The Bedwarmer

Story by Rhazagal on SoFurry

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This story involves sexual scenes between two male rodents. If you didn't check the associated tags, this also involves NC, blackmail, fantasy and -naturally- Buttsecks!

Hope you enjoy reading this one ;)

One by one the fine grains of white sand dribbled down from the upper cup of the hourglass to the lower, piling slowly on the bottom. The simple clock was doing what it was created for: counting time. The hourglass, mounted on a wooden pedestal, was decorated with large, clawed feet, four of them on the bottom and four on the top to hold the device upright. Around the hourglass was a brightly lit room, a messy one at that.

The hourglass sat on the edge of an intricately carved, massive wooden desk, a jumble mix of papers, quills, ink bottles both full and empty, old, dusty books with mysterious pictures on their covers and rather plain looking, newer books all around.

A single lamp, within which shone the bright yellow stone known as Sun's Tear, illuminated the room, which was in no better order than the desk. The entire left wall was dominated by a humongous bookshelf littered with dusty tomes and scrolls of parchment. The leathery backs of the books came in all colours, ranging from greens through various degrees of blacks to reds and blues, their condition telling the owner paid a lot of attention to his books, flipping through them all more or less regularly.

Directly to the right of the table was but a small desk with a cragged bowl and jar on it, a torn towel hanging pathetically over the edge of the bowl.

The Sun's tear lamp illuminated the one sitting by the table, scanning casually through the papers in front of himself. The figure had a long, pointy snout, slightly tattered pink ears and a dull dark-grey fur. He was clad in a slightly worn robe that had, atleast once in the past, been a beautiful shade of crimson red, but which had long since faded into a slightly paler shade. The rat, for that he was, sneered slightly, pulling off the hood of his robe to see better at the papers scattered about him. The rat was what could've been defined as handsome if it wasn't for the thing attached to his head. On top of his left eye, inserted directly to his skull, was a mechanic device, like a mechanic eye with two wires hooping from the left edge of his forehead to his temple, a metallic mask covering the rat's face from right around his eye to the base of his ear and slightly over the top of his head.

The device, the Pale Eye, was dark, lifeless, its dark-emerald lens didn't shine with the eerie magical light it normally did whilst activated; there was no need for that at the moment. On one of the papers lying scattered on the tabletop was a letter from a captain going by the name of Rhain Stacklock.

_My Lord, Garide Centirees.

We have just received a new shipment of slaves, spoils from the war in the East. The slaves have been given to the care of the new lieutenant, Knaden Shadowsteel, who has been assigned the duty of ensuring all slaves are fit to be used to their fullest.

I'm sure you may be interested in some of the new slaves, my Lord.

Ever loyal to You.

Captain Rhain Stacklock._

Lord Centirees threw a furtive glance at the hourglass. Almost one quarter of the sand had already descended, indicating the passing of full fifteen minutes. Fifteen minutes since he had sent a summon for lieutenant Shadowsteel.

The rat's hairless tail swished angrily behind him, signalling his obvious agitation. It was getting late and he

still had this one last matter to take care of before he could rest. Slowly Lord Centirees twirled a coin around in his fingers, watching with a mild frown at the light reflecting from the lazily spinning golden coin. He wasn't noted for being a patient man, never had been during the twenty six years of his life, and the wait which seemed to drag on forever was unnerving to him.

Suddenly there was a brisk knock on the door behind him and lightly to his right, the rhythmic thumps on the door quickly fading away, absorbed by the non-reflective walls of the room.

Garide placed the coin on the table, picked a quill to his left paw, pulled his hood back over his head and face and hunched over some random book, pretending to be writing as he quietly called out "Enter..."

The door creaked open, and inside stepped another rat. The other rat had an earthen brown fur, almost the colour of wet brown sand. He wore a simple uniform, one which was the most appealing to him. Mainly it was simple brown pants, a black, laced vest and a sturdy leather belt to hold the pants up. On his hip hung an undecorated leather sheath which held within it the rodent's longsword. All in all the rat didn't appear like an officer, save for the golden sigil-ring on his right middle finger and the two brass knobs on the collar of his vest.

