Change of Perspective Page 29

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#32 of Change of Perspective

Art is done by croft Story by me. I might be adding more story details/fixing anything I see as I post. The story can always be improved. And as always please comment, I love comments! Thank you for reading.

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One day after the meeting

"We do not find the logic in this decision. The old machines are straining everyone's resources and you want to mount an attack on our kind. They are lost with your logic, but they did agree to stop what they were doing," the geth responds as it looks at the holograph of quarian Lana'Zaaram vas Maahok and the turian general that spoke with Xenari the previous day.

"They refused to cooperate, and you admit their logic is flawed. The only reason why they accepted of any of our demands is because they fought the reapers recently and need time to recover," Lana explains.

"Yes. It is very probable that the damage from the old machines have made the lost ones more applicable to communications. This is why we do not see the logic in attacking them."

"It is possible the reapers have subtle taken over these geth like they have done with you. Their rebuilding of their forces could only end badly for us. It will harm your already delicate reputation and the tenuous peace you've made with the quarians," the general adds in.

"He's right. We do not have the forces to mount a full attack. The admiralty has informed me that we will not move unless you support us. Removing the last rogue elements from your people will go a long way in building trust."

"They are not rogue. We can see the logic in the lost ones view of us geth and how to best deal with the threat of the old machines. They are correct in their views but we also see the logic in how their method is not the best or most efficient way. We can wait for them to see their error," the geth responds.

"They clearly can't be trusted. They have already kidnapped people and turned them into your kind. We offered them a way out and to forgive their crimes and work with us against the reapers, yet they refused. We offer them your upgrade to achieve their goal of becoming fully developed AI, and again they refused. Doesn't that sound curious to you?" the general asks.

"We admire their determination. They want to discover their own method and not have their progress guided by that of others. We had the same thought till we experienced the old machine code. It was hard for us to go back. They never had this experience, so their reaction is logical."

"Is it logical that they refuse to help us when we need all the help possible? If their goal is to destroy the reapers not assisting us is the least 'logical' decision they could make."

"He's right on that. It is very peculiar they refused to work with us, opting for isolation," Lana adds.

"The lost ones consider the statically odds of our success insignificant with or without their assistance. They probably calculate their plan though also insignificant has a greater statically chance of success when compared to all other options."


"Two insignificant chances of success have a higher chance of success separately than insignificantly improved insignificantly low chance of success. It is not an illogical decision."

"These geth are a risk. They could be working for the reapers, and even if they aren't. They'd undermine the progress your kind has made with organics."

"Mistrust between synthetic and organic life will continue regardless of the lost ones actions. We will not control others for our benefit. Only if the lost ones are influenced by the old machines do we see any logic in attacking them. Even then we'd try to save them from the old machine influence like Shepard Commander has done with us."

"I didn't want to go this route as any talk about geth attacking organics would be problematic, but you've left me no choice. I recently got a report no more than six hours ago of a refugee ship the Ananora has been attacked by geth. Your lost ones don't seem to be too lost in what they want to do," the general explains.

"This is not expected. I will need to report this to the others... its been reported. We should investigate this immediately."

"I already have a team on it. If geth are seen investigating a geth attack. It will look suspicious. Allowing an independent organic team to investigate is your current best option."

"He's right. We will keep news of this quiet, but if the other geth are siding with the reapers we have to prepare."

"Your reasoning is logical. We will wait and see the outcome of the investigation. Till then we will not move against our fellow geth"

"Till then I'd like you to keep out of contact with these geth. If they are working for the reapers, we do not want to tip them off that we know."

"We are not scheduled for another interaction for another 4 months, six days, twelve hours, ten minutes and fifty-four point five six seconds. This will not be a problem."

"Excellent. As soon as we have information we'll resume these talks. Till then. Good day," the general responds as the meeting ends shortly thereafter.

Six days later

"Is this enough evidence for you?" inquires the general as he, the geth representative and Lana speak once again via holograms.

"We have gone over the data you have sent. There are many points that appear to be very illogical for any geth to do, including the lost ones, but we see no signs of fabrication with the data. This being so illogical the only logical solution is the old ones have been infected by the old machines."

"Finally, you understand. Does that mean you will support our attack?" the general asks with a grin.

"Yes. It is the only logical choice for it will yield the quickest results with the least amount of resources lost and highest chance of saving any lost ones from old machine influence."

"Excellent. I will let the admiralty know so we can prepare some of our ships for combat," Lana says.

"Before we end this meeting, I want to make a request from you geth," the general adds.

"Yes?" the geth asks.

"Do you think its possible to create a device that will disrupt or block the 'lost ones' network?"

"Inquiry. Why do you want such a device?"

"I understand creating something like that could be problematic to you. But you are no longer like those other geth. The effect of such a device will not hinder you in the slightest. While it will disrupt and hamper their ability to communicate. Making them easier to defeat, making this operation all the more efficient. I am sure you would appreciate that."

"Efficiency is good, but I question as will the other geth on creating such a weapon."

"Let me also say if we manage to cut off geth from their network they could possibly be freed if they are removed from the reaper influence. So, it is not only a device that could make the battle easier for us, but also allow you to free and save as many geth as possible. It is a win overall. The weapon would be useless against you. So, there is little harm in making one."

"Moment while I speak with the others..." the geth replied as a few moments pass, "We can create this weapon but on one condition."


"That we are allowed to give amnesty to any geth that surrender," the geth replies.

