Puppy Needs His Bone

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A young couple gets frisky when they get the house to themselves for the weekend...

The Madisons were devoutly religious. But when the oldest of their malamute family had expressed same sex inclinations, they took it in stride.

Ever since they were in first grade, Mr and Mrs. Madison would dedicate at least a day a week to reading the bible with their kids. The malamute couple decided early on that they wanted to provide an experience different from the evangelical upbringing they had. They were transparent about religious philosophy, the ways to interpret scripture, and raised them to be sociable, fun young adults that keep the Bible closer to their heart than many their age. The three kids would bring friends home from all walks of life, and it always warmed them to see the socializing and bonds they themselves didn't have the opportunity to have.

Abraham never had to come out to them, in the sense that the whole family kind of knew from the beginning. The parents needn't do more than share a look when, at eight years old, he painted nails better than his own mother and had a long imaginary novela involving his sister's Barbie collections. They never made any assumptions; they knew things like that tend to fall on a spectrum...but come on.

What really set them off happened many years later, in fact just a few months ago, and surprisingly at church. One of the parents' acquaintances happened to have a gay son, a dashing snow leopard who, admittedly, did not care for church life. They'd long allowed Connor to live life how he pleased, and being receptive to the teenage experience, the two families decided to force the two seniors to attend one fateful Sunday. And it was set in stone after that.

The big malamute's tail didn't stop wagging once that evening, and Connor's parents said they never saw their son smile as wide as he did that night. A week became a month, and the boys began hanging out more and more; movie nights, downtown walks. They'd even begun attending church more often, even if it was more for their parents than anything else.

That brings us to this morning. The Madisons were heading to the Rushing Rivers Water Park, mostly at the behest of the two youngest twins, Ashley and Angel. They wanted to do something their oldest could also enjoy, as his birthday had just been last week, but the two twelve year olds were relentless in their begging. Thankfully, Abraham had been more than fine with the outing. However, on the morning they were heading out, the big malamute woke up ill with a fever.

While they always got insurance for any tickets they purchased, the Madison family refused to allow their son to be alone and sick for a whole weekend. The trip was about to be canceled, but Abraham insisted otherwise. After a brief phone call, he let them know that Connor was more than happy to spend the weekend over at their place to keep the sick malamute company, much to the family's (but especially the twins) relief.

The snow leopard had in fact just been dropped off when he saw the Madison's getting into their minivan. "Oh, Connor, you're such a lifesaver!" The mother exclaimed from the passenger window. "Make sure my son doesn't drive you too crazy."

"Nothing I can't handle, miss. You two excited?" The snow leopard looked toward the twins in the back.

"Totally excited!"

"I was going to kill Abe if we missed this." The two exclaimed at once.

"Ashley!" The parents both exclaimed at once.


"Yeah, she was kidding..."

Connor let them bicker as they began pulling out the driveway. "Have a fun and blessed weekend you guys!"

"You too sweetie, bless you both!" The snow leopard waved to the car as it disappeared down the road. He headed to the front door, and entered the empty home. He set his bag down on the table, noting the running water of the shower emanating from down the hall. He took off his leather jacket, and checked himself out in one of the mirror's in the living room. His teeth were clean and white, he smelled good, no boogers, and the ripped jeans with the black rock T-shirt added just enough grunge to his liking.

The shower stopped, and a few moments later the door opened. "They're gone, right?" Abraham calls out, which Connor confirms. The snow leopard picks up his backpack, just in time for the malamute to come out donning just a towel.

Connor was admittedly taken aback. Abraham's broad shoulders and naked torso looked too good, and his blood rushed south with the force of a newly minted adult. "The heat pack worked?"

"Nearly burnt my forehead, but yeah..." the malamute sauntered over to the snow leopard, wasting no time as he rubbed his paw along the front of his jeans. "You brought it with you, right?

"Yeah...and you sure you want to do this?"

The malamute replied with a tight squeeze to the snow leopard's stiffening bulge.

"I just, mmmph, feel like I'm b-being a bad influence..." Connor shuddered as the canine's soft paws unzipped his jeans, the fingers brushing along his hardening dick through the cotton of his boxers.

"You are a bad influence..." The malamute unbuttoned the snow leopard's jeans, and allowed the tented red boxers room to breathe. "Being so charming, and sexy. When I first met you, I was still saving myself for marriage..."

The malamute began kneading the rock hard cock through the cotton. "But over time, I just couldn't help myself. And then you start telling me about all this kinky stuff you like, giving me these dirty ide-"

Connor shoved his tongue into the canine's muzzle, ripping the malamute's towel off as his paws squeezed each cheek of his thick, snow colored ass. After a few delicious moments Abraham pulled away from the snow leopard's muzzle, whispering in his ear.

"Meet me in the room. And bring your bag..."




With the phone properly mounted onto the tripod, the now shirtless snow leopard pressed play.

