[c] Simple Beam

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She's overwrought with stress and complexity, so a visiting pokemon decides to help her unwind with a Simple Beam attack. But the move does much more than chase her worries away. Much, much more...

A commission for thepichubro, thank you very much! Featuring hypnosis/mind alteration, transformation, gender transformation, and some horny pokemon breeding...

The Xatu coasted high over the Alolan sky, clouds brooming around him. He could feel psychic power thrumming in the shimmer of his patterns and in every beat of his wings. The warm air rising from the sands of the sun-lapped beaches below made prime thermals for easy soaring; still, even without them, the Xatu could have soared easily enough. He was more than capable of lifting himself under his own power.

He coasted off to the side. His power sang in him, begging to be used. Almost lazily, he cast his mental net out onto the island below, picking up staticky little bursts of thought and emotion from people and pokemon both. They swept at him like the tide rolling over sand and he swatted them aside one after another; dozens, hundreds of them...

And then, abruptly, he alit on the perfect recipient of his power. Smiling to himself, the psychic pokemon swooped low. This would be fun.

Haukea had never counted herself a moper, but it was hard not to feel a little down. It was stupid--stupid of her to feel like this. A woman's twentieth birthday was supposed to be a celebration! Instead, what had crept up on her but a feeling of failure?

In Alola, their vaunted system of trials were run by a series of captains, each of whom were highly respected as talented trainers. Haukea's goal in life had always been to make it as a trial captain. Yet things always seemed to get in the way. She would put it off, month after month and year after year, until...


Trial Captains had to be under the age of twenty. That was the rule. She'd missed out entirely.

She'd spurned any attempt by friends or family to cheer her up on her special day and wandered out into the wilderness. The green fronds of the jungle swayed in the Alolan sun above her. Throwing herself into a grassy patch, Haukea just sighed, staring up unhappily. Truth was, this was only the metaphorical cherry on top. Finances, job stress, navigating relationships... why was adulting so hard all of a sudden? She was miserable! She just wished life could be simpler. That was all.

A simpler life? Easily arranged.

The thought nibbled at her, coming from within her mind, and yet it was decidedly foreign, almost as if something else had put it there. Haukea sat up, her nut-brown hair rolling down her back. "H-Hello?" she ventured. "Who...?"

A shadow swept over her and touched down on a branch, revealing itself to be a Xatu. She gaped at the pokemon, which stared down at her impressively. I can sense your worry and strife, he thought at her, and Haukea shuddered as his words were transmitted direct to her brain. They claw at you, like gnarled roots churning the earth. I can chase them far, far away.

The trainer swallowed. "How?" she asked. Part of her couldn't believe she was doing this, talking over her troubles with a pokemon--but she felt so cruddy, she was willing to try anything at this point.

As you thought, life is easier when things are simpler, the Xatu rejoined. He raised his wings sharply, moving them sharply and deliberately like flags in semaphore. The air around him shimmered, mirage-like. An ambient pressure of power began to fill the stretch of jungle. It so happens that I know a move that can aid you.

"Wh-what are you..."

Before Haukea could finish her question, the power compressed around the Xatu, flooding out of it in the form of vivid rings that cycled between various colors. The rings swept at her and Haukea braced herself, but they didn't appear to have any physicality; they passed through her, leaving no trace or mark.

In fact, it seemed that if anything, they were affecting her mind, not her flesh.

A note of confusion touched down on her. What was...?

Simple Beam, the Xatu crooned triumphantly. Then, gathering his power, he sent it at her again.

The multifaceted light whispered past her and she blinked again. She felt... felt...

...how did she feel? She wanted to say woozy, but that wasn't the right word at all. She wasn't dizzy, she was just... just...

Another wave of rings hit her, and she sat down without realizing it. She searched for the right word, just trying to find it, yet it always seemed to juuuuuuuuuuuuust flit out of reach...