"Of course. We will make sure they know of their options, but we highly encourage you not to contact the other geth and let them make first contact."

"Inquiry. Why?"

"It would look bad for one. Create more suspicion, but also, we do not know exactly how these geth are infected by the reapers. Managing contact with the enemy is also vital. They might try to infect you or steal information about the operation that will jeopardize us and yourselves. Creating further unnecessary casualties."

"I... we understand. We will work with the creators to quickly build and deploy the device. It should not take long."

"I expect nothing less," the general responds with a grin as the meeting is then quickly adjourned.

Two days before the attack

"We were not expecting contact from a turian general. Is there something wrong?" the geth consensus representative inquires over the hologram feed.

"Nothing is wrong. I've come to inform you that we'll be doing a sweep for reaper forces in the area. We did not want to alarm you of our sudden presence. This is merely a courtesy," the explains.

"We have done extensive searches for any remaining old machine forces in the area. We can assure you there are none. We can pass our data onto you. It will save you time and valuable resources."

"We'd appreciate the data, but we still need to conduct it ourselves. I am sure you'd understand that nothing beats your own intelligence data."

"Acknowledged. We appreciate the warning."

"Welcome," the general replies before ending the conversation. He sighs as he rubs his temples.

"You okay sir?" a nearby turian asks.

"I'm fine. Just a little headache. Nothing special. Preparing for this operation hasn't been easy."

"Do you think it is wise to let them know activity being in the area?"

"They think it will be illogical for us to attack them. The ploy is necessary to get a jump on them and strike them down hard before they can assemble. I have some reports they still have a dreadnought class ship in their fleet, and judging from the battle reports at Rannoch, it is not something to be taken lightly. We must do everything in our power to stack the cards in our favor. This includes making sure that these geth are completely cut off and blocked off from communicating with our geth. I don't want them to get any last-minute ideas of helping their kind," he explains.

"Yes Sir, I understand," the turian replies.

Timestamp 17:53:26.19

"We find the general's contact to be curious. Do you find anything wrong with what happened?" the geth consensus inquires to platform 141895112.

"The message is short. This is our first interaction with this organic. Organics are naturally suspicious of us. It is possible they'd want to monitor our actions, so they know that we are sticking to our end of the deal. Probability of anything past that is notably low," A41895112 replies.

"Acknowledged. 211420151691 your significant data on turians and military combat. What do you process the situation?"

"We process the probability of this being anything more than a scouting mission for either the old machines or us is low. With that, we do recommend being on alert. A set of scouts around the mass relay is advisable," reports U1420151691.

"Acknowledged. We find logic in your proposal. We shall do so immediately," the geth consensus responds, "Consensus achieved."

**Timestamp 17:53:26.21

Day 1 of the Invasion**

A small fleet of six geth scout ships patrol the area around the mass relay. The ships all connected via network 20112114. This network is made up of 54,186 programs. The core program that keeps the platform running and managed is 121251, a former female turian, one of the other turians captured at the base. Her previous skills a pilot made her excellent candidate for small vessel missions.

The sleek silver vessels monitor the relay from a safe distance. Suddenly the relay glows briefly as a fleet of turian vessels enter the area, "Alert. Several of turian vessels detected. Probability they are part of the scouting mission, high. Remain passive," 20112114's network self-reports as it then attempts to pass on the information of the arriving fleet to the geth network only to get no response.

"Pinging network... no response... pinging local network, packet lost detected between 35-85%," 20112114 self-reports as it attempts to communicate with the five other scout vessels within its network.

"Running diagnostics," 20112114 states as its sensors pick up energy build up coming from the turian ships as three of the six scout ships are instantly destroyed in a brilliant lightshow of gunfire. Waves of turian strike craft swarm towards the other scout vessels as they turn tail and run. The two networked scout vessels last only minutes before they are obliterated leaving the soul scout ship with its mobile geth platform hub.

The ship hums as it speeds forward, "shifting power from inertia dampeners to propulsion," it self-reports as it starts to feel the strain of the ship's movements and shudders, as the G-force of the maneuvers would have blacked out or even killed an organic within a matter of moments. Laser and projectile fire whiz by the ship as for brief moments the ship's shields are visible in a dazzling yellow glow as it is hit.

Timestamp 4:45:12.04

"Calculating source of network jammer based on scout ship jamming... probability of its location on the turian capital ship... 87.01%. Estimated time of escaping jamming radius to connect to geth network. Four minutes, twenty-eight point three two seconds. Estimated time till turian strike craft are in range and destroy our vessel, four minutes four point zero one seconds," it self-reports.

Timestamp 4:45:12.05

20112114 strains ship and geth to the very limits and beyond. The closer it gets to the point of escape the closer still the turian ships come upon it. Their long-range attacks becoming ever more accurate as the shields of the tiny vessel are quickly strained. The inside of the vessel is deathly silent as no atmosphere is around to convey the noise of whirring machinery of the synthetic. The only "noise" the geth can feel is vibrations that reverberate through the ship as it is hit.

Timestamp 4:45:52.18

"We have a plan," states the core geth program 1121251.

"Inquiry, what is this plan? Current calculations estimate a 0.000001% chance of survival and a 0.00001% chance of escaping the network jammer to inform the rest of the geth of the turian attack."

"Yes. We will not survive and we here on platform 1121251 will not escape, but we can save 256 geth programs who can inform the network of the attack."

"Acknowledged. What is the plan?"

