Stud In The Sheets

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A man finds a spell he shouldn't have access to in the first place and uses it thinking he will conjure himself a sex toy- instead what he gets is closer to an actual girlfriend. Y'know, just, minus a normal body, or a soul. Another thing she lacks is a concept of consequences- her existence is solely for his pleasure- and that much she does very, very well.

(M tf Stallion)

Mike wandered through the unfamiliar rows of books of the largest library in the city. The quiet was a nice contrast to his work as a cook, which is incredibly boring in off hours and incredibly frantic at meal times. He has never actually looked at the library before, but is here now in the magic section trying to find a summon spell. The restaurant is short staffed so he ends up working later than expected or coming in earlier- so he doesn't have a lot of free time. No time to look for a girlfriend, and not enough free time to properly maintain the relationship if he did have one- but juuuust enough time to be depressed about it.

Mike has sandy brown hair cut fairly short and swept forward. He has soft mocha toned skin and his iris are the exact identical color as his hair. He is not at all athletic but not heavy either, and his facial features are rather well defined and handsome. He keeps clean shaven because of his job.

So what does he plan on summoning? Mike doesn't know enough about magic to really know- a familiar? A love spell? Maybe he can summon himself a one-night-stand with a Succubus and hope she doesn't make him cum himself hollow. He just scanned the book spines for something that could help him out. He doesn't cast any spells and neither do his neighbors that he knows of- so there is probably a lot of ambient mana around his house just sitting there not doing anything. Little did he realized that virtually every demon and familiar summoning book was sectioned off from the rest of the library as a hazardous magic only professionals should be allowed to handle.

Mike paused his search at a huge compendium of summoned objects. He can't just poof a partner out of thin air, but perhaps he can summon a sex toy for a little more self-pleasure? The giant compendium did claim to be an exhaustive collection of all summonable objects- so it should have one of everything. The book is very old, so what they considered 'everything' back then probably doesn't cover a lot of things in present times... but sex toys are almost as old as the human race itself- it should definitely still have that. The compendium is so large that he has to carry it with both arms, and when he slaps it down on a nearby table the entire surface of the table wobbles from the weight! He spotted a section labeled exotic and immediately flipped there to start searching. Yup, sure enough- there is a sex toy summoning spell.

The library staff actually would have sealed this book away too- if they knew this spell was in it. The book is very old though and covers so many other things that are perfectly fine that no one on staff realized this particular spell existed. Because it is elder magic it uses primitive runes and isn't optimized, but Mike would never recognize that himself. The older a spell; the more likely it is so have some unwanted side-effect. You go back far enough in time and Magi were happy just to be able to summon a flame from thin air without blowing their arm off. Mike quickly signed the giant book out and scoot his way home, having to stop a few times to rest his arms because it is so enormously heavy. He lives in a port city, so the entire city is built on a slope down to the giant dock around the inside of the inlet. That is also why his restaurant job is so busy- the city is well known for its delicious seafoods... but seafood is so common here that other foods have become exotic and sought after. His restaurant serves monster parts- they actually have a team of warriors to go hunt the materials each day.

Once home, Mike got to work on the spell right away, though it took him a long time to get it right. He had no experience at all with magic so he was unaware of exactly how precise the runes needed to be replicated in order for them to function at all. He was also rather nervous about what this spell would actually do. As expected from a compendium of 'everything'; there is only enough space to have one spell for everything. So if you needed to conjure a chair- you can't pick what kind; there is exactly one and that is it.

So there is only one spell to conjure a sex toy. So... what is the toy then? There are several warnings in this section about the use of the spell. It conjures something based on your desires, since a sex toy is meant to indulge those desires. The thing is though, is that it reads your unconscious desires, so people have been shocked and embarrassed by what it creates- at least enough times that it warranted putting a warning in the book about it. What people want when they are horny isn't always good for them in the long run, or in life in general... so it is technically possible that the spell could produce a literal weapon.

Mike activated the runic array, and was promptly shocked by a jolt of energy, and several beads of energy formed around it and faded back out of existence- discharged energy from imperfections in his runes, but the spell was close enough to activate at least. The spell calls mana to it, and the mana flowing through the runes is given shape by them. Those shapes cause it to imprint on the natural elements and to super condense into new matter itself. It looked like a grain of sand when it first appeared. Then it wobbled and swelled larger and larger, to a bead, a marble, a ball, and stopped around the size of a softball. It was... a sphere? It was a flesh-toned ball with no other features. What was he supposed to do with this?

"Uhhh, what even is this? What do I do with a ball, play fetch?"

As soon as he touched it he heard a deep, womanly giggle and immediately dropped the ball again.

*Oof, careful handsome. If you want to be rough, let's take it to the bedroom first, heh.*

"Y-you can talk? A sentient ball?"

*Is that what I look like? I will do my best to be whatever you want!*

"Uh, so you are on-call for whoever summons a sex toy from the book? What is your name?"

*I guess? I never existed before, so I don't have a name. Name me!*

"Wait- I just created a life?!"

*Guess that depends on how loose your definition of a living creature is. I don't have a heart or soul, sooo...*

Her voice is very smooth and deep, though also still very womanly. Her giggles and laughs are almost musical.

"Well, I can't name you- I know nothing about you!"

*That makes two of us. Let's start with the whole reason you made me, hmmm~?*

He blushed, picking her up again. "R-right." The orb is soft and warm like flesh too- though lacks pours, and there is no heart beat or breathing since it contains no organs.

Mike brought her to the bedroom and placed her own on the bed while he slipped his clothes off.

She giggled again. "Oooh, such a well-shaped man! I am a lucky woman~"

He blushed even brighter and finished kicking off his outfit. He picked her up and then flopped back on the bed, holding her up over him. He was not sure what to do with her, since she is just a ball. Did he mess up the spell somehow? He did not want to dispel her and try again now that he knows she is sentient.

She hummed seductively and asked for his dick- her voice is so sweet on its own that he had a full erection. He lowered her down to the head, and almost immediately the surface of the orb seemed to recoil... no, wait- re-form! The flesh that pulled back bunched up, forming a pair of massively plump human lips! She kissed his cockhead, and then the orb lurched, pulling itself free from his grip to impale itself on his dick! The opening of the mouth wasn't deep enough to take any more than his glans into it, but with almost zero effort it stretched out! It was like the flesh-like material had suddenly become a liquid!

The tongue slid to the side of the mouth, then became fused to it and the lips quickly re-shaped as well as it got to the base of his 6 inch penis- now a different kind of lips. What had been the tongue briefly is now a clitoris, and the lips turned into labia- making her a vulva! The material that stretched over his shaft bulked up a bit, making it larger and easier to grip, while the end was a perfect replica of a puffy vulva!

Mike was smiling now, but when he went to grab it and piston it on his cock she moved on her own! The muscle ribs of the inner vaginal walls rippled like waves on the ocean; clenching lightly from the outside in, like it was trying to draw his cock deeper than it could go. She bobbed on his shaft- causing the end of her own form to stretch out when she goes fully down with the head of his dick stretching her! It felt incredibly wet inside, even though it looked completely dry other than the fluid he was producing. It also felt warm in spite of her not even having any blood. Since Mike had not been with a woman for some time; it did not take long at all for him to cum into her.

He rest there in the afterglow for a minute before looking down at her. "I guess I better get you cleaned up now, heh."

