1. Girl Loves Girl - And so it begins...
Twilight washed over the city, like a long sheet over a mattress, with wisps of the chilling night time bringing the looming darkness ever closer. Birds nestled in their feathers, like a couple sharing such precious time under the duvet, fighting away the cold. The saintly moon hung in the night sky, happily passing off sweet moonshine to the grey, jaded buildings of the sitting, shrugging off the blessed gift like a spoilt child at Christmas. Looming shadows merging with the darkness of the evening, joining together to crawl through the concrete streets and coat everything a sinister black. Yet, tonight could not be better. Brave heroes of neon tubes shun through the dark void protecting the wanders of the great city from the clawing night. Street lamps buzzed merrily as people past on their way, and the faint smell of cuisine caught a ride on the air, slipping under doors and dashing to each open window to tempt the happy soils of the dusk. At the Wolfe residence, all was calm. The tall tower block stood silently, it's thick, stone flesh holding back the clawing frosty air, a safe shield to the occupants inside. The warm apartment of the new joined Sally and Chloe was a perfect sight, a feast for all senses. Following the past months of the botched wedding, and the union of the two in the eyes of Sally's parents, the pair had amassed quite a photo collecting. Pitting upon shiny silver frames and dotted sporadically across the fittings were pictures of happy times. Sally and Chloe skating through the park. The pair by the beach, with Chloe applying some sunscreen to her loving partner's fur and skin. Even the duo snuggled up in the sheets at Christmas, showing Sally and her cute Christmas hat, and Chloe's creative use of mistletoe. A strong smell wafted through, of evening dew drops with expensive perfume, a scent of a great evening to come in a formal setting. The warm glow of the electric fire bathed the scene in a sweet, orange glow, pairing perfect warmth to the beautiful lovers.
"CHLOE!!!" scowled Sally from the bedroom, as the silence was broken, the bedroom door swinging open, causing a crash as the wooden oak slapped against the cream painted wall. A rather bare Chloe, sporting only a white lingerie number, had taken off out of the bedroom and into the long, with a rather barer Sally behind her. The grey wolfess had only a pair of red panties on, her form breasts left to bounce free as she took off for the giggling vixen. With bent legs, she pushed herself forward with a strong leap, catching the vixen mid-flight in her arms, and sending the rather chaotic pair crashing down into the brown leather sofa. Grasping both her arms and holding her down, Sally sat atop her mate, growling and showing her canine fangs.
"Give it back!!" demanded the rather enraged she wolf!
"Nuu!" replied Chloe in a rather quirky tone, shooting the wolfess a cheeky wink.
"Chloe, our reservation is for seven, we only have..." began Sally, blinking softly before she turned her head to a glass cased clock on the wall. Her eyes widened in horror, turning her attention back to the rather aggravating vixen she had given chase too.
"It's six thirty already!!! Chloe, we don't have time for this!!" scowled the now exasperated wolfess, stepping off the caramel coloured thief. With a soft and yet cute huff, Chloe's nerve cracked.
"Fine!" she sighed, holding out her hand, a red bra dangling from her index finger. Snatching the bra from the vixen before she could play anymore games, Sally pushed her arms through the straps and fastened it at the front, "That's better!"
She looked to the sullen look on Chloe's face, softly reaching up to paw at her cheek, "Oh cheer up! You know we have a reservation! We'll play some more tonight, 'kay?"
With a cute smile slowly returning to her face, Chloe looked up and gave a soft nod, "Okay sweetie...I hope that's a promise!"
What followed next was a rush for the two, pulling up dresses, slipping on heels and slathering on make-up, to look prim and proper for their perfect night out. Sally was complete in a matter of minutes. She wore a long, elegant, silver dress, the silken material glimmering softly in the night of the evening. She had only the harness built within the chest of the dress to keep herself decent, the strap at the back, clinging to her form and showing off a generous amount of cleavage. Her soft shapes worked down to her feet, with strapped on silver high heels giving her the perfect posture to push out her rump and allow her hips to dance with each step. On her face was only a light blush foundation, with an even lighter eye shadow to bring out her red and blue piercing eyes, finished with the striking mascara to bring out her lashes and let them daintily flutter with each blink. Finally, her crimson lipstick gave her a luscious appeal, showing the moisture of her lips and giving her a feature apart from her glossy, thick fur.
