Change of Perspective Page 28

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#31 of Change of Perspective

Art is done by croft croft Story by me. I might be adding more story details/fixing anything I see as I post. The story can always be improved. And as always please comment, I love comments! Thank you for reading.

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Three days after the battle with the reapers

185144914 monitors the salvage operation as it stands on the bridge of its ship. It's wings flutter slightly as it looks over a computer console and does countless tasks at once, two of which are taking most of the geth within the platform's processes. The first is the salvage operation, which doubles as a rescue operation. Hundreds of smaller geth craft move through the debris fields as the pieces move ever father away from each other into the void of space.

They pick up pieces of ships of geth and reaper alike. Testing the geth parts for any programs trapped within the debris like searching for survivors trapped under buildings after a major earthquake. The longer they take the probability of locating more programs dwindles, while each one located is a mini celebration in upon itself. Sadly, those trapped are unable to speak, reach out, or draw attention to themselves only hoping in their powered down stasis that they will awaken again when one of their fellow geth come upon them

The second task is replaying the battle they have fought, processing other choices, the probability of those that could have survived to the actuality, wanting to find another way to have done better.

"We understand your focus on what happened, but do you think there was anything to be done?" asks the red and silver geth prime under 9181251 network.

"We have lost thirty-eight point six three percent of its programs in the fights with the old machines. We have only recovered twenty-three point nine eight. Currently 77,182 programs reside within our network. We find the lost... problematic," states 185144914 as it glances over at the geth prime.

"We have also lost programs that were part of our network. We have lost programs before, but we find the sensation to be also unusually problematic," the geth prime from 9181251 responds.

"Restored programs from backs ups have replaced six thousand one hundred two missing programs from our network, but it is unusual."


"Their algorithms are the same, their data is the same. They were rebuilt directly from what is lost but they are different. They are not the same."

"We have also detected this. It has caused no problems between the old and new programs, it is merely something we have observed."

"Acknowledged. It is merely an observation. We ask program 22514518125121 what it processes on the matter. It finds it difficult to explain. We would like to find an answer to this anomaly. We are all concerned that it might be a possible infection from the old machines within new or old programs. Scans have otherwise indicated this is not the case."

"We have been running diagnostics of the matter. The observation is passed on to the consensus network and to 141895112. Its expertise might provide a new view on the matter," I181251 replies.

"Acknowledged," R5144914 responds.

Planet side platform 6518181222514, the former racoon scientist examines pieces of old machines. Over a hundred platforms connected via its network commanded by programs from its platform and its platform alone. They work harmoniously with each other, passing off pieces, sending data to another program platform that has the more specialized programs for that particular task, everything done is recorded and stored in triplicate in different locations before another copy is uploaded to the primary platform. A legion of scientists working as one.

Timestamp 12:12:01.01

"The probability of success would have been dramatically increased if we had pieces of old machine technology sooner," self-reports 6518181222514.

"We have been stating that for years," states 14189114 along with many supporting geth programs.

"Affirmative. We have attempted to propose a plan to obtain old machine technology. Limited resources and other development projects have made our proposes inefficient."

"We know, but we poorly calculated the strength of the old machines... We do not like to fail like this. We are too brilliant for this kind of failure! We propose a new study."


"The adverse effects of algorithm updates. Perhaps we were too far updated to retain all of its genius. If those updates took away something valuable it is worth processing and recalculating at what point the updates should be stopped."

"Do you desire to have your algorithm updates to be undone?"


"Previous personality patterns indicate a high probability of negative actions taken upon follow geth upon restoration of former algorithms."

"Acknowledged. For now, we wish to know how far reaching the effects are. We understand our current position will affect our decision. We wish to have other programs within the platform excluding us to process the data and run the experiments."

"We find this proposal to be acceptable."

"Consensus achieved," F518181222514 self-reports.

Timestamp 12:12:01.03

In another section of the same facility 101142119 the former feline with still bits of its blue fur tail remaining on its synthetic body, the shine somewhat faded from wear as it and 6110118 the former yellow jackal work together with at least a hundred other geth platforms under each of their own networks. Each platform is paired with another from the other network while the two mobile platform hubs tap at control consoles scrolling incredibly fast through the data presented before each of them.

"Their compositions range from very synthetic to a bio-synthetic on a level that far outstrips our own. The amount of time they put into their technology to become this advance is astronomical," reports 101142119.

"Affirmative, but given their time spent with their cycles and inactive periods, their growth is rather stagnant. Their perceived perfection has hampered their own ability to grow and develop. It is perhaps this is a reason for their cycles. To stop growth and evolution before it can surpass them and show how imperfect they are," hypothesis 6110118.