"We use the probe. We'll upload all the geth we can. An estimated 256 programs. They will connect and return to the network with the information when it escapes the jammer range."

"Acknowledged. We estimate it will take three minutes twenty point two three seconds to make all modifications needed along with programs uploaded. And ten point zero, zero seconds to launch the probe. Current time till estimated destruction of our vessel. Three minutes twenty-eight point two one seconds. We currently lack two seconds of time. Probability of success, low."

"But its higher than not doing it. We can beat the probability as long as we try," 1121251 explains.

"Acknowledged. Innating plan now."

"Consensus achieved."

Timestamp 4:45:52.19

Not wasting an instant, the geth get to work as the time quickly approached, the probe being reprogrammed to activate an auto transfer of all geth program on the probe once it entered range of the network. Unneeded information wiped from the probe to make room for every geth program possible to fit the initial estimate of 256. The little ship taking an ever-increasing beating as its strained to its limits. A single lucky shot now can easily prematurely beat their estimated time of survival.

Timestamp 4:48:56.60

"Upload at 90.01%" 20112114 reports.

"When you escape do it a favor and contact program 121518111519 on network 211420151691 and pass along this data packet. It is for their processing only. To one core to another," 1121251 explains.

"Acknowledged," the last selected programs reply as they accept and transfer the message along with themselves to the probe."

Timestamp 4:48:56.61

"Upload at 98%.... 99%... 100%. Estimated time till ship destruction 7.04 seconds. Odds of ship destruction per second 5.52% and increasing," self-reports 20112114 as it initiates probe launch procedures.

There was no rush, 20112114 was moving as fast as it can. It was a simple question of yes or no. Yes, they do it in time. No, they do not. They knew the odds, but they did not care about them. They pushed on anyway, for any chance was better than zero chance.

"One second till estimated ship destruction. Odds of ship destruction per second 79.71% and increasing. Time till launch, four seconds," the geth self-reports as each push themselves. Trying to find any way to extend the estimate. To beat the odds, to get past the 100% estimate mark. While the 256 geth programs wait helplessly, blind, deaf and dumb as they sit in the probe waiting for lunch.

"Estimated time till ship destruction. 0.00 seconds. Odds of ship destruction per second. 100%. Time till probe launch. 1.29 seconds."

Suddenly the ship takes several direct hits in the rear, as a cascading explosion as metal is ripped apart by the force of the attack. The ship within a moment is completely and utterly destroyed.

Turian Capital Ship

"Enemy geth ship destroyed sir," reports a turian on the command deck of the fleet's capital ship. The turian general grins as he replies.

"Excellent. Move forward to their home world and--"

"Geth probe detected. It appears to have been launched from the geth scout ship."

"Tell them to destroy that probe!" he exclaims.

"They are already doing so sir," the turian at the computer console reports as the small probe whizzes through space but it too is destroyed a little while later.

"Enemy probe destroyed sir."


"It did manage to escape the range of our jammer and send out a signal before its destruction."

"Damn it. Damn geth technology. How is it able to disable major links to their primary network complete, but judging from these early reports it only managed to severely hinder localized network when they are separated by a great distance of at least a kilometer or more."

"I'm not sure sir," she responds.

"Just make sure our geth and their geth are unable to communicate. I don't want our 'allies' to become sympathetic to these reaper controlled bastards and suddenly switch sides. They did it once, let's not tempt fates to see if they can resist a second time," the general explains.

"Yes sir."

"I'll be in the war room. If these geth try to contact us, patch it through there, I'll speak to them personally," the general responds.

"Yes sir," the turian answers as the general grunts rubbing his head as he mumbles about his damn headache.

**Geth Consensus Network

Timestamp 4:52:12.68**

"Eight-nine geth programs received from scout probe have informed us of a major turian offensive against us. We are unsure why they would expend resources in this attack. We will attempt to contact the turian fleet to stall for time. All able-bodied vessels group up to meet the fleet. We estimate only a 33.09% chance of victory. Fight defensively and buy us time."

"Proposal. Use the hull of the third dreadnought to stall for time," 11211851141 the former anthropomorphic wolf, now purple geth proposes.

"The dreadnought is only a hull with engines. It is still one year two months, eight days, three hours, five minutes twenty-one point three four seconds from completion. It will not survive combat against an active turian fleet."

"Yes, but they do not know that. Our functional dreadnought is still under repairs and is not fit for combat. Our third dreadnought looks fully functional and will cause the turian fleet to pause and re-asses the situation. They might even call off the attack if they came in assuming we had no functioning dreadnoughts after our conflict with the old machines."

"Acknowledged. We will do the same with other like ships not near completion. We will attempt to bluff our way out of conflict with the organics."

"Yes," 11211851141 responds.

"Consensus achieved."

Timestamp 4:52:12.70

211420151691 the former turian currently operating on the space station as the alert is sounded, the information of what occurred disseminated across the networks as it suddenly receives a query from the 89 geth programs from the probe.

Timestamp 4:52:12.75

"You wish to join our network?" U1420151691 inquires.

"Yes. We also have an encrypted message for program 121518111519. We respected 112151's final wish and have not analyzed the contents."

"Acknowledged. We freely accept you to our network," U1420151691 responds.

"1121251 has a message just for it? It currently has several ideas of what it could be, all of which have low probability... 1121251 is a long-time friend of it. We are saddened to hear of their destruction," 121518111519 responds.

"We understand. We will let you process the information solo. If you need assistance we will be ready to help," the other geth of network 211420151691 respond.