Chloe was in a more humble piece, a shorter black dress with a belt above her hips to give her definition around her waist. Her dress was held with two straps over her shoulders, yet still allowing her natural bust to shine through. Her legs were adorned with long, black leather boots, more formal than BDSM, glimmering perfectly in the dimmed conditions. She too had a light foundation, to bring out the natural, cute rosiness in her hips that was most commented on by those who would commune with her. She chose to apply more mascara, with a darker blue eye shadow, letting her vixen eyes stand out from the rest and sure to get her noticed. But it was mostly for her Sally, and she adored sending her wolfess a naughty little wink once in a while to show her affection that Chloe was so used to dishing out. Not to say that she was sultry; Chloe always knew how to pull off a mesmerizing look without making her look like some street whore.
Each girl had a thick, elegant jacket around their shoulders, just to shade them from the deep chill in the air as they left the apartment block and made the short trek to the car park, the light blue Mini Cooper awaiting them. Sally was always proud of her car, spending up to three hours each Sunday washing it down, hoovering the inside, waxing and cleaning it. It was the only thing in her life that she could truly call her own. She rented her apartment, she had spent most of her life attached to the arm of one boy or another. But her car, her car gave her freedom. Whenever she wanted, she could get in and go, and she could go anywhere she wanted. It was her way to escape, and she treasured it always. Plus, she enjoyed to switch on the seat warmer and have a toasty bum driving through the night!
Sally and Chloe both climbed in, setting the car in motion before taking a right out of the lot and down the road. It was only a short drive to the city centre, about five minutes or so.
"Have you got everything?" asked Sally, her eyes flickering from the road to the mirror, checking all her make-up was in order.
But the question fell on deaf ears, since Chloe was lost in her own little world. Her eyes were staring down into her handbag perched open on her lap. In her hand, she held a small, red, padded box, barely taking up the space in her palm. She held it softly, and with such care, that it seemed it was the key to her entire world, like a holy man holding his cross as his eyes close to the embrace of death.
"Chlo'!" snapped Sally, a tone hoping to kick her back to reality, "Do you have everything!?"
The vixen meeped, bouncing a bit in surprise before tugging her hands from her bag and slamming it shut.
"O..Of course I do! You know I always check!" countered Chloe, now holding her bag religiously to her chest, "I'm not THAT forgetful!"
Sally gave a soft sniff, the warm jet of pair showing as steam from her nostrils, "Yeah, sure..."
"Don't give me that tone!" retorted Chloe, "I have never forgot anything!"
Sally gaze slowly turned from the road to shoot a rather snide stare in Chloe's direction, with a raised eyebrow to question her decision of words.
"Oh really?" remarked Sally, her tone laboured to emphasise the point as her eyes turned back to the road, "What about the time we met your actress friend in town about two weeks back? She gave us two tickets to her play, which would have been fantastic to watch!"
Chloe immediately blushed, looking down to the carpeted floor of the Mini, "Well, I..."
"And," Sally interrupted, a rather cutting tone to outmatch the last, "Who was in charge of said tickets?"
The blush only grew over Chloe's face, making her cute vixen cheeks rose to the question, "I...I forget to pick them..."
"AND," proclaimed Sally, a final time, interrupting the vixen before she could make her excuse, "Who had to flash the security her breasts just so he would let us in? Hmmm?"
Chloe's mouth moved, but no words formed on her lips, trying to make some sort of sentence to forgive her forgetfulness. With a deep and heavy sigh, she shook her head, obviously defeated, "You did..."
"Damn right I did! If it weren't for the gifts that God gave me, how the hell would we have gotten in there? You're just damn lucky the guard was a pervert..."
Sally giggled softly, her victory making her shine a smile, "SO, I shall ask again! Are you sure you have everything? Mobile? Money? Me!?"
Chloe's ears shot up at the joke, her solemn look breaking into a sweet little titter and she leaned over and wrapped her arms around Sally, leaning against her, "How could I ever forget you, my tasty wolfess?"
