Workhorse Part 3 (Commission)

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#63 of Commissions

Buzzcunt's master needs to travel on business, leaving her in the capable hands of a familiar stallion.

A commission for Elberik. You can find stories like this and more over on my Patreon and/or Subscribestar. I also have commissions open this month.


Footsteps echoed from the floor above Buzzcunt. The slave mare rolled over her bare mattress, one of the few luxuries her owner gave her. She knew Mark would happily make her sleep standing if it didn't hamper her ability to work. Worse still, she'd gladly do it if he wished.

Some part of Buzzcunt recognized how wrong and broken her commitment was. A piece of her locked so deep within that she'd forgotten its name. She still had flashes of that person. Life before her master was filled with cheap thrills and meaningless sex filled her days while a seemingly endless inheritance left little for her to worry about. A life most would consider heaven on earth.

A life where she had no purpose.

With a huff that jiggled her thick nose ring and aching muscles from the prior evening, Buzzcunt rose. She had no blanket to cover her muscled form. The only sense of warmth and comfort she had beyond the winter heater in the basement corner were the bindings all across the mare. A metal cuff latched at each joint; her wrists, ankles, knees, and elbows. A hobble chain dragged between her hooves with each step, short enough to let her walk. Her master only put it on indoors, not that he needed to worry about her running or kicking. He enjoyed having her movement limited, even going as far to keep her wrists chained to a belt like some high-security prison inmate. The bondage mittens prevented her from unclasping her cuffs from her waist.

Her chains rattled as she stood tall in attention; back straight, chest out, hooves shoulder-length apart or as much as the hobble chain allowed. Each breath reminded her of the cold collar locked over her neck. She cherished its weight as a symbol of her status in her master's household. Property lucky enough to kiss his boot if he wished her to.

From what she could tell above her, there were two sets of footsteps. Not unusual, her master loved having a guest over for pleasure. Some days he'd enjoy them so hard she could hear the bed strain against the floorboards above. But the second set of footsteps was not a guest he brought for pleasure, at least not with just the two of them. They were heavier, belonging to a stallion named Ivan. Buzzcunt softly gnawed at her lip. She knew the things Ivan would want of her. If he were just a little crueler, she'd want him to take her forever.

"So yeah, I'll be gone for the next few days," her master said as he descended wooden steps out of sight from Buzzcunt. "She wants me to help her train a new pet. Some kind of big cat with an attitude problem."

"That so?" Ivan chuckled behind Mark. "Still, crazy you're helping her. Given your stance on women."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Mark sounded insulted, "I don't hate women, I just dislike property who pretend they're people. For the record, her newest property is a guy."

"Alright, alright," Ivan no doubt raised his hands in defense. In the past, Buzzcunt noticed the stallion tended to overstep his bounds with her master. Given how he came to Mark to work as a part-time workhorse on the farm, it was a wonder the coyote never found an excuse to keep him permanently. Then again, Mark didn't find men attractive.

"Anyway, I'll need a sitter for when I'm gone," her booth lock clicked, followed by the heavy shift of the iron latch. Buzzcunt stood properly before the coyote and stallion at the entrance, her eyes focused forward until attention was requested. Ivan whistled at the sight of her, eyes wandering over her body as he followed Mark inside.

"I've been giving Buzzcunt some adjustments for the winter weather," Mark said, trailing his fingers over her body as though she were a piece of meat. Buzzcunt held her tongue at every pull of her thick nipple or nose ring, "I opted for thicker rings to work as better anchors for bondage. Nose ring was because I got a tractor last year and felt like having Buzzcunt plow from behind it," the coyote patted between her legs, noting the jingle of the clit and labia piercings. "With these, you can lock Buzzcunt's cunt. Not that I've ever needed to."

Ivan shrugged, "Nah, I get it. Good to have," folding his arms, the stallion smiled and said, "She's, sorry, Buzzcunt's got more meat than I remember."

Buzzcunt's grey-furred face went red against her will. As property, it shouldn't matter how she looked so long as her master was satisfied. Yet a small part of her didn't like her extra weight being noted. "I've been wanting to increase Buzzcunt's endurance and carrying capacity for a while, so I added more protein to its daily diet. Buzzcunt's more like a mule or donkey than an actual horse now."

