Party Goer

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Dan had always felt lucky when he thought about how he was living in a large, spacious house paying next to nothing for rent instead of the roach infested dive apartment he'd been in before meeting Clyde. When money was short, Clyde let Dan pay in other ways. This time, however, Clyde had insisted that Dan join one of the monthly house parties as part of the rent.

title: Party Goer

copyright: WhisperingVoid

collection: Random Stories

about: Dan had always felt lucky when he thought about how he was living in a large, spacious house paying next to nothing for rent instead of the roach infested dive apartment he'd been in before meeting Clyde. When money was short, Clyde let Dan pay in other ways. This time, however, Clyde had insisted that Dan join one of the monthly house parties as part of the rent.


The party vibrated all around Dan. He didn't remember his roommate, Clyde, inviting so many people over that it would leave the main room of the house this packed. Bodies were cramming together as the DJ mixed up the beats, twisting and grinding against each other. He could feel the bass of the music rippling through the air and through the bodies pushing against him as he made his way to the back of the house. Hands grabbed at his shoulders while fingers traced through his hair and plucked at his long ears. For a moment Dan could only see fur and clothes in the low throbbing lights of the room and he felt a welling of panic fill his chest. Then his short, barely five foot, frame broke through the back of the crowd and he was in the clear.

Glancing around, Dan realized why the room between the kitchen and the couch seemed so packed. The entire party was currently crowding the DJ who'd just started their set. The rest of the house looked strangely empty. He shook his head and made his way quickly around the low room divider, down the two steps, and then to the couch with its back to the party. Relief rushed out of his lungs in a quick sigh as he saw the couch was still empty. It was located in a small nook of the house and didn't have a view of the TV or the dance floor. That's why Dan had picked it. He flopped down into the far corner of the couch and opened the prize of his journey to the kitchen. The slightly cold water tasted divine as he sipped down a quarter of the bottle.

With a sigh, Dan settled back into the arm of the couch and tried to pull the shirt Clyde had given him down lower. It was a useless effort though, the black and ragged shirt was cut short which exposed most of Dan's light brown fur from just under his ribs to the waistband of the shorts. The shorts, also a gift from Clyde, were a vibrant red in color with a loose elastic waistband, slick fabric, and barely reached his mid-thighs. Leaving the shirt as a lost cause, Dan pulled and shifted the fabric of the shorts. Even though the fabric was loose and flowing it seemed to mold itself around his bits between his legs with an uncomfortable amount of detail. He was wearing a jock strap that Clyde had included in the outfit but that just seem to make his small bulge even more lewdly obvious.

With a grunt of frustration Dan twisted his legs under his rear and curled into the couch as if he could hide from how exposed the outfit made him feel. He thought about getting a blanket but the heat in the house was already nearly offensive. Even with all the windows open and fans running the mass of party goers pushed the normally hot weather to a new level of uncomfortable. He thought, once again, about escaping down the back hall to his room where he could lay on his bed under the window cooler unit. That thought vanished as a figure dressed in a net top and silver silk pants rounded the corner.

Dan watched as Clyde scanned the room, spotted him sitting on the couch, and walked over with that effortless glide his roommate always had. Clyde was tall but slender. The canine's short black fur looked like it was greased with the way it reflected the dance floor lights under the ridiculous netting that Clyde had called a club shirt. As if they knew Dan's thoughts, Clyde made a small show of themselves as they approached. A slow spin showing off both Clyde's grace and the way their pants flowed like water around their strong legs. Dan couldn't stop the giggle that escaped him as Clyde slid onto the couch, crushing Dan into the corner.

"I do believe", Clyde growled playfully, "that our agreement had you joining the party."

"I am at the party obviously", Dan shot back, trying unsuccessfully to push the bigger guy off of him. He could smell the intoxicating scents of Clyde's shampoo mixed with the tastes of sweat and beer. "I'm not hiding in my room. You never said anything about not chilling on the couch."

Clyde set their beer cup down on the coffee table, propped their feet under the table, and leaned back. Their arms stretched out to the sides of the couch. Clyde wrapped their right arm around Dan, pulling him in, while leaning their head back. Dan squirmed, but couldn't fight the powerful grip that was now wrapped around his side, digging into the soft flesh of his exposed belly. When he finally stopped squirming he felt Clyde chuckle and saw the clear outline of Clyde's cock shift under the fabric of their pants. The sight caused Dan to swallow hard for multiple reasons.

