Soul Shattered Chap. 4: Distraction

Story by DJ Wolf 92 on SoFurry

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The scent and the gentle squeeze of my Mate's arms woke me frommytranquil dream. A dream filled with the sweet night air. The sound of the nocturnal night coming alive as the sun sets and the moon rises. I was hunting with Kari, scoring our kills.  And at some point in the dream, when were where finished hunting, Kari took me to this serine spot, deep in the dark forest that surrounded us. He grabbed my paw and sped off toward that unknown spot, leaping from trees and bouncing across the giant waterfall. My Mate pulled me down to the sweet scented forest floor and we made that earth our bedding, just him and me.

            Yes. It was a very pleasant dream.

            I tried to go back to that happy dream, but my mind was in that too-wake state to even let me drift off.  I was feeling restful. My body and mind were aware of it being early morning, other than the shafts of sunlight illuminating the room with its yellow hue. 

            I am glad my Mate is home again, I really am . . . but there were other things on my mind. I know I was going to be in big trouble once I got home. The thought of my parents angered face made me shudder. That was definitely not what I wanted to look forward too. What I needed was a distraction.

            I thought of my Mate, his arms around me in a loving embrace. 

            "Kari?" I asked. I didn't need to turn around to know he was still asleep, his soft breathing and the relaxation of his body gave that away.

            I sighed and gently shook him. "Kari."

            "Hm, yes?" he asked, his voice thick with grogginess. "What is it, love? What's wrong?"

            "We need to get up." I heard him groan a no as he clung to the blankets. I un-wrapped his arms and go up. I walked around the bed to the mirror and fluffed my untamed hair.

            It was funny how he'd always to this, never wanting to get up and just hold me while we went back to sleep. I was tempted to do it now, and sometimes he'd win me over by calling me "my wolf," in werewolf tongue, but not to today. No way in hell was I going to budge.

            But God, did he look so adorable when he slept. It really was too bad I was going to have to end it. Hehe!

            I walk over to the foot of the bed and yanked on the blankets, hard.

            "Hey!" he yelled as he spiraled to the floor from clenching the sheets tightly. 

            I stood over him, a smirk on my face. "Told you we had to get up," I said as I made my way to the bathroom. I walked in, turned on the shower faucet and walked into the waterfall of water.

            The warm stream of water cascaded my feverish body. I moaned as the warm water spread across my body, feeling it with the un-needed warm. What a nice feeling.

            The door behind me signaled that Kari had entered.

            "Get out! I'm naked!" I growled. 

            I felt Kari roll his eyes. "Oh, please. Get over it. I'm coming in regardless." He opened the shower door and walked in next to me, his soft fur gleaming as the water trickled down it.

            I moved a little so he could have enough room, but he strayed toward me, grabbing the bar of soap in front of me and started scrubbing my back. His fingers were as gentle as the droplets that covered us, moving against my back, just barely touching it.    

            When he was done, I grabbed the "doggy" shampoo, and returned the favor by washing his back for him, my fingers twisting in between the strains of fur. When his back was lathered enough, I reached in front of him and started lathering his chest. I started scrubbing lower, and lower, and lower. . . .

            His paws caught my hand before it got any closer to his hips. Damn!

            I huffed an exasperated breath.

            "Nice try." He turned around and held my face, keeping me from looking down. He gave me a gentle passionate kiss before started washing my midnight hair for me.

            I took that time to examine the complexion our relationship. We've gone on a few home-made dates, that being Kari isn't a werewolf.  And yes we've slept together, and those times I've brought up one topic: sex. But ever time he's decided it just isn't the right time. I haven't pushed it any further.

            By the time Kari had rinsed my hair, I was nice and clean, and with nothing else to do, I got out of the shower, wrapped a towel around my chest and head out the bathroom and to my drawers. I pulled out a pair of faded black jeans, my black guitar hero t-shirt, and a bra and underwear.

            Kari walked out in a haze of steam, slowly drifting out the door way, with a towel around his waist. He twisted it off with on flick of his wrist, showing his slender legs, his tail swaying a little at the sudden gust of wind.

            I deliberately stared at his wolfy ass when he turned around. Man, is that a piece of something or what? I mentally "wolf whistled" to myself, inviting the idea of his rear.

            This invoked a deep, stressed sigh from Kari, obviously listening to my thoughts. "You're never going to let this 'sex' thing go are you?"

            "Nope," I said, pulling a POP sound with my P. I knew what I wanted and I wanted him. He had always wanted me to have a normal relationship with him--but his desire to have one was false, unreal. Nothing about our relationship is normal. But he said he'd try his best. The problem is that if he wanted it to be normal, I had normal desires. Sex being one of them, but as said before: I wouldn't push the subject any further.

            "Well, I hope you're good at waiting, 'cause we're not going to have sex until the time is right." His lips were set in a tight line, his eyes gleamed with stubbornness.

            "Yeah, well, you're gonna want this very soon." I gestured to my slender body. 

            He gave a frustrated groan and then stomped into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.