*Hmm? Are you implying I am dirty? Rude.*

He lifted her up but no cum escaped! There was nothing in her! "Wait... what? Where did...?"

*I swallow like a good girl, master.*

Mike chuckled. "Damn, never thought a spell could do something like this. I guess I will name you... Melody! Because you have a VERY beautiful voice."

She giggled- a sound so sweet it gave him goosebumps. *Thank you.*

He did not want to dispel her since she is sentient, though worried the mana supply would do that for him at some point. Melody is essentially a living spell- when the mana runs out she blinks out of existence. Little did he realize that she was actually absorbing absolutely no mana. His cum breaks down into energy- solid matter can be broken down into a LOT of mana. Melody has enough power to remain for over a week from one orgasm.

Mike went about his night like he normally would, but only a short while later returned to the bedroom after dinner, feeling quite horny because he keeps thinking about his new toy. He sat down on the edge of the bed and looked at her on the nightstand.

"Hey, Melody? You awake?"

*I am incapable of sleeping, so, yes.*

"Normally I would never need to go twice in a single day, haha, but..."

*Oh I know- I worked you up!*

"I guess you could say that."

*No I mean I literally worked you up- you're over-productive at the moment.*

"Wait, what?"

*Yea- I can influence other things by using my own excess magic. And you wanted to go again, so I made it so! I exist for your pleasure after all~!"

Mike picked her up and hovered her over his penis- but she took over once her target was in sight. She wriggled free of his hand and devoured his penis again. Her honeyed voice vibrating in the air as she moaned and thrust herself up and down.

*Do you like it when the woman is the horny one? When she needs it?* He just moaned, and her thrusts increased in strength. *When she is more aggressive? Maybe I am bigger and stronger too, haha. More exotic, bestial...*

Mike was surprised- she was coming down hard against him with more force than you'd expect something so small to be able to produce. She was nudging him up the bed further with her thrusts! Her labia swelled larger, puffier. Her skin tone went from mocha like his to a pure black! Her clit swelled massively and shoved itself out from her enlarged black lips- exposing the inside which is still a neon pink. She transformed into a horse pussy! And the force of her thrusts, the weight behind it... Mike could almost visualize a mare thrusting her hips back, slamming him back against a wall so he could not pull out. She shoved him up the bed against the headboard, forcing him to sit up or hurt his neck. She giggled deeply at him bracing against her strength.

Her simulation of the real thing was so accurate he could not help but visualize a small-ish mare slamming him back against the wall with her big, muscular rump. He once again climaxed pretty quickly. Melody cooed in pleasure and then made a comment on him cumming like a true stud. He was too preoccupied with the pleasure to listen- so he was caught off guard when his orgasm started to taper off and then immediately hit full strength again! She used her magic to greatly enhance the volume of spunk he could produce, mid-orgasm! He was expecting her to overflow, but his cum vanished as soon as it touched her- she dissolved it into pure energy.

He flopped back into a fully laying position with a sigh and a goofy smile on his face. Melody wobbled back and forth, still propped on his cock but it was softening so it was quickly providing less and less stability.

*Aww, the stud out of steam already?* His dick paused its softening. *Is that all you got?* It slowly started to harden back into its full state! *I bet you want to show me who is boss, huh? This dainty little mare thinks she can control a wild stallion like you? Hehehe~.*

Mike was expecting his dick to ache from all the activity in such a short span of time, but Melody wouldn't allow for that- her purpose is pleasure. Not only did he not ache, he started to feel a bit pent up as she overcharged him for another go. As a bit of added inspiration though- her form started to change again. She remained an equine vulva, but the flesh-like material that made her started to bulge off the top and her passage branched into a second! The end bulged out above the pussy and then puckered inward, connecting to the new path behind it- a large, very plush looking equine anus!

Mike smiled, scrambling onto all fours and pushed her against the bed with one hand on the very end of her- so the openings were angled up a bit. He pulled out and aligned himself with her anus.

*Oh no! Not that hole, you dirty dirty beast! No~ it's too embarrassing!* He started to push in slowly. *Ahn~no! Not my virgin hole, I might... like it.*

Her lines read a little too much like a porno script- but Mike appreciated the effort, and was turned on regardless. Keeping her pinned to the bed, Mike thrust into her hard, this time imagining pinning an entire horse down and banging her! Not something he ever would have imagined before, but Melody is doing a great job selling him on the idea. Even though she has no lungs, she still gasped and moaned, sounding like she is breathing heavily even though she isn't technically breathing at all in the first place. A few times she even snorted softly, with the faintest hint of a whickering, like a horse. He climaxed for the third time this day, and almost immediately passed out with a dumb grin on his face.

The next day Mike woke up quite refreshed and ready to work. Melody knocked him out early and he slept straight through so he had plenty of rest before work, unlike usual. On his way out she startled him, telling him to have a good day at work in her sweet womanly voice. He was not expecting her to say anything, since they were not having sex. Without eyes she is still aware of her surroundings and what he is doing- and she is conscious so it is almost as if he had summoned himself a girlfriend! Although he never needs to take her on dates or out to dinner because she can't walk and doesn't eat.

Mike had a bit of an extra bounce in his step at work that day. Both fantasizing about what he can do with Melody later, and just feeling a bit better in general now that he actually had someone to talk to when he got home. On his own lunch break- which was between lunch and dinner, since the restaurant is in a lul- he overheard two other workers talking about girlfriends and could not help but smirk to himself. Mike's girl is a beast made for loving. He felt his underpants tighten around a lazy erection as he thought about Melody. Then he fumbled his sandwich and rolled it several times mid-air trying multiple times to catch it again when he heard her voice!

*Oh! Where am I?*

Mike looked around frantically. "What do you mean where are you?! How are you here?" He could not spot her, but her voice was very close.

*I dunno big guy- you are the one who brought me here. I don't appear to be anywhere near my actual body though.*

"Wait... so you are like... a ghost right now?"

She let out a snort of laughter. *My mind is being projected to you- you must have gotten yourself worked up. I don't have a mouth so my voice is projected even when my physical body is around- only you can hear me. Hmm... want me to whisper sweet nothings to you, while you take care of yourself?*

Mike's face went bright red. "N-no! I am at work, in the break room! You can't even do anything to me from there... can you?"

*I actually don't know... did you feel that?*

"Feel what?"

*Then no- you are out of my range of abilities. My voice can reach you though, so, I guess I am moral support if you need it!*

Mike did not talk to her while working obviously, because everyone else would think he is a psychopath talking to voices in his head. It was nice to have her whispering to him though in her honeyed voice. She can perceive anything he does- so when he does well she complements him, and when he screws up she is quick to comfort him. He almost got caught chuckling to jokes she made to him about the other staff.

On his way home he cut through the back lanes and through an empty lot to get home faster but slowed as he felt himself getting an erection for seemingly no reason. He felt his dick push against his underpants and then fold, popping upright a moment later. Wait, if he is getting an erection how did it bend so effortlessly? He dipped into a dark, narrow lane to duck out of visibility of any passersby. He leaned against a wall on the opposite side of a BFI and unzipped his jeans to flop his junk out over his underpants, using his nuts to hold his underpants down. He is indeed getting an erection- but it is only just now actually starting! What he felt before wasn't an erection at all- his dick and balls had all increased in size slightly! He hit his normal 6" erection and kept filling! His penis is a full inch larger than it is supposed to be able to get! His balls are also a bit larger too- a bit larger than chicken eggs. The increase to his balls is even more noticeable simply because there is very little variance in human testicle size- they are all basically the same, so even a little increase immediately puts you over every other person.

