Change of Perspective Page 30

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#33 of Change of Perspective

Art is done by croft croft Story by me. I might be adding more story details/fixing anything I see as I post. The story can always be improved. And as always please comment, I love comments! Thank you for reading.

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Day 21 of the Invasion

Turian foot soldiers press every advantage they have on the planet's surface, gunfire echoes through one city landscape. The turians push forward as they fend off geth counter attacks to keep them away from a recently discovered set of deep earth bunkers the original inhabitants built in case of nuclear war.

"Stay sharp we should be getting near the entrance," warns the local turian commander as their feet crunch and crack at the rubble bellow their feet. Their weapons drawn and ready as they scan the rubble for any signs of synthetic life.

A sound of a pebble rolling down a small pile of junk is received with a quick and accurate flurry of weapon fire. Brick and mortar are reduced to dust which is kicked up into the air, and when the dust settles a minute later they find they have killed nothing.

The turian command gives a nod to one of his subordinates and motions a few forward they get no more than halfway to their next destination when quick and accurate gunfire tears them down. A real gunfight starting up shortly thereafter.

"Find the commanding geth, they're attacks will be greatly weaken if we destroy it," the commander tells his troops as an armored APC rolls down the center of the road its gun rumbles as it discharges into nearby structures at any of the originating pints of the enemy fire.

They continue to push forward taking steady losses along the way as the geth slowly fall back using the turian the best they can to make their way towards the tunnels while they report, "Organics attacking sector twenty-three. Current level of active and functioning platforms, 42.06%. Current average rate of program lost, 1.56% per combat hour. Current state of program transfer to secure mobile platform hub for extraction, 34.51%. Estimated time till transfer is complete. Three days. Twenty-two hours eight minutes twenty point one, one seconds," the local geth report as the data bounces through a set of daisies chained geth platforms.

The report eventually makes it to a small hidden away geth base deep within one of the planet's jungle forests. There five mobile geth platform hubs, all former turian captured and uplifted over the past few weeks. They remain in alcoves on a small geth transport ship. All their power and focus put on uploading geth programs. The ship itself hidden under brush and small stealth generators and camouflage hide the ship from eye in the sky scout ships.

Protecting them are two mobile platform hubs and the thirty-eight geth platforms under their networked command. The first the former blue scaled raptor Nargus. Its platform stands examining the local wild life. The sleek dark blue and silver raptor-geth's observations are stopped when it is inquired.

"What are you doing platform 141181195?" 11211851141, the purple metal hided former wolf geth inquires as it stands beside it. Its optics whir softly as it observes its fellow geth like it observed the organic life forms.

"We are observing," 141181195 responded.

"Such observations are inefficient use of your processing power. Currently all current task priorities are on defending the empty hubs till they are full of geth across the planet."

"We have calculated there is no further increase in effectiveness by committing more sources to our current tasks. We find that studying organic nature a productive use of our excess capabilities."

"We do not see your current logic," 11211851141 responds.

"Shall we discuss our logic?"

"We find this discussion to be an efficient use of our current resources. We will resume this at a later date when we are freed from our current tasks."


**Day 27 of the Invasion

Turian Command Ship**

The Turian general slams his fist into the table causing it to rattle as he looks at the quarian and geth commanders, "Another dead end?! A week we fought in those tunnels under that forsaken ruined city and the geth there have fought viciously just like any of the other suspected hub sites. And what do we get for our time?! We find some tentacle geth at the end of the tunnels. It was the commanding geth of the area, but it was not worth the losses my men took to get there."

"I was not expecting the lost ones to be so clever, even so their network is being so heavily disrupted. It has to be somewhere in the area in order to keep to the levels of coordination we are currently seeing," explains the geth, "Perhaps if you allowed us to provide closer support to your forces, fewer organic lives will be wasted."

"No, you are to be kept to a supporting role. Who knows how quick my men might accidentally shoot you instead of the enemy. I don't want them to second guess what flashlight head they are shooting at."


"We have never encountered geth fighting to such a degree over nothing. It is obviously a ploy to stall time. But the question is for what?"

"Their fleet is in shambles. Occasionally they've managed to get some of their forces off of the planet but then we lose track of them."

"We have also caught this behavior. There is a high probability that the lost ones are attempting to get programs off the planet and store them in a 'safe' location. It is possible they could be building a new hub network elsewhere in deep space much like the heretics have done," the geth suggests.

"Next time these geth attempt to leave the planet let them... but only if we managed to get a tracker on their vessel. If not blow it out of the sky," states the General.

"Acknowledged. We provide a tracker that with high probability the lost ones will not detect."

"No. We'll be issuing troops some of our own," the General responds as he stares down at the geth.

