Chest Fluff TF Spell Story

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The transformation game I've been playing has an undershirt equipment slot on it, but there's only a handful of items meant for guys. It's primarily a slot for bras, but there's like this gentleman's shirt and vest thing. But this is my solution to that lack: CHEST FLUFF!

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Story by 

Chest Fluff Transformation

Victim POV:

0-20%: The only warning you get before it happens is a slight tingle running down your spine and a feeling like you're being watched - before a bolt zips over your head, just barely grazing your ear as it passes and explodes into yellow light against the wall in front of you! Flecks of something that almost looks like dandruff drift to the ground like snow before your eyes... the hell was that!? You wheel around to face your opponent, not noticing the bit of soft brown fur spreading across your ear where the spell grazed you...

20-40%: Your opponent strikes again - tossing two spells one after the other from each hand! You dodge the first, which bursts into another cloud of fine tan hairs... but the other strikes you clean in the chest! You feel the wind knocked out of you, staggering back and clutching your chest with a hand... which encounters something soft and fuzzy, a little pang of pleasure under your fingers as you feel over the luxuriously soft, fluffy fur under your fingers. Oh... oh, that was... actually kind of nice. You lose yourself for a moment, feeling over that small patch of fur on your chest, just... petting it and enjoying the sensation for a moment, before shaking it off and facing your opponent with a look of determination! You wouldn't let their petty little hex distract you! ... even if it was... awfully nice. Maybe you could let one or two more go off just to enjoy that sensation a little more before you beat them and claim them as your own.

40-60%: You're ready for their next volley of spells this time - but they catch you off guard by closing in and pushing you back with a hand to your chest, those fingers brushing across the patch of fur that you grew feeling so nice... your guard lowered, they pause themselves and look a little surprised by how complacent you'd been rendered by a light ruffle to your chest, before deciding to exploit it with a grin, heat spreading from their palm across the rest of your chest. A coat of silky soft fur washes over your body, like a warm blanket wrapped around you from head to toe as a feeling of laziness and contentment settles in and buries that fighting spirit, layer by layer... fur growing thicker, softer, heavier. Maybe... you could just wait a bit longer before fighting back, yeah. Just a bit longer. It felt so nice. You could turn them into something to wear later. Maybe a nice shirt would feel good against your fur. Then again, maybe fur this nice should be allowed to feel the wind rushing across it, so nice and tender -- wait! Don't let them do this, they're getting into your head! You shove them back and spring back to your feet, a little shaky in the legs for how heavy and lazy your body has become. This was not going well... or maybe, it was going far too well for you to want to fight back...

60-80%: You're still a bit lost in how nice this spell your opponent is casting feels, not even recognizing another bolt of magic had hit you in the chest until that wave of laziness hit you again with renewed strength, sending you slumping to your knees. Or... no... your legs were starting to dwindle away!? Collapsing like an empty bag, your body starts to fold in on itself as what was a thickening coat of fur started to spread *inwards* now, filling you entirely with that nice, soft feeling until you couldn't feel anything else. You felt a bit out of breath, or... no, more like you didn't need or want to breathe in. Just exhale, deflate, let that nice feeling wash over you... your fingers feeling a bit blurry and indistinct, the world growing larger around you. This was fine, though. It felt so nice. Particularly as your opponent's soft fingers run through your silken fluff - a little jolt of pure, simple bliss shooting up whatever was left of your back. Ah! That really hit the spot, those hands felt so nice against your pelt, their nails digging into your... wait, did you even *have* skin under all this fur anymore? That chilling realization finally jars you out of your stupor, pushing their magic back at least enough to pull yourself back into your old shape... though as you examined yourself, it was more like you were a lump of pure fluff in your old shape. And it was taking quite a bit of focus to even hold that shape. What was this ridiculous spell they were casting on you!? ... and why was it so... tempting to just give in..?

