Student's Pet - Owning the Teacher

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A bunny takes his teacher for a wild ride together.

This is set in and around Green Pastures University, a well known educational facility. The tale centers around Ivan, a 35 year old red fox that was mostly black but with burning, fiery orange-red patches and stripes. His eyes were a deep grey and held an intense, perceptive quality. He had a lean body that was balanced out by the luscious, thick fur coating him. Ivan was a professor at the University, teaching chemistry. He had a fairly great life, was married to his wife, Erika, a truly stunning fennec fox. They had no kids, and he enjoyed what he did. In his free time, he liked to read, spend time outdoors, plant and care for his garden, and go to concerts. Now, on to the story.

It was a Friday and he had been teaching classes all day. It went rather smoothly as his class did quite well, so he taught his classes, graded papers, and then the school day was over. He took a deep breath and sighed contently. He had been waiting all week long for this day. It was date night!! A deep grin grew upon his face in anticipation of what the night had in store for him. A few texts were exchanged to confirm that they were still on in a couple of hours, which they were. He hurried home and spruced himself up, taking a shower, getting some clothes on that made him look drop dead gorgeous, put on his favorite scent especially for date night, and finally dried and thoroughly combed his fur. Taking a quick look in the mirror, he confirmed that he was ready for the night.

He hopped in his car and excitedly sped off to his reservation, making a point to be earlier than necessary. It was a pretty high end restaurant. He was fairly well off though, and had one or two similar outings per month. The date night went spectacularly, with exquisite food and drinks, great ambience, and wonderful staff. A truly fantastic establishment and dining experience. After exiting the restaurant, he felt a little charged up and excited, and couldn't help but engage in a little heavy petting off in the alley to the side of the building as well as in the car, before heading back home to catch some sleep. That was, of course, after having some intimate time with his wife. The rest of the weekend was quiet and simple. Exactly how he liked things to be.

On Monday, he performed his typical routine in the morning before driving back to work. After the weekend he had, the fox was in a great mood. His classes went by super smoothly and the day went by quickly. The final bell rang and the class emptied quickly right after he gave the students their assignments. He started reviewing and making notes for the day as well as planning ahead for the next day, while taking a peek at some of the assignments turned in. The class filtered out until it was silent and it seemed nobody was in the room with him. Ivan had been doing his thing for about five minutes when he heard someone getting up from their desk, and he wondered why his powerful ears had missed something like that. He looked up and saw one of his students walking directly towards his desk.

Shazra was a 23 year old male rabbit with jet black fur and soft green eyes. He interestingly had one fully droopy ear, and the other was pointed up which he pulled off really well. He was also of the lean but muscular body type, as he took great care of himself. He walked up with a huge grin on his face, stopped in front of Ivan's desk, and waited for his professor to address him.

Ivan fully lifted his head to look at his student and asked, "Oh, hey Shazra. Can I help you with something..?" He felt like he detected something was off. He couldn't pinpoint it, but some sort of alert was going off in him.

Shazra looked over and saw that the door had been shut. He cheerfully shifted back and forth on his feet as he stated, "Umm, yeah actually! I kinda had something to ask you, if you have the time."

Ivan raised his eyebrows, still attempting to figure out why he was feeling strange. He organized his papers before setting them to the side and replied, "Of course! What's up?"

The rabbit sighed contently and asked his question, "Okay! Well... If I saw you out on a date with a guy, even though you're married, that means I kinda own you, right?"

Ivan's eyes flew open and his heart raced while skipping beats and his eyes bounced around as he searched his mind for any moment he could have seen Shazra. He managed to choke out, "I.. i.. umm. I wasn't.. wasn't on a date! I went out with a friend of mine, we had dinner and then I went home! Were you at the restaurant? I didn't see you." His student was correct though, he hadn't been on a date with his wife. They did have sex that night, but he had been out with another man earlier.

Shazra giggled at how flustered the beautiful fox was and explained, "Mmm, really? Because having your tongue down a friend's throat and your hand rubbing on his cock is quite the friendship! I wish all my friends were that friendly. Hehe. I was walking around downtown in the area, and I just happened to walk right by that alley and caught a great look. Enough to know for sure, and there's no way you can deny it. And don't worry, it was just me that saw. I was on my own right then, so I won't have to share! So that's good news! Mmm."

Ivan was in a state of shock. He could hardly think, he only felt like his life was crumbling rapidly around him. His heart pounded, his mouth was dry, and he was nearly frozen. He barely whispered, "I... okay... what uhh.. do you want..?"

Shazra walked lightly around the desk and behind the professor. He placed his hands on the lean shoulders and started to massage him while whispering in a seductive way that was also attempting to relax Ivan, "Shh...shhhh...shhh... Don't worry. Hmm... I had no idea that you're gay. You are, right?" He saw the fox lower his head and weakly nod. "Oh! Well, I am too. In case you didn't know. I've always had a thing for you. Now. With that in mind... I won't tell anyone... if you just start having fun with me. Okay? I'll work with your schedule a bit. And... I mean, you can keep the other man if you want, but splitting yourself between three people seems pretty risky. It'd probably be best if you just let me have his time too. Y'know? It's just being smart. Mmmm... so, those are my terms. I'll be discrete, too. So.... What's your answer?"

Ivan gulped hard in the most anxiety he had ever felt before. He felt incredibly tense and eventually came to the conclusion that he was caught and trapped. Shazra had him. He groaned out a tiny, "Okay..."

Shazra jumped up in excitement and quietly exclaimed, "Yay!! Oh, we're gonna have so much fun, Ivan! Hey, relax.. it's all okay. I know your world just got flipped, but things will be fiiiine! Do you mind if I.... Help you out to calm down?" He saw a degree of recognition in the fox's eyes that he understood what that mean before they shot over to the door. "Don't worry! I'm taking care of that." The rabbit excitedly bounced over and locked the door as well as pulled the cover down over the window.

The fiery colored fox watched the bunny ensure their privacy before walking with a distinctly seductive sway and burning, dreamy look in his green eyes. Shazra slipped back behind Ivan and draped his arms around him, sensually rubbing his black and orange chest and whispering into the sharp ears, "You're so fucking sexy. Don't worry, I'm gonna keep you so happy that you'll come around to this." He licked the fox's cheek slowly and felt Ivan sigh in a way that almost sounded like he felt some tiny degree of potential enjoyment, which lit an optimism in the rabbit.

Ivan was trying to integrate himself into the surreal experience he found himself in when his chair was spun around suddenly so he was facing Shazra. He looked with wide eyes and an overwhelming display of many different emotions on his face. He had his wind knocked out of him when the rabbit kissed him hard and unexpectedly as his muzzle was invaded by the young male's tongue. His tongue reflexively engaged in a dance with the other.

Shazra moaned into the fox mouth and remained where he was to savor the experience before slowly parting their lips and keeping their faces close. While breathing heavily he tilted his head and asked, "Mmm... there, was that REALLY so bad..? I'm not that bad of a kisser, am I?"

The fox was now fairly dazed and conflicted inside. He mumbled quietly, "I.. no um.. no..." He felt the bunny's fingers comb through the fur on his face and head, occasionally gripping and giving gentle tugs, which caused Ivan to let out accidental whimpers and a suppressed moan.

Shazra held back most of his grin in hopes that he could keep his professor calm, "Mmm.. of course it's not that bad. I'm attractive to you too, right?" He saw the piercing grey eyes hazily look him up and down before nodding and lowering to the fox's own lap. It spurred him on immensely, feeling extremely confident with such a handsome man admitting that he was attractive. "Aww, thanks! That means a lot. Now... let me show you how good of a kisser..." He paused to place his hand on the fox's swollen sheath, "....I really am.." He started to undo Ivan's pants while watching the professors face to read what the fox was feeling about the current situation. When he saw Ivan breathing heavier with a slight desire coming to the surface of the grey, stunning eyes observing him, he allowed himself to loosen up and immerse himself.

Ivan lifted up slightly and felt his pants slide off, followed by the rabbit's hand rubbing his cock, which had already come out about a third of the way. The hand wrapped delicately around it and then he saw Shazra closing his eyes while biting his lip. The desire and excitement the bunny exhibited stirred up something within Ivan that made him fall more into the experience with less anxiety holding him back.

Shazra worked his teacher's cock until it was completely engorged. He felt the 6 and a half inch cock throbbing in his hand, and he let out an involuntary moan. "Mmm... come on now.. You want more, don't you?" He switched to simply tracing his fingers lightly up and down Ivan's length, enough to tease at the slightest level that encouraged the fox to try to thrust into the hand.

The professor fought himself briefly before groaning, "Ughh... yes.." His body remained tense with uncomfortable energy and he stayed seated rigidly even as he felt himself being stroked once again. His student knew just how to tease him to make him want, to NEED, more. Shazra radiated with smug satisfaction as he kept Ivan riding the fine line of teasing. The teacher started whimpering in desire, unable to bring himself to ask for more out of shyness and anxiety.

Shazra eased down onto his knees and looked up at his sexy professor and commented in a half joking manner, "Mmm.. don't you 'ugh..' me. Heh. Not when I'm about to treat you so nice!" At this point, he ran his tongue over the fox's balls and up to the tip of the cock. He became even more at ease once he saw and heard Ivan appear to slip into a more receptive state. "There we go! That's more like it." He then took the attractive man's dick into his mouth and liberally stimulated it with his tongue. The college professor instinctively bucked his hips a little into the muzzle giving him such pleasure. The rabbit smiled around the meat and allowed Ivan to buck a little more as desired. Anything to give his teacher the best impression possible and influence him into participating more in their new relationship.

