Brother & Sister

Story by Umuntu on SoFurry

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All characters and environments within is © 2002-2010 by Eben Prentzler

In case you missed the introductions and other excerpts



The castle of Kube Peaks stood proudly, carved out of the rock face that made these lands famous. But what was even more spectacular than the enormous castle was the giant waterfall that cascaded down right next to it. The waterfall itself was a spectacle on its own. In the summer it would constantly rain water down into the river of Kube, which runs almost five kilometres before it mouths into the ocean. In the winter, the Kube waterfall would be frozen solid, creating rainbows of colours in the sunlight.

The King of these lands was happy with the beauty that nature had given his people, but what King Ujar was even more proud of was his beautiful daughter. Her name was Lobomi and she was King Ujar's reason for living.

This was a very special night for Lobomi, because she was going out with one of the village chief's sons. She'd been waiting the entire week for this day and she wanted to make sure that she was ready. Lobomi sat down at her table and looked in the mirror and saw her own 'beauty' as her father called it. The light brown look to her pelt seemed almost to glow in the bright candlelight. She looked deeply into her own purple eyes and wondered why nobody liked going out with her. Lobomi always had trouble finding the right guy for her. Either they would run away from her explosive personality, or from her looks. She really couldn't understand why her father would call her beautiful. To her the soft round face she had made her look too gentle and kind. And in these lands, the guys aren't attracted to looks or, all they were interested in was the money. Lobomi figured that was the reason why she got this date. She is the Princess after all, and technically speaking she could have any guy she wanted, but in truth nobody wanted her and that tore her apart. The young Pride-Keeper princess really didn't care, but she intended to have a good time and attempt to make her date like her. Lobomi got up and looked whether the soft blue dress she was wearing fitted nicely around figure. After she made sure that she was satisfied, she decorated her ears with her wide variety of earrings she had stored in one of her many drawers. Although she could wear up to five earrings, she only decided to wear two in each ear, showing her royal stature. Suddenly she was startled when she heard something being shoved underneath her door. Lobomi walked across her big bedroom towards the door. She noticed a folded note on the ground near the door. Picking it up, she unfolded it and started to read out loud in her gentle voice. "My dearest Lobomi, unfortunately I can't make our date tonight. Nor do I think that I can ever see you again. Your brother has threatened me with death if I ever set foot in the castle again. Please understand there is nothing wrong with you, I just value my life more than I value you. Best wishes, Kyle." She crumpled the note and threw it to the ground. "ZIUR!!" she screamed out loud and charged out of her room, slamming the door behind her.

She marched down the hallways of the castle in search of her brother. Lobomi stopped one of the servants. "Where is my brother," she growled.

"I think he is in his room, my princess," the servant said, trembling.

Without even thanking the servant, Lobomi walked off again with great haste. Although she did love her brother, she also hated him immensely. One of the things that Ziur loved doing was chasing off Lobomi's dates, but this time he had just gone too far and Lobomi's anger was busy boiling over. She arrived at her brother's room and slammed her fist on the door. "Ziur! Open up!" Lobomi ordered. She waited a few seconds and nothing happened, resulting in her bashing on the door again. "I said open up!" she screamed louder, once again to no avail. That was the last straw and Lobomi kicked fiercely at the door. "Ziur! If you don't open this goddamn door right now I will break it down and string you up by your tail!"

A door bolt unlocked from the inside and the door slowly opened revealing a very sleepy Pride-Keeper. Ziur was a little bit taller than his younger sister and he was almost a splitting image of his father. The fur that covered his body was an almost dark brown, but the thing that really made him and his father stand out was their blood red manes, which made them look as if they were on fire. That is what Lobomi wished now, that her brother truly were on fire. She noticed that Ziur was still wearing the same clothes from the day before, a tight fitting grey suit that covered most of his body, showing off his slightly built figure. "What do you want Lobomi, why all the shouting?" Ziur yawed.

Lobomi didn't wait another minute and she slapped her brother in the face.

"What the hell was that for?!" Ziur shouted and rubbed his aching cheek.

"Why did you chase Kyle off?" Lobomi shouted right back, getting in her brother's face.

"Trust me Lobomi, he is not for you."

"How the hell would you know? You've only seen him, never really got to know him."

"I'm an excellent judge of character," Ziur smirked, "and the fact that he was a Howler didn't even bother you."

"Oh god, here we go again," Lobomi rolled her eyes in disgust. "I'm not a little girl anymore Ziur...I'm twenty-five for crying out loud. I have my own life, stop trying to run it for me."

"The only person I'm trying to protect you from is yourself," Ziur said. "You have such bad taste in men, that one day you are going to be sorry."

Lobomi shrieked in frustration. "You are impossible!!!" She kicked her brother in the shin and stormed off. Lobomi headed towards the stable and in her blind anger she wondered how she and her brother could ever have been related. But everybody knew the real reason why Ziur was protecting his sister.

Ziur was the heir to the throne, but the whole Kingdom knew that if his sister got married before he became the king, he would lose his heritage to the kingdom and Lobomi would become queen. Now Ziur didn't see himself as being the Prince for all time, so he always tried everything in his power to keep his sister away from the guys. Although most of the times he didn't even have to try, because Lobomi had her own way of chasing the guys away. Ziur walked to his window and watched his sister race off on her horse.



Pride-Keepers & Howlers

All characters and environments within is © 2002-2010 by Eben Prentzler In case you missed the introductions and other...

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