Twin Locks 3 (Commission)

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#67 of Commissions

At the behest of his twin brother, Elijah finds himself getting a session at a beauty parlor. Gotta look good for a frat party, especially if he wants to get everyone hard.

A commission for Joelfelia. Characters belong to their respective owners. You can find stories like these and more over on my Patreon and/or Subscribestar. Enjoy!

"Quit fidgeting, you're just making it worse."

His brother's command didn't quell Joel's concerns. It was bad enough the caracal lacked permission to wear underwear, but the short skirt was too much. Not that he could do anything about it when Elijah held the keys. Both figuratively, and literally as the more masculine-dressed cat curled the necklace holding them around his finger.

"It's too short." Joel struggled to find the perfect balance between hiding his bum and keeping his caged cock from hanging free underneath his skirt. The latex was surprisingly resilient to his claws, never straying far from the short pencil skirt form no matter how much he yanked. The color choice, hot pink, made it unbearably trashy. Perfect for some kinky showing of the Barbie movie. If only he were so lucky.

"Relax," his brother hooked his arm around Joel's waist, pulling him closer. "No one's gonna notice unless you call attention to it. People don't really care."

The glances Joel got disagreed. Claws dug into his side when he tried to adjust his skirt again, leaving the caracal to cross his arms over the pink tube top and pout. "If you think that turns me off, it doesn't. You look cute when you're mad."

"We look the same, asshole."

"I know. I get the nature of having a twin." That cocky smile of his turned Joel's face sour. Elijah had grown more smug since taking control. No, not smug, confident. His brother always had a laissez-faire attitude but he was at least one to go with the flow. In directing it, Elijah awakened something that weakened Joel's knees, making both his chest and cage tight at every command no matter how humiliating.

But this time his brother went too far. Elijah found a salon so Joel could look good for Chud's fraternity party. Putting aside the off-handed insult of his own looks, Joel argued he should get to choose what salon. Elijah jingled the keys in response.

At least Lily's was far enough from campus to avoid any familiar eyes glancing at the trampy Barbie reject femboy. Meanwhile, his brother walked casually in jeans and a black T-shirt. Even his hair was bundled up and hidden behind a baseball cap, while Joel's pink mop hung loose with his blonde roots showing. At least he wasn't walking around in heels, but that's only because Elijah was too cheap to get him a good pair.

The chiming bell above him echoed off his spine as they entered the salon. Various women were sitting down across cushioned leather seats, waiting for their turn while a wide hippo woman eyed the twins through tiny glasses. "Can I help you?" she asked, putting on a customer-focused smile while placing her phone down.

"Yes, but we forgot to get an appointment. It's kind of last minute." Elijah winked while keeping Joel close enough to look like the feminine caracal and hugged him nervously. The nerves weren't an act. "My girlfriend has been begging me to get a good makeover and I promised to do it alongside her. Sure enough, here I am."

"Well isn't that sweet of you?" The hippo said with the candor of a friendly aunt. "Before I ask what you want, I should let you know that we're rather booked for the next thirty minutes."

"We can wait," Elijah said to Joel's dismay, "As for what we want, well I'm thinking of just a standard treatment. Soaking my headfur, massages, and maybe some claw painting? My girlfriend on the other hand would like a full package. She's been complaining about her roots showing so I figure a new dyejob is in order. Oh, and can you file down her claws? She's self-conscious about them."

Every comment made Joel sink deeper into his brother's chest. He had every opportunity to speak up but didn't. The fear subsided under anxious arousal.

The receptionist jotted everything down as she nodded her head. "Just take a seat and we'll get you set up." Following where her pen pointed, the two caracals took to leather cushioned seats beside the wall. Not once did Joel let go of his brother, even as Elijah crept his hand through his brother's waist strap.

"Enjoying yourself?" Elijah teased once his finger slipped through the cat's buttcheeks. Joel's answer came with a soft gasp as his brother nudged the plug. The biggest he could walk in without anyone noticing. "You should control your breathing better. People might notice."

His claws dug against the skin but didn't penetrate. "Not funny," He whispered venomously.

"Wasn't trying to be." Elijah nudged his head toward the hippo, "More than once she glanced at your skirt area. She's probably thinking we're a couple of perverts."

"We are," Joel never denied that, "If you wanted otherwise, I'd be wearing panties."

"Point taken," Elijah nodded, "Still, I figured you'd want to keep up better appearances. Or are you ready to admit you're a whore off camera too?"

Joel felt the accusation stab into him despite never denying it. Sure he'd set up an OnlyFurs and he had enough off-camera encounters to find the label fitting. None of them were so brazenly in the open as now, where anyone could watch and judge his sick perversions with either contempt, envy, or some mixture. The thought of their judgment had the caracal cross his legs while he waited in silence. The silence was broken by stifled moans as Elijah played with his buttplug.

The reprieve of being called was short-lived. A tigress in a tight black T-shirt and smoldering smile welcomed him to her seat. "So, your boyfriend wants me to take care of your roots and your claws?" she asked, rolling a tarp over Joel's chest. Joel nodded, glancing at the mirror to see his pathetic reflection. The caracal staring back at him was covered from the waist up. His heart pounded at his rips when he noticed how clear his cage was thanks to the way her chair leaned him backward.

