached forward to return the handsy fox's grip by grasping a hold of the other man's rump, kneading the fuzzy cheeks against his palms before pulling him closer so their groins ground against one another. Galedur seemed to sense what was coming pretty quickly, as his hand shifted from where they were to instead struggle with the task of squeezing the two sizable girths against one another. His hips then rolled forward against the other fox's, rolling his heavy spheres against the other fevarian's larger pair. His gaze couldn't tear away from their fencing lengths, watching the mess the other fox's tool made as it neared his size without a hint of its knot yet!

Those glands arrived with just as much grandeur as the younger fox's cock when it had first pushed free from its pouch, as the lobes practically exploded from the tight, squeezing confines of the sheath's soft skin. They were soaked in Seifeth's essence, giving the knot a majestic glisten underneath the light of their bunk. Like a sailor to a siren's call, the older fox's hand drew down to the throbbing base, gripping it just firm enough to make the entire obscenely-sized red mast jump within his hand! The tool happily retorted to the squeeze by painting the fur of his arm and abdomen in the younger fevarian's scent, before the tapered tip started to drool a constant, copious trickle of need in its wake.

"Shroud... It must be a struggle to tie some vixens with this thing, let alone any other species," Galedur couldn't help but huff as he rolled his hips forward once more to bring their cocks to stand side by side. A pang of... something... shot through Galedur's psyche as he saw the clear difference in length between them, the legendary breeder's mast towering over his dick by a good inch at least. Then, after a few long seconds of hogging the sight to himself, he stepped back and allowed the cunt-stuffing monster to be shown off at its full size for the rest to see!

"Damn... Let me see that," the fevarian who had been stroking himself off rolled off of his bunk and onto his feet, settling in to stand adjacent to the two most experienced breeding studs in the room. His approach caused the rest to settle in as well, wanting to get in the action as they arranged themselves into a circle with the youngest at the head. The half-dozen hard, throbbing red fox dicks pointing towards the center of their little gathering, the camaraderie drooling a mess between their feet.

The various foxes reached down and squeezed their own rings, stirring the devices into action with a gentle hum beneath their knots. Even Galedur joined in, bringing all six to display their children count along with Seifeth's, even though he still stood as the clear, undisputed champion among their number, especially over the two whose count had barely cracked two-digits.

Galedur brushed his thumb across his ring, and with a thought into the pis-tech device, caused the statistics projected by the rings to change. The count of their sired kits was swept away to be replaced with a new holo-window above the various tools arranged nearby each other to give their respective dimensions. Most of the other first timers popped up with a good ~20 and some change centimeters in their displays. Galedur, a relatively exceptional breeding fox in his own right, stood at a good 22.5, making him the clear winner of the five that had more than likely already compared before.

"That thing must cum like a hose," the first fox to join them spoke as his hand drifted over, taking over where Galedur's fingers had been just before. His grip awkwardly squeezed along Seifeth's tool, working to stoke the flames of desire in the vulpine that had become a father thousands of time over. Each pumping roll of his hands swept up the glaze of cream to pool against his knuckles, soaking his grip in the other male's scent and pheromones, before the next sputter refreshed the glistening shine disturbed by the hand's path.

The fox's curiosity eventually got the better of him as he pulled his hand away, leaving a small bridge of the fecund essence to stretch between the retreating grip and that drooling tool for the first few inches of its retreat. The fellow breeder then brought his pre-matted fingers up to his snout to admire the sheer mess the other fox's productivity had made, watching how the gunk matted his thin fur.

But, before he could finish his examination and return to pawing over the other male's junk, the pot of desire within Seifeth had finally boiled over. With a rumble he turned away from the fox, pressing against Galedur as he pushed him against the opposite wall. Surprisingly, the man didn't protest, even spreading his legs to offer the younger, yet somehow more experienced, stud free reign as his hands squeezed a hold of their respective lengths and ground them against each other. The prodigy's hips rolled, rubbing the underside of their thick lengths together as their knots jostled and bounced against each other like a pair of wet, juicy cymbals. Even their balls got in on the act, as the younger fox's balls pressed flush against the other's as their bodies ground against one another, the mess of their combined fecundities matting their fur as their movements rubbed the essence into their pelts.

But Seifeth, unlike the other four whose gaze stuck to their jostling virilities, was barely paying attention to the motion of his hand as it absentmindedly stroked along their lengths, steadily hammering themselves towards a peak. His attention was too focused upon Galedur, his eyes aglint with a hint of the Shroud's energies as his Will was solely focused upon the floundering defenses of the other fox's psyche.

It was normally quite frowned upon to test or strip away another fox's mental barriers like this. But, there was one exception, a custom that had started as a means for rival males to compete for the privilege of breeding a vixen that could not otherwise make up their mind. A psychic duel whose staples remained even if there was no vixen to court, if two males merely wished to challenge one another for control or dominance.

A challenge that he was winning handedly. Galedur's mind undermined him with all those idle fancies it had since first laying eyes upon the other fox's scoreboard. Something that Seifeth could feel with every rush of excitement that spilled from his mind, becoming all the more obvious with every step his defenses crumbled before him. But, no matter how certain the outcome, he continued to struggle, enticing the eager stud's control with every playful show of resistance, even as he lost more and more of his sensibilities along the way.

Inevitably, his mind surrendered to the other fox's. The psychic circuit formed between them and their lurid desires by the duel snapped, unleashing the energies the two had bet against one another straight from Seifeth's stroking hands. The result was a cascading torrent of pleasure that shot through their loins, sweeping the two foxes to their peak as their spires began to flex. Their hefty nuts clenched, squeezing with the laborious efforts to unleash thick, potent ropes of fox batter across each other's fur.

Galedur's release was slightly quicker on its feet, his glossy red tool shuddering as thick, teaspoon sized wads of potent fox cream streaked across the younger fox's belly fur, soaking into his pelt as he demonstrated the exceptional fecundity that had qualified him for this expedition. The last climax he'd have for the day, as the toll of being the loser in their psychic dalliance would keep him from releasing until a good night's sleep recuperated his reserves.

But it had nothing in comparison to the young upstart's release, as his hand kneaded against his knot to simulate a tie as best he could. Streaks of his seed shot forth, crashing across the other fox's body as he painted his rival with his scent. A few particularly eager shots splattered across the other fox's chest, or even crashed against his chin! More than a few stray streaks even missed their bodies entirely, arcing upwards before being pulled down by the vessel's artificial gravity to fall onto the younger stud's pelt, obscuring much of the mess the less virile vulpine had made underneath his own release. Until at last the last few shots erupting from his girth barely had the strength to clear their loins, splattering across the defeated stud's prick to soak it in the thick aroma of fevarian need. A cupful of rich, potent vulpine essence to overwhelm the tablespoons' worth of cream from the defeated fox.