Knaden shifted his weight from one hindpaw to the other, giving a slight shiver as he scanned around the messy study. He had no idea why he was there, but his Lord had summoned him, so naturally he had to answer lest he wanted swift retribution. Knaden cleared his throat softly to buy some time to pull his wits back together, before audibly announcing his presence "You called for me, my Lord?"

Garide didn't answer immediately, feigning to finish writing a sentence on the page of a book with worn, red leather covers. Slowly he lowered the black raven-quill onto the surface of the desk, his form straightening up a little though he didn't turn to face the lieutenant. "Yes...You are lieutenant Knaden Shadowsteel, correct?"

The brown rat licked his lips nervously, nodding then hastily. Only after doing so did he realise how stupid it had been. Lord Centirees wasn't looking at him! Resisting the urge to coil his tail around his foot, a general sign of shyness and nervousness for him, he said "Yes, m'Lord. I am indeed Knaden Shadowsteel, lieutenant currently in response of the slave pens of the lower caverns."

"May I inquire as for why you took so long to arrive, lieutenant Shadowsteel? I know for a fact the trip from the pens to here takes, at worst, five to six minutes."

Knaden shifted his weight once more from one foot to the other "I was...I was delayed by captain Stacklock, my Lord."

"I see... Now then, lieutenant, take a look behind yourself and tell me what you see." Lord Centirees said quietly, straightening himself to his full height on his chair.

Feeling his tension building by the moment, Knaden looked over his shoulder. There, in an alcove by the door, was a king-size luxurious bed, the sheets of which had been pulled to the side. "It's...There's...a bed, m'Lord." Knaden finally stuttered out, blinking in confusion as he did so.

Garide allowed himself to grin slightly, also letting out a small, soft chuckle. "Quite correct. A cold, empty bed..."

Slowly it began to dawn to Knaden what his Lord was after. He remembered the order he had received, the one which told him to supply a slave to warm the bed of Lord Centirees. Knaden had only recently gained his rank as a lieutenant, having barely seen nineteen winters. His parents were of noble origin, so it hadn't been all too hard for young Knaden to get into the position in which he was.

"My Lord..." Knaden began slowly, the tempo of his speech picking up the longer he talked. He was new, and he wanted to make a good impression to his Lord, whom he had never even seen, so that he could climb further up the ladder in military hierarchy. "I'm quite sure I sent a slave here as per your request. I hand picked the finest I could find. Has the slave not arrived? I'll be sure to see the guardsmen assigned to deliver the slave hang--"

The uplifted paw of Garide cut Knaden abruptly off. "The slave arrived here... You have no need to punish any of your underlings, they did good job."

"M-My Lord...Was there something wrong with the slave I sent? She was the prettiest, most well-endowed slave I could find." Knaden said very quickly, his voice turning slightly more high-pitched the more nervous he got. He had heard stories of how cruel a master Lord Garide Centirees, the Tech-Mage, could be.

Garide's voice remained as calm and even as it had been the whole time, like he had been discussing the weather casually over a cup of tea with some friends. "Ah...She was indeed a prime example of a breeder-female, but you see...That is exactly where the problem is."


"She is a fine specimen, lieutenant. She just doesn't answer my...preferences, if you may." Garide said quietly, standing then slowly up from the chair to stretch his stiff joints. He extended his arms to his sides as far as he could and arched his back, stiffening up his entire body before letting it relax, being rewarded with a serie of satisfying pops and snaps from his joints as they relaxed.

Knaden licked his lips nervously once again, bowing then slightly even though Lord Centirees couldn't see it. "I..I shall see that a suitable replacement will be sent, my Lord."

