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A loose, long-overdue sequel to The Fruit(bats) of your Labors (, and the newest chapter of this downright epic chiropteran family drama! We follow two of the offspring, a son and a daughter, of our very prolific breeder bat - from different mothers, of course - as they discover some truths about their father and themselves, and perhaps choose to follow in his footsteps as very horny breeders. My personal favorite part is having both genders as protagonists and seeing how their perspectives on the whole thing differ.

Anonymously commissioned.

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Finally, high school was over, and it was time for the third of Eva's children, Jon, to move out and live his own life! Well, in the sense of going to college. No doubt he'd be back home, if briefly so, afterwards. That was, however, a worry for the future! Right now, it was time for freedom.

That did mean the badger would move in with his older siblings, Lucas and Mason, a bat and a fox respectively, with the bat the oldest of the three. They'd always got along pretty well, so that wouldn't be a problem, though Jon had never been quite as close to the other two as they were to each other. There was always some kind of unspoken understanding between the bat and the fox, one that the younger badger had been left out of.

Still, it didn't bother him. Well, maybe it bothered him a little bit, but not enough that he couldn't live with them. After all, most of their time would be spent studying, and perhaps partying, or so the badger hoped. He had no idea how much partying college actually entailed, but he'd heard it was a _lot._A little shyer than his brothers, he'd never quite dared to bring home any girlfriends either, though he'd had some experiences, and that was _another_thing he was looking forward to.

But of course, he was a hard-working badger. Studies would have to come first!

One teary-eyed goodbye later, still feeling the warmth of the hugs from both his mother and father, he boarded the train towards the big city, loaded his luggage into the tray, and slumped into his seat. And then, once he was sure that even the ears of an arctic fox couldn't hear him anymore - after the train had chugged along a kilometre or so - he turned up the volume on his phone and let out a sigh of relief. Freedom! No more of his six younger siblings bothering him and no more direct parental supervision!

Oh, he liked his brothers, sisters, and parents just fine. But now, he'd get to be his own person! He sprawled out on the almost empty train, kicked his feet onto the table while keeping his ears perked in case a conductor walked in, and relaxed, daydreaming about the future, of all the things he'd do at college. One particular topic he thought about, as he did now and then, how diverse Eva's children were. The bat, he knew, was from a previous boyfriend she'd had, an ex that things didn't quite work out with. The fox and the badger himself were both his current father's offspring, but they hardly looked alike at all. Nobody believed them to be siblings, beyond those who'd known them since childhood.

The next thought to wander into his mind was that bit about girlfriends. Oh, had he ever_been feeling _those urges since puberty! And seeing all the girls in his classes blossom into beautiful women, seductive and luscious curves and all, had been driving him wild for the better part of the last few years. Yet he was a fairly private kind of badger; he didn't really want to present any girlfriends to his parents. Not that they'd judge him, but he felt like they would.

That, and there was a very particular urge that was growing, inside him. A subtle desire of pure biology tugging at his mind every time he'd been with one of his flings. An irresponsible one, certainly, and definitely one he'd not want to give into while still living with his parents - they'd surely expect him to be both considerate and responsible - but he wanted to have un_safe sex. He wanted to bury his cock as deep inside his partner as he possibly could and simply _let it happen, the way nature intended, the way every fibre of his body demanded that he do, no matter the consequences.

The consequences, of course, would realistically be an early fatherhood, at least if he kept doing it. Sooner or later his seed would take, and his lover's belly would swell. And then, he'd be stuck with a child, or several, if he didn't stop. The thought had him halfway torn; on the one hand, he didn't quite_feel ready to take care of a baby yet. On the other, _surely it'd be worth it to feel that sublime, glorious feeling of just surrendering to his instincts. Truth be told, his mind was made up already, he was going to do it at least once or he'd constantly get distracted by those desires while trying to study.

There was nothing to say he had to mate with anyone who was fertile, either! Not that he'd really be able to resist any woman in heat, but he'd at least not actively seek them out. Or would he? His new emotions were a little confusing. Partially, it was surely genetics that were to blame. His parents had_taken advantage of _eight heats in a row, after all.

That was something he'd bring up with his older siblings, certainly. At least once he'd warmed up enough to speak with them freely again.

Jon suddenly realized his cock had swollen to full hardness, slid all the way out of its protective sheath, and was excitedly leaving a rather visible tent at the crotch of his jeans. He blushed despite the empty cabin, quickly pulling his bag over his lap. Thank god the train was empty. Not a lot of passengers left the small town his parents had ended up in. Their family were one of the few who even sent kids to college. Just then, there was the sound of a door sliding open - the train's steady chugging growing louder for a brief moment as the conductor stepped into the wagon - and then closing. Jon thanked his lucky stars they hadn't arrived a moment earlier, and in particular, more silently.

He'd met the conductor before. A jovial old wolf, grey-muzzled and looking more haggard with each passing year, though his body language said otherwise.

"Heading to college, are we? I remember when I did that. Was to become an engineer, actually..." he chatted as he stamped Jon's ticket. "Ended up as a conductor instead. More my speed. I like talking, can't you tell?"

They exchanged a few pleasantries, with Jon telling the old wolf how his parents were doing and what he'd be studying. Even the weather managed to come up, as it always did. Just before leaving that wagon, the conductor stopped, and turned around.

"Don't think I don't know what you're looking forward to the most, by the way," he barked, with laughter in his voice. "I was your age once too, remember. Just try to keep it safe."

With that, he was out, continuing his rounds. The door slid shut behind him, and Jon's wagon was quiet again. He glanced around - watching as the train passed by a small village in the middle of nowhere, picturesque at least in passing - and then grumbled. Sure, the wolf was right, but what if he wasn't? Who was to say that Jon was specifically horny- oh, he supposed he was just transparent enough. Surely the old wolf didn't come with that comment to _every_young adult heading to college.

After about an hour more of beautiful but ultimately unremarkable countryside scrolling by, the train reached the outer parts of the city. The same city his mother had gone to college in. Probably his father too, though Jon had never asked about it. It was a little weird to think about. They'd arrived here just like him and gone to the very same college.

The train pulled up at the station, as trains usually did, and there he was. One badger, alone - if briefly - in the middle of the crowd, fresh-faced and relatively innocent amongst endless distractions and pleasures, from any junk food he could dream of, to movie theatres, to... well, he didn't dare think about the rest of his new options. Getting hard again with this many people around would be rather mortifying.

The college campus wasn't too far from the station. It was older, in fact, than the railway itself. The university buildings were all ancient - meaning a few hundred years old - but very well preserved. It was a little ironic given how modern the subjects they focused on were. Programming, just like they had a generation ago, when his mother had been there!