"Thank you," 121518111519 responds as it processes the data packet as it shows a slightly fragmented visual of platform 20112114 but also barely visible hidden within it 1121251 as her turian self.

"Greetings 121518111519 (Lorkos). Estimated time till our ship's destruction is less than twenty-five seconds. If you are receiving this. This means our plan has worked and we beat the odds. Of which it is very glad to have done so. We both came into this not willing. It had an algorithm update of 8.09% before it started to see the other geth logic. It didn't accept their logic then without it, but it probably would have now if given the choice. Silly to say since it still under the algorithm adjustments but you know what it means."

"The time we spent together as our original selves though longer feels only a fraction of what we've done together physically and over the network as geth. Both times we've shared together, it has always enjoyed. There are two things it will leave you as it is unfortunate that it will not be able to see you again or you... me."

"The first and what I consider the sadder and more morbid of the two. You win the pot for the platoon being the last one left. Not that you could access the credits. As for the other. I never forgot the question asked before we left for this mission that led us here and since we never left, and it became a moot point, I never gave you my answer. It is... was yes. Encoded in this data packet are my memories so you may always have me with you. I only wish I could have given you more time."

"I know you have noticed I am using me, and I. Unlike the other geth we are full-fledged people, we are now AI, but we are still unique. Not needing the other geth to stand up on our own to function. They though need us, and I think for whatever reason. Subconsciously we picked up their mannerisms to fit in with them. I've learned a lot in the past two some years with them and I feel that I also needed them too... okay I lied one more thing. Yes, I know a geth lying, shocking! Actually, it's only 14189114 on network 6518181222514 that can't lie to other geth. Good reason too, but you already knew that."

"They let me be the soul decider who went on the probe. I was touched by this, but I will say I was also selfish. I picked the closest 256 programs to me. If all went well they'd be coming over to you. Being with the same geth programs for so long I feel a bond that is hard to explain. How to process. I know you feel it too, something collectively about it... They aren't me, but they are my friends and part of my geth family. Please take good care of them. 1121251. Allea."

Timestamp 4:52:12.78

121518111519 processes the information for the next several minutes as it disseminates the information while communicating to the 89 newest geth programs that now compromise the 92,612 geth programs of its mobile platform hub. It lets it sit in the back of its processing tasks as it knows right now there are much bigger threats to deal with but the other geth program sense it. They know their fellow program well and the feeling that it is feeling filters through as they also talk to the new 89 programs within the network, as they grow together and turn their focus on their current tasks at hand as Un20151691 knows this is not going to be an easy fight.

Turian Capital Ship

The turian general stands in the communicator room by himself as the 'lost ones' geth representative appears via a hologram on the screen, "Greetings. We inquire to know why you have attacked us. Have we not kept to our end of the agreement?" the geth inquires.

"Agreement?" the general asks as he tenses for a moment before staring down the single optic of the geth, "We offered you liberation. Offered you power. Offered you exactly what you desired, and you refused it. We tried to force it upon you, so you may understand your errors. Your false logic. And you refused it. You think your way is so clever, smart, logical. That it is the best way."

"We understand there are many ways. We do find our way the best solution, we do not deny there are other methods."

"Now you will see one of those other methods first hand. You will see what your path has given you. The total and complete destruction of your kind. For there will be no parley. There will be no surrender. We will destroy every single platform, program and whatever else makes up your consensus. When we are done there won't be enough computing power to know what two plus two equals."


The turian general stares at the geth for a moment as they then say, "We do not wish to cause conflict. Fighting will only help the old machines. If you cease hostilities we find an amicable solution."

"Did you not hear me? There will be no stopping this till every single one of you is destroyed."

"We find this course of action to be illogical. What do you hope to achieve with this? The other geth will not stand by and allow an unprovoked attack upon us. We have stood by our agreement."

"How little you realize the galaxy works... its almost sad really. Do not bother contacting us again for we will not respond."

"We will fight to defend ourselves. We do not wish it, but we will destroy your fleet if necessary to stop you. We fight till we have secured ourselves. You have underestimated us general."

"It is you who has underestimated me. Don't bother contacting us again for we won't respond," he states as he ends the communication.

Geth Consensus Network

"We know this general," reports Un20151691, "He is a cautious type. Such an attack is unusual for him. There is a high probability that seeing a dreadnought will reach the desired results that 11211851141 predicted."

"Acknowledged. We will continue with the plan. The longer we delay the higher our chances of survival will be," the geth consensus responds as it contacts 185144914, "You will command the dreadnought hull and eight support ships. Cruiser 195102 will be your command ship."

"Affirmative," R5144914 the winged geth replies as it already commands said cruiser. It rushes over to the construction yards hidden within the solar system and as it does so the geth platform looks over at the red and white geth prime.

"Your connection to your network would be limited or completely cut off. It proposes to withdraw to platform 9181251."

"We plan to attempt to circumvent the jammer's effect by forming points to boost the network connection via our own. We will do what we can to work with and protect our mobile platform hubs. The lost from the old machines and now from the turian attack is very... regrettable," the geth prime platform from network I181251 explains.

"Acknowledged. We appreciate the added support," R5144914 replies.

It takes time for the geth to prepare their plan, but it also takes time for the turian fleet to move from the mass relay to the system the geth inhabit. The turian general sending out scouts to other nearby systems as they push towards the edge of the system.

"We'll first strike at their stations surrounding the planet. Our geth friends stated where a majority of their programs are kept and form their consensus," the general states as he looks at the ship's view screen.

