The Serpent Curse - Chapter 1

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#2 of The Serpent Curse


Scales shifting through the dirt, brush parting around her, a twig SNAPS. Kiah emerges, jaws yawning, belly bloated from a meal well devoured.

Suddenly, vibrations radiating from the side. Kiah turns her head to a RUSTLE of movement in the bushes, SNAKE VISION. Cautiously, Kiah makes her way toward it--

And another death adder SPRINGS out at her.

Kiah leaps out of the way, curving around to the side, wrapping the threat up with herself. She strangles him to the ground, hovers over him. FANGS EXPOSED, she prepars to strike--

And then she stops.

KIAH: Birrani. Trying to eat your sister again aren't we? Just so desperate for a tiny little morsel, you're willing to consume your own kin. Very courteous of you if I do say so myself.

BIRRANI: Wha- Kiah? I didn't know it was you, I thought you were some funny looking lizard or something.

KIAH: Yeah, I can see the resemblance. Except... I don't have any legs.

BIRRANI: Well, you never know. Maybe another death adder went around just eating the legs, leaving the rest for me.

Suddenly, a third death adder, female and somewhat older (MUM), passes through. Spotting them, she stops.

MUM: Hunting's going well, I suppose?

Kiah untangles herself from Birrani as she addresses her Mum.

KIAH: Excellent! I just devoured a wonderful dunnart. Birrani here otherwise...

BIRRANI: Was perfect. I caught something small, but... I could have had a whole Death Adder as well, if Kiah here hadn't gotten in the way.

MUM: Hmm, I don't recommend cannibalism, but since she's your sister, I can understand. Well, I'm headed back to the den if anyone wants to come with me.

KIAH: Well, I'm stuffed for today. You coming Bro?

But Birrani just stares into the distance, eyes narrowed.

BIRRANI: No. I'm staying out 'til I catch something big.

KIAH: Well, good luck with that. Just don't try to eat any other death adders while you're at it.

Birrani HUFFS and Kiah turns to follow her Mum away. Looking back, Kiah notices Birrani violently swishing his tail through the brush, trying to duck out of sight.

KIAH: Welp, he's gonna starve.

MUM: He'll learn.

Mum looks up at the Sun, slipping toward the cloudy horizon.

MUM: But it'll have to be soon. I'm not sure the weather'll hold out.

Kiah tastes the air, taking in the atmosphere with a flick of her tongue.

KIAH: You think it's gonna storm tonight?

MUM: Nah, probably will go around us. But still, never hurts to keep watch.

They reach their burrow, a wide opening in the ground, and crawl in, side by side.


They head down the tunnel in silence. Abruptly, Kiah pulls back an inch, giving a CRY.

MUM: Kiah?

Kiah looks at the ground to see a shard of a beer bottle in front of her.

KIAH: Yeah, it's just one of those glass bottles. Those party weirdos from that pickup earlier, probably.

Kiah backs up with a wince to look at her belly. A bit of blood comes from a scratch where the bottle had scraped her. She suppresses her frustration.

KIAH: Great, there's carnage. (To shard) Better taste as good as it looks.

MUM: I'm sure it does. Though I doubt the bottle has the taste buds to appreciate it. (pause) That'll be okay, right?

Kiah tries to readjust herself to put pressure on the wound, but is unsuccessful.

KIAH: Yeah, just... let's get back to the hollow, I'll pressure it tonight.

Mum nods, and they continue down the tunnel.

And pull to a stop.

The tunnel ahead of them has collapsed, dirt and rubble obstructing their path.

KIAH: And a landslide too. Brilliant! Help me clear this so we can get past.

Kiah goes up to the rubble and starts burrowing with her head, it's shape barely able to make a dent in the dirt.

KIAH: Man, if only we had claws for this.

MUM: Sadly we don't. That was the curse after all.

Mum moves past Kiah and nudges a loose patch of dirt. It collapses, leaving a small opening.

MUM: Here, this looks like a way forward.

Mum squeezes through the opening and Kiah follows behind.

KIAH: It doesn't seem fair, does it? It's not our fault Satan took on the form of a snake when he decided to deceive Adam and Eve.

