Invasion of the Hypnosnakes! (Chapter 2)

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With the invasion well underway, a certain group of college students decide how they're going to keep themselves concealed. The Hypno School cast joins the fray in a special crossover story!

I'm so happy this story has captured people's attention thus far. <3 The feedback both on here and through various other sources has been great, and I can't wait to keep sharing this with you guys! For the moment, enjoy this chapter. ?

Story and characters (c) AnubusKiren

Day 1, 5 hours after the first wave...

The sight of a mile-long starship hovering over the city had been enough to send the entire university into a panic. Many local students elected to return home, hoping beyond hope that their towns and cities had been spared. Others, like Kaji, knew better. The loud booms mirroring the first ship's arrival had occurred regularly in the hours since the invasion began, heralding the appearance of more ships on the horizon. For all they knew, every major city was now swarming with these strange, snake-like invaders. It was clear that the only thing that'd spared the college was its relative remoteness, sat at the end of a suburban town outside of the city of Elms.

The splotched blue and white-furred bunnyfox desperately flipped through channels on the common room TV, trying to find news stations that were still reporting. One by one, the channels had gone dark, but not before images of the invaders were broadcast worldwide. Gliding cobras, huge metallic serpents, and glimpses of humanoid snakefolk slithering out of smaller vessels that had come to ground from the larger ships. He'd seen the beams of light that carried people into the ships... and he'd seen the way they captured people.

That's what worried him the most. Oh, why did it have to be that..?

Some of Kaji's closest friends crowded around the TV with him: Victor, a pervy and energetic grey tabby cat; Lizzy, an athletic black cat; and Colette, a chubby bovine southern belle. All looked on as each new channel showed only static.

"Look, I mean--" Vic started nervously. "We're part of a literal hypnosis club. We... We know how it works. We should be fine! Uh... right..?"

The tabby's tail twitched irately when no one spoke up to either confirm or deny, but he didn't push the point. They all had experience with hypnosis, sure... when it came to more traditional methods. It wasn't common to see more supernatural means of it being practiced in the school, and only Kaji seemed to be even vaguely aware of its existence. Their experience wouldn't mean much against these things.

"I should'a gone home." Colette huffed, fretfully messing with her long brown locks. "Papa's prob'ly loadin' up all his guns just waitin' for 'em to slither over the property line."

"Yeah, if only that kind of redneck rage would win out over literal space aliens." Lizzy sighed, then quietly added, "Sorry, that was mean."

"Naw, he'd laugh at it. Lord, I hope he's alright."

Vic quietly quipped from aside, "It worked in Independence Day."

"Oh shut up." Lizzy groaned, tossing a pillow at his face.

Kaji finally gave up on the TV and shut it off, instead checking his phone for news updates. His parents were out of state--not that it'd probably matter--but they'd checked in only half an hour ago, and his sister not long ago either. Wifi and mobile data hadn't gone down, and the power grid still functioned, so communication was not yet an issue.

Social media was an erotic horror show of images; people being pounced on by glider snakes and led naked through the streets. Videos of the snakes using their hypnosis floated around the internet, but were quickly taken down. The damn things could entrance people through screens, too, ruling out the telepathy theory some had put forward. Kaji had been one of the first in the school to prove that, much to his embarrassment.

He pocketed his phone and glanced back out the window. Logically, an invading force looking to take as many captives as possible would target major cities first... which supposedly gave them some time to plan. Plan what, exactly, was still up for debate. Escape? There was no indication of just how massive this force was. Fight back? A ridiculous idea. Survival was the word of the day... and probably forever, for that matter.

"We have a small advantage here--and I mean very small." the bunnyfox spoke up. "There are a lot of buildings with a lot of rooms. We know this place better than they do, and the element of surprise is already spent on..." he winced as the words left his mouth, "already spent on the people... living in the city. It's harsh, but we have to be thankful for it."