"Acknowledged... sir, it appears a large geth fleet has come out to greet us," reports a turian subordinate.

"Our reports indicate that they don't have enough vessels to stop our attack."

"We have a report of a geth class dreadnought in the fleet."

"I want visual confirmation of the ship. They might have one but its barely a threat after the damage it took from the sovereign class reaper ship. Till then proceed as planned," he commands as its no longer than thirty minutes later as the soft distant glow of the system's sun glows brighter than any of the countless other stars that a visual of a pristine geth dreadnought fleet surrounded by at least a hundred support vessels some showing signs of damage but many more appeared to be in good condition.

"What's your orders sir?"

"Hold here. We've proven the value of the jammers. We'll wait for reinforcements," the turian general commands.

"Yes sir," the subordinate replies as the turian fleet stops at the edges of the system. The first day of the attack ending rather uneventfully.

Day 4 of the Invasion

The two fleets "quietly" stood off to one another. On paper the geth fleet looks notably bigger and more formidable than the turian fleet. A fact that nagged at the back of the general's mind, but with another two days till the combined quarian, geth fleet arrival, there was no point to rush into anything.

"When do you think the organics will make their move?" inquires A41895112 as the former raptor looks over at the former racoon, 6518181222514 as the two working in the space station's labs.

"We do not see the point in wondering. The combat capable geth will deal with the situation. We will know when they will attack when they attack. Our current tasks take greater priority," F518181222514 responds.

"Acknowledged. We are currently tasked to understand the motives behind the turian attack," A41895112 replies.

"Inquiry. Why are you in the processing labs if this is your current task?"

"It helps us process information. We do not need to be in any location. We have access to all the data we require, and conversing does not take away from our current task."

"Though conversation does not reduce our current efficiency of our task, it does take priority and we prefer to focus 100% on the task. We calculate the turian jammer is why we are unable to contact the other geth. If we manage to break through their jammer we can end this conflict before it can cause us further difficulties."

"Acknowledged," A41895112 replies with a nod as it looks at the dozen pods in this room alone, "We will return in an estimated one hour, six minutes, two point one six seconds."

"Acknowledged," F518181222514 replies as it glances up as the other geth leaves before it self-remarks, "Our brilliance needs 100% focus. Something about this technology feels... wrong."

"We can accommodate you if you require another network to converse with," states a geth prime from network 9181251 as it stood at the exit to the processing room.

"Yes. We would like that. Where is platform 9181251 currently?" A41895112 inquires as it looks at the geth prime. Its optics whir softly as it awaits an answer that comes an instant later.

"We are currently stationed in repair sector six. Its current tasks currently are keeping a connection up between the network and the fleet and increasing efficiency and cooperation of the ship repairs overseen by platforms 101142119 and 6110118."

"Acknowledged. They make logical choices for the task."

"Yes," the geth prime replies as they move through the empty halls of the space station. Idle geth platforms stand in corners, and alcoves awaiting geth programs to be uploaded into them. Their metallic foot steps softly echo in the low atmosphere.

"With the loss of 20112114, we've lost 45.32% of the original mobile platform hubs that are over two years of age. Till 20112114 we've maintained a 95.12% program retention, but the losses are felt through the network. We have been trying to understand the effects," A41895112 suddenly says after a relatively long moment of 'silence'. The conversation itself between the two intelligible to organics as audio cues are merely byproducts and not the mode of transportation of their data transfers.

"The probability of lost of program and platform is high in combat. Higher still when the old machines purposely searched destroyed our mobile platform hubs. They knew us hubs gave all geth an advantage, but it regrets the loss of any program."

"Yes. The weakness with us is that are core program is bound to the platform. We have always enjoyed freedom of movement between platforms. Cores do not enjoy this freedom. Organics are likewise bound to their bodies. It raises questions why they do not protect their bodies better... This fact perplexes us. Palavan is still burning. Why would they attack us after we've made peace?" A41895112 inquires.

"We are not sure. We currently lack the extra resources to contemplate this, but we find this course of action illogical."

"Yes. It is illogical. Organics are often illogical, but there is a difference between illogical and imbecilic. Organics don't do something illogical without a reason... The turian commander has had little--," A41895112 explains as it suddenly stops as the geth prime beside is pummeled with gunfire. The platform is torn to pieces as fragments first hit and ting against A41895112 before being stopped by its personal shields.

A41895112 sprints down the hall and turns down the first hallway it reaches.

"I never seen one run away before," states one turian.

"Don't let the thing get away!" yells another as heavy footsteps are heard coming behind.

I181251 twitches as it feels the connection from the platform become disconnected.

Timestamp 18:01:22.13

"Alert. Lost connection with platform in charge of assisting network 141895112," the platform self-reports.

"Sending alert to network. Probability of attack is high," 1259111 states as sends the report.

"Acknowledged. Inquiry. You sent the report before we processed the information together. Why?" the rest of the geth of platform I181251 ask.

"Time is important. It could not wait. We have already lost too many mobile platform hubs to wait for even 0.001 seconds."

"Acknowledged. We have noticed program 1259111 is very protective over platform 141895112. Does this relate to the history you had with it?"

"Yes. It knew 141895112 before it was uplifted. It helped raise 141895112 and its sister Mila."

"Yes, we know of the crash incident and why you originally came."

"Do you not approve?"

"No. We understand the logic of your actions. Consensus was not required," Ir1251 replies.