"So guys, I've been keeping a secret from you, one I've teased for a while now. A few weeks ago, I got myself a puppy! And as you can see..."

He lowered the tripod until it showed just below his chest, capturing a good angle of his abs all the way to his calves. He wore nothing but his red boxers, trying to not pitch a tent too early in the video.

Kneeling in front of the snow leopard, the stocky malamute wore a pup mask and a collar, with the leash wrapped around the big cat's paw. "He's such an obedient boy...and now that he's eighteen, I get to show him to you guys. You like that, don't you?"

Connor gave the dog a scratch behind his ear, making his fluffy tail wag excitedly. "Yup!" The malamute exclaimed, feeling his collar getting yanked closer to the snow leopard's growing bulge.

"You want to show the folks at home just how good a boy you are?"

The malamute nodded his head, sticking his tongue out the mask as he began sniffing along Connor's tent. "Mmm...yeah, get a good whiff..." the snow leopard groaned, feeling the dog's muzzle sniff his balls, traveling down until the snout was in the nook of his taint. By the time Abraham pulled back, a thick wet spot formed by the tip of his tented underwear, and he couldn't help but give it a lick.

Connor hissed at the feeling, his legs buckling as the malamute began dragging his tongue along the now very stiff cotton. "Just like that...big boy loves his meat..."

The snow leopard almost felt guilty at how much he was getting off on this, especially when the malamute began making needy little whines and moans. "Your dick is so tasty, master..."

Master? That's new, the snow leopard thought. None the less it sent a shiver down the cat's spine. "Mmph, anything for my big pup. Want me to get that pesky cotton out the way?"

Abraham nodded his head, whining as the snow leopard began pulling down the front of his boxers and hooking them beneath his plump balls. The snow leopard's erection throbbed in the open air, already leaking as the canine's breath surrounded the tip.

"Now careful, don't want you choking now..." Connor warned, feeling that hot velvety mouth engulf his aching cock. The malamute whined and moaned, sending pleasurable vibrations along the shaft as he began bobbing his head.

"Just like that, puppy..."

The snow leopard angled his muzzle upward, letting out a gravelly moan as the canine began kneading his heavy nuts. The malamute used his other paw to jerk himself off, his arm thumping against the cat's leg.

"This is exactly what you wanted, ain't it? To show thousands of people how much you love a good bone in your mouth..."

Abraham pulled back, and began sloppily making out with the tip of Connor's erection, enjoying the tangy sweetness of his pre, before sliding his lips down the side of his shaft. He engulfed the side of his cock, making sure to show his favorite bone to the camera.

The malamute kept himself there, swishing his tongue around the side and base. The snow leopard's uncut cock glistened with spit and pre, and the canine held it in his maw like a hot dog. He sucked and slurped along the meat, slowly inching up toward the drooling head before once again inserting it within his hot, slobbery maw.

Connor began panting, feeling that delightful tingle grow at the base of his nuts. Slowly, that tongue coaxed him closer to his climax...

The snow leopard clenched his toes, slowly hunching over as the tongue swished beneath his foreskin, and those lips provided the perfect suction. The snow leopard couldn't even speak for the camera, his eyes rolled back, and with a shiver in his spine-

"Oof, my jaw is sore" Abraham said, pulling off the cock, making the snow leopard wince and groan. His cock fiercely ached, so close to creaming down his puppy's throat, even now as it dangled beyond his mask.

The snow leopard wanted nothing more than to finish the job, and feel the canine guzzle down his nut. "Where, uh, w-where does the puppy want me to cum?" He asked in his sexual daze.

"Well, if it's okay with you..."

The malamute got on the bed, showing off his black jockstrap as he went on all fours. He lifted his tail, showing off his little pink ring nestled between two large mounds.

"I want to feel my master's cum in me..."

The snow leopard huffed through his snout, and went to make sure the camera had a good angle.

Once everything was set, he uncapped a bottle of blueberry flavored lube, dripping it onto the malamute's pucker before shoving his tongue right in. The malamute yipped, feeling the rough texture of the appendage press deep in his ass, rubbing against his prostate.

The snow leopard quickly pulled away, getting close to cumming just from eating that big white ass. He picked up a condom and ripped it open.

"Hey Con- I mean M-Master! You don't have to wrap it this time..."

"Oh! You sure you don't mind the cleanup? I can cum a lot, and I shoot deep" though he asked, the snow leopard already grinned in anticipation.

"Yeah I'm sure, just...f-fuck your puppy. Shove it in me-"

The malamute yelped, biting his lip as the snow leopard's cock pushed right past his tight ring. The canine's cock pulsed in his speedo, squeezing tight around his hung kitty.

Connor's eyes were half lidded as he pressed his hips flush against his boyfriend's shapely ass. The feeling of the malamute's plush rear pressing into him was overwhelming. As well as his fluffy tail brushing along his stomach, and the way that hot, velvety tunnel squeezed along his twitching cock...

