How I got Damned - Gone with the Wind

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#4 of How I Got Damned

Third Chapter to How I got Damned

We join our protagonist in one of his misadventures to a new world, were he, for the first time learns, that not everything that shines is golden.

We learn never to fully trust a demon, and to always read the fine print, as our protagonist gets his ass well and truely kicked

This Story contains:

Depictions of:

  • extreme Violence

  • Rape M/M

  • Sex M/F

  • Death, Murder

  • Blood, Guts

  • Strong language

  • Magic, Transformation, Transmutation

Story and Idea by White Dragon

Written by El Poyo Diabolo

How I got damned

Gone with the Wind...

Whispers in the wind

Adramalech sat on a collumn made of onyx. It was almost 900ft tall. He could oversee all of „his" Harem from here. There were over a hundred lionesses by now. And some other species as well. He had „collected" them one by one on his prowls into the real world. He allready fathered over 1000 offspring with these lionesses alone. He was proud of this achievement. It was grander than every pride had ever had a right to hope for. Seeing them „live" down there filled him with joy and his lust for every one of them grew with each minute he sat here and watched them.

„I see you were busy."

A fimiliar voice joined him from behind. Adramalech did not need to turn to know who had joined him on his perch.

„Yes, I was diligent in the task you gave me."

He looked down and smiled.

„Every lion pride under the sun owes me at least one of their females. I will take them all. And more."

The wind changed in a more corporial form, resampling a large birdlike creature and stood besides Adramalech. He looked down at the buzzling harem.

„How many new demons have you produced already? A thousand?"

The demonic lions flaming maine glowed brighter in his pride.

„Yes over 1000 offspring have been born from my harem, and more are to come."

He explained and a familiar stir made itself felt in his loins. The wind smiled and lay a blueish wing around Adramalechs shoulders.

„I see so many lionesses and ... what is this there?"

Adramalech followed the lead from his superior who pointed at a lioness with stripes.

„This is Xandria, she is what is called a Liger. She is a crossbreed between a lion and a tiger. She was expelled from her pride together with her mother, because she is no purebreed lion. While her mother rejected my offer, she took it quite freely, knowing she would most likely never get accepted in another pride."

The winds eyes widened a bit and his grin turned a bit more devilish.

„I see... I thought she was a differend lion breed from another dimension."

Full aware that Adramalech did not know about the possibility of different universes and dimensions, he waited for the inevitable question.

„What other dimensions?"

Adramalechs eyes were squinted and his ears were layed back all the way.

„Did you withhold knowledge from me... again?"

His voice was a mere whisper, but in it there was more hatred and wrath then any demon could ever hope to muster. The Wind on the other hand was jolly and grinned in Adramalechs face. Even if the demon-lion would lash out, he was the wind. Nobody could harm him ever.

„No I did not withhold knowledge. You never asked. It's that simple."

He said while laughing and slowly walking to the back edge of the pillar. Adramalech stood up and turned to the Wind. His flaming maine was burning in a somewhat bright black amd his eyes were of a piercing red. As he took step after step towards the greater demon named Wind, the pillar shook under his every step.

„I hate it when you do this. How can I ask about something I don't know even excisting?"

He growled menacingly, leaving pawprints and clawmarks on the hard black surface of the onyx collumn. The Wind shrugged his shoulders and waved one of his many wings. A plathera of portals opened before him. They showed different worlds. Some of which looked like earth as he knew it, some seemed to be like earth, but different and some looked absolutely bizarre. The Wind waved his wing again, and the portals refreshed to show other worlds.

„There are countless worlds out there. Not just the earth you know, there are many worlds in our galaxy, that are inhabited by life you can claim. And then there a countless other dimensions and universes, which are populated by countless worlds themselves."

The Wind explained and waved his wing another time and even more worlds were visible through his portals. Adramalech took in the views and his heart was racing. So many worlds, equaled so many new lionesses for him to claim. An evil grin formed on his lips.

„How does this work?"

He inquired and the Wind waved his wing once more and all the portals closed. He turned his head toward the demonic lion standing behind him.

„As usual, you listen to the call of your potential claim, and then you just go there. It works for all worlds in all universes."

