Heat Within

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WARNING - This story is 18+ Content, contains a feral character, and contains M/M sexual themes. Now's your chance to turn back now. READ THE TAGS!!!

Story - You've been a fan of Arcanines for a long time. So much so that you've been idling on a hookup app that has given you the opportunity to meet one in the flesh. His handler, mysterious and coy, sets up the first outing between you and a mighty beast. Will he be too much to handle? Probably!

Just an FYI - I'm thinking about making this into a series but I'd like to gauge how much people like this kind of content. Criticism is appreciated, but just keep in mind this is my first outing with adult story telling.

Your shoes splash on the rain-slick streets as you make your way to the location, guided by the dim light of a GPS route you shakily put into your phone. You'd been airdropped this location along with a string of messages from an app on your phone: Pokémount.

Frankly, it's been a while since you had used the app. You were debating whether or not to even keep it on your phone. Yet, there you were, receiving a string of messages from a 'handler' named EmbyrKeeper01 in the middle of a crowded coffee shop. Now, you find yourself in a smaller urban neighborhood, alone and nervous. You double check your messages.

"Hey Cutie, I like your bag pins. I see you like Arcanines, clearly."

"Hi...? Sure, but uh, how can you see me?"

"Not important, lol. Your arcanine enamel pins stick out in a crowd, though. All that's important is that you're on this app too. And we both know what that means."

"You are a handler? Sorry, I haven't been on here for long."

"Yup. Got an arcanine that's been getting restless and moody. Ur his type. He likes newbies too. I can get him in 10 mins. If you want to meet up, meetup at the address. Be there, cutie. Bring water and snacks. These kinda things can last a while"

And so it was. You just could not say no to a chance to meet an arcanine on such a close level. Sure, the handler was sketchy as fuck, but you'd taken bigger leaps than this, right? Plus his account was verified, so he must have had some clout in town if he was a trusted member of the Pokemount community. If anything, you were just concerned that you had not been able to see his face.

Goosebumps frill on your skin as the coldness of the air makes you shudder. You look up from your phone and you find that now you are in some sort of alleyway. It's a nice, fenced in one with some flowers growing on some balconies above you and the scent of wet grass perfumes its way down here. The windows of the buildings here are pretty high up, closed, and the curtains drawn. You take a sigh of relief to find that your sins are, to an extent, behind closed doors.

Despite the weather here, there are overhangs in this alleyway that keep it dry. When you pan your vision downward, you actually see a mattress with some blankets thrown on top and you begin to imagine if someone could straight-up sleep here. You look over your shoulder, wondering if you are in the wrong place as you sling your backpack off your shoulder. Your heart races as you set it at your feet, looking at the decorative pins of the orange canine decorating it.

Just as you began to debate if this was a stupid decision or not, you could feel your phone vibrate and call your attention. 1 new message.

"Knew you couldn't resist playing with fire. Warning you, he's a bit dominant... let him take charge. He treats his bitch right. If you have second doubts, I'd back out now. Embyr won't stop until he's done with you. Have fun cutie~"

You read the text a few different times to make sure you can cypher a meaning - making sure that it's real. Your heart beats quickly, like a prey animal running from a hunt. You look up to call out, testing the waters to see if this is some sort of prank. "U-Uh, hi? Are you here for the meetu-" then you see it.

The biggest fucking dog you had ever seen. The size of a miniature horse, the large arcanine stands at the other end of the alleyway, like he'd teleported there during your momentary distraction. His fur was heavy orange, fluffy, scruffy, and slightly damp with some scarce rainwater. His tail wagged with excitement as your eyes connected, staring into your mind with those deep amber pools. You feel as if you are choking on your words. Your knees are wobbling as you take a hesitant step forward. "A-An arcanine... for real. H-hey there bud..!"

The noble pokémon steps forward more confidently, walking up to you slowly yet eagerly. You feel like he is running, but the dog simply keeps eye contact and walks up to you. He's wordlessly eating you alive with his gaze, and you can only pace your breathing as the canine gets within a few feet of you, at your chest level. He snuffles your tshirt, shoving his muzzle up your chest as he gauges your scent, wagging his tail.