As the tunnel opens back up again, Mum stops to face Kiah.

MUM: I don't understand it either, but that's just the way it is. I don't see how it matters.

Kiah joins her Mum side by side as they continue down the tunnel.

KIAH: I guess not, but it's hard not to wonder what we could be if we weren't so cursed.

MUM: Yeah, but I don't think it's best to dwell on such things.

As they reach a small hollow, Kiah enters and curls up in a coil inside, using her own body to stop the blood flow. She turns back to Mum.

MUM: You're okay right?

KIAH: Yeah. I'll be fine.

MUM: Okay. Well then, see you on the up-and-up.

With that, Mum heads back down the tunnel. Kiah sighs and rests her head on her coiled self and sleeps.


Kiah's unblinking eyes come into focus. All is dark and quiet in her hollow. She looks down at her cut, now no more than a slight scar along her body.

Uncurling herself, Kiah leaves her hollow and heads down the tunnel. She makes a turn and a few feet later, and soon approaches another hollow.

KIAH: Birrani?

Inside the hollow's empty and untouched.

Brow furrowed, Kiah turns back around and makes her way out of the burrow.


Out in the night air, the Full Moon shines bright in the star glittered sky. Kiah pauses at the edge of the burrow and looks around.

KIAH: I hope he's alright.

As Kiah heads out into the night, her brother's FURIOUS CRY bursts through the outback.

KIAH: Birrani!

She picks up her pace and reaches the source of the cry. In a tree, Birrani tied up to a branch like a rope, head right at the knot jamming him into the wood. A group of lizards stand over him, tying him to the tree.

KIAH: Birrani?

Birrani turns his jammed head toward Kiah as she slithers up. She looks at the lizards making the final touches to their knot.

KIAH: What in food's name is going on?

Lizard 1 leaps from the tree to confront Kiah.

LIZARD 1: "What in food's name"? This cursed creature just tried to murder us!

BIRRANI: I was hungry. I just wanted someone to eat.

LIZARD 2: Well, you had no right to try to eat me.

KIAH: You're the guy's food, what'you expect him to do?

LIZARD 3: Stay hungry.

KIAH: Oh yeah, and I'm sure the bugs are anymore inspired to hop inside your mouths everyday.

LIZARD 2: Actually, that did happen once. It was really quite nice.

KIAH: It's the food chain guys, you gotta understand how tasty you all are.

LIZARD 1: We do. He tried to eat us, we tried to defend ourselves. Doesn't get fairer than that.

BIRRANI: Fine, sounds fair. Let me go and I'll let you go. Fair? Fair.

Lizard 1 inspects the knot proudly.

LIZARD 1: I'm afraid not. You'll just eat us the moment you're free.

Birrani gives a SIGH. Their work done, the lizards hop down from the tree, shying away from Kiah as they make their way for the brush.

LIZARD 2: Snakes. What horrible creatures. They deserve to be tied to trees more often.

And with that, they're gone. Kiah turns her attention to Birrani.

KIAH: Hold on Birrani, I'm coming.

BIRRANI: Don't bother. I got this.

Birrani tries to move forward, but only manages to tighten the knot. He CRIES OUT.

KIAH: Yeah, so good.

Kiah slithers up the tree and up to Birrani. She examines the knot and tries to untie it with her head and tip of her tail. There is no way to get a good grip in.

KIAH: This isn't working.

Kiah tries for a few more seconds, but to no avail. Stopping, she looks at her brother.

KIAH: You really are a terrible hunter, aren't you?

BIRRANI: I know.

Kiah scans the moonlit ground, and spots a fallen branch laying in the dirt.

Kiah makes her way down from the tree, and over to the branch. Reaching it, she tries to nudge it, but finds it is stuck slightly in the dirt.

KIAH: More digging, great.

Kiah uses her head to dig into the dirt around the branch, but her head just slides across hard dirt, barely making a mark. GRUMBLING, she digs harder.

Finally, with the branch free, Kiah tries to nudge it with her sides in the direction of the tree, but it is too uneven, and rough edges dig into the dirt throwing it off track. Frustrated, she gives up.