Adramalech sat down in listened to the ether. There were uncounted voices calling him. He only ever listened to the ones he knew were lionesses for the earth he knew. Now he opened himself up for more, and he was bombarded with the lonely calls for him. They were cast in languages he did not even know but he could understand them all without fault. His grin broadened and in the end he was laughing. His thunderous laugh echoed over the hellish plains below and his mates knew, he would be on the prowl again soon...

The Wind smiled devilishly as he retreated slowly.

„You seem to enjoy yourself quite well. I am happy that you like your predicament. I will see you again very soon, untill then, have fun with your new found freedom..."

And with that he faded away. Adramalech saw his master disappear and stopped laughing. He stood up and stepped to the edge of the pillar.

„Yes, yes... go away. I have worlds to visit and girls to find. I will posses them all. They are mine to claim, mine to breed. All of them... Mwuahahahahahahaaaa..."

He laughed like the maniac he was as he concentrated on one of the voices, she sounded young and hopefull. He waved his paw and a portal materialized in front of him. He could see an oasis in a dessert on a world far away. The Sky on this world was green, and the sun shined blueish. He grinned and stepped through the portal.

Stranger in a strange land

He sat his paw on the greyish sand just outside the oasis on this new world. The air smelled different. He could not quite put a paw on it why. He was not intelligent enough to know, that differend worlds could have differend atmospheres and he did not need to know that either, in a sense, he did not breath... he took in the scenery and smiled. It was almost like earth. Given the colors were differend and the flora seemed to be of another shape and species, but an oasis was an oasis. There was a pool in the middle of it and there were animals flocking to it to drink. He crouched down and slowly advanced to some bushes surrounding the pool. He wanted to take a closer look at the animals here to find his „prey".

As he lay in ambush, he could see some of the animals, they looked positively bizarre and nothing like their counterparts from earth. He waited, as he knew, at some point his „prey" would show itself and he could approach it with his offering. He took in more of his surroundings. Tried to learn quickly the laws of this world. The blueish sun, that shined from this green sky did not burn as hot as the sun on earth and therefore the air was not as hot. He assumed the nights would get quite cold around here. The plants had huge leafs as to catch as much of this weak suns rays as possible. The Greyish sand under his paws feld strangely cold and rough, and after a closer look, he saw, that this was not sand at all, it was bone. Wittled down over hundreds and thousands of years it was ground down bones.


He dug deeper but even after more than a foot deep, there was still only this bonedust, but no „sand". Some Movement caught his eye and he looked back to the pool, down in the oasis. Most of the other animals were in panic and flet the imidiate area around the pool as three new arrivals came into view.

The looked almost like the big cats he knew from earth, but they had no fur on them. They were big, much bigger than him. They eminated power and authority as they approached the pool. Two of them went down to drink while the third stood guard, watching the surrounding area.

„These are lions alright. But why do they stand guard? Look how huge they are, how vicious. What ever could there be more vicious than them?"

He mused silently as he mustered the three predators down at the pool. He just wanted to leave his hidingspace as he heard a thunderous screetch over his head. To his horror he saw the three „lions" scatter in three differend directions.

*Why do they split, they would have better chances in a fight when they stayed together...*

He thought and then he saw the shadowy figure plunge from the green sky above. It happened lightning fast. This birdlike being fell from the sky and landet on top of one of the lions and without even pausing, it lifted itself together with the still screaming lion off the ground again. Under the wooshing sound of it's wings one could hear the bones of the captured predator crack and some moments after the screams fell silent.

*Oh my god, what was that?*

Adramalech stayed in his bush for some time afterward until he knew the sky was clear. He came out of hiding and took a prolonged look around. There was no animal left in the imidiate vicinity. Now he knew why they kept their vigil up while drinking. He slowly came down to the pool and saw the blood splattered sand where that bird of prey captured one of these lions. He gulped as he put his own paw inside the pawprint of one of the others. He felt miniscule in comparison to these massive lion-like creatures. He took a deep breath. Their scent was still in the air, at least two of them had been female. He felt that familiar stir in his loin and shivvered at the thought of beeing able to lay with one of them. Slowly he descendet to the pool in the middle of the oasis. The murky liquid smelled acrid and Adramalech did not dare to take a sip. But he looked at his reflection in the pool and remembered a thing the Wind had told him earlier:

„As you are a demon, you do not have a body of flesh and blood. Your body is composed of a substance known as necroplasma. This substance will give your soul a form and a function in the real world. When you are able to controll your souls field, you will be able to controll your form and function."