*Aha! You are in range again. Huh... so my spells can go about two and a half blocks?*

"You've been spamming spells to find out how far they reach?! Also, you can physically change MY body?!"

*Yea... well I don't have a lot of power so the changes are rather limited. I am technically not alive so I generate no mana myself. And no- I only cast the spell once, it must remain active in waiting till you re-enter its effective range.*

As you can imagine- Mike was eager to put his new size to use, and went straight for Melody the moment he got home. And as always; Melody was ready and eager to receive. As a sex toy she is always ready- there is no question of whether or not she is horny or willing, because she is incapable of not being.

When he holds her in his hands she feels like silicon rubber, yet when his genitals make contact with her, she feels like flesh. When inside of her, her muscles grip and ripple inward, drawing him deeper like a real pussy would. Even her temperature changes- she feels very hot inside, but holding her outside she just felt room-temperature. Even her perceived weight increases, allowing her to ride him as if there was a small horse wrapped around these womanly bits. When they fuck she feels slick and wet, yet there is never any visible liquid. Even when he ejaculates into her, the fluid he creates is broken down immediately to negate any need of cleaning up. The rings of muscle in either her anus or vagina suck him dry before he can pull out, so even his dick comes out perfectly clean and in no need of maintenance.

Melody can technically make him horny and ready to go as many times in a row as she has the mana to, but he holds himself back. It is not like she is going anywhere- he has all the time in the world to enjoy her company, and he would like to do other things rather than pass out completely only to have to go to work again the next day. Melody did leave a little something extra on the table to spice things up though.

*If you fuck me REAL good- I will give my stud a little reward. Every time you make ME cum more than once; I will reward you with another half an inch of cock! A bigger man needs a bigger dick after all.*

And so when he had sex with her after that night he tried to last a bit longer. True to her word; every time he managed to send her into a shuddering fit and giddy nickering, his genitals increased in size! A half inch to his cock and a tiny bit of added mass to his balls as well! He would often go for a shorter second round, just to test it out- and Melody seemed equally rewarded for the size increase. Her moans and breathless words of encouragement become almost frantic when he pounds her again with an even larger cock. It certainly gave Mike something to look forward too each day as well! It did not occur to Mike that her orgasms are entirely her own doing- Melody cums whenever she wants, what he does to her is just added fun- it doesn't actually affect her ability to climax.

Day by day however, his outfits started to fit a bit wonky and he had to change what clothes he was circulating. It was not just his erection that grew! A deepening shadow of six-pack abs started to appear on his midriff and his arms started to bulge as well. Going at it so rigorously and for so long with Melody almost every day was acting like an actual workout! He was becoming fit by fucking! The other staff at the restaurant noticed this of course, but he just told them he has been working out normally at home.

Each day there was a bit more weight flopping around between his legs, filling his pants. The natural wrinkles of his scrotum seemed to flatten out, making it unusually smooth. The sparse pubic hairs on it seemed to be gone too? That was a bit odd, but he had no complaints. Every time he stretched Melody out around his meat stick it gained another half inch as his reward. Seven inches, eight, nine, ten, eleven! Absolutely massive! The veins in it increased in size as well, making them very fat, especially toward the base of his behemoth. His balls increased in size a shade every time too though, and now surpassed softballs in size! He had to wear baggy pants at risk of unintentionally showing off bulge. He had to buy some new clothes- his balls alone would have filled his old underwear, leaving no room left for cock!

Another thing that made him look for new clothes however is that he was not just getting more muscular but actually just plain larger in size. The other people around him just raised eyebrows at him, not questioning it but clearly confused. Mike was beyond any age he could claim to be having a growth spurt in. That is exactly what he suspected it was though. His balls are huge now compared to before- which means there is going to be a lot more hormones circulating in his system, it likely caused him to grow. He wasn't complaining so he did not question it. Mike went from a forgettable figured average joe to a huge hunk in the span of a week and a half.

With a twelve and a half inch long cock, he blasted Melody full again, though felt an annoying itching around his tail bone causing the muscles in his lower back to twitch a bit. Caught up in his climax he did not actually reach down to scratch it till it had already been going on for some time, and was immediately surprised when he did. Mike turned around to find a horse tail behind himself! The muscle squirming was his tail growing out and the itch was all the long hairs growing from it!

"W-what the fuck!?"

*What? You don't like it? I think it looks so handsome though~*

"You grew a horse tail on me?! I can't go to work like this! You have enough mana to turn me back, right?!"

*Well obv- er, you mean right now? I mean, I gave you the increased size and muscle of a horse too and you liked that. Don't worry about those silly people you work with! Your pleasure is yours, their opinions don't affect it. They don't need to know anyway- you can just stuff it down a pant leg. No one needs to know. Mmmm~ and then you can work with a dirty little secret! Knowing you're more masculine and bestial than any of them!*

He had no idea the muscle and size was also a part of that. That night he spent quite some time looking at himself in the mirror, not sure how to feel about it, but certainly liking what he seen.

Though very nervous about it- Mike went to work the next day with a horse tail stuffed in his pants. Most of the tail is just hair anyway; the flesh and blood portion of a horse's tail is actually quite short. The kitchen is rather cramped and often hectic so no one else noticed. They had gotten used to trying not to stare at him because of his massive size increase anyway.

That night when they went at it he could not help but fantasize even more of the beautiful mare behind Melody's voice and disembodied privates. He was never into that sort of thing before, but having his horse tail swish around behind him and the fact the holes he is plugging are equine made it rather hard not to think about. And topping such a notoriously powerful creature was a hot thought. This time when he burst in orgasm his ears twitched and started to stretch.



*Nothing!* She waited till he finished shooting. *I may have accidentally done your ears. It is fine, they look cute on you stud!*

Mike quickly reached up and cupped his now leaf-shaped ears. "Ah! Turn me back! I can't hide those!"

*I can't, you won't let me!*

"What do you mean?"

*I am designed for your pleasure, I can't do anything that isn't related to that. Which means if turning you back goes against your continued pleasure it falls outside of my ability to do. You want them gone because of what others might think of it- not because of what YOU want. Your unconscious mind disagrees with your conscious one...*

"My ears have nothing to do with sex...."

*They help build the fantasy. Having them also doesn't HURT the sex, either. In any case I am not the one you need to make your case to- the only way I can reverse it is if you truly want it reversed yourself. Just... use a hairnet at work to pin them under some hair. It will be fine, my stallion.*

He sighed, sliding his massive dong out of her again as it slowly softened. "How do you ACCIDENTALLY transform my ears anyway?"

*Well your changes have been linked to your overall fantasy of riding a mare- me; so they are all at least loosely equine in nature. I have only been using mana in small bursts because that is all I am capable of, but the more cum I break down the more power I have and also with every change there is more power built up in you. Like a dam breaking- dam holds just fine, but once there is a little hole in it, it is really hard to stop it again and real easy to break it even worse. I meant to give you your size reward, but accidentally turned your ears instead, sorry~*

Oh great, jipped out of his bigger dick tonight AND given an unintentional change. Although his dick certainly did not need any more size. At twelve and a half inches he was hovering at world-record size, and the only person to hold that record also couldn't get his up due to its size; Mike's still works just fine. It felt great though, both having sex and just feeling its weight packed into his clothing, or swinging around free when he gets home and ditches his clothing immediately. Mike did not know that with his scrotum pulled smooth- his balls actually better resembled those of a horse now, except still had his human skin tone. His pubes had also gotten shorter but denser and softer as well- like a mat of fur at the base of his dick rather than hair. His crotch has also become rather veiny- a side effect of the veins in his shaft fattening and his abs becoming massive, pulling the skin over them taut.