Scooting to the opposite side of Mark, Ivan's thick hand dragged across her thigh muscles, playfully squeezing them before digging his fingers into her flank. "More muscles and a bigger ass. I like it."

"I'll alert the papers," Mark's sarcasm was a rare sight for her.

Buzzcunt stayed still as the two men meticulously groped her. Her master went on and on about her daily diet and training while Ivan seemed more invested in feeling her up. If she had her bitgag she could better distract herself from the rough handling of the stallion's thick fingers.

Then they left. Mark made no attempt to bind her before closing the door behind him. They continued talking, acting like Buzzcunt couldn't understand every detail shared between them. Her ears shifted as they ascended upstairs, listening for every floorboard creak above her to determine what was going on. Soon only one set of footsteps remained, slowly descending back down to open her stall.

Dressed in a black shirt and tight sweatpants, Ivan leaned against the frame. "So, looks like it's just you and me for the next few days, Buzzcunt," he said, scratching his rotund stomach. She glared back but didn't flinch. The stallion was still her better, but that did not mean he was free from her contempt.

He playfully raised his hands as though her look could kill. "Woah, easy now, girl. I know I'm not Mark but that doesn't mean we can't enjoy each other. Truth be told, I'm not sure what you see in him. I can tell you love the cruelty, but some part of you must miss the softer touch."

Buzzcunt's nostrils flared as he stepped closer. Without permission to speak, all the mare could do to express herself was huff, grunt, and lean her head away as he reached over. Her training taught her not to step away from her betters, which encompassed everyone who visited her. Random partners that her master showed her off to, those that snuck down for a glance, and even people like Ivan who sometimes let Mark tie him down to work on the farm beside her. She was beneath all, but none brought her sick joy like her master's callous nature.

So she batted Ivan's hand away with a sharp turn of her face. The stallion chuckled at that, "Oh, so you want to be a brat while I'm here?" he said, firmly grabbing her by the chin. Strong as she was, Buzzcunt's subservient nature let her be pushed to the wall by the barrel-chested horse. His muscular arm wrapped around her neck while his heavy right hand trailed down her back.

"You know, I love girls with some meat on them," Ivan whispered, pulling at Buzzcunt's plump ass. "Did you know Mark still has a picture of you before you submitted to him?" To her wide-eyed surprise, the stallion shushed her, "I'm sure you won't speak this to anyone, but the man's more sentimental than you'd think. Or it could be pride, it's hard to tell with him. But yeah, I've seen what you looked like before he clapped you in cuffs. You were such a skinny bitch, someone that'd complain if she broke a nail. Like some show pony that'd be in tears if she took half of me. Now look at you. Plump but muscular, able to haul like a feral beast."

His hand clapped against her flank. Its new size did little to shield the blow, nor the second that came against it from a calloused covered hand. While no stranger to pain, the way Ivan held her as he spanked her bottom caused Buzzcunt to writhe. She took deep breaths to dull the assault only for his tight hold to suffocate her.

"Been wanting to do this since I saw your new ass," Ivan said, slapping the right and left cheeks indiscriminately. "If only you could see how it jiggles while I'm warming it up. How your delicious bum invitingly dances for another meeting with my palm. What does Mark say when he sees that? Insults, right? How you're some pathetic masochistic beast of burden who can't even do whatever chore he's asking of correctly?"

He would. Buzzcunt closed her eyes to think back at her master's cruel comments. No smile crossed the coyote's lips when he punished her. His enjoyment revealed itself through the cock straining against his pants. He'd belittle her, tell Buzzcunt she was wasting his time by fucking up or being a general nuisance to satisfy her masochism. But she knew he enjoyed hurting her just as much as she enjoyed the pain. Perhaps more.

Yet, despite Ivan's lack of cruelty, her arousal swelled. His sweet words were another form of sadism because they both knew Buzzcunt didn't deserve them. She was property, a beast of burden only useful to satisfy her owner through her strength and durability. But he acted like she was something more. It made her want to speak again if only to tell him no. But Buzzcunt never spoke without permission.

Permission Mark never granted.

Haggard and wanting breaths escaped her nose as Ivan marveled at his work. His strong hand kneaded her ass like dough. She couldn't help but compare it to her master's touch, who took more interest in the marks he laid upon rather than the actual area itself. "Yeah, I'd say your ass is nice and toasty now, wouldn't you?" the stallion whispered, lips close enough that he could kiss her.