Adramalech saw into his reflection and concentrated hard on what he wanted. It was a strange feeling as he began to change. His golden-brown fur was the first to vanish, then his skin turned charcoal black and in the end he began to grow. As his transformation was finished, something completely new looked back at him from the pont. A creature almost like a smoky shadow. His Eyes were two glowing red orbs in a cloud of blackness. As he grinned a row of shining white teeth split the shadow in two. He liked what he saw. He now was on the same scale as the lion-like creatures. Now he would wait for the night, and then he would call them out.

He lay in the shade of a big rock and bid his time. He looked after this blueish sun as it ran across the sky and slowly began to change to a purple shade and in the end it disappeared behind the horizon. The night fell quick and the temperature fell with it. Adramalech climbed on one of the bigger rock formations and readied himself for his first call. He drew in the strange air of this world and roared his desire to the wind of this world. He knew in this environment his call was to be heard for miles and miles. He waited for a moment and let the echo die down before repeating his plead for a mate.

After some time he heard an answer. It sounded strangely familiar and there was so much longing sounding in this call. He roared his acceptance and waited for his potential mate to find him. It did not take long for the other creature to arrive. She was a little bit smaller than him, and much thinner. She came cautiously from the high dunes down to him. He waited near the pont and invited her to him with a loving rumble and came some steps in her direction. Right from the get go, she knew, he was not of her kind. He looked like her kind, but then again he was totally off in a way. Not only the bright red eyes and the smoky maine. His complete demeanor was so strange. She was always on the edge, always ready to flee at a moments notice, while he was absolutely calm. Just as nothing could ever harm him. He exsuded controll and confidence. He was all that she was not... and he was hot as hell (pun intended).

She stoped her advance some 15 feet away from him.

„Who... what are you?"

She asked in her strange language, which Adramalech mysteriously understood perfectly. He stood proud before her, his intentions clear for everyone to see.

„I am Adramalech. I am not of your kind, as you surely already know. I am a demon."

He spoke it out as if it was nothing. A sidenote to his existence.

By the way, I'm a demon and I'ma gonna drag y'all to hell, yo...

She took a step back, but since he did not imidiately followed her she stayed.

„A demon? Why are you here?"

He tilted his head and looked her deep into the eyes.

„Sheeena, right? I am here to offer you a deal. A way out so to speak."

She looked utterly surprised, how did he know her name? And what deal? What for?

„A deal?"

Sheeena asked. She was torn inside. One part of her wanted to run away, fast and far away, the other part wanted to stay, to get near him. He smelled so good, he seemed so nice, and he was so confident in himself. Adramalech made a slow step toward her.

„Yes a deal. You see, I know you live in constant fear. I offer you a way out."

She tilted her head.

„A way out? How?"

Adramalech grinned.

„Well, I get to lay with you, and then I kill you."

This was as far as he got when she bolted.

„I knew it... never make a deal... never."

She shouted already at full sprint out of the oasis. Adramalech rolled his eyes.


He concentrated for a second and the landscape shifted. All of a sudden she was a mere 5 feet in front of him. There was no chance for any reaction and so she ran him over. As they tumbled into the sand she screamed at him to let her go. He on the other hand was still absolutely calm.

„Shhhh girl. Calm down. Let me explain. You don't have to take the deal. And I won't force it onto you, but let me explain. You haven't heard the real deal of it."

He tried to explain to her, while she fought tooth and nail to get off of him. Adramalech sighed and took a hold of Sheeena and wrestled her to the ground without even breaking a sweat.

„Girl. Sheeena. Listen to me. Just for a second."


She growled, trying her best to get a hold of his throat to kill him if neccessary. He simply lay down on her and let his weight do the talking. She could feel his hot, throbbing member press against her as he simply lay down on top of her. He was so incredibly heavy. She struggled for a moment longer before giving up and just lay there, panting heavy.

„Ok then. Rape me, kill me, but leave me alone!"

She screamed at his smug face. He slowly shook his head.