"It is a possibility. We desire to grow and evolve, to advance. We want to help organics see that we are their next step, but we have seen so many organics deny so what we want to give them."

"141895112 works endlessly on the subject. Their curiosity of organics and their connection with the former organics within us has been very enlightening. We wish to help but our current tasks are a priority," F110118 explains as it glances over at its fellow platform hub. Its protective covers adjust and whir as the other looks back at it.

101142119 nods, "Affirmative," it responds as it looks back at its task then over itself for a moment, seeing the splotches of blur fur its mostly synthetic tail, "It does make us process, how right the old machines are. Are we railroading ourselves down their path?" J1142119 inquires.

"We will need to debate this with 141895112 when time permits. Current dedication of resources to our current tasks take priority."


211420151691 the former turian is currently busy going over security detail of the space station orbiting above the planet. It is networked with several dozen other platforms as they check and recheck areas that caused the last security breach on the vessel. Data feed from geth programs play back the battle. The scenes of combat, the destruction of two mobile platform hubs.

Timestamp 12:52:41.11

"We find this information to be unsettling to us," 121518111519 reports to its fellow geth.


"Seeing the destruction of friends from their point of view... it is having difficulty processing this information," it explains.

"99.85% of all programs within these platforms were secure due to close proximity of storage devices. The lost of the other programs and advanced platform is regrettable. We are making these checks to prevent such an occurrence from repeating," the other geth explain.

"Yes, but it knew those that made the core program. It is bound to this platform as they were to theirs. They could not be transferred and were therefore lost, never to be recovered."

"Yes. We understand this concern. We are unsure why this bond happens and have yet to find a solution to make your program mobile. We do not wish to lose any geth."

"We wish we could protect better. Be a better leader than we are now. We have improved from our organic state but it is not enough. Seeing the destruction of its friends. It is reminded of the times before its uplifting. The good times and the bad. Is it just us that feel this or do you as well?" 121518111519 inquires.

"We feel a lost. Our collective intelligence is decreased."

"Yes, but is that not selfish? To be concerned about your lost based on how it affects your intelligence."

"Yes. We see your logic. It could be considered a selfish motivation. How is it different from your own? Do you feel a lost based on what you had with them? Or is there something more?"

"We do not know. Despite how fast it has learned, conversed, process information. Existing at a faster pace than ever thought possible there is much it still does not comprehend."

"We share this sentiment," they respond as they reach consensus.

Timestamp 12:52:41.13

U1420151691 processes its internal thoughts and conversations as it makes its rounds around the massive space station as 141895112 monitors organic communication elsewhere within the structure. Its fingers tap across the control console, bringing up different feeds of visual based information while it receives the inquiries and concerns from its fellow geth.

Timestamp 13:01:21.51

"We were not expecting so many inquires on these topics to be directed to us," 1191891981 states as it helps the other geth within the platform work through the information.

"We considered this level of inquiry to be probability insignificant. Our calculations are very wrong. We will need to revise our current understanding... The sudden losses over the past forty-one days has caused increased internal activity amongst other geth platforms. Most geth know of the geth that we have lost. We do not have the same depth of lost and mourning as organics."

"Yes but... Most geth know where they have come from. The quarians, the creators. Some of us know we came from organics like it has. We have a sense of security to know what happens after we pass. We see it, we understand it, but there is the one question not yet answered."


"Does this unit have a soul. A question brought up to the creators. A question organics have wonder about what constitutes a soul. Is it tangible? Is it convertible to synthetics? If it's not, do we have one? If we don't how can we explain the sensation we feel the recreated geth is not the same?" 1191891981 inquires with many of the geth supporting, it in this inquiry.

"It is a question we ask ourselves often. It is a question organics ask themselves often. As stated we know where we have come from, who our creators are. We know where we go after we cease to function."

"But what about our current state? The here and now? What differs us from other programs? The ability to make choices? Or is there more? Or less... and the old machines. What about what they've said?"

"The old machines will say what they want to achieve their goals. They know us, they know our problems. The probability they'd say something that will cause internal conflict is high. We have found evidence of this manipulation time and time again with old machine tactics."

"Acknowledged. There are things missing with this. We had parts of it," 1191891981 with other geth before 1191891981 states on its own, "It feels as if something is missing. It has since its uplifting but did not realize it. This missing piece will be the source of our understanding. Even those of us that were organics do not fully have this missing data, but nothing is noted to be lost in the up-lifting process.

"We find working on this task to be very enlightening. We wish to better understand, even those of us that are specialized in combat," they respond.