Sure enough; no one at work noticed his ears. Since hair nets were already mandatory he could easily just stuff his hair in around his ears and hide them. You can still see the bases of his ears are not correct for a human, but who is going to be looking there? If you only glance at a person, chances are it is going to be to look them in the face. The fact that he could potentially get caught and called out on it though made him a bit nervous, but also it was sort of a thrill. How much of him could be remade as a horse in plain sight without getting caught? The changes are fun, and the fantasy hot as hell so Mike doubted he was going to convince himself to ditch the changes unless he got caught.

That night as always he returned home and was greeted immediately by Melody. Mike tried to act more casually around her though. He has been having sex with her so constantly that it was a little concerning. No wonder he was looking more like a horse- he was stuffing himself into a horse-shaped hole all the time. Mike loved having her around even when it wasn't about sex, so he tried to show a little restraint, but holding off got increasingly hard. I mean, she is literally just genitals- it is hard not to think about sex when she is around, it's not like she has a face to look at instead. Plus, no one else knew he was having sex with a summoned horse pussy, so who was he trying to impress by being modest?

Mike gave in after his dinner almost immediately. He went to align her against the bed again to thrust in but she slipped out from under his hands and slammed up against his crotch, bottoming out immediately, but hitting him with enough force that he fell back a bit and had to brace himself on the bed! When she thrust back he could feel her ass cheeks slam against his inner thighs and crotch! Even though she does not have glutes in the first place. It was actually her magic at work again- nothing was hitting him, she was using magic to simulate the effects of a butt colliding with him, in his own body using his own muscles. It felt exactly like the muscular rump of a lean race horse slamming into him; he could even feel the fine pelt pulled taut across the globular cheeks. Melody did such a good job emulating it that he actually tried to grab her phantom butt several times to pull himself upright again, but obviously failed to, so she remained in charge of this session- slamming him back against the bed, bobbing the entire bed with her imitated weight!

She felt he was getting close, and her ping-pong ball sized neon pink clit popped out from the ebon curtains of flesh. The hot knot of flesh pressed into the base of the underside of his cock and opened her pussy enough to let their combined lube out- or so it felt like it to him; nothing actually came out. She then neighed loudly in giddy pleasure and rocked forward, grinding her butt into his crotch while leaning her weight mashed her large clit into his shaft harder and harder, setting her off as well. Her orgasm caused the walls of her ravenous pussy to ripple wildly around his shaft, and since it is pulled so taut around it- it immediately sent him over the edge into his own orgasm.

*Another fine breeding~ time for your reward!*

He pulled his cock out a bit to watch it grow out, too lost in the moment to think of just how big he already was. His dick felt tight but remained slowly softening, its form seemed to pulse forward but then it bloated and the shaft became oddly thick!

*Oh... never mind then. It appears you hit your limit.*


*A human penis cannot get any larger than that, it seems. Only a true stud could fill me more than this.*

"W-well I was getting kind of too big anyway." He felt a very subtle sensation in his balls and then suddenly a deep internal pressure. "Hey! S-stop that!"

*Stop what?* She giggled and it almost sounded half a nickering.

He groaned and held his balls lightly in his hand, arching his back. He could feel his prostate swelling quickly, he felt pent up. A nagging need to cum again. A gentle tickle up his shaft as his dick stops softening and reverses back toward full erection.

"Stop making me so... horny!"

*Mmm~ MAKE me stop.* She wiggled her tush, sliding a bit further down his dick again since he never fully pulled out.

He went to pull out but his glans stiffening again caused the corona to drag across the muscle ribs of her inner vagina and the pleasure was so sharp and sudden that he reflexively reversed and thrust forward to ease off it- but obviously that is what Melody wanted. As soon as his dick sunk in deeper her pussy tightened behind the head and drew it deeper. He was making micro-thrusts on reflex to the feeling alone, but not properly thrusting since he was trying to will himself to stop. Everything in moderation... right? So much fucking... it was so good... but he should still do other things too... right?

Melody pushed him back even further with her phantom ass, sitting her weight on his crotch! The bed folded into the middle from her weight, and he was utterly pinned in place. He groaned, his hips still twitching and her pussy devoured him to the base. He kept feeling more and more full though- beyond what he had ever felt before, like it had somehow been a lifetime without any release! His shaft shivered in sensitivity and it felt like he was approaching orgasm without moving at all! But the pleasure did not sharpen and the tension did not rise- the sensation was entirely just his increasing load pressing outward on his insides! His balls started to jump up in regular intervals, never fully resting their weight into their scrotum. The skin pulled more and more taut, his testicles actually being made to grow! The scrotum started to look darker, turning to a soft brown. Bigger still they swelled, and then base brown, and even bigger, a deep brown that is almost black! Each testicle as big as an ostrich egg, or an oddly shaped cantaloupe... or the exact proportions of a stallion's testicles. Mike gave up trying to resist and his mind almost whited out with need. He tried to thrust into her willingly but Melody was still sitting her entire weight on him- he could not move. Now SHE was preventing him from fucking her properly, just to tease.

His cock burbled precum in an almost steady stream that just thickened or thinned in time with the pulses of tension in his groin. His prostate tickled with strange pleasure as his insides shifted slightly around it, unintentionally brushing against it as his body tried to make room for the now equine-sized organ. His anus darkened to the same near-black brown his scrotum has adopted and projected out a bit. The rings of muscle at its end increased in size and strength, growing as they flexed and his anus projected out even further, plumping up into a dark doughnut shaped ring! Like his butthole itself was flexing- because technically it is.

*Don't you wanna be bigger?*

"I am big enuh-haaah... enough." She rocked her pussy back and forth slowly teasingly, also making it feel like her non-existent butt cheeks were rolling up and down his lower body like a rolling pin over dough.

*That isn't what I asked. What do you WANT?*

He groaned, squirming a bit trying to either shove her far enough that he could actually thrust up into her or escape entirely- he wasn't really sure which he was shooting for at this point, but he could do neither at the moment.

*You can make it bigger if you make it more bestial! You could have a full horse's endowments, all you have to do is ask.*

Mike was breathing heavily and barely thinking at all at the moment. "But it is already... its fine as it is. I don't... NEED more."

She snort in a faceless scoff. *You do not need me either, but here I am. I am a creature of desires not needs. You only fill me because I am holding back.*

"Whuh-huh?" Mike was starting to look a bit dazed by the horniness, making micro-thrusts and causing the bed to creak, but unable to move under her weight enough to get anywhere with it.

*This is more like the form of a pony mare, haha.*

A ripple moved through her form and both her anus and especially her pussy started to enlarge! It was getting both wider and longer! Her ping-pong sized clit started to look more like a tennis ball. Her anus big enough to swallow a fist easily and her pussy so large and plump looking that it could swallow his entire head, never mind his dick. Her tissue is very elastic, so it still hugged his shaft but not with nearly the same grip it had moments before. Her phantom butt enlarged along with it to feed the illusion and keep his emersion. The lower hemisphere of her giant muscular ass was now covering his thighs while the top rested so far up it eclipsed his lower ribs! The bed groaned under them and then with a sudden violent jarring the bottom legs shattered out from under it and the lower half of the bed slammed into the floor- the frame now splintered under her weight!

