Live Audience: Part 3

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#3 of Live Audience

Nick the border collie experiences a few firsts. He meets Satsuki's mom for the first time, he sees two girls go at it in front of him for the first time, and he, well, you'll have to read about his other first!

Live Audience

Part 3

The snowfall ended hours ago, but the sky was still dreary, threatening another blanket of white over the town. The people began cleaning up what they could as the county began running snowplows through the streets. The town came to life, later than usual in the day. Nick and Satsuki, however, had an early start with their morning romp in the park.

Walking hand-in-hand through narrow clearings in the sidewalk, the couple made their way back to Satsuki's house to pick up some things for later.

"Oh my gods, I can still feel it sliding out," the shiba inu said as she hugged the border collie's arm.

"Yeah, sorry. We probably should've brought something to clean up with," he said somewhat sheepishly.

"Mmmm, actually, it kinda makes me feel sexy. I'm so fucking turned on right now," she purred as her fluffy tail wagged behind her.

"Well, we could go for round two at your place. I don't think Michelle would mind," Nick responded, grabbing her ass under her skirt.

"Well, probably not a good idea. My mom's still home. It could get, uh... awkward," Satsuki said with a hint of self-consciousness in her voice.

"Oh, I see," Nick responded, deciding to not press on. He just started dating Satsuki and didn't want to pry into a potentially touchy subject.

"By the way, how did you meet Michelle?" Nick asked, changing topics.

"At the restaurant. She started coming in and I thought she was hot. I was never really into girls or wolves before, but there was just something about her that made me want to have her in my life, even as a friend," she said in a sweet voice that Nick found endearing.

"I can completely relate. I fell for her when I met her, but didn't think she'd want to date a border collie, so I never asked her out. She started hanging out with my group of friends and eventually, we became best friends," he answered.

"I kind of look up to her, she's like an older sister, too. I saw she had her own place and I was impressed," Satsuki continued.

"Yeah, did she ever tell you about her parents, though?" Nick asked with some hesitation.

"No, she doesn't talk about them. I kind of wondered, but I didn't ask."

"Well, they're not exactly open-minded about things. They kind of fall into the proud, conservative wolf stereotype. They don't care for dogs much, and the only reason they tolerated me, was because I was tutoring her. Otherwise, they had no use for me and without outright saying it, pretty much let me know."

"Oh wow... I didn't know any of that. I wonder if that's why she lives on her own."

Nick told Satsuki about Michelle getting kicked out of her house and having to fend for herself. Satsuki never knew the extent of Michelle's story and the revelation made her sad for her friend. However, Michelle was a wonderful person and Satsuki was glad she had her and Nick to give Michelle the love she deserved.

The couple made their way through the snow-lined streets, Nick occasionally throwing a snowball at Satsuki or her responding by pushing her boyfriend into a snowbank. Laughing as they chased each other, they slipped into the snow once again.

Arriving at her house, Nick turned to Satsuki and held both her hands as they stood in front of her door.

"Well, thank you very much for the date, I had a lovely time," he began.

Satsuki chuckled, "So did I, now are you going to invite me in?"

"Sure, would you like to come inside and we can fuck all night?" Nick asked, his tail whipping about.

Satsuki grimaced, her face turning red as she looked down at her feet. Nick noticed her countenance change and he looked to the side to see an older shiba inu in her early 40s standing at the entrance, smirking mischievously at the scene before her.

"Satsuki, do you let all your boyfriends talk to you this way on your first date?" she asked in a way only a mother that caught their child doing something naughty could.

"M-mom, well, this isn't really our first date," she tried to explain, being caught off-guard.

"Oh, I see," she responded as she came over to Nick, sniffing him. Wagging her tail, she smiled.

"It seems you two have had some fun already," she grinned, folding her arms.

"I'm Hana," she said, jutting her hip to the side as she put her hand forward to shake.

"Nick," he responded, taking her hand.

Hana gave the collie a knowing look. Nick couldn't help but notice that she looked like an older version of Satsuki. She was quite attractive in her own right with the charm only gained by experience. Her figure was similar to her daughter's, albeit with a smaller bust.

Hana ushered the couple inside and they took off their shoes by the front door.

"Satsuki, you never told me your boyfriend was so cute. If the two of you waited to come home, I might have had to take him for myself," she said as she drew closer to Nick, feeling up his chest.

Nick's tail wagged at the contact, and he felt himself getting excited at the idea, but was mostly feeling awkward about his new girlfriend's mother coming on to him so openly.

"Mom!! Control your heat!!" Satsuki shouted.

"Satsuki, that's no way to talk to your mother. I'm not so greedy that I'm above sharing Nick. He's such a cute border collie, I can't resist," she said, resting her head on his chest, pulling close to him.

"I don't have a problem sharing him, but I'm only sharing him with Michelle, not my own mother!" she responded.