"The deal was a quarter of the month's rent for not hiding at the party", Clyde said. While they talked they let their hand draw circles in the fur of Dan's belly and side. "Another quarter for wearing the clothes I picked out for you and yet another quarter for cleaning yourself up and wearing the toys I bought you. You look really cute dressed up like this, you know."

"I feel stupid", Dan muttered. He tried not to focus on the growing erection revealing itself under Clyde's pants. Instead he tried to, once again, escape from the grip that Clyde had on him. In response to his renewed squirms he found himself suddenly being flipped forward.

Clyde grunted, reaching around and using their other hand to grip Dan's short hair and long ears. With enough force that Dan gasped, Clyde pulled him forward then down. The side of this face was pushed into Clyde's lap and Dan had just moment to detect the subtle scent of heat and sex coming from under the pants. Then he screamed out in shock and pain as he felt Clyde grab his nub of a tail and pull his ass upward. A few moments later and Dan was still face down in Clyde's lap with his ass in the air and his knees trapped between Clyde and the arm of the couch. The feeling of Clyde's hand slipping under the waistband of the shorts to knead and grope his ass caused Dan's entire body to shiver.

"There's a good bun", Clyde rumbled. Dan could hear their voice echoing in their chest. He tried to remain still as Clyde's fingers toyed with the flat bottom of the anal plug in his ass. "That's my good boy. All clean, lubed, and plugged up. Here I thought all the rumors on the dance floor of my hot roommate running away from inviting touches was because you were too shy to get yourself ready. That's, what now, half the rent for last month paid. Three quarters if I'm nice and accept that I only said you couldn't hide in your room."

Dan moaned, load and soft, as Clyde talked. Their fingers were slowly sliding back and forth under the base of the plug. The sensation of the plug being pulled at and the rough tips of Clyde's fingers against the ring of his opening was exquisite. The added factor that just a half-wall away was a crowd of easily fifty people sent a rush of heat through Dan's body that had nothing to do with the weather.

"I can make up the rest", Dan gasped.

"Oh yeah, how are you proposing that?" Clyde's voice said they knew exactly how they wanted Dan to answer.

"Ten", Dan started to talk and then had to bury his face into Clyde's lap to stop from moaning too loud. Clyde's thick finger was slowly pushing its way down the stem of the plug. Dan sucked in a shivering breath, absolutely sure he was smelling someone else's sex on Clyde's fur, and tried again. "Ten percent for a blow job, remember?"

"One blow job still leaves you a little short cotton tail", Clyde said. They adjusted their grip on Dan's head and started to grind his cheek along the length of their cock. "But it's a start. Now be a good boy and pull my pants down. Start cleaning my cock but keep it nice and slow. I'll give you five percent since I'm not going to paint your face."

"Here?!" Dan couldn't stop his voice from almost shrieking the word. In response, Clyde pushed his face even harder into their lap filling his nose with the smell of raw sex.

"Of course here", Clyde laughed. "If you want I guess we could do it on the dance floor. I'd give you a entire month's rent and fill that little belly of yours with my seed if you sucked me off there. Hell, I'd give you a month for every cock afterward too cause I know they'd be lining up for a cute little rabbit like you."

In response to the outrageous idea Dan angrily pushed himself up from Clyde's lap enough to push at the waist of the pants. Clyde chuckled and lifted their hips allowing Dan to slip the pants down to their knees. The long, thick cock that had been teasing Dan was free and standing firm and proud in front of his face. He felt his body clench around the finger and plug in his ass as he breathed in the musky smell. Clyde was already dripping slightly from the tip of their cock and, freed from the pants, there was no mistaking the mess of previous sex at the base.

With practiced ease, Dan wrapped one of his hands around the thick shaft and pulled the tip toward his face. The taste as he opened his mouth and ran his tongue around the tip was a mixture of salty and sweet. The smell was causing his head to float away. He sealed his lips around the head and started to rock his head up and down. He felt Clyde push down a little each time he took the cock into his mouth and followed the canine's lead. Soon he was bobbing up and down half the length with a steady rhythm that matched the beat on the dance floor. He tried to go deeper or faster but Clyde was in control of the pace.

