Silver Lake Ch.3

Story by Fawkes Softpaw on SoFurry

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Okay this is chapter three and it contains so fairly violent parts, so if your either going to get sick or complain about it, don't read any further. Otherwise enjoy a werewolf's revenge. Oh and on a side note I'm so sorry this took so long, I was having a hard time writing something that is so far off of my personality. And also my story has once again been eddited by Reks-Hatake, who has putt up with all my horible spelling without a single complaint.

Vincent was angry with himself for not controlling himself better and snapping a bit at Drake who was only curious. He had every right to be curious, Vincent had just spouted out something that only a select few could know. The werewolf let out a low growl as he walked out of the hospital, completely absorbed in his thoughts and self loathing. 'How could I be so stupid, how could I let something like that slip, I'm only going to end up giving everything away and end up dead.' He thought to himself as he absentmindedly got in his car and began driving away from the hospital, putting down the window to let fresh air flow into the car. Without realizing it he began to shift his anger towards a target that had hurt someone he cared about, Drake's mother. His instincts took over as he remembered what she had done to his mate, and he started subconsciously following Drake's scent though the streets of the small town, completely forgetting about his car and only focusing on his rage.

Vincent shook his head and snapped out of his thoughts as he realized that he had arrived at a small white house and had been sitting there for at least a few hours. He knew he had been sitting there for that long because it had been mid afternoon when he left the hospital and it was now dark. Getting out of his car he quickly walked across the street and onto the front lawn, it was here he stopped to study the house. It was a small two bedroom house with dirty white plastic siding, it had two green squares of metal that where propped over the window allowing them to be opened when it rained without letting water into the house, and a small four foot square porch. Vincent initially only wanted to scope out the house, but he found himself walking up the driveway then up the short walkway leading up to the door. Once there he gave his best impersonation of a police knock, pounding on the door hard enough to chip the already peeling paint. After a few seconds the door was pulled open and before him stood a man taller than his 6 foot frame. "What the fuck do you want?" The man barked, his breath smelling of beer and whatever drug he had just finished smoking. "I was looking for Drake's mother." Vincent said, the smell of the man's breath almost making him gag because of his heightened sense of smell. After a few seconds of being stared down by who he only assumed was Drake's dad or step dad he heard the man shout "Dana there is some asshole at the door for you." Just then a 5' 6" beautiful woman in about her mid 30's appeared around the man. "Hi, is there something the matter with Drake? Has he been in an accident?" she asked barely hiding her hopefulness and pulling off the most horrible worried look and at once Vincent found himself hating this woman. 'She is supposed to love her child no matter what, and instead she is hoping that he is dead or severely hurt.' Vincent thought to himself, coming very close to killing her right then and there. Instead he bottled up his rage and merely stated "Yes, he was severely beaten just last night and is now in the hospital, the doctor's say he might not make it." Vincent was lying but he wanted to see how she would react to the news. The look of joy couldn't be contained by her self control and she let out a happy laugh, hugging the man beside her. "Well thanks for letting us know." She said before slamming the door in Vincent's face.

Vincent was held in place by his rage, it burned through him like fire making his entire frame shake with the exertion of keeping it in check. He couldn't believe that someone would be that evil, that uncaring about their own offspring. He was completely dumbfounded and probably would have stood at that very spot for a long time had not the moon come up just them, showering Vincent in it's warm glow. It was at that time that he realized that he had miscalculated when the next full moon would be, it wasn't in two days but tonight! He tried to run for his car so he could get away from this house, but his bottled up rage escaped and the Wolf inside of him snarled and broke though as he was fed by all of Vincent's hatred towards Drake's mother. The Wolf pushed all of Vincent's doubts about what was about to happen towards the back of his head as he took over. Vincent cried out as his bones melted and reformed into the larger more dense bones of the Wolf, then again even louder as his face lengthened forming a muzzle and he grew a tail. His black hair grew till it covered his entire body with jet black fur as the Wolf took complete control, pushing Vincent into a dark corner of his mind. The now ten foot tall 400 pound werewolf got up from the porch standing up straight before knocking on the door softer than Vincent had, though he had no reason to knock, the shear amount of muscle that was visible under his fur showed that he could have punched though any door with ease. "What the hell do y......" The same man before started to say as he pulled open the door, quickly trailing off as he saw the mythical creature before him. He was about to scream when The Wolf moved his open muzzle to the side and just a few inches forward, biting down and tearing the man's throat out before he could utter a sound sending blood spraying across the white wall next to him and the fur of the wolf in front of him. The wolf didn't hesitate to push past the dying man, closing the door behind him as he searched for his true target. His ears turned towards the first bedroom he saw as he entered the small hallway, his heightened hearing catching the soft sound of a lighter's flint being struck multiple times in an attempt to light the flame.

