Court of the Gods

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#15 of Misc

So I've been sitting on this one for a bit, since I'm not sure I'm happy with it, but... meh, here it is anyway. The tale of how Zanduchi, god of Death and Fertility, gained another aspect and the respect (or at least fear) of the other gods. By proving that even a god can bleed.

Court of the Gods

By XP Author

Deleth, king of the gods, sat on his throne and awaited the arrival of the others. The room was a large one, fitting the godly court. Though it was not truly a room at all, nor any of the objects within it as they seemed. All were concepts of things, and merely manifest in a way a mortal mind could comprehend. A long table ran the length, seats for the other members of the court waiting. One was already occuped by his wife, Bianis, the bear goddess of life. Soon, the others started to arrive one by one. Demok, fox god of thought and knowledge, the trickster wolf Thenitas, the tigress of war Ket, and so on. Soon, every one of the court was present, sitting at their seat.

Deleth spoke, his voice carrying the weight of his position and power as creator and god of language. "Thank you all for coming." He cast his gaze upon all of them. "You all should know why I have summoned you here."

Thenitas spoke up, his voice bouncing in his usual singsong manner. "We are here to discuss the one of death and birth. They hold sway over sorrow and mirth! A travesty to this court, you see. The one we call Zanduchi!"

The king grunted at the annoying rhyme, but nodded. "That is correct. This Zanduchi has emerged on their own, claiming dominion over death and fertility."

"How is it that someone can hold dominion over two such opposed domains?" Bianis asked. "Husband, where exactly did she come from?"

"That is part of what I wish to find out." He motioned to the fox sitting across from his wife. "Demok, what have you found about her."

The fox stood, adjusting glasses atop his head. "First, I must make some corrections to things said, so we are all as clear as can be. Zanduchi is not a she, but a they. As a divine of fertility, they hold all genders as one. As for their domains, I must make it very clear that they claim dominion over the ACTS of death and fertility, nothing over birth, love, lust, wrath, or of those already dead."

Vanarta, goddess of hunting, sighed. "Yes, we're all well aware how you like to be as annoyingly precise as possible." The lioness rolled her eyes. "Please, just get on with it."

The fox nodded, clearing his throat. "Yes. Now, as god of knowledge, I know everything that has ever been to what is this very moment. What I may not remember is written in my library. With this, I can tell you the exact second every star was born. I can tell you why metals mix the way they do and why they don't when they won't. I can recite every word that has ever been written from the moment our wise king Deleth first spoke this universe into creation." His expression fell. "I say all this to emphasize the gravity of this situation." He gave a worried look to his king. "My lord, I have no idea where they came from."

There was an audible gasp of surprise from many at the table. Ket rose to her feet angrily. "How is that possible!? Perhaps you simply didn't search hard enough in your records!"

Demok shook his head. "It should not be possible. There is no record of her creation. Believe me, I have looked through everything in my library many times. They simply started existing..."

The king narrowed the stars that were his eyes. "You have another theory?" He knew his closest adviser well.

The fox nodded. "Yes, though I dare say it is even more impossible than my records simply being incomplete, as deeply unsettling as that thought is."

Thenitas gasped. "Oh! I know what you'll say! She came before the day? Before our great king sat and held sway?"

Ket growled, digging her claws into the table. "How dare you speak such heresy, jester!"

"That is my theory." Everyone stared at Demok as he confirmed the wolf's words. "My theory is that she existed before Deleth. Or at the very least, came into being at the same time. Though such a thing should be quite impossible."

Vanarta banged her fist upon the table, rising to her feet quickly. "This is all the more reason that they should not exist!"

"Or possibly all the more reason that they should." If anyone other than Deleth had spoken those words, the room would have erupted into an uproar. Instead, at the king's musing, there was a still quiet.