You're about to step back, feeling your excitement catching up to you, but the arcanine lowers his head and nudges your hand onto its head, forcing you to pet the soft top of his floofy mass. You run your fingers through the orange and tan fur, scratching behind his ears and jawline, heart racing the whole time. This beast could very simply bite your hand off or throw you to the ground, yet it seemed... curious about you. Eager to meet you too.

You catch a scent in the air that dominates the rain-smell that cloaks around you and the arcanine. A heavy animalistic musk mixed in with the aroma of well-cleaned fur wafted about the beast, and it smells like desire and raw masculinity. It was something that made sure you knew who the strongest in the alley was, and all signs pointed to the big arcanine. The hound's breaths were quick and hard, brushing his belly with his hot breath; a welcome change when you consider the rainy briskness behind you.

"Where's your master buddy?" You ask, scritching the canine, who's now... pressing into you? Like, his whole head is shoving into your stomach, affectionately pressing himself deeply into you. You're holding your breath as his ear flicks around your naval, and you feel your body react with an awkward movement on your lap. Tensing your muscles, you can hear a soft, dominant rumble as the arcanine possessively growls into your belly. It's not like a scary growl; moreso something that notifies you of your place in this situation.

You look around for some kind of handler, turning your head on a swivel as you idly pet the pokemon, wondering if you even had the permission to go on for as long as you are. He seems to be into it, so you don't dare stop. It's almost therapeutic to pet such a big, cuddly, overly-affectionate beast that could easily overpower you if it so choosed. God, you begin to daydream what a creature like this would do to you if it *did* overpower you, causing you to plush and your cock to stir in your pants.

You begin to wonder if the arcanine would've noticed such a small change in your anatomy, but you feel something... Strange. Warmth. Your left hand. It's... warm. Wet? You reactively look down to the arcanine, seeing your hand disappearing into its muzzle. Not the whole thing, but the canine is shoving his muzzle overtop of the hand that you'd been using to pet him, sucking and ringing his rugged tongue on your palm and giving you sensual eye contact as he does that.

"H-Oh... I-" you say, nervously flushing in your face as you try to overcome your shock of the arcanine's bold action. You feel the dog's long tongue flicking and folding between your fingers, sucking on your hand dribbling saliva off your wrist and onto the alley ground. You feel his sharp teeth grazing the flesh of your supple hands, and you breathe a soft squeak of air as you feel his teeth grit on your hand. Your body responds with a bubbling feeling of fear. No. Excitement?

"H-hey what're you doin-" you try to mutter before the arcanine begins tugging your hand, leading you toward the mattress in the center of the alleyway. You're stumbling, tripping on your shoes as you try to move with the energetic beast, who looks like he's smiling. It's like he knows something that you don't know, and you feel a heat begin to form in your stomach as the warm slobber washes your hand. When you eventually get to the mattress in the center of the alleyway, gently tugging you to lay your weight down on the bed.

In your other hand, you could feel your phone vibrating. Taking a seat, you glance over to the screen and see another message from EmbyrKeeper01 that simply reads. "Trust him. Let him take you to the moon." Then, suddenly, it clicked. You smile shyly, looking forward to seeing that Arcanine is now sitting on his haunches in front of you, tongue lolled out of his mouth with a haggard pant. "H-Huh! I guess you're um... E-Embyr?" You say, hesitantly.

That earns a light bark from the arcanine, who licks his teeth and eyes you up. You can't help but feel your prey like reflexes react to those glistening pearly teeth, body begging to be claimed by the bigger male. He seems to sense the mere idea that you are hesitant, wagging his tail as he assuredly feels himself up as the dominant party; the protector. He leans forward and licks your face, sliding his tongue up your chin and past your lips, leaving that heavy dog slobber.

You open your lips to react with a gasp, but your mouth is filled with a wet tongue; wild, wet, flat, and canine. Invasively kissing you now, the arcanine is pressing his muzzle into your lips, growling and dominating your tongue with his. Your throat rumbles with his presence, and you can only lean into it as his saliva mixes with yours. His taste is dominant, sweet and spicy - There is a taste of passion mixed with a flamy warmth that no doubt came from his fire type lineage.