The wolf smiled when he slowly opened the door to see his mate's hateful mother trying to light a joint. When she looked up he smiled even wider and laughed at her shocked expression, then before she could scream he took two powerful strides and swung his large fist. The punch connected with her jaw and he grinned as he was rewarded with the satisfying crack of breaking bones. He used the momentum of his punch to knock her back on the bed, landing on top of her, pinning her down so she couldn't move or breath well enough to scream if she wanted to. "You tried to kill my mate and what's even worse is you went about it the cowardly way, by hiring someone to do it for you. Now instead of just killing you, I'm going to torture you and then I'm going to satisfy my lust." He said with a terrifying grin painted across his muzzle, his fist coming down and breaking at least two of her ribs just in case she decided to try and scream later. Her breathing now came in ragged short breaths, each one causing her more pain than she had ever experienced, and now she was reduced to only making pitiful sounds of distress and pain. "Not so tough now that your all alone with the big bad wolf are you." The wolf sneered pressing his paw down on the broken ribs, getting a satisfying cry of pain from the woman. "I think I'll take my time breaking each one of your limbs, and then maybe a few more ribs, before I rape you." He said his muzzle coming within inches of her face, the smell of her fear only serving to excite him more and making him laugh darkly. "What? is the violent beating of your son not funny anymore? Are you no longer happy with the outcome?" He said mocking her as he got up from her, taking a few steps away to show himself off to her completely. "Do you like what you see?" He asked turning slowly to show off his muscled ten foot frame, coming to stop when he had made a full revolution. "if you didn't like that then you should at least like this." He said laughing again as her eyes went wide as he showed off his now fully hard foot long cock sticking proudly out of his sheath. Her eyes never left it as he began walking towards her again laughing. "Oh don't worry you'll get to play with him plenty, but first comes the foreplay." He said taking one of her arms into his strong paws, her resisting never even slowing him down. "Oh yeah resist, I love it when my prey struggles." He said with that same terrifying grin as he quickly twisted her arm far beyond the point is was meant to stop at. He was rewarded by a loud snap followed by a few smaller ones as the rest of the bones in her arm and shoulder broke. She let out a loud cry of pain followed by a softer one as The wolf's razor sharp claws dug into the now lifeless arm. "Even your blood smells like a coward's." He said wrinkling his nose and pulling his claws out. "I think I'll make you pay for that, for being such a pathetic being. So I'm just going to rape you now, then while I'm resting I'll break another limb though I'll take my time. I want to see just how far your arm will bend before it breaks this time." He said before shredding the crotch of her pants with his claws, not bothering to be careful and leaving a few claw marks.

The wolf didn't give Drake's mother time to fear what was coming, he just pushed his entire foot long length into her in one powerful thrust, letting out a lustful groan as their hips met with enough force to leave bruises. She let out a loud scream as she was both forced open painfully and had his paws press down on her broken ribs, this only drove the wolf on. "Oh yeah scream for me, let me know I'm hurting you." He said panting lightly as he began to fuck her relentlessly as fast and as hard as he could, his tongue lolling out of his muzzle and dripping his saliva onto her face. When she tried to resist him and bite down on the cries of pain the wolf only dug his claws deep into her sides getting her to break her hold on the cries and let them out. After what seemed like too short of a time for the wolf and a lifetime for Drake's mother, he finally went over the edge. Howling loudly he bit down on her broken arm, getting another loud cry of pain from her as he shot rope after rope of his cum into her already full passage. "Mm, and now more foreplay, I think I owe you another broken arm." He said in a soft voice making it even more terrifying for her. "let's see how far this one goes." He said as he took her arm in both of his paws and began bending it while he was still inside her. He smiled and laughed as her cries got louder and louder before finally peaking right before her arm snapped like a toothpick, the bone showing through the skin. "Aww, I was hoping that it would go further than that, well I'll just have to take my disappointment out on your ass." He said pulling out of her and flipping her over, pressing down on her back to make her ribs rub together. The pain at that point was starting to reach her max threshold and her brain began tuning most of it out allowing her to let out a softer cry than any she previously uttered. "Aww, it looks like your one disappointment after another, I was hoping you would last longer than this. Well I guess that I should finish up, I am getting rather hungry." he said with disappointment, before ramming his entire length into her ass. A lust filled growl filled the room as he felt tight muscles squeezing his cock, mostly in random sequences as Drake's mother went into shock and her brain began shutting down to save her from as much pain as possible. It was this defense mechanism that actually allowed her to feel one last bit of unimaginable amount of pain before she left this world as her thrashing body and spasming muscles pleasured the wolf allowing his climax to come faster. With another loud howl that could be heard two blocks away from the house he pushed his knot into her and bit down hard on the back of her neck as he came. As her life flowed into his maw, the taste satisfying his bloodlust, his own life producing seed flowed into her. He was the first one to empty but she only lasted a few more minutes before her black heart finally stopped beating and the blood stopped flowing. When she got to hell she sighed a breath of relief, knowing that there would be nothing down there that would equal what she had gone through when she had died. That was when she walked into a room the size of a football stadium filled with grinning werewolves of every color, each stroking their cocks ready for the eternity of rape she was to receive. As her scream joined the millions of others in hell a wolf walked right up to her and said "And now to finish what we started up there."