"Um. Sorry, I'll give you two need a minute." The voice caught Dan by surprise. He tried to pull his head up, twist his ass from being up in the air, and sink into the couch all at once. The hand that had been playfully teasing his ass gripped him with sudden intensity. The finger in his ass was now a hook that prevented him from moving. The grip on his head firmed as well as Clyde pushed him down with such force that he almost gagged as the tip of their cock hit the back of his throat. Clyde held him there, nearly choking, until he relaxed his body in defeat. Then, as he felt his face burning in embarrassment, he felt Clyde pull his head back before resuming the pace as before. Dan squeezed his eyes shut and tried not to slurp loudly as his mouth slipped up and down the pulsing cock of his roommate while someone was watching.

"Don't worry about it", Clyde's voice said, "he doesn't mind. What's up?"

"Oh, um", the voice sounded nervous and a little unsure. "Just wanted you to know that Edgar is solid with staying for the follow up set and the crew got three more kegs. All on the card you gave us."

"That's perfect." Clyde sounded like he was having a normal conversation without someone noisily sucking away at his cock. "I'll go find Edgar later and give him my personal thanks. I know this was unexpected."

"Well, I'll let you two um, finish", the voice replied.

"Hey, before you go", Clyde said. Dan felt their grip on his head tighten again and had a rush of excitement mixed with fear rush through his body. The tone in Clyde's voice made Dan's heart race. "Your date, she ever show up?"

"Marci? Nah, the bitch ghosted me hard."

"That's rough", Clyde said. Dan felt their hand release his head and, instead, wrap around his loose hand. He felt Clyde squeeze once, then twice. There was a pause and then Dan answered by lowering himself down on Clyde's cock in time with the music. Clyde's voice almost sounded relieved as they said, "I got my eyes on a slut that's been having trouble keeping their eyes off me tonight. This little brat still needs to pay a quarter of their rent for last month. Normally I give them ten percent for letting me spray a load down their throat and twenty if they let me use their ass."

"Wow", the voice sounded shocked. "That's, um, some deal."

"Quite the bargain indeed", Clyde agreed. "Do you think letting this naughty boy off the hook on the remaining quarter of rent if they help my friend out after his date ghosted him is a fair trade?"

"You mean they'd suck me off?" The excitement in the unknown voice caused Dan to shiver. It was everything he could do to keep sucking and not bolt for his room.

"Nothing so plain", Clyde said with a laugh, "He is obviously enjoying the familiar taste of my cock at the moment."

Dan had no warning as his body was suddenly airborne. Clyde grabbed his waist, lifted, and swung him around with his mouth around their cock as a pivot point. Dan grunted out a panicked protest around the cock, pulling himself up as his knees hit the couch. He made it to the tip of Clyde's cock before they gripped his head again and pushed down, hard. The cock slipped deep and then deeper. Thoughts of a stranger looking at his ass vanished as Dan tilted his neck and back to angle his throat. Clyde's cock slipped down and Dan felt his lips touch the base. His eyes watered, rolling back in his head as his body shook.

"Good boy", Clyde said, pulling Dan back up with a gross sounding slurp and then resuming the pace. "He likes it a little rough and loves his ass being filled. Why don't you take that end. Let out some stress. Take a look, he's ready for you."

Dan groaned and protested with gurgling noises as he felt Clyde slip the shorts down just enough that his ass was exposed. He must have sounded as panicked as he felt because Clyde's hand on his head started to slowly pet the spot between his ears in a gentle touch. The feeling sent confusing signals through Dan's brain at the situation.

"Relax bro", Clyde said and Dan knew they were talking to him. "I trust my friend and I won't let anything happen to you. What do you say down there? You happy just sucking on a cock or do you want someone to fill that sexy ass of yours?"

Dan, mouth full of Clyde's cock, lightly pressed his teeth into the firm flesh filling his mouth until he felt Clyde stiffen and stop petting his head. Certain he'd made his point that Clyde was being a jerk, he adjusted his knees slightly. With his heart racing, he arched his back so that he felt his ass spread a little. At the same time he slipped his mouth back down around Clyde's cock until it was just brushing the bend in his throat. He wiggled his ass, not wanting to talk. He hoped he didn't look as stupid or embarrassed as he felt.

"Plugged and everything, damn", the voice said. "You sure man? I don't normally go for, you know, but damn I was hoping for a long night with Marci tonight."

"Help yourself", Clyde said and Dan felt their body lean back while their hips thrust forward a little. "I'm just gonna enjoy my boy's mouth a little while longer. Then it's back to the party for this host."