"So, what are we working with today?" Her question lost his attention when Joel felt two leather straps lock his legs apart. His hands followed suit, strapped to each armrest. "I was told roots and claws, what else?"

"Excuse me?" Joel clenched his fist to slip free but the bindings were too tight. "Why am I being bound?"

"Part of the process, honey." She grabbed his head with both hands, lining him up at her upside-down grin. "You wouldn't believe how relaxed some people get when they can't move." Leaning in, the tigress's black hair fell over his face. "Or aroused," the hot breath of her whisper sent surges through his body, making the damned cage twitch in the mirror.

"Cute," she giggled, "You know, I have a boytoy just like you. He's always nervous in public settings but in private the panda is insatiable. Is that what you are, honey? An insatiable little slut for your brother?"

The question pierced his chest. "H-How do you..." she pinched his lips closed before he could answer, not that the words came to his lips. Her smile was enough to silence him.

"I let my boytoy watch porn so long as he knows he can't play with himself. One of his favorite OnlyFurs accounts is a couple of femme twin caracles. Did you know your brother was talking about a salon trip online? Well, my pet offered my workplace."

Joel turned to his brother but found him missing. No doubt the smug sibling was sitting in another chair to be pampered for all his worth. "But we didn't have an appointment."

"I gave him my hours. Now shush," She poked his wet nose, encircling to grab her tools of the trade. "Just let Miss Kumar do what she does best. When I'm done, you'll be that frat party's favored plaything."

Maybe it was because of her attitude, the bindings, or the prior knowledge of who he was, but the tigress made sure to keep a firm and heavy grip on Joel as she worked. From claws possessively clutching his skull as she massaged his headfur in shampoo and water, to binding each finger and toe straight for her claw file, she reminded the caracal where he stood. "T-Thank you, Miss Kumar," he whispered, relaxing into her motions on his fall to subspace. She welcomed it, taking his comfort as permission to lean her knee against his crotch while applying makeup.

"I love how violet looks on you," she pinched his mouth tight to smear lipstick over him, "Matches the purple eyeshadow. I do housecalls you know. Maybe you and your brother can invite me to your place before you leave for the party? Give you both a fresh coat of mascara for your tears to run later. Your fans will love that. You have the perfect face for it."

"She does, doesn't she?" Elijah peered over her shoulder, neon pink hair freshly dried and maw smiling. "Would it cost much? I don't want to stiff you but this trip alone is expensive."

"I can accept other forms of payment. Though I should warn you, I'm not easily satisfied."

"Oh, I think we can figure something out. Isn't that right, 'Honey'?" Elijah reached to curl a finger in Joel's hair but the tigress stopped him.

"It still needs time to dry." She explained.

"Oh, of course. I'll just relax in the lounge until then. Feel free to do whatever, my treat."

Joel clamped his mouth shut. His fists clenched tight enough that he felt his filed-down claws press against his palms. Not enough to dig, nor ever if the tigress had any say.

Under the guise of beautification, Miss Kumar slinked close to whisper torments into his ear. She wanted to be at the party, watching him stain every frat bro's cock purple until lipstick needed to be reapplied. To hear his cock cage click and clack with every body shaking thrust pushing into him, hidden under the tense moans and party howls emanating from the event. "I should introduce you to my pet. Maybe I could lock you both together so your cages brush up against each other. Let you feel each other's pulsing through metal and plastic. Why not three? Your master doesn't look like a real top, just a submissive being overpowered by his bitch of a brother's desires. Just imagine it, three pretty boys tied up with a single vibrator between them." She shuddered, "Oh, how you'd all squirm."

Drenching a claw in his precum, she held it over Joel's mouth. Pinching it over, the drops dripped down his tongue, letting the salty shame sink into him. "If we do meet again, I hope you'll subdue your brother. I want to make you both squirm. Until then, you should have fun with your college boyfriends. Make some memories that will last forever."

Shaken, lustful, and frustrated, Joel left the salon the same way he entered, by clutching his brother's arm. Only now he'd been made prissy and trampy, earning more stares leaving than going in. Elijah took a quick left as soon as they exited, bringing his twin to the nearest alley.

"The car's in the other direction," Joel said.

"I know," Elijah said, shaking his brother off and pulling his phone out. "I just had the perfect idea for our fans."

Back against the wall, Joel spread his legs upon Elijah's instruction. "Raise your skirt too," he commanded, ignoring that the skirt was short enough to see the cage hanging underneath. "Give me a sexy face. Like a lip bite or something."

He did so. Elijah snapped a picture. He turned around to spread his cheeks. Elijah snapped a picture. Each pose was more humiliating than the last, culminating in Joel brushing his face against his brother's crotch. "I think this would be better with your dick out," Joel muttered, slowly getting into the headspace.

"I'm still locked, just like you. Cage makes my bulge bigger anyhow."

Hours later he checked the account. Elijah's pictures were a mess. The angles were shaky, and the shots were unfocused. Yet he found more likes on these than anything else they'd gotten. Authenticity points, he gathered.

"Damn it..." Joel reached for a dildo that wasn't there. Elijah had put their toys in safes, making him the sole chooser of when they'd get off. A finger would work, but he needed to be filled. He simply had to wait, with dreams filled with hard dicks and tormenting whispers.

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