"I thought I smelled the wolf on you," she said as she looked into Nick's green eyes.

"You know, I wouldn't mind sharing her too! I like girls as well, you know," she continued.

"Mom, I don't have time for this; I only stopped by to pick up some things. We're heading right back out as soon as I get changed!" Satsuki urged as she grabbed Nick by the hand and dragged him upstairs, lest he find himself in a compromising situation with the fetching MILF.

Nick sat on Satsuki's bed as she rifled through her closet, looking for her schoolgirl outfit.

"I swear, I don't know what I'm gonna do with her. My mom is such a fucking horn-dog, I can't wait for dad to get home so he can finally clean her pipes out," she muttered.

"I dunno, I think your mom is cute! I can see where you get your looks and your drive from," Nick laughed.

Satsuki fixed Nick with a stern look, stating, "You are not fucking my mom."

"I won't fuck your mom," Nick said solemnly.

Satsuki squinted her eyes as she looked at Nick, "And no going down on her, either."

"No going down on her, either," he repeated.

"And no letting her go down on you," she said.

"I won't let anything happen with your mom," Nick promised.

Satsuki looked at Nick with concern, but was happy with his answer.

"Good! Now let's get to Michelle's," she said before kissing him deeply, stroking his ear.

As they went downstairs, Hana was sitting in the living room.

"Mom, we're going to Michelle's! I might spend the night!" Satsuki shouted.

Hana got up and went over to her daughter and gave her a hug, their tails wagging.

"Be careful Satsuki-chan. I love you!"

"I love you too, mom!"

Turning to Nick, she smiled into his eyes, truly admiring him. Her voice came out like honey, "Please take care of my daughter. She means the world to me."

"I will Mrs..." he said trying to see what she preferred to be called.

"Hana. Call me Hana-chan," she said as she pulled in close to hug him.

Nick heard her moan quietly to herself and realized her crotch was rubbing against his thigh. He caught the faintest hint of her lovely scent escape before she pulled away, blushing.

The shiba inu whispered into his ear sweetly, "I'll be thinking about you when you leave. Oh yes, my cute little border collie."

She kissed him on the neck before Satsuki interrupted, "Mom, we have to go!"

"Bye, take care!" she said as she waved.

The couple hustled out the door back into the cold.

Michelle was sitting on her bed, trying to brush her tail. The wolf was attempting to get it as fluffy as she could. The new conditioner she had started using wasn't doing her fur wonders and she made a mental note to get her money back from the manufacturer.

Standing up, she whipped her tail to fluff out her fur more. Some loose hairs floated about, but she was satisfied enough to continue her routine.

She was in her underwear; nothing special, just a pair of pale blue cotton panties and an off the shelf bra. Michelle examined herself in the mirror and was satisfied with her body, admiring her perfect hourglass figure. There was only one thing that she was insecure about.

Michelle was wearing a pair of glasses, not wanting to put her contacts in yet, and was forced to see her own imperfect eyes. Her right eye was hazel, the color of her dad's and her left, blue. She covered one eye, the the other in an attempt to imagine what could have been. Uncovering both, she stared and began tearing up at the memories of the names she was called, notably, "Traffic Light."

She frowned, but then remembered what Nick told her recently. He accepted her for who she truly was and the thought made her happy. She giggled though her tears and smiled at the mirror and realized he loved the beauty that was inside her. She loved him, and was glad he was back in her life.

Just then, she heard a ringtone letting her know a text had come through.

"Bitch, let me in! This bitch is freezing!"

Smirking, Michelle tapped out a response, "Only because you asked so nicely ;-)"

She buzzed the couple in and unlocked the front door. A minute later, Nick and Satsuki entered the apartment.

"Sorry I'm late, my mom kinda held us up," Satsuki said as she laid out the contents of her bag on Michelle's bed.

"It's ok, sweetie. I think your mom is cute. Honestly, I wouldn't mind doing her, I think she'd be a freak in the sheets," she joked.

"Oh my gods, nobody is fucking my mom!!!" Satsuki shouted in frustration.

Nick chuckled, "Not even your dad?"

Satsuki turned to Nick and gave him a stern look.

"If you want to continue fucking me, then you'll shut up about my mom."

Michelle embraced Nick from behind, pressing her soft breasts into his back and pressing her hands just above Nick's crotch.

"It's ok, sweetie, you can still fuck me," she said sweetly, kissing down his neck.

Exacerbated, Satsuki sighed, "I give up..."

Michelle released Nick and went to comfort Satsuki. Embracing her friend and lover, Michelle kissed her as Satsuki's tail wagged in delight.

"You know I can smell him on you, his scent is mingling with yours," Michelle purred as she tugged the waistband of Satsuki's skirt.

"Well, we did have a romp in the snow this morning," Satsuki replied, enjoying the attention.