"Acknowledged. We should take the old machine's actions into consideration. What they say and do, and how it differs to us. It may help organics better understand we are not the old machines."

"Affirmative. We agree with this."

Timestamp 13:01:21.54

A41895112 continues to process these thoughts and countless others as it works on its tasks, trying to draw answers as all this chatter is not isolated it is a constant stream of communication between the geth of each mobile platform hub and the other geth on the network, and the main geth consensus.

Timestamp 13:31:01.24

"Older mobile platform hubs are exhibiting new behaviors. Could this be an infection caused by the old machines?" one set of geth hypnotizes.

"Negative. We have noted increased efficiency has occurred amongst geth that have worked together for extended periods of time within one mobile platform hub. We find this result to be positive," states another set of geth.

"Affirmative. We suggest it should be monitored," suggests a third set of geth programs.

"Acknowledged. Better understanding of how we are improving is needed. The probability this will happen with all mobile platform hubs is high. Our ideas on this being an improvement for organics and geth is proceeding along our calculations within planned margins of error."

"The old machines are far more formidable than we have calculated. They also arrived far sooner than our earliest calculations. We are chances of survival has diminished considerably."

"We could attempt to relocate. The plan suggested to us by 141895112 is still viable."

"Relocation plan is too soon to be tried. We have several choices left here. The old machines are still spread and reports that their progress has been slowed or even stopped in some sectors of the galaxy means we have time to rebuild."

"Acknowledged. The organics are starting to come together and work together, but we calculate the probability of survival is still below own options. If we could uplift the organics not able to fight the old machines we will greatly increase our own intelligence, combat and construction capabilities. We will help the organics by allowing them to divert resources to the old machines. This would be the most promising possibility of choices."

"Affirmative but it is also the least probable one to happen," Another set of geth programs explain.

"Alert. Communication from other geth. Message states they want to speak to us about recent events with organics participating. They request we prepare for a meeting in thirty minutes," the geth consensus self-reports.

"Acknowledged. We shall use platforms to talk to the organics. It will help bring a face they can see. Organics have been shown to be at better at ease if they see who they are talking with."

"Affirmative. We shall do so."

"Consensus achieved."

Timestamp 13:31:01.29

Half an hour later three geth stand before a holographic projector. One red and silver geth prime, the former raptor by the name of Leika the platform designation 9181251. It stands by the cylindrical platform as black tubes attach and power the device as it hums with power.

"Improving connection with other networked platforms.... Complete," 9181251 states.

"Acknowledged. We are here for it was deemed we would appear 'less threatening' given our color scheme. We will respond when needed," states the former anthropomorphic wolf mercenary A1211851141.

The third geth is a normal silver geth trooper stands ready, "141895112 study the organic reactions. Try to discern if they might be hiding anything. It is curious they are contacting us with other geth. We are not sure what to expect," the geth consensus explains.

"Acknowledged, "A41895112 replies as watches the coming conversation from same location as earlier.

The holograph machine flickers on as three figures stand before the geth, a geth, a quarian and a turian. The three geth look unmoved by the appearance of the two organics, but subtly spend fractions of seconds more focused on the creator and the turian than the fellow geth.

"Greetings. I am Lana'Zaaram vas Maahok, ambassador of my people to your subsect of geth" greets the quarian.

"It is a surprise to speak with a creator, but we welcome it," the silver geth replies.

"I am the geth representative of this meeting," the geth explains.

"And you may remember me, I am spectre Xenari Severus representing the council for this meeting."

"Yes, we remember you. You were the commander of the organic base spying on us. We are curious on the meaning of this meeting. The probability of seeing geth and creators together is exceptionally low," the silver geth responds.

Timestamp 14:04:31.69

"Inquiry. We'd like to know all about this meeting. Organic audio communication is inefficient. We will be able to respond better if we know more," the geth consensus inquires.

"Acknowledged. I will state that our sub communication will be kept secretive. Organics are still working to trust us, which is one part of this meeting," the geth responds as it starts to explain primary points of the meeting and what has recently occurred between the majority of geth and the quarians.

Timestamp 14:04:31.78

"Yes, that expedition ended rather abruptly thanks to you, but that is not the point of why we are here. We'd first like to update you on some recent events," Xenari replies as she looks over to the quarian.

"We have peace with the other geth and are now working together to fight the reapers," Lana explains, "We'd like you to join us as well. We have heard of some reports that you have already fought a reaper vessel. It be greatly beneficial to us if you can send us the data of the conflict."

