Bounty - Ride of their Deaths

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#13 of D-Gen Cafe

The first in my OTHER new series (so many of these lately), that of the D-Gen bounty board. Someone has found out that their wife is not only cheating on him with a girl, but the two women are going around on dating apps looking for one night stands. So they put up a bounty, and the big reindeer Alexi, aka ABHunter86, is more than happy to fulfill the contract on both girls. He has an especially fun ride planned for them that is to DIE for. (Okay, I know it's corny as hell, but I had to)

So this will also be a good demonstration of the bounty format in action. This will be available to people should they wish to use it as a raffle or commission story style. The template is available (soon).

Bounty Board Hunts

Ride of Their Death

By XP Author

The Rules

Basic Rules:

  • Fill the info below with as much detail as possible. Providing pictures of the target is very helpful.

  • No public figures (politicians, international CEOs, movie stars, etc). It brings too much attention. Hire a real hit man for that.

  • Previous age restrictions have been lifted, but be aware that this will limit the willing hunters.

  • Do not post a bounty on another member of D-Gen Cafe without their permission.

  • D-Gen Cafe members may post a bounty on themselves. Payment must be paid in advance to D-Gen, and will be given to the hunter when proof is delivered.

  • Hunters must provide proof in the form of video or photographic evidence of the successful bounty before they are given payment. Police reports are not acceptable proof.

  • Failure to pay a completed bounty will result in a bounty being posted by the D-Gen staff on you! (we also have a very good 'asset recovery' team, if you catch our drift)

  • Multiple hunters may try and go after the same bounty, but try not to. Though if you kill each other in the attempt, feel free and add that to the proof.

The Bounty

Poster: PhyshDishes

Target Name: rebecca talis

Username: none

Species: rabbit

Gender: female

Age: 31

Brief Description: short and slightly overweight, big tits, brown fur, brown hair, brown eyes (pictures attached)

Possible Location: found on dating sites (links provided)

Preferred Method of Execution: dont really care i just want her terrified and humiliated before she dies!

Special Requests: kill the slut shes sleeping with to! her name is maria martinez. tabby cat, age 26, tall, thin, orange fur with light stripes, busty (probablly fake), blond (probablly also fake), green eyes (pictures of this slut attached to)

Reward: 2.5x standard rate for 2 kills. to be paid in crypto of hunters cohice

Other Info: becca is my wife and that stupid cunt whore has been cheating on me for years! i would have been fine if she watned to be in an open relationship but she never brought it up. i found out shes not only been fucking her slutty coworker but the two sluts go onto dating apps and find guys to have one night stands with to! i dont care how you do it just make sure these sluts pay with their lives!

Hunt Completed By: ABHunter86

Proof of Completion: Attached Video File

The Proof

Alexi Belinov smiled as he heard the knock at the door. "Showtime." The tall reindeer made his way to the door, opening the bolt and pulling it open. "Hello, girls." He wore nothing but a white towel wrapped about his waist, leaving his toned body on display for the two women outside. His short, light tan fur and long red hair was still damp from the shower, making him look a little fuzzier than normal.

The women outside smiled at his display. "Oh... my." The rabbit said.

Her friend, the orange tabby, batted her shoulder. "See! I told you the picture wasn't fake!"

He chuckled, stepping back a little. "Well, you might as well come inside." He had indeed found the girls on a hookup app. The rabbit, Becca, and her friend, Maria. They had advertised themselves as a bi couple in an open relationship, looking for some fun with no strings attached. Of course, no mention of Becca being married. Alexi had presented himself as someone who traveled a lot, which was not really a lie, and looking for a fun night before leaving the state in a few days, while wording it just right to make it seem like he might be cheating on someone. The girls took the bait, eager for a fling that wouldn't be sticking around. He set up their little meeting here, at a sleazy motel just off the highway outside of the city. It was exactly the kind of place a cheating husband would bang a hooker or a pair of sluts.