Your heart has begun beating faster, and you close your eyes and drift into this arcanine like he's your sole connection to your world. He gladly becomes your guide, slipping onto the mattress with you and pushing you onto your back to find a better angle to shove that tongue into your quivering lips. With trembling hands you pet the dog's chest, combing your fingers through the thick, orange fur until you can wrap your arms around his bulky neck, hanging on for dear life.

By now you've even realized how hard you've gotten, cock pressing tightly against those briefs, slowly turning them into more of a prison than an undergarment. You huff a whimper into his muzzle, asking him to take you harder and faster, but he growls and asserts his form atop yours. Embyr is powerful. He sets the pace for this dance. His long tongue licks at the back of your mouth, coiling around your tongue from time to time; occasionally running along your teeth as much as his. The taste is getting addicting.

As soon as you're inclined to enjoy it further, he breaks the kiss and sets a strand of thick canine saliva hanging between your bottom lip and his, staring into eachothers eyes with half-lidded want and need on both parts. He licks your lips and gives you a quick peck before licking your cheek- neck... collarbone? You try to sit up and see just where he's going with this, but a paw is pressed on your chest, pressing your shirt upwards and revealing your midriff. While licking and lavishing your neck, your instincts try to push him away, but Embyr is a wall by now. He'll not be stopped.

Your shirt, with a singular movement, is tossed above your head and promptly discarded in the alleyway. The damp air coldly clings to your form, giving you goosebumps and raising hairs. The warm arcanine tongue licks downwards and toward your chest. You're uncomfortable with letting a pokemon lick this low on you, but you're soon thankful due to the warmth it provides. "E-Embyr- I- easy boy- nh~"

The words kick out of you, bathed in his warm and sticky tongue. It is heaven, and the world is blurring. You're wondering if he likes this as much as you do, but then you see *it*. A red silhouette in your peripheral vision, bobbing and twitching as it slowly exposes. You try and catch a glimpse at it past Embyr's arm, and you notice a growing canine cock, peaking out of a black, furry sheath with two impressive orbs resting just behind it. Your blush is persistent as you realize just how into-you this arcanine might be, and you can only guess how big it's going to be when he's fully exposed.

"Jeez, I-I guess we're both excited, huh boy?" You giggle, looking down at Embyr, who has reached your belly button, folding over it with that dexterous tongue. He stops mid lick and looks up at you with a smile in his eyes, tail wagging. Clearly you were right. He goes back to licking, paying a lot of attention to your belly, as if inspecting its qualifications. You grow a little self conscious, even knowing that a canine likely wouldn't care about something so small as your abdomen's shape.

Certainly the arcanine does not mind your body's form, lapping and slurping at your ticklish flesh, glistening it with his slobber and turning you into his delightfully sweet chew toy. Minus the teeth. You feel those sharp pin-pricks every once and awhile from the beast's jaws, but for the most part he's treating you carefully and sweetly.

Stopping again, you feel his muzzle clamp onto the brim of your pants and tug at them, trying to get them down your legs hastily. You decide to help the beast, unbuttoning the waist and un-flying the zipper. Without the fabric clinging to your waist, the pants simply slide down your slender legs without issue, leaving you in a set of briefs. Tented in those briefs, your cock stiffly presses against the fabric, proudly proclaiming your enjoyment to the attention. The arcanine notices, paying you a sly glance as you look down at him, heat flushing your face and clouding your mind entirely.

"H-hey boy w-we don't hafta start with me-" you begin to explain, voice catching in your throat as that canine tongue slides underneath your balls and up your shaft through the fabric. The slobber absorbs into your underwear, but you can definitely feel every stroke as he licks at your lap. You kick your head back and huff to the sky, praying nobody out here could ever hear the noises you're about to make; especially considering that you've only barely started. He's insistent at hearing those noises though - licking and lathering your cock through its confines huffing warm breath onto your lap as he plays with you.

He grabs the waistband once more with his teeth and fully disrobes you. Completely. At some point, you've taken off everything else. You are in your raw, natural form; just as he is. Your cock twitches at the evening air, shifting your weight in the mattress as the arcanine closes in on your waist, sniffing and inhaling your weaker scent, begging to be changed into his dominant aroma of musk and canine need. You feel the tongue make direct contact with your shaft.