Yet, even with their release, their turbulent lust continued to surge. In the back of his mind Seifeth could vaguely sense that the other four had been dragged down into the whirlpool of lust as they had, as he knew they would be if he indulged the swelling desires he had let loose. He could feel their need whipped into the current centered upon him and Galedur, fueling his own further while his desires invigorated theirs. Well, he knew what they would be doing for the next few hours until their lust finally burned out....

"You're right about not being able to tie while on Rya," Seifeth huffed with unabashed need as his focus centered once again upon his cum soaked quarry. "So I'm going to make sure I get to tie at least once before then, even if I have to use your ass to do so."

Even as he declared his intention the other fevarian started to respond, stepping away from the victorious stud to bend over the side of the bunk, bracing his upper body against the mattress as his tail rose to reveal his snug, muscled back side. Any sign of a refractory period was swiftly shoved aside by the invigorating psychic current swirling through the six fevarians, the younger fox's girthy beast flexing with the thoughts which tickled across his mind. Galedur's tail swished above him, an excited shiver running down his back as the young male's thoughts flowed into his defenseless mind as well.

Seifeth's hand grasped ahold of the submitting fox by his hips, his claws gently raking across the vulpine's skin as his free hand guided his cock by the knot, nudging the tapered tip to the snug ring sitting between the older male's cheeks. There was no need for lube after the mess that they had just made, still coating the fox's fat prick in a thick, slippery layer of pre and seed. The young fox was happy to give his head a teasing press forward with a roll of his hips, smearing his scent against the other male's pucker and staining it with his scent.

"Damnit... Looks like I'm going to be shooting nothing but girls into those hens down there after this." Galedur's lips broke into a groan, reaching down to squeeze across his sheath-ring again and return the pair's projections to their conceived children count. Seifeth's 3,072 was once again displayed in all of its eye-watering glory above the pair of tennis-ball sized testes hanging above Galedur's ass, while, on the other side of that thick red rod, sat the smaller fox's far less impressive tally of 107.

With an excited pant, the young stud's hips swung forward, pressing his weight behind his wedge-shaped head to stretch the other fox's snug ring around its slick point. A shudder ran through his body, his toes clenching as he experienced not just how good the vulpine felt clutching over his thick tool, but also the pleasure his cock was giving his peer through their open connection. Another self-feeding loop of pleasure opened between their bodies, reinforced with every tail flicking shiver of pleasure running through them when the victorious fox's hips slammed forward and sunk centimeter after centimeter of his throbbing masculinity underneath the other fevarian's tail.

With such encouragement it wouldn't take long at all before he was clapping his knot against the other man's ass, stretching the vulpine's pucker around his groan-inducing girth until those lobes interrupted his advance. His hips kept rolling forward, rolling the rugged fox's body against the bunk as his hips pressed against the other's rump, his heavy spheres resting above Galedur's, bringing his hopelessly outmatched tally to border the vulpine's four-digit total. At least until the psionically charged rut brewing within the younger fox's mind compelled him to tug his hips back, dragging a good half of his cock from the other stud's spunk-slick ass, before ramming itself back down to the knot. A shudder rolled through the veteran vulpine's body, lips trapped in a half-swallowed moan as his cock throbbed, madly attempting to spill forth into another climax that wouldn't come thanks to his earlier defeat, even as the eager young man started to pound his inexperienced rump with a piston-like drive!

Seifeth barely cared at all about the other four foxes watching while half-confused by their own psionic-compelled rut, or that he was the one responsible for tipping all six of them into the throes of hedonistic glee. He hardly even acknowledged the fact that every fox within 100 meters knew exactly what they were doing, and what little spare thought was put towards the mental currents whipping out from his mind with every plundering blow from his hips was proud to boast of his victory over his peer! No, most of his focus and attention was centered squarely on Galedur's grunting, moaning body as he threw himself entirely behind his thrusts, caring only to feel the vulpine's firm, athletic ass squeezing over his knot.

"Aaah... Finally!" The young stud's words seethed past his fangs minutes later as he felt Galedur's ring finally surrender to his demands! His ears flicked, perking forward to pick up every wet clap of his knot pressing further and further into the older fox's rear, before finally the half-swollen glands ground past! The younger fox's body stumbled forward with the extra sudden inch of swing, pressing his crotch flush against the stuffed vulpine's rump whilst the other fox's walls squeezed around the entirety of his hilted length. Seifeth's cock twitched, racing to its zenith as his knot bloated to a tie underneath the male's tail.

Galedur's lips parted with another groan as his prostate was hammered by every firm throb from those glands, especially as the other fox's hips rolled forward to grind his hefty, flexing spheres across his taint. The vulpine unloading underneath his tail even went one step further, reaching down to grasp a hold of his tail and hike it up with a firm tug, compelling him to press back into that grinding crotch, ensuring the length was buried as deep as it could inside of him as rope after rope of cream painted his inner walls. The warmth of the virile fox's essence spread throughout his core, seeping deeper into his body while a trickle of the alabaster fecundity began to spill past the fox's knot and drip down over their spheres or pooled against the ring still proudly displaying his victorious total over the other pair of nuts beneath it.

All while his own, desperate dick could do nothing but drip with excitement, still not able to push past the mental block on his climax. He definitely wouldn't be siring any boys for the next few weeks after such a thorough outclassing, thanks to another quirk of their biology: an evolution-tested strategy to take advantage of the presence of ostensibly more successful males - entangling their own daughters to the bloodlines of their rival, and thus carrying along those successful genes into their own descendants further down the line.

Of course, they were just getting started. That psychic eddy of lasciviousness was going to take more than that to burn out.

Seifeth sighed to himself as the automated shuttle buzzed over the archipelago below. He was the last of the foxes to disembark from his section, Galedur having been the first while the rest had dispensed from oldest to youngest. It did leave him slightly behind the rest of the ship's crew, he mused as he idly flicked through the scoreboard showing how many children all ten-million foxes participating in the event had conceived. A good share of them had already scored their first points as the local hens succumbed by the thousands to the allure of superior vulpine cock. Most of those early scorers were tied with a single point, but at least a few fortunate fevarians had gotten lucky with two or three eggs from the rare extra fertile hen.

He doubted that any of the foxes currently in the lead had a plan, though. No doubt they just seduced the first pretty hen they found after stepping off the shuttle, likely not even waiting to get them somewhere private before doing the deed. The engineering specialist grinned at that thought as he turned his attention towards his comm-cuff, lifting it up to his snout as his other hand braced against an overhead rest, ready to jump out at a moment's notice when it was finally his turn to depart.

"VIR, bring up the list of fertile hens in my assigned sector from the Ryan Royal Census Bureau's database would you?"

His comm-cuff gave a chirp in response to the command, followed shortly thereafter by a holographic image of the drone he had left on his bunk hovering above the communication device. The image fluttered above as it compiled the data, barely taking a second before another projection popped up above it showing the list of names and various statistics of the various women.