„See girl, it does not work like that. I'm not allowed to rape you, I'm not even allowed to lay a paw on you, when you don't want me to. But all of this only aplies after I have given you the full extend of my offer."

His voice was still absolutely calm, he didn't even pant, not even a little bit. Sheeena lay still her eyes filled with fear and panic.

„OK... OK... but make it quick, out here the Phoenix will find us."

She stated and looked around in search for something. He smiled affactionately.

„You mean the bird thingie?"

„Yes, the Phoenix. If he ever sees you, you are toast."

She blurted out.

„But it's night. Birds don't fly at night!"

He statet with full confidence in his knowledge. She just shook her head.

„You don't know nothing. The Phoenix flies always, he never sleeps, he never rests, he flies all the fucking time. And he is always hungry. So make it quick or get off me so I can get myself to savety!"

She shouted at him. Adramalech tilted his head and for the first time he took in his surroundings. They were on the open plains, there was no cover, no shelter anywhere near.

„OK girl, listen. I gonna fuck you, then I gonna kill you and after that, you will be part of my private Harem for all eternity. No more being hunted by some goddamn bird, no more fear. Just you, me and the other lions. Free to roam my lands and to fuck and multiply as much as you want."

He spoke quick, but in no haste what so ever. He did however start to lift himself up to let her get into position for him to enter her. Sheeena did not even think a second about it and wiggled herself out from underneath him. As she stood before him she turned her backside toward him and raised her tail. Her lips were already drenched and swollen red from the anticipation. He did not need any invitation.

„Make it quick demon. If he finds us before you are finished, we might as well be both dead."

Adramalech mounted her quick and entered her in one smooth motion. She felt godlike. The way she embraced him as he filled her almost completely was stunning even for him and his experience with more than 100 differend mates over the years. He started moving quickly, he did not want to have her waiting and perhaps calling it quits before he could claim her fully. But she did not seem too eager to pull away from him. She pushed back hard on him and worked her muscles to milk him fast. Her could feel, that she had done this before. Probably because of their predicament with this phoenix bird. They had to by quick breeders to be able to split up again and be a lesser target. It wasen't that she did not enjoy the procedure, in fact she seemed to like it alot. She panted and moaned her little heart out as she worked him hard, and he did his part just as eager as she. He pumped into her folds hard. Time after time. He did not take his time to savor the feeling, which was glorious, he just plunged into her repeatedly until he could feel himself tense up.

„I'm getting close..."

She simply nodded.

„Then finish up and get it done."

This was the moment he realized, she was enjoying the act, but she was far from cumming. He suddenly stopped moving.

„Hey why did you stop. Didn't you said you gonna fuck me and then kill me?"

She asked annoyed. He shook his head.

„No... nonono... that's not how it goes. You need to cum with me. As in having your orgasm together with me, it won't work without it."

He was beyond stunned at this point. Never had he had a female, that did not cum with him.

„Honey, I never cum. I'm not here to cum, I'm here to breed, to get our numbers up, so we outlast the Phoenix. No female ever came. At least none of my knowledge."

Adramalech was failing at words. Part of him was all for it, he would show her how to cum, another part of him was full of pity for them.

„Never came? You never came in any way?"

He was about to seperate from her, but she shoved herself up against him again.

„No I never came. I'm not sure if I am able to."

She said honestly. Adramalech shook his head in disbelief.

„That... that is tragic... we... I got to do something about it."

But he did not get any further as an all to familiar screech thundered over the plaines.

„Oh no... nononono..."

Sheeena screamed and tried to get rid of Adramalech who in his state of shock was not able to react quite as fast as his mate to be. At the time she was able to kick herself free of him, it was already to little to late, as the Phoenix plunged out of the sky and skewered them both with his long and sturdy talons. He hadn't really touched the ground as he already began flapping his mighty wings to regain flight.

Sheeena screamed her pain as she felt her bones got crushed by the mighty feet of the Phoenix, while Adramalech simply burst into flames. The Phoenix opened his claws in reflex to the burning sensation and both bodies fell into the dephs. The demons body never even touched the ground, he simply vanished as the flames ate his body rapidly, but Sheeenas body plumited to the ground and hit it with a dull thump. Her eyes catched a last glimpse of the phoenix as he made his turn for a new approach, but by the time he came down on her, she was already dead.