Ivan had his desire stoked to an unbearable level, and now only thought of getting off with his student. His breath became hot and heavy. He brought one hand to the bunny's floppy ear and caressed it softly, playing with it and feeling the silk like fur. He couldn't help but start moaning more, while gently leaning his head back. The words, "Oh fuck...." Slipped quietly from his muzzle while Shazra took him deeper and started slurping happily to the rewarding sounds of his vocalizations. He fell deep into the sensations and experience for a bit, forgetting everything he had been concerned about, until the enthusiastic bunny popped him audibly out of his maw. He had been building steadily and he needed to see why it had stopped. Were they transitioning into something else, maybe? His head dropped back quickly to investigate the disruption.

Shazra had been treated to a hefty helping of pre as the cock throbbed and pulsed in his mouth, indicating the escalation in the fox. The rabbit was extremely pleased with his work, and had something extra in store for his attractive sexual partner. As their gazes met and he deciphered the look in the intense, desperate eyes, he gave a quick lap at the tip before explaining, "Fuck, you're so hot.. your scent is driving me crazy! Don't worry, you're getting more. I just wanted to let you know, feel free to really take me. Mmmfff...." He gripped both of Ivan's hands and placed them on the back of his head while he took his professor's cock back into his muzzle. He communicated his lust and desires with his eyes while he bobbed up and down and waited for Ivan to figure it out.

The educator shivered with excitement and instinctual drive. He allowed the bunny to eagerly blow him for a tiny bit before grabbing the fur tightly and pulling his pupil's head down into him and tentatively gliding his cock into Shazra's throat. To his surprise, he was able to hold the rabbit in place while he swallowed around his dick, not gagging at all. Ivan groaned loudly and pulled Shazra back. The rabbit shined a burning, lust into his eyes, seeming to beg him to use his throat to his full desire. He needed no encouragement at all. After seeing what the bunny was capable of, and what was wanted, he was all in. He gripped the fur on Shazra's fur almost painfully, eliciting a whine of excited pleasure, and began using the head to fuck him roughly. He experienced bursts of ecstasy as he listened to the lust driving sounds of the rabbit's moaning and the sounds his use of the throat created. He built up to a near constant groan of high volume until he finally shoved Shazra all the way down and held him there while he unloaded a heavy burst of cum straight down into his student's belly. He observed as Shazra remained in place, holding his breath with his eyes rolled up. Once his nuts had been fully emptied into the gorgeous rabbit, he pulled him off, hearing the deafening sound of one catching their breath after being deprived for an extended period of time. Finally, he sank down into his chair, panting and catching his breath and muttered, "holy fuck...."

Shazra stayed put on his knees, resting his head on Ivan's thigh and gazing up dreamily, "Mmm, right..? I told you... I'm gonna keep you REALLY happy. Believe me now? We're gonna have a great time, and I know you'll CUM to love this. Hehe." He watched as Ivan's cock retreated with an almost disappointed look in his eyes.

Ivan, in his much more relaxed state, had realized that there could be some truth to the student's words. "Hmmm... maybe you're right.. umm.. did you want me to..?" He looked down between his legs, first at the blissful looking Shazra, then at the hard on that he was sporting in his pants.

Shazra smiled sweetly up at his professor and murred, "Of course I'm right. You'll see. You just need to give me the chance. I mean... you know.." Hinting quite obviously at the fact that Ivan HAD to continue or risk his secret coming out. "But... No. This one was just for you. You need to get back to your work. I mean, unless you absolutely feel like you NEED to suck my dick, I'll be alright. Heh. Don't worry, you'll get your chance to return the favor. Anyway, I'll leave you to it. Thanks for the treat!" He got up and quickly pressed his lips to Ivan's and slipped his tongue into the fox's maw and introducing a tiny taste of his own cum back to him. Their lips parted and Shazra turned around, walking towards the door.

The professor processed his pupil's words and formulated his response, "Oh..okay. umm thanks, and you're welcome." It wasn't the best response, but he was slightly out of it and his anxiety had built back up from being reminded of how his day had turned out.

As Shazra walked out, Ivan's eyes got stuck on the bunny's toned rump and the way it moved along with the walk. Shazra had been gazing over his shoulder and caught what was happening. He grinned smugly and spoke seductively, "Mmm... that's the spirit!" At that point, he did something that blew Ivan away. He suddenly bent over and pulled his pants down far enough to expose his tail hole and a slight glimpse of his balls. He pulled them back up, wanting only a quick tease show. "Mmm... Don't worry, you'll have me soon. Catch ya later, teach!" He exited the room with a serious bounce in his step.

The shocked educator pulled his pants back up and sat back to think things over. There really wasn't much to think about, though, and he resigned himself to returning to grading papers. The rest of the day went by quickly and without much else noteworthy.

The next two days were equally uneventful, other than seeing his blackmailer in class. He kept catching himself looking frequently at Shazra. The rabbit looked at him with intense attraction that he, for some reason, was finding himself loving. He felt so hot, and was loving the attention from such a handsome young male. The rabbit wanted him. Badly. He was starting to grow slightly reciprocal feelings. Shazra's black soft fur, his adorable flopped ear, the beautiful soft green eyes, and his memories of face fucking the guy all made him feel a little heated any time they made eye contact.

On the third day, he walked into class and greeted everyone. He padded his way over to his desk and something caught his eye. It had some bright colors clearly designed to catch his attention. He held off on sitting at the desk for the moment while he checked it out. It was a note which read, "Be calm, I'm under the desk. Don't get startled." He stepped away the desk and discretely looked under it, to see Shazra sitting in wait for him to sit down with an excited look on his face. Ivan suppressed a vocalization of exasperation. Thinking on his feet, he adapted his lesson plan for the day. He planned on showing a particular video on Friday, but it would have to happen today so he had an excuse to stay at his desk.

Ivan attempted to disguise his discomfort and act as he usually did, and was rather successful. "Alright, everyone. I have a video to watch today. Take notes. It will last the entire class." He set everything up and pressed play, while setting the volume a bit above the normal level. The lights were flicked off, leaving it fairly dark in the room except for the projected screen and the glow of the students' laptops on their faces. With things set up as best as possible, considering the current circumstances, Ivan pulled the chair out, sat in it, and scooted so his lap was fully under the desk.

As soon as the video was playing and Ivan had taken his place, Shazra started rubbing against his professor with his hand. The fox shifted nervously in his seat, and he felt the rabbit pet his leg gently with his free hand in an attempt to soothe him. It only helped a little and was entirely undone when Shazra started lightly tugging on his pants, requesting assistance in getting them down. Ivan knew that he couldn't get out of this situation, so he raised himself from his seat a bit and shuffled some papers around to pretend he was actually doing something. As soon as he was exposed for the student below him, he returned to his previous position in his chair.

Ivan spread his legs for the hungry rabbit and immediately felt contact from both Shazra's hand as well as his tongue in order to get him to emerge as quickly as possible. His cock rapidly slipped out and he steeled himself for the impending sensation so he wouldn't react in a way that could cause attention to be drawn to him. It took quite a bit of effort to hold back a vocalization as the set of lips wrapped around his cock. Even though his anxiety was riding high, his lids halfway closed over his grey eyes while he peered around the room to survey the area for anyone who might be noticing. He was put mildly at ease when he saw all of his other students' faces alternating between taking in the video and busily burying themselves into their computers to tap away, making their notes.

Professor Ivan sighed slowly as he relaxed himself. He knew he needed to get it over with as quickly as possible, as well as realized that he could really enjoy it, and actually was starting to desire cumming in his much more intimate student's mouth. As Shazra blew his teacher, Ivan closed his eyes and felt the lips sliding up and down his shaft while the talented tongue wriggled it's way around the tip of his dick. It took significant effort to keep his breath to a normal rate. A new idea popped into his mind for a way to keep discrete. He grabbed a binder of papers and opened it in an upright position on the desk so he could pretend that he was reading and analyzing the contents. This allowed him to relax back in his chair and glance down to watch the rabbit steadily sucking his cock. When he gazed down at Shazra, the bunny shuddered with excitement once he saw the pleasure in his professor's eyes when they met.

Ivan bit his tongue as he resisted the urge to moan, groan, or thrust up into Shazra's muzzle. It took serious effort to maintain the facade of normal school behavior. He sat back up in his chair while the student under his desk sucked his dick more passionately and reached up to play with his balls. It was pushing him along quite rapidly and he was enjoying it so much that he put his elbows on his desk and buried his face in his hands to cover up the pleasure that was breaking through his capacity to mask. After about a minute of that his ears picked up what sounded like footsteps coming toward him. He peeked through his fingers to check and confirmed that there was indeed a student walking directly towards his desk. Almost instinctively, he used his foot and gently kicked Shazra twice, which caused him to stop and freeze where he was. The bunny seemed to understand perfectly what the contact meant.

Cindy, a fellow red fox, though more traditionally red, made it to his desk and stopped. She leaned forward and quietly whispered, "Hey, are you okay? You look like you have a bad headache or something.."

This was a perfect opportunity and excuse for his behavior and he responded as such, "Oh.. yeah, it's pretty bad. I'll be okay though.."

Cindy had a deeply pained and compassionate look in her eyes and asked, "Would you like some over the counter medicine? I get headaches pretty frequently, so I always carry some with me."

He suddenly formulated a little extra piece of a plan for the end of class and then accepted her offer. He scribbled something down on a piece of paper and replied, "Sure.. I really appreciate it." She quickly retrieved the medicine from her backpack and gave it to him, which he drank down with some coffee. He smiled at her and made a request, "Thank you so much. That's really sweet of you.. hey, would you mind putting this on the door at the end of class..?" She took the note and nodded with a smile, happy to have, in her mind, helped her suffering professor. The note he had written was one stating that the next class would be delayed for 15 minutes. This would give him plenty of time to recover and sneak Shazra out of the room.