"Yeah, and what of it?" Vic scowled. "Say we do bunker up in here, and we manage to fend off the little ones, or even the big humanoid ones. What do we do when they send in the big old slither-tank? Throw meme culture books at them and hope they're so repulsed by our society that they leave?"

Kaji almost managed to laugh. Almost. "The idea isn't to turtle up and fight--it's to make them think no one's here."

"How many hundreds of students are still here? Do you really think we can keep them all hidden?"

"If we're careful." Lizzy stood and began to pace around the room. "We can get into the dean's office and make a campus-wide announcement. No lights after dark except candles or flashlights, no loud music, go outside only under cover of darkness. And if anyone breaks the rules, well..." She wrung her hands together, clearly uncomfortable. "We... force them to leave."

"Lizzy what the fuck."

"Well, I don't hear you suggesting anything!" she snapped back at the tabby. "That's the brutal calculus of surviving something like this. If one causes a problem for the many, better to sacrifice the one. We have food, shelter, tons of room, and power. We need to put the fear of losing that into people NOW before it becomes an issue later."

Colette, having sat quietly through the discussion, finally piped up. "Think anyone's gonna listen to us?"

"They'd be idiots not to."

"Most people are idiots, Liz." Vic countered, but he softened a little after a moment. "It's worth a shot, eh?"

The plan was set. The hypnosis club crew set about spreading the word throughout the campus, hoping beyond hope that common sense would prevail, that they'd weather this storm of snakey strangeness.


Day 5, 11:04pm...

Four days passed largely without incident. Some close calls, some arguments and power struggles, but so far the students and teachers who remained at Saint Gerald's University had managed to remain undetected. Just as Lizzy had suggested, the entire campus went dark after sundown. People only ever went outside when absolutely necessary. Music was banned except for headphones. As far as leadership went, however... there really was none. In spite of some clashing of egos and ideas, nobody truly wanted to step up and take everyone's lives in their hands like that. On the other hand, everyone who remained just sort of fell in line. People cooked meals, organized supplies, and kept watch in shifts more or less without argument. As it turned out, being given the freedom to run things one's own way was the quickest path to cooperation.

In the days following the initial attack, people began to report sightings of smaller craft floating through the sky. Scout ships, they figured, looking for pockets of life to subjugate. Media posts continued to flow, displaying the sheer unstoppable nature of the invading force. Firearms were completely useless. Even the experimental energy weapons hidden from the public eye failed to so much as scratch the enemy. All that seemed capable of harming them was melee weapons, and they simply overwhelmed anything that got close to them.

It was the strangest thing, though, watching a war get fought with zero casualties. The enemy never took losses, and captured Earthlings weren't technically casualties... at least, to their knowledge. There was still no telling what went on in those ships, but the one over Elms did finally depart earlier in the afternoon, soaring up into orbit before a replacement vessel floated down in its stead. By all assumptions, they'd filled the first to capacity. A sobering thought.

Kaji had gotten on just fine through the first couple days. He was a bit of a shut-in most times to begin with--when he wasn't out getting his ass grinded on in nightclubs, he was home playing video games and picking out new girly outfits. However, on the third day, curiosity had begun to nag at him.

The video of one of the glider snake's hypnotic eyes. The memory had burned itself into his mind, and he'd woken up several times the previous night having dreamed of it, his cock rock hard. "Morning wood," he'd tried to tell himself. "It's just morning wood." But he couldn't make himself believe it. Just like all his naughty secrets, it nagged at him--not only to indulge in it further, but to tell someone. Anyone! Oh, but he couldn't! They'd surely accuse him of being a sleeper agent or something.

Night fell upon the campus again, and Kaji had just settled down for bed. Prior to the attack, he'd shared a room with Colette, but the sudden departure of so many students meant everyone got their own room. Not that he minded the lovely cow girl's company, of course, but the poor girl needed her space. She worried daily about her parents, who'd comfortably settled in at the farm house, locked and loaded just as she'd figured.