Soon enough, the pair were at their destination. It was Chloe's choice this time on where they should go, and she had picked a nice Italian restaurant. It was in the centre of town, the streets lit up with the glowing signs of bars and clubs, the neon impatiently buzzing as patrons wandered through. Every street light was a lot, creating safe passage for the drunks trundling home after a long night on the bottle. Silently clouds, hidden within the dark sky, softly drifted over head and judged all those within their sight, like true kings long down at the peasants of their kingdoms! It was a beautiful night, the glow of the moonlight mixed with the fabricated light of the city setting everything in a romantic, ethereal glow. The restaurant itself was quaint to say the least. No walls, only large section of windows to give the outside world the tempting sight of freshly made Italian bread and classic recipe spaghetti. Waiters in navy uniforms, with half aprons around their waists fluttered eagerly around like butterflies to each flower, taking orders and relaying them back to the kitchen. Inside, everything was very conservative, bare wooden floors without varnish or coating, sturdy oak tables with the classic red and white pattern overlays and lighting by oil lamps hung lazily by the rafters, helped by a flickering candle to each table.
The pair wasted no time parking the car by the restaurant front, filling the metre, and rushing in to escape the night air. Immediately, the warm air from the stone baked oven hit them, with smells of vintage Italian recipes and honestly cooked food filling their nostrils, making both like their lips. A rather sharply dressed little fox boy skipped up to the pair in a flamboyant fashion, happy to greet two new customers with a smile in hopes of a good tip.
"Table for two, Madams?" he asked with a rather infectious joy about him. Sally returned his smile and a nod as he nipped two menus from the desk by the doorway and whisked them over to a table in the centre. It was a perfect spot, away from the windows, in the middle of all the other patrons and close to the toasted, fragrant air of the oven. The pair dropped to their seats, their chairs shifted in by the boy and their napkins laid lazily across their laps.
"I think we'll start with the house white, please?" requested Sally, giving a happy little wiggle as she had always wanted to say that!
With a friendly smile, the fox boy clipped his heels and he was off. Then, Sally's attention returned to her vixen across the table, still fumbling in her bag. Sally could have made some comment about how she had forgotten something, or how forgetful she could be. But why? Content as she was, Sally just rested her head on her hands, gazing across the table and through the flickering little flame of the red waxed candle to the cute little vixen on the other side. And it had all started with a bump in the park, a stupid little accident that brought her so much happiness and fortunate.
Sally loved everything about her. That cute little nose she would wiggle whenever a sweet smell filled the air. Those perky little ears that would always sway about back and forth, alternating in an adorable little display when Sally would call her. Those thin, sleek lips that would wake her up in the morning, and send her to sleep at night. And that smell! If there was one thing Sally didn't miss from males, it was the smell. That putrid mix of sweat, cologne and food, the kind of smell you would get out of a gym or a sport's car. Not that all males smelt bad, it was just that the natural male body odour turned her off. But Chloe was completely different. And she would differ each passing day, whether it be the purest drop of honey from an untouched honeycomb. Or be it the ripest, virgin strawberry in a lost, forgotten glade. Sometimes it would be the hint of sweetest vanilla on an unknown island shore. And the smell would always be there to greet her, wherever they were! Sometimes, Sally would see other furres flare their nostrils in the intangible feast, making her feel a little jealous. But boy, was the grey wolfess ever lucky! She always asked Chloe if she would use different shampoo or body wash that Sally had never found, but Chloe would always deny it!
Slowly, the vixen's eyes meet the wolfess', looking bemused as the fluffy grey lupine stared her down, a relaxed smile on her mug!
"What?" blurted Chloe, her cheeks burning the bright red she sported earlier.
"Just thinking..." replied Sally, shaking her head to break her fixated gaze. Sally would never tell Chloe how she felt...but she never knew why. It just seemed...rather silly to her. If she ever told Alex something like that, he would just laugh at her. Maybe it was some automatic response, or maybe it would damage her pride to open up like that. So Sally just looked down once more.