80-99%: This time, you were braced for that feeling of beguiling comfort - ready to push their magic back and counterattack, you weren't going to be seduced by such a ludicrous fate! ... which was how you discovered just how physically weak you had become. All it took was a light shove to send you stumbling off whatever these fluffy things shaped like legs were, tumbling right into their waiting arms to be held close against their chest. Before you could push them away, you were stunned by a thunderous pounding in your... 'ears'? Tha-thump... tha-thump... the slow rise and fall of their chest entrancing you a little as you listened to that rhythmic beat, felt their fingers running down your back. It's like they were all around you at once, drowning out your thoughts - a slight pleasant tingle running down your chest as you began to simply... melt away into them. Whatever shape you'd been holding started to fade from your mind, the world growing larger as the presence of their body grew more and more present in your focus, your vision getting a bit blurry at the edges and sound becoming a bit more muffled and faint. That was fine. It let you focus more on the feeling of their fingers digging into your body. Ha, yes. Right where you wanted them. Now you could just wash over them and change them all at once, blanket them in warm fur. Your plan had finally come to fruition. ... something about this plan seemed a little funny though. Namely the part where you were reduced to a coat of helpless fluff spread across their chest. Wait, this wasn't what you wanted! You had to put a stop to this! By the time you had come at least partly to your senses however, you couldn't even fully pull away from them - half-merged into their chest as a formless coat of fur, with but moments before you faded away entirely. More worrying, you weren't even sure that would be such a bad thing anymore...

100%: A last squeeze around your mostly-formless body was all it took to do you in at this point - surrendering with a last weary sigh as your body collapsed into simple fluff, features fading and form spreading across their chest. You could feel them raking those nice nails across your chest and neatening you - grooming you out nice and smooth. Ah, yes. Finally, you had won - fur spreading across their chest as you merged into them, at least changing them into the thing you wanted them to be. Someone with warm silky fur across their torso. Much of your mass drained away, but what was there was concentrated mostly square in the middle of their chest - a little fluffy tuft of particularly soft silky fuzz that felt so very nice to stroke. Victory was sweet, wasn't it? Now that they'd been defeated and turned into a soft fluffy-chested individual, perhaps it was time to turn your attention to the rest of their body, however... spread that softness over the rest of their body until your victory was total. Ah-ha! Though, as you attempt to conjure your magic into a mighty finishing blow that'd show them who was in charge here, you realize something important. You were nothing more than fur. Covering their chest, stomach, and back. Hugging them with the soft, luscious remains of your body. You wouldn't be turning anyone into anything. On the upside... the fur did feel awfully nice when it was stroked, and their hands were running over you dutifully now, a pleasant consolation prize for being turned into such a silly thing. Well, on the bright side, maybe someone else would help turn them into something slightly fluffier now. You could even help, by... mildly distracting them long enough for an actual mage who wasn't harmless fluff to strike. Yeah. That's what you'll do. For now... Ahh that stroking felt nice... Maybe they'll turn someone into a brush soon... Nice... Brushing... Yeah......

Transformer POV:

0-20%: Aha - there's a mage, that'll do. With a lackadaisical flick of the wrist, you hurl your half-assed spell, hardly even caring which species this mage winds up. You'll figure that out later - for now you just want something with fur. At the last moment however, they realize they're under attack and jerk away - the spell only just grazing their ear. Disappointing... though you do see a little bit of brown fur at the tip of their ear where your spell grazed them. That's a start. Now for the rest of their body!

20-40%: The lingering cold of the freezer seems to rise in your chest as you grow impatient with your opponent and their stalwart refusal to just become something warm already - magic alights in each palm, which you hurl at them one after the other. One explodes over their head harmlessly, but the other strikes them dead-on! You feel triumphant as they stumble back clutching their chest, whatever counterattack they might have had in mind delayed by whatever sensation they were rewarded with by stroking over that spreading tan fur. By the look on their face... it must have been pretty nice, actually, just sitting there with a vacant look as they felt over their soft, fluffy chest. You almost felt a bit jealous - preparing another spell to get this over with and claim that prize for yourself. It was about time they shared!

40-60%: This was taking too long - you were cold and your opponent was making such a show out of how nice and soft that fur you'd gifted them with was, and it was getting on your nerves! Gathering all of the magic you could muster into the palm of your hand, you strike them with an open hand hard enough to cause their chest to sink in noticeably under your touch! For a brief moment you worry that you might have actually injured your prospective source of body heat, but from the look on their face, it wasn't pain they were feeling... far from it, in fact. They went loose and limp, slumping a little where they stood as the warm fur covering their body thickened, spurred on by your forceful impulsive wave of magic - looking totally lost in the pleasure of the downright unrealistically fuzzy pelt. You have to admit, it was kind of nice to the touch for you as well - brushing the back of your hand up and down over your awestruck victim's chest. Sure, this was so impossibly thick that it wouldn't do for any actual animal... but, why should your opponent get all the benefit of your miscast spell? A spark of inspiration strikes, and you grin with renewed enthusiasm as a new idea enters your head. Maybe you'd just take that pelt for yourself.