"You have to tell me more about it later. Right now, we need to get ready, our audience awaits."

Nick watched the girls swaying their hips, tails wagging as Michelle led Satsuki to her sleeping area to change into her outfit and get her makeup on.

Hearing the girls chatting and giggling in the other room, Nick got busy checking Michelle's sound equipment, setting it up for the show. He brought a microphone, so both girls wouldn't have to worry about cumbersome headsets getting in the way.

Just as he finished fine-tuning the levels, the girls emerged in their costumes. They were in matching uniforms, white blouses that left nothing to the imagination, red plaid pleated skirts that just barely hid the lower part of their asses, black thigh-high socks hugged their legs and accented their shapes perfectly.

Satsuki opted for a black sweater and Michelle wore a loose necktie that matched their skirts. They decided to go without shoes, since they felt they would be unnecessary.

As they came out, Satsuki led Michelle by her necktie and playfully pushed her onto the couch. The shiba inu straddled the wolf, pushing her back against her shoulders as her tail lifted the short skirt and revealed her bare ass to her boyfriend for the first time.

Satsuki looked over at Nick, her eye peering seductively through her silky black hair as she held Michelle down.

"So, what do you think, honeybun?" she purred.

"Oh shit, that's fucking hot!" the border collie stared in awe as his tail thumped on the couch.

"Why thank you!" replied Satsuki as she stood up, letting Michelle free.

Michelle giggled as she straddled him.

"Here's a little something before we start our show," Michelle whispered in his perked ear.

She kissed him deeply, leaving a trace of lipstick on his lips when she pulled away with a smack from the suction. Michelle smiled and quickly kissed his lower lip with playful pecks as he tried to catch her with his own lips. Satsuki sat next to the couple and threw her arms around Nick, resting her head on his shoulder, watching them as they continued with their playful affection.

"Good gods Nick, I could fuck you right now," Michelle purred as she ground against his growing length. Nick grabbed her ass and pulled her closer, trying to tempt her for a quickie before the show started.

She slowly climbed off of Nick and brushed a lock of her curly hair past her shoulder.

"But I need to keep my edge on for our performance," she said, apologetically.

Satsuki stood up as well and bent over to give Nick a kiss as well.

"If you're a good boy Nick, we'll give you a special treat afterwards," she said, winking at her boyfriend.

Nick took his spot on the beanbag, out of the way of the camera. He was excited, since it would be the first time he'd see Michelle and Satsuki perform in front of him. Getting comfortable, Nick unzipped his pants to give him some room when the show ramped up.

The girls switched on the laptop and adjusted the camera angle before signing in. Within a couple of minutes, the girls' private audience logged on. A male tuxedo cat in his thirties, the very same from the show Nick first witnessed appeared onscreen. He used no mic and typed out his end of the conversation.

"Hi there my darling, I'm so glad to see you!" Michelle greeted her audience, cheerfully.

"As promised, I brought a friend," she said as she wrapped her arms around Satsuki, who smiled and waved at the camera.

"No, sorry, she has a boyfriend now," Michelle answered an inquiry apologetically.

"Oh, he's fine with it. Actually, he's very encouraging," she said before kissing Satsuki tenderly.

"Lucky guy? I feel like I'm a lucky girl," Satsuki said after pulling away.

Nick was flattered and wanted to catch Satsuki's eyes, but she remained professional and never gave him away.

The girls chatted briefly with their audience as their tails lazily wagged behind them. Nick listened in on their half of the conversation, obviously talking about work and day to day life. Even though he didn't know the person on the other end, he felt good knowing that they weren't treating him like a living ATM; they treated him like a real person.

The girls looked at each other confused for a moment, before Michelle addressed the cat.

"What's wrong with our uniforms?" she asked as they stood up.

They both turned around in front of the camera, letting the skirts float up, just enough to hint at the goods.

Nick got a quick flash of Satsuki's mound for the first time. Her grooming leaving her trimmed nicely, in contrast to Michelle's bareness. It was a tantalizing sight and as he began feeling his length come to life, he was hungry for more.

"No underwear? But that's not mentioned in the dress code," Satsuki protested as the roleplay was underway.

Nick began slowly encouraging his hardness as he rubbed it over his underwear. He caught a slight whiff of his musk that mingled with Satsuki's scent in an intoxicating aroma.

"But if I don't wear a bra, then it won't show through my blouse," Michelle pouted as she thrust her bosom out, her pale peaks making their presence known.

Satsuki slowly ran her hand over Michelle's large breasts, taking a moment to lightly tease her nipples. They reacted and the pink flesh crinkled as the centers arose from the attention.

Michelle moaned from Satsuki's expert touch and her fair complexion flushed with excitement.

"See? No bra lines though the material," Satsuki said, addressing the camera.

"Even I don't wear one!" she said as she pulled her sweater over her head, her hair disheveled sexily as she tossed the piece of clothing aside.