'Shrill' could be a word used to describe it, but it comes out more of a gasp when you moan into the sky, eyes widening with new sensations and implications of what is actually going down. Your cock is now pressing wetly against the tongue of a pokemon, and it feels better than anything thus far you've ever felt down there. Your jaw sets as he slurps all the way to your tip, lying his ears back and enjoying your taste. Electric waves of pleasure flow up through your muscles as he slithers the appendage up, down, and around you sensitive flesh.

The slobbery canine coats you and the clear fluid even begins to drip off your balls and onto the mattress with how much he produces. It's even difficult to tell that you're drizzling pre by now, as it mixes so well with the fluids left behind by Embyr's maw. Once he's done playing with you externally, he suddenly stops. "Tsk- I- '' you begin to ask the dog what he's going to do next, only to feel a pair of lips on the head of your cock. Oh.

He slides down your shaft, taking all of you inside his canine muzzle. Your cock passes between rows and rows of sharp teeth and glides on a pathway created by his velvet tongue that strokes the underbelly of your cock. Sucking in a breath, you sit up briefly to grab at the large arcanine's head, stabilizing yourself against the canine, trying to regain your control of the situation. "F-fuck~!" you cry out, shuddering; however, the arcanine does not stop for a moment. On the contrary, he presses his paw against your chest and pushes you away from him and onto your back. You lazily stare up at the night sky as you get your cock serviced by the fire dog. Sucking sounds emanate from your lower lap as waves and waves of warmth just get sucked out of you. It's like your visions getting blurry as that flat tongue bathes every square inch of your sensitive member, and your lips tremble in the night as he begins to bob his head.

You ponder for a moment on how the pokemon got so good at sucking cock, but there is no denying that it's a natural talent of his as he bobs up and down, lips stroking the sensitive head with every peak. Your toes coil in the cold air, and your thighs press into the sides of Embyr's head, holding him there and showing him that you don't want it to stop. He growls softly into your groin, sending dominant vibrations up your heft and through your lower belly, and just like that, the butterflies return. You understand his service is not a right, but a privilege.

"S-shit Embyr- I-" you try to speak, but he's picking up his tempo. He already knows you're close, and when you look down to check on him, those ember eyes are fiercely looking at you with intrigue. He just wants to watch the look on your face when you lose yourself, and when that heat spreads through your lap... you know it won't be long. You shoot your head back and squeal a little moan, stretching your toes out blissfully.

He slams his thick muzzle all the way onto your lap, kissing your balls and base with his snout, stroking his tongue against you to coax everything you've got. You can even feel that very same tongue scooping under your sack, and just like that- it's over. You shoot the first rope of cum into his maw, and he growls approvingly. He likes the taste, and your prey instincts practically scream at you to give the bigger male what he wants. You shoot spurt after spurt, only to feel a vacuum of pressure around your cock as it pulses. You can feel his throat bobbing to drink all you give him, not letting a single drop fall onto the mattress. "A-arcanine~ Fuuuuck me~" you whimper.

Fireworks. It's all you can feel right now, even as it weighs off. There's a sloppy sound of the arcanine's muzzle disconnecting from your lap, and the cold air makes your softening member twitch. Looking back down, you can see that you're still hard; your cock glistens with his slobber and bits of your cum, and he spares now time to start cleaning you. He services every last bit on your lap, and purring in a dominant way to show his enjoyment. You're too stunned to really speak or egg him on or off. He's just going.

Embyr moves onto your balls and cleans them up, making you sigh in relief as he gets lower and lower. It's... oddly pleasant knowing you won't have to do much walking in cum-soaked undies as he cleans you, but you do wonder why he's taking so long down there. You want to way something, but notice something... new.

He's put a paw on your lower thigh, and has moved his tongue further down your ballsack... close to your taint. You keep a clean show down there as-is, so you begin to wonder why he's getting so close to your hole until- bam. It hit you. You feel his flat, still-wet tongue slip up your crack and onto your sensitive pucker with no warning. "H-huh-'' you emote with a natural reaction, reaching down to stop him before-


You stop, watching in shock and some mild horror as the arcanine slurps at your hole again, slickening it with his drool once more. It's pleasant even when unexpected, and you hesitantly lean back against the mattress once more as he laps at your hole, over and over. He's preparing you, but you don't seem to grasp that through the pangs of pleasure that flush over you.