Becca stepped inside, Maria following. The room was small, not the cleanest place, with a carpet that looked like it was from the 70s, both in design and how worn out it looked. The bunny glanced at the single bed in the room. "Looks a little small for all of us..."

He shut the door once they were inside, locking the bolt once again. "Oh, we won't be using the bed much." He turned to get a good look at the two now. Becca was the shorter of the two as long as her ears didn't stick straight up. She wore a simple blue blouse that showed off her cleavage a little, and short skirt to match that left most of her legs exposed as well, a pair of heels capping the look off. Maria, the slightly taller feline, was dressed much less conservatively, giving off far more hooker vibes. She wore a crop top, leaving her belly bare, her ample breasts almost bursting out of the top. Calling her skirt short would be an understatement. The thing was cut so high, he was surprised he couldn't see her panties.

Maria quirked an eyebrow at him. "Not using the bed? Planning on sleeping on the floor, or did you have something else in mind...?" Her tone was amused, but suspicious.

He smiled to her, motioning to a pair of duffel bags on the floor next to the bed, beside his suitcase. "I brought something with me that I think you girls will like. Go ahead and have a look. Don't worry, it's not a bomb or anything."

The feline moved over and bent over to unzip one of the bags. When she did, Alex found out why he didn't see her panties. She wasn't wearing any, her upturned tail and ass in the air giving him a great view right between her legs. "Whoa!" She finished opening the bag, pulling out the very heavy thing and setting it down. It was like a solid cylinder, cut in half the long way and covered in a soft, black padding. At the top was a strip of textured latex, as well as a 6 inch long dildo-like piece that stood up straight now that it was out of the bag. There was also four straps of leather attached to one end by a thick metal ring, each strap lined with fuzzy pink fur.

Becca blinked, checking the other bag to find a matching device within. "What the heck are these things?"

"They're those... syberian... saddle things!"

"Sybian." Alex corrected. "Or a sybian saddle."

Maria nodded. "Yeah! They're supposed to be like, the best toy ever! Supposed to give a girl the most powerful orgasm of their life or something." The cat grinned. "I've always wanted to try one of these, but they cost a fortune!"

The rabbit lifted one of the straps. "Are these cuffs?"

He smiled. "Yeah, slight addition I put on there." He tilted his head a little. "I read through your profile. Saw that you two were into some light BDSM, too. Thought it might help enhance things. Especially since I won't be doing anything to either of you myself."

Becca blinked at him. "Huh? You just want to watch us?"

The cat giggled. "I dunno, I think it's kinda kinky. Having a big hunk just watch while we play with his toys."

The other girl frowned a little. "Well... yeah, okay, that is pretty hot. But..."

Alexi held up a hand. "Trust me. Neither of you girls would want to try." He reached down and pulled the bit of the towel that kept it snug to his hips. The thing fell away, revealing what little he had left to show, namely the monster hanging between his legs. Even only partially hard, it was huge. He smiled as the eyes of both women nearly popped out of their head at the sight.

"Whoa..." Maria leaned in to get a closer look. "I thought you were going to say you had a tiny pecker. That thing's a monster!" She looked up at him. "Just how big is it?"

He chuckled slightly. "When at full mast? 11 and a half inches. I've yet to find a girl that can take this without ending up in a lot of pain. I'd rather you two enjoy yourselves tonight. Trust me, I'll be enjoying your show, too."

She giggled, reaching out to run a finger against the length, making it twitch under her touch. "I might still wanna have a go later..."

He gently moved her hand away. "We will see. For now, though... I've shown you all I have. How about you girls do the same?"

Maria smiled, stepping back and lightly resting her hand instead on the rabbit's shoulder. "You want us to give you a sexy striptease?"

"I wouldn't complain."

The cat grinned, her hand sliding down and gripping the bottom of Becca's shirt. With no more warning than that, she pulled it up, getting a surprised gasped from the woman. The blouse was pulled off quickly, allowing for the uncovered breasts to suddenly bounce free. "H-Hey!" She gasped as a pair of hands reached around to cup her breasts, giving them a gentle squeeze. "I-I don't think this is what he had in mind..."