As soon as Cindy had taken her seat and returned her full attention to the task at hand, Ivan nudged the rabbit to get him to resume. He felt Shazra pet his leg with what seemed like affection before feeling his cock sink completely into the mouth and throat. He nearly groaned and only restrained it by chomping down hard on his tongue. Shazra started sucking and throating his cock as roughly as possible without making any noise, while handling his nuts in a way that greatly increased Ivan's pleasure. After another five minutes of this, Ivan felt rushes of lust and desire as he approached his peak. His hips gently rocked forward and he tapped the rabbit once more to indicate the impending event. At that touch, Shazra took his full cock into his throat, utilizing his tongue around the meat in his muzzle, and began swallowing to stimulate Ivan. Ivan thrust hard, but discretely, as he came, emptying his load straight down Shazra's throat. He suppressed almost everything except for a heavy, semi loud groan. He was unable to stop that from happening. After a few seconds, he realized what had escaped him in his moment of passion. He looked up and saw several students looking at him with concern. His thinking was unexpectedly quick and sharp for having just came several seconds prior and still having his dick in someone's mouth. To address the issue, he looked up and apologized, "Whoof.. sorry about that... just a quick burst of my headache. I'm okay. I'm just gonna lay my head down. I'll be fine soon!"

The other students seemed to accept this and showed only compassion and understanding. With a huge wave of relief, he laid his head down and rested for the remainder of the class. The video continued until the end and things were peaceful and easy. His students filtered out of the room and Cindy made sure to be last. She placed the note on the outside of the door and asked, "Are you okay? Need anything at all?"

Ivan, in a much more relaxed and content mood, replied, "No, thank you Cindy. I'm good. I'm feeling better, just need some time. You're so sweet! I appreciate it. Have a great day." He saw her lock the door from the inside before exiting the room.

The handsome professor sighed hard and laid his head down on his desk with a light thumping noise. As he relaxed further, he felt his pants being worked back on, and he assisted by briefly lifting his rump off his chair. Once Ivan was fully dressed again, Shazra crawled out from under the desk and leaned up against it, gazing deeply at his educator.

Shazra, with a glowing and satisfied grin on his face, murred, "Mmm... that was amazing! Wasn't it? It was so fucking hot with everyone out there and your dick in my mouth, right??"

Ivan was a little torn but mostly responded in an almost upset tone, "It... that was pretty fucking great. I guess it was kinda exciting."

Shazra missed the underlying emotions in the fox's voice, "Right? Great job holding it all together. And with covering it up when things got sketchy! Mmm... now, I'd really love a little something for me." The gorgeous black rabbit grinned and brought his crotch to his teacher's face, his bulge inches from Ivan's face.

Ivan's gaze locked onto it as his nose was filled with the other male's scent, causing rushes to course through his body and mind. He struggled within himself and felt a desire to fulfill Shazra's request, but responded, "Thanks.. I.. mmh... no... no, I can't... WE can't... that was so close... I CAN'T get caught... fucking a student is against the rules... being on the school property makes it worse... I could lose my job.... I'd lose everything if that happened... please... please don't make me... I'll... I'll figure out some other way for us to get together... I promise. Just... don't make me risk it again..." He lowered his head in submission to Shazra and glanced up in concerned hopefulness.

Shazra considered the fox's concerns momentarily before recognizing the rationality and sighing, "Oh.. well I suppose you're right. I'm sorry. Just figure out something, okay? I'll be as patient as I can, but I need something to happen soon." He saw Ivan nodding his head while remaining mostly locked onto the bulge in his pants. A deep sense of urgent desire and pleasure swept through him and he responded with, "Mmm.. you kinda want it, don't you?" Again, another slow nod. So he gripped the fur on the back of Ivan's head and forced his snout into the bulge, holding it there to really let his scent take over his professor, who closed his eyes and let out a deep drawn out moan. He released him after confidently commenting, "Good. Just remember how good my scent is so you stay motivated, alright?" He wrote down his phone number and then pet Ivan's head and exited the room.

Alone at last, Ivan heaved a deep sigh of relief and gratitude that it was over and nothing horrible seemed to happen or be going to happen. He used a good amount of the 15 minutes he had created for himself to reorient. Towards the end of that, he remembered something important and sent a quick message to Shazra to see him after school. He then got up and unlocked the door, feeling much more prepared for his next class.

The rest of the day was surprisingly easier than Ivan had originally thought. At the end of school, he waited a little anxiously. Shazra eventually showed up, locking the door behind him to ensure their privacy.

The handsome rabbit walked up and excitedly asked, "Hey professor! Whatcha need me for?" He showed an almost smug, confident smile, as if already knowing what he was about to be told.

Ivan shared his realization, "Umm. I remembered that I have a continuing education conference this weekend.. it's Friday night through Sunday night.. it's out of town. I guess that works.. right..?" He closed his eyes and hoped that this would resolve the issue.

Shazra brushed the side of Ivan's face and looked sweetly down at him, speaking in a kind, reassuring tone, "You did good, my sexy little fox. That works perfectly. Just message me the details. And don't worry... I'll leave you alone at school from now on." He leaned down and kissed Ivan gently before leaving the room.

That night, Ivan fucked his wife to the memory of having his face pulled roughly into Shazra's crotch, the scent of the attractive rabbit and the feeling of a cock against his face. He had always made the effort to try and stay intimate with her to keep the marriage a happy one. This time, the memory that fueled his fantasy kept him hard as a rock and resulted in some of the most passionate sex they had ever had. He went to sleep that night with a fully satiated sexual appetite and a deep feeling of happiness.

In the morning, he shared a lovely breakfast with his equally satisfied wife and kissed her goodbye since he would be driving straight to the city the seminar was located at immediately after work. He departed to work and had a fairly straightforward day, much more at ease without the looming threat of risky sexual encounters. At the end of the day, he had Shazra meet him. As the sleek looking rabbit stood at his desk awaiting further information and instructions, Ivan laid out his plans, "Alright.. I'll be staying in this hotel. I had them hold the room next to mine for you. They're adjoining rooms, and I'll leave the door on my side unlocked. Tonight's intro lecture starts at 8:30. If you get there after then, I'll be attending that. I'll see you there..."

Shazra noticed his professor looking uncomfortable and a little distressed so he embraced and kissed him hard and with incredible passion. He felt happy when Ivan relaxed in his arms and let a moan loose. As he pulled away, he smiled and kindly asked, "There. Feeling better..? Don't worry so much." He saw the other male crack a tiny half shy smile and happily left the room without saying a word.

Ivan made his way to the hotel and entered his room with a sigh of relief at around 6:30. He unpacked one of his bags and left the other one untouched off to the side. He ordered some food from room service and flopped back on the bed and laid there for about ten minutes to center himself before the nights events. He turned on the TV and chilled out. A full belly was a welcome feeling once his food arrived. As it got closer to the conference, he started to feel relaxed and happy to put off his interaction with Shazra until later. At about 8 pm, he heard a tiny knocking along with a squeak as the other door opened.

The dark colored rabbit's head poked through, with only his upright ear appearing at first, and Shazra smiled as soon as his eyes locked onto Ivan. "Hey gorgeous! Sorry I'm kinda late. How are you?"

Ivan sat up, feeling a tension rise through his body which he hid to the best of his ability. He shrugged and put on a slightly happy tone, "Oh, hey. That's alright. I'm doing okay. How are you?"

Shazra missed all signs that the fox was uncomfortable at all. He contently replied, "I'm great! Thanks. Only alright?" He padded his way over to the bed and plopped his butt down, sitting next to his professor and wrapping an arm around him. "Can I do anything make it better..?" His free hand crossed over and sensually grabbed Ivan's upper thigh and began rubbing it.

Ivan took a deep breath and decided to surrender to what was happening, since it was definitely going to happen anyway. He made eye contact with the rabbit in his soft green eyes and murred, "Hmm... You're welcome to try." He saw a bright light of excitement and surprise displayed on the bunny's face.

Shazra grinned wildly, "Fuck yeah! I'll make you feel soooo much better!" He immediately placed his hand on Ivan's sheath, working hard to coax the fox's cock out. It took next to no effort and he was soon working down Ivan's pants. He dropped down in front of the fox, salivating as he anticipated taking the cock in his muzzle.

At that point, Ivan interrupted what was happening. "Oh hey.. Can you hold up a minute?" Their eyes met as Shazra looked at him quizzically. "I brought something I'd like to try out. If that's okay? And close your eyes, please." The rabbit stayed silent and nodded, a fiery interest filling him completely. The embery fox drifted over to his unopened bag and selected a few items from it. "Keep your eyes closed please!" Once behind the rabbit he wrapped a blindfold around his eyes and head. "Mmm, very nice. A couple more touches."

Shazra moaned in surprise and arousal. His arms were pulled behind his back and a pair of cold, metal handcuffs were slapped to his wrists. As the final touch, he felt a collar cinched around his neck and heard a leash be attached to it. He was totally taken by surprise and could only manage to get out, "Uuhhhffff...."

Ivan stood in front of him, drinking in the image that he had helped to create for his own viewing pleasure. "Mmm... now that's a sexy boy.. what ever shall I do with you..?" He removed the blindfold, as it had served it's purpose in keeping the additional items hidden in case the bunny peeked. Shazra only opened his mouth for his teacher, with a begging look in his eyes. "Yeah.. that was my thought, too!" He grinned and stepped towards the young rabbit, presenting his hard cock to the man. A deep groan escaped his lungs as his student enveloped his dick and began sucking with a new level of eagerness that he had yet to exhibit.

Ivan allowed Shazra to slurp at his meat for a couple of minutes before he quickly pulled out of the mouth and watched the confusion and craving spread across the bunny's face. The fox chuckled and pet Shazra's head before pulling on the leash roughly, "Come boy, follow me." He led the rabbit, who had to shuffle along on his knees, over to an old radiator, left over from decades past, and tied the leash to it. "There! Much better, you may continue." Relief and excitement filled Shazra to the brim and took Ivan back in his mouth, only to be radically dismayed when the fox denied him any more time servicing him. "Mmm... that was nice! Buuuuut.. I have a conference to attend now. I like getting there early."