KIAH: So unsanitary.

Kiah picks up the branch with her mouth, and tries to drag it toward the tree. Unfortunately, the branch snags on the ground, and the branch is yanked free from her mouth. Kiah gives a HUFF of anger.

Trying again, she finally makes it to the tree with the branch. But the branch protruding from her mouth messes with her positioning with the tree, and Kiah has a hard time maneuvering herself so she can climb.

Finally, Kiah once again reaches Birrani and tries wedging the branch into Birrani's knot to pry him free. She pokes Birrani accidentally.

BIRRANI: Ow! What are you doing to me?

Kiah doesn't respond as she continues trying. She accidentally pokes him again.

BIRRANI: Kiah! Am I bleeding?

Kiah doesn't respond, and Birrani starts to panic.

BIRRANI: Can't you just tell me what's happening? Don't I have the right to know what's happening with my body.

Kiah grows irritable with her situation.

KIAH (Through stick): This stick prevents blabbering-

Suddenly, the branch snaps. Kiah reflexively leaps out to catch the falling pieces with her mouth, but the remaining stick slips out in the meantime, and falls to the ground. Kiah gives a CRY of frustration.

KIAH: Okay, I'm about ready to use my mouth!

Kiah opens her mouth, about to wrap it around Birrani's body.

BIRRANI: No! Not that!

Kiah stops, tapping her exposed fangs with her tongue.

KIAH: Why not? Death Adder venom can't hurt you.

BIRRANI: Well, I still don't love the idea of being chewed in half.

KIAH: I wasn't going to- (Growl) Okay. Fine. Whatever.

Kiah takes one last look at the knot.

KIAH: Well, if I'm gonna get you untied, I'm not going to do it without limbs. I'm going to get help, okay?

BIRRANI: Fine. Leave me here hanging. It's fine.


Kiah finds her Mum laying asleep in a coil in her hollow.

KIAH: Mum? I need some help getting Birrani out of a tree.

Mum's eye's slip into weak focus.

MUM: Wonderful.

Mum slowly uncoils herself, and sleepily follows Kiah out of the burrow.


Finding a Critter in the brush, they go up to it.

KIAH: Excuse me, can you help us-?

The Critter YELPS as it skitters away for its life.


Kiah and Mum approach another critter.

KIAH: G'day, li'l morsel, could you--

Critter flees in terror.

They find another.

MUM: My son is-

And it's gone.

...And another critter.

KIAH: So, hey, my bro is stuck in a tr- Well, hoo-roo to you...

Kiah sits in the brush watching it flee.

KIAH: I love how this is working.

As Kiah and Mum set out once again in search of aid, THUNDER rolls in the sky miles to the north, slightly west.


A family of Yellow-Footed Rock wallabies sleeps peacefully in their cave.

Suddenly, lightning FLASHES across the walls of their cave, and ZOE, the youngest of the young-at-foot joeys, startles awake with a CRY.

Zoe rushes to her Mum, and tries to clamber into her pouch head first. WALLABY MUM wakes up.


Zoe tries to crawl further in, but Wallaby Mum pulls her out and sets her on the floor. Holding her gently, she looks her in the eyes.

WALLABY MUM: Zoe. I love you, but you have to stay out of the pouch now babe. You can get a drink, but you need to make room for your sister now, okay?

By now, the other three joeys (LISA, OLIVIA, and JOEY) are awake, glancing about the cave sleepily.

ZOE: But mum, the storm.

JOEY (Coming up): Don't worry Zoe, the storm's outside, it's not going to get us.

OLIVIA: Yeah, a little lightning never killed anyone.

Zoe gives Olivia a look, but nods anyway. Zoe rubs her face. Joey heads over to the entrance to watch the storm quietly.

WALLABY MUM: Joey, what are you doing?

OLIVIA: He's just jealous that he doesn't have a pouch like us girls.

LISA: Or the brains.

Lisa and Olivia GIGGLE.

WALLABY MUM: Don't say that, your brother is just as smart as the rest of you.