To the old Haukea, that sense of failure probably would have gnawn at her. But the new one just giggled at her newfound silliness. Well, darn--she just couldn't think about what she wanted to say. Oh well! There were worse things. The lithe trainer splayed back into the grass, enjoying its tickle against her skin. The sky overhead was lovely--a pleasant blue speckled with nubs of cloud that were being shooed along by the wind. How could anyone ignore such a pleasant day?

She frowned. Hold on. Hadn't she been upset about something? Then what...?

Oh, none of that. The words came from the pokemon she had forgotten about entirely until that point, shortly followed by another burst of those funny shining rings. They seemed to settle deeper in her this time around--and shortly afterward, she felt for the first time the inkling of changes on, and in, her body. They snapped over her like pop-rocks, tangible everywhere from her fingertips to the back of her ears. The pop-rock feeling coalesced, solidifying into a sensation that snapped over her. An unusual, enjoyable warmth began to suffuse her.

That's right, give in. Another blast of the Simple Beam left Haukea almost swaying where she sat. It feels good, doesn't it?

He was right. It did feel good. And the moment she stumbled into that realization, the changes began in earnest.

It started on her hands, the crackling sensation crawling over her to nestle on her palms and fingertips. The trainer watched wide-eyed as her body began to change, the skin of her palms and fingertips thickening, capable of running through the wild without issue. They lightened in color from her natural brown skin to a muted pink, and her digits shortened, her fingers shrinking down to become stubby and fat. Those were far from the only changes; chocolate-colored hair--no, fur--began to sprout, crawling up to her wrist and gloving her hands in a comfortable, familiar sheen of warmth. Except they weren't really hands at all anymore, were they? They were paws.

Maybe the old Haukea would have been stressed or at least confused at such a change, but with Xatu's power rinsing over her, the shift seemed natural, even exciting. Why would anyone be worried? Her new fur and paws seemed so comfortable and fitting, and those pink toe beans were so cute! She smiled excitedly, waiting for more changes to settle on her. The happiness seemed to settle into a strange desire she had never felt before; she found herself wanting to wag her tail, and was vaguely disappointed she didn't have one.

Oh, no need to worry, little one... The Xatu's words were soothing and comforting, and as more of the Simple Beam hit her, Haukea smiled joyfully. Yes, the Psychic-type was right. Why worry? Everything would be alright, so long as the changes continued!

And continue they did. The bubbly sensation suffused out of her new paws and into her whole body. The young woman began to shrink--slowly at first, but without stopping. Before long, her blouse was hanging loose off her body, and her skirt and boyshorts had no chance of staying on her. She could feel her bones rearranging for a digitigrade, quadruped form, but the change was entirely comfortable. It didn't hurt any more than popping her fingers, and held the same feeling of unspoken relief afterward. As she slumped forward, resting happily on her paws to assume a four-legged stance, it really did feel right.

Haukea wriggled out of her clothes, feeling delighted as she tangled and tussled with the cloth. It was quite the fun game! With every turn and twist more fur sprouted, crawling its way up her body. Unlike the darker brown fur girding her paws, this was beige; it came in uniformly, quickly coating her body with layer after layer. At the same time, her face began changing shape, rounding into a canine form. Her mouth morphed into a small muzzle. Down on her chest, her breasts receded into her body as more of the light brown fur swept over her; what was left was a tiny pair of nipples easily hidden by her coat, with a few more budding into life down her tummy. A pressure asserted itself in her coccyx, quickly exploding into a floofy, grey-white tail that curled up behind her. Haukea wagged it happily. It felt so relieving to finally get to do it!

When she finally tired of her game and properly emerged from the tent of her old clothes, anyone would have taken her for a normal Rockruff from a distance. Only up close would someone be able to see the remnants of her human self--and those were fast being absorbed.