The silence was broken by a voice, dark and cold as a glacier, yet full of passion. "You know..." Everyone turned in shock to look at the owner. "The mortals consider it impolite to speak of someone behind their back." Zanduchi leaned against the frame of a doorway. Endless darkness cloaked their body, yet did little to hide the curvaceous figure of the deer. Distinctly feminine, well endowed, yet with masculine tone, and a set of antlers protruding from their hood. They looked up, eyes as black as coal staring at the gathered deities, a sly grin upon their lips.

Ket growled. "When did you get here?"

Zanduchi shrugged. "I have always been here."

Vanarta slammed her fist on the table again. "If you've been listening in, then you know what she means." She pointed at Zanduchi. "When were you first created!?"

They shrugged. "My answer remains the same." They held up a hand before any more protests could be shouted. "That is not what you are all here to talk about, though." They pushed off from the door frame, stepping further into the room and up to the table itself. "You feel afraid."

It was Bianis who flew to her feet this time. "How dare you!"

Zanduchi just smiled again. "Oh, I dare. And I confuse you. You do not understand. I defy your logic. And that scares you."

Demok tried to protest. "That is not why-"

They ignored the fox, talking over them. "You do not know how to handle a god with two opposite domains. I argue they are not opposite at all. The beginning of life, and the ending of life. It is balance. Nothing more. Nothing less."

Vanarta continued to growl. "Fear has nothing to do with it. You overstep yourself. You claim domains already claimed by others!"

Zanduchi shook their head. "Do I? Then let us ask." They turned to the black wolf nearby, who had been quiet thus far. "Mors Lucis. Yours is the domain of the dead. Do you feel threatened by me?"

Mors cleared his throat as he stood. He looked around the other gods. "I am the god of the dead. I rule the underworld, where the souls of mortals dwell. I sort those souls as they pass through my realm, sending them to the realms of those they were devoted to, or keep them in my own if they had not. This is my role, to watch, judge, and rule those already dead." They looked at Zanduchi directly. "I am not the god of the act of dying. I feel no threat." The crowd erupted into shouts and protests.

Zanduchi waited for the noise to calm down before turning to the other side of the table. "Anima Natura. Yours is the domain of nature. Do_you_ feel threatened by me?"

The well endowed doe in question slowly rose to her feet. She took a deep breath before speaking firmly. "Fertility has long fallen under the domain of nature. But with the rise of mortals, it has taken a new meaning." She shook her had. "I do not feel you have stepped into my domain. You have only made it more clear." The last of her words were lost as the shouting started up again.

This time, Zanduchi spoke over the shouting. "I have but one more to ask!" The protests grew silent. Though many eyes stared with anger, several now stared with curiosity. The god of death and fertility looked to the bear near the head of the table. "Bianis. Queen of the gods. God of life. Do you feel threatened by me?"

The bear frowned. "Yes." Before any more shouting could start, she held up a hand. "BUT! But... I will admit..." She took a deep breath. "Your claim over the beginning of life... does not tread upon my overseeing of the living." The room was filled with shouts. Zanduchi simply smiled as the court seemed split upon all of this. It was not long before shouts became arguments, some quickly getting personal and having little to do with the topic at hand.

All arguments were stopped by a sound. One sound, a word in a language that never was. A word that could quiet the universe in an instant if but whispered, yet it was shouted at the gathered deities by their king, the god of language and words. All turned to him as he stood. "Stop this bickering like petty mortals! You are GODS! Act like it!" Many frowned, but all remained silent. Deleth looked around at all of them. "She has made her argument before us. Stated her case. And even asked permission. I have listened and heard the words today, spoken and unspoken, and have made my decision."

All looked at their king with apprehension and anticipation. All of creation seemed to hold its breath in the moment. "Zanduchi, god of Death and Fertility. I, Deleth, King of the gods... allow this to be."

Zanduchi bowed their head, though they never had any doubt this would be the outcome. "Thank you, wise king."

They were about to leave when a fist banged against the table again. "Are we okay with this!?" Vanarta shouted, rising again to their feet.