Garide turned around to face the lieutenant, his expression remaining even and unreadably neutral. Inwardly he smiled at himself as he saw Knaden shun and take half a step back at the sight of the Pale Eye. "I understand you are new in here, correct?" As Knaden nodded, Garide went on "As such I shall forgive you this slip and spare your life, lieutenant. Let me remind you, however, that ignorance is not an excuse. The moment you were assigned your post, you should've found out the personal tastes of those above you. The preferences of those who will ask for company during the long, dark, cold nights."

Lord Centirees slid his paws slowly into the loose sleeves of his worn, slightly tattered robe, the gaze of the Tech-Mage seemingly piercing the very soul of Knaden despite his blank, colourless expression. "Also...I shall accept your offer to substitute yourself as a replacement for the repulsive slave you sent..."

Knaden's blue eyes opened wide in shock and surprise at the last few words of his Lord, the words spoken casually as if his Lord had still been talking about the weather. He was sure he had heard wrong, sure Lord Centirees didn't mean what he had said. Knaden had never even thought anything like this, sharing the bed with another male... It made him cringe, the sheer thought of it.

His voice failed him as he stammered and stuttered in his response "My Lord! I'm not...I don't...I don't like...I..."

Once more Garide cut the stuttering rodent off. The air in the room seemed to electrify as Garide fixed his gaze square to the other's eye, the Pale Eye flashing briefly in a sickeningly green, dull light. "You do not like what, lieutenant?" Still the dark-grey rat's voice was calm and even, but an underlying hint in his tone, accompanied by the unnerving glint, told Knaden he'd better choose his words wisely, for they might turn out to be his last if he wasn't careful.

Knaden bowed his head, his ears falling low in defeat. To spare his life he'd have to give up on his virginity, it appeared, with none other than his Lord. Slowly Knaden's eyes fell shut, a bitter taste rising to his mouth as he spoke, admitting his defeat and submitting to whatever fate Lord Centirees had in store for him "I don't like the idea of my lord having to sleep alone in a cold bed..."

The robed rat allowed a triumphant, yet small, smile curl to the side of his muzzle. He knew right from the beginning, the moment the young officer had stepped into his study, that the brown rat would be the one to satisfy him that night. "It is getting late, lieutenant. I pray for your own good you know what to do next." As he spoke, he spun his chair around, seating himself down on it once more. He put a paw under his chin and simply watched, absorbing the form of the other male with his eye.

Still holding his eyes softly closed, Knaden nodded a couple of times, swallowing then in an attempt to force the lump forming in his throat down. Slowly he picked open the lacing on his vest, revealing to Garide's gaze his well-formed, slightly muscular chest and the slight visible beginning of a six-pack on his lower body. Knaden hadn't been skipping his training, knowing his underlings might try to challenge him for supremacy at some point; such was the way of their people.

Next Knaden fumbled with the buckle of his belt, managing to open it only with great difficulty thanks to his trembling paws. The sword and the belt fell to the floor by his legs with a soft thud, lifting up a small rivulet of dust. Having done short work of his belt, the brown rodent proceeded to undo the lacing on the front of his pants. He knew he couldn't escape the situation, and the hopelessness of the situation made him feel, so vulnerable. Garide could only lift his paw and seal Knaden's fate, whether it be through hangman's noose or the dark-furred rat's wicked sorcery.

Knaden hesitated for a moment, holding his unlaced pants up in his paws. He was so embarrassed and terrified standing there in front of the slightly older male, the unnatural mechanical contraption partially covering his Lord's face making him shudder even as he just thought about it. The rodent heard Garide shift anxiously on his seat, saw from the corner of his eye Garide's tail lashing faster and faster behind him with growing agitation. and so he forced his trembling paws to let off the vice-like grip they had taken from the waistline of his pants, letting them fall down and pool around his ankles. Hastily he coiled his long whip-like tail around his left ankle, feeling his blush growing more obvious with every hammering beat of his heart. In an attempt to hide his shame, Knaden turned sideways, crossing his arms protectively over his chest and swallowing softly again.