Alexi just shrugged. "I'm still not complaining."

"See? He's okay with it." Maria slid her hands slowly down Becca's slightly pudgy belly. "Just let me get you stripped for him." She leaned over and kissed the girl's cheek. "Let him see this sexy bunny's bits." Her hands moved further down, until they hooked into Becca's waist. She pushed the skirt down, taking the panties with them. Once it was low enough, gravity did the rest, the clothing falling to the floor and leaving the rabbit in nothing but her heels. He saw the slight glistening on the pussy now visible to him. She was playing at her embarrassment. It was more evident as the two girls kissed more fully in front of him. He figured they must do this kind of thing a lot. Not that he minded the show.

It was Maria's turn next, stepping around the bunny, only to dramatically pull her top off, spinning it around a finger before tossing it at his feet. Her breasts were massive, especially for her slight frame. By his guess, they were likely bigger than DD cups. Definitely fake, but they still bounced and swayed nicely. She turned and bent over, flipping her tail up to reveal (again) that she wore no panties, this time on purpose. Her pussy was also glistening with arousal, her lips slightly parted, showing the pink insides. She giggled and tugged at her skirt, pulling it down to leave her naked, though like Becca, she kept the spiked heels on.

The reindeer smiled wide as he watched the show. By the time Becca turned back around, his cock had grown to full length. "Very nice." He stepped closer, reaching out to brush each girl's chest with a hand, hefting their tits slightly. "You two are lovely." They both smiled at him. "Now. Let's get you onto these bad boys. I think you'll both love them." He bent over to position the two saddle toys near the center of the room, a few feet apart from one another. "Go ahead, ladies. Pick a seat."

Becca was the first to move over to the toys. "So we just... mount it?" He nodded. She got down onto her knees and scooted a little closer, poking the bit that stuck up. "Guessing I sit on this part?" He nodded again. With a shrug, she lifted her hips up, lowering it back down to take the thing between her lips. She let out a soft gasp as it slid inside. It was not the largest toy she had ever taken, but it had a slight texture to it. As did the strip of latex at its base, which she noticed pressed right up against her lips and clit once she was filly seated. "Oh..." She rubbed her butt against the bit under her. "This is actually pretty comfortable."

Alexi nodded. "I got high-end models." He looked to the other woman. "Maria, would you do the honors and put the straps onto your sexy friend?"

The feline grinned at him. "Sure thing, hoss!" She was behind her friend in an instant, tightening the straps around the girl's ankles. "You just sit there all comfortable, sexy buns. Let me know if they're too tight." She tugged on the cuff to make sure it was tight enough to hold her. The rabbit was letting out soft moans, especially as the cuffs were put onto her wrists next. Once all was said and done, her arms were held behind her tight while the ones on her ankles kept her on her knees. It left her forced to stay upright, her large breasts bouncing a little with her heavy breaths. "There you go." Maria leaned over, giving the woman a loving kiss on her cheek. "Comfy?"

Becca nodded. "Y-yeah..." She adjusted herself a little bit. She might get a cramp if left like this for hours, but this wasn't so bad. Her little tail twitched as she watched Maria mount the other device. Alexi noted that both girls were already quite wet, the cat actually dripping a little as she lowered herself down.

He moved over to crouch down behind the two as Maria got herself onto the toy. "Here. I'll get you all set."

She giggled as he started to tighten the straps around her wrists and ankles. "What a gentleman." She looked down at the thing between her legs, also making a note that the textured bit of silicone rubbed right against her clit rather nicely. "So... how does this thing work?"

"Like this." Alexi suddenly clamped a metal ring around the cat's neck, the thing letting out a soft beep once closed.