She cupped them underneath and her dark peaks poking through the material, giving Nick a preview of what will come.

Nick tried keeping himself from going to town on himself, but the tapered head of his dog-cock started pushing through the waistband of his boxer briefs, wanting to be freed.

"Bad influence, me?!" Satsuki asked, incredulously.

"Punishment?! You can't be serious, she's my friend!!" Michelle objected.

"C'mon!" Satsuki joined in the grievance.

Nicks ears perked up at the outburst. He wasn't expecting the show to go this direction. As excited as he was to see his two bitches fuck each other in front of him, this new development promised to spice things up.

The girls' tails lowered in disappointment as they frowned at each other.

"Well, I guess it's better than expulsion. My parents would kill me if they found out," Satsuki pouted as she nervously fidgeted with Michelle's tie.

Michelle tugged Satsuki's hair back gently as she pressed her mouth against hers, eliciting a pleased moan.

"You are brave," Michelle consoled her lover as she bent her over the couch, lifting her skirt up, revealing her round bubble butt.

Satsuki kept her legs together as Michelle moved her tail to the side, giving a full view of the dog's cute cheeks.

Nick sat back, letting his cock poke out of his underwear as he massaged it gently. A bead of pre began to grow before it overflowed and ran down his length, coating it and soaking his underwear.

"Gods, Satsuki's so hot. I'm so lucky to have her and Michelle," he thought to himself, enjoying the show.

Michelle lightly grazed her lover's round posterior with her fingertips, exciting Satsuki. Her scent began filling the room as she gasped at her touch.

Satsuki enjoyed the teasing and loved the edging it kept her at.

"Shit, don't stop doing that, it feels too good," she cried out breathily.

Her fluffy tail whipped around in Michelle's grasp, whiffing her in the nose a couple of times.

"Gods, keep that thing under control," Michelle laughed.

"I can't help it, it feels too good," Satsuki's voice ached.

"Oh yeah? How about this?" Michelle responded, stepping things up a notch.

The wolf raised a hand up and gave Satsuki a firm slap on her rear. She yelped in shock as her ass gave a slight jiggle from the contact. A pleasurable sting made itself known as her toned flesh began turning a rosy color.

"Fuck, that feels good. Slap my ass again, punish me!" Satsuki cried out as Michelle obliged.

As each slap made contact, Satsuki's wetness was coaxed forth. Her dog honey began seeping out of her willing entrance and little droplets began landing on the floor, filling the room with her scent.

Not being able to resist, Michelle took a long, languid lick with her soft tongue along one side of Satsuki's willing petals.

The alternating sensations of pain and pleasure drove Satsuki wild as she buried her head in the cushions of the couch to keep from crying Michelle's real name out.

"Fuck, that feels too good!" she groaned.

Michelle took a second lick along the other side, completing the journey just over her swollen jewel.

Satsuki's tail thrashed about, still being held by her lover. Michelle felt her fluffy fur brush the tops of her ears, tickling her.

"Stop wagging your tail girl, that tickles!" she laughed.

"I think you need to punish me more!" she said in a voice, brimming with desire.

"Since you asked," Michelle responded playfully as she drew her hand back and landed a firm slap on her waiting rear.

Signs from Michelle's punishment were prominent on Satsuki's firm, round ass. As much as she enjoyed the stinging contact, it was starting to become played out and she wanted a change of pace.

Giving a subtle signal, Michelle cued in instantly to Satsuki's needs and changed the pace.

"I think she's learned her lesson," Michelle addressed the camera.

"You are so kind; forgiveness is important. I'll make her feel better," she said as she embraced Satsuki, rubbing her soft ears as the dog rested her head on the wolf's ample breasts.

Nick stroked his hardness, waiting for the girls to continue. His knot formed a bump through his underwear and he rubbed it over the fabric. He couldn't wait for the show to be over so he could get in on the action.

As his imagination ran with him, Nick noticed something subtle. As her head was buried in Michelle's cleavage, Satsuki gazed at Nick through the corner of her eye. Nick made contact and it was as if she was telling him she couldn't wait for him, either.

Michelle tenderly kissed Satsuki on her head, Satsuki squinting her eyes and smiling from the attention. Her tail whipped about in happiness at the wolf's affection.

Just then, Michelle positioned her lover on her knees on the couch and moved to her backside. There, she began to caress her rosy flesh in an attempt to heal her aching rump.

With her eyes closed from pleasure, Satsuki begged Michelle in a whisper, "kiss it and make it feel better."

Michelle embraced Satsuki once more and whispered in her soft ear, "of course I will. I will make you feel so much better."

Taking the tip of her ear into her mouth, Michelle gently sucked on it as Satsuki gasped at the stimulation. She then lightly ran her tongue along the edge from the base to the tip. Satsuki bit her lip, moaning from the wolf's expert touch.

