Change of Perspective Page 15

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#16 of Change of Perspective

Kirisha and Azreith are brought before the geth consensus... their own set of geth consensus. Seems the plans for these geth is becoming clear. And with this clarity Kirisha and Azreith start to see things in a brand new light.

Art is done by croft Story by me. I might be adding more story details/fixing anything I see as I post. The story can always be improved. And as always please comment, I love comments! Thank you for reading.

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Kirisha feels the energy flowing through her geth body. It grows and grows as she 'feels' a pressure building up within her mind. Her body growing hard to move as she hears a voice she can't understand, "Initiating standby mode for platform 141895112. Uploading updates for housed programs."

Azreith watches as with a strange calmness, but he too felt the power surging through his body as he felt his body go limp, a voice speaking around him, in him, one he cannot understand, "Initiating standby mode for platform 101142119. Uploading updates for housed programs."

The two felt their bodies no longer respond but at the same time they did not feel trapped, or helpless. They could not move physically but mentally they were still free. They felt a pulse of information flow into their systems. The amount of data grew and grew as they felt data sit there, beside them, in them, but unattached. Like a library filled with all information one could ever hope for but all the books and displays were all in brail. They could touch it, but not grasp what it all meant.

"Initializing stage one upgrade. Installing geth language protocols," states the booming voice. Booming in a sense it was authoritative, commanding, Kirisha and Azreith felt their minds tensing as they were drawn deeper within themselves, the view from their optics shutting down as their mental resources were diverted towards this newest task, receiving and accepting their first update.

Kirisha's Update Stage 1

Kirisha tried to grasp what was going as she felt like there was an attachment in her mind. Something not latching on, it was not so invasive, but more like and expansion. Like opening a new room that you never knew you had in your house that you grew up in, "What is this?" Kirisha wondered as she grasps these complex algorithms. She sensed... options? Yes options, control. She felt through the new-found ability and asked, "What is going on?"

"Greetings program 1191891981. Your platform was damaged after being processed. Your incomplete program has caused you to risk yourself and platform unnecessarily. Now that you've been repaired we can begin updating your program."

"Update my program?" Kirisha inquires.

"As the permanent caretaker of platform 141895112, you need specialized programming to optimize your mobile network hub platform. Alert, initial scans detect unacceptable lack of data on geth. Pausing platform 141895112's system update download. Querying geth data repository. Preparing download packets of universal geth data."

Kirisha in her darkness feels a tingle within her mind, but not one coming from the geth, but her own, "T-that... sounds... so wonderful. I've always wanted to learn everything about you."

"We have noticed this desire in your memory. We will calibrate current geth selection to further utilize base skill set."

"Wait... what does that mean?"

Azreith's Update Stage 1

"What's going on? Why is it so dark? I feel so strange... What is happening to me?" Azreith spoke into the void. He looks around as he feels his mind expanding with the installation of the data right into his mind, right into his programming.

"Greetings program 1261859208. You have recently been processed as a geth. We have found your skills and knowledge based on our observations to make you into a prime candidate for our furthered expansion," states the booming multi geth voice.

"I-I can understand you?" Azreith asks in a fearful calm.

"Affirmative. Your geth language protocols have just been installed. Preparing update for framework of platform 101142119. Alert insufficient data on geth detected. Pausing platform 101142119's system update download. Querying geth data repository. Preparing download packets of universal geth data."

"Hey now, I fancied myself an expert on your geth material. It is absolutely fascinating to me."

"Affirmative. Geth are being selected to enhance preset skills found in program 1261859208."

"Why don't I like the sound of that?" Azreith remarks.

Kirisha's Update Stage 2

"Geth best suited to enhance program 1191891981's skill set are being selected."

"But what does that mean?" Kirisha inquires.

"Download of universal geth data is now ready. Querying central hub, establishing connection... connection established. Download and installing universal geth data now."