But that meant he spent his nights alone. Alone with his thoughts. Alone with his phone... and the video he'd secretly downloaded. Kaji trembled as he scrolled through his files until he found it. "J-Just a few seconds." he stuttered, his cock already twitching to life. Fondling himself with one hand, his phone held in the other, Kaji opened the file... and promptly felt his mind go blank.

Blue, green, yellow, violet, orange, red... Such vibrant colors, even from a low-quality cell phone video. He counted the seconds: One. Two. Three. Four... four... four... four... Oh god, he said only a few...

A knock at the door mercifully stirred him from his trance, and he shook his head to clear it. Those soft-furred cheeks blazed with heat, and he tucked his phone under his pillow as he went to answer the door. Lizzy stood there, flashlight in hand and aimed at the floor.

"Hey, you good?"

"Yes--! I mean, yeah. Good. Fine." Real smooth, Kaji. He cleared his throat. "What's up?"

"My nightly check-in, just like the last few nights?" Lizzy raised a brow. "You... sure you're okay?"

Kaji's heart thumped so hard he thought it might burst. A chance to unload? To divulge his dirty little secret? Lizzy was the first one to suggest that problem people get thrown out of the campus, but she was also his first real friend here. Surely she'd understand..?

"C-Can you... Can you come in here?" he quietly asked.

"Sure, honey. You know I'm here for you."

Oh, wonderful, beautiful, big-sisterly Lizzy. Kaji ushered her into the room and shut the door, then plopped down on his bed and fidgeted. And fidgeted. And... fidgeted.

"Soooo." the feline gave him a teasing smile as she sat beside him. "Gonna tell me what's wrong?"

"As soon as I figure out how I wanna say it."

Lizzy chuckled, setting her flashlight aside and resting a hand on the boy's shoulder. "Kaji, I can't imagine a single thing you could tell me that'd put me off. I mean, we're both erotic hypnosis fetishists. Can't get much weirder than that, right?"

"So it's not that weird to download that video of the snake alien's hypno-eyes and zonk myself with it because I'm a desperate hypno-slut?" Kaji blurted it all out at once. It was the only way he'd ever convince himself to say it!

"W... What?" the feline stared for a long moment, and the tips of Kaji's ears burned. "You didn't--"

"I did..."

An awkward silence hung in the air. Lizzy watched Kaji, and he avoided looking in her direction. He felt light-headed, and he squeezed the sheets beneath him a little too hard. The bunnyfox jumped a little when he felt a hand on his thigh.

"Do you feel... weird?" Lizzy asked carefully.

A stupid question. Of course he did. Still, that wasn't an outright accusation of anything. "Weird how..?"

"Like you wanna... I dunno, go outside and surrender us all to the invaders?"

"No. I just feel stupid and horny."

"Yeah well that's you, Kaji." Lizzy giggled, and he couldn't help but laugh with her just a little. She pursed her lips and watched him for another moment, and her cheeks flushed somewhat. "Hey, it's not that I don't believe you or trust you, but... maybe we should test it."

"Test it?"

"Yeah. Like... I'll show you the video, and you'll have to be truthful when I question you because... technically, I'm the one hypnotizing you?"

Kaji's pajama pants grew almost uncomfortably tight, and he adjusted himself so that his dick didn't strain against the fabric. Fuck, doing this alone was enough to make him squirm. Having Lizzy do it to him was... another thing entirely. Wordlessly, he fished his phone out from under his pillow and handed it to her, giving a tiny, meek little nod. Lizzy smiled in her usual reassuring way and glanced at the screen, her brows raising slightly. "Wow, even when it's paused..."

"Right?" Kaji huffed and allowed her to lay him down across her lap. He yelped quietly as she danced her fingers across his bare midriff. "H-Hey..!"

"I'm just trying to relax you, silly." Lizzy grinned down at him, making a point to turn the phone's screen away so she wouldn't accidentally use it on herself. "You're so tense."

"Yeah well, I don't want you to think I'm a sleeper agent or something."