Michelle began slowly kissing down the shiba inu's neck, making her way down her back. As the wolf's soft lips left lipstick marks along her spine, Satsuki's sensitive flesh tingled in delight.

Nick was busy watching the proceedings, anticipating what was in store next. The shift from hard punishment to tender forgiveness kept the border collie's excitement fresh. Still, he needed to give in just a little bit more to relief.

The expression was subtle between the girls, but the scent they caught was certainly noticed. Nick's musk began mixing with Satsuki's and Michelle's scents in an intoxicating aroma that filled the apartment.

Satsuki glanced over to Nick and saw he was bare from the waist down, grabbing onto his length. His pre coated his hands as he slowly pumped himself with an almost feral look in his eyes. Satsuki gritted her teeth at the display and felt her wetness coat her willing entrance.

Michelle noticed Satsuki's excitement increase and began bathing her petals with her tongue, lapping up her fragrant honey.

"Oh fuck, please lick my dog pussy. It feels too good!" she gasped as her fluffy tail swished around.

Michelle lapped her way up Satsuki's entrance, savoring the scent and taste, before giving her prominent jewel its due attention.

Nick let his overflow slowly spill onto his lap as it lubricated his hardness. Normally, he would take care to wipe up any excess seed he gave forth as he took care of himself. However, he was doing what felt right in the moment and in this moment, and letting his pre go wherever it went is what felt right.

"Do you think I'm properly forgiving her?" Michelle addressed her audience.

"Yes, but I think you owe her big," Nick thought as he stroked his hardness.

"I agree. How about this?" Michelle asked as she coaxed her fingers into Satsuki's willing entrance.

"Ah, oh my gods!" Satsuki cried out as her lover's digits sunk into her depths.

"Is that good my bitch?" Michelle asked sweetly.

"Yes, yes! Please, don't stop!" Satsuki groaned.

Michelle's fingers felt like they were sucked in as Satsuki's honey'd walls welcomed her inside. Massaging her depths, the wolf brought her lover to the brink of climax before backing off.

"Come on, I was so close," Satsuki groaned as her tail whipped about in agitation.

"Don't worry, you know I'll take care of you," Michelle responded as she hugged Satsuki's tail to her cheek, nuzzling the pillowy fluff.

Michelle pushed in a little further, finding a soft, round bump. With the pad of her fingertip, Michelle began circling the top with delicate pressure. Satsuki's jaw slacked as she gasped at the deep sensation filling her body with ecstasy.

Nick knew what was happening and felt a hint of envy that the girls were able to have deep orgasms. He had heard about guys having a P-spot, but never really gave it much thought before. However, Nick decided to see if either of the girls might be adventurous enough to help him down the road.

Satsuki's eyes widened as she felt her body give in to the strongest climax to date. Michelle deftly used a second finger to stoke the front of her walls just ahead of her cervix. Welling up from her very core, the release threw the dog into pure ecstasy.

"Oh gods, oh gods, oh..." she exclaimed as her eyes shut and her jaw released a silent scream.

Wave after wave of bliss consumed her body, as she gave in. Satsuki slumped forward in deep satisfaction, her tail giving the occasional twitch, flopping about.

Michelle gently pulled her honey-coated digits from her depths and turned to the camera as she lovingly suckled on them.

"Mmmmm, I love the taste of a girl's release," she purred.

Twisting slowly back and forth, she briefly glanced at Nick holding his length, giving him a subtle wink. Pre still coated his hand and lap as the scent mixed with the girls' love.

Satsuki pushed up on her elbows as she started coming around.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck that was..." she groaned as another delayed wave hit her.

"...not the end of my forgiveness," Michelle answered.

Satsuki's head was buried in the couch. She turned it slightly to see her lover pulling an object out of a makeup case. As the wolf produced a strapon, Satsuki's eyes widened in excitement.

"Is that for me?" she asked as she wagged her fluffy tail, now zested with her love.

Michelle slowly licked the underside of the phallus before taking it into her mouth and swallowing it.

With each swallow, she went deeper and deeper down her throat. Nick imagined himself on the receiving end as the show played out in front of him.

"I might just save this for me," teased Michelle.

"C'mon, I really need that in my pussy!" pleaded the dog as her womanhood dripped in anticipation.

"But I haven't had any attention paid to my pussy, yet," Michelle pouted.

Satsuki frowned at the revelation and seated herself on the couch.

"I'm sorry," she said as she pulled the wolf closer, embracing her as her cheek pressed against her bare mound.

"It's ok, my love. I know you'll give her some attention," she replied, lovingly as she caressed the dog's soft ears in forgiveness.

Nick watched as Satsuki began to lovingly kiss Michelle's smooth, hairless mound, punctuating with an occasional lick as she closed in on her center of pleasure. It was not as prominent as her own, but it was no less enticing. The wolf's heady scent flooded her nose and her taste enveloped her soft tongue.