Well done! praised Xatu, sending a rewarding pulse of Simple Beam her way. The power settled into Haukea's head, making her feel proud and excited; she barked excitedly, wagging her tail all the while. More of the changes settled onto her. Her long human hair receded into her crown, replaced by more of Rockruff's beige fur; her ears lengthened and folded at the ends, migrating up to her head. Her muzzle, already the same color as her paws, lengthened even more, and she opened her mouth, letting her long canine tongue loll out as she panted happily. Her nose, which had already more or less melded into her muzzle, grew wet and triangular, shining pink. A pleasant ruff of creamy fur sprouted, collar-like, around her neck, and small pebbles began to poke out of it. Her eyes took on the vivid hue of the sky above.

As the last of the changes settled into her, Haukea barked happily and excitedly. She was now a Rockruff; the world was hers to play, scamper in, and explore! What need was there to focus on those silly old worries that had plagued her before? Putting her nose to the ground, she followed a trail of scents to a nearby fern, then pounced on it, wagging her tail all the while.

Very well done, the Xatu thought at her. But there is one change remaining.

Haukea cocked her canine head. Another change? What was he talking about? She was a Rockruff now, right?

Just wait and see...

And gathering his power, he shot one final Simple Beam her way. Haukea's eyes widened as she whined with surprise. All of a sudden, her body was aflame.

The sensation was similar to the crackling one which had instigated her transformation, yet now it was all mixed up with a second feeling, one of fiery, passionate, animalistic want. Sudden mating instinct flushed her flesh, eventually settling down amidst her loins.

She was far from prepared for what happened next. The fiery sensation touched down on her puffy canine pussy and, slowly, it began to swell out. Haukea's legs trembled from the sensation; with every millimeter of growth, a pulse of blissful fire waxed through her. Before long, she was resting her cheek on the floor of the Alolan jungle, tongue lolling, with her ass in the air. She had never once considered that any creature could feel this type of fire!

Yes, there's no reason to be a stressed, upset human girl any longer, Xatu said, his voice soothing. Haukea panted as she glanced up at him. Maybe he would help her...? That life is just one of unhappy complexity. Far better to be wild and simple, to be dictated by the urges to sniff, to play, to sire... He folded his wings satisfactorily around himself. Truly an ideal existence.

Even amidst her flushed heat and simplistic mind, Haukea found herself a touch confused. To sire? But she was female. She couldn't sire anything...

...could she?

Her womanhood continued swelling up, the lips of it slowly coming together. Before long, her slit was little more than a crease, and then even less than that--her pussy wasn't a pussy at all anymore, but a small pouch. It kept on growing and Haukea saw stars as an unfamiliar, lusty weight settled into them. Her balls...

But even that change was nothing compared to what settled on her clit. Her sensitive button swelled and lengthened, firming up and pushing out. Whining, Haukea sunk her hips down and rubbed her fast-growing clit against the earth for stimulation, being rewarded by a fiery dance of pleasure. Her clit lengthened more and more, gradually shifting to be positioned right at the crest of her new sack, and it was long and pink and hard and fleshy and tender and needy, and then a tiny pinprick opened up at the top of it and a little fluid dribbled out. Her balls tensed and ached and felt needy, and the base of her clit--except it wasn't her clit anymore, was it?--swelled up into a proper canine knot.

When the change was finished, Haukea rose on shaky legs, tottering a few steps sideways before sitting. Forepaws on the ground to steady herself, she lifted her hind leg to better show off her new equipment. Her womanhood was no longer that anymore. She--no, he--was astonished at the canine package on display. Panting and whining, Haukea dipped his head in to lick and lap at his cock.

Odd sensations filled him, confused him. He... he'd felt sexual needs before, as a human, but this was far, far different, and in a way that couldn't just be excused by his change in species. Blinding urges he had never had to confront before spurred him to find something and mate with it, and their presence was misdirecting and unfamiliar--but far from unwanted. His cock, his balls, his knot were all new and at the moment, it almost felt like they were guiding him, not the other way around.