Buzzcunt snorted at him in defiance despite her rosy cheeks. What should have earned her a slap instead received a chuckle and a soft pat across her face. "In addition to the ass, you've got the stubbornness of a mule too."

The stallion reached between her legs to lock her pussy and labia piercings together. "Damn, you're soaking. Must be sweat, right? No way you could be aroused by my handling of you," Buzzcunt stomped her hoof in protest to his jeering. Ivan swiftly slapped her cunt in response, hard enough to lift her half an inch off the ground. "Yeah, yeah, so you say," Ivan continued his one-sided conversation as Buzzcunt struggled to stay standing, "But you can't deny you enjoy this. You just hate that it's not from him. That I'm not treating you as some eyesore that needs to work extra hard to keep my interest. Well, Buzzcunt, I may not be a perpetual frowner, but I can be cruel."

Unlatching her wrists from her belt, Ivan hoisted her arms over her head to a hook that dangled above. Using a pulley, he made her stand tall enough that any attempts to fall would force the mare to hang from her arms.

Next were adornments. Her master kept a chest of strings, vibes, and bondage tape next to her stall. Ivan rummaged through it, returning with a thick string he used to tie Buzzcunt's tits together through her thick nipple rings and tightened by the weight of a small barbel. Then came two sets of bullet vibes, the first he latched with tape across her cunt, and the second he playfully slipped in and out of her asshole before letting them stay. Last but not least, Ivan pinched her maw to have her open up, allowing him to unscrew her tongue stud, place a bitgag above it, then re-screw it through the hole, locking it in place.

"Now don't you just look fantastic?" Ivan marveled at his work. Buzzcunt said nothing but huffed all the same. She dreaded the remote he fiddled with in his hands, "Now I'm thinking an hour or so will have you in a better mood for me. Plenty of time for me to relax."

Ready to grunt, Buzzcunt winced as the vibrations clicked on at Ivan's command. The stallion said nothing else, turning away with a whistle as the mare struggled at the sensation. Every sway of her chest swung the weight from her tits, its momentum pulling her breasts down. The toys against her privates whirred on and off at random, a favorite of her master to keep her awake at night. Her earliest months were spent with it robbing her of sleep, breaking her willing mind into addicted subservience.

Stifled moans, clanging chains, and the constant buzz between her legs echoed against the basement's concrete walls. Buzzcunt's muscular legs failed her despite her stamina, forcing the bindings above her to keep her steady. Haggard breaths slipped past her bitgag as she pulled herself back up, legs shaking as her muscles burned.

Though he sealed her cunt, Buzzcunt felt the pleasure rise only to fall at the sudden stop of her toys. Like clockwork, they waited until her arousal dipped just enough to buzz back on. She still couldn't understand how they were so accurate, never once accidentally pushing her over the edge despite her silent pleas. Drop after drop from saliva and her desire pooled into two puddles underneath her, a mess she'd no doubt later clean with her tongue.

Ivan returned to find the bound mare with wobbly legs and teary eyes. He yawned, stretching his arms and back before her. "That was a killer nap," the stallion smacked his lips and scratched his neck, "Had a fantastic dream. You were in it, pulling my chariot through crowded streets while everyone marveled at what a good workhorse you are. Shame Mark doesn't take you out, I'd love to make that dream come true."

The thought of his fantasy distracted Buzzcunt from her torment until he held her maw. Pinching her mouth open to unscrew her gag, the mare's eyes widened in shock as he kissed her. His tongue twisted with her own as she breathed his breath. The rough hairs of his snout scratched at her maw.

Mark never kissed her. His cock was the only intimacy she'd received from the coyote. Her memories of a kiss before her enslavement were a blur. So foreign she nearly pulled away out of discomfort.

A rough hand clapping between her legs kept her close. A constant reminder of her place. Smiling as he broke the kiss, Ivan held her tongue between two drenched fingers. "Someone's enjoying themselves," he mused aloud, "Maybe having some sugar every once and a while isn't so bad after all, hmm?"

She darted her gaze but this time Ivan caught her attention with a pull of her bound tits. Untying them, he lowered the mare to her knees before dropping his pants. The stench of his musk wafted over her like a humid summer day. Half-erect, the fat flat-headed shaft hung down as a third, if shorter, leg. "Get it wet," he ordered, jostling his cock before her face.