The shiba inu gave loving attention to the wolf's jewel as she took it between her lips and began suckling on it.

The sound of Michelle gasping filled the apartment as her lover went to work. Satsuki wrapped her arms around the wolf, her tail twitching as she responded to the pleasure she was being treated to.

The crest was building and Michelle looked down through her curly blonde and pink hair that began covering her face. Her look was almost feral and she began tugging at Satsuki's now-disheveled, raven-black hair, giving the two the look of pure sex.

"Gods, why are you so good at this?!" she squeaked as the dog brought her to climax. Too busy coaxing her orgasm forth, Satsuki didn't reply.

Wolf honey dripped from Michelle's petals and coated the dog's chin. Satsuki did her best to lap up as much of her love as she could while her climax came forth.

Michelle cried out as the first wave hit her, forcing her to bend forward in surrender. She held onto Satsuki as her face was still buried between her thighs.

"Shit! That was strong, girl," Michelle laughed, her face now red.

"Oh yeah? I think I can do better," Satsuki replied as she started putting the strapon that Michelle had.

Michelle succumbed to instinct and got on all fours, lifting her curvy ass in the air, knees far apart, in full presentation.

"Make me your bitch," she demanded as she lifted her tail, displaying her dripping wet petals for all to see.

Satsuki adjusted herself as she got on all fours, herself. Her own instinct taking over, she sniffed the wolf's exposed entrance, licking up her love.

Mounting her mate, Satsuki sunk the phallus into Michelle as she gripped her hands to the floor. The dog latched onto the wolf's ear with her teeth as she began thrusting in and out in a slow rhythm.

As Satsuki massaged Michelle's soaked walls with her lovemaking, the wolf felt her climax build.

"Fuck me harder! Fuck my wolf pussy harder! I need it so bad," Michelle urged her lover.

Gripping her sides tighter, Satsuki picked up the rhythm in effort to coax a release.

Michelle's foot slipped slightly and the girls laughed at the momentary gaff before continuing.

Nick's excitement was for the time being was kept at bay. However, it was just a matter of time before he needed to succumb to his own release.

The girls could sense this and a quick look between them said they should hurry up so they could take care of Nick.

The sound of Michelle's wetness being pumped by Satsuki was the rhythm to Michelle's vocal melody. The wolf's scent was so thick in the air Nick could almost taste it.

Satsuki began gyrating her hips against Michelle as she ground in her core bringing her to climax.

"Oh fuck! Right there! Please, make your bitch cum!" she cried out.

Michelle reached behind and held Satsuki close to her by her ass to keep her from pulling out too soon.

After the last wave passed, Michelle signaled Satsuki to pull out. The phallus, coated with the wolf's essence slid out and the duo sat against the couch, visibly spent.

"I'm sorry my darling, we might have to cut this just a little short today. I can make it up to you later," Michelle addressed the cat on the screen.

"Really? I'm glad I exceeded your expectations. If I wasn't so spent, I'd keep going," she replied.

"Awww, thank you so much. Just let me know when you want to do another session, ok?"

The two girls looked at each other and shrugged.

"I don't really know any cat girls that would do this that live here, do you?" Michelle turned to Satsuki.

"I'm friends with three that would, but they live on the east coast," she replied.

"We should stick that in the maybe pile," Michelle addressed the screen.

"You too, my darling," she replied, blowing a kiss to the camera.

After making sure they were logged off, Satsuki turned to Michelle.

"I need to freshen up, I'll be right back," she said.

"Don't be long!" Michelle sang.

Michelle bounded over to the border collie on the bean bag. Nick sat straight up, spreading his legs so Michelle could get a better look at his length. Coated down to his knot in his essence, the wolf smiled at the offering, ready to partake in her best friend once again. She kneeled next to him.

"I hope you don't mind me fucking your girlfriend's brains out," she asked coyly as her tail wagged behind her.

"I don't, but what are you gonna do with me?" he asked, looking into her eyes.

She looked up, her left arm holding her right elbow as she tapped her cheek in contemplation, tail swinging lazily.

"Hmmm... you know, I'm not too sure yet, but I can see you need to be cleaned up," Michelle responded.

Taking Nick's length in her hand, Michelle proceeded to lick it with long strides. Her tongue covered as much ground as she could let it, cleaning the sticky fluid from knot to tip.

"Mmmm... did I ever tell you how good you taste, Nick?" she asked as she slowly pumped him, feeling his warm girthiness.

"All the time, but I never get tired of hear it. Besides, I love the taste and scent that your wolf-love gives," Nick growled as he grazed his finger over her still-wet entrance, making sure he gave some attention to her jewel.

"Oh yeah? Why do you love my 'wolf-love' so much?" she asked, using air quotes with her free hand.