"Now... Prioritize by beneficial genetic or psychic traits. Then project their current locations on a map of the island," he added, reflecting on how the ryans certainly kept a good deal of information about their citizens if they tracked their movements at all times.

The comm-cuff gave another chirp, and another whirl as the Droid-Level A.I. back on board the ship spun through all the data. The island was a modest one, tens of thousands of ryans at most populating the town nestled in its crags, which then filtered down to roughly 600 fertile females after subtracting the ones already bearing an egg for their mates. Despite the number, it still only took the droid a few seconds to process the information, quickly projecting a three-dimensional map of the island town, followed a moment later with an assortment of bright dots skittering about in real time on his assigned area of the island.

"Now... Starting from the highest quality potential mate, plan a route for another dozen hens, factoring in both quality and time efficiency," he added, watching again as the map responded to his command. Most of the bright white dots began to dull to a faded gray, leaving behind thirteen white dots that were bridged together by a thin line marking the fastest path to take, even if it skipped over a few of the faded dots to do so.

"Good job, VIR. Bring up the data on the first hen and keep the map updated, I'll be checking it throughout the day."

Another happy chirp rang out from the comm-cuff as the map shrunk away and shifted to the side to make space for another holo-sheet displaying a picture of his first target: a fair looking ryan woman. She was young, the venerable species equivalent of her mid 20s, with soft white feathers for her plumage. Name: Adianna. Relationship Status: Bonded to Alpin, no children. Notes: Above average physical and intelligence metrics, latent psychic potential. In short, a near perfect specimen, VIR really did know how to pick them~

Just in time, too, as the auto-pilot informed him of the shuttle's descent back to the surface. He flicked away the map before reaffirming his grip upon the handhold above. The armored door slid away, revealing the town sliding away underneath him as the shuttle touched down. There, not too far away, was the home that Adianna and her mate lived, fortunately not too far away provided no overly eager hens approached him despite the uniform keeping his pheromone-rich scent from spreading too far.

Only a few minutes away~

Alpin panted as he stared down at his mate underneath him, the bright-colored feathers of his frills slowly relaxing against his scalp whilst her snowy white feathers had already settled calmly against hers. They had been trying for an egg for the last year, a relatively short length for an attempt for their slow-breeding, long-lived race, so there had not been too much urgency in the matter...

That was until their Celestial Emperor had been coerced into a treaty of humiliation with the contemptible atheist breeders! Most of his fellow avians were blind to the impending danger, finding this 'exotic' display of another species's culture a lurid but harmless 'festival' for some of the more adventurous - a small price to pay for the foxes' vital assistance. But he knew better. He had worked on some of the border worlds with their Citizen State, seen just how 'charming' the psionic foxes could be, how thoroughly they beguiled hens to become addicted to bearing their children. The thought of his beloved life-mate falling to a similar fate was a risk too great for either to bear, no matter how minute the chance was against her earnest vows she swore to the Spirits.

So, while many other bonded pairs had gone about their business as usual, treating the upcoming hedonistic 'festival' as merely a topic of eyebrow raising conversation, he and his mate Adianna had retired to their breezy home near the island's shore. Where, since the agreement with the foxes had been announced last week, they had done everything they could to ensure his seed would finally take hold within her womb. Each day after morning prayers they would immediately return to the bed they had consummated their bond on, their bodies nestling in against one another whilst his slick, thin length flexed and pumped his essence as deep into her warm, inviting walls as it could manage. Then, whenever his modest internal testes had recuperated enough to deposit another few watery strings past her lips, they would return to that position, as often as they could manage throughout the day.

It had been a struggle to get even four shots off on that first day, requiring the pair to perform a nearly sacrilegious act and rush the long, ritualistic rites and prayers that any ryan was expected to perform for the Spirits' blessings before every attempt. Fortunately for their souls, and unfortunately for their chances of safeguarding her womb against the pernicious vulpine's predilections, he had failed to reach that same impressive number of attempts the following days. Each day his exhausted gonads became less and less receptive to their mad sprint of procreation, until, by the morning of the fevarians' arrival, he had exhausted himself with their first morning mating, leaving himself utterly spent as he held his lovely mate against his chest.

"Do you think it took?" Alpin cooed, leaning down to brush his beak against her feathers. Unlike his fortunate life-mate, he had not received 'the gift' that their kind were starting to slowly awaken to. Her abilities didn't equal the true psionics that the contemptible foxes had mastered, true, but it was enough to give her an insight into certain matters, especially things like this.

"I, I think so~?" Adianna murmured, returning the affectionate gesture before her mate pulled himself away, allowing her to settle onto her back on her side of the bed. Her mind wandered to her flat belly, trying to picture the image of her mate's egg growing within as her taloned hand brushed over the down covering her abdomen. She could feel the potential lurking there, the little nucleus of fertility waiting amongst a sea of fainter ryan virility that still stubbornly made the trek towards her ovum, so surely it was just a matter of time now... If it had not happened already. "I can't imagine it not taking after these last few days... Spirits willing, of course."

"I suppose we'll have to come up with a name for our precious little hatchling when the time comes," Alpin replied with an optimistic trill as he finally slid off of the bed to make his way towards the sonic-shower, joined by Adianna a second later. The fears he had had before they started their breeding marathon seemed so far away now, despite it being the day of the fevarians' arrival. Surely, everything would be okay. The Spirits would understand their mild blasphemy as necessary for the greater good, right..?

As if his gods had heard his blasphemous justifications, their doorbell rang. Suddenly, all those worries which had been roosting within his heart flared back to prominence, making him cast a concerned glance towards his mate. They could just not answer the door until their new guest left... But, such an inhospitable act would no doubt raise the Spirits' ire even further, a fact that Adianna seemed to understand as she sent him a reassured smile, and started to slide into her dress after cleaning the last of his scent from her feathers - the conservative style of ryan garments ensuring most of her feathers beneath her neck line were covered.

"Coming! Pardon the wait," she called out, sliding the last few parts of her dress into place, leaving her supple figure concealed beneath the long, flowing fabric. Alpin hurried along to join her, sliding his own trousers and jacket on, but was still several steps behind her in the living room by the time she reached the door and pressed the button for it to open, revealing a fevarian standing in front of the now open entrance.

He was a fox on the younger side, or so Alpin estimated, barely an adult by the bird's standards. Yet despite that, the young adult already stood a good head taller than him with an athletic figure that could barely be perceived beneath the vulpine's protective uniform. He supposed he had to be thankful that the fox was clothed at least, considering what he had seen of their kind's usual antics, even if the padded uniform of laser and bullet resistant fabric barely constrained the bulge of the stud's groin. Still, for being from a race of habitual nudists, he wore the well cut uniform with an air of discipline as he stood before their home.

"Adianna, I presume?" the fox spoke with a teasing tone and a subtle grin. "I hope I am not imposing too much by requesting to come inside~?"

