Luncheons & Dragons - Book 1 - Chapter 3 (BBW, SSBBW)

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#3 of Luncheons & Dragons

Tales have told of damsels who just

Seek the love of one knight true, but

Can there be a hope of marriage

For the lass too big for carriage?

Alexandra stood at the center of a swamp. Surrounded by pea soup fog and damp trees, the thick, muggy atmosphere smothered her. The dense air smelled of rotten eggs. But her goal was near.

Her iron boots sloshed ungainly stomps through the muggy wood. Even a hardy pair like those were bound to rust in conditions like this. They clung to her calves, which were thickened first by stalwart muscle and padded afterwards by soft fat. Broad grieves shielded her tremendous thighs, which were even more burly with muscle and even thicker with pudge. Their heavy curves jounced as she marched onward. A leather belt tied around her prodigious hips, with a small hoop that holstered her mighty battle ax. While she trudged through the swamp, her rotund backside bobbed behind her. Alex's heft deposited itself largely in her bottom half, giving her a wide stance and grinding thighs.

That is not to say that her upper half was slim. Her bottom-heavy stomach slouched a girthy roll down over her pelvis. Two corpulent hips tapered inward to fleshy slopes of chunky waist rolls, while the front of her stomach rounded in a modest bowl. Her pudgy bosom competed with her stomach in a contest to see which could push harder into her bulbous, iron cuirass. That armor piece used to provide her a little more room to grow. The same robust softness that girded the rest of her also lined her arms.

A satchel wrapped over her shoulder, carrying sustenance for the journey. Her fighter's ambition drove her to feed on strength-building meals. She paid no mind to the adipose that came along with such a diet. She had no use for the waist-trimming practices that occupied so many others. Alex wanted to support the righteous and strike down the unjust, not to fit in slim passageways or tight corsets.

It was only above her armor that her dark skin showed. A meaty chin rounded her face, along with plump lips. She had cut short her dark, coarse hair.

She quested for the Keep of Lawful Evil. A band of orcs had kidnapped Princess Ubevegelig, and they currently held her captive there.

Alex was a virtuous warrior. The desire for justice drove her on her journey. However, other factors motivated her, too. She dreamed of one day rescuing a maiden and sweeping her off of her feet. It was quaint and antiquated, maybe, but the notion burned within her. Alex yearned to save a beautiful woman, as if delivering someone from the clutches of darkness would entwine the two in an unbreakable bond of affection.

Her stomach grumbled. As important as her mission was, so was her diet. She couldn't take on a fort of organized orcs on an empty stomach, after all. So, she reached into her satchel and retrieved a two pound owlbear steak. Thick marbles of fat traced through dense hunks of brown meat. She opened wide and ripped a huge, ferocious bite. Even though it was well-done, savory flavor still burst from every chew. Her teeth sliced through the steak as if it was no more than a stick of butter, and she swallowed the mouthful. She stuffed her mouth again, this time filling her cheeks. She was eager to assuage the food-burning furnace in her middle. Big, juicy chomps mashed the steak, and she gulped it. With one more mouthful, she began to feel sated. Her stomach sought to finally defeat her breasts in their armor-filling contest. She plunged the end of the steak in her mouth, edging her stomach on pleasant fullness and testing the leather straps of her cuirass. In but a few minutes, she had consumed 32 ounces of prime owlbear steak.

After licking her lips, she laid her eyes on a piddly, two-story castle. She withdrew a map from her satchel to confirm her location. To be sure, this was her destination.

Disappointment stung her. The name "Keep of Lawful Evil" projected a fearsome malice that the moss-splotched stonework fell short of.

The castle had no need for a moat; the murky, stale bogwater rose higher than her boots. The castle's foundation stood on an uneasy patch of grass just above the water's surface. Its large, wooden door looked wet and ready to rot through.

Cries for help came from above. "Ohhh, stop! STOP! Please, HEALLP!" They sounded shrill and desperate. The Princess was in dire need of immediate assistance.

The front door opened. A dragonborn knight in shining armor stumbled through, clattering his garb. He turned back and slammed the door tight. He held his hand to his stomach, and his red scales paled to a dusty, rose hue.

Alex approached him. "Good knight! How fares the maiden in these walls?"

The knight shook his head, wicking droplets off of his scales. "The creature inside is no maiden. For your own sake, please, turn back." Perhaps this was not the correct location.