She gasped in surprise. "H-Hey!" She felt it adjust slightly to fit snug all on its own. She felt a series of little tingles around where it touched for a moment, then the device between her legs suddenly came alive. She gasped again, this time in a little less shock and a little more pleasure. The bit stuffed up inside of her started to wiggle and vibrate at the same time, the bit of silicone vibrating against her pussy lips along with it. "Oh... Oh that's... wow!"

He smiled, affixing another collar around Becca's neck. "They are control collars. For the device. It monitors your vitals and adjusts itself, setting the toy to speed up and slow down to ensure your pleasure is the best it can be." The collar around Becca's neck made a beep and the bunny also gasped as her toy started up. "You can set how much you want it to edge, too. But don't worry, it won't keep you waiting TOO long." He was about to stand up when he noticed something. "Uh... Becca, your breasts appear to be... leaking."

The bunny giggled softly, looking down to see her hefting tits had indeed started to leak a little milk from her pert nipples. "Yeah, they've started doing that lately when I get really excited. Sorry if it freaks you out..."

He shook his head. "Not at all. I think it's really sexy." He reached over to give one of her tits a firm squeeze, making her gasp softly. He ran a finger to get a bit of the milk on it, putting it into his mouth. It had a thick, creamy taste that wasn't unpleasant. It was pretty unusual to see this sort of thing, at least outside of bovines. He wondered if this and her slight belly meant she was actually pregnant. Not that he was going to ask, or really cared all that much. Instead, he just moved around in front of them. He pulled a beat-up looking chair over to sit himself down, leaning back a little so his cock was presented to the two of them. He started to stroke himself while he watched. "Now, no holding back those moans, you two."

The girls did as he asked, both of them moaning for him. At first, he could tell it was just for show, but as the devices started to kick up, both women were moaning louder and more naturally. He also could not help but notice that their cunts were both leaking far more, the cat especially drooling a small river down the side of the saddle. He was not worried, the things were waterproof for this specific reason. They could be sitting submerged in a bathtub and still work the same. His cock twitched a little as he watched, but he was not stroking himself hard enough to get off. He was saving that for the right moment.

A smirk spread on his lips as Maria started to gasp and squirm in her restraints, the device kicking up a setting. "Oh... god... This is... the best thing ever!" She let out a loud moan as shivers ran through her whole body. "We have GOT to get one of these!" Her hips were grinding constantly against the vibrating strip, grinding her clit against it constantly. He had set her collar to get her off faster than Becca, and she was nearing her peak soon. The device grew louder as it kicked up even higher, nearly to maximum speed. She gasped and cried out, moaning and panting heavily. "Oh... I'm... I'm almost... there!"

His smirk spread to a wider grin. "Yes, that's it, kitty slut. Cum for me!" He commanded.

"Do it, Maria!" Becca gasped out between her own moans, eager to see her lover cumming beside her. This was the last push she needed. Maria threw her head back, crying out loud as she came, her whole body rocking and trembling as the most powerful orgasm she had ever felt ripped through her body. Her cunt actually squirted even more of her juices, a small river now running down the side of the machine as it vibrated between her legs. Around her neck, the collar made another soft beep, a small green light suddenly turning red as it activated its second function.

Small but strong wires, each one razor sharp, were hidden within the collar. As soon as it detected she was having her orgasm, the hidden mechanism activated, tugging the wires to snap shut, crossing over at the very center. The result was instantaneous and dramatic. The wires sliced right through the woman's neck, popping through the bone, and snapping taut. The feline's head popped up into the air as it detached, sent upwards slightly by the sudden jerk of the collar. He watched her expression shift as she realized what happened, from being lost in pleasure, to confusion, to shock, and finally horror as it thumped onto the floor. Her mouth opened to scream, but nothing came out.