"I... No, of course not. Us ryans will always be grateful for our new friends who answered in our time of need," Adianna replied with a subdued tilt of her beak, stepping away from the door to invite the handsome figure into their home. "This is my mate, Alpin. I presume you're here for this 'festival..?' I'm surprised you'd be knocking upon our door so early into the day. Surely there must be quite a few un-bonded hens that would desire your attention."

"Oh, I'm sure there'll be more than enough of my peers walking about haphazardly to indulge the desires of the more adventurous women, but... I have an eye more for quality than quantity, you see," he replied as he accepted Adianna's invitation and joined her in their house. His lips twisted into a wider smile as he caught sight of the woman's mate, offering him a simple nod before moving his hands to the breast of his uniform. His hands tugged at the cloth, shifting the garment an inch to relax the tucked fabric into a looser fit against his fur, more than aware that by doing so he exposed more of his pelt to waft his potent pheromones into the air.

Not that he would need to rely upon his pheromones exclusively, Seifeth noticed as he caught the hen's eyes lingering upon his body longer than she no doubt intended, before finally turning her gaze towards her life-partner. He contemplated - was it because of his appearance? Certainly the alien-loving birds would no doubt find his rugged physique quite enticing and exotic to their slender build. But was that really enough for her to already be entertaining those lurid thoughts despite being spoken for~? Perhaps it was her latent psychic abilities, the ones that had made her such an attractive option upon his list. It might have allowed her to feel the power and presence behind his own psychic soul now that he was nearby, giving him an enchanting presence all on its own.

"Quality..? I'm sure there's not too much that makes me exceptional compared to most women on this planet you could no doubt have your pick of, many of which aren't bonded..." she replied sheepishly, even as her tail feathers flicked at the compliment. "B- Besides, you might be wasting your time on me, at least if your plan is to sire an egg. I've no doubt conceived an egg for my mate here recently, so I would hardly be a fitting choice anymore for such a strapping fox."

"Is that so?" he murmured, glancing from the woman, to her mate, then back to her. No doubt the two had made the attempt, he thought, but even if they had it had obviously not taken yet. There was no burgeoning new soul growing within her womb that he could sense, even the paler spirit of a non-psychic ryan. No, all he could feel from her aura was the delightful kernel of fertility still lurking within her body yet to be claimed. Still, if they had been trying for days he couldn't help but marvel about the fruitless results all that effort had come too. Was her mate just shooting blanks? Was his seed not capable of reliably claiming that awaiting egg even with days of attempts? Or maybe she had only ovulated this morning and his slow moving swimmers had not had enough time to make the trek or claw their way through the walls and shell protecting that precious cell? Well, they were a slow breeding race, so perhaps their struggles were normal for their kind~

"There's no harm in indulging a bit of interspecies curiosity then, is there~" he shot back with a falsely reassuring smile, taking another step forward to press in against the avian's side. He slid his strong arm around the opposite side of the hen, pulling her playfully against his uniform in an impromptu hug. All the while he could see the man tense in the corner of his vision, his feeble soul boiling with indignant concern. But he knew the bird would remain out of this; it was up to his mate to deny his advances, not his, thanks to their Emperor's commandment.

"I... I suppose not..." Adianna murmured with a shiver, finding herself pressing against the fox's flank despite her better judgment.

"But... You have me at a bit of a disadvantage, honored guest. You know my name, but I don't know my handsome suitor's!" she spoke, her feathers twitching in her species's equivalent to a blush. "Spirits forbid, if we did partake in this 'festival' and I carried an egg, I wouldn't be able to tell my hatchlings who their father is..." She knew it was strange how easy it was to relax and let herself chatter like a school hen around the vulpine stranger, yet she couldn't bring herself to pull away despite her curious suspicions.

"We can't have that, can we?" the fox rumbled in reply, squeezing the nubile ryan against him to make her feathers flicker. "Specialist Seifeth, pleased to make your acquaintance~"

The hen's chest fluttered with the fox's growl, her feathered tail canting side to side with an excitement that Alpin rarely saw. Her eyes timidly glanced towards her bonded mate, then back to her charming suitor. "Seifeth... I... still don't know about taking up the offer in full, though... I'm spoken for, after all! But... you do smell quite nice," she admitted meekly, brushing her fingers along the vulpine's thick uniform.

"Well, that's hardly a surprise," he helpfully informed the curious avian as he shifted to better allow the woman's fingers to brush along the inside of his jacket, sliding the garment further over his shoulders to expose more of his undershirt. "Fevarian pheromones are exceptionally potent, far more so than males of most other species, especially with their universal compatibility. Although, not every scent gland emits the same amount. Some are far more potent than others."

"Really..? So you're saying you'd smell even better if I got to press my beak against other areas?" She brought up with a hint of curiosity mixed with the obvious desire that kept her eyes mostly upon the vulpine, only paying her life-mate the occasional fleeting glance before returning to focusing upon the fevarian stud. A curiosity that left her hand twitching with the urge to strip her honored guest of his jacket and help expose more of his pernicious scent to her beak.

Fortunately for her, Seifeth was happy to indulge her fascination. His hands slid up, parting his long jacket to reveal the thinner, albeit still thick insulated shirt beneath.

"Of course. For example, the glands along the neck are more 'subtle'... Milder in potency to serve as an enticement for lovers who are held in arm," he spoke, placing the protective longcoat against a nearby piece of furniture before once again wrapping his arm around the ryan hen, pulling her against his body. Her beak neatly slid along the nape of his shirt of its own volition, drifting towards his neck as best she could due to her height, close enough at least that she could indulge in the scent wafting from the reported glands with an excitement shiver racing along her head frills.

"S, subtle..?" Adianna huffed between long, desperate pants as her spirit began to quiver to the steady beat of the fox's aura. "What are the more overt scents you charming foxes have..?"

"Well..." he mused, considering if he should just direct the hen to the couple's bed with how well her mind reciprocated his idle mental advances. But, he could feel her life-mate's soul just off to the side still, burning in a delightful mixture of fear, anger, and shame, as well as an ember of excitement that he couldn't help but inflame by continuing to show off how increasingly eager the love of his life was to jump into his arms.

"Just after the neck, we have the glands underneath our arms, but they're not exactly meant for attracting cute hens like yourself~" He continued, shifting back half a step to give just enough space for him to move. Rather than using his free hand to remove the bandolier and shirt which concealed his scent from his new lover, he instead pointed a finger and focused upon the border between reality and the Shroud, calling forth an invisible force to do so in his stead. The durable strap on his shoulder unbuckled, sliding over to join his coat in a neat pile, followed shortly thereafter by his shirt. The casual display of psychic power was answered with the eager avian's head dipping down to nuzzle against his chest, slowly sliding her head down across his fur in a poorly disguised play to inch her beak closer towards his pants. "Those are more for signaling rival males about our strength, particularly when we're active, but some vixens do find the smell appealing in the right quantities."