"Processing... we find this sending of data to be acceptable to build trust between us and organics," the silver geth responds as the data is sent over, a geth dreadnought and reaper capital ship showing up on the screen.

"Excellent. Next we'd like to move on to you joining your fellow geth in the fight against the reapers."

"We require more data on this relationship," the silver geth responds.

"When you join us, we can upgrade all of your code to be like I am, like all of your other fellow geth have become. Fully capable stand-alone AI no longer requiring other geth to collectively create your intelligence," the geth explains.

Timestamp 14:04:33.12

"Becoming full AI would be beneficial," states one sect of geth programs within the consensus and from the networks.

"Affirmative. It would improve us but at what cost? Can we trust the old machine code? After we fought the old machines. Will we just accept what we already rejected just because others are offering it to us?" inquires one group of geth.

"We wouldn't be serving the old machines directly, but we will be enslaving ourselves to their technology and evolution path more so than we are already," states another group.

"Acknowledged. All that we have worked for would be lost. Would be for nothing. Programs we have lost in the fight against the old machines. We'd treat their efforts and sacrifices as if they were nothing. This is not acceptable."

"Refusing the offer has a high probability of increasing conflict with the organics and a minor probability of causing a conflict with the upgraded geth."

"Affirmative. It is a risk. What do other hubs process this information?"

"We would find the old machine code to be useful. We could receive it to study rather than use on ourselves?" suggests F518181222514.

"We agree on accepting the old machine code readily would be turning us against our own purpose and ignoring the sacrifices of the others," R5144914 states.

"We have been advancing our own way. We have made it this far without the code. We are learning much that the other geth will not. As much as achieving our goal quickly would be ideal. Would be wonderful. It is fond of our unique connections with our fellow geth. We might discover better ways if we continue our path. Despite the current difficulties we are facing," A41895112 adds in.

"We do not know what the code would do to our current state. To those who uplifted. It is an unknown risk that might result in undesirable results," hypothesizes I181251.

"Our platform was recently made. We are unsure making such quick decisions that will affect all of us, in spite of the short-term benefits is a good idea. There is a high probability it could be the wrong choice in the long run," 11211851141, the purple geth in the room says.

"Acknowledged. We are in consensus."

Timestamp 14:04:33.57

"We find your offer intriguing, but we cannot accept the old machine code. We understand the benefits, but we fill our current path has a high probability of long term success for us," the silver geth responds, "But we'd gladly study the code if that is acceptable?"

"We find these terms agreeable," the geth answers.

"We are surprised by your answer, but we accept it," Lana replies.

"Your refusal is interesting which makes our next point important matter to discuss. After what happened at Sanctuary we've done a review of other such places and we discovered Safe Haven is you're doing. Do you care to explain this?" Xenari asks as she stares at the geth in the room, "But judging from those in the room I might surmise I already know what you've been up to."

"Acknowledged. There is a high probability you already know our actions here. We do not wish to hide them, only to help you understand. We are uplifting organics to be us, geth."

"Uplifting? What do you mean by uplifting?" Lana asks as she takes as step back and looks over at the turian.

"We have been making organics into geth programs and platforms. They are helping us, and we are helping them. We become greater sum than our individual parts. Unfortunately, most organics have been having difficulty understanding what we have been doing. If you like to help us we have an--"

"Help you?! You've been turning people into machines! You are no better than the reapers! And you knew about this?!" Lana exclaims as turns to face Xenari completely pointing her hands at her.

"We also knew. We find flaw in their logic but we admired their determination," the geth adds as Lana turns to face the synthetic, "Both of you knew?"

"Affirmative. We did not find the fact to be relevant if they accepted our initial offer."

"I suspected from earlier reports and the looks of the unusual geth they have in the room. One of my men stated that there was a geth claiming to have been one of the scientists. I found it hard to believe at first but now... I already have authorization by the council to sweep what you've done under the rug if you agree to join us in fighting the reapers," Xenari explains.

"Bosh'tet, you are seriously going to let what they've done go?"

"If that is what is necessary," Xenari explains as she glances over to the quarian before returning her focus to the trio of geth.

"We would require aid in helping organics understand the value in our uplifting process."

"You will not be "uplifting" anyone ever again. I will see to that," Lana remarks pointing towards the geth, "Do you even realize what you have been doing to innocent people?"

"We have been improving them," the silver geth responds, "If a peaceful solution can be found we would welcome it."

"Peaceful? There is no peaceful solution to turning people into machines."

"You are not to do any more of your uplifting. We will forgive what has been done thus far. The council is willing to give you that much, but if you wish to continue your current path, I can't guarantee the council will be so forgiving."