"You got a wrap", the voice asked? Dan felt a new pair of hands spreading his ass and a tug on the plug.

"Nope, go ahead and make a mess", Clyde said. "Just plug him back up after you blow. Don't pull the shorts off though. My buddy here; he's a bit shy still."

"That is one fine looking ass", the stranger grunted, "I really appreciate it, bro."

Dan grunted too as he felt the plug pulled from his ass with a firm tug. He felt the stranger's hands leave his cheeks, heard the sound of a belt and buckle, then felt the couch shift. The hot and heavy touch of another cock on his body caused Dan to jump and moan. The stranger's legs were heavy and pinned him to the couch. There was no escaping even if he wanted to which, Dan had to admit, he wasn't sure he did.

"The little guy likes this kind of stuff huh?" The stranger sounded nervous as they asked even though they were rubbing their length up and down Dan's ass.

"More than he will admit to himself, that's for sure." Clyde replied.

The sudden feeling of a cock at the entrance to his ass gave Dan a moment more of panic. Then he was moaning loudly around Clyde with saliva bubbling around his lips as he was stretched wide. The stranger's cock seemed impossibly thick and long as they worked themselves into his ass. Not being able to see who was fucking him or how big they really were just added to the heat of the moment for Dan. Dan groaned while trying not to bite down and gripped the couch as his body shivered and shook. With a victorious grunt Dan felt the hips of the stranger smack against his ass. He could feel the way the cock in his ass throbbed and the sensation seemed to creep up Dan's spine. A moment ago he was panicked and embarrassed. Now he felt his toes curling into the fur of the legs pinning him down as his back arched and that near orgasmic bliss tightened things in his pelvis.

"Oh damn he's clamping down hard. Little guy must really like being double stuffed", the stranger grunted.

"Yeah, he's a great fuck", Clyde agreed, hand reminding Dan to keep moving up and down their cock. "Gives amazing head too. Barely any gag reflex. Don't hold back on them either. You should see the toys this little bunny uses on themselves. They can take it. I'll tell you if you need to let up."

The stranger needed no further encouragement. Dan let out a low moan as they pulled out only to scream around Clyde's cock as they slammed back in. Clyde had picked the low bass to fuck his face with. The stranger was fucking his ass to the faster tempo of the songs driving beat. The hard and heavy blows of their bodies meeting pushed Dan's face into Clyde's lap. Dan tried to keep up, remembering to seal his lips around the shaft and use his tongue, but the cock ramming his ass refused to be ignored.

Before long Dan was a sloppy mess letting out grunts and whimpering moans as his ass was fucked. The stranger had hold of Dan's hips and was pulling him onto their cock. At the same time they were thrusting forward with such force that he was shoved down onto Clyde's shaft. At some point Dan was aware he was flailing for something to hold onto and he felt Clyde grab his wrists, pinning them to his back. He was just a toy between two large, strong males who were fucking him silly. His moans and cries were only interrupted as he gasped for air or when a particularly strong thrust pushed Clyde's cock down his throat. Tears mixed with the endless stream of saliva pooling in Clyde's lap.

Between orgasm level spasms of pleasure, Dan found himself floating on the sounds of heavy bass and deep grunts from the males on either side of him. With no warning, Dan felt the stranger grab his wrists in one large hand and his neck in the other. The room tilted as Dan was pulled up out of Clyde's lap. His arms were held tight against his back and the hand around his neck tilted his head up until he was staring at the ceiling. He felt Clyde's hands slip up under his shirt, pinching his nipples.

The stranger held him firm while they thrust themselves with a fierceness that stole Dan's breath away. Their fingers slipped up into his mouth, pulling it open, as Dan felt the orgasm crash over his body. He cried out as his body shook violently. He felt himself squeezing down on the cock ravishing his ass but the stranger didn't stop. One, two, then three more thrusts and then the stranger was grunting into Dan's ears. The hot breath of their voice growling into his ear matched the heat flooding into Dan's ass.

"Fucking take it", the stranger growled. Their teeth brushed over Dan's ears as they came in his ass.

Dan took it, orgasming again while his mind rolled in the pleasure. Then he was falling forward, landing in the warm lap of his roommate. The air seemed too thick to breathe as he panted where he fell, arms flopped to his sides. He whimpered slightly as he felt the stranger pull out and his body twitched uncontrollably. There were words being said but Dan couldn't understand them. The emptiness in his ass was filled by the cool touch of metal as the plug was pushed back into place. It seemed to slip home without resistance. Then his shorts were back around his waist and the room was spinning as he was being carried.