"I see," the hen murmured again, while her silver eyes stared down past his toned abdomen, her fingers playfully stroking along the line of white and red fur that ran down to his groin. "Is there... another gland meant more for those cute, needy hens then~?" Seifeth hardly needed to be Shroud-blessed to know that she already had the answer, considering how eager her gaze fixated upon the impression his loins made within his pants.

"Well..." he teased as his hand began playing with his belt, but stopped when he felt an impulse to interject well within Alpin, still watching from the opposite end of the room. A quick glance towards the bird was all that was needed to settle him back into meek spectatorship. Especially as Adianna's hands followed his own to curiously squeeze along the bulge of his pants, followed by a gasp as she discovered just how much of that burgeoning tent was from the flesh within and not just the thick, laser resistant padding around them. "Are you sure? I've been informed that ryans are far more a stickler for being dressed than we fevarians are~ Something about it only being acceptable for their life-mates to see their bare bodies~?"

"Please," she nearly whimpered, sliding her beak along his torso to the point that she needed to settle onto her knees. Her fingers played with the vulpine's belt, barely restraining her impulse to strip the man as fast as she could after catching an enticing whiff of the potent pheromones trapped within. Just a teasing taste of what lay beneath the trousers her beak was brushing against the hem of. "I don't mind at all..."

"What about your mate?" Seifeth replied with a crooked grin. His hands taking their sweet time as they slowly unbuckled his belt, purposefully drawing out how long the fancily dressed bird would have to wait, whilst simultaneously toying with the avian watching silently from the sidelines.

"Who..? Oh, he doesn't mind," Adianna quickly retorted, cutting off Alpin before he could muster up an answer for himself, her gaze never leaving her intended prize as she spoke.

"Well, if that's the case..." Seifeth rumbled and finally parted the thick synthetic fabric, at last allowing his pants to fall from his hips. The hen's eyes opened wide at the sight of the vulpine's sheath and oh so plump balls, followed a second later by a shudder when the vulpine's unrestrained scent crossed her beak. Her head drifted forward, reeled in by the siren call of the fox's aroma, until finally her nares brushed across the crook between his warm spheres and sheath. Another shudder broke across her feathered body as she took in a breath directly from the source of vulpine pheromones, her tongue lulling from her beak after every pant to brush along the fat, fuzzy white spheres.

Alpin, meanwhile, could only continue to look on in stunned silence, watching how his life-mate's attention had become solely directed towards their 'guest'. His own eyes couldn't help but drift uncomfortably across the now exposed fevarian's crotch, eyeing the plump tube of white fur standing a good five or so inches in length against his crotch, with a wet, tapered red point of meat lipsticking from its peak. It was quite unlike the internal pricks their own kind sported, and certainly thicker too. No wonder so many rumors had spread about how better equipped the foxes were back on that border world...

"So... So warm..." Adianna eventually moaned out in a haze of lust, her eyes starting to glaze over as she stared expectantly up at the fox. One of her hands settled onto Seifeth's hip, her thumb brushing along the edge of his sheath as she did so. The other hand, meanwhile, slid downwards disappearing beneath her own garb to tease along her wet folds, inadvertently letting a few telltale hints of her own excited scent escape to brush along the fevarian's sensitive nose.

"If you think those ones are potent..." the fox growled hotly, combing his claws across the hen's scalp as he spoke, "Then you're going to be hooked when your nares catch a hold of this last one~"

The hand against the back of her head pushed her downwards, dragging her beak along his plump spheres along the cleft between the heavy gonads. Until those gonads sat across the top of her bill, and his sheath nestled against the start of her head, drooling a drop of potent pheromone-rich pre across her feathers. Her nares, meanwhile, were held flush against his fur where his sack connected to his taint, prompting another listless moan from her beak as she imbibed the fox's richest scent. Her tongue hung from her beak with an eager, excited pant, her body squirming within the confining clothes trying desperately to enforce some sort of modesty on the now pheromone-drunk hen.

"There's a good bird~" Seifeth spoke with an amused rumble, admiring how her aura burned with unrestrained need even as her thoughts grew quieter and simpler. Any lingering concern for her loyalty to her mate had boiled away from the heat of her desire, leaving the only remaining thought in her mind to satisfy the burning need within her core for the man in front of her.

His hand fell away from her scalp after giving her feathered frill one last, encouraging stroke, leaving her to fill her lungs with the rich scent with every breath. "Think you're ready to be a good hen for fox dick, now~?"

"Y- Yes," she spoke with a happy chirp, struggling to speak only with the effort it took to put her desires into words. Her body was far more proactive, reaching forward with a hand to wrap her delicate fingers around the fevarian's plump sheath. "I want to feel this claim me..."

"Adianna!" Alpin finally chimed in, having at last managed to garner the courage to speak up. But, despite his surprised shout, his mate didn't respond. Too lost in a haze of hedonism as she began to reverently brush her tongue along the fox's balls, soaking the flavor of the man's masculinity across her mouth.

"There's not much use~ She'll be out of it until she gets her fix," Seifeth replied with a grin towards the bystanding avian, now shying away after being noticed by the fox about to steal his partner.

"Don't worry, if it's any consolation, you're hardly the only ryan male who's going through this today. In fact, here, the organizers of this expedition have been so helpful as to put together a little pamphlet for cocks like you," he added, flicking his finger nearby his comm-cuff to bring up a document from its holographic interface, before another flick sent it towards a physical data-pad resting nearby.

"B- But..." the bird sputtered, wracking his brain as he tried to think of something to say as he lamented his situation! What sort of divine punishment was this!? Was this because they skipped past the long, ritualistic courtship for each attempt at an egg?

"Please... You don't need to pay attention to him..." Adianna interrupted with a huff, barely managing to remove her beak from the fox's musky nuts as she wobbled onto her unsteady feet. No sooner had she managed that task than she started to tug the fox along towards the two's bedroom, her other hand starting to disrobe the many layered garment from her feathered body. "Just... Put your egg in me!"

"Well, you heard her," Seifeth offered one last tease towards the male bird left behind. The naked fox strolled along with Adianna's desperate yank, using a bit of telekinetic assistance to help his new lover shake off the last of her clothes, stripping her down to her feathered rear right before the two passed the entrance to their chambers. Leaving Alpin behind with nothing better to do than quietly listen from around the corner... and to peruse the document the other vulpine had given him...

The room was a modest thing, bereft of much of the appliances and other luxuries that Seifeth was used to. Although, it did come with the benefit of a nice view in the form of a needy hen~ And an almost equally as gorgeous view of the ocean from the attached balcony.

The fox smiled to himself as his eyes finished their sweep of the room and focused instead upon its centerpiece; the lovely, fertile (at least by ryan standards) hen, draped across her marital bed as her mate was left waiting outside. Her legs were spread, arms raised above her head to leave her flat-chested yet still quite feminine body completely exposed to her lover's vision. Especially the snug, wet folds of her entrance begging for a proper cock, like the one that was swelling from his sheath.