Still, Alex had a duty to help those in need. She straightened her back and stood firm. "I heard cries for help. I refuse to turn my back on the poor soul held captive here."

The knight sighed. "Satisfy yourself. But you cannot say you entered without warning." He lumbered away with heavy, swamp-gushing steps.

Alex stepped to the door and gripped its handle. The door held firm. She pulled hard, and with a wet pop, it opened.

Inside, she saw a small foyer with a ragged, scarlet rug. On the left, a staircase curled up the wall and led to the second floor. Strong, spicy incense fought back against the musky stink of the swamp, creating a riotous, clashing aroma. At least the stone walls and lit torches cleared Alex's vision, relieving the strain that fog had put on her eyes.

A scrawny, panicked orc scrambled down the stairs, flailing his arms. His blue skin glistened with sweat, and his leather armor was a poor choice in this dank climate. He shouted, wavering his voice with each footfall. "HE-eE-eE-aA-aALP!" His voice matched the shrill cries that Alex had heard before.

Alex doubted that he was Princess Ubevegelig. She stood still, puzzled.

The orc reached the bottom and fell to Alex's feet. "Oh, please, anything to get me outta here! Is that an ax on your belt?" He pointed to his neck. "Right here, just chop me right here!"

Alex backed away in shock, tilting her heavyset hips.

A muscular orc appeared from a side room. His wide mandible set forward, showing his mighty lower teeth. He grabbed the scrawny orc by the collar and lifted him up to his face. The muscular orc sounded deep and gravelly. "Get it together, man! We've got to defend this castle from intruders, not invite them to murder us!"

Alex looked around, but she didn't spot any other guards. "Pardon my interruption, but is there a damsel captive within?"

The buff orc faced her with a sly grin, still holding the scrawny one. His voice lowered. "There is. Trot up those stairs to see for yourself. But there's no way you can rescue her without going through us first!"

The other orc protested. "We have to stop her? Why would you want to stop her?!"

The larger orc turned back to the smaller one. "You are guarding this castle whether you like it or not!"

Alex nodded. "Your counsel is appreciated."

She walked ahead, leaving the two orcs to squabble. She couldn't help but wonder what could have affected the knight so. When she reached the foot of the stairs, she heard a growling noise, like a feral mutt tearing at a piece of meat. As she ascended, the sound grew louder, more ferocious. It came from behind a door at the top of the stairs. Alex reached the top, gripped her ax, and shouldered open the door.

Within, there was indeed a maiden. A very wide, naked maiden. The pale-skinned human was a massive, bed-bound blob laying on her stomach. Her head was far wider than it was tall, owing to the plentiful pudge of her cheeks. Unkempt, blonde locks fell about her face. Her breasts were rounded yet squat, pouring out from her chest and pooling on the floor. They were far plumper than any breasts Alex had seen, or indeed, any cattle that Alex had ever seen. A huge areola puffed on each, capped with a nipple fit for a bugbear's helm. Her arms splayed over her bosom in vast, cushy slabs. Behind that, her waist packed into deep rolls that then splurged over the bed and dipped to the floor, giving her a stomach larger than her king-sized mattress. Her glutes stacked in hills of lard that peaked far above her head, then sloped down and to her sides, melding with mudslide-shaped hips.

Stains of various colors dotted her skin. Chili splattered on her right breast, pot roast spilled along the left edge of her belly, cheese speckled her cheeks, and... well, more stains covered her than I can share with you in one evening.

Currently, her teeth shredded through a greasy drumstick. Her body hopped just before she loosed a thundering fart that rumbled the floor underfoot and quaked deep undulations through her rump. She lowered the drumstick for a thick, wet belch. "FPRAAAURRRGHP--huc--GHOURP!" Finally, her fat-framed gaze fell on Alex. Her voice bellowed. "What are you here for?"

Alex smiled nervously. The damsel's demure gluttony was cute, and Alex had butterflies in her stomach. "Are you Princess Ubevegelig?"

The woman scoffed. "Yes. Can't you tell by my--(FRRRT!)--magnificence?"

Alex's heart thumped. The perfection of the situation nearly entranced her, but she maintained her composure. "I have quested here to save you."

The Princess squinted her chubby cheeks. "You? I await a prince in shining armor, or at least a handsome knight. (BRAP!) Not a wench, in any event."