ZOE: What does not having a pouch have to do with watching the storm?

Suddenly, Joey's fur starts to stand up with electricity. Joey looks at his arm.

JOEY: Uh, guys.

Suddenly there's a great flash, and the lightning STRIKES. It crashes into the clifftops above their home, and Joey looks up just in time to see rocks start to tumble.

JOEY: Everybody, out!

The family stares as the rocks begin to fall.

OLIVIA: Shouldn't we be getting further in!

JOEY: Not unless you want to be trapped!

WALLABY MUM: Hurry up! Everybody out!

They burst their way out of the cave, dodging falling boulders...


...And make it out of the cave, just as the entrance collapses.

The wallabies stand looking at their former home for a moment in shock.

LISA: Joey! What did you do?

They are silent a moment, when finally-

WALLABY MUM: We'll have to find a new cave.

ZOE: But mum, what about the lightning?

The sky flashes in the distance, and there's the roll of THUNDER, but after a moment, nothing else happens.

WALLABY MUM: Perhaps it's moving on.


The wallaby family hops cautiously through the outback in the darkness of night. The sky is beginning to clear, and the full moon is starting to shine through.

LISA: I'm hungry. Oh wait, look what I got.

Lisa reaches into her pouch and withdraws a fruit.

LISA: A fruit. Good thing I thought ahead and had a pouch, unlike Joey.

Olivia withdraws a fruit from her pouch too.

OLIVIA: Me too. Girls are so smart.

Lisa and Olivia look at Joey, LAUGHING at their own "secret" joke. Joey glances at them, but says nothing before continuing onward. Zoe walking close to Wallaby Mum hears her sisters' jab, and taking note of the calming storm above, looks back at Joey. After a quick drink from Wallaby Mum's pouch, she goes to walk alongside him, glancing around nervously.

ZOE: Joey.

JOEY: Yes?

ZOE: Here. I can just get some milk from mum if I need to.

Zoe withdraws a fruit from her pouch as well. Joey takes it uncertainly.

JOEY: Thank you.

ZOE: You know about what Lisa and Olivia say? Well, I don't think you're any less smart than us girls.

Joey gives a grateful nod of acknowledgment.

ZOE: Joey? I'm scared. I miss Mum's pouch.

JOEY: I know. I remember how I felt when I first had to move from the pouch too. But then it turned out it was you, and that made it worth it.

Zoe smiles at Joey for a moment, and he smiles back.

Suddenly, there's a RUSTLING in the brush, and Joey comes to a stop.

JOEY: What's that?

The RUSTLING continues, and Joey catches a glint of green in the moonlight. He focuses, and makes out the shape of a snake slithering toward them.

JOEY: Snake!

Everybody dives out of the way, but Zoe's not quick enough. Joey looks back to see the Serpent spring at Zoe, an amulet of green glinting on its neck. Suddenly, the amulet flashes a bright light that totally blocks out all vision.

The light clears away, and Joey looks back at the spot where Zoe and the Serpent were. There is no movement. Joey looks back at the rest of his family.

JOEY: Guys.

Joey regains himself, and cautiously makes his way in the direction where his sister was. His family slowly follows. Reaching the spot, Joey stops cold. At his feet lays the limp body of Zoe.

Mum gives out a CRY of anguish, and the wallabies rush toward Zoe's body in mourning.




In the wee hours of the morning, all tired and droopy, Kiah approaches another Lizard, female.

KIAH: Excuse me ma'am. Can you help us untie my brother from a tree?

FEMALE LIZARD: Can't you do it yourself?

KIAH: Because... Because we don't have any arms.

FEMALE LIZARD: Why don't you have arms?

KIAH: Because...

FEMALE LIZARD: Because you were cursed. Now, why were you cursed?

Before Kiah can answer-

FEMALE LIZARD: Because you are the craftiest of creatures. If I help you, your brother will probably eat me afterwards. Humans have already suffered their downfalls because of you, I'm not going to join them. Never trust a snake, they always say.

With that, the Lizard heads off.

KIAH:That serpent wasn't me, you know. Not even a real snake, just Satan in disguise?