"Is it... Getting even bigger?" Adianna inquired as her silver eyes slid down to observe the pillar of masculinity swelling from the fox's lap. It was already a beak-watering length to her at the five inches the sheath sat at when she basked her nostrils in the man's scent, but now she swore that the red meat poking from its tip was... growing! A few inches of red, glistening spire standing above a pouch that was starting to slide down over the fat rod sprouting from its pouch! Were the foxes just so equipped that their pricks couldn't fit into an internal slit like males of her species!?

"Oh, this? It's barely started to swell," the fox replied with a hint of confusion to his features before remembering the differences in their species biology, thanks to a bit of insight from the woman's thoughts. He couldn't help but be amused when he figured out that they had confused his sheath for his actual girth! Yet, even that severe underestimation had left her squirming with desire, leaving her now staring in utter amazement as another inch of glossy red meat slipped free from the soft, silky skin of his sheath.

Her squirms only grew all the more noticeable when he settled onto the bed with his first prize of the day, holding his rugged body above her own. His knees pressed against the inside of her thigh, ensuring her legs remained pressed apart so that his burgeoning masculinity could drag itself across the soft down across her belly. His sheath eventually nestled against her excited, puffy lips, before his rolling body dragged his warm, wet shaft across the tender mound to draw another shiver of desire from the woman.

"How, how much bigger will it grow," she murmured with an expression that was a remarkable impression at biting a nonexistent lip. Despite the hint of apprehension in her voice, however, the excitement rolling through her clearly won out as her legs wrapped around the vulpine's hips, trying to pull his strong, powerful body against her lithe frame. Her arms joined in on the attempt, stroking her fingers against Seifeth's firm back, tracing along the lines of muscles hidden behind his silky furred pelt.

"Don't you worry... I'll go nice and slow. You just let me know if it becomes too much for you," he replied with a sultry growl, sliding his hips back against the grip of her calves, just far enough for the point of his swelling prick to nestle against her wet, dripping sex. The mere threat of his drooling tool being in position was enough to make the sweet, eager bird flex underneath him. Her pants rolled from her chest with each eager breath, greedily sucking in the pheromones that wafted from the pre-seed painting the down of her abdomen.

True to his word, his hips rolled forward slowly despite his own eager desire to breed the fertile lips rolling across his prick. The graduated start allowed Adianna to adjust to the man's hefty size slowly. Her body huffed with desperate need as the point tickled against her lips, spreading them to the extent she was used to with her life-mate, before those idle pants were steadily replaced with louder, shakier moans as her body conformed to the thicker girth at the head's base that no ryan, not even her mate, could ever hope to compare to!

The hen's body continued to quiver underneath Seifeth's as her sex snugly wrapped itself around his slick, smooth girth. Her walls clamped down against it in tandem to the waves of pleasure breaking from her taxed nerves, passionate spasms sprouting from her stuffed lips to spread through the rest of her body and send her feathers rippling in waves of ecstasy. Her legs squeezed against the naked fox's rear, coaxing his powerful body to flex and hammer his euphoria-provoking masculinity deeper into her depths! Her talons raked across his firm back, pulling her lithe, flat chest against his broad muscled torso, moaning her bliss into his ear as she finally felt his hips grind flush against hers! The vulpine's furry pouch kissed against her slick, puffy lips, whilst the red mast sprouting from it stuffed her walls, teasing near the end of her lovely canal with the drooling tip soaking her walls and the barrier to her womb in the warm, fecund essence it left in its wake.

Adianna could only stare lovingly towards this paragon of masculinity breeding her, eyes half-glazed as her mind and spirit so willingly danced in accordance to the passionate flame of the fevarian's soul. All those nagging little thoughts about her poor mate left to listen to every whimper and gasp of bliss from her beak nearby were silenced by the fox's enthralling presence, leaving behind only blissful acceptance and longing for the gift the man would leave within her.

At least, until another orgasmic spasm erupted from her stuffed lips, strong enough to sweep away even those wanting thoughts from her mind as it washed across her body! Her beak was helpless to resist spreading for the full-throated moan that followed, screaming her bliss against the fox's ear. Something powerfully euphoric had erupted from the very root of her femininity, filling her being with more pleasure than she could have ever thought possible!

"There goes that egg your mate was hoping to claim~ All those days of trying, and he still couldn't compare to just the pre-seed of a fevarian," the fox rumbled affectionately into her aural passage, explaining just what the source of the mind-numbing pleasure she had felt was. His precum still had a few lucky spermatozoa that had managed to slip out early with his mounting excitement, carried forth by the slippery fluid drooled against her cervix. From there, it was only a short jaunt for a feverian seedling to squirm its way past her flexing cervix, wiggle its way along her walls and up into her tubes in just the few minutes since the fox had first ground his way past her lips - and an even simpler task for the supremely virile gamete to nimbly push past the swarming tide of inferior ryan seed and lance the waiting fertile ovum with unparalleled alacrity, sinking the dominant vulpine genome into its nucleus and triggering the bird's egg to divide and grow into a healthy, strapping fevarian zygote. Those potent fox genes had all but taken charge of the growing bundle of life even before the fertilized cell had split, leaving the set of ryan genes Adianna had contributed to support the fevarian half from the sidelines, helping to better adapt the vulpine child she bore to conditions on her homeworld, and perhaps to leave a few traces of their mother in the kit's personality and appearance~

It was the new soul sprouting into being within her womb, more than the act of conception itself, that had sent those shocks of bliss racing through her, as her latent psionic soul partially joined and danced with the vulpine's overpowering presence to kindle a new, simmering ember of life cradled within her body, forming a psychic circuit which loosely joined the two of them together despite her nascent abilities. A surge of bliss which caused her to buckle and squeeze against the man who had just sired the first of her eggs, keeping all thoughts from her mind until she slowly recovered from the reverberating wracks of bliss bouncing through her many moments later.

"Is- Is it finished... then?" she finally huffed as her mind descended from that blissful high at last. She had no doubt that the fox was telling the truth about what happened, she could feel that bright, burning ember within her womb, so weak in comparison to her own for the moment, yet shining with a brilliant hue within the Shroud that her own soul couldn't match. Could there be a second for him to claim? But, a ryan hen fertile enough to produce twins was an extraordinarily rare occurrence, and she didn't feel any waiting buds of life left for him to claim...

But, despite the fact the fox had conquered her waiting fertility, his hips continued to roll, still plundering her slick walls with a cock that now refused to fit within her sex. The hefty tool dug against the end of her tunnel, teasing the barrier to her most sacred cavern with a grinding press before rolling back for the next, slick buck! All while her loins were all the more sensitive from the euphoria she had just experienced, leaving her whimpering weakly as she struggled to hold onto the stud still railing her silly.