Shazra choked out, "but...but.. w.. why..? What... PLEASE!"

Ivan grinned a smug, sexual smile. He bared his teeth at his little pet and replied dominantly, "Don't you question me! And while I LOVE hearing you beg.. I have matters to tend to. Mmm... I'll be back in a while." He turned away, grabbed his laptop and connected it to the television. He pulled up a playlist of male on male porn and started playing it. "Mm. That should tide you over. Or maybe just make you need me even more. Either way, it works for me."

Shazra's breath shuddered heavily and he let out an impressive moan, "huuummfff.... Mm... yes, sir.. thank you!"

Ivan thought for a few seconds before turning back around and bringing his cock up to the muzzle of the rabbit. Shazra's mouth opened obediently and was instantly filled well into his throat for a couple of humps before the cock was removed once again. The fox caressed Shazra's face and happily murred, "Mmm.. one for the road. Heh. Enjoy your time. See ya later!" As he walked out of the room, he heard a whining and savored the sound.

Ivan attended the intro presentation which lasted for an hour and a half. He had a wonderful feeling inside from simply knowing he had a sexy young man tied up for his use later. He had come to terms with being under control via blackmail, and he had decided that he may as well enjoy his bunny while he was at it. With the presentation concluded, he wandered back up to his temporary residence and took his time to draw out Shazra's cravings. He opened the door and locked eyes with his student and saw only an uncomfortable level of desperation and pure lust. "Mmm. Well, did we have a good time..? Speak freely."

Shazra groaned loudly, "Ugghhh... I can't fucking take it... PLEASE! Give me something... cum down my throat.. anything..."

Ivan relished the feeling he got from his pet's expressed desires. "Hmm..." He drew out his words to further torture the squirmy rabbit. He soaked in the impatience and it's suppression used by Shazra to be good for him. "Well.. alright. I guess you have been pretty good." He walked over and untied the leash. He undid the handcuffs and lifted Shazra up, who was showing off very stiff erection, and a large wet spot on the front of his jeans from the huge amount of pre he had been leaking the entire hour and a half. Ivan removed his own clothes while Shazra took care of himself.

Ivan finally said the words that Shazra had been craving for basically two hours, "Get on the bed and bend over." The rabbit silently did as he was ordered. The commanding fox crawled up behind him and reached around, stroking the bunny's cock, causing a pent up groan of relief. Stroking Shazra had a purpose, which was to accumulate the large amount of pre that had and was drooling out. With his hand containing a puddle , he slicked his own cock with it and pressed it to Shazra's tail hole. He pressed in and was welcomed quite readily. The hole gave way to his pressure easily, as the rabbit was beyond desperate at that point and the cock was halfway buried quickly.

Shazra looked back and whimpered, "Please... please fuck me Ivan... I. HUUUMMMFFFF!!!" He was cut short as His fiery professor hilted him completely. After a quick second to adjust, Ivan was humping into him ferociously. He grit his teeth as he felt the dominant male's balls slapping against his own. His own dick was now leaking a solid stream onto the bedsheets and he developed a nonstop groan. Something unexpected happened next that pushed him over the edge shortly after. With the leash and collar around his neck, Ivan pulled back tightly, causing Shazra's head to be pulled back and his neck to be constricted. Combined with the jackhammering he was taking, he erupted a massive cumshot onto the bed, adding even more of the fluid to the puddle. Ivan continued to beat up Shazra's tail hole, keeping the leash taut, and started to smack the rabbit's ass every so often. He listened ecstatically to the sounds of Shazra being overwhelmed by continuing to be fucked past his orgasm. Ivan took a moment to appreciate the sounds, his pet's extraordinary pleasure, and his own complete dominance over the male. As he fell into the complete experience, his peak rushed towards him and he instinctually wrapped his arms around the bunny's firm, toned waist and rapidly humped until he unleashed his large volume of seed into the bottom male's ravenous hole. He shook heavily as he emptied shot after shot matched with his thrusting.

Once the final wave subsided, he fell down onto Shazra and rested, catching his breath and loving the feeling of keeping his cock in his student's ass. Listening to Shazra brought him immense joy. He had truly rocked his world. They both stayed in position for several minutes before Ivan pulled out and laid on his side, facing Shazra, who shortly after fell to his own side facing his educator.

After some time huffing and puffing to catch their breath, Shazra gushed, "Fuckkkk... that was.... I've.. god damn, you're good!!"

Ivan loved the compliment he had received from the young man and stated smugly, "Oh, I know I am. Heh. You weren't half bad either."

Shazra desired a real assessment of how he had been, rather than the teasing comment that had been shared with him, and asked, "hmmpphh... I was better than that, wasn't I??" He flashed an honest and hopeful look to accompany his inquiry.

Ivan felt a rush of unexpected adoration towards the rabbit as his approval was sought so avidly. He looked so cute gazing over into his teacher's eyes. The fiery looking fox couldn't help but chuckle and give a proper response, "Heh! You're fuckin cute. But.... Alrightttttt. You were fantastic! Umm. Thanks for playing along with what I wanted to do.." He suddenly felt extremely self conscious and scrunched his face in anxiety.

The soft, satisfied rabbit flushed with an overwhelming heat throughout his entire body at the compliments. "Oh gosh. Thanks so much!!! I'm happy I could give you such a great time. Oh, you're welcome! I uhh.. wouldn't have guessed you'd be into anything like that.. how long have you been into it?" He propped his head up with his hand and elbow and gave his complete attention to the fox.

Ivan still felt a bit uncomfortable discussing his particular interests, but was put at ease by the look in Shazra's eyes. "Well, you did amazing! It was so fucking hot! Umm.. about a year and a half ago I met a guy who got me to try it out. He was more of a sub, which worked out cause I kinda like being in charge more. It only lasted a couple months though. He wanted my full attention and couldn't handle me having a home life with my wife... I understand that. But then I have this desire that nobody else I've found has been interested... You uhh.. you haven't done that before, have you?"

Shazra shook his head but displayed a massive grin, "Aww... you poor guy! I'm sorry you've gone without being able to satisfy that. Well, I'm okay with you keeping your relationship with your wife. AND! Mm... I actually really fucking loved what you did to me. You can use me to get it out of your system. Thanks so much for having me try it out!"

The gorgeous fox closed his eyes as his pent up angst over not having an outlet for his kink was drastically reduced. He opened his eyes again with a shining smile, "Aww, well thanks! That kinda means a lot to me. It's a huge relief! I'm glad you like it, too." He reached out and stroked the bunny's silky face.

Shazra hummed in surprised glee, "Mmmmm... I uhh... ah never mind."

Ivan felt compelled to explore why the rabbit, who had up to this point been SO forward, was suddenly so bashful. "Whoa. What's up?" He watched the dark colored bunny shake his head quietly. He decided to take an unexpected tactic. His hand had been resting on Shazra's face, so he gripped a patch of the sleek fur and tugged roughly before growling, "Nuh uh. You're gonna tell me. And you're gonna tell me now."

Shazra groaned loudly as excited shivers ran up his spine. He actually felt a deep desire to appease the dominant male and his demands, which was a new and quite welcome sensation. "Ummmfff... yes sir.. I was just gonna say that I'm kinda really happy that you're more into this." He gazed into his professor's perceptive grey rings, searching for any sign he could read as to what Ivan might be thinking. He saw a calm intrigue and his nervousness was somewhat disarmed, "And.... Ugh.. I guess now is a decent time to talk about it.. Would you even consider like... dating me..?" The bunny became beyond flustered as he attempted to get his point across, speaking extremely fast, "I mean, I don't mind sharing you with your wife, I'll totally be okay with you making all the time you need for her! Plus I love when you take me like you did tonight, and I want it any time you want to! You're so damn handsome, and I hope I am to you too.. I've had the hots for you since I first saw you and I'm sorry I kinda threatened you into hooking up with me.. I just didn't think I had a chance with you otherwise.. i... I promise I won't say anything to anyone... you don't need to worry about me anymore... and you don't have to date me. I'm totally good with just having fun. Heh. I'm kinda hoping I made good enough of an impression that you'll actually consider it..?" Shazra exuded self consciousness and vulnerability.

Ivan soaked in the almost scared looking rabbit's words and pet him reassuringly, "Good boy. Heh! Whoa... that wasn't exactly what I was expecting. Umm... those are some interesting points you bring up. That's really sweet of you.. I mean, I know you did threaten... but you seem really genuine about it. I forgive you. Especially after the fuck tonight! Mmm.. I don't know about dating right now. You're my student.. and I don't know how good of an idea it is to get THAT involved at the moment.. but I guess I don't mind continuing to hook up, if that's okay?"

Shazra huffed out a huge held in breath and his face filled with relief and delight, "Of course! I get it. Thank you for accepting my apology. And for considering all of that. So.... Do you think I was a good enough boy to deserve another round tonight??" Hope overflowed in his voice as he asked his question and his green rings sparkled with the same excitement.

With things cleared up and a lot taken off of his mind, Ivan was feeling pretty damn good. He chuckled, "Ohhhh, I'm pretty sure we can make something happen. You were very good! You obeyed right away. Let's kick back for a bit first. Are you hungry or anything? And let's toss this comforter off the bed. You made quite a mess! Heh."

Shazra was loving his luck tonight! He beamed with pure delight, "Awesome! That sounds nice. I could probably use something to eat. You really drained me.. heh! As the comforter shows!" He hopped off the bed and helped to put the top layer off of the bed and to the side. He ordered some room service and ate as if he were starving, then relaxed for nearly an hour.