Every once and a while, you'll feel his tongue slip inside you and curl against your walls, stretching you out inch by inch. His hot breath kisses your lower back and ass, and you find yourself resting your tired legs on the canine's shoulders as he eats you out. Those sharp teeth nip at your cheeks and that tongue continues to splunk inside you- deeper and deeper. There is no stopping it even as it gets deeper- past your comfort zones at some parts. Minutes pass like this as he just savors your taste, and you can practically hear how slick you are getting back there.

"K-kay Embyr I think we can stop" you suggest, only to feel a second paw come up to your other thigh, spreading them apart. No. The true feast was about to begin. He presses his tongue inside you and sensually french-kisses your entrance. He presses his muzzle into you and you almost lift off the mattress at the angle you're on. The tongue snakes inside you and laps against your walls, and you let out a sensual moan, just as powerful as the one you just sang when you came the first time.

You cock bobs once more, fully erect and dripping cum as he returns the attention. He begins to slowly tongue-fuck you with his long, long doggy tongue. He's dipping and diving into you with an eagerness, panting every once and a while between licks. It does not take the beast long to find your, licking past the sensitive spot with the broad strokes, lolling his tongue into you deeper and deeper, scratching an itch you didn't even know you had.

He presses his nose up and muzzles past your ring, stretching you around his muzzle as he reaches deep inside you. Just about to the point where you feel like he's going to rip you apart and devour you. He's fucking drooling inside you. You can feel a thin stream of spittle streaming down your lower back as he has himself a goddamn feast. Through the growls and snuffs, you do not deign to stop him. "Arcius~ Thats so fucking good~ Fuck me- P-Prep me for your pups" You say though a gaspy-giggle.

The creature rumbles. He knows he's violating you deeper than anything else, and he's proud of doing this to his new bitch. He treats you like a feast, grabbing onto your thighs and but with his rough paws. He's digging his nails into you just enough to leave love marks without hurting you, and something about that amplifies the whole experience for you. The sounds of his 'feast' mark the entire alleyway, and the growls and sheepish moans escaping your pathetic lips are no-doubt able to be picked up by any bystanders that walk by; not that they'd ever deign to investigate.

By the time he's all done tasting you up, your entire flank is cloaked in a thick layer of canine slobber and drool, dripping with warmth that spreads up into you. It leaves you wanting more. It leaves you wanting the rest of what this dominant hound has to offer. His tongue sucks out of you and he licks his chops proudly, admiring his work as he looks down at your stretched entrance. He's just as interested in you as you are in him.

You hear his paw pads click on the payment as he walks forward and onto the mattress, namely, on top of you. You're covered by his looming mass and cloaked in his shadow as he crawls above you. He leers down at you and you can only help but look up submissively, heart beating faster and faster as his hot fur radiates heat so closely to you. Below him you can smell him potently: he has a heavy male scent that radiates from his lower nethers, indicative of his fascination with your body. You pay a worried glance downward to the arcanine's loins, and spot his throbbing doghood.

"Ah-" You begin, nervously looking back at the smug face of Embyr, who's panting with desire for your body. "A-About the whole pup's thing... Is it too late to take it back?" you ask playfully, nervously giggling as the arcanine licks his lips. He doesn't look like he's going to go back on your plea.

He suddenly crouches, then lies on top of your body, pressing your bellies together and mashing your delicate skin against his fluffy fur. He shoves his muzzle into your neck and licks affectionately, causing you to moan again and hold his body in a semi-hug. You run your fingers through his fur as if it's the only thing you can grasp onto, huffing into the air as you suddenly are cloaked in his warmth and musk. You're going to smell like him for a while.

You also feel something else. A twitching on your cock. You feel that your damp cock is pressing against that aforementioned doghood, throbbing with each other in that close and confined space. Embyr looks at you with a side eye that almost teases you about the difference in size; a proof that could only establish dominance. You can only sigh and hold on tight as the arcanine begins gyrating his hips and frotting his big cock against you, making you squirm helplessly. You feel him further leaking pre onto your belly, marking you deeply with his bestial scent. His need to make you his bitch.