Bianis gave a cautioning look to the lioness. "Watch your tongue, Vanarta! Your king has spoken! You will heed his choice."

"I will not!" Gasps sounded around her. She pointed a finger at her target of ire. "Zanduchi! I challenge you to a duel between gods!"

Bianis was on her feet again, glaring at the lioness. "How dare you! You will-"

"Let her continue." All eyes turned to Deleth as he spoke in a calm, yet overpoweringly commanding tone. "A challenge like this is permissible. I knew one of you would do something like this." He chuckled. "Though I will admit. I thought it would be Ket."

The tigress shook her head, arms crossed over her chest. "No, my king. My battle is done today."

Vanarta sneered. "And my hunt is just beginning." She pointed at Zanduchi again. "If I win, you will fall to the ether once more, disperse to the dust of stars and trouble us no longer!"

Zanduchi nodded, also knowing someone would have been foolish enough to pull this stunt. "I accept your challenge and your condition. When I win, I will claim my prize then."

Demok spoke up. "N-no! You must state n-"

He was again spoken over, this time by the lioness. "I accept that! It won't matter. I'm not losing to this... heretical being!" She walked over and stood before the deer, staring them directly in the eyes. "I hope you are prepared to stop existing."

Zanduchi nodded. "Always. Are you?" Their tone was calm and even, and in this, taunting. She just got a glare in response. "I will even let you pick the battlefield."

Vanarta scoffed. "Foolish. Then I pick the heart of my domain. The hunting grounds. Plains and woodlands."

They smiled wide. "A perfect choice. I'm very familiar with them. I will meet you there." With that, the deer vanished into a wisp of ash and pheromones.

Vanarta growled, storming out of the room. "The mortals will never remember your name, prey."

* * *

The hunting grounds. The heart of Vanarta's domain of the hunt. Ever changing, resembling every land that mortals hunted upon. Plains, forests, brushlands, and more. Despite resembling mortal lands, it was not a part of the mortal realm, standing instead beside it, touching yet separate. Every god had such a realm, where they could entreat with other gods or their mortal champions. Deleth's court of the gods was the only realm mortals could never set foot upon, a realm only meant for gods.

Zanduchi stood upon the grass of the plains, feeling the sun above. Time meant little to a god, and even less in these realms. Yet they were growing impatient waiting for Vanarta to start their hunt. They did nothing to hide. Death does not conceal itself, nor does birth. They did not have to wait too long, as a pair of arrows were loosed from the trees nearby. Both streaked through the sky like rays of sunlight. Both missed their target, striking the ground at either side of the deer. They did not move, simply look down at the arrows. "For a god of the hunt, her aim is lacking." It was clear the aim was for her to run, to avoid one and be hit by another.

Another arrow flew out, this time from another part of the trees. Zanduchi simply turned to the side and it streaked past. "I thought you said this was a challenge, Vanarta! So far, you've only sent me warning shots."

The lioness growled to herself at the taunt, knocking two more arrows. "I'll show you a challenge, prey." She aimed. "I'll turn you into a pincushion while you just stand there."

"But am I?" She gasped as the voice was right behind her, whispered into her ear. She spun, firing the arrows, only for them to thunk into the tree behind her.

She pulled out another arrow, looking around. "Decoy? Clever trick..."

"No." She spun around again, only to find herself pointing at air once more. "You challenged death, foolish god. Death is not in one place. Death is everywhere. Always." She growled, opening her senses, not just sight and sound, but smell and taste and touch. Any little movement would tip her to the location of her prey. Yet the voice was from nowhere and everywhere. "The hunting grounds were a poor choice."

"It's my domain!" She spun around again, seeing nothing. "I hunt. This is where the hunt happens."

A chuckle sounded around her again. "Yes. The hunt is yours. But the KILL!" She turned, only to see the deer right in front of her. "That is mine!" She instinctively fired the arrow while dashing back.

She saw the streak of sunlight simply stop as it hit its mark, laughing. "Not this time, bitch! I'm putting you down like the prey you are!"