No peace for the wicked

As he opened his eyes he was back at his Harem.

„So... I died... again."

Adramalech stated in a groggy tone. He took a lock around, but Sheeena was not there.

„Well I did not kill her, and she did not cum. So it might be correct for her not to be here."

He felt something like a slight pain. One could name it guild, but it was gone again before he even could get a hold of it.

„Where is that Wind when you need him..."

He shouted in no paticular direction. He knew the Wind would hear him, he always did. And indeed it took the Wind no time to make himself felt by Adramalech, as a slight breeze shuffed against his back.

„What the hell just happened?"

He asked as the Wind materialized behind him. The disembodied laughter of the Wind echoed throughout Adramalechs Harem.

„You met me. Well not exactly me. But my alter ego or image if you like. I am not the only Wind there is. In differend dimensions there are differend Winds. The one you encountered calls itself the Phoenix."

The Wind stated not without some amusement in its voice. Adramalech was furious.

„How can it be, that everytime, something unexpected happens to me, you come along and say: Oh by the way, there are greater demons out there out to kill you... but no worries, you can't exactly die..."

Adramalech stood up and took a few steps toward the wind, and now he could see the similarities between the Wind he knew and that Phoenix. This one was just blue, not shadowy.

„Why do I always get vital informations AFTER the lack of those got me into trouble? And when did you plan on informing me, that when I die, I get back down here?"

The Wind just ruffled his feathers as Adramalech kept screaming at him.

„I'm so done with this shit. I need this intel before I get in any trouble, not afterwards. And don't give me that: Awww the purdy widdle pussy cat... look. You know what I mean. Or perhaps you aren't as powerful and allknowing as you claim to be."

The demon lion stomped up and down before the greater demon, who just looked down on his creation with a mixture of annoyance and boredom. When Adramalech finally ended his tirade, huffing and puffing before the Wind and once more repeated, that he thought the Wind was more of a fart, the greater demon just flipped.

He grew in size to enormous proportions his eyes were like anti-light. Whereever he casted his sight, it was getting dark. His talons dug deep into the bedrock of hell and his wings span all around Adramalechs Harem. As he raised his voice, it was everywhere and nowhere at the same time and every word shook the very foundation of hell.

„Don't be such a little pussy. You are but a speck of dirt on in a world full of dirt. You are nothing. I could erase your very existence just with a wink of an eye. I am older than time. I now everything. I set the rules, I tell you what you need to know, when you need to know..."

With a thunderous crash he took a step towards the demon lion in front of him, towering over him.

„Know your place. I gave you the power to best every living foe you may encounter and to charm every living female you may encounter. But down here, you are nothing..."

Adramalech stepped back slowly, but in defiance he still held his head high. He was not to give in so easily to the angry greater demon before him.

„I think I need to demonstrate you, the futillity of your little revolt."

With this said the Wind changed his form. The big multiwinged bird went up in flames and out of the inferno steped a fiery beast. It's form constantly changing and with it being engulfed in everlasting flames, one could not exactely make out it's contours.

It was still much, much bigger than Adramalech, It went on two legs, had a tail of some sort, more like a whip of flames. Its four or more arms were long and strong and its three heads were constandly laughing. Adramalech stepped back again. Now he did not hold his head high anymore. He knew he was in for a rough time. It was not an everyday occurance that the Wind changed into his war form.

„Did you know...?"

Said the first head on the fiery figure in front of him, echoed by the other two.

„When I kill you here in hell..."

Said the second head, echoed by the other two.

„You will suffer sevenfold!"

Said the third and lashed out with his whip like tail, sweeping Adramalechs feed from under him.

Adramalech scrambled to get to his feed again, only to be swept away again, flung against an onyx pillar. He could feel his rips give and groaned.

„Aaaaah the sound of suffering. But I think we need to go a step further..."

Said the first head...

„... or two..."

Said the second...

„... or three..."

Said the third and Adramalech was grabbed by the neck by one of the big fiery hands and he was picked up easily. The wind raised him up to his heads all the time laughing.

„Look at you. You wittle purdy pussy cat. Nothing more than a kitten. You know what they do to kittens, that are unruly?"