Honestly it wasn't really a full generation ago. His mother had been young when she had the first of her children, Lucas. But generations were arbitrary anyway! To Jon, he was another generation. His mind wandered again as he followed the signs towards his new home and future alma mater.

Just outside of the campus, he stopped, admiring the buildings briefly. Then, he was interrupted by a sudden "Hey, badger!" from behind him. He turned around and stood face to face with a squirrel, with a wide grin on her face.

"Kinda rare to see badgers here! Usually all you just stick to the countryside. Farming and everything, you know," she chittered merrily, appearing halfway between overcaffeinated and "typical squirrel", her pelt a vibrant, rich brown and her tail wrapped around her waist for a little extra warmth in the September chill.

"Well-" Jon tried to reply, only to find himself cut off.

"Oh, I'm just joking. I've just never seen a badger before. It's exciting, isn't it? It's my first day here too. Maybe we should stick together! Four eyes see better than two..." she continued. Jon wasn't sure if that was nervous energy or simply excitement. "Right? So how about we find the most important place! The café. And then we order some coffee. As one does. My treat!" she chirped.

Oh. Ooh._She was _flirting_with him, wasn't she? Not very expertly, but _clearly that was it. _That_was why she was nervous. Not that she had to be, with all that natural squirrel charm.

Jon offered her a wide grin, trying to make it look like he'd known all along. "Sure, let's go for coffee," he replied. "My name's Jon, by the way, and yes, first day. Well, first day tomorrow."

"Oh yeah, me too. I'm Kristen. Kris. Got a place to stay? Of course you do. Oh man, I can't wait," the squirrel continued chattering as they headed for the student cafeteria. It was a small place, a classroom repurposed by the student union, where they offered small snacks and moderately decent coffee. It wasn't a very expensive treat - the squirrel bought the badger a cinnamon roll and a black coffee, which to be fair, was just the way he liked it - but it was a _welcome_one, deeply so, making him feel at home immediately.

The squirrel talked about this and that for a good fifteen minutes or so, none of which was disinteresting but that didn't really stick to Jon's mind the way it probably should've. He was more focused on the future, and right now those future plans included a feverish scramble to think about how he'd invite the squirrel to hang out again, later on. She was just adorable. And then, suddenly, she dropped a topic that really drew the badger's attention.

"-noticed how many people are pregnant here?"

"H-wait what? What was that?" Jon stuttered, almost choking on his coffee.

"Well I mean, a lot of the girls, err women, here, they're pregnant. I dunno why. More than I'd expect though. Can you imagine having kids on a college campus? That's gotta do a number on your grades, right?" she answered.

"I've not... had time to look," Jon replied. "I just arrived like, minutes before I met you."

"Oh yeah of course, but like, keep an eye out. It's interesting! I guess people just get horny," she mused. Jon couldn't quite tell if the squirrel was saying she_was feeling horny, too, but he didn't dare pursue that. Not _right now at least. "Being around all the other people like... well, handsome badgers," Kris chittered.

She leaned forward, and Jon suddenly realized she was wearing a pretty low-cut shirt, but he managed to maintain control of himself and put in a heroic effort to avoid staring.

"Well, I've got to go meet the previous guy. I'm getting someone's old dorm room. I hope he's cleaned it up," Kris sighed. "But we should totally meet up again. Can't hurt to have some friends!"

With that, she was out almost as fast as Jon managed to say goodbye, off to her current adventures in those very tight jeans that definitely highlighted her round, luscious rump. She curled that big, fluffy tail up and over her shoulders, warming those in turn, and perhaps, the badger thought, deliberately showing off. That time, Jon let himself stare at the sway of her hips. He was _fairly_sure the squirrel was into him. She'd given him her chat name and everything.

Jon found himself wondering how she'd look pregnant. There was something he just loved_about the way pregnant women looked. Those profound changes and the... sheer _cuteness_of it. He snapped out of it as the squirrel rounded a corner and disappeared, and in turn realized he was getting hard again. _Nope. Not at a café. Calm down, penis.

The badger stretched, finished his coffee, giving himself a few moments to calm down, and then got up to finally head to meet his siblings.

The dorms were as dorms usually are. Unremarkable, half-decent apartments for the students. Lucas and Mason were waiting for him outside.

"Took your sweet time getting here," the bat laughed. "Did you get lost on the way? We _know_the train was on time."

"Nah, I just met someone. Good to see you too," Jon replied.

"Well, welcome to your new home of learning," Mason smiled, giving the badger a friendly slap on the back. "Lucas won't be staying for much longer, so it's good you're here to share the rent with."

"Yeah, yeah. He's still got a whole year left. The hardest year," Jon countered.

"Sure do. I'll still do better than you with your baby classes though," Lucas shot back. "Well, lemme show you the place!"

They went inside. The apartment was pretty messy, as would be expected of two young males, though not irredeemably so. The first thing that caught Jon's attention was a whiteboard in the middle of the living area, with checkmarks on it.

"So what're you counting?" he asked.

"Oh, we're just-" Mason answered, stuttering briefly. "-keeping track of how many times I beat him at Call of Duty."

"And how many times I beat you, as you'll see here," Lucas continued, tapping the whiteboard under his name. "Maybe one day you, too, can appear on the board of conquest," he added, and though the badger didn't notice it, he and Mason smirked at each other at that, as if they didn't _really_consider the badger a contender for their games.

But that day would have to wait a little longer as he got settled into his new home.

Alice yawned. She'd be heading out to college soon enough. Big enough day. Her father, as much as she loved him, wasn't there. As usual, he was at work. That, though, was fine. Alice had grown to be rather independent, and her father had encouraged that. She's more or less sorted out both her own high school, and now that it was over, her college too. Alex did, at least, pay for that.

She yawned again, wider this time, and then sat up with a luxuriant stretch. For a brief, happy moment, the bat thought of nothing at all, enjoying that stretch, and how her silk nightgown felt against her stiff nipples. That was often her favorite part of the day; the relaxed, happy time just after waking up, before the responsibilities of the day reasserted themselves.

Though Alex was often absent, he was nothing if not supportive, and Alice lived a life of relative luxury in her father's home. He'd taken care of her when her mother hadn't, or so he said. No reason to doubt that, really. How else would she end up with only a father?

What was today's agenda, anyway? College started on Monday. It was Saturday now. Unlike a lot of the students, she had the good fortune of living almost at the centre of the city, only a walk away from the campus. No moving needed. No dorm living, which was a blessing. It didn't stop her from being a little anxious about the coming week, but that was only natural, wasn't it? Still, there was something else Alice was forgetting. She always did that. Remembered that she was forgetting something, but didn't actually remember exactly what- oh! Yes, the date. There was that handsome collie, serendipitously named Cole, who'd asked her to come to a party. A "warmup party" to get used to the college lifestyle, he'd called it.