60-80%: This time you adjust the spell a bit, taking more control over your opponent's transformation and the energies flowing through that luscious fur. Instead of just giving them fur this time, you focus the magic to remove the rest of their body, sending that fur deeper into their body and reducing their limbs to nothing more than soft, thick fuzz to make much better use of. After all, why let them keep their mobility when all you really want is thick fur to keep yourself warm? Besides, the expression on their face before it pulls into the lump of fur was so euphoric and happy. You were jealous, you wanted it for yourself. You keep working to remove their innards, their limbs, even their skin. They don't need that stuff anymore. You don't need them to keep it. They're going to be a part of you and you're going to enjoy stroking over your own new fur. Guided by the magic, your hands run through that bundle of fluff, giving soft scratches into it with your nails. You can feel a slight sense of absolute bliss as you hit one particular spot through a faint connection you'd formed with them. Though right as you were about to start really merging them into your own body, they seemed to snap back and pushed out fuzzy limbs that barely managed to do more than stand up. Just a bit more energy now.

80-99%: You took advantage of their weakness this time and reached out, giving them a small push. They stumbled in a satisfying way and you gripped their fluff lightly to pull them into your waiting arms and then hug them close to your bare chest. You could feel the connections forming with that mound of fur, their fuzzy thoughts, the warmth encompassing your body in a furry hug. This was so much better than simply hugging a fluffy person. You began to pull them with your magic around your chest and back, covering your own body in the pleasing warmth. Then they began to fight back. Well, that wasn't ideal but they only managed to pull part of the way back from your body. It really would not take much more to fully merge them onto you. As they were pulling away, you gave yourself a small pet and scratch under the fur still attached and shuddered in happiness. This was going to be so fantastic.

100%: This time you didn't even bother with magic at first, simply giving that mass of fur a tight hug, pulling it into you more. You could feel tingling across your skin as the fur took root across your chest, stomach, and back. You spread them across you, the residual magical energy helping to fuse them into place. You were so much warmer now, and that luxurious fur seemed to glisten in the sunlight. You finished up your victim's change by stroking across your chest, your own face turning to a dumb grin of bliss as you just enjoyed the sensation, even more so as you started to scratch through just a bit. Now you could see what they were enjoying and you wanted even more. Perhaps you should turn someone into a fur brush. Really go to town grooming yourself, that would feel so very nice... You stopped that line of thought as you realized it was the last meager wish of your victim wanting to be pet and brushed. You pushed the thoughts down and went on your way, though maybe you would grab a brush at some point. There are plenty of weak mages around to use for that, hmm...

Discovery Message

As you search the freezers for supplies, you can't help but feel that this isn't worth it. Sure, a freezer seemed like a natural place to store food, but damn, was it cold! You hug your sides and shiver, hunkering down to cover your chest. Screw this. Before you went any further, you needed to warm up. Maybe some quick lazy spell to turn some random mage into a fluffy animal-person to squeeze tight would do the trick.

Description of Form

This is a bit embarrassing, but you've been reduced to nothing more than chest-fluff. Specifically, a soft silky coat of brown with a particularly thick bit of fuzz covering the chest and even the back of the mage who did this to you. You weren't even a proper piece of clothing, just... fur! Well. it wasn't all bad... with proper care and grooming, you were at least as comfortable as any vest or bra. You could take some pride in that.

Description of Item

How peculiar... while you do a double take at first, on closer examination, this coat of chest-fur does, indeed, seem to have a soul within it. What a strange thing to get turned into. Whether the result of a prank or someone who really wanted a blanket that wouldn't get lost, their magical abilities serve to do little more than keep the one they're bound to warm, in exchange for a bit of grooming and care.

Spell Description

Sometimes you just want something more permanent than a mere vest or other undershirt. Sometimes you want to go shirtless but keep some warmth still. Either of these reasons and more are great ones to utilize this spell for! Just a few castings and you'll have a wonderful coat of fur for your chest!

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