Jarin’s Odyssey: Island of Mystery

Story by Warnndog on SoFurry

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Jarin woke up with one of the worst headaches in the world, all he could think about was the night before, screaming out orders at the top of his lungs trying to convey to his crew the best set of action to take, so that most of them if not all of them would stay alive. He had strayed far away from the path, that was certain, but necessary, he had to avoid Metgar's sea's, due to the recent war his country started with them, they would no less be keeping an eye out for wandering vessels. No, he couldn't go the main route, he had to try something different. With reluctance and with great trepidation, he steered the vessel forward around the Trashen islands, but no man had dared such a journey and if last night was any indication, their was probably a good reason why.

"Captain, Captain, are you awake" he herd a voice whisper faintly in his ear. A high voice but soft Voice.

"Aye, Aye" He responded grogly.

"Captain your safe thank the gods. The men are awaiting your orders but I don't think there's much we can do at this point captain." the squeaky voiced finished as Jarin eyes finally adjusted to a small shaft of sunlight that was breaking forth from the holes at the very top of the walls. He squinted his eyes as he tried to look away from the sunlight. Then slowly moving his eyes downward he started to realize the magnitude of his true surroundings. He was in a prison, a pit it would seem four walls on either side of him and a big metal door. Quickly he ran to the door, slamming his fist upon it. Screaming loudly.

"Damn, who did this, who in the fucking Zai's name did this" He screamed some more, his eyes burning itself into the heavy metal door, as more palpable gray rocks surrounded it. Then without thinking he turned to try to see the face of his number one. To his surprise he saw no one standing before him.

"Kais, KAIS" He yelled.

"Captain, please, look down" the same squeaky voice echoed, but more in his head than in his ear. Confused at first but jolting quickly to his mind the empire's mages, the magic of the gods they called it, a minor spell casted on the soldier to effectively communicate better during battle. With a bit of reluctancy Jarin looked down, he knew now that the mannerism he herd in the voice when he woke up was of his Number One Kias. Then he saw them, his....crew. Mice all lined up in a row, with one out in front looking straight up at his commander.

"As I said earlier we are awaiting your orders but, theirs not much we can do. On the bright side all your men are accounted for sir" Kias said as light hearted as he could, given the circumstances. Jarin knelt down looking at his number one, in his current form, and without much control, started to smile. Then slowly laughter began bursting forth. Now, Kias was a well built soldier a testament to the Gar'win forces. A man among men, who could easily intimidate most others to run the other way. Who is now standing before his commander no less than 3 inches tall.

" I could see you haven't lost your sense of Humor, Captian" Kias said in an agitating way.

"It's not that Kias, trust me." He said between his laughs. He could hear the groaning of the other soldiers in his head as he tried to collect himself. "well...well...Well we are dealing with some powerful Sorcery here" Jarin said wishing that he had brought that Mage caster ensign, who was homesick at the battlefield. Yet him being an ensign probably could not do much, but in a time like this a mage who may not know much is at least a mage, it's just the feeling of having the power of the gods on your side no matter how diminutive their blessings may be, it can make even this situation bearable, at least that's what he thought.

Then suddenly their was a loud clang on the door and push. Jarin got up quickly and in his head he told his men to protect themselves. He tried to reach for his sword without thinking, grabbing at nothing. His hand only caught air as he then began to realize he had no armor, no shield, all he had was his shirt and pants, barefoot and no weapons, he was defenseless. He felt weak. Then with the greatest ease as if the it weighed nothing, the door slammed against the prison walls. Dust and rocks fell, hitting the ground, there in front of the door, stood and cloaked figure. Jarin tired to move toward him, but he couldn't, his arms and feet were frozen, they couldn't move as if there was some invisible froce pushing against his legs and arms.

"Don't fight it, it will push back with as much force you put in to it. Though you are strong" The cloaked figure said very hoarsely as if his voice was not human. Calmly he step into the cell. His presence was heavy, almost overpowering. Jarin quickly look at his mice crew, who were now in a corner but now in a battle stance.