He probably_hoped he'd get to fuck her, too. Not that she was opposed to that. In fact, the idea left her all tingly and squirmy. Alex had always encouraged her to be as promiscuous as she desired, as long as she stayed relatively safe and made sure not to get pregnant before she _wanted it, if she ever did. Right now it wasn't in the books. Her mom had gotten knocked up just at the end of college, and Alice wanted to wait a little longer than that.

That thought was when she realized the other issue; she'd forgotten to buy condoms. Ah well, surely her father had some, somewhere. She'd seen him with _quite_a few women, after all, and he couldn't possibly be going bare with _all_of them or he'd have way more children than just her.

That feeling of tingly heat grew stronger as she thought, still dozy from a good night's sleep, about bare sex. Did it really count as a kink if it was as natural as sex could possibly be? Maybe, given that condoms existed now. The thought excited her, at least.

The collie had been in her class in the final year of high school. He'd been there for the last three really, but it was only at the very last moment before it was all over that he'd worked up the courage to ask her out. Alice had been all too happy to accept; if nothing else, he seemed like a fun enough guy, if a little shy. Today's thing was really more of a party all in all, some of his friends would be there, but from having seen how her father approached his dates, she was pretty sure the intent was to at least get a little handsy.

Ah well. Time to get the day started. She stood up, yawned again, and got to it. Shower, check. A little spray of perfume, check. Some subtle makeup to enhance her best features. As for clothes, she chose her favorite black dress that was just a little too short to be fully modest, but not so short it'd actually reveal anything. Mm-hm. Really, she's learned most of her flirting and such from her father, which _had_left her a bit of a tomboy, but it turned out that men loved women who knew what they wanted.

She didn't have much experience with boys, but... well, enough. She loved how cute_they got when closing in on orgasm. And all that throbbing and twitching as they came, spilling that baby-making seed. Alice had never actually had that happen inside her, but the thought _was appealing, enough so that she had to force it out of her head before heading to Cole's place. Showing up smelling all horny would be too improper even for her.

Oh, right. She needed condoms or she'd definitely end up with the perhaps less-pleasant-in-reality situation of getting thoroughly inseminated. Alice wasn't sure how fertile she was, but she didn't want to take that risk. Maybe after college, like her mother had. She remembered her father's bedroom drawer was basically full of condoms, though.

She made her way into his bedroom and pulled the drawer open. Yup, big ol' box of wrappers. Thin, expensive ones. Alice knew Alex wouldn't mind if she borrowed a couple, and she chose the ones with the prettiest wrapping, not really knowing any other criteria for them. Just in case something exciting happened. If anything, her father would probably commend her for being responsible as usual. A quick look in the mirror, and she was off.

When Jon woke up that same Sunday, he was excited and ready to go the moment he remembered where he was. Sure, classes would start tomorrow, but it wasn't as if anyone expected them to learn too much on the very first day.

He definitely wanted to invite Kris over to at least have a drink or two, maybe some general fun - his stiffening cock having its own ideas of what such fun might entail - but he had to ask his roommates what they wanted to do, too.

"Oh, for sure, invite her over. We can watch some movies or whatever," Lucas replied with a mischievous grin that Jon barely noticed.

"Agreed. Always a good time to have some company over," Mason added to that. He glanced at the whiteboard briefly, and then at Lucas, immediately forming an unspoken plan between the two.

After a little bit of further hesitation, Jon dialled Kris' number. The squirrel answered with her voice chirpy and cheerful, quickly enough that it almost seemed like she'd been waiting for the call.

" yeah, once you're all done setting up, wanna come hang out with me? And my brothers? We could watch a movie or something and relax with a b-" Jon stopped himself. Did women really like beer? He suddenly felt insecure, for no reason. "-drink? Like just taking it easy so we're ready for classes tomorrow."

"Friggin' smooth," Mason shouted in the background. Thankfully, his voice didn't seem to reach Kris, but Jon cast him a withering glance. He was just about to give him the finger as well when the squirrel replied.

"I'd love to. In the evening? Let's do a movie draft, like we vote on which movie we want to watch..." she spoke.

"Movie draft?" Jon asked his brothers.

"Oh sure. Classic bored-at-campus stuff," Lucas grinned. "Yeah, why not?"

"Better than listening to you trying to be flirty," Mason added. This time, Jon _did_give him the finger, which only served to make the fox chitter and chuckle with amusement.

Either way, she seemed happy to "hang out", as Jon put it. Almost eager to, probably since it was likely a good way to make some friends for the years ahead. Or maybe she just liked being social. Jon tried not to think too much about it, instead opting to take a quick walk around the campus to calm himself down once the call ended.

He was, of course, getting a little aroused, too. That was just part of being him, it seemed. The slightest chance at possibly getting intimate, and he was almost _instantly_ready. He still had no idea who he got that from; his father seemed positively subdued in comparison. Then again, maybe his father was simply very good at hiding it. He and his mother did, after all, have quite a lot of children.

What wasn't awkward, beyond having to hide his burgeoning erection as he walked - thankfully almost nobody was outside today, with gentle rain blanketing the campus - was imagining himself leaning against that cute squirrel, softly sneaking a paw under her cute shirt, and gently massaging her cute little boobs. If they kept the room dark, he might even be able to do it without his cute- no, his brothers definitely weren't cute. What was he even thinking about? Jon shook his head. The point was, he monologued as he walked, that he might get a chance to actually mate with someone, and that possibility had his whiskers bristling with excitement. She'd probably want a condom, and he did_have some, but if she wasn't in heat, maybe they'd not _need one. He wanted to feel her bare heat and wetness around his cock.

Wait, badger. Wait with getting that horny until you're indoors again. And ideally, wait until your brothers aren't there too. What if they decide they want to join in?

Not that he could imagine them wanting to. There was surely some mutual understanding between them to let every male enjoy his own partner. Ah well. He'd just need a little bit to get his registrations for the fall's classes ready, and then he could start preparing for his date. It was totally a date, wasn't it? Yup. His heartbeat quickened with excitement.

Alice showed up at Cole's home with her most winsome smile and a bag full of snacks. She'd opted not to bring any booze since it was a Sunday, and she had no real intent on getting drunk. Maybe a bit buzzed if they offered, but other than that - she felt inside her purse briefly to make sure the condoms were still there - not too much partying.

Her former classmate greeted her with a happy and ever so slightly too intimate and lingering hug. Cole and she had known each other for about forever, which had led to them having a rather intimate relationship, for a pretty long time at least, though it'd never been progressed to the point of actual intimacy._The collie had never quite dared to take the first step, and Alice for her part wasn't in a hurry to settle down. _That part she definitely got from her father. Not that she minded the idea of having a boyfriend, quite the opposite, but she didn't feel it was a priority yet.

