Cooking with Scales #5 Zearo the Feralistiose

Story by AaronScales on SoFurry

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The camera pans in on a kitchen like set. The Applause sign turns on as a Donphan pops up from behind the counter, standing on his hind legs. "Hello cooking fans!" He says loudly, almost trumpeting "Welcome to Cooking with Scales! I'm your host, Aaron Scales, and I'm here to show you the ins and outs of cooking with live prey!...Now, today I have a special treat for you guys. I'll be making a nice home-made stew, and for the meat, this handsome creature here. Allow me to introduce, Zearo the Feralistiose!" As he says this, be pulls the hybrid out and puts him onto the counter. He's tied up in a cross legged sitting position, wearing nothing but his bare scales.

Zearo lets out a loud groan as he squirms in his bounds and his cannons won't fire thanks to the fact that carrots were clogging them so he couldn't fire a little droplet of water from them. "Ugh... Why did I let Zalon talk me into this...?" He muttered to himself.

"Probably has something to do with the money I gave him" Aaron mutters back before smiling out to the audience "Alright, now that we have our meat ready, let's get our stew together. First you want to heat up you meat just a bit to loosen him up" He says as he lifts Zearo up and sits him in a large pot and pours in some oil. He flicks on the heat and wait a minute before it starts to heat up.

Zearo lets out a yelp as he was lifted up and placed into the pot. He watched the pot fills a bit and he doesn't feel anything at first but then he feels heat around the pot. He struggles a bit but his bounds keep him in place of the pot.

Aaron smiles as he watches the heat rise up through zearo, flipping him over onto his front back and sides every so often, so that no one side gets too dark.

Zearo yelps as he feels the heat rise and he starts to struggle more but his efforts are in vain as he easily flipped over and his purple scales start to darken from the heat "Gah! Lemme outta here! It's not fun in here!"

"Oh, don't be to dramatic" Aaron says with a smirk before shoving a potato into his mouth to gag him, deciding it would work better for the dish than an apple. He then turns back to the crowd and says "Once your meat is just starting to brown, add your broth. I'm using a nice Beef stock" He then pulls out a slightly smaller pan and pours the warm liquid into the larger pan with Zearo.

Zearo gets annoyed but before he could say anything the patato was shoved into his maw muffing his complaints. He watches some liquid pour down into the pot with him. The hybrid tries to squirm but the ropes bound him tightly as the warm fluid around his legs and tail.

Aaron adds another pot of broth, bringing the level up to Zearo's midsection. He then sprinkles in some herbs and spices and stirs them in with a rather long wooden spoon as it all starts to cook together.

Zearo's struggling was weakening from his stamina being drained by the broth and he weakly whimpers while he watches the liquid rises to his belly.

Aaron raises the heat a little, bringing the soup to a boil as he starts to peel and chop up some potatoes, carrots and other veggies, tossing and juggling stuff as he puts on a little show for the audience as he lets zearo stew for a few minutes.

Zearo whimpered a bit as he felt the strange liquid getting hotter and he doesn't struggle fiercely as the heat had sapped most of the hybrid's strength. All he could do now was let out muffled complaints thanks to the potato in his maw.

"Now just add your veggies..." Aaron instructs in a TV host sort of way as he dumps the chopped fixin's into the pot, raising the soup level a little higher as it boils around the hybrid reptile. He stirs the ingredients together to help their tastes comingle.

Zearo whimpers a bit as he watches the liquid rise to his chest and some of the veggies floating around him. He takes a light sniff and his eyes widen as he smelling like a nearly complete stew unfortunately he's too drained to do any kind of fighting.

Aaron stirs a bit more before turning back to his audience. "Now, for particularly large prey, such as this, you'll most likely end up with some of their body sticking out over the stew. So, in order to make sure all of them absorbs the flavor properly, simply ladle some of the broth over them and let it spill down over their body." he says, before taking a large spoon and scooping up some of the soup. He then lifts it up and pours it over Zearo's head gently.

Zearo whimpers a bit more as he felt the liquid slash on his head and he tries to speak but the potato in his maw makes all of his words muffled and inaudible as he weakly shakes a bit in the stew.

Aaron continues to pour the soup over Zearo's head as it simmers, nearly ready to eat. The studio audience murrs and sniffs as the delicious smell of stew fill the set.

Zearo whimpers a bit as the liquid was poured on top of his head. Most of his body was fully cooked and became numb. He thinks of how he was gonna get his friend back for convincing him to do this.