At that point, it was around 11:30 pm. Ivan suddenly felt a little frisky and placed his hand on Shazra, whose eyes went wide and filled up with desire. While rubbing Shazra and getting his cock to emerge, he looked into his eyes and seductively asked, "Mmm... I believe I owe you something..?" The rabbit looked off, searching for what his professor was talking about. "You really don't remember..? You wanted me to, but I said I couldn't? Then you put my face to your cock and made me crazy with your scent?? Mmm... you know, it got me so wild that I went home and damn near fucked my wife into a coma! Heh."

Shazra groaned as he heard his sexy fox playmate reminisce lustfully over having his face against the rabbit's cock and having his scent have that powerful of an effect. "Oh mmmm.... I remember! I suppose you do owe me for that. Please continue, my hot piece of fox."

Ivan had Shazra's dick out in no time and before starting anything, he rested his head on the toned thigh. He had laid his face so that his snout was up against the horny bunny's hard cock. He took his time reacquainting himself with the scent that had driven him crazy back in his classroom. It had the same results this time, except more powerful due to the fact that he both saw it as well as knew that he would soon have it. He made a quick, shy comment first, "Uhh, I haven't done this in a while, so I might not be that good at it. I haven't done it much in general anyways.."

Shazra was shocked and in a bit of disbelief. He lowered his hand and pet the fox affectionately and spoke with a slightly amused inflection, "Hey, you're gonna do great. Honestly, you're the hottest guy I've EVER been with, at least in my eyes, so getting head at all from you will be fantastic! Don't worry about that. I get that you haven't been able to get much practice, but are you seriously telling me that when I saw you in the alley, you didn't suck that guy at all?? Cause you two were going at it pretty heavy."

Ivan fully let go of his concerns, as the reassuring words had been perfectly understood. "Oh. Yeah, I didn't get to suck him at all. All we did was hand stuff. But forget that! I'm ready now." He raised his head and wrapped his lips around the bunny's shaft and traced his tongue around the tip, earning a gasp of incredible euphoria from Shazra. He loved having the scent so strongly in his nose as a constant. He had his desire stoked into overdrive. He was finding himself relishing the feeling, taste and scent of having a cock in his muzzle. He lightly bobbed his head and watched with unbridled satisfaction at the writhing, moaning guy he currently had. He felt so damn sexy, and so fucking hot for this rabbit. It quickly became unbearable and he popped the cock from his mouth to ask, with heavy breathing, "Fuck, that's so good! I've loved it so much.. I have an idea though. Lay all the way down, on your back."

Shazra whimpered quietly when his cock no longer had the warmth of a fox muzzle surrounding it. "Mmh... You're really good, Ivan.. I'm fucking LOVING it." He followed the instructions he had been given and then observed as his professor rotated around and positioned his cock above the rabbit's face, in a 69 position. Shazra groaned weakly, as much as he could, as he anticipated having Ivan blowing him as well as hopefully throat fucking him. He met eyes with the almost overly eager fox and opened his mouth with his tongue hanging out the front to invite the fox in.

Ivan lowered his rear end down, introducing his cock to the rabbit's waiting mouth and slowly bottoming out at the back of his throat. Both men moaned in unison in a harmony of pleasure. Once he had addressed that piece, he returned his muzzle to Shazra's now drooling shaft. A hefty serving of pre dripped into his mouth and, combined with the even stronger scent, he moaned hungrily, which vibrated around the cock occupying his muzzle. He managed to hump into Shazra's mouth while sucking happily at the rabbit's dick. He heard increasing noise and felt the shaft being bucked up into his muzzle, so he kept Shazra pinned down to the bed and reached forward to handle the furry sack and gave it some tender attention, resulting in ever growing signs that his bunny was getting very close. Ivan pulled his lips away briefly enough to growl dominantly, with just a hint of desperate craving, "Fucking give it to me, Shazra!" before wrapping his lips back around and enthusiastically working the rabbit's cock. The command, which Shazra had just discovered he loved, pushed him over the edge. Ivan heard a sharp vocalization, muffled by a full mouth, followed by an eruption of cum shot up into his own mouth. The fox took a few moments to drain the load down into his belly. He slipped his maw away from Shazra's dick and focused solely on roughly fucking the face below him. His experience blowing his new pet, along with the flavor of the cum and the scent his face had and was still buried up to, quickly had him busting his nuts straight back Shazra's throat.

As soon as he was able to pull out, he did so and quickly flipped around so he could curl up to the male he currently shared a bed with. Ivan pulled Shazra's face over and pressed their lips together in an incredible kiss. Once he pulled away, he laid his head on the young male's chest and cheerfully stated, "Mmm... You're a lot of fun! You were right when you said you'd get me to come around to this. I'm loving it! Heh. Thanks for showing me such an amazing time."

Ivan's words had a profoundly joyful affect on the young rabbit who spoke with an almost squeak in his voice, "AWHH!! Thank you so much! That means a lot to me. I'm really glad I can make you that happy. You're very welcome. Hehe. I'll take whatever I can from you, whenever you want."

Ivan grinned to himself as he ran his fingers through Shazra's sleek black fur, reflecting on how good it felt to have someone to share his sexuality with, to be able to release himself in that way, and to be able to maintain his life with his wife. He softly murred, "I'm happy to hear it! Hey, I have some stuff to attend early in the morning. I need to turn in for the night. I'll need to use your bed since *YOU* ruined the bedsheets. Hehe. Anyways.. Come on, let's cuddle up so I can get some rest." He gave Shazra a quick kiss on the cheek before leading them both to bed. They drifted off nearly instantly and with ease.

The rest of the weekend was filled with much of the same. The two exploring their new shared interest of being tied up, being used and dominated, Ivan being able to explore himself better. He attended the various seminars and diligently took his notes. Having his sexual desires fulfilled and being satisfied left him able to focus intently. Overall, it was one of his favorite weekends he had ever had and was mildly sad when it had to end. When they went to part ways, Ivan shared something he remembered, "Hey! Uhh. My wife is going to visit her parents next weekend and I'll have the place to myself. Would you want to come over sometime..? You could stay for a night too..." He felt a little shy at asking this particular question for some reason.

Shazra overflowed with joy, "Yes!! I'd love to!" He embraced his professor as tight as he possibly could and got the address he would be visiting in the near future.

The week went by rather nicely. Even though Ivan saw Shazra in class, he was not distracted and had gotten back to his usual groove. At home, he was much more active sexually and it seemed to have a wonderful effect on Erika. Their level of connection seemed to be at a near all time high. On Saturday Ivan and Erika got up and had a tasty breakfast together. Enjoying the sunlight filling the room and rendering having the lights on unnecessary. As she grabbed her things for her time away, Ivan grabbed his fox wife and kissed her strongly while sharing, "Have a wonderful trip, babe. I love you so very much!"

Erika swooned a little as she took in and appreciated the heightened affection her husband showed her, "Thanks sweetheart. I will! I love you too." She looked at him with softened, half closed eyes and brought her hand to his face to delicately comb her fingers through his black and orange fur. "So much. Goodbye, honey. Have a good weekend." She bounced contently to her car, loaded her bag, waved to Ivan, and drove off, completely unaware of what her man would be doing.

Half an hour later, Shazra rolled up in a taxi. There was no parking other than his professor's driveway, and that was too sketchy to risk. He walked up with his backpack slung over one shoulder and was welcomed at the door. As soon as Shazra made it inside, Ivan pushed him roughly against the wall and shoved his tongue in the rabbit's mouth. He heard Shazra go completely breathless in surprise. He pulled away briefly and stared directly into the bunny's eyes before growling, "With me. NOW." He gripped the one floppy ear and used it to drag his pet upstairs with him, enjoying the sounds his playmate was making. The two ended up upstairs and Shazra's backpack was thrown to the side. They undressed and then the rabbit was commanded to stay in place while he was bound with rope with his hands behind his back, the leash and collar back on his neck, and a bar gag for his mouth. He watched Shazra shiver as he was put in his role as the submissive male for use by his fox in control. He smirked and casually mentioned, "Y'know, I didn't get a shower yet. I *would* have you do the washing for me, but I'm liking this much better! Now get in the fucking shower." He yanked on the leash, nearly knocking the rabbit off balance. Bunny in tow, he got into the shower and cranked it high, nearly uncomfortably hot.

With Shazra bound and unable to do much, Ivan explored the young male's body, teasing him briefly in order to get his cock out. He posed the bunny and the dropped to his knees. He licked at the cock and lightly suckled at it's tip. The vocalizations of his sub grew his desire and lust greatly. He got a tiny taste of pre and needed nothing further to spur him on. The fox stood up and had Shazra bend over, placing the bunny's face against the wall and pulling his leash tight enough to pull a little on the rabbit's neck and evoking a resonant moan throughout the bathroom. His self restraint was weakening and he pressed against the tail hole and was given access quickly. He groaned in primal enjoyment, "Fuuuuuck.. You're a good boy.." He saw Shazra hold in the position he had been put in, not even wanting to risk looking back at his master, which pleased Ivan immensely. He started humping the rabbit hard and fast. His burning lust for the male had been building up all week long, and he was feeling quite pent up, despite finding regular release with his wife. He threw his head back and growled loudly in extreme pleasure.

All of the sudden, the sound of the front door accidentally slamming shut reverberated into where the two were humping. It startled them both and sent them into a panic. They both knew it had to be Erika, back for some unknown reason. To attempt to head off any potential problems, Ivan silently rushed Shazra into the walk in closet attached to the bathroom. After closing the door, he hurried back into the shower. He was too careless and slipped as his foot touched the shower floor, resulting in a loud bang as he landed heavily and knocked the air out of him.

Less than five seconds later, Erika burst into the room and slid the shower door open, gazing down at Ivan with deep concern. "Oh my god babe! Are you okay??? That was so loud!"