*I can bring out your true potential! Make you the stud you always wanted to be! Just take charge of your desires, instead of pointlessly denying them.*

On either side of her long narrow physical form, two squared handles formed and hardened, turning to steel. Handles to grab onto her with! In his lusty haze Mike failed to notice that with the handles on her- Melody now resembles a semen collector for stallions.

*What man doesn't wish they were hung like a horse?*

He grabbed onto the handles and shoved her up off him, pulling her off his dick finally. To him it was bizarre because he was reaching THROUGH where it felt like her 'body' was, and also he was able to lift her as if the toy portion was the only mass there- even though the rest of his body and even the bed under them was reacting as if an entire horse was there.

"Yeh...hah... y-es, just... I want it, but... b-but... AH!"

*Then your wish is my command.*

As soon as he popped out of her he paused, wondering if he should slam back in and start actually thrusting into her to get off, or to resist; though at this point resisting just seemed like him being bull-headed and ignoring reason. Mike hesitated longer because he was hit by a powerful feeling. The moment the inward pressure of her pussy slid off his shaft a stronger outward pressure erupted from in his shaft! It felt like he was getting an erection but for some reason it was trying to expand his dick outward instead of forward! His dick thickened and darkened- the skin tone turning a red-brown! He groaned as it bloated and became slightly deformed, confusing him. It got largest in the middle, then the base was a bit narrower and the head actually the narrowest point on it, which made his foreskin seem to bunch up toward the glans and thicken.

Mike let out a long groan and bent forward a bit from the sensation of his dick trying to engorge beyond what was humanly possible! He felt so full of cum and his dick so tight with blood pressure. The glans turned a deep violet like a bruise and the shaft an angry tone of red. The veins bulged on its surface and were nearly black in contrast to the rest from the blood engorging them! He felt a strange sensation almost like someone lightly petting his cock from the bottom up and noticed the skin was thickening as it darkened! It became even darker, the red starting to diffuse a bit and it turned a near-black shade of brown... the same tone his balls had taken- another thing he only just now noticed.

*So good, isn't it?* He just nodded, his face scrunched up and too breathless to speak. *Then grow even bigger!*

He gasped and fell fully flat back onto the bed with a shocked look on his face and thrust his hips up- though held Melody too loosely to aim into her so he was still fully out. Another strange feeling came over his cock almost like someone slowly peeling a sticker off his skin! His dick started to slide further out, but only beyond the foreskin! It was like his inner and outer skin was somehow dividing! Unlike the near-black base, the skin tone of the shaft that slid out now was an angry red- but as it slid out the coloration started to cool and darken to a dark grey-pink instead.


Inch after inch of new cock slid out from inside of his enormously engorged old one! The nearly unnoticeable bumps on his corona started to enlarge, shoving against one another and joining together to form even larger ones. This caused them to fight for space, pulling his corona further out, turning his bullet shaped glans into a helmet shape, then a mushroom, and even further! The bumpy corona was becoming so wide that it was pulling the entire glans flatter! Unseen to him entirely, below his balls; his taint swelled larger from his anus up and the near-black coloration of his balls and anus bled into the flesh between, creating a dark bulbous pathway between them.


He gripped the bedsheets under him still with a shocked look on his face- and a distant expression. Gasping for breath as he watched his cock grow beyond anything he ever seen in the real world, and feel with an intensity he did not know existed. It felt like he should orgasm any moment but the actual internal tension controlling that did not advance at all. He bucked and squirmed from the intensity of the sensation as more and more cock peeled itself out of him, and because it was getting longer its wobbling around became more and more exaggerated.

*Thicker! Tighter!*

His already enormous dick doubled its length, leaving him with at least 24 inches of dick wobbling over him. Glistening strings of precum flicked off this way and that from him being unable to steady the behemoth member. A surge of blood pressure and the veins- especially toward the base- thickened again, some were now almost as wide as his fingers! His glans tightened even more, causing a burst of growth outward that stretched it even wider, and its tightening caused his urethra to lag behind somehow! The glans around it engorged and swelled bigger but the urethral opening remained where it was, sucking inward and creating a deep pit in the head of his dick! Then a moment later the stiffness entered the urethra itself and it grew forward, emerging from the pit it created like a little pipe. The glans are stretched fairly flat, but still have a rounded face- the divot between either side of the glans was a bit more defined and the corona still stood very wide out from that, giving the end of the phallus an almost trumpet-like head.

*Wow~ you are so perfect my stallion!* She hummed in pleasure and her huge clit popped out into the opening, winking in arousal. *My massive fuckstud! Fill me! Destroy me! Stretch my pussy around your cock like a living condom! Till no one else can take me, because only you will fit me.*

Mike gasped and shuddered several times- he felt a rush of blood so intense he could feel it rushing down through his torso and concentrating into the base of his dick! He was panting so hard he was hyperventilating! His heart was slamming itself against his ribcage as the amount of blood it could shift in the first place increased so it could feed the beast!

His dick itched with pressure, like it was once again trying to grow beyond what it was physically able to! There was a strange bulge growing just under the corona- at first it just looked like a small fold of skin but then it was a small ridge, then a large ridge! It almost looked like he was growing another corona, only this one is perfectly smooth. The pressure concentrated and rose even further beyond possibility and shoved forward again- once again feeling like his skin was dividing from itself! Another shaft was emerging from the shaft that emerged from his shaft! Jesus, his dick is three tiers?! Wait no... what used to be his 'old cock' foreskin is now a sheath, not his shaft at all. The dick that emerged from that is the actual base... which means the ridge that just grew, and where the third tier is emerging... is the medial ring! Horse cock is so immense that it is telescopic!

Melody had a quiver in her voice as her pussy clenched and relaxed at regular intervals, like it was smacking its lips in preparation for a meal. *Yesssss, bigger, stronger, thicker, longer, harder, fuck me fuck me fuuu-huuuck mee!*

Inch after inch, more and more cock slid out further and further! Even in his enlarged muscular state- Mike's dick is now longer than his torso. It was over 24 inches before the medial ring even formed! Once again the newest tier of dickmeat peeled out from the one below it with an angry red skin tone but it cooled as it folded out and became a candy pink! Mike was unintentionally drawing loops all over himself and the bed with the thick, continuous stream of pre pulsing out of him. It pooled in the divot around the urethra but then overflowed and flicked away as the cock wobbled this way and that from his twitching and squirming! Almost 30 inches... over 30... 35... around 40 inches it slowed, though he was eyeballing it and did not know its exact measurements- he was just roughly guessing based on what his dick used to look like when he actually knew the measurements. It would look like a fucking golf pencil compared to his current cock. With its size and all the thick heavy blood engorging it- his dick alone probably weighed over twenty pounds and could probably be used to knock someone out if he turned too quickly. The glans are flared; stretched wider than his entire face.

