Forest Frolic (Macro Story)

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This story was released 5 days early for my Patrons! Wanna see all my stories early, see WIPs and play early versions of my games, along with other cool benefits? Check out my Patreon!Like my writing? Want to support my work? Buy me a snack! | Want to get a notification whenever I upload?  Join my Telegram channel! - 

A commission for F3LAN. Felan and Sara are patrolling the woods when Sara stumbles upon a spilled vial full of liquid...

Felan had always warned Sara about sniffing around in places she didn't belong. The two wolves were quite close-knit, but whenever Felan would lose track of his counterpart, something crazy and strange was bound to happen...! The two of them were just walking together one day, on the prowl in the forest, when Felan had ducked out for just a moment. Stepped into the bushes, behind a tree...either way, losing track of Sara for even just a second! Thankfully, the white wolf soon called him back to her, though the words she said brought more than a bit of unease into Felan's mind.

"Hey, Felan! I found something! Looks yummy..." Sara's voice came after a few seconds. At first, the gray wolf was relieved to hear his friend's voice again, but when she finished that sentence up, the relief quickly turned to a bit of fear and worry. Oh goodness, what had she gotten herself into this time, Felan thought to himself as he started to make his way through the thick foliage back to Sara's voice. It didn't take long for him to break through back onto the trail they were walking along, and once he found Sara again, there wasn't anything obvious for him to worry least until he walked to the side and found that she was nosing at a bottle on the ground, lapping at the purple fluid that was still dribbling out of the opened vial.

"Oh, hi, Felan." Sara said as she glanced at her friend for a second before turning back to the bottle that had captivated her attention so thoroughly, eagerly attempting to drink up every last drop that she could before it soaked into the ground beneath her! The wolf just kind of stared at his friend doing this for a couple seconds with a puzzled look on his face before he really said anything further. "...what is that?" Felan eventually asked, leaning down himself to potentially get a better look at what Sara was lapping up. "I don't know, but it was a real pretty color, and it smelled pretty good, and it tastes even better, too~" Sara casually replied with a bit of pep in her voice, the wolf lending forward a little bit to grab the bottle with her mouth before tipping back and chugging it down the rest of it in one big, quick gulp! Felan wasn't nearly quick enough to stop his adventurous friend from finishing off the bottle, and now he was left to try and work out Sara's thought process with her in real time. "So you found a random bottle..." he started to say, "and you don't know what was in it..." he continued, "and you drank it anyway?" he finished off, Sara interjecting with a chipper "yeah!" between each of those sentences, completely invulnerable to the tiny bit of self reflection that Felan was trying to put her through!

"Well. Uh, Sara, I really don't think drinking from random bottles you found in the forest is the best idea. So please, let me know if you start to feel sick or something..." Felan said as he started to walk ahead of the other wolf, aiming to continue and be done with this prowl as soon as possible so he could go back to the den and keep a better eye on Sara! He would turn his head back after nearly every pace to make sure that she hadn't wandered off, but on one of those glances, the wolf saw something that made him stop and stare. "Um, Sara..." he started to say with great uncertainty, "has your snout always been that big?"

It looked as if she had been stung by a wasp, honestly. Sara's fuzzy, white muzzle had nearly doubled in size by Felan's very rough estimate, leaving the rest of her head looking puny in comparison! Though Sara seemed relatively carefree and a bit airheaded at times, that was still enough to stop the wolf in her tracks for a few moments, raising a paw up to her nose and poking around a few times as a look of confusion slowly started to grow on her face. "Uuhhhh, is that what that weird feeling was?" Sara asked herself as she stood there, before her canine body started to lurch and push a little bit around...ending with the rest of her head BWOMPHing out to match the size of her snout, the wolf quickly beginning to resemble a bobblehead of herself! Before Felan could even comment on how goofy the wolf was quickly starting to look, though, her legs started to sprout up, launching Sara up a good foot or so into the air and quickly turning in her into a maned wolf for the time being with how long and spindly those leggies were! While Felan was getting quite a bit worried, Sara was able to see the good, or at least the interesting in what was happening to her. "Woah, cool..." the wolf said as she looked down at her new, much-longer legs, though she was still more than a bit wobbly on her feet...

"You're not bothered by this at all!?" Felan asked incredulously as he craned his neck up to look at Sara, the wolf's proportions getting a little ridiculous in this sudden growth spurt that she was having...long legs, a big head, and now a longer, fluffier tail, but her torso and neck were still pretty much the same size, though it didn't seem like that would last for much longer. A growth potion...of course she had drank a growth potion while they were on rounds! Felan really didn't know what to do in this situation, or how large his companion would end up growing, but it was clear that they needed to get out of this forest and to somebody who could help them undo this mess, and quickly...