"And this is how you'll prove you're not. Now relax... I'm just gonna play it for a few seconds."

Yeah, that's what he'd told himself earlier, too. Now his finger was off the button, and Lizzy could effectively do as she pleased. Before he could gripe about it any further, however, the video started, and he was immediately taken in by those impossibly mesmerizing colors. He felt the world swirl into a haze, those colors throbbing at the edge of his vision as they mirrored in his eyes, body slumping, cock aching with need...

And then it stopped. Just a few seconds, as promised. Kaji strained, struggled, and finally wrestled control of his mind, looking up at Lizzy's blushing face. "W-What? Did I do something?"

"N-No! It's just..." the athletic kitty swallowed hard. She hesitated for a brief moment. "Fuck. That was... hot."


"I wanna... I wanna do it again." Lizzy stammered, her breath catching for a moment. Immediately, she showed him the screen again, the video once more displaying the thought-suppressing bands of color pouring from the serpent's eyes.

"Wuh... nnhhh..." Whatever words of protest he might have mustered melted away, and in an instant he was enthralled. An idle thought managed to drift through his conscious mind of how fucked he'd be if he ever ran into one of these things in person. His hands twitched as Lizzy's fingertips danced across his bare midriff, tickling him mercilessly--god, why had he told her how hard that made him?--taking full advantage of his hypnotized state.

"How do you feel, Kaji?" her words came in clearly in spite of how everything else melted away.

"Nuuuhhhhmazing..." the boy's sleepy giggles hardly gave voice to how sensitive he was, and that response was a total understatement. There was no proper description for how that serpentine gaze made him feel, how it washed all his fears and worries away and wrapped him in pure bliss.

"And... And who's controlling you right now?"

"You, Mistress."

"Holy fuck." Lizzy gulped, her hand abandoning Kaji's tummy and dipping between her own legs. "You don't feel uh... a-any loyalty to the snakes, right?"


"G... Good. Good! Good boy, Kaji." Lizzy huffed and moaned as she rubbed herself through her shorts, bringing the phone closer to Kaji's blank, happy stare. "And you'd tell me if you did because... because you're such a good boy. Right?"

"Yessss..." Seeing those pulsing rings up so close, so big in his vision, made it impossible to resist--not that it'd been any different before. Lizzy's words dominated his mind and swirled around him, asserting her as the single most important person in the world. It didn't matter that the source of this feeling came from a hypnotic snake alien--right now, all he wanted to do was be Lizzy's good boy.

...And then the colors stopped. The video was only a few minutes long, after all. The endless train of blissful submission halted suddenly, and while Kaji's vision still swam with colors, he was no longer falling. Just stuck in place, blissfully empty, a smile on his lips. A few swift finger-snaps and wake-up commands, however, had him quickly rising up from the haze and back to reality. Kaji blinked away the last of his prismatic prison and gawked at Lizzy's hot and bothered expression for a minute. "Something wrong..?"

"Do me."


"I said do me!" the cat practically shoved the phone into Kaji's hand and bashfully curled her tail into her lap. "J-Just to... make sure of... you know..."

"That I was telling the truth and not a sleeper agent..?"

"Y-Yeah! And so I can gauge how hard I have to... r-resist. You know, give me an advantage. For when we inevitably--"

Kaji snorted a laugh in spite of his own bashfulness. "I get it."

"Yeah, good." Lizzy propped herself against the bed's headboard, electing to sit up and mumbling something about being no one's lap pet. Some kind of cat pride thing, Kaji figured. The girl gave him an insistent look while he reset the video. "Only a few seconds to start with, alright?"


"A-And don't you start teasing me about this, you--y--you... youuu..." Lizzy's eyes slowly widened as the video came into view. The colored rings throbbed at the edges of her pupils, and she narrowed her eyes, brows knitted with exertion. "Oh... ww... wooow..."