The sounds of the party faded slightly and then cool air washed over Dan's face as Clyde carried him into his room. His body felt heavy and hot as Clyde set him down on the bed. He couldn't even put up a fuss as Clyde peeled the shirt off his chest, tossing it to the floor. The shorts joined the shirt on the floor and then the jockstrap leaving Dan panting on the bed naked under the breeze from the air conditioner. He felt Clyde's hands trace from his neck down to his knees pushing his legs apart before coming back to gently tease the packer between his legs.

"I told you it would stay put", Clyde said, giving the silicon attachment a firm squeeze and tug. "Even with how soaked you are the plug and adhesive held out just fine. If my buddy couldn't shake this off you with a fucking like that, you've got nothing to worry about."

Dan gasped, arms jumping to life as he grabbed at Clyde's wrist. He felt his back arch as his toes slid over the sheets while Clyde pulled a little harder. There was the painfully refreshing feeling of his skin pulling away from the silicon. Then the long plug holding the packer in place gave with a quick, wet sounding pop and Dan moaned. His body twitched and shook. Not quite enough for an orgasm but reminding him just how turned on he was.

"Are you sure they didn't notice?" Dan asked, voice slurred in heat, as he watched Clyde set the packer on the bed stand. He couldn't help himself as his body writhed on the bed, his hands tracing the wetness between his legs as he stared at Clyde's pants. His body was tingling with cold shivers and burning with desire.

"You've got to be joking", Clyde laughed while pulling their pants down and stepping out of them. Their cock jumped with their pulse as they turned to face the bed. "My bro literally said no-homo as he was plugging you up. Did your brains leak out while you were getting fucked or something?"

"That was really good sex", Dan admitted, openly staring at Clyde's cock while spreading himself on the bed. "I'm really fucked up. I can't believe you got me to fuck someone I don't know."

"Hey, it was your fantasy", Clyde smirked. They stepped toward the bed, reaching down and pulling Dan's hands up above his head. They took his wrists, one in each hand, and pinned him to the bed while crawling on top of him. "Always wanted to be fucked by some stranger at a party while sucking someone else off. I just try to deliver."

"So what about that slut you wanted to fuck?" Dan asked between quick, shallow breaths. He loved the predator look Clyde got in their eyes when they mounted him like this. He already had his legs wrapped around Clyde's waist and was trying to pull himself up to their cock. A heat like nothing he'd felt before was burning in his chest.

"I think that slut needs to tell me what he wants", Clyde growled with a smirk. They lowered their hips just enough that their cock rubbed between Dan's legs before pulling back again.

Dan felt his face flush hot but he threw his head back, thrust his hips, and tried to get closer to the cock he wanted. "Please", he whimpered, knowing from experience what Clyde wanted him to say. "Please fuck me. I want your cock shoved into my wet hole until your balls slap my ass. Fuck me raw. Fuck me until I'm screaming. Fuck me stupid. Fuck me until I pass out."

"Well then", Clyde said, voice heavy with need, "I'm not one to ignore such a polite request from my little bunny. Open wide like the good boy you are. You got me so close earlier I ain't gonna last long. I'm going to fuck you hard, so hold on."

Dan obediently spread his knees as wide as he could and screamed in pleasure as Clyde buried their cock into him with a single thrust. True to his word, Clyde didn't give Dan any warm-up. Their thrusts were fast, hard, and heavy as they pounded Dan into the mattress. Dan let his mind slip away, screaming Clyde's name while thrashing on the bed as the thick cock and hard hits against his pelvis sent an orgasm crashing through him. Another orgasm chased the first and then a third as Clyde relentlessly thrust into him. Dan lost count after that and only vaguely remembered the feeling of Clyde emptying themselves deep inside of him.

When he woke the party sounded distant and low, a sign that things were winding down. His body was sore with muscles deep in his pelvis reminding him of how much he'd been through. His hands wandered down to his waist, finding that he was wearing shorts again. A squeeze of sore muscles confirmed the packer was in place, probably holding back a flood of semen left by his roommate. Dan sighed, feeling a wave of contentment. There was a knock on the door just before it swung open and a tall feline walked in.