"O-okay. Um. We need to get you out of here and to someone, fast. Oh, geez, who do I even know that could help this out..." Felan started to ramble and ruminate as Sara just continued to bumble around in her usual fashion, either uncaring or actually enjoying what was happening to her! "Awww, I wanna be big though..." the wolf said as her torso quickly and suddenly ballooned out to match the size of the rest of her body, now leaving Sara about double her original size, but at least in a more uniform fashion.

"We don't know how big it could make you! We don't know when it's going to stop, Sara. At the very least, we have to find somebody who might have those answers before we do anything else, okay? Now come on, we need to get out of here quick before you outgrow the forest." Felan said in a firm voice, turning tail and starting to run down the trail they were on. Hearing the now much louder, deeper stomps of Sara's paws behind him as she tried to catch up, and with her now much longer stride, it was rather trivial for that to happen after just a few steps..."and watch your dang step!" Felan said incredulously as he turned back to Sara, making sure the wolf didn't end up squishing him underpaw accidentally...the combination of her ditziness and her increased size was not good for the wolf's health, that was for sure!

When Felan turned around, though...well, it gave him pause for just a moment. Had Sara been that large earlier? He could have sworn she was just over twice his size now, but the wolf he was looking at behind him, looming over him? She had to be even larger than that! In fact, Felan could see the shadow that she was casting steadily growing by the second, enveloping the smaller wolf in darkness as Sara acted like nothing was happening at all. "Wow, you sure do look small from down here, Felan~" the white wolf commented nonchalantly as she stood behind her friend, more than happy to take a little pit stop while Felan looked up in awe and confusion at just how large Sara was becoming! "Oh, geez, it's like, accelerating or something...Sara, we need to go, and quickly!" Felan said, starting to feel the need to raise his voice just so Sara could hear him as she steadily grew up and away from him...

"Oh! Okay~" the larger white wolf said in as cheery a voice as ever, though as her size increased, it steadily became deeper and quite a bit more intimidating...especially when combined with the bounding, carefree steps that were quite a bit less adorable when each one threatened to squish you underfoot! Felan had to sprint just to keep up with his friend, riding a very thin line between allowing the wolf to get ahead of him or entering the danger zone that was her still growing shadow. At least as the two of them ran, it started to seem like the growth wasn't accelerating nearly as much...but that could just be because a difference of two feet to 10 feet was a lot more obvious than 10 feet to 20 feet, at least from where Felan was standing! "Wow, the trees look so pretty from up here..." Sara commented as she continued to bound forward in a way that was difficult for Felan to deal with...though her comment still didn't sound quite right to the wolf. Even with how tall she was, a lot of the trees around were still taller...unless...oh no. Felan almost didn't want to turn around to see how much Sara had grown in the past few minutes, but at this point, it was probably necessary for his health to do so!

The white wolf behind Felan had now grown easily five or 10 feet since Felan had last checked, Sara sprouting upwards at what seemed to be an almost completely uncontrollable rate! "Hee, you look even smaller down there, Felan~" the wolf said in her playful voice, though it was a lot less playful when it came from somebody whose paw you could easily use as a bed! In fact, her paw was hovering right over Felan in this moment as well, the wolf gulping nervously as he tried to scuttle out from underneath the growing shadow of his huge friend! The black paw pads on the underside of Sara's feet at least looked like they would be soft and squishy if she ended up accidentally stepping on him, but the long, black claws at the tips of her toes were another story entirely..."SARA! Please, dear God, watch your step. Ugh...I don't even know where we could go at this point for this, honestly. You're going to destroy every building you come into contact with..." Felan mused aloud; his plan was to make his way to the apothecary in a nearby town and hopefully get some kind of antidote, but, well...the streets were not made for 30 feet tall wolves, to put it lightly! Frantically, the wolf floundered about for a few moments until he thought of something. "Sara." He said as calmly, but loudly as he could; managing to get the wolf's attention, thankfully. "Can you promise me to stay put on the outskirts of town once we get there? I should really only be a few minutes..." Felan asked. He knew better than to rely on Sara staying in one place for any longer than a minute or two, but the wolf was just really and honestly running out of ideas at this point. Plus, once she got big enough, he could just keep an eye on her from the apothecary, right? It was really the only hope for the two of them, at least the only thing that Felan could think of...