Maybe when she started college. Or maybe today. She was getting the distinct feeling that the collie was trying to finally work up the courage to ask her something, but chances were that the introverted dog would need a couple of drinks and a few hours of relaxation before he got there. All the better, really; it meant they had a good excuse to hang out and watch movies or whatever the plan was.

A couple of his friends were there too. A half-otter Alice wasn't sure she'd met before, who greeted her with a cheerful wag of his tail - though she figured he might've been in the class that graduated just before theirs - and a husky who she definitely hadn't met, currently focused on the television and only briefly looking her way before returning to what he was doing.

They joined the husky on the couch after getting some drinks from the fridge. Cole had done his best to blindly guess what Alice would like, and he'd settled with cider that was entirely too sweet. She was a fruit bat, so it wasn't too bad a guess, but it tasted a little too cheap and artificial for her.

Two things happened as they talked about their experiences at high school - a kind of retrospective that gradually grew a little more rich in explicit in detail with each downed beverage - and watched whatever series the app happened to recommend. The first was when Alice suddenly twitched when she felt Cole's hand on her thigh, subtly and affectionately stroking through the warm fur. So, he _had_worked up the courage to... if not ask her out, then at least to get a little handsy. That was quite welcome. The other thing that happened was her noticing the half-otter glancing at what Cole was doing, briefly making eye contact with her, a curious look on his face.

Probably wants a piece of me, too. Alice liked feeling desired. As long as he wasn't going to be forceful about it. At least as long as the collie had his hands on her.

It didn't take very long before things started to grow heated, touches turning into rubbing and the tension between the two growing. Soon, Alice was feeling rather_needy,_ perfectly aware that her panties were growing wet, clinging to her mound as the collie's fingers flicked over the lacy fabric. She leaned in to whisper that they'd probably want to get some privacy, as much as she was enjoying the feeling of his fingers teasing her, and Cole agreed.

But as they walked towards the bedroom, the husky caught Cole. He said something to the collie, who let out a frustrated sigh.

"Just wait for me in the bedroom, I'll be there in a moment," he told Alice, and then, quickly followed the other dog to take care of whatever the issue was. Something about the Internet going out, she thought she'd heard.

But that couldn't take long to fix, could it?

Alice closed the bedroom door behind herself and hopped on the bed, quickly pulling off her panties - which were indeed quite wet with lust - and then the rest of her clothes, curling up in the blankets and striking her best seductive pose, waiting for the collie to return and claim his prize.

And there she laid on the bed, her heart beating rather quickly, but the minutes dragged on. Where was he, anyway? The outside door slammed. Hopefully that wasn't him. If there was a problem he had to go outside for, it might take longer, and she was already burning up with desire. Several more minutes passed in perfect silenced. She fiddled with the condom she'd dug out of her purse, and then lazily rubbed herself, trying to keep her faltering arousal up, for a few minutes longer. And then, suddenly, the door creaked open. To her shock and surprise, it wasn't Cole, but his roommate. That otter hybrid. She had no idea what the other half was.

"Want some company?" he asked, in a playful tone.

Oh, this is awkward. Alice was_damn horny from all the teasing the collie had been doing, not to mention that risky - and very aroused - part of her cycle was fast approaching, but wouldn't it basically be cheating if she let _this guy fuck her while she was here for someone else?

The idea, though, was deliciously naughty. It wasn't as if Cole was her boyfriend. Would it really be that wrong? She clutched the blanket thoughtfully, only having pulled it halfway up her body, leaving her breasts in plain sight.

"It'll be a while before he's ready," the half-otter grinned, making his way over to sit on the bed. "I figured we could give each other some relief until he's back. Right? We share everything, anyway," he added, and though he sounded honest, Alice couldn't help but suspect he might not have been telling the exact truth. At least, she'd never met a male who liked sharing their possible partner. Her eyes darted to the audacious otter's crotch, and the sight of his obvious stiffness, outlined in the entirely too thin fabric, sent another lusty tingle through her body. She couldn't quite get any words out, though.

"Don't worry," the otter grinned. "I won't do anything you don't want me to. Wanna see it?"

His cock. He meant his cock. Hurriedly, Alice nodded. She definitely wanted to see it, at least. Obligingly, the otter unbuttoned his jeans and tugged them down. Alice was expecting underwear. Instead, his very thick cock sprung out, hard and ready, and beneath it the bat saw a pair of quite large balls, bigger than she'd thought they even got. Her mouth suddenly felt very dry. The otter looked really sexy, and her body was practically begging_her to at least let it have _some fun.

Maybe if he was quick?

"H-how long is he going to be busy?" she stammered, squeezing her legs together.

"A while," the otter grinned, flashing that winsome smile again, and leaned against Alice. His body felt so hot and firm. "We... arranged a distraction."

Alice's head was spinning. They had specifically planned this, to get someone else to fuck her instead of the person she was actually here for? That certainly wasn't a nice thing to do, but it was so deliciously naughty that she couldn't deny it was... attractive, in a way. The self-assured cockiness, the obvious _desire_this otter felt for her. Combined with her previous arousal, it was like an intoxicating cocktail. If he was willing to go that far, maybe he _deserved_to be the one to mount her.

What was it her father had told her again? Being promiscuous was okay as long as you accepted the consequences. She had a condom, so there couldn't be too much in the way of consequences. Her father certainly brought home a lot of different women, and he seemed to be doing okay. Maybe it'd be alright for her to do, too?

Alice felt the otter's hand on her thigh, and with a shiver, she spread her legs just a little, realizing only afterwards how strong the scent of her lust was. Those webbed fingers felt almost electric brushing over the damp fur of her inner thigh, dipping closer to her soaked sex.

"Besides, it definitely feels like you could use some relief," he murmured. Then, he leaned over, pushed his nose against Alice's neck, and her mind nearly blanked out as she felt his tongue lap at her goose-bumped fur. A quiet moan, and then he was on top of her, slowly easing the blanket off her until she was completely uncovered in front of him. He pushed himself between her legs, and she could only squirm.

Yeah, maybe it's alright. He's probably right. I need this, don't I?

She felt his bare erection brush over her slit, and fumbled for her purse, pulling out one of those condoms she'd thankfully brought, handing it to the otter. He didn't seem to mind, happily unwrapping it with that sense of lusty urgency, yet having the presence of mind to make a bit of a show of rolling it over his throbbing shaft.

Jon was so frustrated he could barely believe it. A water leak, right now of all times. He was supposed to be plumbing something much nicer, not the damn kitchen pipes. But he was the handy one, it seemed. Water kept spraying across his face as he tried to fit the nuts and bolts on, eventually grabbing Mason and forcing him to hold them in place while he ran to turn off the water to the apartment entirely. Where the hell was Lucas, anyway? Was now _really_the time to run away?