Lord Centirees was enjoying himself, his good eye roaming ceaselessly over the body of his underling. The youth had kept himself in shape, much to Garide's delight. The shyness, the vulnerability of the younger rodent, the way how he tried to cover himself with his arms... Irresistible, plain and simple. Idly Garide looked lower, his smile broadening a little to reveal a set of surprisingly white, gleaming fangs as he noticed the slight tent forming on the front of his robe. Slowly the Mage turned back to look at lieutenant Shadowsteel, the older rodent's lips parting as he barely breathed out "You know what to do next..."

Nodding weakly Knaden complied, his whiskers hanging low, much like his entire form, as he slipped underneath the covers. He had to suppress a hiss as he felt the cold underside of the blankets, his fur starting to prickle and stand slightly on its end in an attempt to warm him up. He hadn't expected Lord Centirees' bed to be this cold. Knaden felt really awkward just lying there, the blankets pulled up to his armpits, the stare of his Lord never leaving him. 'He's going to do it...He's going to make me his female tonight. He's going to fuck me and there's nothing I can do...' The thoughts hammered through Knaden's head, making him feel sick inside, his stomach clenching to a tight knot as he struggled not to throw up. A sudden rustle, the sound of cloth brushing against stone and the soft creack of a wooden chair made Knaden to look at his Lord again. He instantly regretted doing that as he saw the cloth at the crotch of the other male was tented, badly, the sight of which made Knaden squeak weakly, involuntarily.

Garide looked down his own form once more as he stood up, noticing the slightly darker, wet spot on the front side of his robe. He turned around a little, twisting a knob on the lamp to make it dim, plunging the entire room into a soft, almost soothing twilight. As he turned back to look at Knaden, he smiled triumphantly. Knaden wasn't going to bring him disappointment. Garide had slept with most of his officers during the time he had been in charge. Some were willing to do it, others he had had to, persuade, to comply. The best, however, were the new young officers, fresh from the training. The way how they first resisted, some longer than the others, just turned Garide on in unimaginable ways. He loved to do it, to force the rookies against the wall -so to speak- and have them make their own choice. None had said 'no' to him yet...

Slowly Garide worked his paws at the belt of his robe, dropping the belt on the floor with a soft thump before pulling the single-piece garment over his head, revealing his sleek figure to Knaden -who was staring in shocked horror at him.

The robe had made Garide appear to be more...well, more, but the truth was the Lord could only be defined with one word: sleek. He had some muscle on his frame, much enough to make him look handsome in an almost feminine way the way the foxes and rabbits usually were, but the picture was broken horrendously by the mechanic device attached to the rat's head. There was still no mistaking, the aura of masculine dominance that seemed to surround the dark rat made it clear he wasn't the one to raise his tail, quite the contrary. What caught Knaden's eye the most was the stiff length of pink cock, like a meaty sword, jutting out from Garide's body. The dark furred rat wasn't small, easily eight inches long and roughly two inches thick. Knaden caught himself staring at his Lord's hard, slowly throbbing dick, the brown rat swiftly turning his head away to see the triumphant smile on Garide's face. Knaden felt himself blush, knowing the dark rodent had caught him staring, and he averted his eyes, too embarrassed to look at his lord. Worst part was, Knaden felt oddly aroused by the whole situation, feeling a pulse course through his stirring sheath as images of the dark rat taking him like a female filled his mind's eye. Swiftly, angrily he brushed those images aside, scolfing himself mentally for being so stupid.

A dark paw curled sternly around the edge fo the blankets before yanking hard, the covers flying to side with surprising speed, making Knaden squeak loudly in surprise, the young lieutenant immediately regretting that too as Garide chuckled in amusement.

"We won't be needing those for now." Garide's voice drifted to Knaden's ears, the dark rat's voice still soft as ever, but Knaden didn't miss the hint of mischievius playfulness hidden in the words. Automatically Knaden placed his paws over his crotch to hide his most private areas from the dark rat. The soft huff of disapproval from Garide made Knaden tremble.