Becca, however, definitely screamed. She let out a shriek of horror as she watched her lover's head suddenly fly off her shoulders, a fountain of blood erupting from the clean-cut stump. Alexi chuckled, watching the whole scene unfold before him. "There it goes! Good girl!" He leaned over, grabbing Maria's head by the hair and holding her head up. He saw the look in her wide eyes, terror gripping her as she felt herself slipping away, tears running down her cheeks. "Here, let's put that mouth to good use." He brought her head close, stuffing his cock into her gaping maw, the tip popping free from the bottom of her neck as he dragged her head close.

Her body was still jerking and spasming, her large tits bouncing about as she was locked within her fatal orgasm, the device still working at her. He bobbed the head back and forth along his shaft as he watched. After a moment, the girl started to piss herself as her body lost all control, splashing out and drooling down the machine along with her juices. "No control, this slut. That's fine. It's pretty sexy when they do that, too."

The rabbit seemed to come at least somewhat out of her shock, enough to turn her terrified gaze to him. "W-what...?"

He continued to pump the head along his shaft, letting out a soft moan. "Mmm... Yeah, I guess I'll explain." He took a breath, his cock twitching a little as he felt Maria's mouth still twitching a little. "Your husband found out about your little affair with this pretty slut, and how you like to go whoring yourself out. Wasn't too happy about it. So he hired me to take care of the both of you." He grunted. "Fuck, this bitch's mouth is good!"

"Y-y-you..." she stammered, still in shock. Her eyes went wide as it seemed to sink in that he meant to kill her, too. "HELP! SOMEONE HELP!"

He chuckled, standing up as he started to really pump his cock into Maria's mouth. "Scream all you want. No one's coming." He grunted again. "Fuck..." He yanked the cat's head back, jamming her mouth against his crotch. His cock twitched and jerked as it stuck out of her neck. A moment later, he came, squirting heavy blasts of cum out onto the jiggling tits of the feline still trembling on the device. The blood still spat out of her neck, drooling down her body, his cum mixing into it. She was kept upright by the toy lodged in her cunt and the cuffs on her ankles and wrists. "Love skull fucking you dead cunts."

Becca tugged at her restraints, but they held firm. When she tried to rock herself to the side to tip over, her collar made a soft beep, the machine kicking up a little. She gasped as unwanted pleasure surged through her. "N-no... p-please! I-I'll... I'll pay you!" She gasped as the thing kicked up a little more, making her whimper. "Oh god... please! Turn it off!"

He pulled the cat's head off of his cock, holding it up by her hair. Maria's eyes were still wide, tears soaked into her cheeks, but there was no life left in her gaze. He just dropped it onto the floor, her skull making a wet thud as it landed in the pool of her blood. He turned his attention instead to the bunny begging for her life. "You can't pay me enough. I have integrity as a hunter. If I took a bribe, I would lose all credibility." He reached out to brush a hand against her chest, which had started leaking even more as the toy drove her ever closer. "Besides. I also love watching cute sluts like you die, especially when you're terrified."

She shook her head. "P-please!" Tears streamed down the woman's face. "I don't want to die!" She gasped as the device turned up even more, nearing its maximum setting. She whined, trying everything she could to hold back the pleasure assaulting her unbidden. Her pussy was drooling almost as much as the cat's had been just before she died. "PLEASE!" She looked at the locked front door, screaming again. "HELP! ANYONE HELP! PLEASE! HE'S GOING TO KILL ME!"

Alexi sighed. "I told you, no one is coming. This is the kind of motel that hookers and sluts like you die in all the time. You really think someone's going to call the cops here?" He took a step back when the collar made another soft beep, the machine between her legs turning to the highest setting. "Just enjoy your last few seconds alive."

She shook her head, squeezing her eyes shut and clenching her teeth. "No... no please no!" She begged him, trying to think of anything that could hold herself back. She even tried to bite her tongue, but it was not enough, the pleasure building rapidly from the stimulation both inside her pussy and against her clit. She panted and gasped, whimpering and whining. But she could hold back no longer. The orgasm ripped into her unbidden, her body on fire from the unwanted pleasure. She cried out, half sobbing. "AHHH! P-PLEASE! STO-" The collar beeped again as it detected her orgasm, and went off.