            God! Why can't he make this one deal with me? I know he wants this just as bad as I do. But he's being the "gentleman" about it. Grrr, why can't he be like a human teenage boy!

            Frustrated, I yanked the towel of my chest and started pulling the clothes on me. Without giving the bathroom door another glace, I opened into the bedroom door and headed into hall way, and down the stairs.

            Sometimes my Mate can really aggravate me--I love him neither the less--but can really get on my nerves. When he has his mind set on something, he can never let it go.

            Like giving in by . . . err, making love to me. I know it seems silly, this ridiculous desire, but it's what I want. It's the final step to showing that a Mate is final, to mate with each other. To be mated with forever.

            I listened to the incoherency of my thoughts, all jumbled inside my mixed-up brain. It was all too confusing to me right now.

            I walked into the living room to find it empty. The only thing I noticed was the sound of a conversation drifting into the living room. I kept walking and found my Pack in the kitchen at the kitchen table that took up much of the space, with a bowl of . . .

            "Those better not be cereal bowls I see there," I warned.

            My Pack looked away from me uneasy.

            I sighed. "You guys know you can't eat human food." I looked at each Pack member in the eyes. "Well, you guys might as well finish them up. But . . . I expect those bowls in the dishwasher."

            I walked inside and made my walked to the cupboard. I pulled out a bowl, a box of Smart Starts, and the carton of milk in the fridge; I pulled out a clean spoon and found a seat next to Rena. I sat down and looked at what my Pack was eating.

My eyes shoot up and narrowed in one second flat. "You've got to be kidding me!" I said, exasperated. "You're eating that sugary junk for breakfast."

            "Sorry," Mori said, looking guilty.

            "It was Kora's idea," Allen piped in.

            "Snitch," Kora grumbled under his breath. I looked at him, and then his eyes darted away; he sure as hell isn't smiling now. No. He was cringing at my scowling glare. He wished he hadn't thought of the idea. My pack knows that human food doesn't agree with their system, it can make them sick!

            Kora knew when I wasn't happy; I can be I very, very scary when I am pissed off.  

            I should have never bought the crap, I thought to myself.

            Kari strolled in, unaware of the what was going on.

            "Good morning," I said without turning around. I took a bite of my cereal and started contemplating on today's agenda.

            Kari walked off to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water and a container of meat, and started chewing humbly.

            I smirked at my Pack. Kari is such a good boy.

            "Kari?" I asked.

            "Hmm?" he said with his muzzle full.

            "Did you know we have a meeting a week before the Blood Moon celebration?"

            He looked up from his meal before answering. "That I did. Before we all left, they notified us about the next meeting and told us to tell the ones who couldn't make it to check their email. So after I boarded the plan, I texted Kora and told him to tell you to check your email."

            When he was finished with his breakfast, he walked over to me, lifted me up, sat down and set me on his lap; he looked over what the rest were eating and shook his head with a disapproving sigh.

            I smiled happily at this. Instantly, an idea started forming in my mind.

            "Chris," asked Kari. "Why do you have that look on your face?"

            My eyebrows pulled up. "What look?" I was completely confused. I had a look on my face?

            All I was doing was thinking of what I'm . . .

            "That deviant look you have." His eyebrow shot up at my confused expression. "That look that says you're gonna do something unpleasant to the Pack." 

            "Oh, that look," I said. As if I knew what that look was? "All I was thinking of is how the Pack is really going to hate me for making them do my intense workouts."

            I looked at the rest of my Pack. "You know, to burn of that . . . sugar-rush."

            My bowl of healthy cereal was devoured before I knew it. "Kora, since this was your idea to go behind my back, you're going to be first one I torture. Meet me in the workout room when you're finished . . . and be prepared to sweat, a lot."

            I rinsed my bowl and put it in the sink. I gave Kari a quick kiss and then practically skipped downstairs to the basement. 

            The stairs creaked and cracked as I walked down them, my footsteps echoing off against the walls that seemed to reverberate the sound.

            Even though Kora has in deep shit, I was glad. Kora was the distraction I need to get my mind off of . . . yeah.

            I walked down the last flight of steps and to hardened ground. The basement reeked of sweat, and a sort of humid vapor loomed in the atmosphere. Against the far wall stood a simple sound system that we occasionally used and across from that was the workout area. The floor was matted with a hard, squishy rubber mattress. Behind the workout area held my favorite area: weapons shelf.

            Mostly it held knives and swords . . . with a few pistols and my personal favorite, bow-and-arrows.

            I know a lot of people would wonder why a pack of werewolves need such weapons. The answer if very simply: because bullets would beat fangs and claws every time. And besides they're really only good for close rang. Most of our enemies, Hunters, have big powerful guns. And they can shoot us down in mere seconds.

            That's why we need some long distance weapons. Like bow-and-arrows! Oh, I just get so giddy when I get to use them!