Soon, the pair were tucking into their meals. Chloe liked to make sure her shape remanded intact, and so had ordered the chicken Caesar salad with light dressing. Sally, however, had decided to keep her plump complete and had ordered the beef cannelloni with garlic bread. While Sally was...slightly more uncouth than her parents, literally wolfing down chunks of cannelloni and munching down garlic bread like it was her last meal. Strange for such a formally dressed woman, yet rather cute at the same time, managing to stay completely clean from the fracases of food! But Chloe was too busy to eat. She was just resting her head on her arm, prodding at her crisp, fresh salad with her fork. In her other hand, she held the velvet box in her palm, slowly caressing it's surface with her thumb. What was she so afraid of? That Sally would say no? Why would she say no? Chloe was so confused, but was dragged back to reality when the grey wolfess looked to the silent vixen, she sniggered.
"Not hungry, sweetie?" she began, taking a rather surprisingly civilised sip of wine.
And then Chloe looked up, her eyes meeting the wolfess'. And then nothing mattered to her. Self-pride and the fear of embarrassment doesn't matter to her anymore. The wolfess, to her, was a Goddess. Those eyes, the beautiful sky blue eye showing her loving and caring side, and her blood red one hidden behind her hair, like her hidden side of anger or hatred to those who would harm those she loved. Her shiny, beautiful fur that Chloe could not help but snuggle into and pepper with sweet kisses. Her puppy fat, which only added to her impressive curves, and giving the vixen something to hold onto.
"No..." replied Chloe calmly.
The vixen stood, and walked around the table to right to stand beside Chloe before dropping down to her knee, her eyes glistening with tears. Her heart was too loud; she couldn't hear the talking of patrons around her before they noticed the scene and hushed down, she couldn't hear the waiters stop mid waiting, empty plates in hand to watch the pair, she couldn't hear the chefs detect the silence and rush out, peeking their nosey heads through the serving hatch. All she could hear...was her Sally.
"Chloe...what are you doing?" asked Sally, still unconsciously playing dumb as her cheeks began to fire up.
"What I should have done ages ago," replied Chloe, opening her palm to show the little case she had been cradling all night, "And I can't wait anymore, Sally..."
She softly cupped the top, allowing the top to snap open and show her love what was held inside. A delicate, shimmering ring of silver sat lazily in the soft, inner stuffed silk. In the ring was built in with a long line of rubies, an expensive design spelling a word 'Love'. It was the most beautiful ring Sally
had ever seen, and she wasn't a fan of rings! It was a symbol of scrimping, saving and asking in favours from friends and loved ones. Chloe could have stolen it, for all Sally would know!
"Sally Leanne Wolfe...the most beautiful girl I have ever had the pleasure of meeting in my entire life..."
Sally was welling up, wiggling and fanning her hands, trying desperately to remove this heat that washed over her. This moment was too much, Sally wouldn't handle it. She shook her head wildly, people around them already preparing to clap for them.
"Oh...oh God Chloe! Please...just say it! Please, just say it!!!" demanded Sally, uncomfortable with all the tension and teasing.
"Will you mar..."
Chaos. A moment so beautiful turned too such a disaster. One moment of shock followed by fear and terror. In that instance, the whole side of the building disappeared, followed by a flurry of fiery debris and a powerful flash of light. Patrons by the front wall were almost surely dead, the blast turning the tables to splinters and sending shards of glass like shrapnel throughout the entire restaurant. The thundering howl of the blast shatter all the shockwave missed, sending the lucky survivors writhing on the floor, most knocked out cold. Sally was taken down by the rush of superheated air, slammed to the floor, her head smacked to the tiles. Soon, Sally was out of it, her eyes rolling in her head like two marbles in a mixing bowl, trapped in a state of mid consciousness. It would be a minute or so of fighting, of trying to remember which way was up, that Sally would open her eyes. Everything seemed blurry, the haze and the smoke pouring through the broken establishment like a rough, smoky sea with a restless swell. In front of Sally's eyes were concrete slabs and pieces of brick. Her arms and legs were cut, parts of her bleeding as her dress was torn by the shards of razor sharp glass that were fragmented throughout the scene. Creaking of the wooden rafters above would be heard, straining as the olden wood had taken quite a beating. Sally knew the roof would collapse at any moment...but her legs were dead. She couldn't feel anything. She couldn't see anything. She was helpless.