Alex thought of the dragonborn knight. She didn't have the heart to tell the lady about his disgust. Instead, Alex pleaded. "Please, I beg you to reconsider. Your captors--(guards?)--do you a grievous disservice. I can deliver you from this place to wherever you desire. We could build a happy life of peace and unity."

Ubevegelig sucked her drumstick dry and tossed it aside. "Be. Gone."

Alex searched her mind for something more to say. She drew nothing, though. She sighed and turned back to the door.


Alex's heart leapt into her throat, and she spun back around with a giddy grin. "Yes, milady?!"

The Princess extended her blubbery arm and pointed her sausage-like index finger. "See that table over yonder? Fetch me that shepherd's pie."

Alex looked to her side. A table overflowed with tins and pastries. She reached for the biggest pie. It was as thick around as Alex's vast hips and as deep as her hand. "Is this the one?"

The Princess giggled. "Yes! Yes! Bring it to me!"

Alex's heart fluttered as she carried food to the wide woman. "Shall I serve it to you?"

"Yes, you may. I don't much like--(FRRT!)--raising my hands." Her fart wobbled her rump cheeks in playful sensuality.

The armor-clad fighter stepped up to the Princess' vast bosom. Alex's boots pushed through Ubevegelig's cleavage, clearing a way for her. Even through her armor, Alex felt the dull pressure of Ubevegelig's breasts smooshing in on her legs.

Alex held the pie forward, towards Ubevegelig's face.

The Princess lowered her flabby face into the pie. With a wolfish snarl, she scraped out a large portion of it. Barely stopping to swallow, she immediately carved out another heap with her mouth and sucked it down.

The fighter admired her. Infatuated yet tranquil, Alex could not fathom that she was currently feeding a woman of such overflowing beauty. As the Princess chowed through the dense pie, Alex held it closer, giving the immobile Princess access to what remained.

Slurping and chomping, Ubevegelig carelessly slopped wet, meaty pie over her broad cheeks. Grease trailed from her plump lips and down over a fleshy bib formed from her bulging chins.

She conquered the massive pie with unmatched gluttony. "Ohh, that hit the--(GHUUURP!)--spot. But it may have been a bit--(HIC!)--much."

Alex saw an opportunity to help the Princess and draw them closer together. "Would the lovely Princess benefit from a stomach massage?"

Ubevegelig mulled the concept with dripping lips. "Hmm? Yes, I suppose."

Alex set aside the empty pie tin. Then, she knelt between Ubevegelig's corpulent breasts. She pushed through their dense cleavage and reached the top of Ubevegelig's bloated, gurgling gut. She put both hands to the Princess' pale skin, and she felt a firm, rigid mass.

Clearly, Princess Ubevegelig maintained a frequent, voluminous diet.

Gently, Alex pushed.

The stomach squelched in response.

Alex stroked her hands up and down, easing the Princess' gut with her tender touch. She took care not to agitate such a precious beauty.

Ubevegelig sighed. "Oooh. Much better than--(BHWORP!)--Harold. He's the little orc, if you didn't know. His idea of a stomach massage is horrid." Perhaps the beautiful maiden had come to appreciate Alex's efforts.

Alex rubbed further. She was surrounded by enormous, plush breasts on her sides, while her hands caressed the largest stomach she had seen on a human. She was smitten with the soft girth around her.

The Princess continued. "Now Barry, the meaty orc, he delivers quite a good massage. Unfortunately, I don't believe he takes women to his bedchambers. A shame. We would make a great couple."

If only she could recognize the potential she had with Alex.

Ubevegelig looked down at Alex, past her chins. "Anyway, if you want to make yourself useful, go find a knight for me, hmm? Preferably one who is well equipped betwixt the legs."

The air departed Alex's lungs. She stood back away from the Princess. She grappled with the Princess' request, but it was too painful. She had to reject it. "I cannot. But I am sure that one day, he will find you."

Alex was foolish for thinking such an angel would accept her. Sulking, she turned back to the entrance. With heavy steps, still sopping from the swamp, she walked back down the stairs.

The skinny orc looked up at her with a hopeful, pleading smile.

Alex shook her head. "I regret to say that I can't rescue her. She won't have me."

The fighter left, sure in her abilities but lacking in companionship. When next we meet, I have the story of a kobold who doubted her skills but chafed at company.

Luncheons & Dragons - Book 1 - Chapter 2 (BBW, Stuffing)

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