Arms free but hands bound by mittens, Buzzcunt awkwardly lined his rod to her lips. Clear pre-cum seeped from the flat mottled head, giving it a salty taste as she licked him. He shuddered when her tongue stud braced his urethra, but she didn't push for it. He wanted it wet, so wet it shall be.

His soft chuckle encouraged Buzzcunt as she took the wide cock into her maw. The mare's trained throat sank down the shaft steadily, taking quick breaths through her nose as she half-swallowed with every inch. He watched her work, pleased, unlike her master. For that moment, she didn't miss the coyote's cold glare.

"Stop," he commanded. Being at his base when he spoke, Buzzcunt froze with the entirety of his meat in her maw. She waited for his next command, slowly breathing through her nose as she became a living sheath. His heartbeat echoed from the member, excited but stable. "Get off. Slowly."

With care, Buzzcunt pulled her head free from Ivan's third leg, giving a small pop at the end followed by a deep breath sucking in his scent. Licking her lips at the fresh taste, she marveled at the sheen over his saliva-coated cock. Ivan laid it flat against her nose to let her spit drip down over her, like a feral hound holding for their treat.

"Stand and face the wall with your ass up," Ivan said, keeping his cock in place so her spit would drag across her face as she rose. With her arms freed, Buzzcunt placed them on the wall for support to better prop her reddened bottom. The stallion shuffled behind her, his fat rod laying between her pillowy cheeks. Strong hands spread her wide, exposing her pucker to his flat head.

She grit her teeth. Mark made her ass loose, but not enough for Ivan to slip in without proper lube. Her saliva could only do so much to lessen the strain. Ivan showed no concern for her comfort. He pushed in without pause, slowly sinking deep into her ass. Buzzcunt's mouth hung agape, her moans escaping with heavy breaths at every inch sinking into her.

"There we go," Ivan said, stopping at his hilt. Buzzcunt's fists clenched inside her mittens. Every breath trembled across her body as she waited and waited for the stallion to take her. "Jeez, you act like you haven't had dick in ages. Mark not fucking you?" Buzzcunt caught herself nodding halfway. Betrayal stung but the truth hurt more. Her master had only used her mouth for so long she'd forgotten the feeling of warmth a real cock provides inside her ass.

Ivan saw enough to whistle, "Fuck, that's just a waste," he pulled back slowly and thrusted in, repeating with a rhythm that took more inches each time. "What's the point of giving you this delectable ass if not to enjoy it?" He emphasized his point with a solid slap.

His thrusts picked up speed, pushing Buzzcunt's face against the wall. Her breathing matched his intensity and more, picking up on unanswered needs. Soon her hips rocked with his movement, reigniting old reflexes. Her lips curled against her wishes.

"Say my name," Ivan grunted. Buzzcunt shivered at the command. She hadn't spoken since before her willful enslavement. One of the first lessons Buzzcunt's master taught was that she had no need for words. Property had no need to speak. Ivan leaned in and clapped a heavy hand against her cunt. "Say. My. Name."

She winced at two more slaps but said nothing. Pain was her pleasure, it would never break her master's conditioning. But as his thrusts slowed, panic set in. "I-Ivan," Buzzcunt's throat cracked at his name, as though air broke through a forgotten pipe.

He sped up. "Louder," the stallion commanded.

Buzzcunt gulped, too far beyond hope now. "Ivan."

"Louder!" he smacked her cunt a fourth time and rammed deep.

"Ivan!" Buzzcunt screamed.

"That's it!" Ivan's stamina bolstered, "Keep it up!"

"Ivan! Ivan! Ivan!" Buzzcunt shouted his name till her throat hurt. His arm wrapped around her neck, heaving her back as he cried out. The pulsating pounding of his cock slowed. Her insides filled with his seed, more with each spasm.

Their shared breaths filled the room. A fire burned underneath the marks of pain between her legs. He pulled out, leaving an uncomfortable empty feeling behind her.

"Good girl," he patted her behind, "Good girl. Keep it up and I might give you an orgasm or two during my stay. Oh, and don't worry about your little outburst," The stallion zipped his fingers across his lips, "That stays with me."