Zanduchi shook their head. Stepping forward, they held out the arrow, showing it had not struck true, but was snatched from the air. "You challenged death itself to a game of death." They were suddenly behind the lioness. "How did you think this was going to end?" They slipped the arrow back into the quiver before Vanarta could spin around and step back. "Did you really think you could beat me with a bow and arrows?"

The lioness growled. "Fine then." She tossed her bow to the ground, her quiver of arrows following with it a moment later. "I'll take you down with my bare claws instead!" She crouched, razor sharp claws slipping from the ends of her fingers as she adopted a low stance.

Zanduchi just smiled, standing still as always. "That is more like it. Show me what you've got then, little kitten."

Vanarta grit her teeth. "I'll show you kitten, you stuck up-" She lashed out, swiping her claws out at the deer's left arm. Her claws raked through the black cloak. She felt them catch flesh and tear it open. The moment she did, her own left arm suddenly burst in pain as a trio of claw marks slashed her open. Golden, liquid stardust flowed from the wounds. She grasped at her arm, looking at the god-blood on her hand. "W-what...?" No god had ever bled before, not truly. A god's avatar could bleed and die, but not the true deity! As far as she knew, this should not be possible.

The deer just tilted their head. "You strike at death and do not expect to be hurt?" They let out a sigh. "It should be clear to you now that you cannot win this. You are no match for me. I will allow you to forfeit with grace now if you choose. You can limp off and lick your wounds."

The goddess sneered at them. "Forfeit!? To you!? NEVER!" She lashed out again, this time aiming for a leg. Just as before, it was her own leg that was slashed open, sending her stumbling to the side in pain as more god-blood drooling down her thigh.

Zanduchi sighed again, not bothering to turn and face her this time. "Prideful god. I gave you an out, to keep what little bravado you have left. You cannot win a fight to the death against death."

Vanarta growled again. "I'll show you." She slashed at the deer's back from behind, thinking if she could hit from a blind spot, she might take this annoying, ego-filled prey down. Instead, the back of her leather vest tore open as her own back shredded. Her golden blood splashed out, spilling to the ground as she fell. She had never felt such pain and agony before.

The god of death turned now to look down at the lioness. They saw the crisscross of claw marks upon her back, blood seeping out of the wounds, painting the grass a golden starlight. "Foolish."

The huntress growled, though whimpered at the same time. "F-fine... I-I..." She hesitated, the words not wanting to be spoken. "I... yield..."

"Oh, it is far too late for that." They knelt down, pulling a single arrow out of the huntress' quiver. Their other hand reached out to grip at Venarta's throat, lifting her effortlessly off of the ground.

The god grasped at the wrist, trying to pull the hand away from her neck. "W-what... are you... doing!?" She demanded, her words choked and strained from the grip on her neck. She kicked as she felt herself lifted higher, not just off the ground, but higher so her legs dangled under her.

The deer tilted its head, and for the first time, the lioness saw genuine emotion upon Zanduchi's face, and it chilled her to her core. A wicked smile spread upon their features, manic and full of malicious intent. "I am claiming my prize." They jammed the arrow they had plucked into the lion's chest. More golden blood suddenly burst forth from the wound. Something about this was very different from any of the others she had sustained. It felt much deeper, not just the pain, but something more. Something that should not be possible. It felt like she was dying. Not some mortal avatar or representation, but the god herself. Dying was something gods simply could not do, and yet, she felt her life genuinely leaking out of her.

So shocked was Vanarta by the possibility that she may actually cease to be, she was caught totally off guard when her clothing was ripped away, disintegrating into dust and ash. "S-stop!" She coughed, tasting blood and stars in her mouth, much of it leaking from her maw. "You've... proven your point!"