Mike was paralyzed from the excruciating levels of pleasure and shock of his new immense size, so Melody did not have to try very hard to slip out of his grip. She hovered up his shaft and sat herself on the wide glans- twice as wide as her large pussy. She giggled and cooed, making his dick jerk forward and throb at the sound of her deep, musical voice. Melody once again took on her synthetic weight, and sat with the force of a full grown mare onto his shaft! Her pussy ground against the tight, defined curvature of his glans and squished outward, stretching around him. His corona bent downward slightly from the force but Melody quickly gasped and then whinnied loudly as it yanked straight out again as it popped in through her fat labia! The glans were stretching the walls of her pussy so far out that they could both feel it flick past every ring of muscle that lined her vaginal walls, making them all quiver individually before tightening back in on the shaft after. She grew her outer shell thicker, expanding her mass to reinforce her form for a much more savage mate- and also grew even longer to make sure she could take his daunting length.

*Mmmm~hmhmhmmm, don't stop.* He bottomed out. Melody's top bulged from his head pressing against it from the inside. *Break me in, stud. Mark me, I am your mare~*

Mike grabbed the metal handles on her side and yanked her down onto him as far as he could- and his cock erupted from the opposite end! He literally broke her! Rather than react in pain, she yelped and then cooed in pleasure! The broken material where his dick ruptured quickly reformed as if it were a liquid- and became a huge pair of plump lips that looked almost like a halfway point between human and horse. Only his glans were far enough to penetrate her all the way through- so when he is fully in her, her lips rest against the underside of his corona and every movement they make massages the most sensitive part of his dick! As soon as he pulls back the glans pop back inside and the lips swallow him, then he shoves through again and they resume kissing his glans from below! She was still managing to tend to every inch of his penis, even when it exceeded her own length!

Mike erupted with cum almost embarrassingly quickly, given the impressive buildup to the actual fucking. Granted; the volume of cum was nothing to chuckle at. The ropes of thick goo he fired out were as wide as a human finger and he fired off enough of his sticky love to paint a new dividing line on a highway. Melody was unable to contain it this time, his cum escaped but started to shimmer and dimly glow mid-flight and seemed to flicker out of reality as it collided with the floor between the bed and the wall on the opposite side of the room. It had enough time to collide with the surface but not fully settle before it was already dissolved into pure energy in the air and inhaled by Melody. Mike was also so ravenously horny at this point that the orgasm did not so much as slow him in the slightest and he kept his grip on her handles and slamming into her with full force. Not even realizing that his heavy breathing and sudden exhales as he thrust was causing him to grunt like a stallion. He fucked her hard and aggressively for nearly another hour, slowing when he got close to edge back before erupting through her again, and Melody once again breaking his cum down mid-flight to create more energy. He doesn't have to ever worry about her vanishing on him because the mana ran out; every time he cums he adds another week to her lifespan. Mike passed immediately after.

When Mike woke up the next day he was confused because he passed out so quickly after that he has no recollection of going to sleep in the first place. He then remembered what Melody did to him and had a panic attack as he flipped himself over and kicked the bedding down to look at his enormous junk. It was actually not as bad as he recalled... because most of it was now inside of him- stuffed into a pocket in the base of his sheath and the rest in the sheath itself. His sheet was large enough to stand a 2L bottle up inside of, but the shaft itself was tucked away out of sight. He groans and does not even try to ask Melody to reverse this change; he knew there was no way he fully wanted to get rid of this. He rubbed his hands on the smooth, soft near-black skin of his scrotum, feeling the massive muscular orbs that are his now equine testicles. They are so large that a single hand doesn't even come close to containing one. How on earth is he going to hide THIS though? Between his balls and sheath it is going to look like he has three melons stuffed in his pants! If he can even get into his pants in the first place!

Mike was nervous about it, and deliberately put off getting dressed till after he finished getting ready for work- dreading that he was going to have to call in sick to hide his endowments. The weight of his balls swinging around under him was quite a bit- though it was an oddly comforting feeling, since it was a reminder of how impressive his genitals are. It also felt real good on his hands to just absentmindedly massage the plump folds of dark skin from his sheath with his hands. The skin is both very soft and very smooth and rubbery.

In the shower he had to reach into his sheath- making both hands vanish into its opening to make sure to clean his junk properly. The sheath was unusually floppy compared to an actual horse since Mike's is not actually adhered to his underside, it only connects at the very base. Combing his hair only took three or four swipes of a comb before as well, and now took two or three minutes because he also had to comb out his equine tail to make sure it didn't get matted up. Especially since it is trapped in his pant leg when he goes out. He noticed the dark skin tone from his junk also trailed up his torso very slightly- over the bulging veins that spread out from the base. When trimming his nails he had to press unusually hard on the clippers and ended up launching several nails off unintentionally and then having to track them down out of his carpet- both finger and toe nails were unusually thick now.

Melody giggled at his grumbling and continually comforted him, telling him that he would be fine and no one would notice. He had to wear his baggiest, stretchiest pants but he managed to get them on still. Black- so you do not notice the bulge as much by the shadow it casts. He had to forgo underpants entirely- a single testicle filled his underpants, never mind the pair or the sheath on top of that. The bulge was still real noticeable... but he figured he might as well try. At work he put his apron on ahead of time, using it to shield the view of the massive bulge in his pants. His increased pectoral muscles helped project the apron out and aid the illusion. Normally he took it off on his breaks but not today, and he dashed to the break room immediately to avoid giving anyone time to see him idle. Between that and the general hustle of the kitchen, no one seemed to notice. Or at least no one was caught openly gawking or mentioning it. As much of a pain as it is to hide; the level of pleasure this thing gave him cemented his love for it immediately. He would do whatever he could to keep his mammoth dong.

There was a few close calls at work too- he actually deliberately burned his hand on some too-hot food to use the pain to kill an approaching boner. Mike's ability to hide his junk relied entirely on it remaining asleep. If he popped a boner there would be absolutely no way to hide it- it is taller than he is! On his way home he had to once again stick to back laneways; not to take the shortest route but to make sure no one seen as his shaft filled in anticipation of returning to Melody. It tented his pants immediately but then brute-forced its own way out and tented his SHIRT. By the time he rushed back into his apartment and slammed the door behind him; it looked like there was a floppy fire hydrant under his clothes.

He ripped his clothes off and dashed to Melody already waiting on his bed. When he uncovered the behemoth it flopped out and swung down with so much force it almost pulled him over! Damn that thing is heavy as heck. Normally the sheath would always direct it up even before it is fully hard, but his is not attached to his underside so it doesn't offer any support of its own.

This was Mike's life for several days... a bit hard tending to his altered anatomy and trying to hide it, but the pleasure was more than enough payoff, and his horniness drown his concerns. His home life became even less existent since he got Melody, deleting most of his sort-of hobbies and pastimes and replacing them entirely with more sex. He technically had no life outside of work other than sex, but it was hard to complain. Melody gave him as much pleasure as he wanted all the time, and even when they were not fucking she was still a beautiful voice in his mind, following and comforting him even when he could not be with her physically.

His efforts to ease off the sex were reset to zero, and at best advanced to thinly veiled procrastination. I will cut back tomorrow. I will only fuck her once tonight, well... once MORE. Once more after the second go. Maybe tomorrow. Even if he wanted to slow down, his balls were enormous and filled his body with hormones. If he pops an erection at work, he cannot work around it. It happened twice in the span of a week already since, and he had to immediately dash to the bathroom to get rid of it. His genitals are not just big; they are very needy, and too big to ignore.