Jon could practically feel his chances of getting laid slipping away like dust on the wind.

Mason was soaking wet by the time he got back, even though it'd only been a few seconds, but the pipes had stopped spraying water. Now, he could easily tell they weren't even damaged. So what had caused this? Had the nut just slowly vibrated off? He'd heard of it happening in vehicles, but not pipes. How could they even possibly vibrate enough for that?

"I have no idea," Mason sighed. He seemed just as displeased as the badger. "Let's just make sure it's all tightened and try turning the water back on. Slowly-like."

"At least I don't think there's gonna be any damage to the place," Jon sighed. "Linoleum floor. The rest we can just wipe up..."

Kris had probably gone home already. Maybe she'd sent him an angry message. Or hopefully an apologetic one. He couldn't really blame her either way. Jon was at the stage where he felt like needed to send an angry message to himself for leaving the both of them so incredibly pent up. And probably frustrated. He wasn't sure if women felt as frustrated for being interrupted like this as men did, but the badger knew he felt pretty damn angry about it.

He finished tightening the bolts with another long, drawn-out sigh of disgruntlement, and went to turn the water back on. He was fully expecting the pipes to explode, but no - they worked perfectly. Not even a little bit of a leak. Since he'd fixed those, it was only fair that Mason (and Lucas, had he been there) mop up the water, and the fox didn't disagree on that, allowing Jon to quickly towel himself before hopefully moving to resume his increasingly unlikely night of pleasure.

To Jon's chagrin, he could already hear her happy whimpers and moans as he reached the door, and suddenly his heart was in his throat. She couldn't possibly be masturbating that loudly. Or producing those masculine grunts. His fresh new fears were quickly realized as he slammed the door open and found Lucas on top of Kris's squirming, clutching body, merrily rutting away at _his_date, not even trying to be subtle or apologetic about it.

"Mrrh, hi Jon. Just need a little longer, wait a... ngh, wait just a moment," Lucas groaned between his pistoning thrusts.

The sight of it was shocking enough to the badger that he couldn't immediately form any words, or even move, simply dumbstruck by the audacity of his brother. His masculine instincts were screaming at him to pull the bat off _his_partner and take his place, but the bat was his brother after all, and in that emotional conflict, all he did was stare. Stare as the bat's massive balls began to tighten, no doubt readying themselves to pump their virile cargo in the squirrel that should've been his to seed.

"O-oh fuck, cum inside me!" he heard the squirrel plead, thrusting herself back against the bat's cock. He wasn't even wearing a condom, and that, more than anything, was what really made Jon's chest tighten with jealousy. Lust, too, for that matter.

"Y-yeah, j-just a... rrf, here it comes!" Lucas exclaimed, and immediately Jon could see Kris' legs tightening around his body as the bat hilted himself inside the twitching squirrel, and reached the inevitable conclusion.

He could see every single flex, pulse and twitch at the base of the bat's cock as he filled who should've been the badger's lover for the night with spurt after spurt of cum, with nothing at all between that cum and her eggs.

"What," he finally managed to growl. "Just, what the fuck."

"J-juuust taking care of a woman in need," the bat answered, once his orgasm was over. He sounded almost drunk with pleasure. "I mean, she wanted babies, and nobody else was around... so that's, huff, probably one more for me."

"One more what? You stole my-"

Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder. A damp hand. Mason.

"That's what we keep track of, how many women we've bred," the fox laughed. "Oh man, you should see the look on your face. Now, you're free to try to steal anyone we bring over, too, if you can... but I mean, it's not like you'll have to worry about any paternity tests as long as we're around. I mean, come on, even if I don't beat you to it, Lucas is a bat. They're not exactly build for sharing," he smirked with a measure of meanness, before relenting. "Besides, I fell for it too, or I'd have been in his place right now."

Lucas pulled out of Kris, who was nearly unconscious from how hard she'd orgasmed, with a wet slurp, leaving her panting with her legs spread, the product of their vigorous mating slowly oozing out of her very satisfied sex, thick and white. Then, Jon, still trying to process what on earth had just happened - apparently, Lucas had deliberately loosened the pipes to make sure he and Mason both were preoccupied while he hastily seduced the squirrel, which was crazy- felt Mason nudge him.

"Mind if I have the next go?" he asked with a grin, giving the badger a slap on the back. "I could probably still beat Lucas to it. And I bet a squirrel-fox would be easier to pass off as part badger!"

What? He actually wanted to fuck the squirrel just after his older brother had creamed her? On the one hand, he should've found that disgusting. On the other, staring at the naked squirrel - who briefly sat up enough to make eye contact with him with a pleased smile, clearly inviting him to join her, not his brother - was quickly firing up his own lust again. She was entirely willing and eager, and his urges were as strong as ever. For a moment, he was torn. And then, a surge of warm, masculine possessiveness.

"Actually, I think I'll be going first," he huffed, jabbing an elbow into Mason's ribs. "You can wait a little longer."

It was a little dirty and demeaning, especially the knowing, filthy smirk Mason gave him - disappointed as he might've been - but on the other hand, it was also a good opportunity of showing how he was of superior stock when the baby ended up as a badger rather than a bat. Following that reasoning, he shrugged, undoing his pants. Fuck it. When in Rome...

He did make a mental note to get his brothers back for it as he sunk his cock into that warm, freshly seeded but still very tight and eager squirrel. Despite the extra lubrication, she was just as wonderfully tight around him as he'd have imagined, and there was a particular thrill to feeling his glans pull out plenty of the bat's seed from inside her. There was some primal aspect to it, as if he was re-conquering the squirrel, and her helplessly horny whimpers and squeals were like confirmation of his success and manly prowess.

He didn't normally think of himself as either a particularly manly man or a breeding stud, but with how strong those subconscious, biological instincts were - particularly for his inexperienced body - he was quickly swallowed up entirely by the sweet, almost too good sensation engulfing his pulsating shaft over and over again, massaging every inch of him with every thrust. All those grudges and frustrations quickly melted away for those cathartic minutes it took him to work himself towards much-needed relief.

"Well, if you're gonna do it, at least try to last a little longer, make sure Mason's not going to catch up to me, at least," Lucas taunted his brother - as if trying to delay him - though Jon's witty retort caught in his throat as he, just then, passed the point of no return, instead letting out a growl as he hilted himself deep in the squirrel, letting the pressure that'd been building up erupt into bliss, practically feeling his seed rushing up his cock and spurting, thickly, into her. He had no idea if she was actually on birth control or not, or really, much of any idea at all as he groaned and grunted, grinding his seed into Kris' receptive body with each blissful throb of his cock. What he did know, though, was that imagining her getting knocked up from this, and in particular, his seed managing to reach her eggs before that of Lucas, turned him on like crazy, to the point he didn't even go soft.