"Don't worry about us Captain, we can't take care of ourselves"

"Yes, Captain, Don't worry about them" the cloaked figure said as he creped near Jarin. His Voice still echoed, in that same hoarse manner. For a moment, Jarin thought he saw fangs glistening in the sunlight.

"Who are you, my men haven't done nothing, why do you keep us here" Jarin said commandingly.

"Simple, you trespass among my seas and I am lonely, I only want company. Your company shall be different for me, the animals on this island have served me well. But you are different, you are not like the animals here on this island" Trailing off, the cloaked figure continued to walk around Jarin, as a black panther started to step though the door. "I have read your minds, seen your past, and it interest me, I want to share the things I have learned on this island with you, and your crew, and maybe if I find it pleasing I will grant you all gifts." The cloaked figure said more slyly, as if he was looking forward to something. Jarin watch the panther more as it came closer to his crew. He tried to push some more, but it was no use, his arms and legs were locked. He looked at the figure.

"Really, great mage, I am sorry, we have trespassed your seas, all we want to do is go home, let us go, leave my crew alone. They will cause no harm to anyone here Plea...."

"You worship gods, these men respect you as their commander, honor you, some even.. LUST for you!" The cloaked figure interrupted. "To live you are to respect me, look at me as your supreme commander, and worship me, as you would your gods" The cloaked figure said now staring at Jarin, his yellow eyes looking directly into his. Jarin wanted to say something, he wanted to ask many question. He was a puppet, they were all puppet to this...this demon. He wanted to ask Wh...

"Why, because my friends like the panther that you see before you here, who I have kept from eating your crew, serves me, he worships me. I am his god."

"We will never worship you! Never" Kais said as loudly as his mouse voice could muster. The cloaked figure turned and faced the small mouse and with a flick of his finger Kain was pushed to the wall, hitting his back hard against the surface, passing out. Then he waived his hands towards the crew and in an instant, the connection disappeared in Jarin's mind. Jarin got mad and started to look at the deamon, he started to yell but as usual before he could ask a question the cloaked figure would answer him.

"I can't captian, they are now mere mice, what intelligence they had of their former selves is now erased, but there is one way to help them. If you value the lives of your crew." The cloaked figure said looking once more into the eyes of the captain. The panther started to look at the mice now running around like potential snacks. Jarin knew this wasn't good, he didn't want to give in, he hated this thing that stood looking at him with his burning yellow eyes, but the more and more he pushed with his arms and legs, the more he knew that he was alone and helpless.

"Fine, Name your price" Jarin finally said very reluctantly.

"Heh, Please, don't think of me that way, I will release you, but you know of my power. I suggest that you do not attack. If you promise me this I will promise to return your crew to the way they were" the cloaked figure said as he stepped toward the door and then held out his hand., which now appeared out of the cloak. He motioned for his pet, who then promptly came to his front, bowed to his lord and then stepped out the door. He look intently at him, noticing that his hand was not really a human hand but covered in fur and his nails looked more like claws. He noticed those yellow eyes and with no hesitation his heart fell heavy again, and he felt hopeless. Looking up, he looked straight at the figure.

"You will keep your promise"

"I promise that I will return them to they way they were before" The cloaked figure said as he then waived his hand at the mice. Finally all the mice that were running around in a panic, now stopped and the captain could hear their voices once more. He then turned his head and moved toward on of them. His hand and legs moved freely as he knelt down beside one of them.

"Captain, what happened. Why are we still mice, please I want to go home" Tarpin, a young ensign, relayed to him through his mind. The Captain felt a little odd, he almost felt responsible, then getting up he almost yelled at the figure, but no words came out of mouth.

"Now captain, I kept my part of the bargain, it is time that you keep YOURS. They have their intelligence back. Play your cards right, captain, and I promise I won't kill them. But you must do as I say" The cloaked figure said as he turned to face toward the door, walking ever so slowly out of the meager cell. Jarin clenched his teeth, but the figure was right, he told a half truth but kept the bargin as he said he would, it's too late to turn back now, he look at his crew who were now looking at him as if this was the last chance they had to see him alive. He looked at them all.

"Captain, let us die with dignity, don't follow him captain," Kais said with a little quiver in his voice.