"F-fuck Embyr~" You moan into his ear, causing him to lean his head back and press his muzzle to your lips, tongue fucking your mouth as the lewd act continues. You feel like you're about to cum again as that fur tickles you and that sheath strokes you, but you're holding on close. You're living in bliss as the arcanine teases you further, flustering you to no end. His tail is wagging now, eagerly, and his member stiffens as he spurts a line of clear fluid into your belly. He breaks the kiss, and his magical eyes gleam into yours, checking if you're ready.

You nod, cautiously, and Embyr moves into position. His haunches move back and he presses his paws on either side of your head, giving you a view of the stoic hound as he presses the tip of his cock directly into the cleft of your ass, aligning with your entrance. He doesn't even miss his mark, proving his proficiency with the act. You can hear the squelch of him sliding against your cheeks, probed by the slick saliva. "D-don't hold back boy... I trust you'll treat me right... r-right?"

The arcanine smirks and licks his teeth before squinting at you and pressing forward, spearing into you deeply. Immediately you can tell the anatomical difference between any other men you've slept with and Embyr; he's bigger than anything you've ever taken before and stretches you with the first inches of his bitchmaker, making you tense tightly. He snarls with effort to shove deeper and deeper inside of you. He's been so patient with you before, but he's battering past your defenses now and entering deeper and deeper into you. His dicks feels like it's bigger than a foot as the inches keep coming.

His haunches push forward, unimpeded by your whimpers and gasps. You shoot your arms up to his sides and grab fistfuls of that orange fur. He growls but doesn't convince you to stop grabbing, rather, he shoves a couple more inches inside you. He stretches into you and squeezes past your prostate, which forces a squeak out of you, coiling your toes and immediately wrapping your legs around the arcanine's flank. It goes on and on until you feel something new. Something bigger. A lump at the base of Embyr's cock. You're familiar enough with canine anatomy to recognize what this is - a knot. A big one at that. You're gut churns with the idea he's just going to fuck it into you here and now.

"E-Embyr bud~? O-on second thought I think we oughta take it sloOOwww-!" You begin mumbling up to the creature, only to feel him yank his length out of you all the way down to the tip, panting as he does so. He shoves it back in faster now that you've fully adapted his length, plapping that thick knot against your rim and stretching you subtly, demanding a way in. The beast above snarls, dripping strands of spittle down onto his bitch's face and hair. It feels strange to be dominated so purely by a beast in this way. The world phases out and quickly all you begin to focus on is pleasing your mate... this arcanine.

He begins a slow-yet-stern tempo, thrusting his hips back and forth to plunge his member into you. Your body stretches over and over to accommodate his throbbing mass, and his panting hot breath washes over your face as you ride him out. He's taking pleasure with you, and you feel his pair of large balls slapping your flank over and over again, packing a load he's clearly aiming on putting into you. You can see him wagging his tail eagerly, losing himself to the primal desire to breed you totally and completely.

The alleyway fills with the sounds of him wetly plowing you, and all your senses are dominated with him. You reach your head up to kiss the arcanine again, and he gives you a quick lick on the face before wetly kissing you. His speed increases, digging his hind paws into the pavement for leverage as he throws his tough body into you over and over again, punching gasps out of your lips and into your partner's maw. Additionally, it also begins to feel like he's trying harder and harder to press that knot past your rim, stopping only due to your stiff resistance. "H-hoah~ Embyr~ I-I Can't take th-that." you whimper. "N-Not all of you."

The canine cannot understand your concerns, it seems. He keeps fucking you harshly into the mattress without a care for your pleas to stop. He's mating you with purpose, an intent to put every last drop of his load inside a womb you don't have. You feel him shift his front paws suddenly, fluffing his chest onto your chest and wrapping his front paws around your hips. He's getting into a more ideal position for quicker thrusts, trading depth for speed. The cock is grinding inside you, leaking pre inside your velvety passageway, making an entrance for the inevitable tie that is moments away. He breaks his kiss and presses his muzzle right up to your ear, panting hard and even nibbling at your earlobe. He'll occasionally flick his tongue up the side of your neck, setting all of your nerves on fire.