"Now...That just won't do, won't do at all..." Garide said slowly. The dark rat climbed onto the bed, kneeling by Knaden's slightly shivering form, sternly then gripping the brown rat by the wrists and guiding them one by one above the trembling youth's head. "How can we possibly enjoy this if you won't let me as much as see, hmm?" The dark rat mused more to himself than Knaden. Garide held the lieutenant's paws above his head with one paw, cackling quietly as he felt just how limp, submissive the brown rat was. From a shelf bolted to the stony wall just above the bed Garide took two pairs of sturdy, metallic shackles. He dangled them in front of Knaden's face for a moment, the dark rat's nose twitching slightly as he smelled the other's fear and...arousal?

Garide threw a short glance down Knaden's body, smirking widely as he saw a small length of pink cock poking out from the fuzzy warp of skin, known more commonly as a sheath, between the younger rat's legs. "Good boy..." Garide complimented, loving the way the brown rodent gave a slight squirm of discomfort.

Deftly Lord Centirees attached one of the shackles around the lieutenant's wrists, snapping one end of the other pair to the chain of the first set, attaching the other end to an iron ring bolted to the stone wall under the shelf. The fact the ring was ingeniously crafted to rotate around a sturdy bolt made it possible for Garide to turn his now bound underling to any position which would happen to please him, allowing the dark-furred male to get the most out of his bedmates.

Knaden felt his heart hammer faster than he thought possible as the cold steel snapped around his wrists, tying him down. The nervous fear, fear of what was to come and uncertainty for just how it was going to happen, constricted Knaden's throat, robbing him of his ability to speak. He felt a shiver run through his spine as Garide placed a paw on his stomach, the dark-furred rodent's paw exploring the fine outlines of his chest and stomach.

'I am definitely going to enjoy this...' Garide thought to himself, smiling inwardly as his paw roamed over the stomach and chest of the lieutenant, his lieutenant. Stopping for a moment to idly scritch the stomach of Knaden, thus making the younger rodent squeak quietly, Garide thought just what -exactly- would he like to do to his bedwarmer tonight.

As inspiration struck him moments later, he turned to look Knaden directly to the eye, smiling inwardly as the other didn't dare to look at his distorted face. "Turn around, my little toy...I'm sure you know how to kneel without my help."

It was humiliating, being called someone's toy. Even more so since Knaden was of high breeding and thus considered to be 'good' stock. With the options his Lord and Master had laid out to him fresh in his mind, Knaden complied and rolled over to his stomach, drawing then his knees closer to his chest to get into a kneeling position.

Garide reached out to the shelf above him, feeling around for what he was looking for. His fingers brushed over the handle of a dagger, the length of a cat-with-nine-tails as well as other implements of sexual nature, until finally he found what he was looking for.

The riding crop was finely made, one fit even for a king. It was surprising what one could afford in the position Garide was at...

The wizard tried out the crop against his palm, noting with glee how Knaden cautiously looked towards him from the corner of his eye as he heard the snapping sound of the crop hitting Garide's paw.

"M-My Lord..." The tone of Knaden was pleading, asking for his Lord to spare him from -if nothing else- further humiliation, though much to Knaden's surprise he found the whole situation to be rather arousing, his sheath hardening more and more the more he thought about his situation.

A harsh paw landed on the brown rodent's shoulder, forcing him to lower himself down. "I told you, my little toy, that you need to be punished, that you need to learn your lesson." In one practised, fluid motion Garide brought the crop down, making Knaden whimper as the bendy object made contact with his rump.

Twice, three times, four times Garide whipped the riding crop about, hitting the same spot with unnerving precision. Each smack feeling that much more painful to Knaden. With a grin on his face Garide took a peek between Knaden's legs, his eyebrows rising as he saw a length of gently throbbing pink maleness jutting firmly out of the other rat's sheath.

"Seems like somebody is enjoying this...Well then, I guess you want some more!" The wizard said, cackling madly, his crop rising and falling once again. This time, however, he wasn't aiming too much, simply whipping around the rump of his toy as hard and fast as he could.