The fiery fox responded, while trying to catch his breath and reassure her in hopes he could fix things before he was found out, "*cough* oh.. yeah, I'm good! Just a slip. I'm not hurt, just a bit winded. Sorry to worry you!"

Erika sighed with relief and visibly relaxed, "Oh thank god! It sounded so bad from downstairs. That's okay umm...." Now that she was worry free, her eyes drifted to his rock hard cock. Surprisingly, all the anxiety, panic, and even the accident, hadn't gotten him to soften at all. "Mmm... you must have been going at it pretty wild to make yourself fall! Hehe. What?? Couldn't you have given me some this morning?? I've been loving how good you've been to me lately, and I could have really used some to put me in a good mood for my trip. Mmm..." Ivan started to feel relieved and hopeful, when things went wrong. "Lemme help you up, dear. Then maybe I can hop in f.....or...." Her super powerful fennec ears sharply twitched towards the closet, "Do you have someone in here with you..?"

Ivan develop a massive lump in his throat that he tried to swallow down. It didn't matter though as he was struck entirely speechless, so he simply lowered his head.

Erika quickly became upset, worried, and scared, and it was apparent in her voice. "A.. a... a..woman...?"

Ivan shook his head and choked out, ""

Erika saw him and the behavior he was exhibiting and falsely translated it as denial and lies. She looked back and forth between the closet and the sunken lump that her husband had become and she grew angry. "I'm gone for less than an hour, and you bring another fucking woman into our house??? What the FUCK, Ivan??" As Ivan croaked out more 'no's she stormed over and violently flung the door open, causing it to smash into the wall, while revealing a soaked black rabbit that was bound, gagged, and had a leash on it. A closer look revealed an erection still on display. Erika rapidly shot her head and eyes back and forth between the two as her look transformed from fury to absolute confusion and pain. Her voice went weak and quiet, "You... uh... You're...?"

Ivan had recovered a bit and with tears in his eyes his nodded faintly. He sat and wrapped his arms around his knees, partly to hide his still somehow hard cock from his wife, keeping his head lowered. With a desperate effort he managed to get out, "I... I'm sorry... I.. I am... you know.. I didn't know how.. how to say... I'm so fucking sorry....." He buried his face in his knees and let loose powerful, shuddering sobs that filled the room to an almost deafening level.

Erika was in a state of shock. All emotions had gone somewhat offline temporarily in her overwhelmed state. She ran on autopilot to some degree, and due to her still deeply rooted love for the man, she knelt down in front of him and pet his head and shoulder repeatedly. "I... don't know what to say... I need to go to my parents... we will talk when I get home. I.... Love you..." She observed him and everything he was showing, then looked over at a cowering rabbit who looked like he felt humiliated. She shook her head violently to try to clear it and kicked herself for looking back over. She got up and walked out of the room as she heard Ivan whimper, "I love you too, Erika..."

Ivan heard the door shut and Erika's car drive off once again. After about five minutes of unbearably painful silence, Shazra padded softly over to the suffering fox, knelt down and, still tied up in his gear, nuzzled him gently with deep affection and reassurance. Ivan brought his face out of his knees and looked into the caring eyes of the rabbit. He thought for a few seconds before reaching over and removing the object from Shazra's mouth. He nuzzled the bunny back and weakly whispered, "Thank you.. I needed that.."

Shazra felt a deep pain, but also felt a tiny bit of relief, "Of course. Anything you need.. if you need me to go, I will." He rested his head on the fox's shoulder as he waited for the answer.

Ivan winced in a flash of everything that had just happened. "Ugh... i... no.. please don't.."

The affectionate bunny kindly whispered into Ivan's pointy ears, "Then I won't. Anything you want or need, at all, it's yours. I'll do whatever I can."

Ivan wrestled within himself as to how to proceed from there. He closed his eyes while he struggled, and when he opened them he had an intense look in them. Since nothing could be done for now, he decided to externalize his feelings and distract himself from the pain. He growled with a real aggression in his voice, "Then get on your FUCKING KNEES!" He tossed Shazra onto the floor of the shower with a hard thump, being completely unable to buffer his fall because of his bound hands, and the sound of one having the wind knocked out of them. He got behind the rabbit and met eyes with Shazra, who had looked back unintentionally and simply as a reflex, who was also wide eyed. "Got a fucking problem with that??"

The rabbit, startled and overwhelmed by his passion for submitting to his favorite fox as well as an unexpected enjoyment of the pain he experienced as he slammed to the floor, weakly forced out the words, "no... of course not, sir.."

Ivan felt a powerful rush of energy and bared his teeth at the young male, "That's what I thought." Not wanting to waste any more time, he quickly returned his cock to Shazra's ass, nearly jamming it in. He was much rougher than he had been before as he had been told he could have whatever he wanted, and what he wanted now was to use his rabbit toy as hard as he could. Once in a rhythm, he leaned forward and pinned Shazra's head down, pushing down to a painful level and finding a level of infinite desire and pleasure in watching the bunny pant and groan in absolute ecstasy. It drove him absolutely wild for the bottom male and made him ferociously pound Shazra's hole until he forced his knot in and came harder than he ever had before. The extra thick part of the cock being shoved in so roughly and suddenly shocked the blissful rabbit and caused him to spray out a small lake of cum onto the shower floor.

The pair of males remained silently in the shower for about five minutes, just catching their breath and mostly enjoying the remainder of pleasurable feelings as they lowered. Ivan eventually pulled out and laid to his side briefly. He pet Shazra's back as the rabbit turned his head to look, "That was... wow... the best I've ever had.. thank you so much. I really needed that.."

Shazra smiled sweetly with apparent euphoria still cascading over him. "Mmm.. I gotta agree.. that was the fucking best! Heh. You're welcome. Thank you too. I needed it too, both to relax as well as learning that I loved how rough you get.."

Ivan spoke softly while getting up and untying his play thing, removing everything and then helped him up, "Well uhh.. heh, you're welcome too. I'm glad you liked it, cause I did too. Umm....... Would you maybe stay with me until tomorrow night..? I don't think I can handle being alone with my thoughts and feelings right now..." He gulped hard in fear as he imagined being stuck at home by himself, and he couldn't imagine himself having a good time spending time with people who didn't understand what he was currently fighting with.

As Shazra responded with his comforting confirmation of, "Of course I will, Ivan. I'm here for you." He could actually see Ivan's spirits rise in his posture and facial expression.

The rest of that day, night, and all Sunday, the two spent their time in a frequent cycle of resting together and engaging in as rough of sex as they could. The rougher Ivan was with his handsome rabbit, the less his worries made themselves apparent, almost in a directly proportional manner. He spent the whole time trying to chase his worrisome thoughts and emotions out of his mind. On Sunday night, his guest left to his own place. Their parting was one of deep sadness and fear over what may be to come for the fox. Shazra had less to worry about for himself, with the only concern for himself being him possibly risking his schooling for hooking up with a professor. Even that might not happen though, so most consequences were hanging directly over Ivan's head.

Sunday night, Ivan tossed and turned frequently in and out of sleep. In school he was fatigued and spacey. He had a couple of students and one other professor express their worries. He was NEVER like this and it was deeply concerning to see this sudden change in such a negative direction. He didn't have the energy or clarity to come up with any sort of lie to cover up, so he shared honestly that he was having a hard time but wasn't open to sharing at the moment. His decision not to share was respected and those who expressed their concerns gave supporting words to him.

He managed his way through the day and hurried home after work, leaving several things undone and needing to catch up at a later time. He got home and ate a small meal. His stomach hadn't been willing to accept much, so he did what he could. In anxious anticipation of his wife's unknown arrival time, he paced from room to room, trying to find something to pass the time, but nothing worked. Time simply dragged on and on, which was agony for the mostly dark colored fox. In the end, he walked out the back door and sat on the edge of the deck with his legs dangling off, listening to the sounds of nature and gazing affectionately at his garden. He spent about an hour and a half out there, alternating between paying full attention to things and then fading away into a dissociated haziness brought about by the state of unnaturally high stress on a small scale chronic level. At last, a car door slammed shut out front and he knew it was happening now, so he curled his legs up to himself and once again embraced them for comfort.

Erika entered their home and took her things upstairs, glancing around for any glimpse of her husband. After she dropped her bag off in their room, she checked out the house but didn't see him anywhere. Not knowing what to do, she looked out their bedroom window, which overlooked their back yard, and saw Ivan curled up by himself staring out into the yard. She grew a knot in her stomach as every anxiety she had rushed to her mind. Regardless, she powered on and made her way downstairs and out into the back. She opened the door and paused where she was. She spoke faintly, but loud enough to be heard, "Ivan.... I'm uh.. home.." She watched her words register in his ears as they flattened backwards and he dropped his face into his knees and became essentially completely balled up.

Ivan didn't know how to proceed and nervously blurted out, "Oh, uhh how was your time with your parents..?" It came out muffled from where he was, but it was still understood.

Having done a massive amount of thinking in her time away, and having gained some perspective, Erika padded lightly over to her husband and sat next to him, placing her arm gently around him. "I umm... it was alright, thanks.." She sat quietly against Ivan for several minutes, which gave him time to relax a bit and realize that she wasn't going to 'attack' in any way. He did loosen a bit as his anxiety was disarmed a little. She felt a twinge of pain grip her heart as she forged on to address the life altering subject at hand, "Babe.. Ivan.... Can we talk about it..?" She felt him nod once and steeled herself for the conversation. "Okay. So uhh... the other day, were you saying that you're gay..?" Another nod. "Sweetheart, please talk to me. How long have you known?"

Ivan groaned quietly, "I dunno.. like four years since I finally admitted it to myself.." As her hand rubbed his back, he loosened further, though was still unable to lift his head to look at her.