The deer was behind her, yet still holding her upright. Something hard pressed against her now bare backside. "Oh, but I haven't yet. And I am not done with you yet!" Her eyes went wide as she realized what it was pressing to her. The doe's cock. Long as time and harder than diamond, but still very much of flesh against her own fur. She opened her mouth to protest, but could only scream as it was rammed into her. It stretched her impossibly as it ran her through, not just pressing up to her womb, but into her very being somehow. This was the cock that belonged to the god of fertility itself.

Zanduchi rammed their cock deep over and over, savoring the sounds of pain from the defeated god in their grasp. "Have you figured out my claim yet? What my prize will be?"

Vanarta yelped as the rock slammed deep into her again, spearing its way through her insides like a comet through a nebula. "You... wish me to bare you a child?" She gasped, though not in pleasure as the fucking continued, even picked up in pace. The shaft was throbbing and pulsing within her, and she felt heavy balls slapping against her legs. She figured it had to be this, yet the pain in her chest and center was growing worse, while she felt something fading away.

The deer chuckled, leaning in closer. "No." She grasped the arrow, pushing it deeper into the god's chest, making her scream in agony. More golden blood flowed freely from the wound, yet more drooling out of her mouth. "You will not survive long enough for such a miracle."

The lioness squeezed her eyes shut, gritting her teeth as the pain grew, a coldness spreading through her even as a heat radiated up from her crotch. "Then... you wish me to die?"

"Yes... and no. " The arrow was pressed deeper as their cock was as well, the throbbing of the shaft growing more intense. "You will not exist anymore as you are. You will, for all intents, die. But you will go on. Born anew." The lioness wanted to know what the hell this crazy doe was babbling about, but the pain in her chest was too great. She did not have to wait long to find out. The arrow was jammed deeper again, piercing into the god's heart. At the same time, the cock within her suddenly burst, spraying divine seed into her womb. And she felt something horrible happening to her.

As Zanduchi both murdered the god and impregnated her at the same time, the lioness started to shift and warp, phasing through and into the deer. Her essence was pulled inwards, enveloped by the endless darkness that surrounded the death god, holding her in a lovingly callus embrace of warmth and coldness. It was wrong yet right, balanced in equal parts, but she could not care anymore as her very essence was absorbed into the deer. Their cock, now with nothing around it, still spat their jizz onto the grass, new flowers sprouting from the spot while grass died.

They took a deep, lustful breath as they felt the power spreading into them. They knew that the other gods were watching, unashamed for the display of arousal. The deer spoke to no one and everyone. "This is my claim. The foolish god has fallen, and I claim their domain. I am Zanduchi, god of Death. I am Zanduchi, god of Fertility. And I am Zanduchi, god of the HUNT! The hunt to kill. The hunt to breed. The hunt to die and to bear life. Let any god who challenges me come forth once more. I will meet them at their time and place of choosing."

They smirked when no challenge came. "Though I will meet all in the end some day." With that, the god vanished once more, returning to their own realm. They had gained great power, but they already had it. Their true purpose was to show all, mortals in divine alike... that even a god can die.

* * *

Carl looked up as the telling was concluded. The wolf scratched the back of his head. "You know, father... sometimes these stories make... absolutely no sense."

Father Michael Sky just smiled at the man. He set down the holy book had had been reading from back onto the table beside him. "You will find this is the case for many tellings of the gods. It is told by people, trying to define the divine in the words of mortals. They are infinite, while we are finite. And the finite might be able to understand the concept of the infinite, but never truly _know_it. Not until we become a part of it."

The wolf just shrugged, looking back down at the body of the horse he was currently ramming himself into. "If you say so." He grunted as he felt himself getting closer. "Still sexy as hell, though. I think Will here is pretty happy to be with Zanduchi, too."

The priest smiled at him, nodding slowly. He had been the one to slice the horse's throat as part of the ritual, sending him on to their patron god. "Yes. And more pleased that you are appreciating what he left behind." The bull pat the man's back gently. "Now knot your boyfriend and give him all you have to give." He picked the still bloody knife back up, bringing it up to the wolf's throat. "And I will join you two in Zanduchi's loving embrace as you do."

* * *