"Of course not~ You didn't think I'd just be satisfied with one egg, did you~?" Seifeth murmured once again, helping the hen to disentangle from him by sliding his hands along her thin body, pinning her to the bed as their wanderings settled around her hips and abdomen with an electrifying touch. His hips slowed but didn't stop their bucks, keeping a steady tempo as his knot finally began to slip from his sheath. The hen's eyes bulged in shock from the sight of his obscene girth nestling its impossible fit against her sorely underequipped sex, glued in particular to the hint of his knot glands resting at the broad tool's base.

"VIR, what's the maximum number of eggs a ryan hen can carry safely~?" he spoke, leaving Adianna slightly confused even as the fox's still grinding hips kept those pleasant shivers racing through her body.

"Searching. Most ryan females on average produce only one egg, with twins being exceptionally rare, and triplets almost unheard of. Theoretically, with one documented case caused by an improbable reaction to fertility enhancers, a ryan female can grow and birth six eggs with only minor medical assistance," a synthesized voice rung from the fox's cumm-cuff, drawing a pleased smile to his lips, as well as a confused look from the hen.

"What? What sort of a question is that- Ooooooh..." Adianna inquired before being interrupted as the tingle of the fox's abilities focused upon her belly, spreading from his fingers kneading against her thin feathered frame with a firm, possessive hold centered right above her womb. His touch guided by the slumbering flickers of fertility he could sense hiding within her ovaries, pressing his thumbs against her down right above them to force his psychic power into her body. The shiver-inducing, lust-tainted energy crept to the fonts of her womanhood before laying claim to their bounty, commanding the flesh to obey the virile vulpine's desires. A twang of pleasure sprouted from her core as his influence curled around the bundles of precious ova, her toyed-with reproductive system shuddering as it released another egg for him to claim! Then another, and another, each time causing her talons to clench and tear into her marital bed with desire, knowing that none of those freshly shaken loose eggs would survive unclaimed by the fox if his pre-seed alone was enough to impregnate the first!

Seifeth grinned as he watched her writhing underneath his power's effects. It was his little secret, a psychic trick he had figured out early into his career as a breeding stud, and one of the many reasons for his prodigious kit count~ Now, it was going to serve as his secret weapon to make a name for himself during this 'festival'. No matter how efficiently his peers tried to spread their seed over this week, the limited number of hens available would leave them competing against one another for the last few unclaimed fertile ryans for the higher scoreboard. But, by focusing upon his own little 'harem' of birds and ensuring each one was as productive for his seed as possible..? Even if he claimed half of the hens they did, he should still place quite highly on the list compared to the batting average of 100~

Especially if they were all as receptive to the technique as Adianna was, squirming underneath him from the combination of his steady thrusts and the growing anticipation her newly unleashed fertility created within her. He could feel the psychic impressions from those points of fertile potential as they slipped from her ovaries underneath his fingers, each one causing his expression to grow hungrier as he stared down at the veritable bounty he was cultivating within her body. Each ovum shaken loose prompted his own excited twitch, his cock throbbing hotly within her depths, sending another quake of pleasure rushing through her as her sex stretched over the sputtering flesh before being doused with another rivulet of warm, viscous pre.

Such desire and excitement flowed from him into her thanks to the feeble connection that had been forged between their minds, mixed in the turbulent ecstasy rising and falling across her own thoughts before being swept back to brush against Seifeth's consciousness. It wasn't quite comparable to the explosive potential of unleashed libido which had sprouted so frequently on the Vuki'Patora, but it was close enough that soon the only thing the fox could think about as he loomed above his prize was the thrill that was to come, whilst his 'vixen' stared back with a similar expression of wanton hedonism.

Their breathless passion, broken only by the wordless gasps, grunts, and whimpers of bliss heard by Alpin waiting just outside, would eventually reach its euphoric crescendo as the tempo of the fox's steady rut began to hasten once again, picking up pace as the discipline behind the psychic fox's thrusts started to falter. His muscles flexed, jutting the vulpine's drooling point against the woman's cervix as her cries rang out with increasing vigor to match the tempo of her lover's hips. Her shaky hands once again grasped a hold of his back, pulling him in close to with what feeble strength she had left, clinging onto his rugged body like it was an anchor in the storm of their passion~

Until his body came to berth within her depths, crashing forward one last time as he nestled her form close with his own arms~ A possessive growl rolled through his chest, tickling across her feathered bosom as it rumbled into his throat, then caressed the side of her head as it spread from his lips along his breath. His claws dug against her feather down, teasing their dull points against her skin, ensuring she couldn't squirm free as his cock throbbed within her depths. His knot flared into prominence, flaring so achingly close that it teased her taut lips as the lustful warmth radiating against her pre and nectar coated sex. Adianna's talons clenched, her body bracing as she didn't know what to expect in comparison to her mate's quite... modest... release, whilst a silent, panted prayer to the Spirits prayed for this stud to not leave a single egg unclaimed by his seed! At least that prayer they would answer~

A moan broke from her beak, pouring into the house for her life-mate to hear as she felt the fox's tool flex, his balls hanging underneath his snug sheath-ring twitching against her thighs whilst his hips stopped thrusting forward and instead ground as much of his cock into her lips as she could fit! That first, moan-inducing spasm soon followed by a flood of warmth pouring into her depths, erupting against the final barrier standing between his loins and her fertile cavern with thick ropes of virile seed. So much that she could even feel the inevitable trickle of the essence escaping past her dimpled barrier, the cream seeping along the fields of her womb, spreading its warmth deep into her core as the swarming tide of spermatozoa slowly swept towards her unclaimed eggs.

Every cum delivering flex, meanwhile, caused the backlog of cream to pool behind the dam to her womb, forming a rising reservoir of creamy, alabaster essence that quickly filled along the thick dick stuffing her canal. Until, finally, by the third copious string splattering across her depths, the pheromone-rich essence spilled from her lips with every milking squeeze of her taut, milking muscles. A small brook of vulpine virility flowed down from her labia, soaking into the small, soft feathers of her taint, until finally arriving to stain the sheets of the bed she had shared with her mate whilst coiling around the fox in rapturous bliss.

She didn't know how long she held herself like that, riding the last of the man's release, huffing the pheromone-rich scent from his neck, growing increasingly addicted to the potent scent and warmth surrounding her body. It was only when Seifeth breathed a sigh of satisfaction and pulled his hips back that she released his rugged frame, laying against the bed as her eyes fixated upon the sight of his unsheathing prick.

She knew it was big thanks to how it felt wrapping her sex around it like its own personal sleeve, but it was another thing to see the enormous thing pry free, gauging just how many inches she had managed to fit in her cunt as she did so. She could hardly believe she had fit all of that in, save for the last inch or so before the impossible to fit knot - a mixture of her drooling nectar and the fevarian's copious cream serving as a reliable mark of how far it had delved thanks to the where those fluids soaked against his cock, except for that spared inch near the knot.