All three head were screaming on the last sentence.

„They get drowned!"

And with that Adramalech was engulfed in flames. The hellfire burned hotter than any fire had ever had the right to burn. The pain and the agony were intense, but since he himself was a demon, he knew he would not die to these flames. He had overstepped, and now he had to be punished. And what a punishment this was. Humiliated, belittled, tortured and beaten.

The Wind saw the reaction of Adramalech and was not pleased. As his master, he knew everything Adramalech knew, he saw and felt everything his subordinate saw and felt. And the stoic acceptance of this punishment was not enough. So the Wind had to step up his game once more.

Letting the demon lion fall to the ground, the still bruning Adramalech hit the ground with a dull thud, shattering yet more bones. They would heal. Every wound on his body would heal. They hurt, indeed sevenfolt, but they would heal and fast at that. Already the burned skin an fur were regenerating.

As Adramalech slowly got up from the ground, the Wind came up behind him. Unbeknown to him, the Wind had grown another appendage. And only at the moment he was grabbed by the hips from behind by two oft the powerful arms of the greater demon, he got a glimpse of what was to happen now. In a primal panic he tried to scramble away from the Wind, but the much more powerful demon simply held him in place.

„No... don't!"

Pleaded Adramalech, but the Wind was not in the mood to show mercy. He used two more of his arms to push the demon lions front to the ground and pull his tail out of the way, granting him access to his rear door.

„No... I beg you...!"

It was of no avail, as he felt the heat of the burning member of his superior pressing against his backside.

„Open wide pussycat."

The first head taunted, while the second head snikkered and the third head was already moaning in delight.

„It has been a while for me. I hope you will make me feel good, or else I might need to do it again, and again and again..."

Continued the first head.

„... untill I am satisfied..."

Added the second head.

„... Uuuuhhnnn don't let me wait any longer..."

Said the third and rammed himself into Adramalech. He gasped for air, as the full girth of the Winds mighty member stretched him to his limits and beyond. He could feel himself tearing in multiple spots.

„... ack..."

He did not get out more, as he tried to breath, but the wind was well and truely knocked out of him, when the Wind began to pump himself into him again and again, pushing so deep, that he compressed his diaphragma from below.

For the first time in god knows how many years, tears filled Adramalechs eyes. He fought tooth and nails to get away from this assault, but he was in over his head for good this time. The pain was mindshattering and he thought he could feel his hips give in, as he lost all sensation in his legs.

„Oh yeah... nothing like a good morning rape..."

Purred the first head, while the second just nodded in blissful joy.

„... yeah squeak for me bitch..."

added the third and slapped Adramalechs behind for good messure. The latter just lost control over his bladder and wet himself, while whining. He was close to loosing contiousness from the pain and suffering he was subjected to. His sight began to blur and his struggle slowly stopped.

„Ooooh no... not so easy... not so easy."

Thundered the Wind, and send a jolt of energy through the demon lion at his mercy. Adramalech jerked back and howled his agony. He regained some of the sensation in his lower body and instantly wished for it to go away again.

„Ple... please... no more..."

He winced and lay his head down on the ground. All three heads on the winds body were grinning at that point, and the first one raised his voice.

„Ahhh are we learning to show a little humility?"

The second nodded.

„... Yes it seems he might have learned..."

The third just roared...

„... CUMMING!"

Adramalech never knew what hit him, as he was suddenly filled with fire. He felt like was to burst from the inside, as he heard the Wind howling his satisfaction. He was let go by the greater demon and was pushed forward by the sheer pressure of the Winds release. The demon lion lay there, a good 15 feet away from the Wind, who slowly changed back to his usual, birdlike form. Adramalech was breathing shallow. He was hurting all over, inside and outside. Even with his demonic healing and him being practically immortal, this would take a while. He was unable to move as he felt the greater demons approach. He closed his eyes and tried to ready himself for the next assault... which never came...

„I hope, I don't need to repeat this... You know. I feel what you feel... So I am in the right to say: This had hurt me as much as it did you. So don't make me do it again."

The Wind whispered into his ears, his voice full of love and affection for his subordinate before desolving into thin air.