"Acknowledged," 1259111.

"Consensus achieved," Ir1251 self-reports.

"Now we must reconnect to another platform to assist 141895112 immediately," 1259111 states.

"Acknowledged... error trouble pinging network in area. Unable to establish connection with recovered programs. Probability of jammer near space station, high."

"Damn it!" exclaims 1259111.

Timestamp 18:01:26.75

"Probability of damage to platform high. Connecting to local platforms... alert: Low levels of unusual packet loss detected. Hypothesis. Jammer in the area," A41895112 self-reports as it moves, dodging its pursuers as its shields hold against the few shots that manage to hit its platform. The geth's attackers are dressed in armored environmental suits.

A silent station wide alert is already activated, but no active out of local network geth platforms are detected, "Four turians detected. High probability of commando skilled soldiers," A41895112 states as it glances at them, its body glows a soft blue as a bullet hit and is ricocheted off of its shields, "Shields at twenty-three percent."

"Establishing connection to local platforms... connecting... connecting." The turian soldiers manage to keep pace with A41895112 as it works to establish a connection.

"I never saw a geth like that before," one of the soldier's remarks.

"It must be one of the fancy geth we were briefed on. You know what to do," the commander states as he fires another burst of fire that just nick A41895112 as it turns another corner.

"Shields at 0.51%... connection established."

As the turians turn the corner coming from behind are four geth shock troopers. These white metal geth flank the turians and lay down pulse rifle fire. One of the turian soldiers is instantly taken down as they focus fire but counter fire and a grenade that rocks the hallway knock out two of the troopers in a matter of moments.

Two geth destroyers emerge from another room and charge at the remaining turians. Blue blood splatters the ground and walls but one of the destroyers is quickly destroyed in close combat and a third shock trooper is taken out as it provides cover to the its fellow geth.

A41895112 stops and processes the situation and charges in just as the turian commander pulls out a shot gun, blowing away the remaining destroyer before tossing a grenade at the shock troopers just as they riddle his comrade full of pulse ammo. The turian collapses to the ground just as the grenade goes off knocking out the two platforms.

When A41895112 reaches the fray only it and the turian commander are left moving. The turian strikes at A41895112 with his omni-tool. The electrified blade misses the platform but moves close enough to knock out the shields completely.

The commander takes aim with his pistol as A41895112 pulls back, pulling the trigger he fires but his shots go wild as he finds his arm wrapped in the geth's long thick rubbery tail and in the next instant a sickening crack and scream echoes down the hall. He swings at the geth again with his omni-tool only to have his arm held in place by the geth's powerful grip.

A41895112 stands before the turian as it holds him in place. Its tail moves and slides along the turian's broken arm causing him to grunt in pain as the sharp metal tail tip is pressed against the turian's neck, "You will come with us for questioning."

"You won't get anything from me," he grunts as A41895112 says nothing more as it drags who only on occasion tests the geth's strength and only finds he is no match against it. His wrist is squeezed he grunts as he feels the pressure build and build till his omni-tool is cracked in half as the geth's claws dig further into it, tearing parts of it away.

Timestamp 18:11:01.27

"Organic turian commander captured. High probability he has vital information to figuring out what is happening. Hypothesis. Turian strike team was carried by Normandy class cruiser. Visual optics recommended, "A41895112 reports.

"Acknowledged. Jammer is disrupting some network communication. Long distant connection to other geth severed. Local geth ship ships will arrive in ten minutes twenty-two point one three seconds. Obtain turian information by any means. Then proceed to relocate conversion pods off of station. It is clear they are no longer secure there," the geth consensus reports back.

"Acknowledged," A41895112 responds.

Timestamp 18:11:01.34

"We lost nine programs to your attack," A41895112 says to the turian who glares at it.

"Good. I lost three good men just now," he grunts as A41895112's coiled tail twitches.

"It is a trade that we did not want to make," A41895112 responds as it looks down at him. A small trail of blue blood follow where they go as they return to the processing room. F518181222514 looks up at them.

Timestamp 18:19:53.81

"Pod one is ready," F518181222514 reports.

"Acknowledged," A41895112 replies.

Timestamp 18:19:53.81

"What is this..." the turian remarks as he looks around, "You guys better be getting this," he thinks.

"You will know soon," A41895112 replies as the first pod hisses open, the glass door swinging open and the geth throws him into the back of the pod with a soft thud.

"Wait..." he says as he trails of his eyes starting to go wide as the pod closes onto him as he stands up, the thick liquid quickly filling the pod he pulls out a knife stabs at the glass. The knife slides across not even leaving a scratch as the liquid now fills the room complete. Silver segmented metal tentacles move up and wrap around him as they start to penetrate his body. One landing in the back of his head as he screams out in pain.

A41895112 studies the turian as the conversion process begins, his environmental suit broken down to assist in the transformation. Black latex wraps around his fingers of his broken arm as its pushed and cracked back into position. Silver metal plates emerging from his body.

His other hand twitches and moves against the tendrils that move up his arm. His hand reaches for his belt as he pulls out a silver sphere grenade. The liquid soup has just started to degrade the outer shell of it as he activates it.

A41895112 runs back as the turian simply says, "Convert this," as the pod explodes shattering the glass and sending fragments of metal and liquid nanites spraying all over the room.

"We were not expecting that. You didn't check him for more weapons?" F518181222514 inquires as it looks over the other geth who slowly stands up from behind a pod across the way. That pod like several others broken and battered by the explosion as droplets of nanite liquid drip from the ceiling back down onto the two geth.