Erika took a deep breath and asked, "Okay.. umm... have you not been happy in our marriage? And have there been... others..?"

The fiery looking fox reassuringly shared "No, I have! You know.. for the most part. You're still my best friend in the world. You have been since, what... sophomore year of high school? Of course I love having a life with you. Hmmff... yes.. there have been others.. I'm so sorry! I didn't know how to tell you, and I didn't want to hurt you... I didn't do a great job though, in fact... I probably hurt you worse this way.. I was scared, Erika.."

The beautiful fennec fox took in the new information from the guilty and ashamed man on her side. She warmed at hearing that she was still his best friend, but she anxiously inquired, "Does... do you not love me, like... more than best friends? Like as a wife..?" Her gut twisted in fear of his answer. She wished that she hadn't asked it, because she didn't feel like there was an answer she would be happy with.

The pain in her voice gave him the courage to finally look up at her, "I don't know how to answer that... I do love you. And in a weird way, I love having you as my wife. Having my best friend around all the time is one of my favorite things about my whole life! I uhh.. don't know if that answers the question though.." He unwrapped one arm from his legs and placed it around her and held on tight.

His touch lifted some weight off of her, which helped her move forward, "Oh. Well, I *have* loved having my best friend around too. I don't know if that answers it, but I guess I'm happy enough... ummm... oh. You've been especially intimate with me lately. It's been sooo good too! I.. have you been doing it to cover up..? Do you even like having sex with me..?" This time it was her head that dropped down, in embarrassment and in fearful sadness.

Ivan saw her emotions on her face as she aimed it down to her lap. He kissed her cheek before sharing, "I'm really happy you've had a great time. It hasn't been to cover up anything. I do it because I value you and your happiness in every aspect, including sexual. I fucking LOVE hearing you get off. Heh. You're so tight too and even though I'm attracted to males, you're still pretty sexy. Don't take that the wrong way, because you don't look in any way like a guy. You're a beautiful, sexy woman. I love keeping my wife happy. So don't worry about me not enjoying having sex with you, because I do." He felt comfortable enough to fully uncurl himself and laid on his back with his head in her lap so he could look her in the face.

Erika blushed lightly, since they rarely spoke of their sexual attraction or desires for one another. They typically just initiated sex through physical contact. She also heard the honesty and truth in his words when he called her beautiful and sexy and tight and his passion for getting her off. She coyly asked, "I'm so relieved to hear that.. I was worried that I'd been making you do something you didn't want to for YEARS now.. oh! Uhhmmm... and the ropes and leashes and stuff..? I didn't know you were into that kind of thing.."

It was Ivan's turn to flood with heated embarrassment, "Oh.. I tried that out a year and a half or so ago. It didn't last long and then it ended really quick with that person... but I'm really into it.."

The fennec fox looked off into the garden thoughtfully before looking back with a deep curiosity and an almost heated interest in her eyes, "Oh. You never told me.. we could have tried it out, you know.."

Ivan noted the gaze and chuckled nervously, "Heh. I uhh. I think I felt like we were so plain.. I mean. We certainly have been. So I thought you would never be interested, and I was scared to bring it up."

Erika took a quick glance up and down his body, "I suppose you're right there. But.. maybe you would want to try..?"

Ivan's eyes shot fully open, surprised by how interested she was in sex with him after everything they had just been through, "I..i.. really..? Even though... like.. even with everything I did that hurt you and...? I don't know if I can today, if that's what you were hoping for.." He scrunched his face in a display of painful discomfort, hardly able to stand the tension that had suddenly ripped through his body.

His wife gazed down at him with a whirlwind of emotions and a heavy sigh, "I.. look. I did a lot of thinking while I was away. If this is who you are, I know I can't change that. I've been so in love with you for so long, and that hasn't changed. I still find you so gorgeous and sweet and hot.. and the way you've been with me lately... mmm... I just want more of that. If it's not a bad time for you, I think we could both use it. Oh! What's had you so hot for me lately anyway?"

The black and orange fox glowed inside at her radical acceptance of him and blushed at her compliments and expressed desire. "Honey... I can't even... you are so incredible.. I love you so much! I think I can give you more of it. With this stress though, I don't think I could get it up right now... I'm sorry... and.. urrgghhh.... The uhh, bunny... has had me riled up.. Not that it hasn't been amazing with you! It's been the hottest we've EVER had! Mmm.. And our connection has been beautiful ever since, am I right?"

The sweet, gentle fox was torn between feeling let down and self conscious, and being filled with joy as she agreed with him on the rest. "I guess I can't argue with that. I've felt so happy in our relationship since things heated up. Umm... this is probably really weird... but, since I already wanted to try out some of the things you like, maybe you could uhh.. hmm..." She squeezed her eyes shut as she asked the uncomfortable question, "Get the bunny to come here..?" Her breathing became heavy and fast out of unbearable anxiety.

The fox laying in the other's lap laughed uncomfortably in surprised stress, "You uhh?! What??"

Erika jumped at his laughter and frowned while keeping her eyes shut tight, "I mean it... I've kinda sorta secretly wanted to try new stuff.. like you.. I've watched videos like that and really enjoyed it, but I didn't think you would want to either. And when I was out of town, I decided I want that. Please..?"

Ivan smiled up at her cute face, "Aww, my kinky little wife. Hehe. Of course I'm in. Um. What are you thinking?"

His little giggle and greatly lightened her heart and mind and she couldn't help but let out a beautiful genuine laugh, "Hehe. I am! I like that. Well, I wanna be tied up and.. I'd like you and your boy toy to both take me. At least for me to try.. is that like.. okay..?"

Ivan loved that she was sharing her true interest and desires and chuckled at her shyness, "Uhh, babe. He's like fully gay. He's not like me, how I'm actually kinda into you anyway. I don't think we can make that happen.. I'll tie you up though!"

Erika flushed with a surprised heat, "Mmm! Really? Yay! Well, let's try. Plus... maybe you can get into it if you have a sexy guy over here."

The embery fox smiled and leaned up to kiss her before commenting thoughtfully, "I gotta say.. this is soooo not what I expected at all. It feels really strange, but I'm glad. You're beyond amazing, Erika. So... you wanted to like, tonight?"

The female fennec finally opened her eyes and grinned, "I know. So are you baby. And yes! Right now actually. Please? All this talk has me good to go already!" She put her hand down his shirt and combed his chest fur.

Ivan warmed inside at his wife's visible happiness and slight arousal, "Alright babe. I'll get him over here if I can. Shall we go to our room?" He saw her nod excitedly so he got up, helped her to her feet, and guided her upstairs after sending a message to Shazra with an order demanding that he show up. When they got to their bedroom Ivan asked, "So, what are you wanting to do? Whatever you want, I'll make it happen if I can. I can't promise with my 'boy toy as you put it. Heh!"

Erika looked around before humorously saying, "Well. You better make him! I kinda wanna be tied to the bed and then... I want you both to fill me up with pups." Then she casually followed with, "I also wanna be in the middle of you two at some point. Mmm.."

Ivan laughed nervously as he felt she might not actually be joking as much as she made it seem, "Uhh.. babe..? Heh. What are you talking about..?"

She took on a more serious and demanding demeanor, but her voice was dripping with sexual desire, "I'm talking about you and that bunny or yours fucking me until I have your babies. That's how you two are gonna make it up to me for being sneaky and hurtful." Her appearance changed back to lighthearted and excited happiness as she very obviously joked, "Or else I'll divorce you and tell everyone. Hehe. Just kidding sweetie."

Ivan had his anxiety reduced with her joke, even though he was still shell-shocked by her apparently serious demand for him to impregnate her with both his and Shazra's babies. He still managed to laugh heartily, to Erika's surprise, "God damn.. I keep getting blackmailed! This is ridiculous! Hehe. Umm... you really want uhh.. *us* to get you pregnant..?"

Erika looked puzzled and asked, "You've been blackmailed before..?"

Ivan giggled and rolled his eyes, "Ugh. Yes. The rabbit blackmailed me into hooking up with him. That's how I got involved with him."

She furrowed her brow, "Uhh.. how?"

The male fox bashfully replied, "Oh. He saw me on a date with a guy and knew about my marriage because.... He's a student of mine.."

A concerned look made itself present on her face, "Honey.... That could be really bad though... can't that get you fired?"

Ivan nodded sadly, "I know.. I had to because he was holding things over my head. Then he found that he liked being tied up and stuff and it felt sooo good to have an outlet for it."

The sweet fennec decided to put this subject off for now, "I get that. Well, we can talk about it later. Buuuuut. I didn't answer you earlier. Yes, I want you to get me pregnant! I've been thinking about having a family for a bit. And even though things are complicated, I want a family with you. So! What you're going to do, is pump me full of pups, and that's that." Then she shoved him on the bed and yanked her shirt off, exposing her perky tits.

Ivan, though still stunned by his wife's forward demand for such a life changing decision, was turned on somewhat by her telling him what he was going to do to her. "Oh fuck... I.. I'd love that. Come here, sexy." He quickly got himself completely nude while his wife did the same.

She climbed on top of him and pressed her lips to his. "I'm glad." She raised her muzzle to his ears and lustfully whispered, "Come on baby.. Mmm... you can get hard for me, can't you?"

The thick, expansive sound of craving in her voice really did it for him. He grew in his sheath and pressed against her, "Mmm, I sure can."

She grinned with extreme satisfaction, "Aww, good boy! Hehe." She saw his excitement at her comment and glowed as she grinded hard against his growing cock. "Mmmhh..." She kept it up and once he was fully out, she rose up on her knees, guided his shaft and pointed it towards her, and sank herself down on it with a long, slow inhale followed by a near whisper of, "Oh god...mmm.."