"Well, let's start that it's from you," he said as he slid his finger inside her. Michelle gasped as she coated his digit.

"Ok, why else?" she asked, smiling, eyes closed.

"Well," he began, slowly sliding his finger back out, shifting closer to her so the two can examine the coating on his middle finger.

"Your scent drives me wild," he said as he took a short sniff, his eyes closed as her pheromones stirred in his brain.

"Really?" she asked, sniffing her own scent, impressed by her body's work.

"Really," Nick answered, tasting her.

"You're the first guy that I've been with that's told me how much they love my pussy's taste and scent," Michelle said, somewhat perplexed, but flattered at the notion.

"I told you your pussy's like heaven," Satsuki said as she sauntered over to the couple.

"Now, how about mine? Can't forget about your girlfriend, Nick," she asked as she bent over next to him, presenting herself on full display, moving her tail to the side.

Nick's nose was just inches from Satsuki's glistening entrance, her love dripping from her petals down her jewel. He availed himself, placing the tip of his nose right between her soft lips and taking in her scent. When he pulled back, a little of her remained on his nose. Seeing the spot of honey, Michelle playfully licked it off.

"I love yours too, Satsuki-chan! Yours is different than Michelle's. It's milder, sweeter like honey. Michelle's a wolf, so hers will be headier, but as far as dogs go, yours is the best I've had," he responded before running his tongue teasingly around her entrance.

"See Satsuki, our Nick here is a connoisseur of bitch-scent," Michelle laughed.

Biting her lip, Satsuki let Nick's wet tongue roam around her entrance. She enjoyed the personal attention she was getting. Nick took two fingers and sunk them into her, enjoying her soft walls sucking him inside.

"I'm not gonna lie, I was pretty envious of you, Satsuki," Nick said.

"Why?" she managed to sigh.

"I've never been able to have an orgasm like what you had. I've had some pretty powerful ones, but not one that made me go limp," he replied.

Satsuki looked back at Michelle and the two shared a knowing look.

Still looking at Satsuki, Michelle brokered a question, "Nick, how open-minded are you?"

Pulling back from his girlfriend, Nick turned to Michelle, "I like to think I'm pretty open-minded. Why?"

Michelle straddled Nick and put her arms around his neck, looking into his green eyes, "Sweetie, have you ever gotten fingered?"

Nick looked into Michelle's hazel and blue eyes and answered, "Not really, but I was curious about it. Just never gave it a try."

The girls were taken completely by surprise by the admission and laughed at each other.

"Really?!" they exclaimed in unison.

"I have to ask, do you like guys?" Satsuki asked, excited as her tail whipped about.

"I mean, I never really thought about it, but I guess I could try with one if the right one came along," Nick replied, embarrassed, his face turning red at the admission.

"It's ok sweetie, we don't think any less of you if you did. I mean, do you think any less of us because we have sex with girls?" Michelle said, reassuring the collie.

"No, of course not! I just never really thought about guys before," Nick responded.

Satsuki got up and went over to the couch, looking around for something. Michelle stood up and took Nick's hand, guiding him to her bed.

Pushing him onto the mattress, she climbed in between his legs and took his throbbing length into her mouth.

Cradling and fondling his knot, Michelle tenderly sucked on his tapered tip, swallowing his pre as it spilled onto her tongue.

"Fuck, I love swallowing your seed, Nick," she purred.

Nick tenderly rubbed Michelle's soft ears as his best friend showed him her love. He felt her large, soft breasts squeezed between his thighs and at this moment, he felt lucky to have two girls like them.

"Michelle, I hope you don't mind me telling you... well... I love you," he said as he stroked the wolf's ears.

Michelle pulled off, still gripping his length. She rested her head on his thigh, looked into his eyes and answered, "Silly, of course I don't mind. I love you too!"

She teared up in happiness as she smiled at him; it was the first time a guy had told her he loved her. Nick pulled Michelle closer to him and the two kissed deeply, holding each other and caressing each other's ears.

Satsuki came upon the scene and gushed, "Oh, that is so sweet, you too! You look so cute together!"

Michelle pulled away, resting her head on Nick's bare chest and looked lovingly at Satsuki.

"Nick just told me he loves me. No guy has ever said that to me before," Michelle said, smiling coyly at her friend as Nick stroked her hair.

"Michelle, I love you too!" Satsuki said as she went over to kiss Michelle.

The two girls kissed deeply before turning to Nick. Satsuki kissed Nick as Michelle worked her way back to his hardness. As Michelle worked her magic on his length, Satsuki kissed and tenderly bit along his neck, eliciting a purr from the border collie.

"Nick, I hope you know I love you too," she sighed.

"Of course, I love you too Satsuki-chan. I love you both; I feel lucky to have you two," Nick groaned.