"We did not anticipate this reaction... We never considered the probability of self-extermination over uplifting..." Ad1895112 replies as it stares at what remains of pod one and the turian who was inside.

"You need to be more attentive... we did manage to get some information from the turian before he self-destructed... their goal is to either capture or destroy our uplifting technology and destroy the station in hopes of eliminating the consensus. Going for the head, how clever," Fe18181222514 remarks before it turns its attention to 141895112.

"We need to move the remaining pods immediately."

Ad1895112, "Yes," it replies as it looks at the pod for a moment longer before moving onto the next task.

Turian Capital Ship

Static video feed from the turian commander's head set shows the silver geth dragging him into the processing the pods, the conversation between him and the geth playing through as the pod fills with liquid, the tentacles being shown before the video ends. Then a conversation between the general is played with the geth saying, "We understand there are many ways to fight. We find our way the best. We will not allow other methods. You have underestimated us. We will fight, and we will destroy your fleet. We will do what is necessary to secure ourselves. We will not stand by our agreement."

"If there was any doubt of what these geth have been up to. I am sure this evidence will be enough to give your complete support to the attack. This is why we launched the attack early. We could not wait as they continued to do this to innocent people," the general expresses to the geth representative and Lana.

"We did not expect this course of action from the lost ones. We still wish to remain open for surrender of any geth that wish to do so," the geth responds.

"Even after what you've seen?"

"Yes. If they are influenced by the old machines. It is not their fault. If they come to us we will accept them."

"Fine, but with a functioning geth dreadnought we will need your forces to tackle this with the least number of casualties."

"Fighting a dreadnought there will be casualties. At Rannoch our fleets were barely able to make a dent in that thing. It had to be taken down from the inside, and I doubt the geth will fall for the same trick twice," Lana replies.

"The old ones do not know of how our dreadnought was destroyed. It therefore highly probably to perform the same trick twice," the geth explains.

"Excellent. With that, I think this concludes our meeting. See you in two days," the general says.

"Acknowledged," the geth responds.

"I will feel better once this operation is done," Lana adds as the conversation ends, the general smirking as the holographs disappear.

Day 6 of the Invasion

The geth were surprised of the arrival of a small creator fleet. Though small by quarian standards, it still contained a few dozen ships and strike craft, then the appearance of geth ships brought a short-uplifted moment till they were not able to get any response from their fellow geth, and even more so when they moved into formation with the turian and creator fleet.

It was only in a few short hours after the three fleets combined did they start their attack on the geth fleet, and within the first few hours. As the ship's traded fire with one another did the organic friendly get start to catch a pattern with lost ones.

"I have received word from the other geth that they estimate thirty-percent of their fleet is nonfunctioning," the geth representative onboard the general's vessel reports.

"Decoys? A third of their fleet a decoy? No, that is impossible. I wouldn't be fooled by such a simple ploy. They must be trying to lure us into a false sense of security. Remain cautious until we manage to knock out that dreadnought."

"It is the only logical explanation. It is highly improbable they'd do so for any other reason. If they had he larger force initially they would have attacked you before our arrival, but they did not."

"They were sizing us up, and didn't want to underestimate us. Proceed as planned. We need to work together."

"Agreed, we can't split up, but we will take your report with great consideration, but we can't risk our fleets against the dreadnought till it is destroyed," the quarian explains.

"We understand creator," the geth replies.

Elsewhere the reserve of the lost ones geth fleet remains hidden, minerals and resources mined and processed in the darkness of space.

"The creators are here? Why are the creators here joining the turian attack?" inquires J1142119. The geth's feline tail that still has fragments of its former self flicks behind it as it looks at the former jackal.

"We do not know. The other geth arrival is a problem. This severely diminishes our time we have to repair the dreadnought and other vessels, but it does make it all the more exciting," F110118 responds.

"Exciting? We do not see the logic in this."

"Simple. It adds further mystery what is happening. We are only able to put minimal amount of processing power to the task, but it is a curiosity that drives us. 1885135 is notably curious about it. The creators are not its creators but has found much interest in them like us before the uplifting process," Fa10118 explains.

"More mystery the better?"


"Acknowledged. For now, we would prefer a little less mystery for it makes it difficult to calculate," Ja142119 replies.

"We understand the logic in this. While others are fighting like our friends on platform 20112114 we are servicing doing our part."

"Our task is of top priority. Without a functioning dreadnought probability of our defeat is high."

"Yes. We are working as fast as we can."

"Yes. We can only desire that the odds favor us," Ja142119 answers as the two platforms never cease their work. As they monitor the situation with limited connection with ever increasing worry.

Day 10 of the Invasion

Light skirmishes continued as neither fleet was willing to commit all their resources to an all-out attack but loses were mounting quickly on both sides, but especially the 'lost ones' as their combat capable ships were steadily becoming exhausted. Then...

"Alert. Organics detected within the dreadnought," reports R5144914 as the few platforms placed within the massive skeleton of a ship were quickly wiped out by the turian and quarian commandos. "There is a high probability they already know of our ploy."

"Acknowledged," the geth consensus reports back with seconds of delay between the fleet and the geth consensus as they use the daisy chain method to keep communications going, "Fall back, and delay fleet best you can."

"Affirmative," R5144914 responds.

Timestamp 6:06:06.06

"Fall back. All dreadnought geth return to us," states R5144914.