His tongue felt good on his cock, but it was far from enough to sate his urges, and Haukea raised his head to whimper at Xatu. The bird pokemon trilled out a laugh. Feeling needy, aren't we? he said. Why stress and strain? Your new life is a simple one; you're an empty-headed, happily breeding beast. Forget your troubles and just follow your urges and instincts. They'll guide you right.

Haukea barked in affirmation. Xatu was right! Worries were for humans and their silly little lives. He was a Rockruff, and just had to follow his urges!

And right now, they told him to breed.

Hoisting himself up, the Rockruff stuck his nose to the ground again. This time, he wasn't focused on playing--he was here to suss out a mate. His canine nose quickly zeroed in on a waiting scent, and he followed its trail through the Alolan jungle, his cock still erect and hard, insistent on him finding something to breed. As he dutifully followed his mating instincts, Xatu coasted afterwards on his wings, eager to see the result of his power and transformation.

After only a few minutes of searching, the scent that Haukea had picked up quickly sharpened. The female he'd been tracking was near, very near!

Bounding into a fern-dappled glade, Haukea found her--a Zorua just a touch smaller than his new Rockruff body. She was consumed by the fires of estrus, rubbing her puffy slit against the ground, her tongue lolling from her foxlike muzzle.

Haukea stopped dead upon finding her. He could smell her heat from here; she was needy and wanting, and the aroma of her arousal lit him up. When he nosed aside the ferns, the Zorua turned her head to him and keened a high whine, her tail thrashing back and forth.

The ghostly sound of Xatu fluttering down touched his ears. Go, the Xatu told Haukea. Surrender to your instincts. Live a happy life of needful indulgence.

Barking in agreement, Haukea trotted into the meadow. Seeing him coming, the Zorua turned and lifted her ass at him, her wet and puffy slit on full display. A growl burbling in his throat, Haukea hitched himself up, settling his paws in against the dark ruff of fur about her shoulders. Gripping tight, he levied his weight to keep her in place, then aligned his cock with her entrance. Both pokemon panted needily as Haukea's dick teased her, and then, heeding the call of nature, he thrust in.

They were both creatures, not silly humans, and had no desire to take it easy. Heat didn't allow time for reflection or quiet pace. Neither of them wanted it. He slammed home with fervor and both of their voices rose over the jungle, rough and pleased.

For Haukea, the sensation was sublime. He'd never experienced a feeling like this before; sexual pleasure was entirely different as a male, to say nothing of a male canine in the thrall of heat! Her walls clenched around him and the pressure was immense, rocking through him like a volcanic aftershock; he barked out and then took her ear in his muzzle, the illusion pokemon moaning lustily and pushing back against him as he did so. He hammered in again, and again, every thrust better than the last. The more he slammed in, the more he loved the feeling of it. Before long, he'd half-forgotten that he had ever not been a needy male Rockruff mating a willing partner.

Why had he been so upset earlier? Why had he allowed stress to consume him? Why had he been overthinking? He bucked into his mate and she keened, both of them musky and feral and having the time of their lives. Those old worries, which he could scarcely even recall the details of, seemed quaint to him now. He had nothing to worry about. He wasn't a worked-up, fretting, sad trainer who was upset over her failed ambitions; he was an energetic, happy, playful, virile, simple-minded beast who lived to pounce and play and frolic and fuck.

As Haukea slammed into the Zorua, finally shoving his knot in and making her quake with bliss as she was spread, he reflected that the past could stay in the past. He was a Rockruff now, a needy and unburdened Rockruff without a care in the world, and he wouldn't have it any other way.

Watching the scene play out, Xatu shuffled his feathers, content. He was certain the trainer would be far happier in her--no, his--new lifestyle. As the Rockruff flooded his paramour with cum, both of them panting with satisfaction, he spread his wings to take to the tropical skies. Perhaps he could find another trainer to help. After all, though many dismissed the utility of Simple Beam, it had a certain appeal all its own.

[c] Partners, ch. 8

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