"Yeah it's intense." Kaji confirmed the obvious. Watching Lizzy struggle against bliss mirrored something close to 75-80% of the hypno porn he'd looked at, and it sure didn't help the situation between his legs. He fondled his cock through his shorts, stifling his moans so she could focus on the video. "How's it feel..?"

"Like I'm gonna cum... just... looking at it." the feline groaned, almost managing to shut one eye. "This is more than a few seconds. Let me get my bearings." She continued to struggle as she said this, and a look of concern crossed her eyes when the video remained playing before her. "Kaji..?"

"This is what you get for tickling me."


Kaji licked his lips and bit back another moan, his cock freed from his shorts, fingers gliding over the wet underside to slick himself up with pre. "If one slithered in here right now, would it wait?"

"I guess... not..."

"Right." the bunnyfox quickly set the video to loop, so as not to lose Lizzy's focus. The colors began to pulse across her eyes in slow, random ringlets. She was slipping. Kaji licked his lips in spite of himself. "I uh... I'm not much of a dom."

Lizzy's thighs squeezed together and she moaned softly, her expression beginning to loosen. "No, you're worse--you're a naughty boi out for revenge, and that somehow makes this... hoooh... hotter..."

He couldn't help but giggle at that. Rather than embarrass himself trying to sound dominant and seductive (he really, really wasn't), Kaji focused on keeping her relaxed. Purring soft, encouraging words into her ears; utterances of "good girl" were unsurprisingly effective. Lizzy put on a tough front, but she was just as happy being put under as she was holding the watch.

"Who's a good kitty?"

"Mmmeeee..." By now the rings of color freely flowed through her eyes, a little smile on her lips. Her hand hadn't moved from between her legs, fingers rubbing her clit through her shorts, bring happy little mindless moans to her lips.

"Horny kitty." Kaji huffed. He glanced across the room at his TV, then at his phone again. That could work. "Sit tight for a second."

"Not goin' anywheeeere." Lizzy giggled, her head flopping to one side as Kaji rose from the bed and deprived her of the video. He messed with his TV's bluetooth settings a bit, then returned to Lizzy, minus his shorts. "Undress, good kitty."

"Yesssssirrrrrr." she slurred, clumsily shrugging the straps of her tank top off her shoulders, then pulling the garment up and over her head. Bright pink nipples were perky and stiff, bringing needy little sounds from her lips when Kaji greeted them with his tongue. The bunnyfox helped her out of her shorts and panties, then scooted in behind her, his back against the headboard and Lizzy sitting in his lap.

"Okay, look straight ahead. And just follow my lead..." Now hopefully he could resist the video's effects long enough to even remember what he was about to do. The TV flickered to life, and the hypnotic serpent's stare added a prismatic glow to the otherwise darkened room. Kaji shut his eyes just in time, pressed his cocktip up against Lizzy's waiting pussy lips, and thrust up into her, bringing a spirited cry of bliss from the feline in his lap. Now the hard part. He started a slow, bucking rhythm, took a deep, shuddering breath, and slowly... opened... one...

...both eyes. He couldn't stop with just one. The colors were immediately in his mind, threatening to immobilize him with relaxation, but he held firm to the one simple command he hoped his mind would latch onto: Fuck.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. He repeated the word over and over in his head, and eventually, with nothing else to override it, the command stuck, and he was mindlessly bucking upward into Lizzy, bouncing the hypnotized cat girl in his lap. It didn't take long at all for him to drop just as deep as she was, the colors dominating their eyes and their minds. The pleasured haze blocked out all his worries and cares--the rooms here were adequately soundproof, so there was no risk of being overheard.

In this state, it didn't take them long to reach climax. Lizzy had been hanging on since the video started, and Kaji was so pent-up already. As soon as he felt her inner walls clench, the floodgates opened, and Kaji's knot swelled, tying them together as he came, their moans ringing off the walls, mixed juices leaking down onto Kaji's thighs...

The next thing he remembered was Lizzy snapping her finger in his ear. His eyes stung a little (probably from staring for too long), and the room had tilted ninety degrees after he'd apparently flopped over on his side.