"Stay! Of course I can stay. Right here?" Sara immediately replied in her usual excited state, though it didn't really give Felan much hope about this working out, honestly! "N-no, I said once we get into town. It's, like, right around the corner..." Felan tried to reply without sounding too exasperated. At this size, Sara could wipe him off of the map with an errand swipe of her paw, so he really wanted to stay in good graces with the white wolf! By the time that the two of them had gotten to the gates, two things had become apparent. One, Sara was now easily taller than the tallest building in the entire town, and two, her arrival had brought out quite a few pairs of concerned and nervous eyes from the various townspeople who were poking their heads out from their windows or walking along the town streets. "Okay. I need you to And don't move an inch. Please." Felan said as he moved off of the main road, tapping his paw in the exact spot he wanted Sara to stand...though it was probably pretty difficult for her to see exactly where he was motioning to from all the way up there! Regardless, the wolf got his point across, and Sara's gigantic haunches were soon planted firmly on the side of the road, the wolf wagging her gigantic tail from side to side as she waited, knocking down more than a few trees in the process. "...Right. Don't. Move." Felan said as he walked away from the sitting wolf slowly, not breaking eye contact with Sara until he was well inside of the town and quite close to the apothecary he would be hitting up. As soon as he was forced to break eye contact with Sara, Felan sprinted right into the apothecary's lab, instantly feeling a wave of relief wash over him as he saw that the rabbit was actually in was never a guarantee with this place!

"Reg. Sara drank some kind of growth potion in the forest. I need something to reverse it. Now." Felan said in a firm voice that tried to get across the gravity of the situation without potentially sending the apothecary into a panic attack. Though, judging by the complete lack of a reaction from the rabbit that was still digging around behind the counter, perhaps Felan was being a little bit overcautious! "How big is she?" Reg replied in a very bored-sounding monotone, still not even bothering to make eye contact with Felan as he continued to look through the various shelves and drawers that he had in the back of his shop. "I-I Don't know, she's growing so fast. 30 feet? 40 feet? I've been gone for 2 minutes and I wouldn't be surprised if she doubled in size by the time that I got back." Felan replied, dropping the facade and really letting the panic he was feeling start to shine through in his voice! Though, again, Reg seemed almost completely unfazed. "Oh! Well, that's no good..." he replied quite nonchalantly before setting a small vial filled with purple fluid on the counter. "Splash this anywhere on her body and it'll stop the growth, at the very least. As for her returning to a normal size, well, that will take a few days, depending on how long and how much she has been growing by..."

Felan was out the door before Reginald could even finish his little spiel about the potion. The wolf sprinted on all fours back to the outskirts of town, his eyes going wide as he saw just how huge Sara had become even in his short time away. To her credit, she had managed to stay still, though she was still brushing right up against the town walls with her increased size - somewhere around 60 feet tall now. "Sara!" Felan said as he came right up to the white wolf's truly massive paw, holding the vial down with a paw while he leaned down and ripped the cork out with his teeth; not the best way to do it, and it certainly resulted in some of the concoction dribbling out onto the ground, but it was good enough with the limited dexterity that Felan had as a quadruped. He clamped his teeth over the glass before sprinting forward and flinging the vial right at Sara, that purple fluid thankfully landing home and splashing all over her paw! The wolf was running so fast, though, that he couldn't quite stop himself after he flung that vial, though he was just able in the moment to stop himself from slamming into the paw he had splashed. Instead, he crashed right into the other one, flopping down onto the giant, fluffy bed as he started to pant and gasp, the amount of running and worrying he had done over the past few hours washing over him all at once. He lay there for a few moments, before summoning the strength to roll over onto his back, looking up at the giant wolf that stared that down at him, as innocent and naive as she had always been. "I need a damn nap, Sara..."

The white wolf perked up when she heard that. "Oh! I know how I can do that!" she said cheerfully, not even noticing the fact that she wasn't growing anymore...60 feet tall was honestly more than enough for Sara to have a good few days of fun playing around with before she eventually returned to normal. For the time being, though, she did have a tiny Felan resting on her paw who was most likely far too tired to stop her from doing something cheeky...the wolf's eyes were closed initially, until he felt a shadow being cast over him; then, they popped open immediately. "Oh, no, nonono Sara wait-" Felan blabbered out as he saw one of Sara's other paws coming down on top of him, the wolf quickly making a paw sandwich of the much smaller wolf with her black pads and her white fur! Thankfully, the wolf was gentle, and being squished up against those beans actually started to feel a tiny bit comfortable inside here. Maybe it was just because of how tired he was...but hey, at least he had a giant wolf to protect him now!

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