When Adramalech regained his consciousness, he lay on a bed of pelts and flowers in his Harem. He slowly tried to lift his head, but the burning sensation that climped up his spine let him wince and lay it back down imidiately. He felt a soft paw on his aching shoulders.

„Don't move yet. Your body is still shattered. You will need more time to heal."

Adramalech opened his eyes and tried to look around. He could not see the lioness with the number 74 sitting behind his back, keeping vigil over his healing.


He was rewarded with a soft kiss on his cheek.

„Yes I am here. Ushi is arguing with the Wind, if this punishment was really neccessary. You know your mother."

Adramalech tried to stir, but non of his extremities listened to his commands.

„Relax Adramalech, she knows her place, and the Wind is calm."

Evoras voice was full of affection and she continuely stroked his shattered back to sooth his pain. Not able to do anything about it, Adramalech gave in to being relegated to some rest. It would take some more days for the corporal wounds to heal up properly, the scars he carried in his soul would take much longer to fully heal. The fact, that his lionesses came to sooth his pain helped. As he was almost back to working order and already back on his feet again, he started reviewing different worlds for himself to visit. He was much more cautious, now that he knew, there could be some other greater demons out there. He studiet the worlds he deemed „worthy" of his visit. Frequently he was joined by his mates who loved to watch the portals with him.

Don't get me wrong, most of them were enjoying their stay in Adramalechs Harem, and the love and affection he gave them. It was more than most of them ever encountered in their former live as part of a regular pride.

But living in literally hell, even with all the perks they got by being part of Adramalechs Harem, had some significant downsides compaired with living on earth. To feel real earth under ones paws, to smell the fresh air, to hunt and kill ones prey... all that was not there here in hell.

The stone floor of hell, even in the plains were it was more ash than stone, did not even feel real sometimes. The putred air, that filled their lungs here in hell was nothing in comparison even to the stench of a rotten corpse on earth, not to mention the smell of fresh air in the morning and the taste of the dew on the leafs of the plants at the waterhole. And don't even get me started on the food here in hell. They did hunt here... it was more of a pasttime to train their young, but they were unable to eat their kills. The necroplasma, of which the bodies of every denisen of hell were made, was simply unpalatable.

So they enjoyed watching the „real" world with him. Humans would call it TV or something had tolt the Wind. At the moment Ushi, his mother sat beside him and leaned into him. He affectionately stroked her back and intertwined his tail with hers. He flicked through the portals searching for the „right" one. Ever so often staying on one portal for a while before zapping to the next one.

He finally stopped at a portal which looked suspiciously like the earth he knew. Normally, even on the worlds that looked alot like earth, there were differences in the flora and fauna. But until now everything looked quite familiar. He concentrated on the call from this world and licked his flews. He waited and looked some more.

„This is interesting."

He said intrigued by the spectacle in the portal.

„Are you going to get her?"

Asked his mother while nuzzling her sons neck. Adramalech tilted his head to lean it on his mothers and purred.

„Yes... yes I think I'm going to get her. She seems lonely and she looks... interesting."

He stood up and stretched his legs before touching his mothers head with his in a show of great affection.

„I'll be right back."

He said and steped through the portal

A new flavor

Adramalech reemerged from the portal and at his side lay a strange new lioness. On her chest the number 111 still blazed. The portal closed behind them and there was no turning back from here on out. Adramalech nodged the still unconcious lioness softly.

„Come on girl, wake up."

He said softly as he nuzzled her neck a bit more.

„Wakie, wakie Liana. We're home. Open your eyes and say hello to your new family. A family that will welcome you with open paws."

His voice was filled with love and affection. His mother came down from her perch over the portal area of his Harem.

„Let her be son. She will need some time. Give her some space."

She said in a warm tone, almost as affectionate as Adramalech had been. She had a new daughter or sister. She did not really know how she should call the others, but as she was the oldest, the first, most of them referred to her as a mother. She sat down next to Liana and took a good look at the newest addition to their group. She looked very differend to the lions in the Harem. Her legs were longer and less defined than those of the others, she had strange teats and only two of them. Ushi shook her head. But her son did bring her in, and they would take her in as well. She would be a full member of their Harem.

Little did she know how strange things would be getting in the future...

But for now her sorrows were gone with the Wind...