It's too much to handle. You feel his fur grinding harshly against the underbelly of your already-spent cock, building friction endlessly until you finally shoot a weaker load between your shared bodies. You tighten onto his massive tool, gripping even harder onto him with your arms and legs like he's your lifeboat. All you can focus on now is the cock thrusting fast and hard into your depths, and you know that your struggles manage to do nothing but provide more friction for your canine. Fuck, this dog can fuck. He's holding off for a climatic finish. He's going to put his pups into you, deep and hard.

Your body is rocking on this bed. He's making sure you couldn't forget his cock if you tried. Surely you're going to want to come back for more and more; you want to get fat with his pups, leaking with his scent constantly as he rails you. Your biology is getting the better of you, and you're begging for this. You're hot and sweaty, and he's hotter. His fire type ancestry ensures the heat in your loins is going to stay for a while. You cry out in ecstasy with every jut forward with his hips, feeling each throb in the beast's cock. Your hearts feel like they beat together, tied into one cohesive moment.

It begins with a snarl in your ear. Followed by a tensing in every single one of the arcanine's muscles, the beast shoves into you with every bit of power he can. You feel an even tighter pressure on your flank, and you realize quickly that you're being split in two. The knot, about the size of a baseball, is stretching you wider and wider. Embyr is demanding he be let in and no amount of tenseness in your body can stop a Pokemon of this caliber.

Your heart is slamming, and your mouth is yawning open in a single frozen moment of fear, excitement, pleasure, and pain. "F-fuck boy~" You cry out before finally the arcanine shoves the knot inside you. The bulb's entrance inside you practically drags you into the dog's lap, sending your ass close between his legs as he fully enters you. Trying you entirely, he howls loudly and bites down on your neck lightly. Electricity shoots through you full as you cling to the big dog, listening to his mild grunts of delight as he finally gets to release.

A warmth like none other blooms in your belly as Embyr shoots rope after potent rope into your guts. His cum is hot and heavy, spreading deep inside you with purpose; searching for something to impregnate, something to change inside you forever. It does not stop for quite some time, and you feel your tummy expand with his canine load. The knot locks tight with your aching rim, ensuring not a single drop of his litter could possibly fall out of you. You're sent with waves and waves of comfort, resting in that delightful arcanine smell.

Every other minute you can feel the massive cock twitch inside you, reminding his bitch that he's still inside and dominating him. He's also humping you idly as he keeps on cumming inside you. You're breathless, weak, tired, thirsty, and more than ever? Wanting. You're kind of hoping that this feeling won't end. That this arcanine won't leave you behind. Your fingers have gone from gripping the fur to simply caressing the beast, letting him know politely that you're comfortable. He turns and gives your cheek a big lick, lying his entire weight onto you like a security blanket.

He is definitely not going anywhere any time soon, and you're kind of worried that anyone will find you two like this. It's actually at that moment that you hear your phone vibrate on the mattress next to you. You weakly shunt out an arm toward it and pick the device up, clicking it on. You see a message on the app, and it's coming from the handler of the find beast atop you.

"Having fun there, pup? He's taken a liking to you...he only knots people he likes. I'd get comfortable."

You ponder the implications of that message before Arcanine keeps licking you, making it hard to concentrate. You fumble a text back to him. "How long do we w8 here?"

"Could be about 30 to an hour. Depends how much he likes you. Sometimes he'll even go twice. Why do you think I told you to bring snacks? ;)"

You giggle, turning to look back up at the arcanine, giving him a kiss as he humps you again, marking you with his heavy, comforting scent. You look over to your bag next to the mattress, spotting a water bottle that you'd brought just to be safe, and you reach over to rehydrate. The water is refreshing, but it does not entirely remove the taste of your mate from your lips. You dont mind. You even give him a drink from the bottle as you go back to just... holding each other.

You whisper up to Embyr, a smile on your face. "I liked that boy. W-would you want to do this again? I can save your keeper's contact info... right?"

The arcanine wordlessly gives you a look that looks like a smile, then leans forward to give your face a deep kiss once again, before tugging his long tongue out and licking your cheek. That seems like a 'yes', so you turn to your phone to message the keeper.

"I'm hooked... same time next week? I'd love to hear from you again."