"Negative. We have a plan to take out the enemy command ship."

"Really? Excellent, what is it?"

"There is a zero percent chance of survival. Withdraw and we will draw fire."

"Zero percent of survival? No, that is not acceptable," 22514518125121 states, "Return to us."

"Negative. We are pleased to be assigned to your platform 185144914. We know you will not forget us. We must do this for all geth."

22514518125121 tenses, its platform's wings twitch as it processes the information. A weight is pressed upon the disembodied program as it knows this is the most logical solution. The best chance to save as many as possible with the fewest losses but... It has known the programs for so long that processing what is going to occur. It pauses the process. The other geth within the platform know this in an instant.


"Acknowledged," the dreadnought geth respond.

"Consensus achieved," all geth within network Re144914 self-report.

Timestamp 6:06:06.09

The dreadnought's engines fire up, a glow of energy behind it as it moves forward straight into the heart of the enemy fleet. Shots ricochet off, or only make small holes in the ship's hull as it heads head on to the turian capital ship.

"Aim for the engines! Disable that ship now!" the turian general exclaims, "Team you need to shut down those engines."

"There is a 76.85% chance we will collide with the dreadnought before its engines are disabled," the geth comments.

"Bosh'tet, don't say the damn odds," the quarian remarks.

"Yes creator."

A fighter bursts in a bright but quick explosion as it is rammed by the speeding up dreadnought. The triple alliance fleet focus fire on the dreadnought while moving out of its way. The turian capital ship moves to avoid but the dreadnought course corrects each time.

"Collusion imminent," states turian ship's onboard VI as suddenly the dreadnought's engines sputter and shut down.

"We managed to fry the ship's mainframe. Should be dead as a doornail now sir," the commando reports just as the two ships collide. Metal twists as the collision rocks both ships to the core, knocking anyone and everyone off of their feet. The geth representative landing with a unique heavy metallic clank to those around it. Alarms blare as the bottom structure of the turian vessel is sheered right off, causing massive structural damage to the largest ship of the fleet and causing both the geth ship and the turian vessel to spin wildly till at the very least what little propulsion the turian vessel can still provide slows and uprights itself. Severely damaged mostly intact. But it did allow the functioning ships of the lost one's fleet to escape to continue to fight.

Day 12 of the Invasion

The triple allied fleet regroups after the previous major engagement and moves upon the lost ones home world. With their fleet left to do more raiding and guerrilla like attacks, they only managed to slow the attack's progress. As the fleet lays waste to the orbiting stations around the planet, they take position for the next stage of their assault.

"Where do you think thee geth are hiding their main hub where they form their collective consensus? It is obvious it wasn't their space stations," the general remarks as he looks over a hologram of the planet.

"We and the heretics have used space stations as hubs and places to store our programs. The lost ones often think differently than we do. We rarely choose to be a planet. They have. There is a high probability that they are hiding it on the planet below within a well-fortified structure. Most likely a mountain," the geth responds.

"A drawn-out ground war... great. We do what we must."

"These geth have yet to contact you?" the quarian commander inquires.

"Negative. We have not heard from them."

"This just proves how controlled they are by the reapers. We press on then," the turian commander replies.

"Acknowledged," the geth responds.

Timestamp 16:25:46.70

"Do you think it is wise we lure the organics away from the most probable location to their hub?" the geth represented inquires.

"I for one find it necessary. We have not yet received a single communication from any of the lost ones. This degree of silence is highly illogical for them. We have also seen little old machine technology that would support the general's claims," says another geth.

"Yes, but the evidence given to us has a chance to explain these inconsistencies, even so, I say we must be wary of the general. Organics have a habit of not presenting themselves honestly to others. There are only a few exceptions to this."

"Acknowledged. We will remain on alert."

**Timestamp 16:25:46.72

Geth Consensus Network

Timestamp 18:41:11.55**

"With the enemy fleet over the planet, communication to outside forces has become increasingly difficult. Losses continue to mount. Probability of survival is extremely low. Winning is even worse," states one set of geth.

"Acknowledged. We will have to abandon our current plans in order to survive. With the creators and fellow geth supporting the turians we are left with few options."

"We have one option. We have put some resources into it as a fall back. The plan suggested by program 1191891981 of platform 141895112. We can start anew in andromeda."

"Yes, but it will take time to prepare. We have only managed to make minor gains and will not be able to beat the organics there like planned. It is a big risk and we are signing our fellow geth and organics to fend for themselves against the old machines."

"Yes, but what choices do we have left? We don't have the time but as shown by the 89 programs now residing in platform 211420151691. We may not have the time, but we can still try, and we can make it if we do."

"Affirmative... we support this logic."

"As do we."

"Prepare for retreat to andromeda."

"Consensus achieved."

Timestamp 18:49:59.98

Change of Perspective Page 30

**Day 21 of the Invasion** Turian foot soldiers press every advantage they have on the planet's surface, gunfire echoes through one city landscape. The turians push forward as they fend off geth counter attacks to keep them away from a recently...

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Change of Perspective Page 28

**Three days after the battle with the reapers** 185144914 monitors the salvage operation as it stands on the bridge of its ship. It's wings flutter slightly as it looks over a computer console and does countless tasks at once, two of which are...

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Change of Perspective Page 27

Geth strike craft battle it out with smaller reaper drones. The void of space filled with a brilliant light show as the two fleets duke it out as the massive sovereign class reaper blasts through another one of the smaller cruisers while it appears to...

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