Perhaps realizing the woman's thoughts, the fox rolled his hips forward after his tip pulled free, brushing his cock head across her abdomen until his balls nestled against her cum-matted feathers. His knot twitched with its receding vigor right above her lips whilst he compared his hefty slab of ten-inch meat across her lithe body for both of their wandering eyes. Her own silver pair wandered along the entirety of the glossy member, nares sucking down the addictive scent wafting from the prick as she imagined what it would be like to handle the entirety of that cock like a proper vixen. How her lips would be wrapped around the back of that knot, the cock tip wedged into her womb to ensure not a drop was wasted, unlike the small creek drying on her feathers and sheets. "Oh, spirits... It's so huge..."

"A nice treat for good hens like yourself that become good sluts for foxes," Seifeth murmured encouragingly, sliding a clawed hand down her side before finally starting to shift off of the bed. He had delighted in the tease in front of the woman's husband, and the idea of lingering in their bed to affectionately embrace her when the orgasmic time bombs of her vulpine virility flooded eggs went off delighted his carnal desires, but there were another dozen or so gals he needed to sweep off their feet to remain on schedule. Especially if he wanted to win the competition, unless he wanted the other foxes in his unit to start chasing down the hens assigned to him when they finished their quota.

"W- Wait!" Adianna called out, reaching up from the bed to wrap her arms around his broad body, pulling her feathered chest against his back as her still tingling sex nestled against his hip. "Please... Can we go again before you leave..? Fevarians can go more than once, right? That's what Alpin said..."

"We can, yes... But there's a lot of needy hens who I need to get to today," he murmured in response, smiling at the hunger, the need, shining within the woman's eyes and soul. "None as fetching as yourself, I'm sure... But..."

"Please!" she begged again. He half expected her to squeeze a hold of him, to try to hold him against her for another round, but instead she stepped up from the bed, leaving him sitting at its side as she marched to the opened door. Once there she reached forward, grasping a hold of her life-mate that had not-so-subtly stood just around the doorway to listen and peek in on the affair playing out in front of his beak. Her surprising yank pulled the ashamed bird into view of the fox, exposing a small tent that he tried desperately to hide behind the data-pad he had been dutifully reading from.

"You don't know what it's like," she whimpered, taking advantage of Alpin's surprise and shame to slide a hand beneath his pants, parting it to reveal the entirety of his four-inch length standing at attention from his slit crowned in a bead of watery pre. "This is all we have to work with, and he's hung for a ryan!"

"Adianna!" Alpin found enough of a voice to cry out, but another glance from the fox was enough to silence his protests once again, averting his eyes to stare down at the floor past his inadequate tool. His skin burned beneath his feathers with a blush as he just... stood there, letting his inadequacies be compared to the paragon of masculinity sitting in front of him.

"Fine... I guess you've got a point. It would be pretty cruel to just give you one round then leave you with that," the fox sighed forlornly with a smile stretched across his lips. He was already mentally calculating how much time it would take to give each hen two romps if they were all this needy when the woman chirped in glee and pounced upon him, straddling his hips as she didn't even bother to look back towards her mate staring silently nearby, even to dismiss him back to his shameful roost.

Yet Alpin didn't dare disturb them, keeping his eyes turned downwards as his blushing shame grew with every sweet note she sang for the other man's masculinity. His exposed tool twitched, wasting his feeble excitement upon the floor as he returned to seeking refuge in the pamphlet the man had sent him.

There was plenty of information in the document, explaining in a casual, blasé tone the many features of fevarian anatomy that made them superior breeders to his own kind. How the strength of their genes ensured their hybrid offspring took after their fevarian parent in practically every respect. How euphoric the pleasure of conceiving a vulpine child was thanks to their psionic nature. He had read through all of it, chapter by chapter, as the vulpine had his way with his mate the first time.

This time, though, he glanced further, past a good chapter worth on the needs for raising a fevarian child, the higher educational facilities that would make for decent approximations of secondary studies for their kits, the facilities required to brew cub formula to make up for the lack of breasts to nurse their new children. Right to one of the latter chapters to reread over something that had caught his eye the first time through.

It was buried in a section meant to 'help' mates like him dealing with the shame and inadequacies of their lovers being stolen away by males they couldn't help to compete with, complete with a section explaining how the cubs they would raise with their mates would make them proud thanks to their psychic, erudite natures. Until finally he had found what he was looking for, focusing back upon a section describing another one of the fox's many depraved inventions. A DNA-altering pill. One that, when ingested by male ryans like him, would trade their inadequate masculinities and give them a nice, fertile sex capable of bearing eggs for the foxes that had stolen away their mates, so that they could bond with their life-mates by joining them as being their fevarian lover's hen.

Another humiliated shiver ran through his core as the first of Adianna's newly granted eggs was claimed while she howled with bliss against her lover's broad chest. The sound prompted him forward, even as he gave an uncertain swallow as he pressed the link within the document to request a delivery...

Operation:Spread Eagle After Action Report

Travel and deployment went successfully. Most citizens Returned To Base at the appropriate hour, with only the expected number of stragglers who received minor disciplinary action. 97% of the estimated fertile ryan population successfully conceived a fevarian-ryan hybrid egg thanks to our 'cultural exchange', as well as 5% of the similarly aged male population after consumption of Gene-Splicing drugs rendered them susceptible.

Per Intelligence, the Star Realm's planning for the sudden influx of newborns was lacking, and contracts have already been drafted with fevarian companies to help construct the required infrastructure for the sudden population boom. Construction of denser housing taking advantage of C.S. anti-grav technology, manufactories for the needed Consumer Goods, and suitable elementary education facilities to fevarian standards are underway. Discussion on what to do about the many temples impeding the construction works with their presence continue, although many of the population range targeted for the Exchange have seen a sharp drop in temple attendance - if the drop in demand is sustained it would make it easier to convince them for these buildings to be repurposed towards more useful endeavors such as academies for higher education.

In total, some 1.13 billion kits were conceived over the week, with more likely on the way thanks to some creative thinking from candidates giving 'healthy-sized donations' to various fertility centers, as well as 'renewed interest' in discussing Migration Treaties between our states. This number slightly surpasses initial expectations; updated projections place fevarians becoming a majority of the population on Rya within 50 years from this new generation of hybrids, or 20 years if the Treaty is approved in the version initially offered to their Emperor.

As to the performance of our volunteers for this Expedition and their 'scoreboard', Commander A.C. once again conducted himself well and sired 2,352 kits during his time planetside, his second 1st place result of his now five tours. The rest of the top ten was likewise occupied by veterans of the previous two tours, as was most of the rest of the top one-thousand... with the notable exception of Specialist Seifeth dol'Luch, who managed the feat of placing 11th with 479 kits conceived despite his youth and first time deployment. More remarkable, whilst most of the other highest percentile foxes did so via number of hens, he achieved this number with only 86 females and 21 converted males. This statistically impossible fluke, considering ryan fertility, indicates a novel application of Shroud-abilities. Considering his current station on Pendalor, he appears to be quite the Diamond In The Rough, and thus a transfer to a Research Complex on Fevaria where he could be better utilized is recommended.