FEMALE LIZARD (Turning back): I know sweetie. But why did Satan take the form of a snake in the first place? Because snakes are the craftiest and most evil of all creatures. I'm sorry honey, but it's part of who you are. The only shame is that you're not tied up there with him.

With that, the Female Lizard leaves Kiah in defeat.


Kiah returns to Birrani. Mum is there as well, struggling with the knot.

KIAH: Any luck.

MUM: No.

BIRRANI: I'm so hungry.

Kiah looks at Mum.

KIAH: Could you continue with the knot? I'm going to fetch Birrani something to eat.

MUM: Alright.

Kiah slithers off into the brush. Finding a spot, she curls up in wait. She adjusts her tail above her head as a lure and gives it a little test wriggle.

But after a few moments of silence, Kiah's breathing slows. Her eyes begin to drift, dilating into sleep...



An eerie light through Kiah's eye, illuminates her in a void of darkness. From within the blackness emerges a voice, rough and hardened with age. Kiah stirs to awareness.

VOICE (V.O.): Mankind sinned at the Tree of Knowledge. That sin was reconciled at the cross. The time is coming for snake to be reconciled for its deception at the Tree of Knowledge as well.

KIAH: What is this? Am I dreaming? No, I need to be awake. I need to get food for my brother.

VOICE (V.O.): This is more important than just a dream. Meet me at my cave beyond the Flinders Ranges and your journey will begin.

KIAH: Flinders Ranges? Where beyond the Flinders Ranges?

SERPENT (V.O.): The call is inside you. You'll know where to go.



Kiah's pupils shrink into focus as a sudden RUSTLE from the brush pulls her awake.

Snake vision. A BEARDED DRAGON steps out, looking around aimlessly, completely at a loss of where to go.

Kiah looks from the lizard, she brings her tail up to her head. She wiggles it, the brush VIBRATES around her.

The Bearded Dragon stops, his attention drawn to the movement, curiosity lighting his face.

Slowly the Bearded Dragon makes its way toward Kiah, a satisfied look on its face. Kiah prepares to spring.

Another step from the Bearded Dragon, VIBRATING through the ground to Kiah-

Kiah launches, ready to bite. Beard expands, the lizard HISSES!


Kiah stares into the Bearded Dragon's face. He shakes her loose, and backs up in victory.

BEARDED DRAGON: See, I told them I was fierce. You were going to eat me, but because of my fierceness, you were too afraid.

KIAH: Oh my goodness, you're so adorable.


Kiah loops around, surrounding the Bearded Dragon with her long body, staring at him, enamored by his cuteness.

KIAH: You're so cute. I think I'm going to keep you as a pet.

Kiah reaches with her tail and--

KIAH: Boop.

Right on Critter's nose. Critter stumbles back.


KIAH: Oh. Well... My brother needs to eat. That'll work too.

Kiah readies her body to strike again--

BEARDED DRAGON: I mean no. I'm all for you not eating me and all, but... A pet? Do I look like a pet type? Don't you think I'd be a great body guard type or something instead?

KIAH: Nah. You're not intimidating enough.

BEARDED DRAGON: But... my fierceness, remember? My fierceness stopped you from eating me.

KIAH: Uh, No, you're too cute to eat. (Beat) Well, at least, not unless absolutely necessary. Now come on.

Kiah starts to slither away, but the Bearded Dragon hesitates uncomfortably.

KIAH: You know, it's absolutely necessary that I have a pet at the moment.

Without any further hesitation, the Bearded Dragon follows after Kiah.


Kiah and the Bearded Dragon reach the tree where Birrani is still tied up.

KIAH: I think I found some help.

The Bearded Dragon looks up at the other two snakes.

BEARDED DRAGON: Oh, I see what you did. You were all full, so you decided to feed me to your friends instead. Well, I got one thing for you, I'm not a "to-go" order!

KIAH: Don't be silly. My brother needs help out of that tree, and you're the one for the job.

BEARDED DRAGON: Oh, and then you'll eat me when I'm done, makes sense.

KIAH: Do we look like we would do that.

Bearded Dragon looks at their expectant faces.