"Oh shit", the almost cream colored feline said. Dan recognized the voice immediately and felt a fresh blush of heat rise to his face. "Clyde said you were just chilling. I didn't mean to wake you. I, um, brought some water."

Dan pushed himself up, feeling more than just the toys shift inside him, and swung his feet over the edge of the bed. He looked at the male who was obviously trying not to stare at Dan. They were wearing a nice looking dress shirt and slacks. Except for the sparkling threads and fabric of the clothes they could have been dressed for work. Their blue eyes darted around the room, obviously finding every toy arranged on Dan's dresser, bed stand, and desk while trying not to look like they were noticing anything. Dan found himself smirking as he reached out and gestured them into the room. The cat entered, closed the door, and handed Dan an ice cold water.

"I'm Dan", Dan said as he sipped at the water. He knew exactly why Clyde had sent them here. Strangely, he was more excited than nervous. The other male had a gentle air about them that didn't line up with the rough sex they'd given him. Their eyes were warm, their face a pleasant type of trusting. They were just the type of somebody that Dan had confessed to liking weeks ago. Around the same time he'd confessed some of his more intimate fantasies.

"Nikki", the cat said with a nervous smile. "Nice room, the air conditioning feels great." When Dan just smiled and kept staring Nikki continued, awkwardly, "So I know you and Clyde probably got a thing going together. I mean there's the stuff about the rent and all. I just felt a little weird about, you know, everything that happened without um, saying hi or something."

"Hi", Dan said, holding back laughter. He felt like he was somewhere or someone else. Normally he'd be the awkward one but now he just felt relaxed. He reached out, gently hooking one of his fingers into the belt loop of Nikki's pants and tugged. He pulled until Nikki was standing between his legs. The taller male's crotch was at a perfect height and Dan leaned his head against the bulge. He smiled as he felt it jump.

"You, um, that is you don't need...", Nikki's voice trailed away as Dan reached up and hooked both his hands under the waist of the pants at the buckle. They looked down, staring into Dan's eyes as one hand caressed his cheek and whispered, "You're so sexy. How are you so damn good looking?"

"Hey Nikki, you want me to suck you off this time?" Dan asked with the slightest hesitation in his own voice. Not even letting a stranger fuck his ass at a party was enough to conquer all shyness it seemed.

"Oh yes", Nikki said with a shiver in their voice. "If you want, that is. I, um, well I don't normally. What I mean is I'm totally willing to, er, help you after if you need it."

Dan chuckled and began to unbuckle Nikki's pants. When he had the pants open and Nikki's growing cock in his hands he looked up at them with their tip resting against his lips. He gave it a quick lick, tasting the sex they'd had earlier, and said, "Why don't you shove this beast down my throat until you've filled my stomach like you filled my ass. Then we'll see what you might be interested in afterward. I'll tap twice like this on your thigh when I need air. Don't let up unless I tap."

Nikki shivered from head to toe but they reach down and took Dan's head into each hand. Thumbs and fingers wrapped around his long ears, Nikki pulled Dan forward. Dan opened his mouth wide, letting his lips and tongue do all the work they could. His hands slipped down Nikki's sides with one ready to tap out while the other reached under to play with the felines balls. It took Nikki a few minutes to get brave but with a little guidance and a tug on their balls Dan felt them pull his head firmly into their crotch.

They held him there until he tapped and then they pulled out. The wash of saliva poured down Dan's chin as he gasped and moaned happily for air. Nikki let him get a few good gasps in before Dan felt their hands grab his ears with a roughness that caused him to squirm. He let Nikki pull him all the way down again, his throat gurgling around their cock. This time, though, Nikki kept thrusting in and out until Dan finally had to tap out again. He got two good lungs full of air again before Nikki pulled his head back forcing his eyes upward.

"You like that?" Nikki asked with a heat of their own in their voice. Their grip was almost painful as they used Dan's ears to control his head.

Dan tried to talk around the head of the cock still in his mouth as he gazed up at the warm blue eyes above him. He nodded his head as much as Nikki's grip allowed, spitting out a thick strand of saliva as he managed to whimper, saying, "More."

He didn't get to say another word as Nikki pulled his face back down with a jerking motion and resumed fucking his throat. Dan could only hold on after that as Nikki took control of the pace and the breaks. By the time Dan felt his throat flooded with Nikki's cum, the flavor spilling out his lips and nose, he was long past caring what happened next.

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