            I stepped off the last step and made my way through the sheen of humidity and walked over to the air conditioning system that was neatly tucked into  the corner wall and turned it on full blast. I was instantly struck by a blanket of cold air.  If I didn't have a high body temperature, my skin probably would be crawling from my flesh with prickling goose bumps.  

            The bow nearest to me dangled lightly on its placement, just beckoning for me grasp it and string it. I reached out and wrapped my finger around the hold. I lifted it up with such ease--making it seem impossible to lift considering its heavy weight. The bow seemed to pulsate in my hand, borrowing my abundant amount of energy.

            The bow was a jet-black metallic metal, with a cool wolf pattern painted on the exterior of the bow. Its heavy weight makes it a powerful weapon.

            I grabbed a streak black arrow from its quiver, strung it and sited my practice dummy. I lined the arrow up, stringing the bow, and released--my bow pulsed with power as the arrow was released, making it quiver with such force that it vibrated along my arm.

            A smile tweaked at my lips as the arrow impaled the dummy with such accuracy. The arrow landed square in the dummy's head. It still amazes me what my kind can do.

            I heard the sound of foot-paws descending down the steps, and the strand of a new scent, singled that Kora was on his way down.

            I turned around and smiled evilly at him once he was in view. It was a smile that hardened his usually comical self, making him serious as he realized he was going to get it good. But seeing me now, made his black lips twitch into a humorous grin.

            "So . . . Chris," he said, his tone light and comical. "What do you have planned for me today?" He asked nonchalantly.

            My grin widened even more. "Oh, I was thinking grappling."

            I mentally jumped up and down on the hard rubber mat under my feet. Grappling was one of my favorite activity; I just loved getting physical with my Pack. It gives me a changes the use my pent up strength.

            "You ready to dance?" he asked, limbering up. "Get ready to lose."

            Was he serious? Did he really thing he could beat me? Ha! He had no fighting chance.

            I rolled my eyes at his annoying confidence. I stepped closer to him and started bouncing on the balls of my feet.

            We started circling each other, neither one of us making the first move, wanting our opponent to have the first. We advanced on each other with quick speed. We were mere inches apart, our feet pulling us closer.

            He swept my feet with strikingly fast speed. But with quick reflexes, I grabbed his paw and took him down with me.  I wrapped my legs around his waist just was he made a grab for my arms.

            We broke apart and rolled away onto our feet and started circling again, starting the dance once again.

            His foot-claws dug into the rubber matting as I calculated possible attacks. I advanced three more inches, my nostrils flared at the faint scent of sweat tainting the air. I could see little beads of sweat dew at his brows. His breathing came in short, rapid pants; his pacing slowed down a little, his body struck with on coming exhaustion. 

            Ugh. The sugar was taking its toll on him.  

            I breathed in a musky breath of air before advancing three more inches.

            Kora, seeing this, retreated back a few inches. He started bouncing on the balls of his padded feet, making tapping noise ever time his foot fell.

            "Come on, bitch," he jeered.

            I stopped in my tracks. "Bitch?" I asked. Oh no, he didn't.

            Within three seconds, I lunched at him, flipping his body over me onto the mat, and stood over him, my foot resting on his chest. "Who's the bitch now, bitch," I asked, grinning at his heaving body. "Lay off the sugar."

            I ambled to the fridge and pulled out two water bottles, tossing one to Kora's risen form. I guzzled down the water and tossed it into the recycling bin. I gave Kora a quick kiss and headed up the stairs, and out the door.

I walked into Darren's house, Mr. and Mrs. Starling sitting at the kitchen table, drinking coffee.

            "Chris," Mrs. Starling asked. "Where were you?"

            "I want for a quick early morning jog." It wasn't a complete lie.

            Mrs. Starling seemed to accept it 'cause she nodded, smiling through crescent glasses. She turned away, and back the paper she was reading.

            Once Mr. and Mrs. Starling headed off to work, I headed upstairs, looking at the boys watching TV--oblivious to my entrance.

            "Hey, Chris," Darren said. "How was the hunt?"

            "Excellent." I grinned at them.

            "Well I gotta go," I said, grabbing my stuff. "I Know my mother and father will be pissed when I get home," I muttered to myself.

            I said bye to my friend and headed out, firing up the car, and headed home. I'm sure I'll be grounded for another two weeks when I get home.      

Soul Shattered Chap. 5: Troubled

I walked into an anger-filled house when I got home.         Mom and dad where sitting at the kitchen table, not looking happy. Their arms were crossed over their chest, scowling fiercely at me when I walked in. Their lips set tight against their...

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Soul Shattered Chap. 3: My Mate and Memories

I walked into the brilliant moonlight and let my skin soak up its energy. I looked up at the round full moon, nestling itself into the center of the sky. With a quiet sigh I kept walking among the darkness of the tall trees.             Tonight was...

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Soul Shattered Chap. 2: The Trush Unveiled

Houses zoomed by as Darren and I quickly drove out my subdivision and ontothe roads, my lust from the bite dissipating. I looked over to Darren to see how he was faring. He looked so calm and serene, like the bite didn't have much of a side effect to...

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