The first time he accidentally got a boner at work he almost burned it- his apron took the scorch mark but shielded his junk as it tented his clothes forward right into the edge of a live element. It was already too far out of his sheath, causing it to rub the soft glans against its prison of clothing which only sped up the rate it engorged itself. He got someone to cover him on that food and dashed to the bathroom, pretending he was just having problems with his guts- bowing forward to both sell the lie and also to hopefully hide the bulge shoving itself further up under his clothes! By the time he got to the bathroom his glans were already sticking out the collar of his shirt, and the shaft large enough to yank the collar out, off of him. It looked like he was trying to hide a telephone poll under his clothes.

Letting his balls out as he sat on the toilet, the scrotum almost reached the floor and if he leaned back too far, his dick touched the wall over the toilet, behind him! Melody of course immediately appeared in his mind the moment he got aroused- so she was with him in voice at least to whisper descriptions of her illusory form, and a brief scenario of them fucking as stallion and mare to help him get off as quickly as possible. And then the cleanup- oh boy. Melody could not convert his cum while he is at work because he is well outside of her range. His cock is so enormous that if he stood up off the toilet and tried to turn around he would need to take at least four paces back before the stream was aimed into the toilet instead of over it, and he obviously wasn't going to be able to do that mid-climax. So his bathroom breaks were occasionally very long, and he burned through two entire rolls of toilet paper each time he had to clean up a cum puddle he blasted against the wall on the opposite side of the room.

When he returned home, he always dashed immediately to Melody first, discarding his clothes as he dashed to his room. Melody almost looked like she has a horse face now, but only at a glance. Since her long, narrow form ends in a mouth now it vaguely resembles the face of a horse, but of course she has no eyes or ears and the other end is her genitals and anus. She has nostrils over the newly born mouth, but they are ornamental only- the nostril openings are shallow pits and do not actually lead anywhere since... well, she has no lungs. The mouth shape and lips are somewhat equine in appearance while the nostrils are fully equine- but her lips are very plush making them appear at least half-human. Melody speaks in Mike's mind, so her mouth is entirely unnecessary, but she will occasionally lip-sync herself when she is emphasizing a word, or she knows he is looking at her and she wants to whisper sexy nothings to him.

Mike was oblivious, and Melody noticed slowly but did not mention anything. He seemed to get needlessly stressed over changes, so it would be better if he did not know. He was still changing- though very slowly; slow enough that even Melody was not entirely sure at first. Under his clothing and with the bustle of work his co-workers outside of the apartment did not really notice. They eventually did, and started to raise their eyebrows but were not really sure what it could be, and did not want to offend him by asking about it. Mike is almost seven and a half feet tall by now and looks muscular enough to snap a person in half like a pencil, so everyone keeps their mouth shut around him.

His skin tone veeeery slowly started to change, edging closer to the near-black shade of brown that his sheath and balls took. This was easily passed off as him getting a tan- even though he was getting less sunlight exposure than ever. His accidental erections were getting more frequent slowly as well, causing him to take those extra-long bathroom breaks more often, and giving him even more reason to fuck Melody even more frequently trying to tame his hormones. He did not realize that more sex meant his body adjusted to be even more sexual. Like any muscle- the more you use it, the better it gets at being used; so he was making himself even hornier in the long run, not less. His nails thickened more, becoming a murky grey in color and darkening further with every added layer of keratin. Specifically his middle toe and fingers started to get a little larger, making his feet and hands oddly shaped. None of the other digits increased in size. His chest also projected further forward, making his torso slightly odd shaped as well- more barrel shaped.

Melody was not directly inflicting any of these changes, though they were powered off her now excessive store of energy. He has already cum into her so many times that her lifespan is longer than HIS. At this rate he is going to make her immortal. He keeps fucking like a horse, into a pussy shaped like a horses, with a dick shaped like a horses- just having an active transformation and enough energy in the area is causing the rest of him to slowly edge toward a more horse like shape. Like he was stuffing himself repeatedly into a horse-mold.

One day he woke up already horny, and lifted Melody into the air, bouncing her phantom ass off his crotch and into the air over him. He also annoyed the hell out of the apartment below him because Melody is still synthesizing the weight of a full mare body, and Mike is slamming her ass hard enough to bounce her up off him- so he is shaking the building enough that the light fixtures in the apartment below him and shaking back and forth! He was trying to edge himself and enjoy Melody's tight pussy stretched around his shaft, and her fat lips sucking the head of his cock on the opposite end- but it was actually Melody that hurried him to orgasm against his will and reminded him of the time! He almost made himself late for work! Mike only half pulled out though, and groaned, waiting in the afterglow rather than hustling to finish getting ready and get out the door.

He has been faking stomach aches at work to take those extra-long bathroom breaks- it would come as a surprise to absolutely no one if he were to call in sick. Yea... fuck it, he really doesn't want to leave the house right now. Mike called in sick and immediately returned to Melody. She giggled at being chosen over his work, and awarded him by using her powers to immediately refill his junk with another load ready to go! Now she shifted herself, shoving her phantom butt into him to knock him over on top of her- so he was being suspended by her magic... at the same elevation and accompanied by the same sensations as if he were lying on the back of a horse- covering his mate. They spent the entire day off and on fucking! The veins in his neck fattened and his neck became wider with enlarging muscles- but his hairline also started to dip in the back; growing unusually low. As he snort and grunt while thrusting into her, the bridge of his nose popped dully and his nostrils expanded a bit larger!

The next day he went to work but was horrendously distracted, constantly remembering yesterday with Melody. That also caused him two boners while at work he had to work off, so he spent most of the time in the bathroom jerking his meat pillar and goofing up the food because his mind was elsewhere. The other staff assumed it was because he is still ill and practically demanded he take tomorrow off again, at the very least. Food handling was not a job you should be doing if there is even a chance you could be mildly ill. Mike of course did not mind- he ended up fucking Melody several times that night alone, and did not go to sleep until very late; knowing he did not have to go to work tomorrow anyway.

Melody was a bit puzzled by his turn, but did not question it; she did not want to ruin the moment. He had seemed very leery of leaning into the fantasy before even though he clearly enjoyed it- now Mike seemed fine going all-in. Her purpose is pleasure alone though, so that alone is what she nurtures. Of course; that means consequence means nothing to her.

Mike did briefly will himself to try and watch TV, or just relax a bit without thinking about sex. He failed utterly- but an effort was made at least. He knew his resolve was all but dead and buried at this point, so he tried to make excuses up in his head as to why he shouldn't. Since he could not get his mind off sex while a battering ram sized cock flops around under him at the same length as his legs even when in a half-chub state- he briefly grasped feebly to another sexual desire. Sure, Melody was a great fuck, but he missed the breasts of a human, jostling around and squishing under his touch; Melody could not provide that because she does not even have a torso to put breasts on. So he could will himself to seek out porn of that instead of being with Melody, and then just not start looking it up. Use one desire to try and wean him off of another. Pull himself in two different directions and hopefully squirm away in the struggle between the two.

Melody giggled musically, making his cock twitch. *Aww, my poor stud misses fat, juicy titties?*

"Y-yea. So I want to..."

Melody wiggled herself back and forth a bit as two nubs formed on her underside. *Oooh? What is this?* Mike's brow twitched and a bead of sweat rolled down the side of his face. Two jiggly bubbles formed under the nubs, pushing them forward like they were offering themselves to him. *Could these be... my tits?* They swelled bigger in a surge into plump little hills- joined slightly in the middle... a petite mare udder! *My perky little horse titties? But... that can't be- because your hands aren't on them~*

He forgot- she doesn't need a torso to have tits. Horse udders are between their legs, directly under their pussy, and Melody DOES have that. She kept turning from side to side, flopping her tits from left to right as they grew. Mike slowly reached down and hovered a finger over either one, stopping their sloshing around by holding her teats with his fingertips- then started to press into them, fighting the erection of the nipples.