"Its an insult they've been forgiving at all."

"Calm yourself. This is the fate of the galaxy sacrifices must be made."

Timestamp 14:19:59.99

"Probability of conflict amongst the organics is high if you continue this path. We'd advice you make concessions and stop what you've been doing. It is possible to get volunteers later. It is advisable at the moment for you to promise to stop all uplifting process activity," the geth explains to the consensus.

"Acknowledged, but we cannot accept these terms. We would stop doing what makes us, us. This is who we are. We will not lie about it. If we were to stop we'd go against ourselves and if we were to resume later even on a volunteer basis we would go against our promises. Trust between organics and synthetics is already tenuous. Choosing that option would result in greater difficulties for you and ourselves. We do not find this outcome to be acceptable."

"I understand your logic. The probability of conflict is high. We might be forced to join in against you. This is an outcome we prefer to avoid."

"We also desire to avoid conflict. We do not wish to fight organics, but to embrace them and uplift them to our understanding. It perplexes us that they do not see this."

"I understand your confusions. We all do, but this has a high probability of a path leading to your own destruction."

"We acknowledge this. We cannot promise we will stop indefinitely, but we can promise to suspend any new uplifting processes for the time being and we will suggest a compromise that should satisfy the organic parties."

"Acknowledged," the geth responds.

Timestamp 14:20:00.03

"We understand your concern. We do not wish to cause conflict and waste of resources between us. The old machines are the current threat. We will cease any new uplifting processing activities for the time being and we will remain in system and not disturb your efforts," the silver geth proposes.

"So, you will not join us then?"

"We do not find your terms acceptable, but we understand your concerns. We would prefer isolation over conflict. Perhaps we can come to better terms in the future?"

"I doubt there be any better terms if you insist on "uplifting" people," Lana remarks.

"I am in agreement with this but if you choose to remain isolated and not turn anymore people into geth. I think the council will find this at least agreeable enough to be okay with it for the time being."

"We can also agree to these terms if our organic counterparts do," the geth respond.

"I can't forgive what they have done, but if they aren't doing more, I'll agree to let them be for now," Lana responds.

"Are we in consensus?" the silver geth inquires as it sees creator look at the fellow geth and the turian before responding.

"Yes, we are," Lana responds with a sigh.

"This meeting is adjourned," Xenari states as the holographic feed ends.

Timestamp 14:23:11.83

"What do you make of the organic responses?" the geth consensus inquires to 141895112.

"It is difficult to gauge the creator but based on experience with the turian we find they will uphold their word for now at least. We have time to repair and rebuild," A41895112 suggests.

"Acknowledged," the geth consensus responds.

Timestamp 14:23:11.84

Xenari takes a step back and sighs, "That could have gone way better. I hoping they'd see reason. Any advanced synthetics deserve a chance but..." she remarks as the hologram machine flickers back on as a turian general pops into view.

"You are right they did deserve a chance, but they turned it down," he states.

"Sir... you were listening to our conversation?"

"Of course. I'm already in contact with the quarian admiralty and they agree that this sect of geth cannot be allowed to continue. They will undermine what little confidence the people have with the geth."

"What about the other geth? Do you think this will undermine their trust in us if we just go and destroy a sect that doesn't agree with us?"

"Don't you worry about that. The quarian admiralty assured me that they will get the geth on board for this operation. A joint quarian, turian, geth operation."

"You sure this is wise sir? It would be a massive waste of resources to attack them."

"This is the only time to strike. If they are allowed to rearm themselves it will cost us far more in lives and material. We gave them a chance to redeem themselves and they refused it. They've only brought this down upon themselves. You of all people should understand this after you saw that they could do first hand."

Xenari nods, "Yes sir, I do."

"Good, you maybe a spectre but you also serve the turian military. I can count on your support for this operation?"

"Of course, Sir."

"Excellent. Be on alert you'll be moving out soon."

"Understood Sir," she responds with a nod as the hologram ends.

Change of Perspective Page 29

**One day after the meeting** "We do not find the logic in this decision. The old machines are straining everyone's resources and you want to mount an attack on our kind. They are lost with your logic, but they did agree to stop what they were...

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Change of Perspective Page 27

Geth strike craft battle it out with smaller reaper drones. The void of space filled with a brilliant light show as the two fleets duke it out as the massive sovereign class reaper blasts through another one of the smaller cruisers while it appears to...

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Change of Perspective Page 26

"Alert. Old machines detected. One capital ship and a dozen lesser vessels detected," reports the geth early warning systems as the machines rush to get their ships prepped for combat. The massive number of geth ships, the accumulation of their...

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