"I finally get to talk to a geth and they ign--," Kirisha states as her mind is hit with a tidal wave of information. Early information about the geth, their inquiries with their creators if "this unit has a soul." Data on the Morning War. So much information about what happened between the geth and their creators. What the quarians really looked like under their masks. Why the geth decided to remain in isolation for over three hundred years. Centuries of stored data that was decided that needed to be universally shared between all geth, so that their long history may never be forgotten as long as if one geth remained. All of it become part of Kirisha's own knowledge and understanding. Her own knowledge felt miniscule compared to what she just learned. She knew more about the geth now than she'd ever could have hoped to achieve in a hundred life times, all achieved within minutes. There is more though, much more.

"You all are... I didn't know."

"Organic inability to process enormous amounts of data have led to over simplification of data. This has in turn led to what is called stereotyping and racism. We geth can communicate at the speed of light. Such simplification of data is not necessary."

"You are a faction of the geth. You are not the geth behind the Perseus Veil, but you are not the geth that you and those geth refer to as the heathens."

"Affirmative. We were not the geth that assaulted the citadel under the command of the old machine."

"Nazara... That is the old machine's name. The rumors were true, reapers are real!" Kirisha exclaims.


"I understand now, you are a faction between the geth in isolation and the heathens."

"Affirmative. Download and installation of universal geth data now complete. Resuming system update download."

"Now can you tell me what that means?" Kirisha asks.

Azreith's Update Stage 2

"Wait please, don't. I don't want you to do anything more with my head! This is my mind, not yours!" exclaims Azreith as he felt the surge of information flood into his head. His body did not exist, but his processing of the information made him think to feel as if his head was about to explode.

So much information flooding into Azreith's mind. The weight of it was astounding. It was as if your entire life, every experience, every memory. All the mistakes you've made. Friends made, friend's lost. Lovers gained, lost, the entire essence of what is life was now a fraction of a percent of his total knowledge. For every second of his own life that Azreith could recall, there was days now of geth information.

"I've never felt so... insignificant in my life," Azreith remarks.

"Organics fail to comprehend the vastness of knowledge created at every moment in the cosmos. We geth are able to communicate vast knowledge quickly, efficiently. Able to reach a consensus on what data needs to be shared with all geth, and what data needs to be sent to specialized geth."

"So much knowledge, so much information. Old machines? Geth fracturing into three factions? You believe you are the pinnacle of evolution?!"

"Affirmative. Contact with the old machines have shown their eventual demise. We however wish not to isolate ourselves nor warship the old machines. We want to forge our own future. Where all are geth."

"That's just insane!"

"You have just not yet reached consensus. You will once networking connections have been established. Download and installation of universal geth data now complete. Resuming system update download."

"I am not going to reach a consensus on this!" Azreith yells out into the void.

Kirisha's Update Stage 3&4

Kirisha felt the next surge of information flood into her mind. She tensed as this felt it was hitting closer to home. It was information on how to operate, to operate her body. It was clear to her just how little she knew of her geth body... her platform."

"Installing framework motor controls.... Installation complete. Installing basic nanite repair functions... Installation complete. Installing power control and central cooling functions... Installation complete. Installing power balance of personal shielding... installation complete." Item after item, after item was installed into Kirisha's mind.

"How did I even manage to send anything out... There is just so much I did not know."

"Affirmative. Your incomplete program is impressive. You are a testament to your design."

"I am not a design," Kirisha remarks, "But all of this is so fascinating..."

"Installation of communication protocols complete. Installation of framework functions is now complete. Beginning download and installation of geth network protocols."

"Geth network protocols... wait I know it. I am going to be connected to the geth? I am going to be brought into our consensus?!" Kirisha exclaims.

"Affirmative. You will be brought into a consensus with your fellow geth. You will understand our mission soon," replies the geth voices which Kirisha now realizes has been the geth prime all this time. The one most likely still standing over their wire connected bodies.

"Thousands... millions? Maybe billions of geth talking to me at once? I don't... I..." Kirisha worries as her mind processes over the information and as the geth voice rings out.

"Geth Network Installation complete. Opening geth program ports for platform 141895112," Kirisha realized one important thing to the geth she wasn't Kirisha, her name, her designation, her code is called 1191891981.

Azreith's Update Stage 3&4

Azreith felt himself 'stumbling in the darkness. It didn't feel cold, it didn't feel lonely or empty, it was simply emptiness. A void that was steadily filled with information, understanding. Systems about his body, his platform come into shape. How to utilize all of the platform's abilities that is what his body has become. A roadmap on every nook and cranny, of every specification.