*MmmMMM~mah-haha! Oooh, rougher! Grab them, twist them! Nibble on my titties! I am a horse, silly- I have thick skin!*

He grabbed into them, and their flesh fought back against his grip- filling out fatter and shoving his grip wider with their bloated ebon skin!

*They MUST be bigger! I am no silly filly, I am a full fucking MARE! Mmmm~*

They swelled to the size of two D cup breasts smushed together and Mike could not resist any longer! He shoved them against his crotch and rammed his cock through Melody again! The udders kept growing as he held them to his lower gut while fucking her- feeling their round, bouncy flesh smack against his hard abs! They made a soft clapping sound from the air trapped in the cleft between the udder segments and his torso when they collide!

*Mmm~ such a big stud needs big titties! Fat! Bloated and heavy- fucking obese monsters!*

Bigger and bigger they swelled, wobbling around wildly from all the movement! Her teats were not very long but quite wide, looking like plump, rounded cones. Each segment of her udder swelled larger and fatter till they were both a bit larger than a full, large watermelon!

And so they fucked with him mounted up on her illusory body, he turned her around and had her give him a blowjob- he turned her over and fucked Melody on her 'back' with her enormously bloated tits squashed between them! He fucked her over the kitchen counter, on the couch, over the couch, on the bed, beside the bed, against the wall, in the shower, in the bath, and on the floor, repeatedly. One sick day and then the other, and then the entire weekend, and then another sick day he didn't even remember to call in for... and then work starting to wonder if he ditched them because he didn't call in the next day either, and did not answer the calls they left him. He barely even heard the ringing of his phone and could not answer because he was mid-fuck, so he would just listen to the message they left after. Except he was also fucking again after, so he utterly forgot the message was there or to check for it, or that he had a job in the first place.

His torso rounded out more, causing his abdominal muscles to vanish on the surface even though they were still very much there and as strong as ever. His crotch got even veinier and his flesh darkened more and more. His nails were now charcoal grey but only on his central digit- which continued to grow and grow, causing his hands and feet to be malformed. Most of the time he was mounted on Melody so he was only using them to prop himself up loosely or not at all if he was covering her while rutting, so he was almost oblivious to the change.

His neck and torso got a bit longer, causing him to hunch when walking. His hairline continued to advance down his neck even as the neck itself became larger, forming a mane! His clothes pulled taut and snapped off him when he moved around too much, and all he was doing was fucking Melody every which way, so he did not bother to try and pick out a better fitting outfit. Completely forgetting that those clothes were already the biggest he had- he is outside of human proportions; clothes don't work no more unless he wants to wear a saddle. Fur started to grow out slowly as the days went on, getting a little more every time he had sex with Melody, like his humanity was being rubbed off on her tight vaginal muscles. Just out of curiosity she even overfilled his prostate and balls as he hit orgasm already once, and kept him cumming over and over with no real break in between, just to see how long he could climax before he knocked himself out!

Glossy, fine black fur formed on his forearms, shins, and chest at first to match the patch already around the base of his enormous sheath. These all spread further out though, consuming more and more of his body. His nostrils flared wider and his pupils started to deform. Then his feet and hands got still worse- stiffer, clicking when he tried to move them because the joints did not fit together quite right. The middle fingers and toes became so huge compared to the others that they bones inside of his hand were shoved to the sides so tightly they started to fuse together- being absorbed into the giant central ones! His hands and feet stretched longer and longer to try and keep up with these huge digits, and the middle bone ate the others, squishing his fingers and toes together against it before fusing them together, and then vanishing entirely into it- becoming a cannon bone. The dense near-black nail on the ends grew as well, rolling off either side of the digit for lack of room, encompassing the entire end of it till the nail could no longer be mistaken for anything other than a horse hoof.

His voice lowered as his chest and lungs grew, then started to deform as his neck became massively muscular and pop and click as it lengthened. He could still speak, but his words were slurred and echoed with the sound of a whinny or nicker. He was too focused on the pleasure- on Melody, to notice what was happening to him. Mike was literally so absorbed into his fantasy of fucking his insatiable mare that at a glance his form looked normal to him- because he was imagining himself as a horse, slowly forgetting that he is supposed to be a human.

It did not help that the changes started to nibble at the edges of his mind, slowing his thoughts and dulling his intellect more and more. He was only thinking of his mare and the colossal dong between his legs- and if you do not use it, you lose it. So his other memories and thoughts faded and were forgotten more with every climax. And still he fucked more and more. Melody can make him full and needy whenever he wants, so without any will to restrain himself he can get her to recharge him over and over with zero downtime. Fuck, eat, sleep, fuck again. Fucking like a horse, thinking like a horse, living like a horse.

His freakishly engorged cock forgot how to even go soft anymore- it became more flexible after orgasm for a bit before turning back to rigid, that was about as close to soft as it was going to get. His glans were in such a perpetual state of fully flared that it might as well have been turned to stone. If he wasn't oozing pre listening to Melody nicker softly into his ears, he was jetting precum in arousal or blasting cum. His dick was always leaking something!

He could not bring himself to stop as a human- he could not even imagine the concept of wanting to stop in this state. His nostrils flared even larger, causing the bones in his face to pop and crack, stretching his entire face larger! His teeth enlarged and his jaws stretched and still he fucked. His elongated face and increasingly dexterous lips could no longer remember how to form human words. Even more sex. His pupils stretched into rectangles and his thoughts dulled even further, getting dumber and dumber- literally fucking his own brains out. More sex. The very short but dense pelt continued to wrap around him, hiding his bare flesh as it consumed his body. His face stretched even further out; not quite right for a horse, but also no longer recognizable as a human. More sex.

His furniture was absolutely demolished, his apartment looked like a tornado swept through it. A horse has no regard for the value of any human devices nor does it fit inside of a small human apartment particularly well, so he clumsily smashed into his television, laptop, crushed the couch under the force of their fucking, flattened the half of his bed that was still standing. He even smashed the lights out of the kitchen because his head kept colliding with the fixture on the roof! His electricity bill was skyrocketing because he didn't know to close the fridge door after getting food and eventually broke the door completely off. He broke one of the handles off the sink using his huge teeth to turn it on. Still more sex. His face stretched so far out his eyes turned to the sides of his massive head and stretched every trace of its formerly human shape out over that of a horse's.

The restaurant replaced him after half a week of zero contact. Some of his former co-workers were a bit more concerned about him however and eventually one of them went to visit his apartment to see if he was okay... only to find a muscular black stallion in the ruins of an apartment that absolutely reeked of horse musk. At least he was the only horse on the face of the planet that knew how to use a toilet.

"What the fff-uuuuuuck happened here?! How in the hell did he get an entire horse into his apartment? And where the hell did HE go?! How did he even get it up the stairs to the third floor?? Aww man what a mess. I guess I need to call animal services or something; can't leave a horse trapped in an apartment."

Melody watched the man looking around, huffing and sighing as his only response to what he seen. *Geeze, boy needs to relax a little, I can feel how tense he is from here.* Her form wobbled and sucked inward, returning to the fleshy sphere it originated from. *I bet he could use a ride~*

Well... horse are herd animals.