Change of Perspective Page 34
"consensus achieved. we will accept the data transfer and continue to deliberate and achieve consensus on your proposals." adrieal "we are transmitting the data to the consensus now.
Finding Humanity Chapter 9
Meanwhile the consensus allies fall one by one till only the flaming consensus ship was left. in one last act of defiance the consensus ship plows into the sigma flagship and the resulting explosion destroys both ships and damages nearby vessels.
Finding Humanity Chapter 3
On prompting 02 sits down and uploads to the consensus for the first time.
Change of Perspective Page 22
"consensus achieved," the geth say in unison.
Change of Perspective Page 33
Each platform consensus can decide if they want to participate or not." "inquiry. what would we discuss? without new external input of information. there is not as much that we could discuss before reaching a consensus."
Change of Perspective: Andromeda Page 3
consensus achieved."
Change of Perspective Page 15
#16 of change of perspective kirisha and azreith are brought before the geth consensus... their own set of geth consensus. seems the plans for these geth is becoming clear.
Finding Humanity Chapter 6
"the consensus is working on it." esrie just continued to hold the cub for most of the day. in a couple of days they arrive to where the consensus ship is currently at.
Finding Humanity Chapter 7
Then she hits the delete button and trixi wildheart is erased from the consensus library for ever more. a couple months pass and things go back to normal for the consensus.
Change of Perspective Page 32
"consensus achieved."
Finding Humanity Chapter 8
Though they had brought some goods from consensus it isn't the main reason they were here.
Finding Humanity Chapter 2
"very good, now i will uplink you to the consensus, brace yourself. an uploading text appears with a progress bar. in seconds it's done and she hears the voices of the consensus in her head.