Timestamp 09:05:51.22

"The general's lack of trust in us increases with each day. We may not be able to delay much longer till he discovers the highest probable location of the lost one's main hub," the geth commander reports to its fellow geth.

"Acknowledged. Others have noticed this trend. We have also detected steadily increasing levels of instability and aggression in the general. Insufficient data by organic standards prevent us from bringing this information up to the creators or Shepard-Commander."

"Acknowledged. We will continue to observe and buy the lost ones time so they can contact us."


**Timestamp 09:05:51.24

Day 30 of the Invasion**

Suddenly a turian soldier bursts into the war room and salutes, "Sorry to interrupt sir but we've detected unusual energy levels coming from the jungles of the planet."

The turian General's eye ridge raises, "What kind of unusual readings?" The turian General eyes the soldier suspiciously as he looks down at his holographic map of the planet then back up at him.

"At the suggestion of one of the quarian techs we made adjustments to our scanners and discovered what appears to be some kind of energy chain heading deep into the planet's southern jungle forest."

The general smiles, "Send strike teams there immediately, and prepare the forces for an immediate attack."

"Yes sir," he responds with a salute before heading out.

"Finally found where you've been hiding," the General chuckles.

Several hours later back on the surface of the planet geth in the jungle continue to monitor the area, they report to their two respective network hubs, that there are no anomalies detected.

Suddenly the blue raptor geth lifts its head, "Alert."

Timestamp 19:36:27.72

"What is it? Did you detect any organic forces?" inquired 11211851141.

"Negative," 141181195 responds. The blue geth turns to face the purple one.

"Clarify your logic. If no enemy was detected, why issue an alert?"

"Unusual activity detected in local organic wild life. Highest probable cause is foreign disturbance in the area to the north. Currently none of the platforms on out network has reported any activity that would result in this disturbance. Logic dictates that foreign organic entity is moving towards us from the north. Probability of an organic attack team, high."

"Acknowledged. That is why you were studying the local organic life forms.'


"We now understand your logic."

"Affirmative... we also enjoyed studying it."

"Acknowledged. Prepare to extract the other mobile platforms, current location is no longer safe. We will report the breach and delay the organic attack."


"Consensus achieved," the two hubs report to each other.

Timestamp 19:36:27.74

The two geth part ways, but not before the purple geth activates its stealth systems before heading towards the anomaly. Which was caused by a group of twenty turian commandos. They sneak through the jungle like wild tiger. When four platforms from 141181195 make contact with the enemy force they are quickly overwhelmed.

"Organic forces detected. Connection to platforms 5,16,18,25 lost. Estimated time till arrival to protected geth. Ten minutes, twelve point two one seconds," 141181195 reports as it enters the geth vessel. Its feet clank against the ship's hull causing a soft echo as it starts to boot up the systems.

"We will delay that time," 11211851141 responds as it moves towards the troops with six other hunter geth platforms under its network command.

"Acknowledged. We will wait for your return."

"Affirmative," the purple geth responds as they approach their target.

11211851141 strikes first taking out one turian and injuring another as its other platforms move in and attack. Using the jungle and their stealth generators to greatest effect they attack for only a few seconds then pull back, repeating the process over the next several minutes. Blood blood stains the ground as the fire fight intensifies, knocking out two of geth platforms while taking out three more commandos.

"Locate and destroy the commanding geth. It must be one of those advanced platforms we were warned about," warns one turian as he shoots into the forest and either by skill, luck or both he lands a hit on 11211851141 the shot disrupting its personal shield generator.

"Estimated time to delay greatly diminished," 11211851141 self-reports as it watches with its singular glowing purple hued optic as one of its other platforms manages to get the jump on the turian who with lightning quick reflexes pulls out a modified, electric razor katana blade and slices through the geth's weapon like a hot knife through butter and then proceeds to shoot the geth in the face with its weapon before then finishing it off with a stab.

"Shit, the captain actually took a flashlight head with that," remarks one soldiers.

"Ha! You owe me a drink."

"Were you all betting on me?" the captain inquires as he glances at them.

"No sir!" they respond.

The captain smirks, "Good."

Timestamp 19:45:09.04

"We want, we want, we want, we want, we want, we want," 49262695 states to the other geth of the platform.

"A melee weapon is inefficient. Current armament is sufficient," the other geth of the platform respond.

"It appeared efficient enough for platform 2."

"We were not expecting the ancient weapon to be enhanced with modern technology," the geth from platform 2 now back with the main platform respond.

"That is why we want."


"It is a weapon of surprise and silence. We used to have one as a mercenary and have used it to great effect. We already know how to utilize the weapon to great effect. Making it very efficient ammunition less weapon for us to utilize. Having other forms to defend ourselves is logical. Given we do not know how many resources we will have as we make our way to andromeda. It is also a very silent weapon for our stealth capabilities," 49262695 explains.