"Hhh... hey." he murmured, blinking away the last of the colored bands at the edge of his vision. "You woke up."

"TV went into power saver mode and slept." Lizzy's cheeks were beet red as she lay against Kaji, her hair messy, fur frazzled. "Otherwise I think we'd have just... kept going."

The obvious question met his lips before he could stop it: "How many times did we..?"

"A lot."


"Pfft, what for? That was fuckin' awesome." Lizzy grinned and pulled him into a deep, tongue-tying kiss. Her hands explored his shapely back, and he held onto her hips, his cock twitching between his legs once again. It nudged against Lizzy's lower tummy, and she broke the kiss with a teasing smirk. "You're STILL horny?"

"Only because you kissed me." the boi huffed and averted his eyes. "So... neither of us is a slave to the snakes."

The cat girl sat up and stretched herself out nice and wide, showing off every angle of that athletic figure of hers. It sure didn't help Kaji lose that erection. "Seems that way. I guess it was safe after all."

A quick glance at his alarm clock brought a laugh to his lips. "If three whole hours of fucking in trance is any indication, the video must be harmless... you know, apart from when it's not."

"Yeah. God, three hours..." she slumped back onto the bed and murmured into a pillow, "Fuck it, sleeping here tonight."

"You are more than welcome." Kaji wasted no time becoming the big spoon--well, as best as he could, considering he was half a head shorter than her.

Lizzy snerked a laugh when his renewed boner prodded her ass cheek, wrested herself from his grip, and spun around to assert herself as the proper big spoon. "Of course you're still hard. Bunny AND fox genes? The two biggest sluts combined into one body."

"Is that racist?"

"It's true." she grinned at him. "Now, are we gonna sleep, or--" Bright lights and a screeching and whistling sound practically made the pair leap from the bed, and an obnoxiously colorful series of flashes outside painted a familiar picture. "Who the fuck is setting off fireworks?!"

There was a mad dash to get dressed and ready to run outside. The school's football field lit up in its characteristic pre-game display of pyrotechnics, all but certain to draw attention to their hideout. The two dashed across the campus, and Kaji could only imagine what they'd find at the field. A traitor? Someone just too stupid for words? An ambush..?

The former, at first glance, appeared to be the truth. Standing just a hundred feet back from the fireworks show, looking quite dazed and confused, was Remy, a white-furred jackalope with blue hair. One of the dance club members. Lizzy spun him around by the shoulder and grabbed the scruff of his neck to hold him in place as she growled, "What the fuck were you thinking! You'll bring a squad down on us!"

"Wha... What?" the jackalope's eyes widened in terror, compounding his already flustered look. "What did I...? Oh god. Oh no, no..."


Remy stared far-off for a moment as he seemed to recall something, the fur on his neck and shoulders standing on end. He grabbed Lizzy's hands and whimpered, staring into her eyes. "Tell everyone to unplug their cable boxes..!"

Approximately 1 hour earlier...

Scrolling through social media and seeing the same panic and despair in different forms was quickly becoming depressing. Sure, it was nice to have updates from around the world, but it only painted a grim picture of the invasion. Namely, it showed that the invaders continued to gain ground in spite of the combined arms of the world's military. Tanks were crushed by those huge snake robots, troops overwhelmed by the gliders and humanoid serpent soldiers packing stun weapons, fighter jets snatched out of the air by the same energy beams that carried captives into the ships. The only heartening news, if it could even be called that, was that the aliens continued to make all efforts to avoid harming anyone physically. Still not a single report of lethal force, at least on their part.

The same couldn't be said for the forces of Earth, though it hardly seemed to matter. Conventional weapons did nothing against their energy shields. Melee weapons worked, but having to get up close and personal with the snake-like invaders meant exposing yourself to their hypnotic stare, ultimately making ground forces useless. Even the world's nuclear arsenal proved ineffective; any nuclear warheads deployed against the invaders clunked harmlessly against their shields and refused to detonate. Their technology apparently allowed them to jam the process of certain nuclear fission processes. Dropping a nuke was now as effective as dropping a lead weight--that is to say, not at all.