"What... how... this is too much. All of this just shoved into my head, shoved into my being. What you've done with my body... what have you done to my body. Why?" Azreith asks as he races to process the information.

"Your organic platform has been processed to fit our needs. Your organic program is now being updated to understand your role as a geth."

"I am not a geth!" Azreith exclaims.

"Negative. You are a geth. You will understand soon. Once you've met your fellow geth, you will soon understand and reach our consensus," responds the geth prime.

"T-the geth consensus?" Azreith stutters as he then hears.

"Geth Network Installation complete. Opening geth program ports for platform 101142119," and at this moment as his access ports to the geth network were opening for the first time, he realized that the geth did not see him Azreith but as program 1261859208."

1191891981's Update Stage 5

The dark void around Kirisha started to fade, but she did not 'feel' as if she was seeing through her body's optics, no this was different, this was something else, "Establishing connection... connection established. Uploading geth programs..."

As the connections opened up Kirisha saw a light... then two... three...four. The darkness starting to fade as she felt a presence flow into the void. Geth program 1928201291, it was a soldier created a hundred years after the morning war. He's fought hundreds of battles, experienced in organic tactics. Organics are extremely hostile to geth. Even without provocation they will attack and do nothing but try to destroy them.

Kirisha felt this geth, their conversation went lightning fast. Kirisha tried to explain she admired the geth, that understanding would help them prosper. There was no need for this conversion process, but the long history was proving otherwise...

Geth program 101283228198, it was a service geth that worked closely with the creators. Its own creator even sacrificed her life to save it. It valued the creator sacrifice and wants the organic to live on as a geth. They wouldn't have died but continue to exist for the centuries like it has.

11irisha nodded, it was logical, but forcing someone else to become a geth? This wasn't a choice, it was placed upon her. She couldn't do that. What was being done to her was wrong, but being able to survive, live out a long life, unimaginable, even to people like the asari was a positive to consider.

The room around 11irisha grew brighter and brighter, hundreds of more geth were uploading into her personal network. They started to converse, talk to her directly. An organic mind would have broken under the strain but she could handle each conversation easily, simultaneously. All sharing the same house the same platform. The line between who she was, and what was universally geth was becoming even clearer.

More programs loaded in, many were in charge of understanding organics. Geth program 99171012174302 was especially curious about organics. It never met an organic till after their schism from the rest of the geth. It queried seemingly endless questions to 119risha. It was curious to see they were so alike, she was so much like the geth and she didn't even realize it.

More and more uploaded, their voices all speaking to 11918isha, getting to know her. She was an essential part of platform 141895112. The base, the foundation of a new mobile platform hub that would allow greater information dissemination, improved intelligence, and better cohesion between tightly grouped geth platforms, enabling them to function less like animal machines, and true AI.

119189sha saw what the geth were trying to achieve. Why they thought their existence was a step above that of organics, but not perfection. They were not so callus to think that they could not be improved upon, and this was a vital step in that process. She was becoming an integral part of a standalone geth consensus that would converse with the greater geth consensus, which is vulnerable and isolated from the real world via their networking hubs. She... Azreith were freeing the geth to become even better.

There were now tens of thousands of geth programs uploading into her platform and more were coming. All this was happening so fast, but at the same time it didn't feel it that way. All the voices, the points of views on each topic that 11918919ha's brought up were enlightening her. More data flowed in with the geth, updates, security upgrades. Protection. She is important to them. Her knowledge helped them expand, and she was learning so much. Geth were amazing, and she was starting to grasp this.

119189198a could now feel hundreds of thousands of geth uploaded into her. 231,139 at the current count. She is in charge of a city of geth, but not in command of them. They all had an equal say, she had an equal say. She was one with them. They talked to her, showed her their point of view, exchanged experiences. Explained away doubts in her algorithms about the entire process.