Suddenly, a hand wrapped around her wrist and tugged at her lifeless body. Soon, her feet began kicking wildly, getting caught into the floor and pushing in the same way this stranger was pulling her. It was mere moments before Sally was dropped to the floor in a heap, panting and gasping from air from the smoke, looking up into the now tempestuous night sky. A howling wind shot through the streets, immediately attacking Sally's cuts and scrapes. The Heaven's opened, and the heavy rain began, thundering down to earth and splashing into the dark concrete of the road. Sally's head would turn, her eyes looking back at the hell from which she had escaped. The whole side of the building was gone, with the interior filled in with the brick and tile of the collapsed roof. The mountains of bricks and glass were littered with dead bodies and patrons that Sally remembered smiling and chatting, now pale and frozen, dripping precious lifeblood over the shattered brick and masonry. And Chloe...was nowhere to be found.
Suddenly, two gloved hands grabbed Sally's cheeks, pulling her to look up and sit up. The figure was rather dark, just a smudge against the night backdrop for Sally's blurry sight. The ringing of the explosion still rocked her ears and penetrated her head, making any speech given echoed and just noise.
"Sally! We need to get out of here!!" came a rather soft, yet broken voice, "Sally!?"
All the vixen could hear was the ratting of reins and the treads of an old carriage working along a broken path. Chloe's head was throbbing and aching from the events, the explosion taken mostly by Sally in front of her. Chloe was still knocked out cold, however, but she seemed to awake in a rather peculiar place. She could hear noises from outside, of owls hooting and creatures of a forest scurrying off to bed or ready to go out hunting under the cloak of the night. She seemed to be in a sort of carriage, rocking and bumping over a dirt track, surrounded in the night and a forest. But the carriage itself was rather...odd. It seemed to match the design of a royal carriage, like ones monarchs would use for public visits of high importance. The interior was a beautiful, dark crimson, with all the lining and trim a rather flamboyant design, finished in a prestigious gold. The windows were covered in the softly silken curtains, which matched the material Chloe had been laid on. Chloe wanted to hold her head, but found her wrists bound by a steel pair of handcuffs behind her back. Her ankles too were chained together. She opened her eyes, looking around only to spot a figure sitting in the opposite corner, holding the curtain open to peer outside. Chloe managed to flick herself into a sitting position, watching the figure rather closely.
It appeared to be a...female. She had rather strange attire on, an all over body suit in a thick, mesh like material, a dark black colour with a matted finish. On parts of her body, like her thighs, shoulders, lower arms, knees, feet and hands were plated armour. The armour itself was a rather threatening design, pointed and jagged like mountain ranges, the spikes pointing up and down in the direction of each limb it was mounted upon. Her feet and hands had gloves and boots on the same armour, built around each toe and finger, giving the rather bulky looking steel an amazing flexibility. On her crown, a helm lay, fitted perfectly not to slide or wobble, having the same jagged effect, on spike pointing up from the forehead and working back. The whole metallic set was a mixture of blood red and brilliant silver.
"The King insisted we bring you back in one of our best...too good for you, is what I say..." came a rather sharp tone from the figure, turning her head away too look directly at Chloe.
Lifting to the side, she curled her fingers underneath her helm and slid the large helmet off, laying it to the side with ease. The metal was surely strong, but it was also designed to be light too. Chloe could have a better look at her now. She seemed to be a sort of rodent, which would explain her short stature. Her large ears, which were folded atop her head with the helmet on, sprung back into place and sat proudly atop her head, flicking softly to shake themselves out. Her fur was a dark brown, almost black and sooty, her eyes a piercing light red.
"What the King sees in you, I'll never know. But it's some honour you've been granted. So how about you be a good little girl and just sit there quietly like you have been. We should be there soon..."
Questions upon questions raced through Chloe's head. But Chloe was never the logical type; she preferred to make a point. And boy did she make one.
"Bite me," came a sneer from the caramel vixen, looking away from the mouse girl.
Suddenly, Chloe would be testing the strength and feel of the steel, as those metal adorned fingers wrapped around her throat, the mouse girl pouncing her in what seemed to be an instant. Chloe's eyes went wide, forced to meet the other's in a cold stare.
"Don't fucking tempt me! Now...listen to me, you piece of shit. You're here because you're wanted. You're a piece of property, ready to be used and kept like some sort of shiny fucking trinket. Or, I could twist your snide little head off and dump you in a ditch somewhere. Tell the King we lost you in the blast. So, get used to it. Because you're his now..."