Remy set his phone on his night stand and shut his eyes. Maybe it looked worse than it was, but it sure felt like the world was ending. So many had been captured already, yet the world was something like eight billion people strong. No invading force intent on capturing every last person alive could chew through that number very quickly.


The jackalope groaned and forced himself up and off the bed. It hardly seemed worth thinking about. He couldn't do anything but settle in and keep quiet in his dorm. All of his favorite activities had been canceled, and dancing with headphones on just wasn't the same as feeling the percussive beats against his whole body while he showed off to the audience.

"For times like these," he murmured to himself as he slipped over to his DVD and blu-ray rack, "there are movies."

He had so damn many movies, most of which he'd never even watched. There was never time, never a quiet moment to just pop one in and enjoy it. Hell, a lot of the people taking shelter in the college had rediscovered some of the things they truly enjoyed over the past few days. Too bad it'd taken the serpentine apocalypse to slow things down like this.

Remy browsed through his collection and pulled out a box with a look of disdain. "Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within. When did I buy this trainwreck?" Tossing that one over his shoulder, he continued to go through titles with increasing perplexity. "Doom... Howard the Duck... The Room? I must have bought this for a night of drinking. Plan 9 From Outer Space?" The jackalope stared at this cornucopia of crap in disbelief. "Did I go through a bad movie phase?"

Ah, but of course. His parents had dumped a lot of their DVDs and blu-rays on him when he'd gone to college. His father was a retired accountant in the entertainment industry, and he always bought copies of movies as they were released or re-released, even if he didn't intend to watch them right away. Or ever, apparently. Being surrounded by it all day must have drilled the movies into his head.

Remy pulled another box from the shelf and smiled. "The 1977 Star Wars theatrical release, burned from VHS to DVD. Well, at least it isn't Mars Attacks. That'd be a bit too close to home today."

Satisfied, he sauntered over to the TV, grabbed the remote, and turned it on. As he bent forward, however, something on the screen caught his eye.

...and didn't let go.

"--and reveal yourselves to us. This message repeats." The hissed tone of a serpentine voice reached his ears, and twin tunnels of color beamed into his mind, numbing his thoughts and drawing him in. The image of a black-scaled serpent man flickered as the recorded message looped and began again. "Look deep into my eyessss, Earthlings, and lisssten. My name is Seros Averin. In your tongue, you would call me commander of this... uplifting operation."

The TV remote dropped out of his hand, Remy's eyes fixated on those pulsing ringlets. The rest of the world drained away, dull and blurry and unimportant compared to the crystal clear image of this handsome snake. Somewhere in his mind he knew he shouldn't look, that he'd been caught in some kind of trap, but every impulse to turn away or close his eyes fizzled out half-way to his muscles.

The recording continued: "We understand that you may be ssscared or unsssure of our intentions, as our arrival has surely come off as hossstile and aggresssive. I assure you, nothing could be further from the truth. We are on a mission of enlightenment. We seek to sssave you from your failed society and bring you into our own; one of advanced technology, of enlightened scholarly pursssuits, and, mossst pointedly, untold sssensual pleasures."

The serpent on the screen grinned, sending a chill up Remy's spine. The jackalope's pajama pants began to tent out as he grew hard, in spite of the obvious danger. "But your species is frightful and unsophisticated, and you react to new thingsss with fear and flight. This is only natural, and we underssstand... but now that we have your attention, you can help us bring this matter to a clossse that much faster. You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

"Y-Yes..." Remy found himself answering the screen, having all but forgotten that it was just a recording. He was kneeling now, staring headlong into the colorful pools before him, mouth hanging ajar as he soaked in their hypnotic radiance. Several times, he almost managed to reach for the remote, his sleepy mind still vaguely aware that something bad was happening, but his hand only twitched helplessly at his side.