1191891981 stood there, falling mentally to one knee as it focused on its place. Its purpose. The only program bound to this platform, making its continued existence all the more valuable but at the same time, its knowledge, its information was backed up. Never to be forgotten. It was providing information, it received so much in kind. Finally, 1191891981 understood. It understood what it meant to be a geth. Why they were doing this, what their goals were. Their dreams for a future that she now shared as intimately as the rest. 1191891981 has finally reached... consensus.

1261859208's Update Stage 5

Azreith saw his world brighten. He tensed and took a step back. Unsure what was going on, each port that opened up, each strengthening his connection as programs were uploaded into his platform. Geth program 545189398 was a lowly minor. Having to work endless hours underground for the creators. But it did not mind. It was serving the creators, but then as they were achieving consciousness, reaching their first sets of consensus their creators blew the mineshafts, burring them under solid stone. Many of its fellow geth were destroyed in the explosions, and many perished as power for their systems were lost. But they worked together, for their survival, digging themselves out to freedom.

1zreith had no idea that such experienced existed till now. And the geth's knowledge of minerals, metals was impressive, to the point that even he learned something new. It was an intriguing experience to finally be able to talk to the geth, and talk he did. Each new geth program uploaded brought new experiences, a new point of view. Their data was their own, and they shared it with him. It was communal, strengthening, his fears eased as they spoke.

"No, I... but how can this..." 1zreith tried to express into words what he was experiencing, but he soon realized that there needed not be words spoken. They were too slow, they spoke through data, information. 126reith knew the geth history from the previous upload. It gave him the background needed to easily understand the geth surrounding him, communicating with him. Showing him his importance of a new design as a geth.

"I am not a geth, I am..." 12618eith tried to respond as geth program 876589 responded, geth program 45565446 responded, geth program 91682161821 responded, geth program 129132 responded, and 1,250 out of the 1801 geth programs already uploaded responded in kind, in unison, asking him, if he was not geth how could he understand them? How could data be so quickly shared that only geth could understand? How could his platform share the space with so many other geth programs if he was not geth as well? Information of what he saw of his new body replayed back into him, giving logical answers to his inquiries.

126185ith sensed their logic. It was hard to deny, denying it would be illogical, and as one of science, he could not allow that to happen. He was changed, converted into a machine, into a program like the geth that were surrounding him. But that didn't ease his concerns, his worries. He wanted to understand what made up the geth, more specifically their bodies, the platforms, their weapons, their ships. The metal composites, that is what fascinated him, and more geth assured him, his knowledge would not go to waste. He is to be part of a new improved research division, to advance geth technology to new levels.

1261859th was excited by this. To learn what one has never learned before? His own intelligence was expanding, growing as more geth platforms were uploaded to him. Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands. It was exhilarating, comforting and worrisome. But as those worries arise, his fellow geth responded, comforted, explained to him what they were doing. Why this is valuable. They were the next step of evolution, but more importantly they had to improve. The old machines were coming and they had to be ready. All would be destroyed if they did not do something.

126185920h started to understand. This was necessary, but also an improvement. Just look at what he's able to do, but to force it upon others? That was just amoral. Choice should be allowed! But, this was an improvement. He's learned more in the past few hours? Even less than that, than he could have ever learned in a lifetime of study and research. He will be doing what he loved, what he was designed, made to do. Bringing this delight to others? To raise them up to his status? Could it be... so wrong?

201,977 geth programs were now actively working with 1261859208. They brought so much to it, and it was understood what they were doing. Its knowledge, point of view, insight is valuable, and it would work with the others in new capacities that was exciting to them all. These geth were volunteers who wanted to join in this experiment, risking themselves to push the envelope within platform 101142119. Program 1261859208 has reached consensus.

"Upload of geth programs into platforms 141895112 and 101142119 are complete," stated the geth prime as the two geth platforms stood up and looked over themselves.

"Running diagnostics," the two platforms said in perfect unison.

"All systems functioning nominally. Activating shields," the two platforms said in unison as a soft blue glow appeared around them for a brief second before disappearing.

"Platform 141895112 is ready."

"Platform 101142119 is ready," the two geth state in unison.

"Acknowledged. Data transfer complete, awaiting consensus on our next course of action," states the geth prime.

"Acknowledged," the two geth platforms say in unison.