Knaden squeezed his eyes firmly shut, tears rolling down his cheeks both out of the humiliation he felt as well as the stinging, stabbing pain brought forth by the crop. At one point he couldn't take it any more, his whimpering turning into a pained scream as his Lord kept on punishing him relentlessly and without mercy.

Upon hearing the tormented scream, Garide stopped. Nonchalantly he dropped the riding crop to the floor. "You can scream all you want, my toy, but nobody will hear you...I've warded this room to prevent possible eavesdropping." He stated matter-of-factly, rotating then his shoulders to loosen up.

As the whipping finally came to an end, Knaden buried his face to the pillow to muffle his sobs, not wanting to give the dark rodent any further reason to hit him. His body stiffened up again as he felt Lord Centirees' paw sliding underneath his tail and lifting it up. Knaden knew what was going to happen...

Garide stroked himself idly with his other paw as he held the tail of his bedwarmer up with one, getting thus quite a nice view at the other's rump and, even more importantly, that tight pucker which was calling for him to fill it. "Very nice..." Garide complimented slowly "Looks definitely virginial to me..."

"I...I am, my Lord..." Knaden said, lifting his head from the pillow for long enough a time to say that, his ears laid flat against his skull as he resigned to his fate totally.

Saying nothing in response, an excited chitter the only sound he made, Garide slipped behind his new toy. Firmly he gripped the brown rat by the hips, his grin turning to a satisfied smile as Knaden wrapped his tail around Garide's waist. "Good...Good...You are learning fast, my little toy." Garide said in approval.

The Tech-Mage teased both himself and Knaden by slowly sliding his maleness in the cleft of the younger rodent's rump. Garide churred softly as he felt Knaden's fur brush against his shaft, the feeling being enhanced by the way Knaden's pucker quivered every time he touched it even a little bit.

"Time to bite the pillow, my little toy..." Garide said suddenly, drawing first back a little bit before pushing hard against the tight, virgin tailhole of Knaden. The brown rat threw his head up from the pillow as the sudden sting of being stretched open hit him, a muffled gasp slipping from his partially open muzzle as his eyes stared blankly to the wall.

After the initial penetration, Garide started to go slower. Cruel as he might be, he still didn't want to break his new toy...No, it was definitely better to have him moan than to have him sob. Garide thought he had taught the young lieutenant his lesson, now it was just time to dot the i's and cross the t's so to speak.

"How does it feel, my toy?" Garide asked, knowing the answer already from earlier experience with similar situations.

"It...It hurts, my Lord..." Came Knaden's reply.

"I know it does...But that'll pass soon enough." came the smooth, almost reassuring answer of Garide. Garide had to admit he hadn't had anyone quite this tight in a while as he started to thrust with his hips. His movements were admittedly rather forceful and rough, but he wanted his lesson to sink in deep into the mind of his lieutenant.

Knaden could only hang his head low and whimper as his Lord took him. Once again he screwed his eyes firmly shut, trying to focus on anything else but the feeling of being taken so forcibly. In some strange way it also felt good to be taken like this as the thick shaft of his Lord and Master seemed to be brushing against some hidden spot within him, which made him gradually forget the pain as pleasure slowly filled his mind.

Knaden let out a small, involuntary moan as Lord Centirees pressed in deeper than before, the brown rodent feeling even more embarrassed than he had been before as he heard his Lord chuckle in amusement at his obvious sign of enjoyment.

'I told you...' Garide thought to himself. Knaden was apparently quickly adjusting to being taken like the good little bitch he was. It didn't take a wizard to feel the last remains of resistance crumbling away from Knaden as the brown rodent relaxed and simply took it all. Snarling dominantly Garide started to pound himself into that tight, hot lovehole of his new toy, loving the feeling of his maleness stretching that virgin passage.

Every time he brought his hips flush with Knaden's rump, Garide could feel those two pert cheeks almost burning. A quick glance proved his suspicion right, and that made the dark-furred rat grin. Through the brown fur on Knaden's rear, a clear red tinge was shining through.