Aaron flicks off the heat and stirs and pot a little more, before smiling to the crowd. "And there you have it, one finished Feralitoise stew" he says to the audience's applause. "And we've got a real treat for you guys today, since we have so much soup here, I'm gonna share it with my entire studio audience!" He says as he lifts the large pot and puts it on the counter and starts to spoon the broth and veggies into bowls that his stage hands, an Infernape, Hitmonlee and Treecko, pass out to the audience members.

Zearo lets out a muffled sigh as the heat was off and the liquid was being removed from the pot but he couldn't help try to say something but the potato in his maw muffled out any kind of actual sound "Mrrph..." was all that came out.

Once everyone had a bowl, most of the soup was gone. Aaron smiled and poured the rest into a large platter, letting Zearo slide out onto his stomach with some soup and a few veggies around him for the final presentation. "Mmm, doesn't he look delicious? Now that our meal is fully prepared, it's time to eat."

Zearo didn't have much strength to fight as he slid down and out of the pot and he wiggles very slightly in the bounds he's in and lets out a muffled plea as he lies on the platter.

Aaron cuts Zearo's bondage off, knowing he was too weak to fight back before he lifts the hybrids head and licks his lips. "Mmmm, ready for dinner" he says before lifting him up and shoving Zearo's head into his mouth.

Zearo lets out a muffled squeak as the light vanished when his head was shoved into Aaron's maw. He tries to struggle but all that his body could do was do a weak twitch and tiny movements.

Aaron gulps and pulls the large male deeper into his mouth. His lips stretch over his shoulders, his shell having been softened from the boiling.

Zearo whimpers a bit and tries to struggle a bit more but all he could do was make his legs twitch and his tail swish a few times.

Aaron murrs and swallows, pulling Zearo's head into his throat as he licks and tastes over his stewed and soup soaked body.

Zearo whimpered a bit more and he tries to get his legs to move a bit more but that just made his scaly toes to wiggle.

Aaron continued to swallow and gulp down the hybrid, his lips continually stretching as he made his way down the large reptile's body. His tongue slithers and explores over his softened shell.

Zearo whimpered weakly as his belly is swallowed along with most of his upper body. He keeps vainly trying to get his legs to move but they don't respond much thanks to the bounds and the stew sapping his stamina.

Aaron grips Zearo's rump gently and starts to push him in, tasting as much of him as he can before he slides down into his stretchy throat and stomach, which was grumbling hungrily.

Zearo lets out a small squeak as his rear was grabbed and he tries to kick his legs but all they did was dangle helplessly out Aaron's maw and weakly twitched with his tail swaying sideways.

Aaron continues to push and swallow, tilting his head back as the huge bulge that was Zearo slides down into his stomach. He murrs and laps over his rump as he gulps it down into his mouth.

Zearo grits his teeth as he felt his body being squeezed in the stretchy, fleshy chamber and he tries to squirm but he's still not in good shape to struggle much.

Aaron slurps up Zearo's legs and tail and swallows them down with the rest of him. As his belly fills out, he moans a bit and sighs satisfied.

Zearo couldn't do much inside the Donphan's stomach, so he curls up tightly and closes his eyes. All of the struggling and being cooked alive really tired him out.

Aaron lets out a loud satisfied belch, making the audience applaud. Aaron's stomach acids are clear a goopy, and even though he can't hardly feel anything anyway, if he could he'd see that they don't burn as they digest him. But that really didn't matter to Aaron, as he still had a show to do.

"Thank you, thank you. Well, that's all the time we have for today. I'd like to thank Zearo the Feralitoise for his help today," He says, rubbing the curled up bulge in his stomach "Alright, folks, next week I'll have another special dish to make for you! But for now, good bye and stay hungry!" The audience applauds loudly as Aaron walks off stage and the credits roll.

Cooking with Scales #6 Koori the Froslass

The camera pans in on a kitchen like set. The Applause sign turns on as a Donphan pops up from behind the counter, standing on his hind legs. "Hello cooking fans!" He says loudly, almost trumpeting "Welcome to Cooking with Scales! I'm your host, Aaron...

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Cooking With Scales #4 Josh the Meowth

The camera pans in on a kitchen like set. The Applause sign turns on as a Donphan pops up from behind the counter, standing on his hind legs. "Hello cooking fans!" He says loudly, almost trumpeting "Welcome to Cooking with Scales! I'm your host, Aaron...

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The camera pans in on a kitchen like set. The Applause sign turns on as a Donphan pops up from behind the counter, standing on his hind legs. "Hello cooking fans!" He says loudly, almost trumpeting "Welcome to Cooking with Scales! I'm your host, Aaron...

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