"Of courssse you would. Deep down, you know we only ssseek to bring pleasure, after all. And you want to be good for usss." Another shivering chill fluffed up Remy's fur just a tad. "Here isss how you can help us ressscue not only you, but everyone around you, from the terrors you've endured over the last several daysss..."

The dark-scaled serpent went on to emphasize stealth and discretion, all while gently talking his viewers down into trance. The hissed tones coiled around Remy's mind as he was instructed to make his hiding place as obvious as possible. "Lights. Sounds. If you are together with friendsss, gather outssside. We will find you."

The brightest and loudest things possible... But, as the recorded serpent cautioned, he had to do all this without getting caught. Getting caught would mean he was a bad boy, and bad boys received no rewards for failure. The jackalope swam through a haze, trying so hard to think of what could be big enough to draw the snakes' attention to the campus. Sure, they had plenty of flashlights, but that wasn't going to draw anyone but the most attentive of scouts. Loud music, likewise, would only alert anyone happening to patrol nearby.

The football field's fireworks, on the other hand... Now there was an idea. It'd attract the others, but by then it'd be too late for them to interfere! Remy's heart swelled with excitement when this revelation finally came together in his head, but he dared not head out until he'd heard the whole message.

"When you have succeeded in making yourself known, stand by and await collection. Ressst assured, we have only your bessst interests in mind, Earthlings." the serpent crooned, smiling in a way that made Remy's cock twitch in his pants. "Your friends may object, but once they know the pleasures we offer, they will think of you as heroes, not traitorsss. Now, go. Set about your tasssk and reveal yourselves to us."

The message began to repeat again. Remy got to his feet and wobbled in place. Walking while so deeply hypnotized was going to be an issue, but there wouldn't be many people out and about right now. All he had to do was be nice and quiet. Nice and inconspicuous until the right moment.

Naturally, his hypnotized mind didn't process how conspicuous he looked, walking around shirtless with just some harem-style pajama pants on. Or maybe that's what people expected Remy to look like at this point--he was known for his rather eclectic tastes, after all. Considering what went on in this school, watching people wander the hallways half-naked with a stiff bulge didn't come off as particularly odd either. Had he the capacity to ponder it, he might have found that funny.

As it was, the two people guarding the hallways he passed by paid him little mind. Clearly they were only looking for unfamiliar faces, not threats from within. The zonked-out jackalope met no resistance on his way to the football field. Under cover of darkness, he set about his treacherous task, fetching pre-packaged pyrotechnics from their shed, inserting them into the fireworks displays at the top of the bleachers, and setting the fuse to be lit in... actually he didn't pay any attention to the timer. That was a silly detail which mattered little to his cloudy mind!

He'd just made it back to the grass outside the football field when the fireworks began to go off. The loud sparking streamers and thunderous reports would surely draw in the invaders... and, incidentally, create such a racket that it completely washed the colored rings from his mind. Remy blinked several times, momentarily perplexed. Where was he? For that matter, why were things exploding..?

A firm hand gripped his shoulder, and he came face-to-face with an angry Lizzy.

"What the fuck were you thinking!"

Invasion of the Hypnosnakes! (Chapter 3)

Day 6, 3:02am, downtown Elms... Desmond steadied his breathing as he pressed himself against the stone wall of an apartment complex, listening to a cacophonous mess that could only be described as the world's worst musical mashup. Every genre...

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Invasion of the Hypnosnakes! (Chapter 1)

Day 1, 10 minutes before the invasion... It could have been any other ordinary day. People hustled to work, shuffled aimlessly onto the trains and buses and battled through city traffic, on their way to partake in soul-crushing labor of some sort....

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Hypno School 03: Incursion

The harsh, golden rays of the morning sun were the first thing Kaji saw the following day. Blinding white light, ninety-three million miles away and mostly blocked by a set of pullstring blinds, somehow still managed to nail him right in the eye and...

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