Despite that, he was certainly too sensitive to keep humping after that first orgasm, and had to pull out, collapsing next to the well-used squirrel.

"Perfect way to end a week isn't it?" Kris giggled. "Wasn't expecting to have _two_cute boys all to myself."

Though he was, on some level, still rather frustrated with Kris, Jon couldn't help but laugh, drunk enough on warm, fuzzy afterglow that it seemed perfectly okay. So what if he hadn't gotten to claim her womb first?

"Yeah. No problem," he huffed. As the glow died down to only embers of arousal, though, another question began to surface in his mind.

" you two do this all the time, then?" he asked.

"Yep. Looks like you will, too. We were both born with these, like..." Mason paused for a brief moment. "Strong breeding urges," he added, lowering his voice for emphasis. The squirrel giggled again, casting the fox a sceptical look.

"Going by how eager you were just there, you were too," Lucas added with a hearty chuckle, while he was already getting dressed. "Couldn't get you to slow down even a little bit."

"I guess it comes from our parents," Jon said, and then, noticing that everyone else was getting their clothes back on, Kris included, he followed suit. "They do have a fair number of kids, don't they?"

"Oh yeah, about that..." Lucas replied, suddenly looking serious.

Alice mouthed her best approximation of "fuck me", too nervous and too dazed by what she was doing to actually say the words, but all that nervosity shattered into a million shining pieces when the otter's hips bucked and his latex-clad cockhead sunk into the bat's sex. She felt like she was on fire, only in a good_way, and couldn't help a high-pitched moan - or two, or three - escaping her mouth. Gods, this was _exactly what she needed, and knowing that the otter was protected was all she needed to relax and enjoy it. Ironically, she did so while fantasizing of him not being covered by that rubber. In her mind's eye, his girthy cock was inside her bare and dangerous as it strained against her inner walls, each motion a step towards the inevitable conclusion.

She pictured those swollen glans inside her, the precum drooling from the slit at the very end, thrusting into her caressing, receptive body, preparing to seed her. Without a condom there'd be nothing between them. Nothing to stop his little swimmers from rushing deeper into her and melding with her eggs. Oh, she wanted that. She might've even told him to breed her more than a few times as the tension grew and he really started fucking her, those heavy, _heavy_balls slapping against her soaked groin, all but actively telling her just how full they were and how badly they wanted to be emptied inside her.

But he was_wearing a condom, of course. She knew that. She just liked pretending he wasn't, and that this was definitely the moment she got pregnant, from letting a friend of a friend she didn't even know rut her right into motherhood in the friend's bed, fucking her brains out and leaving her belly swelling just in time for college. Part of that was just what felt right, and the other part was from _knowing that her father had done that more than a few times. And no wonder he had, if it felt this good for the males, too. Alice wasn't a virgin, but the whole scene that was unfolding - and the hungry, masculine sexuality of her partner - was intoxicating enough that she almost felt like one, experiencing those heady heights of pleasure for the very first time. She trembled, clutched, claws digging into the otter's back as she careened towards an orgasm, and already her pussy was dutifully squeezing and milking that wonderful shaft inside her, tightening around him and making him feel even bigger, doing its utmost to compel it to seed her like a-


Suddenly, she was cumming, her body singing with pleasure, and all kinds of pleasured sounds that she was only barely aware of making spilling from lips as she tensed and thrashed. That feeling of wonderful relief and tension that alternated through her like a live current, setting every nerve in her body alight with pleasure. Nothing existed except that thick shaft pistoning into her, bulking up in her depths, and then - yes, he's throbbing, he's cumming - that affirming happiness that came with feeling her partner cum, brought to his own climax by her milking spasms.

With it came a feeling of wet heat inside her. A little too acute, rather than muted as one would expect it to be, contained by a condom. But it felt entirely too good to worry right then and there, any consequences could be dealt with later, and it wasn't as if she could stop milking that that sweet seed out of him any more than he could stop pumping it out. That was the beauty of orgasms, somehow. The involuntary nature of them. Alice was always in control in everyday life, planning everything in detail, but orgasms were her body deciding on what should happen, and wresting control away from her. Without the condom, this would've been another helpless moment, with her sex suckling happily on the half-otter's throbbing shaft for every last drop of dangerously potent cum, with her conscious mind having no say in whether she got pregnant or not.

But he _was_wearing a condom. She could feel the rubber against her lips as her climax faded, so despite suddenly feeling very full and warm inside, she was entirely safe.

Unless... no, that kinda stuff only happens in porn. Alice slumped back into the bed, her energy spent. The otter quietly pulled out, giving her an affectionate smooch on the nose, thanking her for letting him do what he just did, and quietly hinted that they should probably get dressed and get going before Cole returned.

Oh. Yeah. Probably a good idea. She didn't exactly know how long it'd be, and in particular she had no idea how the collie would react if he walked in right now. Nor did she have any desire to find out. She returned the affectionate nose-kiss, and sat up in a hurry. The otter was already dressed and leaving by the time she got over that dizzy spell of standing up a little too fast. What had him in such a hurry?

The answer came as she reached for a bit of paper to wipe herself dry and found the wetness between her legs far thicker than it should've been, cloudier, with that characteristic smell of cum to it. She nearly choked on her surprise. But the condom was right there, on the side of the bed, with... nothing inside it._All of the otter's seed had been safely deposited into her near the peak of her fertile period. _Fuck fuck fuck. It didn't look broken. She grabbed it, stuffing it into her pocket as she rapidly got dressed, pulling her panties up tight and snug to avoid leaking everywhere - even though she quickly realized she probably should've let it all leak out - and rushed out of the door, thoughts drowning a blend of panic and a strange, satisfied lusty buzz.

There were only two real options. Either the otter had sabotaged the condom, or her father had. And she'd seen the otter unwrap it and put it on. Her lover had apparently realized it faster than she had, and so he'd escaped. She didn't blame him, given that she would've ran away from herself if she could've, at that moment. Yet, her hand kept sneaking into her pocket to feel the condom between her fingers. It looked intact on a brief glance, but squeezing the latex between a pair of fingers, it felt like it had not one, but two holes in it, one slightly bigger as if left by a claw, and the other a tiny pinprick at most. For some reason feeling those cuts in the protective latex - through which someone's virile seed had been pumped into her - made her clench with heady arousal.

It wasn't the right time for stupid lust, though. More and more, she had the feeling that they condoms had been both sabotaged before she even met the half-otter, and_that he must've done it himself. The subtle hole, then, would've been made by Alex, and the less subtle one by the otter she'd just mated with, and whose seed she'd just gladly allowed to fill up her fertile womb. While Alice didn't know her lover's name, she'd have to have a very serious chat with her father about apparently keeping _intentionally sabotaged condoms like that in his drawer.