"I am powerless against him Kais" Jarin said with a reluctant smile "Weather we want to admit it or not we are now at his mercy. Figure a way out if you can, I will do my best to keep all of us alive" Jarin said finally. As he calmly sat up and turned toward the door, looking out he saw another door in front him, same metal design. Though once he step outside, he turned his head to looked in both direction. Just as he though. A common dungeon design, a hallway extended out to his left and to his right. To his right was where the cloaked figure was waiting. As he continued to walk out, the door closed behind him on it's own. Surprised he looked behind him quickly and then looked at the figure, he was now holding an item of sorts. Again his hand was not human and he approached him cautiously.

"It's food, you must eat, please contrary to what you may think, you have no use to me if your dead. I want you to stay on my island or... leave if you like, but I've been yearning for your kind of company." the cloaked figure said as he then levitated the square piece of item over to the soldier. Floating there, Jarin looked at it oddly, and slowly reached up to touch it with his hand.

"It's harmless, really. Please eat it. It will give you back your strength."

"Is it enchanted?" Jarin asked the figure.

"It is floating four feet up in the air, what do you think?" The hoarse voice said snickering. Jarin grabbed it and sniffed it. To him it felt like some weird fish that was soft. It had no smell, no color. He was apprehensions, but what choice did he have? Starving won't do him much good and he was rather weak.

"Good point" Jarin commented as he took a bite. It felt weird in his mouth, but he never tasted anything like it. It was the most sweetest food he ever tasted. It gave him great pleasure as the morsel slid down his throat. Then all of a sudden he could feel his strength returning to him, as if he didn't feel powerless anymore. He felt good, really good. Then in one gulp he popped the rest of it into his mouth. And in one sheer moment closed his eyes as his body filled with intense pleasure.

"Do you like?" the cloaked figure asked creeping closer to the soldier who has now fallen on his knees. All Jarin could do was to take his hands and started to lick up what he could, hoping that maybe a tiny bit of resdue as left to remind him of the orgasmic flavor, he didn't want to admit, especially to this demon but he couldn't deny his own feelings.

"Yes" Jarin said meekly

"Good, now follow me captain, I can't feed you here, it would be best to take you some place more hospitable."

"Yes more, I want to have more" Jarin said pathetically without control, he didn't know what was coming over him, but he knew he wanted more of that treat. He would practically do anything to savor the taste. Jarin got up and followed, somewhere in the back of his mind, he could tell this was not right, there was something odd about this. Yet something almost primal awakened in him and his reasoning was being drowned out in a sea of voices, all telling him, all urging him to want more of what this creature had to offer. Yet slowly they continued, in this mysterious building of sorts, Jerin didn't really paid much attention in where they were going, but at times something would catch his eye. Something familiar, or maybe something he knew in his past. Torches were strewed upon the walls, then finally Jarin entered what looks to be a bedroom, which struck him as odd. He looked around. This isn't a proper place to have a meal his mind pondered, all this time he thought he was going to a table, something where he could eat. He looked around again. A dresser and a Bed and only him, the figure then waived his hands and the door closed again eerily on it's own.

"No doubt you are wondering why all this looks somewhat familiar to you." the cloaked figure said. Jarin nodded. "this among many other things were fashioned from you and your soldiers mind. Like everything else I created. Everything about you intrigues me, even your form." Jarin felt odd now, as if something was about to happen, he knew this was wrong, this was all wrong. He wanted to say something but he couldn't, he wanted to move, but he couldn't. It wasn't the same as in the prison, this time it's as if his body was refusing what he wanted it to do.

"There's no need to struggle, my captain, you are safe now, soon all of you will be a part of this island and me." the cloaked figure said as he then revealed his paws and grabbed a hold of his robes and then with one strong force tore it off of him and dropped what was once his cloaked robes to the ground, revealing all to the bound soldier. Jarin couldn't believe what he saw, it looked like a lion, but had a human body. He was strong, built, he could almost rival Kian in his human form. The lion mane flowed like hair and extended down to cover part of his chest, the rest of his fur was a light brown. Looking closer at his masculine body, he saw his cock. It was hard and throbbing, near 7 inches and black. "Do you like it? It's the form I choose, modeled it after you humans, I think that's what your called. But I love my animals so I made a few changes, you will love this body"

"what the fuck" Jarin said almost immediately not realizing he could talk now. Surprised, Jarin looked down at his legs and feet, they were moving as well.