KIAH: Okay, here's the deal, free my brother, and I'll make sure my family doesn't eat you. On purpose. Now about your family and friends... I'm not going to make any guarantees.

BEARDED DRAGON: Hm, I don't have any family and friends here. I'm off on my own to see the world and become independent.

KIAH: You're my pet. Obviously, your plan is going better than expected.

The Bearded Dragon goes silent as they climb the tree. Kiah looks at her family.

KIAH: Just so you know, I declared this adorable thing as my pet, so there will be no eating him when he's done.

BIRRANI: Oh man, but I'm so hungry.

Kiah looks at him.


Kiah turns to the Bearded Dragon

KIAH: Now, to give you a name.

BEARDED DRAGON: I already have a name.

BIRRANI: Seriously, we're doing this now?

KIAH: How about Critter.

BEARDED DRAGON: My name's Kyle.

KIAH: I like Critter better.

Critter SIGHS. He turns his attention to Birrani's knot, and starts to fumble with it, struggling to get a good grip.

CRITTER: You know, my Bearded Dragon limbs really weren't made for this sort of thing.

Kiah flicks her tongue tastefully.

KIAH: I could give you no limbs? See you make do like us.

CRITTER: Uh, no thank you.

At first, Critter's unsuccessful, fumbling at the knot with his feeble paws, but after a tiny bit, he finds an opening in the knot to put his paw through. He pulls. The knot loosens. Readjusting for a better grip. PULL.

The knot SLIDES loose. Birrani is finally able to untangle the rest of himself, and he UNCOILS free with a SIGH.

And then he SPRINGS at Critter.

INSTANTLY, KIAH IS WRAPPED AROUND BIRRANI, holding him back from Critter. Critter, just registering, gives a CRY of horror, BEARD EXPANDING, HISSING in "warning".

KIAH: Are you mad? We promised not to eat him if he helped you free.

BIRRANI: But I'm so hungry. I thought not eating him was just a joke.

KIAH: Well, as fun as that sounds, no.

CRITTER: Yeah, she promised to let me free.

Kiah turns to look at him.

KIAH: No, I think you got your information wrong. I promised not to eat you. You're my pet now, you're coming with me.

Kiah turns to slither away--

MUM: Wait, where are you going?

Kiah turns to look at her.

KIAH: I can no longer be defined by the curse that was placed on my ancestors. I'm going to make amends.

MUM: What? How?

KIAH: A dream. I had a dream. Something's calling me. It'll show me where I need to go.

MUM: A dream? What do you even hope to accomplish? Our lives are reasonable for a snake.

KIAH: Every time someone sees us, they only see the craftiness of the Serpent. If I can make right nothing else, then perhaps that is enough.

Mum lowers her head in acceptance.

MUM: If that is what you must do, then I wish you luck.

Kiah turns back to slither away. She glances at Critter as she passes him.

KIAH: You wanted to see the world, right?

CRITTER: Yes, but not as a protein bar that gets eaten after the long day on the trail.

KIAH: At least it's better than being the left at home food.

Critter looks at Kiah's expectantly hungry family, and SIGHS. He raises a paw in submission.

CRITTER: Coming.

And with that, Kiah and Critter head out into the morning sun, Birrani and Mum watching them go.

The Serpent Curse - Chapter 2

EXT. AUSTRALIAN OUTBACK - MOMENTS LATER Kiah has made some ground, when Critter rushes to catch up, a few steps behind. As his paws hit the ground, vibrations enter into the Earth and radiate toward Kiah. CRITTER: So what is this? Some sort of...

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The Serpent Curse - Prologue

FADE IN: ADVISORY CARD: This film is a work of fiction. The interpretations and speculations presented herein are merely a creative take on Biblical events, and is in no way intended to be substituted for Gospel Truth. Thank You. EXT. AUSTRALIAN...

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Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 28: Peace

Time passed, eventually Queen Omelet's crying turned into silent sobs, and eventually she fell into silence. When it was all over, Queen Omelet just sat there in silence for a long time, and Embryo sat beside her saying nothing, letting Queen Omelet...

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