Suddenly Garide withdrew away from Knaden, giving then a simple order "Lie down on your side..." to which Knaden complied without any hesitation or questions. The brown rat had long ago gotten to the conclusion, that it was best to just do as he was told to pull through the humiliating night.

Garide, too, lied down on his side behind his bedwarmer. He wrapped his arms around the brown rat's chest, before sliding one of his legs between those of Knaden. Next thing Knaden felt, was the slick glans of Garide's dick once again poking at his entrance. Slowly he allowed his eyes to fall shut again, a small squeak erupting from him not long after as Lord Centirees hilted himself inside Knaden once again with one fluid thrust.

With a dominant snarl Garide grabbed a hold of the scruff of Knaden's neck with his fangs, biting down just enough to leave his mark there, claiming thus the officer to be his. All his bedwarmers had that sign, four toothmarks on their neck.

Knaden could feel his arms slowly going numb in the uncomfortable position they were suspended to, but he knew better than to show his discomfort. Humiliated, defeated, broken and exploited, Knaden just let Lord Centirees to do as he willed, letting the older male to ravage his body; something the Tech-Wizard was more than happy to do.

Steadily Garide pounded the tailhole of his toy, his fangs still holding the other in a dominant mating bite. Garide loved the feeling of warmth the tailhole of Knaden provided every time he thrusted in. The velvety passage of the other male's body slowly, steadily milking Garide towards his climax.

His breathing turned heavier and heavier until, with a long moan from his part, Garide came. The wizard slammed in one last time, burying his dick completely into Knaden's tail just before his sac churned it's contents out, filling the submissive rat's anus with warm seed.

Knaden only swallowed hard as his Lord and Master came into him, filling his body with his warmth. Knaden wanted to just curl up and cry, never having felt this...used in his life, never having been humiliated before as he had been now. Chocking back a sob, Knaden just buried his face to the pillow once again, waiting for the wizard to beat the beaten even further with crude words on how good a bitch he had made.

No words can accurately describe how surprised Knaden was when the harsh bite on his neck turned into a warm, affectionate, almost loving nuzzle, and one dark gray paw tenderly wrapped around his dick. Slowly Garide gave Knaden his reward, letting his paw slowly slide along the maleness of the brown rodent.

It took Garide a surprisingly short time to bring Knaden over the edge too, the brown-furred rat moaning deeply in content as he came all over Garide's paw. Slowly the wizard brought the paw to his lips, savouring at the pleasant, surprisingly mild flavour of Knaden's seed.

"M-My Lord..." Knaden managed to start, but he was silenced by Garide softly shushing him, the wizard not wanting to ruin the nigh-perfect feeling of afterglow he was having.

"I know..." Garide said softly after a while. "I hope you now know what kind of a slave to send me..."

Knaden thought about it for a moment, weighing his options carefully before smiling a little to himself "A female one, my Lord."

Drowsily Garide smiled as he nuzzled into Knaden's neck once more. With his tail he drew the blankets piled up at the foot of the bed over the two of them. "You are a fast learner, Knaden..."

The end. A little something I felt like writing to see if I could pull of a stand-alone story with main focus on yiffing instead of -like usually with my stuff- plot. Hope you liked this!

Chapter VI: Blood of the Patriots

Yes, yes, yes. This story involves scenes of sexual nature between two or more MALE furs. All this is also MY property, so no using any characters without my permission. :) Happy fapping! ---- The time of summer-break for the cadets of...

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Baptism of Fire and Blood

Yes, this involves mainly M/M with the occasional hint for something straight happening (Nothing explicit, though). If you don't like gay, then why did you click the link leading to this story? It obviously says it's "M/M", right? o\_O If you...

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Under the Blankets

This stuff contains GAY themes. All this stuff, including characters etc., are the property of Rhazagal and all similarities with any persons dead or alive, real or imaginary are purely coincidental. ---- In the pale sunlight of the December...

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