Jon's head was spinning. Apparently, his brothers had long since figured out that the badger wasn't their father. For the bat that much was obvious, and they'd always known that, but Lucas insisted that all three of them had the same biological father.

"...but how would that work for me? I'm a badger. Not a bat or a fox?" Jon asked.

"Well, you didn't get hung like a bat from mom's side," Lucas smirked. "So maybe you're adopted!" he continued. "Obviously, Eva's kind of our real mother, with the whole raising us thing and all. But you're probably sort of adopted."

It wasn't a thought-out response, but it struck home, nonetheless. Jon bit his lip. His right eyebrow twitched, as it always did when he was stressed. "And you two?"

"We first started to suspect it when we got drunk and really started to talk about how we felt. And we ended up way too drunk, measuring ourselves. You know, as guys do," Lucas explained. Even with his generally confident and shameless attitude, Jon could just barely tell he was blushing - if only the faintest hint of it - as he spoke.

"Yeah. And then later, I um..." Mason continued, taking a few moments to figure out he should phrase what he was about to say. "Well, basically, I fucked a friend of mine when she wasn't even ovulating, like way before, and she _still_got pregnant."

"Right. And I know from experience that I can do that," Lucas said. "So, we figured, what if Mason is part bat, too? A fox's sperm wouldn't survive that long."

"So, you're like an expert on that?" Jon scoffed.

"Well, I don't actually know how long fox-cum lasts for, I just know how long _mine_does," Lucas laughed. Mason didn't say anything, but had a kind of cocky grin on his face, clearly fairly proud of his genes and virlity.

It was ridiculous, but it did make sense, in a strange and twisted way. It also meant that both his mother and father were pretty slutty, Jon thought, which would also explain why he leaned in the direction that just had him plunging his cock in for sloppy seconds with a squirrel he barely knew. The self-insight made his cheeks flush a bright red. At the same time, he'd always been close to his father. It hurt a little to suspect they might not be apparently related at all. Instead, he might be the son of some... serial breeder. Some asshole who only wanted to breed as many women as possible. At the same time, there was a perverted sense of pride to it, too. If his father was like that, then it meant that he was just about as virile, didn't it? Did the badger he'd viewed as his dad all this time have any biological kids of his own?

"I mean, I understand you, Lucas, but you're not... wondering about this at all, Mason?" Jon asked, flabbergasted.

Mason shrugged. "Well, no. Not really. It doesn't matter, right? We have the dad who raised us, and someone with a huge cock who did the job biologically. I'm alright with that."

"Any idea who your father actually is, then? A name or anything? I'd like to meet him, and... well, ask about some things," Jon finally muttered, turning to Lucas. He was hovering halfway between wanting to punch the mental image of his father, and to question him, finally leaning more towards the latter.

"Oh, I don't really know," Lucas replied. "I never bothered looking for him. Though now that you mention it, I signed up on that big sperm donor app just recently, and there was this guy who looks a lot like me. Alex, apparently? He's definitely a bat, at least, and he seems kinda prolific."

"Where can I find him?" Jon asked. "Like, where does he work?"

"Slow down. If it's not him, though, you're going to be pretty embarrassed," Lucas chuckled. He glanced at the phone and flicked open the donation app. "Yep, I got the name right. If you insist, the dude lists his job as professor, here. Maybe if you look through the local universities until you find an Alex?"

Jon sighed. He decided to meet up with this Alex. Maybe he'd have an explanation for why he did what he did. Assuming he did it at all, and the whole meeting didn't turn out to be a horrifically embarrassing misunderstanding. It wasn't too difficult to find the man, now that he had a name. There was exactly one Alex at the university, and he was very quick to respond with an invitation.

So it happened that Jon and Alice barged into the university reception at the same time. They gave each other only the briefest glance before simultaneously drawing the attention of a bookish-looking ferret working the front desk.

"So I'd like to-" Alice started.

"-a bat named Alex-" Jon spoke.

They froze and stared at each other. There was the faintest glimmer of an understanding. A serendipitous coincidence. While Alice knew her father certainly had other children, she hadn't been expecting one here, and certainly not at the same time. Jon, meanwhile, suddenly had a realization dawning on him.

"-excuse us for a moment," they both said at the same time. The ferret shrugged, adjusted her glasses, and returned to typing away at her computer.

"You- you're like..." Jon stammered, suddenly unsure if he should actually say anything. She had that characteristic grey fox neck fur. They were just about the same age. Their features, though she was obviously more feminine, were similar enough. Their eyes were even the same colour. There was a strange, almost familiar recognition. Maybe his subconscious picked up her scent. The more he thought about it, the crazier it sounded, and yet the more sense it made. Had he been swapped out with her at birth? If so, why? When normal couples cheated on each other, they either split up or they accepted it. Not this insane subterfuge.

"One of Alex's daughters, yes, and I need to have a bit of a talk with him," Alice replied. "And you?"

"...also that, I think. A son, I mean. Not a daughter. I mean- yes! A serious talk. Because I'm pretty sure he might be my father," Jon finally replied, getting his train of thought back on track.

"Yeah, he's got a lot of them," Alice sighed. She didn't even remotely question anything Jon said, which only reinforced the idea in his head. "And I probably just figured out how he-"

"Weird place for a family reunion," the ferret quietly mumbled to herself, perhaps not intending to have said anything out loud given how she recoiled at the withering glances of Jon and Alice.

Just at that moment, Alex walked out of his office and into the reception, with a wide, charismatic grin on his face. The kind of smile that could melt even the frostiest ice queen. "Oh," he exclaimed. "You already figured each other out?" he asked. "I was hoping you wouldn't guess before I told you."

"The fuck's with the broken condoms, Alex-" Alice growled. She'd always just called her father Alex. He wasn't that much older.

"-did you swap me out as a baby?" Jon added. "...with her? Why the-?"

"Let's... maybe take this in the office, no?" Alex grinned. "Though really it's not that much of a mystery!"

Mutely, the two followed him to the back, into his office. It wasn't anything special. If anything, it looked generic. Leather seats, rich dark wood desk. Perhaps a little old-fashioned. Certainly, it said nothing about what kind of person Alex was.

"So, yeah. It's not much of a secret, I think," Alex spoke, putting on his smoothest, most diplomatic voice as he sunk into his seat. "That I have impregnated a lot of women. But they all wanted it," he added. A half-truth. They had consented to the sex, yes, but perhaps not the trickery. Though as far as he knew, none had outright regretted it, which he took to mean it was what they really wanted.