"Don't be surprised captain, if you are going to suck on my cock, you need to move freely" The leonine figure said and Jarin then jolted his head forward looking at the cat.

"what, why would I suck on your cock you daemon!" Jarin yelled, as he felt the anger swell up in his body.

"Because my captain, that food I gave you contained some of my own cum. If you want to feel that same pleasure again, you must suck my cock". The Lion said as he walked closer to Jarin staring into his eyes. Those words for some odd reason struck a cord in Jarin. Thinking, he ate the guys cum. More than that, he liked it. Eventually the memory of the pleasure began to take him over as he couldn't help but focus on the Lion eyes. "You like what I gave you, you want more don't you?"

"y..yy..yes" Jarin said meekly as he began to kneel down in front of the lion. Again he knew in the back of his mind, he didn't want to do this. But he was aching for the lion juices, he wanted to feel that pleasure again.

"Suck it human, suck my dick and be happy for it" The Lion said again, as Jarin immediately opened his mouth and tried to wrap his lips around the fresh lion meat. Pushing forward he took more and more the Lion in. Jarin could almost taste the morsel again, sending him into a lustful state. Instantly he lusted for this lion. He wanted his cock hard and thick, he never thought of other men like this. Yet in this position, sucking on this Lions cock, it felt good, really good. With that he wrapped more and more of his mouth around the lions thick meat. "That's it human, take me in. Pleasure me and I will give you your reward". The lion then took his paw and grabbed a hold of Jarin's head urging him to take him more and more. Jarin just continued, he could taste it now, the lions pre. Pleasure surged throughout his body, shooting through his mind as he continued to move his head along the shaft of the Lion's throbbing cock. The Lion began to growl more and more, he loved the potential that this anthropomorphic body has. He took one of his paws and began to lightly rub on his own nipple. Jarin could feel himself, he didn't know why again, but he felt himself grow. His manhood became hard, and it yearned for release, but Jarin yearned for the Lion's more, he wanted to feel his hot seed in his mouth. To taste his semen would be pure pleasure, he was sure of this.

Faster and faster he continued as the lion then took both of his paws and placed them on Jarins head, he loved the feeling that this human was giving him, his pleasure began to rise more and more. Soon the lion purred and began to growl as he could feel his passion rise. Sucking more and more letting his tongue slide along the shaft, Jarin did all his limited knowledge could do. Hearing the lion growl made him even more horny, and pushed the cat further. The Lion's pleasure couldn't be held back too much longer as he thrust deeper into the humans mouth , seeming to touch the back of his throat. Jarin felt the hard cock push forward, but he didn't gag, and his mouth didn't seem to hurt even though he was large. Finally the lion's growling became more audible and his breaths became more erratic. He could feel it, he was close. With each breath Jarin became more and more excited, he knew that the Lion was close and soon he will swallow his seed and bask in the pleasure it will give him. The Lion smiled as he roared loudly, echoing throughout building. In an instant Jarin mind wasn't clouded, he knew what he must do, as semen jutted forth from the Lions cock and filled his mouth. Jarin kept swallowing, he wanted more and more cum in his belly, he knew that is what he must do. Jarin almost neglected breathing as more and more cum came rushing out. The Lions paw pushed Jarin off of his cock, as he still roared in pleasure. Jarin accepted this action, and gladly accepted his warm liquid pouring all over him, bathing him in milky goodness. Soon to Jarin's disappointment, the cum began to trail off. He wanted to suck on the cock again but he knew that is not what he was suppose to do, he then look down upon himself wet in the Lions seed. Pleasure still emanating from his body. Taking his hand to his mouth, he then proceeded to lick the cum. The lion stood up straight and looked down at the cum covered human. Jarin sat their in ecstasy, happy, but he in his mind, he knew that he wanted more.

"Now, my minion, you will serve me, worship me, I am your god"

"Yes my master" Jarin said without hesitation. At that moment, everything went black.

To be continued....