Becca's head suddenly popped into the air, just like Maria's had. Her eyes went wide, her mouth open in a shriek she could not make. He watched her head tumble in the air, fall to the floor with a thud and lay there. Her expression shifted just as rapidly, from terror to horror, a flash of anger, then terror again as she felt her life slipping away from her. Though he was more interested in what was happening with her body. Not only was she convulsing about, but milk suddenly burst forth from her breasts, spraying out and drooling down her chest and belly in a great gush, almost as much as the blood spraying out of her neck.

He scratched the back of his head as he watched the display. "Well, that's a first. Never seen a girl spray milk like that." He reached down to rub his cock, which was still rock hard, especially after watching the bunny's dramatically orgasmic death. "Might be the sexiest thing I've seen in a long time." He looked down at the woman's head, seeing her mouth opening and closing like a fish, unsure if she was trying to speak or just shocked at her sudden lack of breath. He really didn't care, either.

Instead of fucking her mouth like the other girl, he moved over to her squirming body, grabbing hold of one shoulder to keep her still long enough to press the tip of his cock against her bloody throat. With a hard thrust, he jammed himself down into the tight hole, moaning loud. "Ffffuck! Still clenching!" He gasped as he started to thrust his hips back and forth, cramming as much of his length into her as he could, which was a fair amount. His heavy balls slapped against the jagged flesh at the edge of her neck each time he shoved forward. She still twitched and squirmed, her throat clamping around him as he fucked her neck.

It was not long before he was blasting a second load, this time directly into Becca's belly. "Take it, slut!" He groaned, his cock pulsing with every heavy shot. "Ah, you greedy sluts are the best. So horny until you realize you're about to die like the fucking useless trash you are." He ripped his cock out of her throat in one tug, squirting several more shots onto her chest. Her body trembled and twitched a little, making her tits wobble as they still drooled a bit of her milk. "But you're just meat in the end."

He took several breaths to calm himself, though his cock still remained hard, even if his balls felt spent. He bent over to pick up Becca's head by her long ears, holding it up to look at her face. Her gaze was blank now, her life ended, yet he still saw the fear and a little shame within her. He turned the head a little to face where he had hidden a camera earlier. "Made the slut and her friend literally orgasm as they died. Hope that works for both humiliated and terrified for you." He dropped the woman's head to the floor again, then looked down at himself. His crotch and much of his belly and legs were covered in blood now. "Shit, and I had a shower before we started."

He sighed, then looked back up at the camera. "Right. Well, I'm going to end the video here. Should be enough proof, I think. I need a shower. I'm also dropping these two sluts into the dumpster out back. I'm sure some homeless bum or crackhead will love to find a pair of cold cunts to fuck." He gave a wave at the camera, the video ending there.

The Comments

PhyshDishes: proof accepted. money transferred. thanks hunter for killing those whores.

IsisPriestess: DAMN! That is one sexy kill! Maybe I'll put a bounty on myself to go that way...

JD_JR: Oh man, that is something to live up to! A bit messier than I like, but impressive!

TaxiDurrrm: wow that was the hottest video ive seen in weeks!

Monster_TBro: HOLY SHIT DUDE THAT WAS FUCKIGN AWSUM! im totaly doin that sumday

MadLilyPad99: fuck i wish that was me

ColdCasey: Very impressive. Hey @ABHunter86, would you want to do an interview someday for the new show? Contact me!

PapaMicky2187:@MadLilyPad99 The girls or the guy?

MadLilyPad99:@PapaMicky2187 the girls! i would love to lose my head cumming that hard!

PapaMicky2187:@MadLilyPad99 I bet I could do it. You wanna hook up for a nice snuff?

Phantom_Stripe (moderator): Please take your conversation to private messages.

DilApple9x: fuck that was good! I might need to hire you to kill my boss.

PapaMicky2187:@Phantom_Stripe Sorry.

The End