The snow leopard gripped onto the Abraham's hips, fucking him with reckless abandon. The headboard of the mattress began banging against the wall, and the malamute's moans rang through the whole house. Meanwhile the cat grunted and growled, his balls pulling toward him as he willed himself to hump faster.

"You want this fucking load, don't you? You want me to bust inside your tight hole?"

"Give it to me master, cum in your s-slutty puppy..."

Those words sent a shiver up Connor's spine. He slammed his hips forward, clapping them against Abraham's thick rump.

The malamute turned his head toward Connor, tongue dangling as he panted. And the sight of him looking so desperate made the cat...

"F-F-FUCK!" The snow leopard nearly shouted, his cock aching and pulsing, shooting thick ropes of hot cum down the dog's tight tunnel.

"That's it babe, let it out...give me every drop..." The malamute spoke with deep satisfaction, bouncing his rear on the snow leopard's hips as the cock bounced and throbbed inside him. After a few moments the canine smiled, noticing the cock inside him was still just as hard as before.

"Turn the camera off, babe."

Connor quickly headed over to the tripod, taking the phone off and setting it down. That video was going to be a real doozy to edit, but the snow leopard didn't even have time to ponder that as he turned around.

The malamute had taken off his mask and collar, his face pointed toward the cat's still throbbing erection. Then he looked back into his eyes, and wore a devious grin as he leaned into his ear.

"Put on some socks."

"Sure...wait, what?"




The malamute braced himself to the wall, his tongue sticking out of his gasping muzzle, as the snow leopard fucked him with even more voracity than before; and this was after he deposited a second load.

"These socks..." Connor muttered in between thrusts. "Grip really well to the carpet...I can fuck a lot harder like this..."

"Oh, you have no idea..." Abraham groaned, that cock slamming into his prostate like a hammer to a nail. "And you better not slow down. You're fucking me just right...!"

The malamute's eyebrows furrowed, and his eyes were shut. He began making little moans with each thrust. Dedicated to making them louder, Connor began pushing himself just a little faster, a little harder, regardless if he was already getting exhausted. It was worth it to hear both his voice and his breaths become louder.

"Connor, I'm getting close. Keep going, just like that. I'm...I-I'm about to cum..."

The snow leopard's thighs were burning, his feet becoming numb as he exerted every muscle he could into busting his dog's nut. His efforts proved successful, as the malamute produced a loud, shivering moan. His ass tightened along the tender cock, and began gushing hot spunk into the twitching bulge in his jockstrap. As close as the cat was himself, his legs were going to become jelly at any moment. After a few more hard thrusts, he quickly backed up and fell flat on the bed. "Dude...I literally can't hold myself up."

"I can imagine. I'll help you out, babe..."

Several moments later, the snow leopard found himself pinned beneath the broad malamute's body. The white dogs' thick thighs engulfed the snow leopard's hips, the cat's member snug inside the dog's ass. Abraham grinded and bounced onto Connor's hips, dedicated to getting a third load out of that still rock hard dick.

"Big kitty got himself exhausted, eh? Well you just let this ol' dog take care of you..."

The snow leopard laid his head in bliss, allowing the malamute to do all the work. He propped his arms under his head, looking up at his sexy stud. "You really do spoil me..."

"Anything for you, babe... " The malamute smiled, leaning down to give the snow leopard a slow, sloppy kiss. A few seconds in, and the cat gave an especially loud moan.

"I-I'm getting close again..."

"Oh yeah?" Abraham gripped onto Connor's shoulders, and began grinding into his cock with increasing speed. The snow leopard began to pant, the sexy canine riding him so expertly.

"That ass is gonna make me cum, Abe..."

The two looked into each other's pleasured faces, their eyes half lidded from the pleasure and exhaustion.

"Come on, shoot it deep in me..."

The snow leopard's breaths became fast and hard, his heart beating like mad. The pressure built up more and more, until the snow leopard's breath got caught in his throat. The malamute felt that gooey heat fill him up, his ass squeezing and leisurely grinding on Connor's hips.

Abraham stayed in his seat, feeling the big cat soften inside him. After several moments of basking in the afterglow, the malamute pulled himself off with a wet plop, laying down on the bed next to the cat.

"Abraham...don't get scared or anything, but I think I love you..." the snow leopard sighed, eyes drooping now that his energy was fully drained.

The malamute snuggled up to his drowsy stud. "Ditto. And honestly, the roleplay stuff is pretty hot..."

Connor pressed into the malamute, their eyes closing as they drifted off to sleep.

"What other dirty ideas should we do...?" The malamute asked with a yawn. The snow leopard gave a sleepy grin.

"I don't know...maybe we're step brothers, with the house to ourselves for the weekend..."

"Well my family won't be back until tomorrow night..."

The two drifted off to slumber, but just before then, Abraham whispered into Connor's ear...

"You'll be the one stuck in the washer, bro..."

The snow leopard's eyes shot open.

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