Michelle pushed Nick's legs back, his tailhole now presented to her. She slowly licked around his entrance as Nick's heart raced at the new sensation.

"Oh shit, that feels so fucking good, Michelle," he whispered.

Soon, she zeroed in on the target and poked her tongue into the center. Satsuki moved down his length and started pumping it as she watched Satsuki give his tailhole some love.

Michelle grabbed a bottle of lube and poured a liberal amount on Nick's waiting entrance. Rubbing some more onto her finger, she gently pushed inside her best friend as he reflexively clenched.

"It's ok, just relax. I know it's new; it's new for me too," she reassured the collie.

Getting used to the feel, he figured out how to relax, letting Michelle in further.

Nick watched as Michelle slowly pumped her fist against his tailhole while she massaged his prostate. He never had something so intimate happen to him and he felt strange, like a new level of love.

His length dripped pre as he was getting the most intimate massage he ever had. Satsuki lapped up the puddle from his belly as she stroked him.

"How does it feel, honey?" she asked as she gazed into Nick's eyes.

"Fucking amazing," he sighed as he enjoyed the sensation. It was so much different than anything he had experienced and it felt good to relinquish control. This was a new dimension in pleasure and he enjoyed every second of it.

"What do think about stepping it up a bit?" Michelle whispered.

Knowing what she meant, Nick let himself get caught up in the moment and let the girls take control.

"Yes! please, yes," he groaned as Michelle continued massaging his core.

Satsuki winked at him as she bent down to pick up an object off the floor. It was the strapon that she and Michelle had used earlier. This time, though, a smaller starter phallus was attached.

Nick's eyes widened in excitement at the new experience he was about to have. Satsuki coated the strapon with lube before putting it on.

Michelle moved over as Satsuki kneeled between Nick's legs. The wolf sat to the side and began massaging her jewel, excited to witness Nick's first time.

Smiling at Nick, Satsuki playfully shouted, "Ready your ass!"

Laughing at the outburst, Nick responded, "I'm yours my alpha!"

Satsuki took the phallus and lined it up with Nick's waiting tailhole. Looking into her boyfriend's eyes, she slowly inserted it into the collie.

Nick's eyes widened as a slight pinch gave way to the fullness he now felt as he was being fucked for the very first time. His mouth gaped as the toy began pressing just right against his p-spot, generating the beginning of a slow, full-body orgasm.

"Oh fuck! Oh fuck!" he gasped.

Satsuki slowly pumped in and out of her boyfriend as Michelle rubbed herself to climax at the sight of Nick getting fucked. The wolf lovingly sucked on her finger as she relished the scene in front of her, enjoying her taste and the smell of Satsuki's and Nick's essences saturating the air.

All of a sudden, Nick felt something well up in his core; he realized what was happening.

"I think I'm gonna cum!" he groaned.

His length hardened even more and a slow internal burn started making itself known. Without a word, Michelle quickly straddled Nick, sinking onto his length, her soaked walls hugging him.

"Cum in my wolf-pussy, Nick. Just cum inside me! Fucking breed me! You're still my alpha, just breed me!" the wolf urged the collie.

Michelle plunged onto his knot as his body gave itself up to pure and absolute pleasure.

Nick erupted harder than ever before. The pressure from his release took Michelle to another climax as she rubbed her jewel, trying to maximize her own release. The heat inside her made her feel fuller than ever as the pair became a writhing, wordless mass of flesh, essence, and joy.

Exhausted, the trio collapsed on each other. Nick eventually slipped out of Michelle, their mingling love pooling into the mattress. Gingerly, Satsuki slid the strapon out of her boyfriend before taking it off and falling onto the bed.

Turning to Nick, Satsuki threw her arm over his chest and snuggled up to him. As he got comfortable, Michelle did the same on the other side, gazing into Satsuki's eyes.

"Well, this is about the best way we could bond, now isn't it?" the wolf asked.

"I agree, we need to do this more often," Satsuki replied.

Sniffing the air, Michelle remarked, "Yeah, but I think if I can't get the smell of dog-wolf sex out of here, I might not get my deposit back."

The trio settled into Michelle's bed in a cozy little pack, savoring the afterglow of their love.

Live Audience: Part 4

Live Audience Part 4 It was a beautiful summer day with a mild, dry temperature. The trees gave the area a verdant hue and everybody was out and about hiking trails, riding bikes, or just walking and enjoying the good weather. ...

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Live Audience: Part 2

Live Audience Part 2 The autumn season was at its peak and the weather was dreary. Overcast skies were the norm as the once colorful leaves were now dried and brown. They scattered in the breeze and provided a crunch as pedestrians made...

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Live Audience

Live Audience: Part 1 Nick sat at the counter of a local sushi bar, not too far from his suburban home. The border collie wasn't really fan of sushi, but couldn't say no to his high school best friend who requested the venue to...

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