Ivan moaned as the wetness of his wife's heated cunt enveloped his cock. "Fuck, Erika.. you always feel so fucking amazing.." He locked his eyes with hers in an affectionate gaze that caused her to feel even more flushed with heat as the eye contact and gushing compliment from her non straight husband hit her deep in her heart and increased her craving for him.

Erika closed her eyes in joy and started to ride him, but nearly as soon as that started, the doorbell rang. She sat down with Ivan completely buried inside of her and huffed out in annoyance. She knew who it was, but she didn't want to stop. She even growled slightly and nearly begged him, "Babe... I'm *not* getting off. Just message him. Here's your phone." Fortunately, his pants had been tossed on the bed so she was able to pull his phone from the pocket and hand it to him.

He sent the message telling Shazra to come in and meet him upstairs. Ivan then saw a look on Erika's face which he commented on, sounding amused and showing a silly look of suspicion, "Awhh... is my woman getting a little territorial?"

She looked embarrassed and somewhat annoyed, but quickly turned to confident and proud when she declared, "You know what? I *AM*! You're my man first, okay? Regardless of everything, you're my husband and best friend and I love you." At this point, to further emphasize her point and show that he was hers, she ran her fingers through the fur on his chest, gripped tightly while tugging on it, and began riding him.

After ten seconds or so, Shazra opened the door, looked in, and froze in place. He accidentally let out, "Uhhhh...." And immediately looked down while blushing harder than he ever had before, feeling overly hot.

Ivan, loving the feeling of his wife's pussy clenching around him, and excited for the hot piece of ass that was Shazra , moaned and invited him in, "Mmmfff... come in Shazra.."

Shazra walked in slowly and timidly with his head down and stopped a good distance away from the bed. He didn't know what to do and felt unbelievably uncomfortable.

The fennec woman started riding her man even more eagerly while at the same time looking over her shoulder at the new male with a stern look, "mmmm... oh hi there. I'm Erika! You know.. mmmhhh.. the woman whose husband you've been fucking." She got the reaction that she hoped she would from the rabbit. He looked ashamed an guilty and couldn't look up at all. "Mmm.. relax. Ivan and I talked and things are worked out. You are going to be punished for what you did, but you're fine. Alright?" She flashed a hint of a grin at him to help him feel more at ease. "Well? Come on. Make yourself comfortable and join us. However you want to participate."

Ivan knew that his encouragement was necessary for Shazra to actually move. "Uhhnnn... come boy! Now. It's okay. Just get out of those clothes and get mmm.. next to me. If you know what I mean. Heh." He saw the rabbit leap into excited action while he watched Erika process the fact that her husband was about to suck a cock right in front of her. He placed his hands on her hips and pet her for comfort. His eyes shimmered with love for her, which made her feel weak. There seemed to be something more than just best friend love in those grey, knowing eyes.

Shazra, seeing that the other two were now essentially fully at ease, jumped up on the bed. He crawled up to where Ivan's head was and sat back on his feet folded under him. He was unsure of what to do and had been deep in thought and distanced from the moment by anxiety when he felt a hand land on his sheath and begin rubbing him. He looked down at the embery, sexy fox and moaned softly. He sat back and allowed his cock to be fully worked out and start being stroked. When it stopped, his eyes shot down automatically.

Ivan had started thrusting deep and hard into Erika, to her endless enjoyment and indicated by loud whimpering. He lightened his humping and got her attention to ask, "Babe, you wanna switch over..?" Feeling too good to actually form an answer, she simply nodded her agreement. Without exiting her, he flipped them over so that he was on top of her and resumed where he had left off. He then glanced over to the nervously waiting bunny and opened his muzzle in a silent invitation.

Shazra shuffled on over on his knees and presented his cock to his male fox playmate, which was quickly engulfed in Ivan's eager maw. The fox, driven by his current rocketing lust and saturation in pleasure, started sucking the rabbit's dick with enthusiasm that had yet to be seen. He tossed his head back and groaned, "oh fuck, Ivan..." Once past the initial shock of pleasure, he looked down and accidentally locked onto Erika's face. He was worried about what he might have seen but, instead, he saw a confusing look of excitement in her eyes. Without thinking, he blurted out with a sexually forward tone, "Mmmff... you kinda like watching him suck my dick, don't you..?"

All Erika was able to do was whine, which sounded to the males like her agreeing to Shazra's question. Then she vocalized a sharp squeak as Ivan started pounding her dripping slit.

A rhythm was attained that stuck in place for several minutes. Eventually Shazra started groaning and whimpering as he got closer. "Fuck, Ivan... I'm gonna cum soon..."

Ivan met his wife's eyes to confirm that he was on top of things. He pulled his mouth from the bunny's dick and looked up at him. "Mmm, good. Blow your tasty load in my wife."

Shazra locked up and stammered in shock and confusion, "But. I.. what.. you want.. what if.. uhhhhh...."

The male fox confidently took action. He growled, "Shut your fucking mouth and do as I say. Now!" The command shook the lost rabbit back into the present. He followed his master's order and put his tip against Erika's heated, puffy cunt. Ivan positioned himself to where his rabbit would be able to have access to his cock. He flashed a hot look at Shazra that said everything.

Shazra was completely out of his element, except for the commands given to him that stoked him to the very core of his being. He first took Ivan's cock in his mouth. Tasting the fox's pre and getting his face full of the scent put him in the perfect state. He thrust forward and quickly had his whole dick in the first pussy he had ever entered. It was hot, and so wet, and actually felt incredible.

Erika happily moaned as she took in the brand new cock and squeaked out, "ummmffff!!! Fuck me! Fuck me like the bunny you are! Give me everything... please..." Her panting was music to Ivan's ears.

As soon as she was done with her piece, Ivan grinned and smugly stated, "And get ready for me, because I'm about to take you hard. As soon as you give her what she wants, I'll give you what we both know you want. Mmm..."

Shazra was having his mind blown. He had no idea what was going to happen when he showed up here, but it damn sure was NOT this. It was a little foreign to him to be fucking someone as the top. He fairly easily came from taking it, and loved getting blown, but this was wild! He shook his head a little to bring him back up out of his thoughts before getting into his rapid bunny fucking that the fennec woman had requested. As promised, when he gave her what she wanted, Ivan gripped both sides of his head and started fucking him fully straight down his throat. It was a lot to handle, but in a fantastic way. His vocalizations grew louder and hit a point of the sounds becoming constant, muffled by Ivan's cock plunging in and out of his mouth and throat. The taste of the fox's pre coated his mouth and he knew Ivan was getting close, but he was closer. With a few final thrusts of blurred speed, he unleashed a torrent of cum into the female, who wrapped her legs around him and pulled him into her, holding him tightly and keeping him balls deep.

Ivan swelled with happiness, excitement, and lust for his wife. He pulled out of Shazra's mouth, to the rabbit's dismay, and moved him out of the way when he could. He crawled on top of Erika again and buried his dick in her. He whispered seductively, "Mmm... fill you up, right..?" He didn't wait for her answer and started humping as hard and fast as he could, nowhere near as quick as the bunny, but he had the force behind it.

Erika moaned deafeningly, which resonated throughout the room, "YES!! FILL ME, BABY!" She splayed her legs wide open, fully receptive to his seed and wrapped herself around him as well. She could feel him building, his cock throbbed and pulsed inside her as he approached. A loud groan and grunt encompassed her powerful sense of hearing while she felt him unload his own contribution of cum into her and locking himself to her with his knot, causing her to let loose a piercing scream that was slightly painful to all of their ears.

After a while of all participants panting and moaning and basking in the epic level of pleasure they had just created and experienced, Ivan managed to pull out, which caused a small river of mixed cum to drip out. He curled up and cuddled up to his wonderful wife and pet her with endless affection and love.

Shazra didn't know what to do, since he was on the other side of Erika and didn't know what to do since he didn't know her. He chose to ask for clarification on some things. "Hey uhh... wow. That was... I gotta say, that was insanely good! Heh. Umm. I'm wondering.. what is my punishment to be? And uhh, can you get like.. pregnant..?"

Ivan snuggled even closer with Erika and took charge, since his wife was still quite blissed out. "Heh. Your punishment is to fuck her and fill her with pups. I mean, I'm helping too. Hehe. Look.... We decided we want a family together. You aren't required to have anything to do with any of the kits that you helped make. Nothing to worry about, okay? But you're going to be put to work! We both owe her because of what we did. Plus.... She's a really good fuck, isn't she? Don't lie, you really enjoyed how it felt. I could hear it. Anyway, that's the deal. We're going to keep her nice and full to make sure it takes, and you and I can keep doing our thing. We can make time to cum in or on each other too! Mmm... so.... Is that all okay with you..? If not, I understand and I won't hold it against you."

Shazra thought deep and hard before taking a big breath and sharing, "Oh wow... well. Okay! I'll help you guys out. Uhh... I guess I did enjoy it! Heh. It felt so good! Different, but awesome! Hmm. Yes. It's all okay with me. This seems like it could be amazing. I'm just happy I get to keep seeing you! And... hmmpphhh... I really wanted you to cum in my mouth.."

Ivan gazed over at Erika, who had her eyes closed as she still rode the long wave of pleasure, and looked between her legs. He pointed to her slit and the trickle originating from it and smugly said, "It's not too late. There's leftovers. Hehe. Just don't get greedy and steal any from her, alright. Ha! But like. Seriously. Eat that up, bitch. And get yourself ready, we're not done yet." He growled harshly at the younger male to emphasize his command. He then pet Erika's tummy and whispered, "I love you, Erika. Mmm... like I told him, we're not done with you yet. So get yourself ready."

That was the beginning of a long night, and a long many months. They did eventually conceive and had several pups, one of which was part rabbit. Things were kept low key until after Shazra graduated from the university. He and Ivan were able to be open with their relationship, and Ivan stayed happily married to Erika, raising their kids in a loving home.