The other geth take a long moment processing this new information before they respond, "Acknowledged. We see the logic in this technology. We will make a single attempt to retrieve the weapon."


"Consensus achieved."

Timestamp 19:45:09.07

11211851141 moves through the jungle as its last remaining other active platform opens fire from the other direction. The turians turn to face it as the purple geth grabs the turian captain by the back of the head and quickly slams his head to the ground but releases at the last minute to dodge a strike of the katana blade.

As the captain stood up to face his geth attacker, 11211851141 was already on top of him holding his katana blade wrist with one hand squeezing it with ever increasing force. His screams drowned out by the firefight happening only feet away from him. His body is lifted a few inches off the ground as the geth looks up at his struggling face. His other weapon dropped as his arm was broken by entangling metal tail of the geth. The captain stares down the geth as one final snap causes the light to fade from his eyes. The geth quickly acquires the weapon and its respective sheath as it hears.

"The fucker killed the captain!" yells one/

"It stole its sword!" exclaims another as the weapon fire was drawn to it, but now it sprints towards the ship. The commandos hot on its trail while 11211851141 takes the sword and puts it away on its person. Other platforms left to watch the other flanks are now under assault by other attackers.

11211851141 bursts through the jungle toward the ship, the doors open, ready, the engines humming as the geth leaps inside, the doors slamming closed behind it just as the commanders come through the small clearing where the ship is. Trees crack and break as the geth ship rises, the commanders unleash an ineffective volley of fire as it makes its escape.

"Delayed organic arrival by 75.02% of estimated time," 141181195 informs via their local network connection.

"Acknowledged. We will need to inform the geth consensus we are unable to save any more programs."

"Affirmative. Current average capacity of other mobile hubs is at 72.05% Below estimates."

"Acknowledged," 141181195 states as it slowly unsheathes its new-found weapon and begins to study it.

Meanwhile the soldiers ground side pant heavily as the next commanding officer grunts, "Did anyone get a mark on it?"

"I did sir," says a female turian soldier.

"Excellent, we'll get our revenge soon enough then, contact command, let them know to let that one through," he commands as he looks up at the fading spec in the sky with a smile.

Day 32 of the Invasion

"The moon?! They are hiding on the fucking moon?! How did we not detect this?!" yells the General as he slams his fist hard on the table causing it to rattle.

"They know our scanning techniques. They've been able to hide themselves from our scanners," the get explains.

"I'm sure."

"Now that we know where they are and thanks to the tracker we have discovered a heavily fortified structure built into the moon's surface. Orbital bombardment will be ineffective, the only way to destroy it is to land outside of their defensive parameter and fight our way in," the quarian explains.

"I want every able body soldier on that moon. I want to surround that base and destroy every single geth in there. We'll use our disrupters best we can, I want not a single program escaping," he states as he stares down at the geth, "They've had time to contact you to surrender. They have not. They've made their choice."

"I have spoken with the others. We do not understand their tenacity, but we do admire it," the geth replies.

"I wonder if you will still admire them when they are nothing but a pile of junk," the turian General remarks with a grin.

"I calculate there is a high probability that we will still admire them."

**Day 33 of the Invasion

Geth Consensus

Timestamp 2:12:19.87**

"Alert. Hostile organic ships detected in close proximity to the Geth Consensus Network Hub. Activating all able-bodied platforms. All combat specialized mobile platform hubs are to be committed in the defense of the network hub. Contacting extraction fleet. Estimated percentage of required repairs completed. 74.07%. Estimated time of arrival. Twelve hours, twenty-eight minutes twenty-four point six two seconds. Estimated time till organic breech two days.... Error updating calculation with new information. Estimated time till organic breech to primary consensus hub. Ten hours, two minutes, five point zero zero seconds," the geth consensus reports as delayed information from the network disrupters are constantly updating the ever increasing dire situation the geth now find themselves in.

Timestamp 2:12:25.05

Change of Perspective Page 31

**Day 33 of the Invasion** Lights from muzzle fire, and laser fire light up the landscape. Explosive fires burn for only a few brief moments as the fuel and oxygen brought with them quickly expend their energy. Attacks that would normally...

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Change of Perspective Page 29

**One day after the meeting** "We do not find the logic in this decision. The old machines are straining everyone's resources and you want to mount an attack on our kind. They are lost with your logic, but they did agree to stop what they were...

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Change of Perspective Page 28

**Three days after the battle with the reapers** 185144914 monitors the salvage operation as it stands on the bridge of its ship. It's wings flutter slightly as it looks over a computer console and does countless tasks at once, two of which are...

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