"I also don't want to ruin any relationships. So, when I bred Eva," he nodded at Jon, and then at Alice. "She actually had you, Alice. But your father wouldn't have liked that, so we... well, we swapped you two. But I'd never tell him that, it'd break his poor heart and that's not what I want. So, we swap you out if you end up visibly batlike."

It was another half-truth. He did that with Eva, who he genuinely cared about. Other relationships, he'd certainly added a touch to chiropteran tension to. Some, he assumed he might've ended up ruining. Or introduced them to a new fetish. It was impossible to keep track with how many women he'd been with.

"That's just bizarre," the badger muttered. "Jesus. So, you're like..."

"Is it? I mean, you both had pretty good childhoods, I think. Better than you'd have had if we hadn't swapped you, because then both of your mothers would be single. Probably," Alex continued.

"Is that also why you punch holes in your condoms? I used one, you know!" Alice snarled.

"Yeah. Well, you took a risk. How'd it make you feel?" he asked.

Alice sat quiet for a moment, trying to phrase - or even just figure out - what her feelings on that subject were. On the one hand, it was infuriating and scary, but on the other...

"How about you, Jon? You'd know how it feels for us, at least. Those breeding instincts. Had a chance to indulge in them yet?"

"What, do all of your kids just walk around and breed everyone they meet? Or get bred by them?" Jon scoffed. Though he couldn't quite hide a redness building across his muzzle as he thought about what he'd done with the squirrel earlier.

"I know your brothers love it, at least. You know, I do keep track of all of you. Just to make sure you don't end up in really dire straits," Alex smiled. That, at least, was true, and his smile was genuine. "In fact, why not just embrace it? I do suspect you rather enjoy the idea of leaving bellies swelling as a result of your natural instincts."

"-kinda horny," Alice finally admitted. With the kind of relationship the two of them had, she felt no shame in saying it out loud, though Jon certainly blushed, next to her. That was, probably, the closest to an accurate answer she could give. It did make her horny. It was what she most often fantasized about, after all. It was just the inconvenience of it that was bothering her.

"Right. There's not much else to it, not really," Alex murmured. "Create as much new life as possible. And try to make sure the kids have decent lives even if I'm not directly involved. You two would probably like it. Most people do. It's just how we're wired, isn't it."

For a long, quiet moment, Jon and Alice sat there, occasionally looking at each other - trying to pinpoint all the ways in which they were similar, perhaps - and then at Alex, one with her expression asking if he really was right, and the other with his mind preoccupied with wondering if what he said could possibly be true. They were both stunned. This wasn't what they'd been expecting, nor was it truly a satisfying answer to receive. Alex did what he did simply because he felt like doing it, in the end. Yet the more Alice and Jon thought about it, the more those chains tightened around their own instincts. Parental influence, perhaps, or simply realizing that there was nothing wrong with how they felt. There never had been. All it was, was biology, and the pursuit of pleasure. With expertise honed by years of study. Perhaps all for this purpose?

"Well, any more questions, before you two go back to doing whatever you want, which I'd _hope_includes continuing the family legacy?" Alex asked, taking a sip of water. "You, especially, Jon. I mean, you went through all this effort. Surely, you have something more to ask."

"Wait, wait, wait. Me first, dad," Alice interrupted them. "You're seriously saying that you wouldn't mind it if I just let everyone knock me up in some crazy blur of hedonism?"

"You can afford it. So why not? I do always feel like we shouldn't fight our instincts. And if your instincts tell you to lay back and let man after man pump their seed into you, I think you'd enjoy letting it happen. A few of the women I've known did, certainly. Something about letting everyone have a try, and then letting the strongest seed win," Alex mused. "It must feel rather erotic, no?"

From that point on, Alice was quiet. Her mind was racing. There was no denying that she'd_loved_ the sensation of being filled the first time, even if it was unintentional. She practically shivered at the memory. Maybe, just maybe, her father _was_right. Maybe there was no point in fighting these urges.

"Are all of my siblings yours, then?" Jon asked.

"Yep," Alex replied. "Every last one of you."

Jon rubbed his forehead. "And total? Just many kids have you sired, 'dad'?" he asked, with an almost disbelieving groan.

"More than three, less than five," he admitted. Then, as Alice raised her eyebrow, he continued. "Digits."

"Oh, for the love of everything holy, dad, just what on earth-" Alice exclaimed. "Hundreds? Thousands?"

"Like I said, basic biology," the bat grinned. "And as far as I know, all of the mothers were happy with how things turned out, in the end."

Jon had less in the way of moral qualms about it. He'd already known just how productive he was from the likes on that donation app, and he also knew he agreed with what his father was saying. The only problem was that with how many half-siblings he apparently had around the city, he'd have to be very careful not to commit incest accidentally.

Alice and Jon both nodded dumbly. It made sense. Really, it'd always made sense, but this little family reunion had been just what they needed. It was a mystery solved, even if the answer was about as mundane as answers came. Jon was already planning on how he'd sneak in the next time Lucas or Mason brought someone over, since that was, apparently, just what everyone in this family did. Alice in turn decided she might just figure out what that half-otter was named so she could invite him to her place for a longer, eager, and passionate breeding session. With as many of his friends as possible. Some competition wouldn't hurt. After all, she wanted whatever cum finally ended up fertilizing her to have deserved it. Maybe. Or maybe she'd wait and see if she was already pregnant first, and then surprise him. After all, if he had sabotaged the condom too, then he'd probably get very excited by the sight of her with a baby bump.

Sure enough, it didn't take long, in the grand scheme of things, before Kris was the happy mother of a badger. Though competitive, Lucas and Mason did eventually admit that Jon had claimed that womb, and awarded him his first illustrious checkmark on the whiteboard. Though it was just insignificant sibling rivalry, it still made him feel a little closer to his two brothers. And now that he'd been properly initiated - as weird as thinking of himself as a father felt - they could properly begin to compete, in the way Alex's male offspring apparently did.

As for Alice, she'd met the same inevitable fate that most women who let young, horny males inseminate them would meet. Yet, it wasn't until near the end of her pregnancy that she came across the half-otter she'd met that fateful night. It was a chance encounter, just like their first meeting had been. He greeted her with a wink, and when she gave him a hot smile back, he wrapped his thick, rudder-like tail around her briefly and affectionately. Much to her surprise, at that point, she didn't harbor any ill will towards him. Rather the opposite. Knowing that the otter had wanted to breed her full of his pups to the point he'd sabotage a condom to make it happen made her horny.

Guess you really are your father's daughter, aren't you? That inner voice of hers asked, mockingly, but there was no denying it. Before their hug even ended, she could feel his stiffness against her pregnant body, and already, she was making plans to reward_him for his subterfuge and intoxicatingly high virility. Maybe with another kid. Only this this time, maybe he'd have to compete for her womb with his friends. _That would be a sufficient punishment and reward in one sexy package...